ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 30, pp. 237-246, 2008. Copyright 2008, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF A SEMILINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATION WITH A NONLINEAR BOUNDARY CONDITION NABONGO DIABATE AND THÉODORE K. BONI Abstract. This paper concerns the study of the numerical approximation for the following initial-boundary value problem, !" #$"%'&("#' %'&)*+,-#. .'&" /" 0#$1.&234"#$& 5/"67/879 where : , *;3 and < =>? . We show that the solution of a semidiscrete form of the initial value problem above goes to zero as approaches infinity and give its asymptotic behavior. We provide some numerical experiments that illustrate our analysis. Key words. semidiscretizations, semilinear parabolic equation, asymptotic behavior, convergence AMS subject classifications. 35B40, 35B50, 35K60, 65M06 1. Introduction. Consider the following initial-boundary value problem, (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) @ACBD@E"EGFIHJ@(K1LNMPORQSOUTLWVXRMYL @ E(Z'M(L[V[\]BDMYLW@ EYZ^TL[V[\`_bac@ deZ^TLfV[\]BDM(LgVXhMYL @CZiQjLkM\]BD@2lJZiQ \>mbM(LNMnRQSnoTL d where H/XhM , a:XRM , p XhqrXsT , @ lt9uwv Z[x MYL-Tyi\ , @ lz Z.M\]BUM , and @ lz Z[T"\`_bac@ l Z^T\{B|M . The theoretical study of asymptotic behavior of solutions for semilinear parabolic equations has been the subject of investigations of many authors; see [2, 4] and the references cited therein. In particular in [4], when aGB}M , the authors have shown that the solution @ of (1.1)–(1.3) decays to zero as V goes to infinity and satisfies ~$ A'w V Y @Z'QjLfV[\ B u BZ [ v \ . Similar results have been obtained in [2] in the case where awXDM where u K v[ and p XqhXT . Indeed, in this case, it is shown that the solution @ decays to zero as V ~$ A'wbV^ @Z'QjL[V[\ B u l approaches infinity and where u l8BZ [ d v v[ \ . ( In this paper we are interesting in the numerical study of (1.1)–(1.3). First, using a semidiscrete form of (1.1)–(1.3), we prove similar results for the semidiscrete solution. Previously, authors have used numerical methods to study the phenomenon of blow-up and the one of extinction; see [1, 3]. This paper is organized as follows. In the Section 2, we give a semidiscrete form of (1.1)–(1.3) and we prove some results about the discrete maximum principle. In Section 3, we show that the semidiscrete solution goes to zeros as V goes to infinity and give its asymptotic behavior. In Section 4, we prove that the semidiscrete scheme converges. Finally, in Section 5, we give some numerical results. Received November 26, 2007. Accepted