Sedimentary cycles and paleogeography of the Dnieper Donets Basin

Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 169- 187
Sedimentary cycles and paleogeography of the Dnieper Donets Basin
during the late Visean-Serpukhovian based on multiscale analysis of
well logs
E.S. Dvorjanin ", A.P. Samoyluka,*,M.G. Egurnovaa, N.Ya. Zaykovsky ",
Yu.Yu. Podladchikov b, F.J.G. van den Belt ", P.L. de Boerc
" Ukrgeofyzica. Geology State Committee, Zapadinskaja Street, Kiev, Ukraine
Sedimentary Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Free University, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HC:Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sedimentology Division, Institute of Earth Sciences, RO.Box 80021, 3508 TA, Utrecht, Netherlands
Received 12 March 1995; accepted 31 May 1996
An integrated approach combining the available geological-geophysical information was employed to construct
a series of paleogeographic maps of the northwestern part of the Dnieper Donets Basin (DDB) during the Late
Visean-Serpukhovian (Early Carboniferous). The major source of information consists of well-log data. The basin fill
shows a pattern of stacked transgressive-regressive units of different order. Correlations on the scale of the basin are based
on biostratigraphy, seismics, cyclostratigraphic subdivisions and correlations of the successions throughout the basin.
The cyclicity has a multifold character. 'Short' shallowing-upward transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles, characterized
by the presence of hydrocarbons ('productive horizons'), cover a time span of the order of 500 ka. 'Long' cycles include
4 to 6 short T-R cycles. They seem to be correlatable to Western Europe and probably to North America. The long cycles
form part of higher-order stacking patterns indicative of still longer cycles. Considering the variable thickness of the cycles
throughout the basin, tectonics must have influenced the character of the series in addition to (glacio-)eustatic sea-level
The paleogeographical development of the basin shows axial deposition during the late Visean, likely related to
late-stage rifting-related subsidence of a central graben, followed by basin-wide subsidence related to thermal subsidence
during the Serpukhovian.
Keywords: Dnieper Donets Basin; sedimentary cycles; paleogeography; well-log analysis; Early Carboniferous
1. Introduction
A significant Part of the predicted hydrocarbon
reserves in the Dnieper Donets Basin in Ukraine
(DDB; Fig. 1) occurs in Lower Carboniferous
* Corresponding author.
sedimentary rather than structural-geological traps
(Samoyluk et al., 1988). Both carbonate and siliciclastic reservoirs are common in the DDB, and both
have their specific stratigraphic position. The former typically occur in the transgressive parts of the
succession, whereas the latter are characteristic of regressive, coarsening upward parts (Samoyluk et al.,
0040-1951/96/$15.00 Copyright O 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PI1 S 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 9 6 ) 0 0 2 3 5 - 1
E.S. Dvorjanin ef al. /Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
1-1 wells Voloshkovska 314,
Lakizinska 1, Artyuchovska 4,
Pogribska 1
2-2 -wells Shchurivska 15, Lelyakivska 500,
Bilousivska 7, Jablanivska 4
3 3 Beresniaky Nedrigailiv RP CDP
+ -well Proletarska
0 well Kremenivska
X -well Malosorochinska
Fig. 1 . The Dnieper Donets Basin with the study area and locations of wells and cross-sections.
1988, 1993). In the past decade 'Ukrgeofyzika' has
focused on the recognition of both types of reservoir
(Samoyluk et al., 1993).
The fluvio-deltaic sediments of the study area
are typically cyclothemic and resemble those of
the Upper Carboniferous of Western Europe (Van
Leckwijck, 1948; Ramsbottom, 1977; Ramsbottom
et al., 1978) and the Pennsylvanian of the Eastern
Interior basins of the USA (Udden, 1912; Weller,
1930; Moore, 1931; Reger, 1931; Klein and Willard,
1989). There is still much debate on their origin (cf.
