TlL13:i. n, C. Harland Archives A-0!32 ESD-TR-66-447 ERRATA SHEET for TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 426 The author has detected the following errors in Technical l!Micr~wa~~ Scattering Parameters No. 426 (R. K. Crane, this page I, 3 October 1966), Kindly insert England Rain, co~y of that report. ~Page 9 In Table Reference IV. column heading (’N)” should readRadio Report for New into Your “Radio Refractivity (N) v Pages 13 and 14 In Table V, “A (db/km)” X’lo /Pages 23 through 30 1967 to X’to heading o Ordinate scale identification for Figs. 7(a-b) and 8(a-h) should read ATTENUATION 15 March under column change COEFFICIENT (db/km) Publications M. I.T. Lincoln Laboratory PO. Box 73 Lexington, Massachusetts 02t73 ABSTRAC1 Scattergramsof attenuationcoefficient, effective reflectivity factor, single- scattering al bedo, and radio refractivity vs Iiquid-.vater content, rain rate, a“d reflectivity factor are presented for a raindrop temperature of O.O°C and frequencies 1.29, 2.80, of 8.0, 9.35, 15.5, 35.0, 70.0, and 94.0 GHz. The scattergrams were ccmputed using Mie theory to compute the scattering parameters for single raindrops, and sin~le-scattering theory to compute the i“tegr.a fed scattering effects of . . ensemble of raindrops. size distributions were used to generate the scatterg rams. Accepted for the Air Force Fmnklin C. Hudson Chief, Lincoln Laboratory Office u, Measured drcp- CONTENTS 111 Abstract \ I. 11. Computation 111. Raindrop IV. V. i Introduction Measured of Scattering Parameters 5 Parameters and Modeled f Scattering Parameters 8 tz Conclusions i5 References iv MICROWAVE SCATTERING PARAMETERS FOR NEW ENGLAND RAIN I. INTRODUCTION As part of a study of the effects scattering ete rs, volume were weather below effects of measured backs tattering, and satellite albedo content, normally vs liquid-water systems. coefficient, content, investigated. of these reflectivity sections per-unit per-unit volume and the single-scattering section to extinction effects of interest in receiver above, cross sections. to satellite noise, the effective 11. COMPUTATION ical drops These effective scattering computations factor, index of refraction of radio SCATTERING reflectivity albedo param - to both are depicted and singleThe liquid-water data. of the order to Mie must be used. a scatterer of diffraction in estimating along a path and changes In addition to the scattering medium of a plane wave by dielectric of the microwave spheres. radiation, of a plane wave as observed E = Ei + kjs . Ei +S(n, a,O)~l . . = wave number from and tbe parameters. composed of spher- parameters can be Raindrops and the theory center in free -ikR ‘~ space of scatterer where x is the wavelength to observer have diattributed at a point at a distance where R . distance parameters was computed vs the meteorological is given by4 k = 2./k the PARAMETERS of the wavelength The scattering of the total scat- are useful The many reports on rain scattering for model raindrop distributions i-3 show that, to first order, the calculations of the scattering on the theory to the backscatter attentiaticm of the scattering refractivity factor to the ratio parameters the total meteorological in scattergrams OF volume, communications, using available are depicted ameters J,: the per-unit of interest rain rate and reflectivity y factor. section cross based systems, The scattering cross for frequencies Results effecti”e communication s tattering distributions cro6s tering results communication were and total drop-size of attenuation on space rain rate and reflectivity factor are drop-size dependent meteorological parameters m ed to des u-ibe rainfall, Tbe s tattering parameter attenuation coefficient is related to the extinction listed distributions absorption, for measured as scattergrams s tattering raindrop extinction, computed radar of the troposphere from __ dj’ electric field vector with components 1 in plane of scattering and r perpendicular to plane of scattering with superscripts i (incident field) and s (scattered field) Sz ~(n, a,e) = o () scattering matrix o 51 . si(n,a, e) = ~ &j {al(n,a) T1(cos e) + bl(n,a) * {bl(n,a) mf(cos e) + al(n, aPCl(.Os e)} L1(cos e)) I=i . s2(n, a,e) . ~ f.i aj(n,a) and bl(n, a) m-e Mie series s tattering coefficients; amplitudes n . complex index of refraction a . radius ffl(cOse) . (5ke) energy balance or the specific -i PJCOS Is . e) angle. for scattering intensity of liquid water of sphere e . scattering The S, and S2 are called is given in terms of the amplitude of the Poynting vector 1 as I’v(n,a) T where u is a s tattering lost to the incident t:red by the sphere the sphere cross plane wave section. In terms is given by the s tattering is given by the absorption Oext(n, a) = * Re kz [where of the scattering is given by tbe extinction cross cross cross section; cross section; sections, the total and the total energy the energy energy scat- absorbed by section. {S(n, a)) . extinction cross section S(n, a) . Si(n, a,O) . S2(”, a,0)] m a~cat(n,a) = q k ~ (21 + f ) { Ial(n,a)lz + /bl(i, s) I 2} . scattering cross section 1.1 2 .