Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108 – 118 Growth and characterization of complex mineral surfaces E. Jettestuen a,⁎, B. Jamtveit a , Y.Y. Podladchikov a , S. deVilliers a , H.E.F. Amundsen a , P. Meakin a,b a Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1048 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway b Center for Advanced Modeling and Simulation, Idaho National Laboratory, ID 83415-2211, USA Received 1 February 2006; received in revised form 15 June 2006; accepted 25 June 2006 Editor: G.D. Price Abstract Precipitation of mineral aggregates near the Earth's surface or in subsurface fractures and cavities often produces complex microstructures and surface morphologies. Here we demonstrate how a simple surface normal growth (SNG) process may produce microstructures and surface morphologies very similar to those observed in some natural carbonate systems. A simple SNG model was used to fit observed surfaces, thus providing information about the growth history and also about the frequency and spatial distribution of nucleation events during growth. The SNG model can be extended to systems in which the symmetry of precipitation is broken, for example by fluid flow. We show how a simple modification of the SNG model in which the local growth rate depends on the distance from a fluid source and the local slope or fluid flow rate, produces growth structures with many similarities to natural travertine deposits. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: rough mineral surfaces; microstructures; growth mechanism; surface normal growth; travertine 1. Introduction Mineral deposits precipitated at the Earth's surface or in subsurface fractures and cavities, often exhibit complex growth morphologies over a wide range of scales. Common examples include stromatolites (e.g. Grotzinger and Rothman [1]), travertine terraces (e.g. Hammer et al. [2] and Goldenfeld et al. [3]), and a variety of spherulitic or ‘botryoidal’ carbonates, oxides, phosphates and other minerals. A thorough understanding of such precipitation patterns is important because these surfaces not only reflect the kinetics of mineral precip⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 22856033; fax: +47 22855101. E-mail address: (E. Jettestuen). 0012-821X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.06.045 itation, but they are often the interfaces across which the geosphere interacts with the hydrosphere and the biosphere. In some cases the biosphere may also play an active role in shaping these interfaces. The detailed shape of such complex surfaces may control both their physical and chemical properties, including their reactive surface areas, their transport properties (during surface migration of fluids, for example), and their friction properties (in fault zones, for example). In addition to the challenges involved in understanding how such complex surfaces form, it may also be difficult to find adequate ways of describing them in quantitative terms. Here, we first review some simple growth models and examine the associated microstructures and growth surface morphologies. Then we E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 demonstrate how a morphologically complex carbonate surface may be accurately simulated using a simple surface normal growth model that reproduces the observed surface topography and the most pertinent characteristics of the growth-controlled microstructure. This model may also constrain the role of nucleation and surface roughening during the growth process. Finally, we explore an extension of the surface normal growth model in which the local growth rate is affected by a symmetry breaking processes, in this case fluid flow. We demonstrate how some pertinent features of natural travertine patterns can be reproduced by this model. 2. Growth models Growth of polycrystalline materials and even single crystals near the Earth's surface often occur sufficiently far from thermodynamic equilibrium to generate a wide variety of growth patterns through nonlinear coupling between the precipitation itself and local transport processes (cf. Jamtveit and Meakin [4]). The strategies adopted to model such growth processes include both discrete particle models and continuum models (Vicsek [5]; Barabási and Stanley [6]; Meakin [7]). Selection of the modeling approach depends on the specific problem, but in most cases relevant to natural mineral growth it is preferable to work with models that produce both the surface morphology and the associated internal microstructure. Particle models produce underlying growth structures directly as a result of the way in which discrete particles are added to the growing surface. Continuum models focus on surface advancement, but local growth trajectories can still be constructed to produce a ‘microstructure’ behind the growth surface. In both cases an advancing ‘active zone’, in which growth occurs, leaves behind a ‘frozen’ internal structure. 