for publication May 22, 2008. Published online on September 12, 2008. Recommended by O. Widlund. Université d’Abobo-Adjamé, UFR-SFA, Département de Mathématiques et Informatiques, 16 BP 372 Abidjan 16, Cote d’Ivoire (nabongo Institut National Polytechnique Houphouet-Boigny de Yamoussoukro, BP 1093 Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire ( 237 ETNA Kent State University 238 N. DIABATE AND T. K. BONI 2. The semidiscrete scheme. In this section, we give some lemmas which will be used later. Let be a positive integer, and define the grid Q!B^ , Msn?n , where BT . We approximate the solution @ of the problem (1.1)–(1.3) by the solution ] ZiV[\]BZ l Z'V[\ L Z'V[\ L-¡¢¡¢¡-L ]£ ZiV[\f\^¤ of the semidiscrete equations, v ¥ kZiV[\ BD¦§ Z'V[\CFIH Z Z'V[\[\ K LgM¨nR]n FRTLWVXRM(L ¥ V (2.1) ¥ £ ZiV[\ a BD¦ § £ Z'V[\CFIH Z £ ZiV[\[\+KFª© Z £ ZiV[\f\ d L«V>XRMYL ¥ V (2.2) Z.M\{B l mhMYLWM¨nb{n (2.3) L where ¦ § Z'V[\]B ¦§ l Z'V[\]B ¬ Z'V[\j_ 'Z V[\ v L­TnR{n FbTL § Z'V[\CF lJZiV[\ £ Z'V[\CF £ ZiV[\ v © v © © LN¦§ ;£ iZ V[\{B © ¡ § § v ZiV[\CF © The following lemma is a semidiscrete form£ ¬ of the maximum principle. £ ¬ l v \ and let ± Z'V[\ t9u v Zfx M(L[®²y+Lf° v \ such that L EMMA 2.1. Let H ZiV[\ t9u Z[x MYL[®¯y%Lk° ¥ ± Z'V[\ F¦ § Z'V[\j_³H ZiV[\ ZiV[\mhMYLWM¨nR]n ¥ V ± ± ± Z'M\mhMYLWM¨nR]n LWV t Z.MYLf®8\ L ¡ Then we have ± ZiV[\>mhM for MnR]n , V t Z'M(L[®8\ . ¨$µ l-¶'¶ £-· l-¶2A+¶ Proof. Let ® l O® and let ´ B ¤ ¸ ± ZiV[\ . Since, ± 'Z V[\ is a continuous function on the compact x MYLf® l y , there exists V l¨t x MYLf® l y such that ´ B ± ¸ Z'V l \ for a certain l¹t?º MYL-¡¢¡¢¡¢L (» . It is not hard to see that ¥ ~$$ ± ¸ ZiVl\CF ± ¸ Z'Vl¯F ½Y\ nRM(L ¼ l ½ i Z V l C \ F l ZiVl\ ¦ § ± ¸ ZiVl\]B¾© ± v © ± mbM ¿ +l8B|M(L (2.5) § ¬ ZiV l \CF ± ZiV l \À_ ± l ¸ v ZiV \ mRM ¿ T¹nb l n ¦ § ± ¸ ZiV l \]B ± ¸ v © ¸ (2.6) FRTL § £ ZiV l \F ± £ Z'V l \ ¦ § ± ¸ ZiV l \]B¾© ± v © mhM Á¿ l B ¡ (2.7) § A Define the vector  ZiV[\SBÃÄ ± Z'V[\ , where Å is large enough that HY ¸ ZiV"l \8F Å XÆM . A straightforward computation reveals that (2.4) ± ¸ iZ Vl\ B ¥ V ¥ (2.8)  ¸ iZ V l \ FI¦ § ZiVl\`_UZ'H1 ZiVl\CF ¥ V  ¸ Å \  ¸ ZiVl\mhMY¡ ¸ A ¸ ¸ noM We observe from (2.4)–(2.7) that Ç^È1É A and ¦ §  ¸ Z'V l \8moM . Using (2.8), we arrive at Z'H ¸ Z'V[\]F Å \  ¸ ZiV l \msM , which implies Ç that  ¸ ZiV l \moM . Therefore ± ¸ ZiV l \8B ´ m}M and we have the desired result. Another form of the maximum principle for semidiscrete equations is the following comparison lemma. ETNA Kent State University ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS 239 £ ¬ iZ V[\ tbu v Z[x MYL ÊË\Lf° t u l Z'°ÍΰLf°²\ such that v \ and Ì b L EMMA 2.2. Let ± iZ V[\ , for V t Z.MYL ÊË\ ¥ Z'V[\ ¥ Z'V[\ ± I F ¦ i Z [ V À \ _ Z i Z [ V \ L [ [ V > \ O FI¦ § ZiV[\j_ Ì Z Z'V[\ L[V[\LÏMPnbn L § ¥ ¥ V (2.9) ± Ì ± V fZ'M\ LNM¨nËn ± fZ.M\O ¡ (2.10) Z'V[\ MnR{n Then we have ± Z'V[\>O , , V t Z'M(LcÊb\ . ZiV[\¨B { Z'V[\>F Proof. Define the vector  ± ZiV[\ . Let V l be the first V/XÐM such that ZiV[\XhM for V t x M(L[V l \ , but  ¸ ZiV l \]BDM for a certain l¹tκ MYL-¡¢¡-¡L (» . We observe that  ¥ ZiVl\  ¸ ZiVl\F  ¸ ZiVl¯F ½Y\ nhMY¡  ¸ B ~$ ¥ V ¼ l ½ ¬ l ZiV l \`_  l i Z V C \ F ¸ v ZiV \ mbM ¿ Tnb+l¹n ¦ §  ¸ ZiVl\]B  ¸ v ©  ¸ FRTL § ZiV l \F  l Z'V l \ ¦§  ¸ ZiV l \]BЩ  v © mRM Á¿ l BDMYL § £ ZiVl\CF  £ ZiVl\ © ¦ §  ¸ ZiV l \]B ©  v mRM ¿ l B L § A ¸ ¸ FU¦ §  Z'V l \²_ Ì Z ZiV l \ L[V l \8F Ì Z ± ZiV l \ LfV l \InM . But this which implies that Ç^È É A ¸ ¸ ¸ Ç inequality contradicts (2.9). 3. Asymptotic behavior. In this section, we show that the solution of (2.1)–(2.3) V goes to zero as approaches infinity and give its asymptotic behavior. To start, let us show { ZiV[\ that the solution decays uniformly to zero by the following Z'V[\ T HEOREM 3.1. The solution of (2.1)–(2.3) goes to zero as V8Ñ«Ê and we have the following estimates, MPn ] ZiV[\ n T v Y K Z 'Z MJ\ _ËaZ p FbT\V[\³ ¿iÒÓ V t x M(Lc_¹Êb\ ¡ Proof. Introduce the function Ô ZiV[\ defined as follows, T Ô ZiV[\{B Z ] Z.M\ v YK _baZ FbT\V[\ ¢ L p k i Z [ V { \ B ' Z [ V \ Ô and let Õ the vector such that Õ . It is not hard to see that ¥ Õ Z'V[\ F ¦ § Õ f Z'V[\j_DZ Õ kZiV[\f\ K D B M(LNMnR]n FRTLgV t Z.MYL[®G\ L ¥ V ¥ £ Z'V[\ a Õ FI¦ § Õ £ 'Z V[\j_DZ Õ £ Z'V[\[\ K _ © Z Õ £ ZiV[\[\ d mbM(LWV t Z'M(L[®8\L ¥ V f Z'MJ\ LNM¨nËn k ' Z M \ m Õ L ZiV[\ O Ê . Setting where .Z MYL[®G\ is the maximal time interval on which ZiV[\]B ZiV[\;F { Z'V[\ and using the mean value theorem, we find that Â Õ ¥ kZiV[\  F¦ §  fZ'V[\j_ p ZiÖfZiV[\[\+K v  kZiV[\]BUMYLWM¨nb{n FRTLWV t 'Z MYLf®8\ L ¥ V ¥ £ ZiV[\ a  F¦§  £ Z'V[\j_UZ p Z'Ö £ Z'V[\[\ K v _ © ZiÖ £ ZiV[\f\[d v \  £ ZiV[\mhMYLgV t 'Z MYLf®8\ L ¥ V  Z.M\mhMYLWM¨nËn L ETNA Kent State University 240 N. DIABATE AND T. K. BONI kZiV[\ and Õ fZ'V[\ . Apply Lemma 2.1, to obtain we have T { Z'®8\ n ODÊDL Z Z.M\ v (K _baZ p FRT"\^®8\ which leads to a contradiction. Hence ®DBoÊ and we have the desired result. where Ö is an intermediate value between M¨n Z'V[\>n Õ iZ V[\ for V t Z.MYLf®8\ . If ®}O|Ê The statement of the main result of this section is the following T HEOREM 3.2. Let be the solution of (2.1)–(2.3). Then we have ~$ ] ZiV[\ B ul L A'w V ^ where ul BZ [ d v v^ \ ^ . The proof of Theorem 3.2 is based on the following lemmas. The function ×]Z'Q\{BØF Å Z u l_ Q \j_baZ u l_³Q\ d L where u l3BÙZ [ d v v[ \ ^ and Å B d v v , is crucial in the proofs of the lemmas below. The ZiV[\ of (2.1)–(2.3) is bounded from above by a following result show that the solution function which decays to zero. { L EMMA 3.3. Let be the solution of (2.1)–(2.3). For any Ú XØM , there exist positive ® times and Û such that ZiVj_ Û \²nsZ u{l _ Ú \Z'Vj_ ®8\ Ä _ËÜ Z'Vj_ ®8\ Ä v LNM¨nb]n L where ÜCÀBªF § Z u l>_ Ú \ d § § . Proof. Introduce the vector Õ defined as follows, Ä Ä u k i Z [ V ] \ B Z l _ Õ Ú \V _³ÜC.V v LNMPnb{n ¡ A straightforward computation reveals that ¥ Õ K u l _ Ú \V Ä v FRZ Å _DT"\^V Ä § Ü ¥ V F ¦ § Õ _ËH Õ B}F Å Z _|HJV Ä K Z[Z ul _ Ú \j_ËÜ V v \ K FIV Ä v ¦ § Ü L ¥ £ a £ _ËH £ Õ K£ _© d£ B}F Z u l>_ \Vc Ä v _³HJVc Ä K(ZfZ u l>_ ` ¥ V F¦ § Õ Õ Å Ú Ú \ _³Ü Vc v \%K Õ FoZ Å _DT"\V Ä §"Ü £ FÎV Ä v ¦§-Ü £ a _Ý© V Ä v Z[Z u{l _ Ú \j_ËÜ £ V v \ d L because Å q¹B Å _|T . From the mean value theorem, we get Z u l_ Ú _ËÜ £ V v \fd¯BªZ u l²_ Ú \[d]_³Þ £ ZiV[\^V v L £ ZiV[\ is a bounded function. We deduce that ¥ Õ K _ T\Vc v ÜC ¥ V F¦ § Õ 2_ËH Õ B|Vc Ä v Z'×]Z Ú \CFhZ Å | ¬ ¬ _DHJVc Ä K Ä v Z u l_ Ú ³ _ Vc v C Ü %\+Ke\L ¥ £ a £ _ËH Õ K£ _ © d£ B|V Ä v Z[F Z'×]Z \ ¥ V F¦§ Õ Õ Å Ú Õ ¬ ¬ _DHJV Ä K Ä v Z ul _ Ú ³ _ V v Ü £ \K _ a _ © Þ £ V v \¡ where Þ © a Z ul _ Ú \[d ETNA Kent State University ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS 241 We observe that ×]Z.M\{BDM and × z Z'M\]BØT . This implies that for Ú XhM , ×]Z Ú \XRM . We also see K ORM . We deduce that there exists a positive time ® such that that F Åep _ Å _DT8B dd Y v ¥ Õ F ¦ ¥ V I ¥ £ Õ ¥ V FI¦ § Õ _DH Õ K XhMYL a § Õ £ _DH Õ K£ _ß© Õ d£ XhMYL ® Ä ul ¡ Õ fZ'®8\X © Z'V[\ X ® such that Since from Theorem 3.1 goes to zero as V tends to infinity, there exists Û b " à á Z \:O ¤ ZiV[\ ZiV[\B { Z'V`_ ¸ O ' Z 8 ® \ . Introduce the vector  such that Â Û Õ Û FI®8\ . A § routine computation yields ¥  K ¥ V F¦ §  _|H  XRM(LWM¨nb]n FRTLWVmb®:L ¥ £ a £  £K £ ¥ V F¦ §  _|H  _ß©  d ZiV[\>XRMYLWVmË®¯L fZ \>O  [Z'®8\]B Û Õ kZi®8\¡ ZiV[\²n We deduce from Lemma 2.2 that  fZiVj_ Z'V[\ . That is, ¿iÒÓ VmR®¯L Õ kZiV[\ Õ Û FI®8\n which leads us to the result. { L EMMA 3.4. Let be the solution of (2.1)–(2.3). For any Ú XhM , there exists a positive time Û such that ZiV`_|T\msZ ul F \¢ZiVj_ Ä Ä Ú Û \ _³Ü ZiVj_ Û \ v LNMPnR{n ¡ Proof. Introduce the vector ± such that Ä Ä ± ZiV[\BªZ ul F Ú \V _ËÜ V v ¡ A direct calculation yields ¥ ± K ¥ V F¦§ ± _ËH ± BØF Å _UHZfZ BDV Ä _UHZ u ¥ ± ¥ V £ Z u{l F Ú \V Ä v FhZ Å _|T\V Ä § ul F Ú \V Ä _³Ü V Ä v \ K v Z^F Å Z ul F Ú \FRZ Å _DT"\V v l¯F Ú _³ÜC.Vc v \%K\ L a u l F Ú \V Ä v FhZ Å D F¦ § ± £ _ËH ± K£ _ß© ± £ d BªF Å Z _ T"\^V Ä § Ü £ _DHJV Ä K Z ul F Ú _³Ü £ V v \ K I F V Ä v ¦ § Ü £ a _ V Ä v Z u{l F Ú _³Ü £ V v \ d L © £ because q Å B Å _ÝT . From the mean value theorem, we have Z u>l F Ú _ØÜ V v \ d B £ £ Z ul F Ú \ K _RÞ iZ V[\^V v , where Þ ZiV[\ is a bounded function. Using this equality, we deduce ETNA Kent State University 242 that N. DIABATE AND T. K. BONI ¥ ± K _ Þ V v \ L ¥ V FI¦ § ± _³H ± BhV Ä v Z'×]Z^F Ú \FRZ Å _DT"\[Ü V v ¥ £ a £ ± £ K£ \ FRZ Å D _ T"\^V v ¥ V F¦ § ± _ËH ± _ß© ± d BhV Ä v 'Z ×]Z^F Ú a ¬ ¬ _8â V v _ © V d Ä Ä v Z ul F Ú ³ _ V v \ d \ ¡ Obviously, F¯q Å _ Å _}TSOM . Also, since ×]Z'MJ\rBÝM and × z Z'MJ\rBÙT , it is easy to see that ×]Z^F Ú \OhM . Hence there exists a positive time ® such that ¥ ± K ¥ V F¦ § ± _ËH ± ORMYLNMPnR{n FbTLgV t x ®¯Lc_¹Êb\ L ¥ £ a £ ± K£ £ ¥ V F¦ § ± _ËH ± _ß© ± d ObM(LWV t x ®:Lc_¹Êb\ ¡ Since ± ± Z Û \²O ãeä Z'®¯L¢T\ iZ V[\ to zero as V approaches infinity, there exists Û X such that Z[goes T"\ . Setting å ZiV[\]B ± ZiVj_ Û FRT"\ , we observe that ¥ å K ¥ V FI¦ § å _DH å XhMYLWM¨nR]n FbTLWVmb®¯L ¥ £ £ _DH £ K _ß© a d£ XRMYLWVmË®¯L å ¥ V FI¦ § å å å [Z[T"\LNM¨nË{n k ^ Z T ] \ B f Z > \ O å ± Û ¡ We deduce from Lemma 2.2 that ZiV[\m ± ZiVj_ Û FRT"\ for V>mUTL which leads us to the result. Now, we are in a position to prove the main result. Proof of Theorem 3.2. From Lemma 3.3 and Lemma 3.4, we deduce [Z'V[\ $ µY¿ Z fZ'V[\ \>n ~$ Z u{l F Ú \n A'~w Z \n}Z ul _ Ú \ L ' A w f æ Y ç è VÄ VÄ for any Ú XRM and the proof is complete. 4. Convergence. In this section, we will show that for each fixed time interval x MYLf®²y ZiV[\ where @ is defined, the solution of (2.1)–(2.3) approximates @ , when the mesh param eter goes to zero. · T HEOREM 4.1. Assume that (1.1)–(1.3) has a solution @ tSuGé v Zfx M(L¢T¢y`ÍIx MYLf®²yê\ and the initial condition at (2.3) satisfies l FÎ@ Z.M\ BUë0Z^T\gH0ìí!ÑM(L (4.1) £ £ for sufficiently small, the problem (2.1)– where @ ZiV[\BZ'@Z'Q l L[V[\ L-¡¡$ ¡$L[@CZiQ fL V[\[\^¤ . Then, t9u v Zfx M(L[®²y+Lf° ¬ v \ (2.3) has a unique solution such that l ãä ] Z'V[\CFI@ ZiV[\ BUî¨Z FI@ Z.M\ _b2§-\gH0ìí!ÑMY¡ l-¶2A+¶ ¤ ETNA Kent State University ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS · Proof. Since @ tué v , there exist two positive constants ï @ E-E"E © ñ ï @ E-E"E-E T © ï 243 and ð be such that v @ 6n ï LNH p Z ï _DT"\+K n ð L q0Z _DT"\ d v n ð ¡ (4.2) © ï tSu v Z[x MYL[® \ Lk° £ ¬ v \ The problem (2.1)–(2.3) has for each , a unique solution . Let VZ.