—— = wextin, a) – o~c=t (n, a) . absorption uab~(n,a) The energy cross s tattered section backwards and is derived Uback(n,a) along the direction from = ~ k the scattering [S; (n,a,r) = backscatter The coherent energy of the imaginary If the spheres (see loss and phase and real parts can be assumed of incidence matrix Si(n, a,r)l cross of an effective section is given by the backs cantering elements as [Sz(n,a, r) sj(n,a,~)l = ~ k section shift due to an ensemble to scatter cross of scatterers index of refraction energy once, is described for the volume the index of refraction in terms of scatterers. is given by Ref. 4, Ch. 4) n.= n:-in: = i-i~~amax S(n,a)N(a)da am in where N(a) is tbe number If the spheres and phase density scatter of spheres more of the received for drop radius than once, field a first-order can be expressed a or the drop-size solution in terms distribution for the expected of a multiple-scattering amplitude index of refraction (n~– where in}) 2 ‘ma. . (n~ – in~)2 + = [f k’ Si(n, a,r) N(a) da am in 1 Si(n, a,w) = –SZ(n, a,r). Since the scattering “~ amplitude Si(n, a,r) 2* 2 (-) {[f . n:++ a max k’ — is small, amax [f this can be expressed 2 N(a) Re {St(n,a, ?r) da) amin 1 2 N(a) Im {Si(n, a,r)) da H amin ‘:=”:- as (:)2 [L:::N(’)R’ {sin’”)} “] a x ‘u [f N(a) Im {Si (n, a,m)} da 1 amin With either in terms index of refraction, of the radio the real and imagin.m y terms refractivity coefficient A = n~8(2klogio more easily N given by N=(nr–i)xi06 and the attenuation can be expressed given e)x I “N units” , by i06 , db/km for a, L in centimeters TABLE I COMPARISON OF FOR THE LAWS AND SINGLE- AND PARSONS DROP-SIZE MULTIPLE-SCATTERING INDEX DISTRIBUTION FOR OF REFRACTION 101.6-mm/h RAIN RATE A A (dbflm) (db;m) Frequency (G Hz) Drop Temperature 4.0 0.0 5.671114 5.671101 0.1885542 O. 1885544 4.0 18.0 5.703791 5.703778 0.1027994 0.1027995 8.0 0.0 5.731942 5.731528 1.761978 1.761983 8.0 18.0 6.011033 6.011021 2.113060 2.113068 15.5 0.0 5.079693 5.079674 6.734227 6.734224 15.5 18.0 4.749057 4.74904> 7.239070 7.239074 34.86 0.0 2.319696 2.319603 21.85193 21.85190 34.86 18.0 2.247630 2.247626 20.72679 20.72676 (“c) Index Of refraction “1=1. N N s m n = n’ + in” -6 O+ NXIO -5 _— AxIO ‘“2k lcgloe A comparison averaged liquid-water quencies. lected. cross distribution show that, is given for coherent the multiple-scattering is extremely The per-unit sphere and multiple-scattering content The results to describe result of the single- process index of refraction in Table scattering, because for the Laws and Pars I for selected the single the correction temperatures scattering to the single-scattering small. scattering vchme sections Integrated since. scattering p(n) . J::: cross section for incoherent cross energy sections can be derived transmission, or scattering directly from the phase coefficients the single- effects are given N(a) u(n, a) da from which Pe xt = 2kn” = A(logio ‘scat ‘~j~~ ‘(a) e) ‘ixio -5 ‘>a)da 8 abs = P ext – D,cat %-= and fre- is sufficient ~::: N(a) aback(v) da 4 , cm -i for A in centimeters by are neg- 1s — For in describing ease integrated single-scattering The parameters, energy the relationship attenuation balance relationship The final per-unit scatter cross describe albedo, the radar the expression coefficient, return scattering from given - f - and 13abs, the parameter, albedo prefer of rain. in terms IK12 the w is introduced: albedo therefore describe tbe of scatterers. parameter a “olume Bback, R.ayleigh ~~cat, and single-scattering volume Radiometeorologists for backscattering Pext, or single-scattering per-unit “olume section. between to be considered the “se The reflectivity of the Rayleigh farnax is the integrated of an effective reflectivity factor Z is derived scattering N(a) (ka)6 da=< backfactor to from theory, ]Klz Z A ‘mm where 1 amax z. N(a) (2a)6da amin K_n2—4 ~2+2 Rayleigh scattering is of the order tivity factor pback eff u~cat IU. are better “sing Mie theory described of the scattering of z frequencies where can be retained the wavelength if an effective reflec- quadrature .s above. .abo”e were coefficients than one part in 106. Gaussian RAINDROP Tbe per-unit numerical computed cm a“ IBM 7094 computer. S1 and S2 and the scattering volume integration parameters crOss are generated of the parameters over each sectiOn by a drop-size distribution. PARAMETERS The per-unit distribution. Tbe concept ~4 @back parameters of the drop-size parameters not hold for the microwave X5 IK12 accuracies three-point interval .— i~ calculated The scattering Estimated does Zeff is used as z where theory of the drop diameter. volume Drop-size parameters distributions used by meteorologists L. I amx N(a) are generated using are not generally are Z, tbe per-unit volume used to characterize the liquid-water content, raindrop rainfall. size The and the rain rate. (+ a3)Pda amin I where L = liquid-water p = density content of water (taken asl.0 gm/cm3). I amax(~ a3)pv(a) N(a) R= da am in where R = rain rate v(a) = terminal The raindrop size samples velocity of the raindrops of Gun and Rinzerb V(a) Two types Radar Research using of drops converted above. pieces of filter separate drop-size an extreme variation is possible very small sample drop-size distribution z-R for adjacent The data were is the parent by their Z-R II. frequency is low enough for Zeff relationship. The Laws Washington, rain-rate D. C. types average liquid-water the drop-size rain rates. area. intervals. the rainfall expected and Parsons to equal model All their These are similar value distribution The resultant Z, data, for each interval given from three averaged after as on it is