ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 25, pp. 454-466, 2006. Copyright 2006, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University THE PROPERTIES, INEQUALITIES AND NUMERICAL APPROXIMATION OF MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS JURI M. RAPPOPORT Dedicated to Ed Saff on the occasion of his 60th birthday Abstract. Some new properties of kernels of modified Kontorovitch–Lebedev integral transforms — modified Bessel functions of the second kind with complex order are presented. Inequalities giving estimations for these functions with argument and parameter are obtained. The polynomial approximations of these functions as a solutions of linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients and their systems are proposed. Key words. Chebyshev polynomials, modified Bessel functions, Lanczos Tau method, Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transforms AMS subject classifications. 33C10, 33F05, 65D20 ! "$#% & '(! 1. Some properties of the functions and . In this section new properties of the kernels of modified Kontorovitch–Lebedev integral transforms are deduced, and some of their known properties are collected, which are necessary later on. It is possible to write the kernels of these transforms in the form & )+* '(!, . -!! and "$#/ & '(!0* '(!21.3 -!) 4 where 5 (! is the modified Bessel function of the second kind (also called MacDonald function). The functions ) and "$#/ '(! have integral representations [8] 687 !0* 9 -):!;=<?>@BADCFE$G?H/.I CFEJG K I ML I 4 (1.1) 687 "#/ )+* 9 -!:!;=<?>(@NA GPORQH .I G?OQ K I PL ITS The vector-function UDV) 4 UW$(!? with the components UXV(!+* & ) 4 U W !0* "$#% ) is the solution of the system of differential equations L W UJV ,ZY L$UJV 1\[ , ]V 1^K W U V , K U W *a` 4 Y L$ W L$ W _ W V L W UW ,ZY L$UW 1 K UJVb1 [ , ] 1cK W UWd*a` S Y L$ W L$ W W _ The functions 'e! and "#/ ! are even and odd functions, respectively of the variable K , f !0* g -)' (! 4 h Received April 28, 2005. Accepted for publication December 22, 2005. Recommended by D. Lubinsky. The (1.2) author’s participation in the Constructive Functions-Tech04 Conference has been partially supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, Grant 04-01-10790 and National Science Foundation, Grant DMS 0411729. Russian Academy of Sciences, Vlasov Street, Building 27, Apt. 8, Moscow 117335, Russia ( 454 ETNA Kent State University MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS 455 "$#% )+*i1 "$#/ -)' (! S The functions f & ' (! and "$#% & (! are related to the modified Bessel functions of the first kind "&5 ) as follows, f" " & '(! (1.3) & 'j(!+* CFEJGPH k Kj - -)'(!l1. 4 k "$#%" "$#/" ' (! (1.4) "#/ )+* CmE$G?H k Ke - -! !21. S k The expansion of " ) in ascending powers of has the form " & ' (!+*on .ep n CmE$G n&Krq Q .lp , 3 G?OQ nmKsq Q .eptp w :] p 7 v v 7 w 3M w n u 4 (1.5) wTx 9 ytz {}|~y ,W , 3 Kj * wTx 9 , where w and w satisfy the following recurrence relations: CmE$G | Krq Q :W , 3 GPORQ | Krq Q :W 9 , 3M 9 * n . p 4 { | , 3K W y V # w * W y | y , V W W W 4 w * W y | y K V W W 4 n , W ,K p n , W ,K p w *a w - V # w , w - V w 4 w * w - V # w 1 w - V w S The expansion of " - g -)'j(! in ascending powers of has the form - " - -!!0* n . p n CFEJG n Ksq Q . p 1 3 GPORQ n Krq Q . ptp w :n ] p 7v v7 w 3 w u 4 (1.6) ) y z { y | 3 wTx 9 , WV 1 K * wFx 9 ( , L where w and L w satisfy the following recurrence relations: CmE$G | Krq Q:W 1 3 GPORQ | Krq Q:W 9 , 3 L 9 * n . p - VPW 4 {}| V 1 3 Kj W y w * W y | y 1 WV 4 w * W y | y K V W W 4 W V W n 1 W ,K p n 1 W ,K p w *a w - V w 1L w - V w 4 L w *L w - V w , w - V w S The expansions (1.5) and (1.6) converge for all `8} and `K . It follows from (1.1)–(1.2) that it is possible to write f ! in the form of the Fourier cosinus-transform 2 e -!:!;=<?>(@NA CFEJGPH I )+* n k . p (1.7) .l I¡ K¢ 4 ETNA Kent State University 456 and J. M. RAPPOPORT "$#% ) (1.8) in the form of the Fourier sinus-transform "#/ & )+*on k . p 0 e£ )- :N;=<>@!AJG?ORQH}I .¡ Il K¢ S The inversion formulas have the respective forms e ¤ f ! K ¥ * n k . p -):N;=<>@!AJCmE$G?H¨.I 4 I~¦ § e£c¤ )- :N;=<>@!A G?ORQH}I "#/ ! K ¥ p . . * § n k I~¦ or, in integral form, 6 7 9 6 7 # 9 "/ -!:B;=<>@BA FC EJGPH .I 4 (1.10) -!:B;=<>@BA ?G OQHª. I S Differentiating equations (1.9) and (1.10) with respect to I , we obtain 687 G?OQ G?OQH I CmE$G?H/. I 1 G?OQHª. I -!:B;=<?>@!A 4 _ 9 K & ) I KjPLK^* k . [D 6 7 CmE$G I KjPLK^* k . [ CFEJGPH .I 1^ GPORQH I G?OQNH . I -!:B;=<?>@!A S (1.11) 9 K "$#/ & '(! _ (1.9) It follows from (1.9) that and from (1.11) that 'e! CFE$G I KeML$Kc*©k . '(! G?ORQ I KeML$Kc* k . 6 7 !- : 9 f !PLKc* k . 4 6 7 -): 9 K "$#% & )ML$K^* k . S . Differentiating (1.9) and (1.10) times with respect to I , we obtain 6 7 -!:!;=<>@BA CFEJGPH¨.I 4 CmE$G _ 9 K W?« ' (! I KjPLKc* k . M1 Y «D¬AW« [ 6 7 -!:!;=<>@BA G?OQH .I 4 G?OQ _ 9 K W?« "$#/ & '(! I KjPLKc*­k . M1 Y « ¬ AW« [ from which there follows, for I *` , 6 7 -):!;=<?>@!A CFE$G?H .I _ Ax 9 S 9 K W« & j(!ML$Kc*­k . M1 Y « ¬ AW« [ . Differentiating (1.9) and (1.10) , times with respect to I , we obtain Y 687 -):B;=<>@!A CmE$G?H .I 4 G?OQ _ 9 K W« V f V?W ' ) I KjPLKc* k . M1 Y « VF¬ AW« V [ 6 7 -):!;=<?>@!A GPORQH .I S CmE$G _ 9 K W« V "$#% V?W ' (! I KjPLKc* k . M1 Y « ¬ AW« V [ ETNA Kent State University MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS 457 I *a` , 6 7 W« V -!:B;=<?