\ d V h X M the greatest value of such that Z'V[\CFI@ ZiV[\ ÐOUT ¿iÒÓ V t Z'M(L[VZ.\[\¡ (4.3) ¨$µ º VZ.\ L[® » . The relation (4.1) implies that VZ.\8XUM for sufficiently small. Let V Z.\B By the triangle inequality, we obtain ¿iÒÓ V t Z'MYLfV Z%2\f\ L ZiV[\ ¾n ZiV[\CFI@ ZiV[\ @Z'QjL[V[\ }_ n L © n L © which implies that (4.4) ] ZiV[\Fb@ Let à ZiV[\rB t V Z ' M(L[V Z%2\f\ , have for ¥ à ZiV[\ FI¦ § à ZiV[\]B ¥ V ¥ à £ ZiV[\ FI¦ § à £ ZiV[\]B ¥ V ] Z'V[\ nsT_ ï ¿iÒÓ V t Z'M(L[V Z.\[\¡ ZiQÀL[V[\ be the error of discretization. Using Taylor’s expansion, we § @ -E E"E-E .Z Qò [L V[\FH p â K v à Z'V[\ L T © § § © qÖ £ d v à £ _ © ñ @ E-"E E Z.Qò £ [L V[\j_ @ E"E"E-E Z.Qò £ L[V[\FH p â £K v à £ ZiV[\L T © [Z'V[\ Lf@Z'Q2kL[V[\ £ t Z £ ZiV[\ Lf@Z'Q £ L[V[\ t Ö ¢ â Z where and . Using (4.2) and (4.4), we arrive at ¥ à ZiV[\ F¦§¢Ã[Z'V[\>n ð8ó Ã"[ZiV[\ ó _ ï 2§LNM¨nËn FRTL ¥ V ¥ à £ ZiV[\ £ £ Z à Z'V[\CF à £ ZiV[\f\ £ ð8ó à ZiV[\ ó _ v F © © n ¥ V ð8ó à ZiV[\ ó _ ï § ¡ § i$õ ¬ v[ Ai¬ á E-ö Z l F³@ Z'MJ\ _D÷w § \ Consider the function ô Z'QjL[V[\Bà , where ø , u , ÷ are constants which will be determined later. We get ô A ZiQÀL[V[\;F ô E-E iZ QjLfV[\{BªZ ø _|T²F © u ô E 'Z M(L[V[\]B|M(L ô E Z[TLfV[\]B © á E-ö Z l FI@ ô Z'QjLkM\]B|à FÎù u § Q § \ ô Z'QjL[V[\L u ô Z[TL[V[\L Z.M\ _b÷w\ ¡ By a semidiscretization of the above problem, we may choose ø , u , ÷ large enough that ¥ ZiQ L[V[\ ô Xh¦ § ô ZiQ LfV[\`_ ðGó ô ZiQ LfV[\ ó _ ï § LNMPnR{n FRTL ¥ V ¥ ZiQ £ L[V[\ ô Xh¦§ ô ZiQ £ LfV[\j_ ð ó ô ZiQ £ LfV[\ ó _ ðGó ô ZiQ £ LfV[\ ó _ ï 2 §eL ¥ V ô ZiQ[LkMXhÃ[Z.M\ LNM¨nb{n ¡ It follows from Lemma 2.2 that ô ZiQ LfV[\XRà ZiV[\ ¿iÒÓ V t Z'M(L[V Z.\[\ LúM¨nË{n ¡ ETNA Kent State University 244 N. DIABATE AND T. K. BONI In the same way, we also prove that ¿iÒÓ ô ZiQ LfV[\XoF¯Ã Z'V[\ which implies that { Z'V[\CFÎ@ Z'V[\ V t Z'MYLfV Z%2\f\ LNM¨nR]n Ai¬ á l Z FI@ Z'MJ\ nRà $õ L _b÷w § \ LWV t Z'M(L[V Z.\[\ ¡ Let us show that V .Z \{Bh® . Suppose that ®}XËVZ%2\ . From (4.3), we obtain ¬ l T:B ZiVZ%2\f\;FI@ ZiVZ%2\f\ Ðnhà $õ ¤ á Z FÎ@ Z'M\ }_Ë÷r § \ ¡ Since the right hand side of the above inequality goes to zero as goes to zero, we deduce that T¹nhM , which is impossible. Consequently V Z%2\Bh® , and we obtain the desired result. 