evident to the problem that of using a that the measured is not quite valid, but no distributions are distributions, i. 29 GHz. years the In this case of rain data obtained division The model to a number the model used by converting This assumption was scaled and may indicate density. in Table in%he data because data were The distribution are listed into drop radius with the New England and the Laws and Parsons in Fig. i. rain parameters taken with two as measured Raindrop Zeff vs R for used as a comparison in each area curves distribution. relation- as shown in Fig. i t(a). data were for the New England content This points the data were processed parameters For this set of drop-size was generated data were were were This assumption relationship is given by Fig, ! O(b) which gives and sizing These ed with tbe assumption of the parent at Cambridge, the data in the table, samples. process Laws Weather drop velocity samples raindrop From distribution. to give an estimate often characterized resultant in Table measured measurements adjacent using the M. I .T. of counting using the terminal two simultaneous and typical i964 are listed distribution from in a given length of time. meter The data for these distributions, were which consisted area per cubic instances, paper. a model obtained distributions technique on a 440-cm2 size. processed: distributions The drop-size i July and 26 August data are available were drop-size of drops In some adjacent ‘“21} distributions collected and pressure eXp[–(&) the filter-paper to the number ship given temperature and measured Laboratory.t Massachusetts number {i.0– 950.0 data, were all taken at the ground. The terminal \, by an empirically determined equation fitting the data was described for standard . in a quiet atmosphere. used in this report of drop-size and Parsons7 velocity the the I generated to give the listed V. f Courtesy of Dr. Pauline Austin. 6 . ,-..—-_ ... .. TABLE II DESCRIPTION OF SCATTERING DROP-SIZE DISTRIBUTION 1 JI Rain Rate The (mm/lw) Liquid-Water Median Diameter Content (gm/m3) (mm) No./m3 No. in Sample No. of Intervals 1424L 3.25 O.11 16.6 6.0 1.45 3-5 14 1424R 3.65 0.13 28.0 7.3 1.45 52 17 1451L 2.21 0.10 73.7 2.6 0.95 91 11 1451R 3.11 0.13 70.4 5.7 1.05 91 14 1500L 16.33 0.62 155.9 2B.8 1.25 73 16 I 1500R 31,98 1.11 138.3 B2. 1 1.55 77 19 I 1504L 25.59 0.86 120. I 117.9 1.90 51 19 1504R 22.41 0.78 134.3 63.7 1.90 58 18 1507L 11.70 0.40 110.4 50.4 1.s5 61 18 1507R 8.92 0.34 163.7 20.0 1.45 86 15 1509L 3.51 0.14 105.2 5.2 1.25 82 13 1509R 4.51 O.l B 130.2 6.6 1.35 10.5 15 1530L 5.26 0.26 236.8 2.7 0.85 Ill 10 1530R 7.46 0.37 325.6 4.0 0.85 155 10 1552L 7.80 0.37 370.0 6.I 0.95 158 12 379.6 11.0 0.95 I 88 13 10.9 1.25 82 16 7.9 1.15 92 14 60 14 1552R 12.81 0.58 1555L 7.33 0.29 85. I 1555R 7.34 0.29 95.0 :1964 71.2 10.2 1.15 0.33 6B.2 16.8 1.15 1315L 8.11 0.31 1315R 8.84 1322L 107.86 4.25 1959.9 212.B 1.25 1322R 111.45 4.46 2713.3 206.5 1.25 1331L 56.18 2.8B 2706.7 26.9 0.85 1331R 88.84 3.91 215B.4 74.0 1.05 1339L 4.42 0.21 216.8 5.9 0.85 1339R 3.12 O.l B 252.7 1.2 0.65 I 59 14 Ill 18 139 18 146 10 128 12 133 13 159 9 —.—. IV. MEASURED Measured AND MODELED drop-size SCATTERING distributions made in New England variability of the scattering parameters parameters are calculated by integrating observed. The dielectric using the Debye constants formula8 water is, to he expected required using the above recent Their measurements equation O, O”C, ~ measurements are needed tbe differences indicate between to investigate occurring over for the scattering computations (Table rain data. rainfall. the range 82).9 the The of drop sizes were calculated A drop temperat”m The index of refraction of ‘incentimeter’ of the index of refraction to express densities as given in Kerr using natural processed assumptions, “m More were in naturally the parameter with the constants Of 0.0 “C was used for all computations liquid PARAMETERS that slight changes of wa~er ha”e been made by Grant, in both the form the index of refraction the two formulations frequencies and dist rib”tions considered. frequencies used and the Laws and Parsons over zr-e small, A comparison model and constants a wide of the above range of frequencies, by less than 3 percent of the s tattering is given in Table q ~, parameters 111, Because At for the for the the differences TABLE Ii I cOMPARISON OF SCATTERING PARAMETERS FOR REFRACTIVE INDEX OF WATER USED AND THAT ATTRIBUTED TO GRANT, St ~. (DroD Temoemture: Cmnputed O. O°C; Rain Rate: 12.7 Using Debye Model with Kerr Coefficients z eff Freq uen.y (G Hz) mm/hr) .. “,, n’ (db$km) (mm6/m3) 0 N 8.00 7. 47& -2.7721 0.139 1.55 XIO+4 0.051 0.855 9.35 7.0969 -2.9C60 0.210 1.71 0.065 0.855 15.50 5.7619 -3.0278 0.666 2. O5X1O 0.166 0.831 35.00 3.9533 -2.4301 3.29 8. 19x 10+3 0.424 0. 5s5 70.00 3.0179 -1.6856 5.71 5.63 X 10+2 0.494 0.169 ?. 1 Computed Using Data Attrib”t{ 800 x 10+4 o Grant, +4 G% 1764741 -27’~lo 1401’~x lo+41005’lo856 7.2788 -2.8692 0.213 I.72X 10+4 o. C64 0.857 15.50 5.9459 -3. 