>@!A GPORQH .I _ S 9 K ?W « V "$#% VPW ' (!PLKc* k . M 1 Y D« ¬ A [ Ax 9 For the computation of certain integrals of the functions f & '(! and "$#% & '(! , whence, for integral identities are useful. They reduce this problem to the computation of some other integrals of elementary functions. P ROPOSITION 1.1. If is absolutely integrable on , then the following identities hold, ® ¯ ` 4 6 7 6 7 -):N;=<>@!A CmE$G?H¨I j ® p . . I ML I 4 & ' ( ! ( j K ML $ ^ K o * n k 9 9 6 7 6 7 -):N;=<>@!A G?OQNH}I £ (1.13) $ " # / ® p . . I ML I 4 n & ' ( ! ( j K ML $ ^ K * k 9 9 e ¡£ where I is the Fourier cosinus-transform of ® Kj , and I the Fourier sinus-transform of ® Kj . Proof. Multiplying both sides of the equalities (1.7) and (1.8) by ® Kj , integrating with respect to K from ` to , and applying Fubini’s theorem for singular integrals with parameter [22], we obtain (1.12) and (1.13). P ROPOSITION 1.2. If ® is absolutely integrable on ¯ ` 4 , then the following identities hold 67 67 -!:!;=<>@!A CmE$G?H¨I (1.14) p . . ® I PL I 4 n ( ! j K PL c K * & ' k 9 9 67 l£ 67 -!:!;=<>@!AJG?OQNH}I $ " % # (1.15) p . . ® I PL ITS ) j K PL c K o * n k 9 9 (1.12) Proof. This follows from (1.9)–(1.10) and from Fubini’s theorem [22]. The equations (1.12)–(1.15) are useful for the simplification and the calculation of different integrals containing and . VPW (! e "$#% VPW ' (! e£ For example, let ® Ke+* -)°g , then I +*± ²W ° °tA , I +*± ²W ° tA A and 6 7 -t° LKª*´³ 6 7 (³ W , I W - V -):N;=<>@!A CmE$G?H¨. I L I 4 ' ( ! 9 9 67 687 -)°A~-!:B;=<?>@!A CFE$G?H¨I . LI4 9 & ) ³ W ,Y K W LKª* . k ³ 9 687 6 7 -t° - -):!;=<?>@!AXGPORQH¨.I L I 4 9 "#/ ' (! LKª* 9 I (³ W , I W V 6 7 6 7 -)°A~-!:!;=<?>(@BA GPORQH¨I K $ " % # . . L ITS &) ³ W ,K W LKª* k 9 9 { ]V , { ]V 1 , then e I 2* µ W ² and If ® Ke2* W W ;=<>@BA 67 { Y , 3 . K { Y 1 3 . K PLKc* ) 9 67 CFEJGPH A *¶ . ktk 9 -!:!;=<>@!A ¶ CmE$G?H W I L I * k ¶ k -¸· 9 . S ETNA Kent State University 458 If J. M. RAPPOPORT l£ ® (Kj+* ;=<>@» W >¹² ºm$@¼» tW ² ;=<$>~¼ » W ² °¼ , ½ f ³ ½ WV , then 687 "#/ '(! G?ORQH . Kj 67 9 CmE$G?H . Kj, CFE$G . k ³e LKc* .Y 9 k k I +* µ =; W <?² >@>(»R¹ º&°@A¼ ¾ and -!:!;=<>@!A CmE$G?H (³ I ML I * .Y ° ) S R EMARK 1.3. All formulas of the present paragraph remain valid if lying in the right-hand half-plane. is changed to ¿ ' (! "$#/ ' (! f ! CFEJG K I CFEJGPH .I 6 7 -»ÂÁmt;=<>@NA¼(: LÃL I 9 CFEJG (K I CFEJGPH/WA CFEJGPH ³l CFEJGPH I , CmE$G?H ³ L I * CmE$G?H A CFEJG [ CFEJGPH I , CmW E$G?H ³ _ * k . CFE$G?HÅ° Cm(E$³jG?KjH jK S W k 1.1. The Laplace transform of and . The Laplace transform of is computed in [21]. We use the representation (1.1) for the evaluation of the Laplace transformation of . We have ' (! À ¤ '(! K ¦ * 6 7 9 6 7 * 9 *Ä k . Equivalently, we can write ÉÈ - V mC E$G?H À - VÆÇ CFEJG (K FC E$G?H - VJ o + . p * n k Kj f ) S k ± Ám W V For the evaluation of the Laplace transform of "$#% & ) we utilize the representation (1.2). We have G?ORQ (³jKj À ¤ "#/ ' (! ¦ * Ä k . l £ [ PG ORQH WA . CmE$G?H I , CFJE GPH ³ _ * k mC E$G?H Kj G?ORQH°W 4 k or, equivalently, ÉÈ À - VÅÆÇ G?OQ (K FC EJGPH - VJ * Ä k . CmE$G?H Kj "#/ ) S k ± Á- W V We note that these equations can also be obtained directly from the formula for the Laplace transforms of by separating real and imaginary parts. 