Riegel, 1991). Explanations include autocyclicity
(e.g., Ferm, 1970; Home et al., 1978), regional tectonics (e.g., Duff et al., 1967; Tankard, 1986; Klein
and Willard, 1989; Schwarzacher, 1993), climate
changes (Cecil, 1990), glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations (e.g., Ross and Ross, 1985, 1987; Heckel,
1986, 1994; Klein and Willard, 1989; Maynard and
Leeder, 1992). However, since Upper Carboniferous
successions are likely correlatable worldwide (Ross
and Ross, 1985; Izart and Vachard, 1994), global
tectonics (cf. Cloetingh, 1988) or glacio-eustasy, or
a combination of both seem the most likely causes
of the observed cyclic sedimentation. Strong support
for the latter mechanism exists, since Veevers and
Powell (1987) have proven Gondwanaland glaciation during the Late Carboniferous. Indeed, Ross and
Ross (1988) proposed a correlation between Carboniferous regressive-transgressive cycles in Russia,
western Europe and North America.
Multiscale classifications of different order cyclicities have been made by Soviet stratigraphers (see
e.g., Karagodin, 1985 for a review). In the DDB
area, cyclicities were studied by, amongst others, Feofilova (1957), Zhemchuzhnikov (1958), and Zhemchuzhnikov et al. (1959-1960). Extensive well-log
suites (caliper, density, gamma ray, neutron, resistivity, sonic, and spontaneous potential; Figs. 2 and 3)
and seismic data constitute the major source of information. Cyclostratigraphic correlation techniques
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(Fig. 4) were used to construct cross sections (Fig. 5)
and paleogeographic maps of the northwestern part
of the basin on a 1 :200,000 scale (Figs. 6-14). This
paper focuses on the late Visean to Serpukhovian
(lower Namurian) part of the succession and in particular on the large-scale sedimentary response to
variations in basin subsidence and to low-order and
high-order allocyclic sedimentary cycles.
2. Structural setting and general description of
the successions
The Dnieper Donets Basin (DDB) is an intracratonic rift basin (Fig. 1; Gavrish, 1989; Chekunov
et al., 1993). Rifting began in the Devonian, with
maximum rates of downwarping during the Late Devonian. Rifting continued during the Early Carboniferous, probably until late Visean times (Samoyluk et
al., 1990; Chekunov et al., 1993; Stephenson et al.,
1993). The Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic/Early Tertiary
(Devonian to CretaceousPaleogene) sedimentary fill
is up to 20 km thick in the southeastern part of the
basin (Chirvinskaya and Sologub, 1980; Kivshik et
al., 1993; Stephenson et al., 1993), while in the studied, northwestern part of the basin thicknesses range
from 7 km to 10 krn (Stephenson et al., 1993; Stovba
et al., 1996). Devonian and Early Carboniferous deposition has also been affected by local tectonics, including salt diapirism, which has led to diachronous
lithological units and angular and stratigraphic unconformities (Samoyluk et al., 1993). Salt diapirism
started during the Late Devonian/Early Carboniferous, and was most intense during the Early Permian
(Kivshik et al., 1993). During the late Visean to
Serpukhovian (postrift) depositional conditions were
more stable, and regional correlations based on biostratigraphy (Kononenko et al., 1987; Gavrish et al.,
1987) and well logs (Gavrish et al., 1988) indicate that stratigraphic boundaries in this interval are
largely isochronous.
The sedimentary fill of the DDB is characterised
by different-order cyclic alternations of sedimentary
facies. Carboniferous to Lower Permian deposits
consist of three largely transgressive (Tournaisian to
lower Visean, Bashkirian, and Lower Permian) intervals, separated by two largely regressive successions
(upper Visean to Serpukhovian, and MoskovianLate Carboniferous to the lower, temgenous part of
the Lower Permian, Sarnoyluk et al., 1990). During the culmination of the first two transgressions
during the lower Visean and Bashkirian, basin-wide
carbonate platforms developed (Fig. 2).
At least two smaller-scale cyclicities are clearly
recognizable within the above large-scale transgressive-regressive successions. The first are called here
'long cycles'. These 'long cycles' also are called
'lithogeophysical units' in the Ukraine literature, and
they are also labelled as 'formations' or 'series'
(cf. Fig. 2). The other cyclic pattern has a smaller
scale, and is referred to as 'short cycle'. The 'short
cycles' encompass the 'productive horizons' with
hydrocarbons (in Fig. 2a labelled as 'horizons'). Productive horizons commonly form the top of short
cycles. Both types of cyclicity are described in detail
2.1. Long cycles; 'lithogeophysical units '
The boundaries of the lithogeophysical units are
defined by major changes in lithology, associated
with erosional unconforrnities (see below; Fig. 2).