0.675 2.0SX 10+4 0.165 0.829 35.00 4.055 -2.5465 3.28 8.30x 10+3 0.430 0.587 70.00 3.0410 -1.8093 5.72 5.68 X 10+2 0.501 0.169 35 @594 8 io are small the Debye and reported model equation computations, The fluctuations which depict giving approximately ferent times fewer small is the result small drop sizes. Scattering marked 1 -drop collected parameters. drops, Since drops For parameters the parent sampling distribution 11 and IV). process The data also may be caused drop drops. a fixed intervals Roughly, up to a factor better measurements show that up to a factor by different of spatial giving curve is used sampling characteristics strongly volume for the Large for the parent error distribution. may be made by ? July and 26 August precise and temporal in the attenuation the same This may be present A more of 5.4 difference drop distributions made o“ of 2 difference The curves to find the per-unit vary rain rate. for the if one drop were for short of this sampling coefficient. of 8.0 GHz. about the “alue measurements of drops The scattering parameters has for the extremely occur paper. be populated. di~trib~tiOns taken at 1552 hours number because, in the integration an estimate filter-paper and the attenuation requires of the filter wide fluctuations is unknown, that would measurement will total content 5 taken at dif- at 1507 hours for a frequency density the exposure were the sample The large 2 through raindrop that the sample liquid-water are computed are emphasized ca” gi”e different model; at which the scattering process reflectivity, during sampled the simultaneous Tables rain rate, large was used. in Figs. distributions shows Parsons of the filter-paper frequencies the sampling considering (see and more only a few of the Larger of tbe particular and of assuming interval the coarseness of refraction are illustrated for two basically give the value of parameter in a drop-size to illustrate times, locus size The number density drops distribution of the index by Ket-I? have been used for most Both the measured well to the Laws model reported with drop rain rate. storm. reasonably formulation density in the parameters the same in the same considerably this of parameter the variations corresponds with the constants %964 in estimating consideration raindrop coefficient of the distributions. at 8.o GEfz The increase in this TABLE IV EFFECT OF DISTRIBUTION DIFFERENCE ON SCATTERING PARAMETERS Uef.ect:”: Radio~ (N) hoi. Rate %equency remperat.n (mm/hr) (G Hz) (“c) L and P 12.7 4.0 0.0 0.017 0.82 0.024 1507L 11.7 4.0 0.0 0.030 0.64 0.047 1552R 12.8 4.0 0.0 0.016 0.86 0.019 12.7 8.o 0.0 0.139 0.86 0.051 1507L 11.7 8.0 0.0 0.278 0.60 0.103 1552R 12.8 8.0 0.0 0.120 0.89 0.041 L and P 12.7 15.5 0.0 0.666 0.83 0.166 1507L 11.7 15.5 0.0 0.910 0.49 0.393 1552R 12.8 15.5 0.0 0.638 0.88 0,129 L and P 12.7 34.84 0.0 3.27 0.59 0.423 1507L 11.7 34.86 0.0 2.05 0.17 0.532 1552R 12.8 34.86 0.0 3.42 0.65 0.413 Distribution L md P ~ttenuoti.n C.effi (db/’km) cient Albeda (~) -J 9 number over the factor drop distributions. differences Again, An illustration Figure the existence is apparently of large of possible changes where 2 compares model. differences the rain rates two individual Figures in scattering measurements 3 through differences of a rainstorm in the rain- having locus afi idea of the limitation curve the contribution gives to the right of the i -drop these basic the slight number 4.o-, 8.0-, curve coincides of small drops and 34. 86-GHZ is evident drops coefficient for 4552L The scattergram data given error. in Figs, rain, while the data for the higher data are presented of the integrated from rain rates depending process from can lie drops and coefficient section at 34.86 GHz. of 2 higher for tbe vs radius The than the attenuation at 34.86 GHz. i 7(a-h) show the effect tend to come from the severe from of differing general, thundershowers. as low as 0.2 mm/hr. upon s tattering 1.29 to 94.0 GHz. scattering come can have rain rates in sections vary through The data for low rain rates thundershowers the frequencies 6(a-h) drops is a factor of 2 lower cross This points of large density in Fig. 2. method. of attenuation for 4.0 GFfz and the smaller for tbe 1507R sample and sampling number The peak of the +xtinetion at 4,o G13z, and a factor sizes from in the comparison shown No measured great IV. with the Laws and of refraction sampling interval. dis- 5 and Table density and tbe model of the filter-paper of tbe relatively frequencies. with the large attenuation coefficient Tbe effect by drop-size 2 through and real index for the two samples of one drop in each radius loci. caused number tbe imaginary The i -drop gives density parameters is given in Figs. of drop-size 5 compare coefficient samples volumes are the same and the total scattering resultant due to basic is not certain. t ribution Pat-sons of 2 due to sampling However, Tbe scattergram and rain parameters. This variation drop widespread in frequency For shows that describable by Rayleigb theory small compared with the wavelength amplitude is gi”en each section, the transition to that by Mie theory. For Rayleigh scattering Rayleigh scattering, for drops occurs the forward s tattering (see Ref. 4, C h. 6). by S(n, a) = ik3a = iK(ka. )3 . i ~ Kk3V where k, K are as defined a = polarizability V . volume This formula For larger 1 series of sphere of sphere. holds for the raditm a<< spheres, ~ Zmlnl previomly smaller than the wavelength n = index of refraction ‘ the expression for the forward in ka as S(n,a) = iK(ka)3 + ~K2(ka)6 + ... to as of water s tattering amplitude can be expanded in a These small particle ficient depend only upon the drop volume is describable water content [Figs. content attenuation coefficient line for