5. Numerical results. In this section, we give some numerical results. First, we ap û BÝZ l û L û L-¡¢¡-¡¢L £ û \^¤ of proximate the solution @CZiQÀL[V[\ of (1.1)–(1.3) by the solution v the following explicit scheme, û ¬ v^ F û û û û ¬ v[ B|¦ § FHZ \ K v LNM¨nËn FRTL ü V £ û ¬ v^ F £ û a û û û ¬ v[ û û ¬ v[ B|¦ § £ FHZ £ \+K v £ F}© Z £ \ d v £ L ü V l BDý XhMYLWM¨nR]n L ö ü where þ mßM , VPn § . Let us remark that the restriction on the time step guarantees the û positivity of the discrete solution . û Now, approximate the solution @Z'QjL[V[\ of (1.1)–(1.3) by the solution of the following implicit scheme, $û ¬ v[ F û $û ¬ v[ $û û ¬ v^ BD¦ § FhZ \ K v LÿT¹nR]n FbTL ü V £ $û ¬ v[ F £ û a $û ¬ v[ û û ¬ v^ $û û ¬ v^ BD¦ § £ FH Z £ \ K v £ F}© Z £ \ K v £ L ü V l BUý2]XRM(LNMnR]n L where þ mRM . The above equations may be rewritten in the following form, ü V û ¬ ü V $û û ¬ v[ û BªF v^ _UZ^T_ _³H ü VZ \ K v \ F © § § v ü ü V û û ¬ v[ l û BªF © V û ¬ v[ _UZ^T_ _ËH ü VZ l \ K v \ l L v © § § ü ü V a û £ û BªF!© V £ û ¬ v[ _UZ^T_ _ËH ü VZ £ \ K v _ß© ü V ó v © § § which gives the following linear system, û û ¬ v^ B where û L û is a tridiagonal matrix defined as follows, ü V û ¬ $ ¬ ^v L v § ¬ £ û d v \ £ û [v L ó ETNA Kent State University 245 ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOR FOR NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS ¥ l A ö M û B .. . M M §ö ¥ v A ö .. . M M M A M M ö ¥ M A § .. . M A ö .. .A ö M M M M M M M .. . ¥ £ A§ ö M .. .A ö ¥ £ vA § ö M .. . M A ö ¥ £ L A ü ¥ û with BØT_ © ö _ËH VZ \ K v for M¨nR]n FbT and ü V a û û ¥ £ B}T_ _ H ü V ó £ ó K v _ß© ü VZ £ \ d v ¡ ³ © § û Let us remark that the matrix satisfies the following properties û û û û OhM ¿iÒÓ B L ó ó X XbM(L ó ó ¡ û û mbM These properties imply that exists for l any þ and ; see, for instance, ö [3]. ü Ò ñ We let p B , q¹B © , HPBªT , a²B}T , BUMY¡ {_SM(¡ æ ZjY^\ and V;B § . In Tables 5.1 and 5.2, in the rows, we give the first þ for which ü $û FRT ÝO Ú BØT-M0 § L þ V ü the corresponding time V û B þ V , the CPU time, and the order Z.ì\ of method computed from ~ Ò ZfZi® Fή \k0Z'® FI® \[\ é § § ì8B ¡ ~Ò Z \ © TABLE 5.1 Numerical time, number of iterations, CPU time (seconds), and order of the approximations obtained with the implicit Euler method 16 32 64 128 256 "! # $&%'¨)(+*-, . 301.1953 303.1289 303.1140 303.1177 303.1186 154211 620807 2483229 9932910 39731654 43 319 1017 9237 13515 2.16 2.02 2.04 TABLE 5.2 Numerical time, number of iterations, CPU time (seconds), and order of the approximations obtained with the explicit Euler method 16 32 64 128 256 ! # $&%'¨)(+*-, . 301.1953 303.1289 303.1140 303.1177 303.1186 154211 620807 2483229 9932910 39731654 43 319 1017 9237 13515 2.16 2.02 2.04 ETNA Kent State University 246 N. DIABATE AND T. K. BONI REFERENCES [1] L. A BIA , J. C. L ÓPEZ -M ARCOS , AND J. 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