The term 'lithogeophysical unit' (Samoyluk et al.,
1993) corresponds to the sequence stratigraphical
notion 'depositional sequence' (cf. Wilgus et al.,
1988; Mitchurn and Van Wagoner, 1991), and refers
to lithological units as recognized with geophysical
methods, in contrast to biostratigraphic units, which
intend to reflect absolute time. In the search for hydrocarbons, the regional tracing of sediment bodies
and their classification has received much attention.
The Early carboniferous (Tournaisian-viseanlower Bashkirian) succession in the DDB has been
subdivided into ten 'lithogeophysical units' with
thicknesses of the order of a few hundred metres
(Fig. 2a). Fig. 2b gives the general lithological characteristics of the lithogeophysical units. Thickness
variations along and across the basin are shown in
Fig. 4. The above mentioned carbonate platform deposits constitute LU (lithogeophysical unit) 3 (lower
Visean) and LU 10 (Bashkirian), and form regional
marker horizons.
2.2. Short cycles with productive horizons
Major targets for hydrocarbon exploration have
been the up to 50-m-thick short cycles with of-
Dominant lithological characteristics of the different units
Limestones with abundant clay intercalations especially
in the South
Transitional unit; increasing limestone content
Rhythmic alternation of clay and transgressive
limestones with local occurrences of gravel, micaceous
sand and coal
Well defined alternation of clay and transgressive
limestones with local occurrences of gravel, micaceous
sandstone and coal
Thick coal beds in the SE
Alternation of clay, very micaceous sandstones and
transgressive limestones
Alternation of clay, slightly micaceous sandstones and
transgressive limestones; productive horizons consist
of well sorted sand
Alternation of clays and variously sorted quartzitic to
arkosic sandstones and conglomerates
Alternation of clay and relatively thin, low-porous
sandstones; productive horizons in sand-rich intervals
covered by clay
Dark-grey limestones, fractured upper part; erosive
depressions filled with dark-grey, fine-grained
terrigenous sediment; locally at the top well sorted
clean sandstone
Fig. 2. (a) Synthetic stratigraphic column with long cycles indicated as 'formation, series' (after Samoyluk et al., 1993). Legend: I = sand; 2 = well-lithified sandstone;
3 = clay; 4 = siltstone; 5 = limestone; 6 = diagenetically altered limestone; 7 = diagonally drawn bars indicate alternations of lithology. Thickness up to 800 m. RES
= resistivity log; SP = spontaneous potential; G R = gamma ray; NEU = neutron log. (b) Dominant lithological characteristics of the different units. For variability of
thicknesses see Figs. 4 and 5.
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Table 1
General characteristics of shallowing-upward cycles in the DDB
Exposure, weathering, and erosion
basal layer of subsequent cycle
small-scale hiatus
siliciclastic sands; locally absent (eroded)
C.U.prograding delta deposits
clay-rich marine deposits, prodelta/delta plain, carbonates
and alternating clayey and sandy deposits
transgressive coal-bearing delta-plain and
fluvial deposits
ten 'productive horizons' at their top. The latter
consist of sedimentary traps covered by a low-permeable layer. The ten lithogeophysical units mentioned above each contain two up to ten short cycles
(Fig. 2). In general they can be correlated throughout
the basin, but some have a limited (few km)lateral
extent, i.e., they were detected in a few wells only.
The 'productive horizons' form part of a typical succession of lithologies, representing a transgressive-regressive cycle (Egurnova and Zaykovsky,
1977). The most complete shallowing-upward cycle
consists of: (1) a 'basal' sand-rich layer (see description below); which is often covered by (2) a coal
layer; (3) carbonates and mixed siliciclastic deposits;
and (4) carbonate-sandy layers (Table 1).