109 The structure of a rough polycrystalline surfaces may be affected by several processes including: diffusive and advective mass transport in front of the advancing surface, surface attachment kinetics, and surface diffusion or any other surface-smoothening processes. Rapid, transport-controlled growth will generally produce a surface that is rough even at microscales (cf. Meakin [8]). Slower growth with increasing effects of surfacesmoothening processes, will lead to a loss of roughness at increasingly larger scales. Temporal variation in growth rate, may lead to transitions between microscopically rough and smooth surface growth. In this section, we describe two well-known particle models that produce rough surfaces, the Eden model and a ‘ballistic’ deposition model, and a simple continuum model based on growth normal to the surface — the surface normal growth (SNG) model. The Eden model (Eden [9]) was originally developed to simulate the growth of cell colonies, but it has been demonstrated to have a much wider range of applications. The growth surface evolves by randomly filling unoccupied sites on the growth surface with equal probability. This creates a compact and spatially homogeneous growth structure shown in Fig. 1a). However, the surface morphology is rough and it has nontrivial scaling properties (Meakin [7]). In the Ballistic growth model (Vold [10,11]) particles ‘rain down’ on a growing surface where they may stick to one or several nearest neighbors depending on the chosen growth rules. This process may cause shadowing effects and produce a richer internal structure than the uniformly dense structure generated by the Eden model. For the ballistic growth model, the internal structure is uniform on a large scale, but on small length scales a fan-like ‘microstructure’ is formed (Fig. 1b). The Eden model and the ballistic growth model produce rough surfaces with self-affine scaling properties. Even though Fig. 1. Cross section for three growth models: a) Eden growth on a square lattice; b) ballistic deposition on a square lattice; c) normal growth with continuous addition of nucleation sites and visualization of growth directions. The interfaces between the red and blue colors indicate the surfaces at different stages during the growth process. 110 E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 their internal morphologies are different, computer experiments and theoretical analysis indicate that their surface roughness have the same scaling properties, implying that these models belong to the same universality class (Meakin [7]). Continuum models have previously been used to model complex carbonate structures. Grotzinger and Rothman [1] suggested that the stochastic differential equation known as the KPZ-model (Kardar et al. [12]) might provide an adequate description of the growth of stromatolites. This model belongs to the same universality class as the ballistic growth and Eden growth models and thus produces a complex fractal growth surface with the same scaling properties. An alternative and more general continuum model that we will study in some detail in this paper is based on surface normal growth. In a surface normal growth model the evolution of the surface is determined when the growth velocity perpendicular to the surface is prescribed. The evolution of a surface with a constant growth velocity is described by the equation Ah ¼ Vn At qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ jjhj2 ; ð1Þ where h is the height of the surface, Vn is the growth velocity in the normal direction, and |∇h| is the absolute value of the gradient of the height (the slope of the surface). This is a nonlinear equation which develops cusps separating smooth spherical caps, but valid numerical schemes that allow tracking of the growth surface do exist (Sethian [13]). The KPZ equation can be derived from the normal growth equation (Eq. (1)) by assuming small surface slopes |∇h|, replacing the square root in Eq. (1) by the first order Taylor expansion 1 + 1/2|∇h|2, adding a Laplacian term, and finally adding an uncorrelated noise term. Many natural growth surfaces of interest are generated by discontinuous growth with intermittent hiatuses and multiple nucleation events that leads to surface roughening during the growth. In the SNG model, we represent the nucleation (roughening) events by locally increasing the surface height at randomly selected positions. The geometry of the growth surface and the associated microstructure in a cross section for the surface normal growth model is shown in Fig. 1c. The ‘microstructure’ is obtained by including short line segments that show how points on the surface propagated during the growth process. The internal structure formed by this model exhibits a characteristic ‘feather-like’ pattern, and the growth surface consists of spherical caps meeting along sharp cusps. The morphology of the growth surfaces as well as the internal microstructure will be controlled by the frequency of nucleation or roughening events relative to the growth rate. Fig. 2 shows how the morphology of the surface changes with increasing frequency of nucleation events. Decreasing the nucleation frequency produces more prominent ‘fanlike’ microstructures. Rare nucleation produces a few spherical growth structures with a radial internal microstructure, i.e. a botryoidal morphology. 