frequencies departure has an imaginary or liquid-water This is evident The departure is evident only for frequencies on liquid-water content [Figs. rams from 6(a-h)] shows Rayleigh causes coefficient the second the imaginary from of 5 percent term or less of the expansion The scattergrams theory for Zeff of the hacks catter coincides a straight The lower of the scattering part of S(a,n). by Rayleigh from is due to K, which the real part of S(a, n) at a lower the departure with the frequency less amplitude frequency section in than f~(a-h)l vs Z [Figs. cross on of the part for frequencies for calculating marking dependence content. s tattering of its real vs liquid- The dependence a departure of the attenuation process of refractivity a linear i 0.0 GHz. coef- per-unit of departure volume for refrac- or about iO GHz. teorological of the uncertainty parameter he used to define model. to the Laws and Parsons the maximum The distance the maximum spread between to minimum and drop temperature Fig. i 8 for the three in an estimate these possible used. as a function ratio, of frequent y, a relative at 35 GHz, peak in the uncertain of 7 times at 94.0 GHz. These maximum in the spread between coefficient at 5. O-cm increase 8 (a-h)] shows for rain rates 5.4 times, and in A vs a Z value measurement for rain rates superior below to those with increasing greater based at i. O-cm values show, at 8.0 GHz, based For at the uncertain in A with y Z value, FOr tbe 8.@GHz in A vs rain rate is an estimate on rain rate. uncertainties encountered, the peak uncertainty and Z scattergrams with maximum The uncertainty In this region, of attenuation (30. O-GHZ) wavelength, The width of the A vs of attenuation in of attenuation the other on rain-rate based frequencies, on and measurements are on Z measurements. albedo to that lost to a wave propagating to 1, the energy is mainly and is available for multiple i2(a-h) and minimum rain rate. to that based estimates 7 (a-h)] of 5.4 times Z or rain rate at 8.0 and 9.35 GHz. is superior 5 mm/hr, frequency is plotted at the higher frequencies ii who predicts with Medhupst of the frequencies than 5 mm/hr, of attenuation. y at a factor at about 10.0 GHz, most Z it is 2.0 times. The single - scattering [Figs. For with increasing frequency, a minimum factor, A vs rain rate [Figs. are in accOrd than i. Ocm. the ratio in uncertainty the maximum uncertainty limits. in A with rain rate increases decreases less a minimum the low - and high-frequency however, res~ts (6. O-GHZ) wavelength, for wavelengths coefficient can to the Laws and Parsons rain rate gives uncertainty used to estimate and a rapid increase a relative drawn on the all the data points for the drop distributions, an attenuation parameters for a given me- Curves with reference at a constant coefficient called of attenuation to a value a rapid coefficient curve and including measured attenuation This meteorological of i.8 times model of the data points curves The width of the scattergrams a minimum of the attenuation can be found using the width of the scattergram. s catterg ram parallel grams of the refractivity above and attenuation when the scattering of liquid-water This A measure [Figs. content in the scatterg as low as i. 3 GHz and high values that describable tivity, show that the refractivity i 5(a-h)]. show that the frequency from theory. of ka to be important for calculating formulas part of the order than 15.5 GHz. powers scattering hy Rayleigh liquid-water frequency size parameter through absorbed through the ratio the volume of drops. by the drops. scattering. i4(a-h)] w gives For w near The wide spread shows over an order of the energy scattered When u is small i, the energy by drops compared is largely of data points depicted of magnitude uncertainty scattered in the scatterat the lowest frequency to less than a factor The data show that most At the higher frequencies, about one-half V. is absorbed the amount for the higher of energy rain rates frequency for all rain parameters by the drops absorbed for frequencies continuously less decreased used. than 8.0 GHz to a value of at 94.0 GHz. CONCLUSIONS The scattergrams in part, the scatter of microwaves data to estimate meteorological be due, of limited is due to the natural model, refractivity and effective of attenuation agrees results coefficient well with the center factor Rayleigh theory for frequencies theory are, A vs of the natural useful using the Z and A vs rain rain data. used to calculate up to about iO GHz, however, may that much of Computations maybe in using in data points it is expected distributions. scattering encountered The scatter However, V and shown on the curves reasonably reflectivity results. sizes. of the raindrop in Table show that Rayleigh using show the difficulty propagation sample variation as given show that the model The computed rain parameters microwave to the effects Laws and Parsons rate, of two at the highest of the energy the Computations only for frequencies below about 2.0 GHz, Comparisons frequencies of the attenuation in the 8.0- to 9. O-GHZ range best made using weather rain rate is best. urements weather best over radar estimation are extremely rates data. and the higher For other this conclusion “olmmes of space. with meteorological of attenuation from depends high for the higher basis frequency. for converting measured frequencies i measurements data. and reduce 12 estimates upon the availability The scattet’grams radar parameters and rain rates, these rainfall The data further weather rain ratm, frequencies Currently, data are the only data available. and an 8.o-GHz a reasonable radar Howe”er, large coefficient of attenuation are of rainfall of rate meas- are not a“ailable of A vs Z represent and the in attenuation of 2 for high rain show that the Laws and Parsons data to attenuation for a measurement The uncertainties to about a factor show that, estimates. model makes I TABLEV RAIN AND SCATTERINGPARAMETI [D,.. Te ., Rain Frq (c I I 2. a. Po,... +.,> z L (m.