Cycles are commonly topped by stratigraphic hiatuses due to subaerial exposure or they are incomplete due to later erosion (Egurnova and Zaykovsky,
1977). The productive horizons are the high-porosity
and high-permeability parts of the cycles. This may
either be the sandy layer (delta top, part 4), the basal
layer (part l), or the (interfluviallkarstified) weathered crust, which may occur at the top of the cycles,
or at a lower level (e.g., karstification of carbonate
intervals) in cases in which part of the cycle has been
eroded. The lithologies which have been affected by
erosion, thus vary laterally, depending on the degree of sea-level fall and erosion of the originally
more complete cycles. As a consequence there is a
great lateral variability of thickness and quality of
productive horizons. This complicates their exploitation. The low-permeability covers of the sedimentary
basal layer: fluvial coarse-grained conglomerate, gravel,
well sorted sand, often covering an erosion surface
traps consist of the clay-rich layers of part 3 of the
cycles. These highstand deposits have a relatively
great regional extent. Part 3 represents maximum
flooding of the basin.
3. Methods and data
The paleogeographic maps for the productive
horizons and some 'subhorizons', presented here,
are based on the lithostratigraphic analysis of 600
selected wells (gamma ray, spontaneous potential,
sonic logging, resistivity logging, caliper logs).
These wells are more or less equally distributed over
the studied area (Fig. 1). Details about the wells and
well logs can be found in Egurnova and Zaykovsky
(1977) and Samoyluk et al. (1993).
From 38 selected wells core data have been analyzed in order to check and improve the paleogeographic interpretations and the regional correlations.
Moreover, seismic profiles were used. For the techniques, for the standard determination of lithology
and for the analysis of the sedimentary facies on the
basis of core and well-log data, the reader is referred
to Egurnova and Zaykovsky (1977) and to Samoyluk
et al. (1993).
3.1. Short cycles recognized with geophysical
An example of two short cycles and their well-log
characteristics is given in Fig. 3a. On well logs, typical features of the basal layers are (Egurnova and
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B 5
TEC5024 Fig. 3
B 7
m 8l/l
E.S. Dvorjanin er a/./Tecronophysics 268 (19%) 169-187
Zaykovsky, 1977): (1) a strilung decrease of resistivity in long-lateral logs (due to the deep penetration
of drilling fluid; (2) elevated apparent resistivity on
micro-lateral logs as compared to long-lateral logs
(indicative of the presence of coarse-grained conglomerate); (3) positive anomalies in the SP (spontaneous potential) log, sometimes up to the level
typical for clay-rich rocks, despite the fact that basal
layers mostly consist of sandy material (Fig. 3b, SP);
(4) a slightly increased diameter of the well; and (5)
different gamma-ray-log characteristics (both negative and positive) relative to that of rocks below
and above, due to varying contents of radioactive
adrmxtures (Fig. 3b).
The basal layer is commonly covered by coal. The
bases of transgressive clays which, in the absence of
coal, cover the basal layers, are characterised by a
low to zero resistance (caused by the presence of
pyrite-type sulphides) and by a negative anomaly of
SP down to values typical for sandstones (Fig. 3a,
1745-1754 m). Most transgressive clays have typical
clay-like log features, except resistivity (sulphides).
These signatures together allow the recognition of
the basal horizons. The bases of these horizons
mostly cover stratigraphic (and sometimes angular) unconformities, and were used for the regional
3.2. Strong exposure/erosion levels at the
boundaries of lithogeophysical units
Shallowing-upward cycles are commonly topped
by small stratigraphic hiatuses. In cases in which
these hiatuses coincide with upper boundaries of
lithogeophysical units (the large-scale stacking patterns commonly consisting of two to five short cy-
cles), they are better developed and often show signatures of wide-spread erosion, subaerial exposure
and the formation of weathering crusts. These signatures (based on well-log and core interpretations) are,
amongst others, oxidation (Fe-oxides), enrichment in
clay minerals, and karstification.
4. Regional correlation between successions
A correlation scheme of the productive horizons (labelled in column 'horizon' in Fig. 2) in
the Dnieper Donets Basin (DDB) was developed in
1974 (Anonymous, 1974). Correlations were largely
based on biostratigraphy, whereas well-log information was not taken into account. The number of wells
has greatly increased since, and productive horizons
have been subdivided since the seventies.