3. Characterization of a natural carbonate surface In the following we describe an examination of a naturally grown carbonate surface from the Pleistocene Sverrefjell volcano in Svalbard (located at 79° 23′ N,13° 26′E; Skjelkvåle et al. [14]). At this location Ca, Mgcarbonates formed a crust within pipe-like chimney structures (Fig. 3a) and this is interpreted in terms of precipitation from pipe-filling fluids under low temperature conditions (H.E.F. Amundsen, personal communication). The carbonate crust is typically a few cm thick and forms a layered structure with alternating layers of complexly intergrown dolomite, huntite and magnesite. The external growth surface has a cauliflower-like structure with spherical caps separated by cusps (Fig. 3b). In a very porous inner layer almost spherical carbonate grains (10–20 μm across) form dendritic structures (Fig. 3c,i). Such textures are usually interpreted as evidence for rapid nucleation and transport-controlled far-from-equilibrium growth (cf. Roselle et al. [15]). Only during the last stages of growth do some of the grains form facets (Fig. 3c,ii). Further toward the surface, the layered carbonate crust becomes less porous and the microstructures of the individual layers appear to have been formed by complex surface-directed growth (Fig. 3d). Fig. 2. Surfaces generated by the SNG-model with random nucleation. The nucleation rate increase by a factor of 100 from a) to b) and by a factor of 100 from b) to c). Dark colors indicate low elevation while light colors indicate high elevation. The height difference between the lowest and highest point for each of the surfaces is approximately 10% of the shortest boundary. E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 111 Fig. 3. Ca, Mg-carbonate coatings from the Sverrefjell volcano at Svalbard. a)Hollow chimney-like structure coated by Ca, Mg-carbonates. b) Hand specimen from the chimney shown in (a) displaying a layered internal structure. c) Backscattered electron (BSE) images of the microstructures of the inner porous layer of the sample shown in (b). Scale bars: in (c,i) 500 μm; in (c,ii)50 μm. d) Microstructure of one of the intermediate layers shown in (b). Scale bar 500 μm. A Roland Active Piezo Sensor touch scanner with vertical resolution of 0.025 mm was used to measure the topography of a carbonate surface like that shown in Fig. 3b. A 3-D digitized version is displayed on a 0.1 mm grid in Fig. 4b. Although this surface appears relatively rough on the scales observable by eye, its scaling properties (obtained both by correlation function and wavelet analysis) are essentially those of a bumpy two-dimensional surface. This is not consistent with any of the discrete growth models presented above. However, the growth surface as well as the observed microstructures have many similarities with the structures generated by the surface normal growth model (SNG), including surfaces consisting of spherical caps separated by cusps. To test whether the SNG-model is adequate for the carbonate growth, we first determined if the SNG-model can accurately reproduce the observed surface. This analysis is divided into two parts; the first is to identify regions bound by cusps, and the second is to fit these regions to spheres. Cusps can be identified in vertical cuts through the surface as points where the local slope changes discontinuously from negative to positive. In practice, cusps are found by comparing left-and right-hand finite differences in vertical cuts through the surface. Points on cusps will have a larger right-hand difference than left-hand difference, and vice versa for off-cusps points, as Fig. 4a, i illustrates. A network of cusps is built up by marking the cusp-points for different cross sections through the sample. The white grid in Fig. 4b shows the directions of the cross sections that were made to generate a cusp network. Larger-scale structures can be identified by increasing the intervals used to calculate the finite differences, so that a hierarchal structure can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 4a, ii. Fig. 4c illustrates this by showing the accumulation of cusp points found by increasing the coarsening. Largescale structures are bounded by thicker lines indicating that they are located on many scales. When well-defined ‘cap-regions’ have been identified between the cusps, spherical surfaces can be fitted to the 112 E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 Fig. 4. This figure illustrates the analysis applied to the carbonate surface; Part a,i) shows how cusp points are found by comparison of left and right hand finite differences, which are given by the slope of the red lines. The red lines are drawn between the point under study and the intersections between the circle and the surface. The lengths of the arc segments provide a measure of the coarseness, r; Part a ii) shows how different coarseness scales pick up different structures in the cusp hierarchy; Part a iii) illustrates the steepest descent method. An arbitrary initial point is selected, the value of Eq. (2) is evaluated for points in a small neighborhood of the selected point and the neighboring point with the smallest value is selected. This process is repeated until a local minimum is reached; Part