5 ! 1.2. The asymptotic behavior of . For and are valid [8], K K and '(! f !bʧn "$#% !bʧn where is a fixed positive number. f & ) "#/ ) "#/ ! ` 4 and for the following asymptotic formulas for pk -0ËFªÌ CmE$G &n Krq Q K¨1cK/1Krq Q K 1cK¨1^Krq Q k p - ËF Ì G?OQ nmKsq Q / . p 4 . p 4 ETNA Kent State University 459 MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS ` we have - mC E$G | Krq Q :W 1 3 G?ORQ | Ksq Q :W !0ÊÍ.Y n . p 4 { | V 1 3K W It follows immediately from (1.3)–(1.6) that for whence - % Î { '(!+Ê .Y n . p [Ï.Y , 3 K _ , "$# { [¸.Y , 3 K _ G?OQ mn Krq Q - Î { "$# [.Y , 3 K "#/ ' (!+ÊÑ.Y n . p CmE$G n Krq Q . p _ .lp!Ð 4 CmE$G n&Krq Q . p 1 { [ .Y , 3 K _ ?G OQ n Krq Q . p)ÐÅ4 For large values where the following asymptotic expansion is valid [9] )- : v 7 w & ' (!+Êon . k p wTx 9 Ï[ .Y , 3 K 4 y _ . ! - 4 Ò W 1 W m Ò W W )Ô&ÔmÔ Ò W 1 . y 1 W y 1 Ó 4 . Ò 2* Y Y S W w y)z In particular, therefore, )0ʧn . k p -!: [ Y 1 "$#% )0ʧn . k p !- : [ . K K. W , Ô&ÔmÔ _ 4 ,aÔmÔ&Ô _ * . K n . k p -): Y ,Ô&ÔmÔ S 1.3. The series expansions in powers of K . The solutions of problems in mathematical physics connected with the use of the Kontorovitch–Lebedev integral transforms are often expressed as integrals with respect to K of the functions ) , & '(! and "#/ 'e! . Both the asymptotic expansions of these integrals for large values K , and the expansions of these functions in powers of K , are of interest for the analysis of the behavior of these integrals. The expansions of these functions in powers of K are deduced from their integral repreCmE$G (K I and G?OQ (K I by their series expansions sentations (1.1)–(1.2). Substituting in them and interchanging the order of the summation and integration, we obtain v 7 K W w 6 7 W w -):!;=<?>@!A ' (!+* wTx 9 . y z 9 I LI * W 6 7 W -):N;=<>@!A K ] 6 7 ] -!:B;=<?>@!A K 9 (1.16) * (!l1 . z 9 I LI, z 9 I L I ,aÔmÔ&Ô 4 ETNA Kent State University 460 J. M. RAPPOPORT v 7 K W w 6 7 W w -!:!;=<?>(@BA CFEJGPH¨I ' (!+* wTx 9 . y z 9 I .LI * W 6 7 W -):!;=<?>@BA CFE$G?H/I K .LI * !¡1 . z 9 I ] 6 7 ] (1.17) , K z 9 I -!:!;=<>@!A CmE$G?H . I L I ,aÔmÔmÔ 4 v 7 K W w V 6 7 W w V -!:!;=<>@!A G?OQNH}I " #/ '(!+* wTx 9 . y , z 9 I .LI * 6 7 -):BY ;=<>@!A G?ORQH¨I 6 7 (1.18) . L I 1 K Ó z 9 I -):N;=<>@!A G?OQNH}.I L I ,aÔmÔ&Ô S *aK 9 I K These functions are entire functions in the variable , and therefore the series converge for all real values of . From these expansions it is possible to obtain the series for the derivatives and for the integrals of these functions with respect to the variable , which will converge for all real also. Similar integrals for the spherical functions are stated in [23]. It’s possible to rewrite the expansions (1.16)–(1.18) in terms of Laplace transforms as follows, K K K (1.19) (1.20) (1.21) v7 ) : ' (!+* wTx 9 M 1 Y v7 ) : & j(!+* wTx 9 M1 Y v7 ) : $" #/ & (!