Although the recognition of particular horizons
and correlations are difficult in parts of the succession, this is not the case for the late Visean
to Serpukhovian (late Namurian), where most of
the lithological boundaries seem to be isochronous
(Kononenko et al., 1987; Gavrish et al., 1988). The
analysis of well-log data and of the rhythmic patterns
within them, allows to refine the biostratigraphical
correlations at scales below the biostratigraphic and
seismic accuracy.
On the basis of the available data a composite 'reference' section representing the possibly most complete succession has been established
(Fig. 2). Significant elements recognized throughout
the basin, and indicated in this section, were used
for correlations between wells (cf. Fig. 4). Based
on the seismic and well-log data, a 'representative'
basin-scale profile has been constructed for lithogeophysical units 4-8 (Fig. 5). This profile clearly shows
Fig. 3. (a) Three T-R well-log short cycles from well 5 in the Proletarska area (after Egurnova and Zaykovsky, 1977), see Fig. 1 for
location. Well logs and core analyses allow the recognition of the development from continental (at the basis of the 'basal' cycle)
through shallow marine and deeper marine depositional systems towards shallow marine and continental deposits at the top of the
shallowing-upward cycles. The lowermost cycle is the most complete one. The second and third cycle exemplify the more common
incomplete cycles in which the upper part is missing. Such hiatuses may be characterised by a weakly apparent weathered crust.
Legend: 1 = clean sandstone; 2 = siltstone; 3 = clean sand, not lithified; 4 = mudstone; 5 = limestone; 6 = coal; 7 = poorly sorted
conglomeratic sandstone; 8 = conglomerates. (b) Geophysical signatures of erosional unconformities; examples of clearly developed
T-R well-log cycles (after Egumova and Zaykovsky, 1977). The shallowing-upward cycles are associated with distinct well-log patterns,
which allow regional correlations. Especially the joint occurrence of basal, conglomeratic layers with clay-rich intervals above (well 3,
1582-1655 m, well 8, 2303-2364 m) can be regionally traced. Legend: I = sandstone; 2 = conglomeratic sandstone; 3 = siltstone; 4 =
claystone; 5 = limestone; 6 = marl; 7 = conglomerate; 8 = coal.
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In the cross-profiles, it appears that erosion surfaces recognized in the well logs, are related to
horizons and subhorizons that wedge out, and to lateral facies transitions. Areas where successive horizons cannot be clearly subdivided at certain levels,
are commonly bordered at one side by areas where
these particular productive horizons are absent at
that level, and by areas where a clear subdivision of
productive horizons is possible at the other side.
The overall picture which evolves from Fig. 5,
is that during deposition of long cycles 4 and 5
latelearly post-rift block-fault activity led to subsidence concentrated in the centre of the basin,
whereas later on the area was characterized by
basin-wide thermal subsidence (cf. Stephenson et
al., 1993).
5. Paleogeographic maps
Fig. 5. Reconstruction of lithogeophysically recognized intervals
between Beresniaky and Nedrigailiv (SW-NE) RP CDP (see Fig.
1 for location). Legend: I = productive (promising) horizons
and subhorizons; 2 = other, commonly clay-rich sediments.
(Simplified after Samoyluk et al., 1993.)
the transgressive-regressive elements. The following
features are noticeable:
Unit 3: dominantly shallow-marine carbonates.
Unit 4: thickness variations and onlapping productive horizons; subsidence was concentrated in the
centre of the basin.
Unit 5: horizons are continuous through the basin.
Unit 6 : similar lateral extent of the horizons with
a number of subhorizons consisting of lens-shaped
clay-rich interlayers between the productive horizons.
Units 7 and 8: lenticular productive horizons, with
a dominance of clay-rich interlayers in unit 8.
Units 9 and 10: dominantly shallow-marine carbonates.