b) shows the directions of the vertical cuts, marked as white lines, that were used to find the cusp network; Part c) shows the cusp network generated by superposition of cusps found for different coarsening scales. natural caps. This is accomplished by using the equation for a circle, j rY − rY j−R ¼ 0, where R is the radius, and rY0 is the origin of the circle, and finding the origin of the sphere rY0 that minimizes rs − rY0 jis Þ2 is ; d ¼ hðj Y rs − rY0 j−hj Y ð2Þ where rYs are the points in a cap region, and 〈⋯〉s denotes averaging over the cap region. Thus hjrYs −rY0 jis is the estimated radius of the corresponding sphere, fitted to the cap, with an origin at rY0 . Eq. (2) gives the standard deviation between the actual surface and a sphere with origin at rY0 over the spherical cap region bounded by cusps. A local minimum of d (Eq. (2)) is obtained by using a steepest descent method (see Fig. 4a,iii). Fig. 5a,b shows a comparison between the observed surface and the surface that is reconstructed from the cusps, and Fig. 5c shows the difference between the two surfaces. Three quarters of the fitted surface lies within the mean deviation Fig. 5. Botryoidal carbonate textures showing: a) natural carbonate surface; b) surface reconstructed from the spherical surface found by cusp network detection, using a coarsening window of 1.2–1.8 mm; c) the difference between the natural surface and the reconstructed surface. E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 between the natural and fitted surface which is 1% of the height difference between the lowest and highest points on the surface. This maximum height difference is approximately 18 mm, so the fit is accurate to within b 0.2 mm. If the surface normal growth rate is constant across the entire free surface, the distribution of sphere sizes reflects the distribution of nucleation events in time (the radius of the spherical cap is proportional to the time lapse between the nucleation time and the time at which growth stopped). Moreover, the origins of the spheres are the nucleation sites. The temporal distributions of nucleation events for different stages of growth are shown in Fig. 6. This figure suggests that nucleation is not continuous, but occurs in bursts. This observation is consistent with intermittent growth of new carbonate layers interrupted by hiatuses in the growth process. A final test of the SNG model was conducted by prescribing the nucleation sites and the timing of new nuclei formation and running the model to regenerate the observed growth surfaces starting from an initially flat surface. The various stages in the growth process are shown in Fig. 7, which confirms that the model adequately reproduces the observed calcite surface. By drawing local growth trajectories during the growth processes the corresponding microstructure can also be obtained. This structure is shown in Fig. 8. The agreement between the structure of the natural surface and the structure of the model surface decreases as older layers of the sample are examined. There are two primary causes of this: 1) The addition of new layers and nucleation sites covers and obscures older surface structural 113 features. 2) The appearance of cusps creates singularities on the surface at which the slope is not well defined. Thus, we need to find weak solutions of Eq. (2) (see [13]) and this results in loss of information about the surface prior to cusp formation. 4. Patterns in a flow system Mineral growth at the Earth's surface often occurs from flowing supersaturated fluids. In such cases precipitation is controlled by cooling or by loss of gas/ vapor. Familiar examples include the growth of travertine and geyserite around hot springs, and the precipitation of Fe-oxides and other minerals in acidmine runoffs. In most cases, precipitation of solids from a thin layer of flowing fluids produce spectacular ‘cockle’ or ‘terrace’-shaped morphologies (Ford and Williams [16]). Fig. 9a shows travertine terraces around the Troll thermal spring located near the Sverrefjell volcano (see above) in Svalbard (Jamtveit et al. [17]). The terraces have flat tops and a convex shapes that are generated during a process that involves ‘coarsening’ of the terrace pattern. Such terrace patterns have been successfully modeled by coupling fluid flow to the local surface growth velocity (Hammer et al. [2] and Goldenfeld et al. [3]). The microstructure of natural travertines is often similar to structures generated by surface normal growth. The outer rim of advancing travertine steps or terraces are usually comprised of feather-like ‘ray-crystals’ (Fig. 9b) directed perpendicular to the advancing outer surface (cf. Folk et al. [18]). In the following we will show that some of the characteristics features of these precipitation patterns can be modeled by simple extensions of the surface normal growth model, with a local growth rate that depends on the local slope and the distance from the fluid source. Travertine growth from fluids ejected on a horizontal surface may produce cone-shaped morphologies like the famous 11-meter tall Liberty Cap at Mammoth Hot Springs (Fig. 9c). The geometry of this cone clearly suggests that the precipitation rate of travertine decrease strongly away from the fluid outlet. The shape of the Liberty Cap can be modeled by a surface normal growth process with a growth velocity (Vn in Eq. (1)) that depends on the distance from the fluid outlet, s, measured along the surface. 