+* wTx 9 M1 Y w ÀÕ&Ög×Ø CmCmE$G?H W w U, U, wY W 1 Y Y U w À Õ Ög× CmCmE$G?H W U, . ¶ wU Y U w À Õ Ög× CmCmE$Ø G?H W V (U, . (U, . Y U Ww K y D Ù . z 4 Ww K Ù . y z4 Ww V K Ù . y , z4 Y This form of writing may be more convenient since it is possible to use numerical methods for evaluating Laplace transforms. The expansions (1.19)–(1.21) are convenient for the calculation of the kernels of Kontorovitch-Lebedev integral transforms for small values . K ) , f j) and "$#% ) . ¯ 4 KÚ ` 8 ½ f ) ½ (!+*on . k p -!: 4 and it follows from (1.2) that for all KÚ ¯ ` 4 8 687 -): ¤ ½ "$#% ) ½ 9 -):N;=<>@!A G?ORQH .I L I * n . k p : Y 1ÛeP . ! ¦ Ü 4 where Ü is some positive constant [10],[11]. 3 In [4], for arbitrary Ò*Ý, K , ݪÞ` , the following inequality is derived ½ "m5 (! ½ Ëß Ìß "Fà ) S 2. Inequalities for the MacDonald functions It follows from (1.1) that for all Taking advantage of the formula [4] ½ Å5 ) ½ ná V ( 4 Ýe, á W 4 Ý ½ K ½ à - p - Ë ß Ìß 4 ETNA Kent State University MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS 461 âd4½ K ½Xãâ , ½ ' (! ½ á ! - Ë ß Ìß S we obtain that beginning with some But this inequality is too rough and may be insufficient for conducting various proofs. To obtain more refined inequalities, we use [5] (2.1) where ä ½ ) ½ ä - å - Ë ß Ìß 4 is some positive constant, and the representations [8] -): )+* n . k p CmE$G? H Kj QH k 6 : -»R:g-)çF¼ -»:çF¼ (2.2) , KÃæ Ö . k Kj 9 ¶ 1^U 1 ¢ ' (UDPLU K1 Ãæ Ö . Qk H k Kj 67 -»R:& çm¼ U L$U 4 U k687 -)ç : : ' (U "$#% )+* .K : k UtU1c) LU S L EMMA 2.1. The following inequalities hold for ã ` . -!: - ²Né é g Ë ß Ì ß Ï å è 4 ½ ' ! ½ ½ K ½ , [ k _ ½ "$#% & ) ½ 9 ½ K ½ - Ëgß Ìß - åè 4 where 9 and are some positive constants. Proof. We estimate the second additive term in (2.2), using the inequality (2.1), (2.3) 6 : -»:-!çF¼ QH ½ Kræ Ö . k jK 9 k Å1cU -!: 6 : ä ½ K ½ - Ëß Ìß ¶ 9 ¶ Vê=ë We next estimate the third additive term, (2.4) -»R:&çm¼ 1 ¢ U U L$U ½ ç · 1 U - å LU8ä ½ K ½ - Ëgß Ìß ¸- åè S U ë 6 7 - »:çF¼ 8 QH -!: 687 ½ Kæ Ö . k Kj : U U $L U ½ Ü ½ K ½ - Ë ß Ìß : !- ç U 0- åì L U ¶ k ¶ ¶ Ë ß Ì ß - W : -båè S Ü ½ K ½ Combining the first term and estimates (2.3) and (2.4), we obtain the required inequality. Furthermore, we obtain : 6 7 -)ç U K ½ "#/ 'e! ½ ½ . 9 U U1c L$U ½ ¶ k ¶ 6 «í Aç -)ç - åì U L$UÅ 9 ½ K ½ - Ë ß Ìß - åè S 9 ½ K ½ - Ëß Ìß : : ¶ Uî1^ ETNA Kent State University 462 J. M. RAPPOPORT %à ' (! for large For future use, an analysis of the behavior of the modified Bessel function values of is necessary. L EMMA 2.2. For , , , the following inequality holds, K `Ýc WV ½ K ½ Þ8K 9 Þ Y ªÞ 9 Þ Y ½ à ) ½ n &VT à - ,FWF g - à ½ K ½ à - p :g- gË ß Ìß 4 where &V ã ` , mW ã ` , &V , FW , K 9 , 9 are some constants. Proof. We use the formula [6] ï (!+* . G?OQ k " - ï (!