$1 (9./.3) OR LAWS AND PARSONSMODEL DATA ,1”,., 0. OK) (mm6/m3) (dbjm) Zeff (mm6/m3) 0.027 102 0.001 0.107 103 0. C@ 0.194 0.004 0.809 104 0. C@6 1,51 I.00X 105 0. CQ3 2.36 2.60x 105 0,010 5.45 0.019 5.45x 10’ 3.19x 10-5 5.43x101 1.27 0,073 5.63x1 d I.28x 104 5.64x 2,54 0.134 T.55XI03 2.35x 104 (.54x 12.7 0.555 1,47x104 I. O1X1O-3 I.45 25.4 1,04 3.89x 1.94X IO-3 3.85x 50.8 1.96 1. O2X1O5 3.76 X 10-3 101.6 3.74 2,65x105 7.40x 10-3 152.4 5,47 4.63x 0.254 0.019 5,45 1.27 0.073 5,63x 1c? 6.73 2.54 0.134 1.55x T03 1.28x 12.7 0,555 1,47x104 25.4 1.04 3,89x 50,8 1.96 1.02 101,6 3.74 2.65x 105 5,66 XI0-2 2,44x 152.4 5,47 4.63x 105 8,95 X )0”2 4.21 0.254 0.019 5.45x 10’ 1,75 X 10-3 1.27 0.073 5.63x102 9,45X 2,54 0. !34 1.55x103 12,7 0.555 1.47x104 25.4 1.04 3.89x 50,8 1.96 1.G2X x104 1.11 X1 O-2 4.54x 105 0.012 7,99 I.59x 104 5.40x 101 0, C02 0.027 5.55x102 0.035 0.107 10-3 I.51 0.W18 0, 196 6,18x 10-3 1,40x 0.015 0.817 1.26x 10-2 3.68X104 0.020 1.53 2,64x 10-2 9,49x104 0. G-25 2.91 105 0,030 5.58 X )05 0.033 8.21 :.25x 101 0.013 0.027 IO-3 5,35x K? 0.026 0.110 2,08x 10”2 1.49x103 0.034 0.202 1.39x 10-1 1.55x104 0.051 0.855 104 3.24x 10-’ 4,45x 0. C60 1.61 105 7,60x 10”1 1.25x105 0. C69 3.05 0.079 5.81 0.034 8.44 105 XI0’ 104 XI05 X 10-4 X103 104 Io’f e 9,: 10!,6 3.74 2.65 152,4 5.47 4.63x 0,254 0.019 1.27 2,54 1,78xl0 X 105 3.48x 105 2,93x 10° 6.34x105 5.45x101 2.54x 10-3 5.25x 10] 0.017 0,028 0.073 5.63x102 1.42x 10-2 5.50x d 0.033 0,111 0, 134 1.55x 103 3.15 12.7 0.555 1.47x 104 2.09x 25.4 1,04 3.89x 104 4.82 50.8 1.96 I. O2X1O5 I.llx lo” I.37 101.6 3.74 2.65x 2.53x 10° 3.81 152.4 5.47 4.63x105 4.07x 10* 6.90x 105 105 i3 . N 0. COOS 0.254 104 . x IO-2 1.57 x103 0.042 0.203 10-1 1.71 x104 O. C&s 0.855 0.078 1.60 x105 Owl 3.02 X 105 0.107 5.70 105 0.117 8.26 X 10-1 4.90x 104 TABLEV (C..,; ..ed) R.:” Frqumcy (GHd 15.5 35.0 70.0 94.0 P’=ranwters Sc.flering z L (m%) (9m/m3) zef f (.m6/m3) 0,254 0.019 5.45X 1.27 0.073 5.63xl# 2.54 0.124 1,55X 12.7 0.555 I,47x 25.4 1.@4 3.89x 50.8 1.96 1.02 101.6 3.74 2.65x 152.4 5.47 4,63x105 0.254 0,019 5.45x 1,27 0.073 2.54 P.m. (dbjm) N (mm6/m3) 8.33x 10-3 5,52 x1O’ 0,041 0.028 4.83x 10-2 6.61 X 102 0.080 0.111 103 1.07X !0”1 I.94X 103 0. /04 0.203 104 6.d6 X 10-1 2.@4x 104 o. Idd 0.832 10’ 1.45x10° 5.51 X104 0.201 1.53 3.17x10° 1.44 XI05 0,240 2.81 6.83x 10°~ 3.70x 105 0.283 5.15 1.MX 101 6,33x 105 0.311 7.34 10’ 5.44x IO-2 6.45x 10’ 0.182 0,028 5,63x 102 3. 10X 10-’ 5,81x1 02 0.291 0.102 0.134 1,55X 103 6.42x 10-’ 1.36X103 0.335 0. I 77 12,7 0.555 1.47x104 3.29x !0” 8.18x103 0.423 0.537 25.4 1.04 3,89x 6.40 X10D 1.62x104 0.456 0,950 50.8 1.96 I. O2X1O5 1.21 XI0’ 3.03 0,484 1,50 101.6 3.74 2,65x 105 2.23x 101 5.24x 0. 5m 2.33 152.4 5.47 4.63x 105 3.15x 101 6.95 X 104 0.519 3.02 0.254 0.019 5.45x 10’ 2.23x 10-’ 2.95 x10] 0.?47 0.6-20 1.27 0.073 5,63xld 9.18x 10”1 1.19x1# 0.422 0.053 2.54 0.134 I.55x I.62x1O” 2. CQX 102 0.45s 0,077 12.7 0,555 l,47xlo4 5.71 X 10° 5.63x1$ 0.494 0.169 25.4 1.04 3.89x 9,68x10° 8,43x1 $ 0.5% 0.235 50,8 1.96 1.02 1.64x 101 1.29x 103 0.515 0.336 101.6 3.74 2.65x105 2.81x10’ 2.11X103 0.322 0.510 152.4 5.47 4.63x105 3,87x 10’ 2,34X103 0,526 0.664 0.254 0,019 5,45x 101 1.22x10’ 0,419 0,0!9 1.27 0.073 5,63X v+ 3.11 XI O-1 e 1.1OX1O 3.63x10’ 0.459 0.020 2,54 0.134 1.55x103 1,83x10* 5,23 0,472 0.041 12.7 0.555 1.47X104 5.95x 10” 1.32x1 0.497 0.078 25.4 1.04 3.89x 9.88 x106 2,04xd 0,505 0.102 50.8 !.96 1.02 1.66X 10’ 3.27x 102 0.513 0.139 101.6 3.74 2,65X 2.83x 101 5.49x 1$ 0.520 0.205 152,5 5.47 4.63x105 3.90X 10’ 7.45X12 0,523 0.267 !04 X105 105 104 103 104 XI05 104 XI05 105 .— x104 104 x 10’ 02 REFERENCES 1. J.w. Rydeand Hail, Fcg, Laboratory, Y D. Ryde, “Atten.atimIo and Clouds} Ldon( Report No. fCentimetrea &570, ndMillimetre Electric T. Oguchi, “Attenuationof J. Radio Res. Lab(J.aWn)~, D. 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O°C. ,3” A“ . ./Ir/ / ... ,NTEGRATED ATTEN”&T#ON , = 0., ?.8 (Law. !, c9,FF,C(ENT .nd . 0.278 ( ! 507R1 .0.120 11552L1 1 m t 0.2 1 0.! DROP RADIUS [.. (Wk.) P.r’o”sl ! 17 ,, = 8.0 GHz; drop tem- :* ,0- 1 + LAWS AND PARSONS, 1?.5 mm/hr : M ::%}’ ‘“L’ mz!m ‘“4 A Fig. 4. COmpariscm of measured and modeled drop real index of refraction density Frequency = 8,0 GHz; drOptem- distributions, [(”’ –l)/cm]. pemture = O. O“C. . ,,.. I INTEGRATED N .0..47 RADIo (L... R, FRACTIV IT” md = 0.593 [ 1507R) = 0,S91 (1552L) Pwmnsl ,.-~ DROP RADIUS (.”!1 F ,.-’ . / A /’ f-m., m,”,,, ,,, ,, ; to-’. : Fig.5. Comparison dropdistributicms, siy (p~cOt/cm). temperature = O. O°C. .“: andmdeled scattering coefficientdenFrequency =8. OGHz; drop { ~~ . / ,.., . P 11 f /. .“ / L INTEGRATED SCATTERING COEFFICIENT D-d=,.64 . 10-” (Law...d P.,.. ”.) / = 6.62 xl.-’ =1.14 x!&(!S52Ll !o-~ m., .... Rb.o,”$ 1<”7) (1507R1 . 