4.1. Calibration of the growth velocity Fig. 6. The distribution of the spherical surface element radii found using different coarsening windows. r is defined in Fig. 4a and is measured in millimeters. The gray rectangles mark the four regions that were recognized as local maxima at different coarsening scales, representing bursts of nucleation. Among a variety of different simple functional forms for the dependence of Vn on the distance from the outlet, s, we found that the best visual agreement between the shape 114 E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 Fig. 7. a) to c) shows the evolution of the modeled surface, where c) is the final stage. d) shows the difference between the model surface in c) and the natural surface in Fig. 5a. of Liberty Cap and the shape generated by the model was obtained using Vn ~ 1 ; 1 þ cd s ð3Þ where c = 0.07. Fig. 10 shows the outline of the Liberty Cap from Fig. 9c together with a sequence of surface profiles generated during the evolution of a SNGmodel. The shape of the top part of surface generated by the model is very similar to the shape of Liberty Cap. The lower part of Liberty Cap is altered due to weathering. However, the shape of the lower part of the Fig. 8. The microstructure of the upper layers revealed by a cut through the modeled sample marked by the white line in Fig. 7c. surface generated by the SNG-model is similar to the envelope of the Liberty Cap. 4.2. Travertine terrace formation The formation of steps or terraces during surface normal growth arises naturally in a model in which the local precipitation rate is positively correlated with the local slope of the surface. This correlation is consistent with observations in a variety of systems in which steps are formed, although there is no consensus concerning the underlying mechanism (cf. Zaihua et al. [19]; Chen et al. [20]; Hammer et al. [2]; Goldenfeld et al. [3]). In travertine spring deposits, the growth rate is negatively correlated with the distance from the outlet because of the depletion of carbon dioxide and dissolved calcium as the fluid flows over the surface of the travertine deposit, and this is supported by observations such as the shape of the Liberty Cap. The most plausible cause of the observed correlation between local surface slope and growth velocity is enhanced degassing (CO2-loss) in regions with high fluid flow velocities due to the rapid vertical transport of CO2 by turbulent eddy diffusion. Previous models for travertine terrace formation assume a linear relation between the slope, or fluid flow rate, and the growth rate (Hammer et al. [2], Goldenfeld et al. [3]). However, fluid flow on gentle slopes is mainly laminar whereas flow on steep slopes will be affected by turbulence, and it is conceivable that the rate of degassing is a strongly nonlinear function of slope. To simulate terrace growth, E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 115 Fig. 9. a) Travertine deposit (100 m across) formed by calcite precipitation from fluid emanating from the Troll thermal spring, Svalbard (spring source located in the upper left part of the picture). b) Microstructure of a travertine sample from the front part of one of the main travertine terraces at the Troll spring. The growth direction is upward. Note several nucleation events during growth with regeneration of feather-like calcite crystals. Scale bar: 1 mm. c) The 11 m high Liberty Cap travertine deposit located at the Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone, USA. we assumed that the rate of degassing and thus the rate of normal growth is zero at small slopes, where the flow in laminar, and has a finite value (that depends only on the distance to the fluid source) on steep slopes. This can be expressed by the growth equation: ( Vn ðsÞ ¼ ; if jjhj jjhjc 1 ; ; if jjhj jjhjc 1 þ cd s 0 ð4Þ where |∇h|c is the critical slope at which the transition from laminar to turbulent flow takes place. Eq. (4) would produce the shape of the Liberty Cap, but would need an initial height perturbation on the surface with slopes greater than |∇h|c. Despite its simplicity, this model generates growing surfaces with some of the characteristic features, such as terraces, commonly observed in travertine deposits. For steep qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi slopes, where jjhj 1; 1 þ jjhj2 cjjhj and Eq. (4) can be approximated by Ah −Vn ðsÞjjhj ¼ 0: At ð5Þ This equation describes the evolution of the so-called indicator function in level set (cf. Sethian [13]) calculations of the motion of one-dimensional interfaces in twodimensional space. In such calculations, the indicator function (which corresponds to the height field in this case) is used to differentiate between the two sides of the interface. In most cases, the indicator function has a value of zero at the interface, and it is positive on one side of the interface and negative on the other side. However the