¡1 "Fï (!P 4 ð *´Ý, 3 K S ktð » V ¼ ã ` , K 9 » V ¼ some 1. We first estimate G?OQ . It is possible to show that for ½ K ½ ÞK 9 t k ð constant, the following inequality is valid (2.5) V ²Né é ½ G?OQ ktð ½ W ²é é 4 where V ã ` , W ã ` , V , W are some constants. 3 2. We next estimate " ï ) , *ñÝÅ, K , ÝÞò` . The following inequality is derived for ð ÝcÞ` in [4] : à Ëß Ìß ½ "mï ! ½ " 9 ! { W Ýó, S Y » V ¼ ã ` , 9» V ¼ some It follows from the asymptotics of " 9 (! [10] for large that for Þ 9 constant, ½ " ï ! ½ à - : Ë ß Ìß 4 (2.6) where ã ` 4 some constant. 3 3. We finally estimate " - ï (! , *òÝ, K , ÝÞ` . Proceeding analogously [4], we can ð rewrite " - ï (! in the form : -ï " - ï !0* { W 1 ô ( 4 ð 4 Y ð õ where õ: W võ 7 wFx W ô ( 4 ð +* Y , x V ö zT÷ wFx V P1 , y S õ Vð y . õ Ø y y y W W ½ 4 4 Then ½ 1 for `ø8 , , and * 1 Ý , K Þ 1 ^ Ý * Ó m S m S S W Ø Y ÷ wTwTxx Ø y 1^Ý W ,K W Þ » - V ¼ù . We obtain, Y 1Ý W ð ,K W Þ WV 4 K arbitrary. Therefore, W õ V after some calculations, that võ 7 : W W . ô 4 ð ¸ Y , x ö z ö 1 z . n Y , . " V! p S V Y » ¼ W V 9 Using for ½ K ½ ÞñK from [5] Þ Y , `ªÝ W , the expansion of the gamma-function » ¼ » ¼ W W 9 9 and the asymptotics [6] for " V (! we obtain that beginning with some , }Þ Þ Y , the following estimation holds, (2.7) ½ " - ï ! ½ ] $ - à ½ K ½ à - :& Ëgß Ìß 4 ETNA Kent State University 463 MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS ] ã ` , ] some constant. Combining the estimations (2.5)–(2.7), we obtain that for `c\Ýò WV , ½ K ½ ÞúK 9 Þ , Y » ¼ » ¼ » ¼ » ¼ V W V W 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ¨Þ8 Þ Y , K *û Öü K 4 K , *û Öü 4 the following inequality is valid, ½ ï )¸ . k V - ²é é ½ " - ï (!l1 "Fï (! ½ . k V n à - , ] $ - à ½ K ½ à - pf :- Ëß Ìß S ² ² Denoting V * Wþý , W * Wþý ] , we obtain the statement of the lemma. The properties of the modified Kontorovitch–Lebedev integral transforms are considered in [7]–[15]. 3. Tau method approximation for modified Bessel function of imaginary order. Several approaches for the evaluation of the modified Bessel functions are elaborated in [1]– [2]. The Tau method [3] realization, with minimal residue choice for the determination of the polynomial approximations of the solutions of the second order differential equations with polynomial coefficients [16] of the following form ( 9 U W ,XÿFU U,´( V Ur, W (UDj, )U2*´` 4 !`$+*a ] 4 UÅÚ ¯ ` 4 Y 4 is supposed. An -th approximation of the solution is sought in the form of the -th degree polynomial « U , which is the solution of the equation 9 U W , ÿ U!(UD2* 6 ç VTs, WFU, !