1 1 I Iii 1 I 1 1 I ,. 1 l!~l .,, 0..! LIOU! O-WATER (a) Fig, 6(a-h). Attenuation coet%cient Frequency: CC2.TCNT ,,./.3) 1.29 GHz. A vs I iquid water content L. Drop temperature = O. O“C, ?,TTEN”AT,ON 3, s, cOEFFICIENT [dbtk-.l s :. ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT 6, Mb/km) L(o” IO-WATER (e) Frequency: CONTENT 15.5 1,./.’) GHz. !0-, UW!D-WATER (f) CONTENT Frequency: Fig. 6. 35.0 Continued. Z* 1,./.’ i GHz. - ,.., (g) .- L8Q” ID- W.?TE. CoM,EN, Frequency: 70.0 ,,.,.31 G&. 1 ,,:: I ,d 4 1 1 i r 1 111(1 I 1 1 ..: . . , .< ., . . .:. ” . ?.” ,. ~; . .. .: ,... ..\,: 7 .,:&?$ . . . . . .%: . .. . .. . . u f II I 1: 1: 1(1! L, O”(O- WATER CONTENT (h) Frequency: Fig. 6. 94.0 Continued. I 22 1. (,./.31 G&. .. (a) !.-, I II [ , I I Frequency: 1.29 +1 x .,. I 1111 x? I . 1 1 ,,! /f !. !0-. GHz. ‘ i !], i , I 1 i I 7,, 7 , , ,.? (b) Fig. 7(a-h). Attenuation Frequenc~ coefficient 2.80 GHz. A vs rain rate 23 R. Drop ternpemture = O. O“C. ,.-3 “ . . .. .. . . . I III ............ .... ~ ,:,-1 A444N ,0 !.” ..4. (c) RATE [r”r”/hrl Frequency: 8.0 GHz. . RAIN (d) RbTE Frequency: Fig. 7. (mm/hrl 9.35 Continued. 24 GHz. !0” ,.,. (e) (../,,1 RATE Frequency: I 11111 ‘-,~lill 15.5 GHz. ! Ilillll I Illllil ! 1., 1 I I I 111111 ,. .?,(. (f) RATE Frequency: Fig. 7. (..AY) 35.0 G1-k. Continued. 25 — —. ——-..—. .— ,., 1 1 1 , [ 1 1111 1 I I ,0, ,0RAIN ,... (g) Frequency: {.,”/,, 70.0 ) GHz, ,., ,.., 1d R.,. (h) RATE (m./hrl Frequency: fig. 7. 94.0 Cmtinued. 26 GHz. !.$ ,0- ,.- ,., ,o? !., z (a) Frequency: z (b) Fig. 8(a-h). Attenuation coefficient ,0. MEASURED 1.29 Gt!z. MEASURED Frequency: 2.8o A vs reflectivity 27 Gt!z. factor Z. Drop temperature = O.o”c. I r— ““1 . !.’ 4.3 % (c) ,.-, ‘ENURED Frequency: d ,d “ 8.0 (d) GHz. ,0. MEMURED Frequency: Fig. 8. 9.35 Continued. 28 “z $.8 2.” ‘Hz !d z u GHz. ,d (e) ,., Frequency: GHz. ‘0, !d z (f) 15.5 Frequency Fig. 8. ,.. .,.$”.6, 35.0 Continued. 29 GHz. !o~ - -------- 1 +“”--++-/ ,,, ,,, I I 13EEL +——— --1 I /. MWSANOPARSONS MODEL+& !J — — — I I ., I I I I 1 I _.. ,~, Tw++- ,0 (g) z MEM”RED Freq.enc~ 70.0 GHz. ,., (h) z ME.S”WO Frequencfi 94.0 fig. 8. Continued. 30 GHz. .!.,, , I I ! ‘ :V’y . .. . .“ ., . .. . . .. . 0., 0.0! CONTENT (,./.’1 L, W, BW,TER Fw . . ..y. (o) 1.29 G*. ,.. 10. J 1d ,d (d ..’ 0.0, UW,..WA, (b) Fig. 9(a-h). Effective reflectivity E. Frequency: Factor Zeff CONTENT 1,./.’1 2.80 GHz. vs I . ..te.t L. D,cjp tempemtwe = O. O“C. ! — I I 1!!!! ,d !.. 1 . UO”KJ -WATER (c) Frequency: CONTENT . 1111 10./.’1 8. OGHZ. ,d ..! 0,0! L, O,, D. WA,E, (a) rreq”ency: Fig. 9. CONTENT 9.35 GHZ. Continued. 32 (,./.’1 1 d ,d j d ,.$ d . .. ...> LIO” IO-WATER (e) 1,./.31 CONTENT Frequency: 15,5 GHz. ! 0. !., ., “.:0 , ..! L, O., D-WNER (f) CONTENT Frequency: Fig. 9. 35. oGHz. Continued. 33 (g./.’) .~< ~ I !,, Ill Ill I 1 I 111111I I I I ,., M I .. I . . 111111. , ,d 0.’ ..0 t LIQIJO-W ATE. (g) Frequency: II I I I I 11.1 II I I 1.4 Hil? . . ... . l!!. I I I I [1111 I I Iii CONTENT ,,.,.S, 70. OGI-!2. . 1 I I 11111 I Ill ..0, . .. L,.”,0-W,ER (h) cONTENT Frequency: Fig.9. (,.,.3) 94. OGF!z. Ccmti.ued. 34 .. ,... I I HtH I .[ . ..v .. . , ,. t d I .“ 1111111 1 I ! I II ,., ,.-, ,d RAIN (.) ,., .QATE (“).,,,1 Frequencn 1.29 GHz. -imEl ! J 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 1 1111 I 1 r 1 1 1 [X 1 IIIT t. t 1 $ 1 Il+li I ,.2 ,0 Effective 1 1 4.’ 40 (b) 10(a-h). 1 Ii. ,.-, m,. Fig. 1 reflectivity ,,,6 (mm/”r) Frequency: 2.80 GHz. facfor Zeffvsminmte 35 R. Drop temperature = O.O°C. .3. % . ,0, d N d d d . ,. ..! . m,. (e) Frequency 15.5 “~ ‘- RATE [..,,<) ,* GHz. 4.. ]ili 11- .. ,., =M##b ,,.,.. ”1 11111111 I 11111111 I 11111111 !.,., R?.,. (f) RATE Frequency: Fig. 10. [mm!,.) 35.0 G* Continued. 37 RAIN (g) 1 I 1 1 !( Frequency ! I GHz. , II ,,, , I 70.0 I 111111 , I I 1 1 I I 1 (11 11111 r I II ! of (h) 1 [1 , .! RATE [..,,,1 Frequency: Fig. 10. 1 Hilt ,0-’ RAIN . ‘- RATE (..,bd 94.0 GHz. Continued. 38 “---m ___—.,.. —w. ,,... =.. ,04 I ‘[i ,j ,d ,,= !J (a) Frequency: 1.29 GHz. (b) Frequency: 2.80 ,d d d 1 4 Fig. 11 (a-h). Effective reflectivity factor Zeff GHz. VS reflectivity 39, Z. Drop fempe, =, O.o”c. m’ {.?’ : ~40’ {0’ (c) d Frequency: ,0, z (d) II. GHz. 1d 14E.*”R,L! Frequency fig. 8.0 9.25 ,.. GF!z. Continued. 40 40, (e) Frequency: 15.5 GHz. ,,, ,d ,.? ,., z (f) Freqwency: Fig. 11. ,., MEAS”REO 35.0 GHz. Continued. 41 ,., 1 ,., ! 0, ,0. . 70.0 Frequency: !d 4.+ Frequency: Fig. 11. GHz. ,d !., z mf,surlm (h) ,0, ,0. MC. s”, m 94.0 ,.’ GHz. C.nfinwed. 42 ——J -—. ● ✎ ✎✎✎☞ - ! ,. “- ,.. . .$ . . ....t .....j+... .— “ :., ‘., . _._...+ ,.. ‘,.+- +i..+.+ }: + , ,.,_\.~ ;- ‘w m ;-144+ Ammo m -.,:.... S,NOLE-SCATTERING .~l--l- ! “!!k!!.” “.. .... . .. UQU,D -WATER (c) .,0 ! CONTENT Frequency 8.0 (Q.,.>, GHz. 0., u.2”,0-wATER (d) 02”,,., Frequency: Fig. 12. 9.35 (9,”,,”s) GHz. Continued. 44 -%-- -- -.....-.—. ., ..04 LIou, (e) o-w.,m CONTENT 15.5 Frequency: (9.,.3 G Hz. 0.! L8.”(D-w.4TER CON,ENT (f) FrequencV Fig. 12. 35.0 C-mfinued. 45 (g.,.>, G%. , 1 0 ..: ... . UQ”, C- W,TE. (,.,.’) CONTENT (d Frequency: 70.0 G1-k. ..1.1”......i.1. .. .. . . . ‘...-.,’ ,.. * -. .1., . : : ,.$, Ill ‘“ . .. LIO”,. (h) -WAT.. CONTENT Frequency, Fig. 12. 94. OGti. Continued. 46 (,.,,”3) I ,.-. ,,, ,, ! ,,, ,,, ! ,,, . f $ 1 ) .:, I : I I IJ i III . ,) . i.}: . .. k: [11~ --nTti ., I 1.,,-,.:. :,..!, I 1~1. .. . . ,,.; — ~M-tt;:l 1- ------+ (0) . I . I ,~.z I 2. . Frequency: GHz, I,,, Ill I Illilll I 1.29 1 .. , I. I-, —--+ ’.JI. 1 i (u -. I I 5 < 1.11 {11.1 ! %iwk . : +-,., ,!., !lli~l{ . ‘“-33!