locus of points at any height corresponds to an interface at that height. The one-dimensional interface surface (the level set) in each horizontal cut moves with a velocity of Vn. 116 E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 Fig. 10. The outline of the Liberty Cap (in circles) together with the evolution of the SNG-model with a velocity function given by Eq. (3). The final surface is marked by a thick stippled line, and the evolution of the surface at constant time intervals are marked by solid lines. At a constant local precipitation rate, the radius of a travertine terrace is proportional to the product of the age of the travertine system and the local precipitation rate. Thus variation in terrace radii can provide independent information about the spatial dependence of the Vn(s). 4.3. Simulation of terrace evolution In Fig. 11 we show the evolution of an initially tilted rough surface, by using the model described by Eq. (5), and the horizontal distance from the upper boundary at the right-hand-side is used as the distance from the fluid Fig. 12. The evolution of a horizontal cut midway through the model show in Fig. 11. outlet, s. Reflective boundary conditions were used in the lateral directions (the front and back planes in Fig. 11). The initial surface height was given by ho ðx; yÞ ¼ hjhix þ gðx; yÞ; ð6Þ where 〈∇h〉 is the average slope of the surface (〈∇h〉) and η(x,y) is a spatially random perturbation. In the simulation shown in Fig. 11, the average slope 〈∇h〉 and the critical slope, |∇h|c, were both set to unity. The random perturbation was a 2 + 1-dimensional Brownian process (correlated vertical fluctuations about a flat two-dimensional surface, with a Hurst exponent of 1/2). The evolving surface includes terrace-like features similar to those in natural travertine deposits. Simulations with average Fig. 11. Terraces generated by normal growth from an inclined rough surface with growth rates that depend on the surface slope and distance from the upper boundary (at the right-hand-side in the figure). E. Jettestuen et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 249 (2006) 108–118 initial slope ranging from 25 ° to 65 ° (from |∇h| ≈ 0.47 to | ∇h| ≈ 2.14), keeping the initial random perturbation, produced similar results. The evolution of a horizontal cross section shown in Fig. 12 illustrates how the initially rough surface develops the smoothly curved shapes characteristic of SNG. The model would also produce growth ‘microstructures’ similar to that shown in Figs. 8 and 9b, with details depending on the frequency and location of new nucleation events if height perturbations during growth were added to the model. Growing travertine deposits are continually perturbed by the deposition of debris, damage by large animals and other events. Localized decreases in surface height often result in increased water depth and more turbulent flow, which increases the local growth rate. Similarly, increases in surface height often lead to reduced flow and reduced growth. Consequently, small perturbations are rapidly healed and have little impact on the large scale structure. However, we have observed distinct erosion/dissolution channels in freshly deposited travertine associated with a very active hot spring at the Mammoth Hot Springs. These channels appear to be a typical. 5. Summary Simple surface normal growth of mineral aggregates may produce surprisingly complex microstructures and surface morphologies in systems with surface normal growth, interrupted by roughening/nucleation events. This is probably a very common situation during the growth of layered mineral deposits close to the Earth's surface where the growth velocity may fluctuate strongly with time, for example as a response to intermittent fluid flow. The SNG model provides an accurate description of the complex morphology of the Ca, Mg-carbonates precipitated on the walls of chimney-structures in the basaltic Sverrefjell volcano at Svalbard, and it provides constrains of the temporal distribution of nucleation events. We expect that the same model will be able to reproduce a wide variety of spheroidal and botryoidal growth morphologies. Surface normal growth in systems with fluid flow may produce step flow and terrace formation in situations where the local mineral precipitation rate is strongly dependent on the local slope. Thus the SNG model may also provide a first order approximation to travertine terrace formation. Acknowledgements Discussion and suggestions by Jens Feder (PGP), Øyvind Hammer (PGP) and Dag Dysthe (PGP) are grate- 117 fully acknowledged. Francois Renard (University of Grenoble/PGP) carried out the initial analysis of the scaling properties of the Ca,Mg-carbonate surface. We thank the participants at the 2003 AMASE expedition to Svalbard for their enthusiasm and company. Insightful comments by an anonymous reviewer helped clarify the paper. This study was funded by the Norwegian Research Council through a Center of Excellence grant to PGP. References [1] J.P. Grotzinger, D.H. Rothman, An abiotic model for stromatolite morphogenesis, Nature 383 (1996) 423–425. [2] Ø. Hammer, D.K. Dysthe, B. 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