(!PL, ] U,m« W â ¯ 1c³j« WMUf,³e« W 4 « W Y 9 3 3 where the coefficients , * ` 4 S&SmS 4 , may be expressed by coefficients , *o` 4 SmS&S 4 , ² ? G R O Q W ] » « W ¼ — the leftmost root of the shifted Chebyshev polynomial of the , . -th ³j« Wd* degree â « W (U in the interval ¯ ` 4 , &« W — undefined coefficient. Y of the polynomial « (UDÏ* «wTx 9 w U w , which is the The problem about determination least deviated from zero on the interval ¯ ` 4 among all -th degree polynomials, satisfying Y « »« ¼ the pair of linear correlations on the coefficients 9 * ` , x V * Y was considered. The following theorem is proved [16]: » « ¼ 3 4 SmS&S 4P , is alternating, then the T HEOREM 3.1. If the sequence of numbers , * Y polynomial &« â « ¯ 1}³e«N=Ud,³e« is the polynomial least deviating from zero in the uniform Y metric on ¯ ` 4 among all polynomials of degree , satisfying the indicated pair of linear Y relations. On the basis of this theorem it’s shown (as suggested by us) in the Tau method residue, in , among all possible a number of significant cases, is a minimal in the uniform metric on polynomial residues permitting the Volterra integral equations solution. We have the following differential equation with polynomial coefficients for the approximation and computing of the second kind modified Bessel function : ¯` 4 Y ' (! U W (U, . Ur, Y (UDj,a Y , K W )U+*` 4 !`$2* Y 4 and the Volterra integral equation 6 ç U W !(UD0* 9 [ ,K W _ 1\[ Y ,K W _ Uî1 . ¢)!PLó, . U S ETNA Kent State University 464 J. M. RAPPOPORT wTx 9 w U w . . 99 * ]V W 4 9 w i y * 1 W, ,K We obtain the following recurrence formulas for the coefficients of canonical polynomials in this case: U2* y . 9 w 4 y * Y 4 S&SmS y , , ] V , KW -V é é * The minimality of the residue suggested by us follows from the Theorem 3.1 as , The advantages of this modification, as compared with usual and other tau-methods, is shown. M1 Y # *´` 4 Y 4 &S SmS 4. Tau method approximation for modified Bessel function of complex order. A new numerical scheme of the Tau method application is proposed for the solution of the second order linear differential equations systems, with the second order polynomial coefficients of the following kind: w v ?¼ W » » ?¼ ( 9 U , V U (U, x ¯ ( »?¼- V U1^ »? ¼ (U, »?¼ V U *a` 4 V y 4 UÚ ¯ ` 4 4 »?¼ 4 4 (`J2*a w W 4 * & S m S S Y Y in the unknown vector-function )Ur*ZXV(UD 4 S&SmS 4 w U? . It is assumed to have only one solution. Integrating twice and carrying an addition in the right part in the kind of the vectorpolynomial «U , we derive for the determination of the -th approximation of the solution )U+*ñ V (U 4 S&SmS 4 w (UD? the system of Volterra integral equations with polynomial kernels w 9» ?¼ U W , » ?¼ U (UD2* 6 ç ¯ v » ?(¼- , » ? ¼ Ur, » ?R¼ (! L$ø, « W (U 4 V 9 x V V V * 4Y SmSmS 4 y 4 y . and * 4 S&SmS 4 y , are connected in » ?¼ » ?¼ 3 where the coefficients and 4 *§` y 4 SmSmS 4 Ó , Y 4Y SmSmS 4 4 are , . -th degree polynomials. a definite way and « W U , * The different variables of the vector residue choice and its minimization are analyzed. The recurrence formulas for the canonical vector-polynomials coefficients convenient for the calculations are given. Consider the system of two second order differential equations in more detail. This case is of particular interest for differential equations with complex coefficients. The scheme of the integral form of the Tau Method described in this paper can be used for deriving polynomial approximations of hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions of the first kind with complex parameters. The modified Kontorovich–Lebedev integral transforms [7] with kernels y * . õ » : ¼ R » & : ¼ R » & : ~ ¼ » & : ¼ & )+* !