#L..-....l M= .,4 ., . . . .!.. ,. – ,.. ! I ;., ii+ll-...l~.... .....i , R*CN RATE d ! d (../),,) . (b) Fig. 13(a-h). Single-scatteri.g Frequency: albedo 2.80 u vsroin 47 GHz. rate R. Drop tempemture = O. O°C. i I 1 1 1111 ( 1 i 1. I III* I I... , bjllll . .. . ... .. . . “. ““.‘I;”’.I’-:HL1L1Il. ,! “+4 ,.-, .?.,, mm +–-4W (m./tic1 (c) Frequency: 8. OGHZ. ,.. ! , RN. (d) ..,, Frequency: Fig. 13. [../,, 9.35 GHZ. Continued. 48 d ) !d T2mL , “f :0 .. ,#,$ (e) !0, ,.,, ,.,, Frequency, ,d ,../,,, 15.5 GHz. -T ,d ,.,. (f) ,.,, Frequency: Fig. 13. (“,./ 35.0 G Continued. 49 ”,, HZ. ,d . — — . — ,,-, (g) T!E Frequency: 70.0 GHz. — 0., --+ . .. ,, ,. .:”, . . .“.. .. . — ..3 — F!.(N (h) RATE (../,. Frequency: Fig. 13. 94.0 ) GHz. Continued. 50 I d ,d (b) Fig. 14(a-h). Single-scattering ,0. ,0, z Frequency: a!bedo ,., 14EA$”RELI 2.80 u w reflectivity 5i GHz. factor Z. Drop temperature = o.o”c. ,., !., !., z (.) ,.. !46, Frequency: !# s”.,0 8.0 GHz. !1 TIE — z .,., (d) Frequency: Fig. 14. ”.,0 9.35 GHz. Continued. 52 r ,., (e) Frequency: 15.5 GHz, -L ,0, (f) Frequency: Fig. 14. 35. OGHZ. Continued. ,., - z kASUREO Frequency, 70. OGHZ. 1 z (h) ME A*”.,, Freque.cfi fig. 14. 94. o G~. C.ntin.ed. 54 ‘“l 4.-’ !.-, L!o”, o-w.,ER (a) CONTENT FrequencV 1.29 (,./.31 Gti. . !.- U.”,l -WATER CONTENT @) Frequency: Fig. 15(.-h). Radio refractivity N vs I 55 u [,.,.”’) 2.80 Gt!z. content L. Drop temperature = O. O“C. - ,.. . ! o- co. rmr L, Qu,o-wATE. (c) Frequency: 8.0 I,r”/m’] GHz. ,.., UO”, O -WATER (d) Frequency: Fig. 15. (,./.’1 CONTENT 9.35 GHz. Continued. 56 . .. ... .. ,.-= !O-f w2”,D-w ATER (e) CONTENT (red] 15.5 GHz. Frequency: ,.., ,(ou,D-wATER CONTENT (,.,.31 ,0-, (f) Frequency Fig. 15. 35. OGHZ. Continued. 57 il. ,.-, ‘o-~ uQLuO -WATER CONTENT l,m,m’) (g) ,.., 1 d., Frequency: 70.0 .. Gtlz. . r u.. JILuuMl ,.., ,~., L, O”, D-WATER (h) Frequency: Fig. 15. 94.0 Gttz. Continued. 58 ““”l (m/m’1 CONTENT , 1 ,.8. (a) RATS FrequencV (.. /h.) 1.29 GHz. — -TEE ——.—.L— I ‘ “=4= ,., .,,)4 (b) Fig. 16(a-h). Radio refractivity RATE Frequency: (.m/hrl 2.80 N vs rain rate 59 GHz. R. Drop temperature = O. O°C. T ,.,, ‘9 3 . ? . fd 1.-, ,,,, (c) ,,,, ,d ,mm/*r) Frequency: 8.0 GHz. ,.-, . . I I I +11111 I I ! I 1 [111 I 1 1 1 111!! 1 1 1 1 11111 !., RAIN (d) m,, Frequency: Fig. 16. (.,”/,,, 9.35 GHz. Continued. 60 . I I I Ill 1 I 1 1 Ill 1.11111111 I 11111111 I 111[11 ,.-, ... I ,., . ,0- (e) . , , I I Frequency: I I I 15.5 I GHz. I“li%’n .... . I II I 111111 mm (f) RATE Frequency: Fig. 16. I I 1111 I ( ../,.1 35.0 GHz, Continued. ..-~ i I 1111111 1 1 1 I 1! 111 ,.-, RAIN (g) RATE ,“,./,,, Frequency: ,.-, 70.0 GHz. 4 . ,.. ! I I I 1 111111 (h) I Frequency: Fig. 16. C.ntin.4. 62 ‘-l 94.0 GHz. I ! .. ‘“-’4 =?= [ d 1.+ ,d ,0+ ,.3, Z MEASURED (a) 1.29 GHz. . ,o- ! ,., 1.+ (b) Fig. 17(a-h). Radio refractivity 40. ,., , ,., Irasu.r” Frequency: N w reflectivity 63 2.80 GHz. factor Z, Drop tempemture = O. O°C. . .. :TI 3 I ‘4 ! d ! d ,J z (c) .E. ! .3. s”lwo 8.0 Frequency: GHz, . ,0 d ,0, ,.’ z (d) ,.. .,0 !4,.$” Frequency: Fig. 17. 9.35 Gi-k. Continued. 64 ,., . ,.. z (e) !d MEASURED Frequency: GHz. ,d ,., z (f) 15.5 ‘ WAS”REO 35.0 Frequency: GHz. Fig. 17. Continued, 65 0. z (g) Frequencfi 70.0 Gliz, ,. /. z MEASURED (h) Frequency: Fig. i 7. 94.0 GHz. Cont;nued. 66 q—...— lEmzcL NEW OROP DIsTRIBUTIONS TEMPERATURE = O.O-C ENWANO DROP hTTEN”A; ,ONCOEFFICIENT G,VEN UQ”,D-WATER CONTENT d ! 1 ,0 1 ,.s0 FREQUENCY Fig. 18. Attenuation uncertainty factor calculated 67 (G!+?) using Laws and Parsons mOdel os reference. . . . . .... . .. . . .. .. . . . .. DOCUMENT <S...,,,, ,. cl..., 0.1.,..,, !4. AC, fe,,,m.m !,,,, ., ,1,1., (C.rp.,.t. bed, o, abstract and CONTROL indexing DATA mn.t.t,on m.,, - R&D M en,.r.d author) when 2.. REPORT 2b. GROUP the ov.rmll raw,, 5ECURITY ,. .Iassift.d) CL AS.S, F, CATION Unclassified Lincoln Laboratory, M. 1. T. Ncme ,. ,.,0., TITLE Microwave Scattering Parameters ,. 0~,.,lP,,vE .0,~3 (Tw.e 01rwort and Technical Report ,, ,.,.0.1s] ?“.l” .;”. date.) (L...: name,[!,.1 “m% l“lfl al> Crane, ,. ..,0.. for New England Rain Robert K. ..,. 30ctober 7.. ,.. NO. OF PAGES 7b. NO. OR, GIN ATOR, Q,. . . . . . . . S REPORT REF$ NUMBER(S) Report REPORT this OF 11 Technical 649L 426 Nom (A.r.lher.mb.r. lh.t.w’ r.J=orf) ESD-TR-66-447 d. LA81,, T,(L, ~,,, Distribution t. s“,, NO. 72 ).. CONTRACTOR OR ANT AF 19(628)-5167 ,, ..0, ,., NO. 1. ,V.l TOTAL 1966 T10. ~OT,CSS of this document is unlimited. ,2. LEMENr ARr NOTES s,..,.,,.. Air Force N.”, M,. !,,., AC, [”ITY Systems Command, USAF ,. ABSTRACT Scatcergrams of attenuation coefficient, effective reflectivity faccor, single-scatteri”g albedo, and radio refractivityvs liquid-water content, rain rate, and reflectivity factor arepresenced fora raindrop temperature of O. O°C and frequencies of 1.29, 2.80, 8.0, 9.35, 15.5, 35.0, 70.0, and 94. OGHZ. The scattergrams were computed using Mie theory to compute the scattering parameters for single raindrops, and single-scattering theory to compute the integrated scattering effects of an ensemble of mimirops. Measured drop-size distributions were used to generate the scattergr.ams. ,. K,, WORDS atten.a. ticm rain reflectivity scattering refractivity Mie theory 68 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification b.