#" Ì W %$%" Ì and "$#% & '(!+* &%" Ì W '$%" Ì , where ) is MacDonald’s function, is of great importance in solving some problems of mathematical physics, in particular mixed boundary value problems for the H ELMHOLTZ equation in wedge and cone domains. We find it necessary to compute and to use this transform in practice [13]. These functions also occur in solving some classes of dual integral equations with kernels which contain MacDonald’s function of imaginary index [7]. Therefore, now we consider the second kind modified Bessel function in more detail. & ) "#/ ! ' (! ) ETNA Kent State University MODIFIED BESSEL FUNCTIONS 465 We have a system of two second order differential equations UW V , UW W , . (U, W Y V , K $V2,K(gWÃ*´` 4 . (U, ^ W Y W 1 K($V0,K gWÃ*´` 4 $Vg(`$2* Y 4 gW`$2*´` 4 or the system of Volterra integral equations 6 6 ç . WU V (U2* 9 ç P . W W , K =Å1 ,K UP V )ML$ø,K 9 1^U W (!PLó, . U 4 6 6 WU gWJU2*aK 9 ç (Uî1^!$V(!PLó, 9 ç P . ,K W =Å1 . ,K W UPgW$(!ML$ 4 )+* . k )- : V X Y , 3 W X Y 4 ¨Þ Y S The following formulas for the coefficients of canonical vector-polynomials are derived [16] » V ¼ * (K W , # # , Y Pm # , Y F # , . 4 » V ¼ * K+ # , . F # , Y 4 W V K W , # # , Y ? W ,K W (K W , # # , Y ? W ,K W V » W ¼ *1 W » V ¼ 4 W » W ¼ * V » V ¼ 4 » ? ¼ *i1 . 3 , Y FP(K W , 3 3 3 3 , Y ? V»?R¼ V 1^K W »?R¼ V 4 V K W , , Y P W ,K W . 3 » ?¼ »?¼ W 3 3 W »? ¼ *i1 , Y FK K WV , V 3 ,a 3 ,(K P, W , K, W Y ? W R V 4 Y 3 * # 1 4 S&SmS 4 ` 4 * 4 . S Y Y By means of computations is shown that the choice of the residue in the form « W Ur* . â ¯ 4 , , is optimal as compared with other known variants « W « W 1³ « W MUl,ų « W * Y Y in this case too. The applications for the numerical solution of boundary value problems in wedge domains are given in [18],[19]. Acknowledgments. The author wishes to thank the organizers of the Constructive FunctionsTech04 Conference for their encouragement and support. REFERENCES [1] U. T. E HRENMARK , The numerical inversion of two classes of Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms by direct quadrature, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 61 (1995), pp. 43–72. ETNA Kent State University 466 J. M. RAPPOPORT [2] B. R. FABIJONAS , D. L. L OZIER , AND J. M. R APPOPORT , Algorithms and codes for the MacDonald function: Recent progress and comparisons, Journ. Comput. Appl. Math., 161 (2003), pp. 179–192. [3] J. H. F REILICH AND E. L. 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