The paleogeographic maps (Figs. 6-14, Samoyluk et al., 1993) are based on seismic profiles, on
sediment characteristics of cores, on the logs of 600
wells, and on the thicknesses of the different intervals. Seven lithogeophysical units and subunits (4L,
4U, 5, 6, 7, 8L and 8U), containing 40 productive
horizons and 17 subhorizons (late Visean-Serpukhovian), were analyzed. Comparison of the maps of the
successive horizons allows to trace temporal and spatial changes and shifts of the terrestrial, transitional
and marine paleoenvironments.
57 maps of productive horizons and subhorizons
have been made (Samoyluk et al., 1993). The nine
maps presented here (Figs. 6-14) give a good illustration of the drastic paleogeographical changes
which occurred. On the maps the most common fac i e ~types, observed in the cored intervals, have been
The morphology of the sediment bodies (Figs. 614) reveals the presence of lake deposits (small isolated basins), fluvial systems (linear structures), open
marine depositional systems (large open basins), and
deltaic systems (at the junction of rivers and marine
basins). Fluvial deposits are most persistent along
the NW-SE axis of the basin, and open marine conditions dominated the southeastern part of the basin
most of the time.
From the maps it is clear that paleo-shorelines
were highly mobile, and that fluvial systems were
E.S. Dvorjanin et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Fig. 6. Paleogeographic reconstruction of the late Visean-Serpukhovian sequence: 4L, V-2113. Legend: 1 = marginal faults of the
Dnieper graben; 2 = isothickness lines of short cycles; 3 = margin of depositional areas; 4 = areas where the presence of a cycle is
not certain; 5 = stretches of maximum thickness: inferred courses of paleorivers; 6 = zones of marginal marine deposition (delta and
lacustrine environments; 7 = coal-bearing zones; 8 = incised river valleys. (Simplified after Samoyluk et al., 1993.)
not confined to a specific part of the basin. This
points to a basin-wide regular subsidence, and to
a relatively flat topography in the DDB during the
Early Carboniferous. In the long run, sediment supply has more or less balanced the increase of accom-
modation space due to tectonic subsidence, so that
coastal lowland and shallow marine conditions continued to prevail. Indeed, shallow marine and fluvial
facies occur in almost every cored interval which is
longer than 25 m.
Fig. 7. The same as Fig. 6, but for 4U. V-2015.
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5.1. Paleogeographical evolution of the Dnieper
Donets Basin during the late Visean to Bashkirian
Lithogeophysical subunit 4L. This subunit is characterised by oval-shaped horizons (V-2115-V-2111,
Fig. 6) concentrated along the central part of the
graben in a chain-like fashion. They are interpreted
as small marine basins with a surface area from 800
km2 to 1100 km2, connected by narrow straits, 8
km to 12 km wide. During deposition of subunits
4L to V-2111, the depositional area increased in size,
reflecting the transgressive character of this subunit.
In some areas (e.g., the Komushnyanskaya Field)
the V-2115 and V-2114 horizons were deposited upon
partly eroded carbonate platforms (unit 3).
The concentration of deposition in the deepest,
central part of the graben indicates a low base
level and relatively low-amplitude base-level oscillations during deposition of the T-R cycles containing productive horizons V-2 115 and V-2 114. The
large amount of clay-rich siltstones in this interval
throughout the area indicates that the fluvial system
in the area was fed only with fine-grained sediment and that a coarser fraction, if available at that
time, was deposited further upstream. Subsidence
was confined to the central part of the basin.
Lithogeophysical subunit 4U. This subunit (hori-
zons V-2015-V-2011; Figs. 7 and 8) is significantly
different from subunit 4L. Both subunits are separated
by a minor stratigraphic hiatus. On the V-2111 map
(not shown here) some minor linear structures occur
along the periphery of the oval zones. On the V-2015
and V-2014 maps (Fig. 7) more linear structures, interpreted as fluvial sandstone bodies (based on log and
borehole information), occur. Sedimentation occurred
through almost the whole graben during deposition of
the clay-rich parts (sea-level highstands) of the T-R
cycles. Subhorizons V-2015 and V-2014 represent lowstand periods, and cover a relatively small area, more
or less similar to that of subhorizon V-2111. Also, at
other places, strong indications occur that significant
parts of the basin were exposed during deposition of
subhorizons V-2015 and V-2014. Therefore, the base
level must have reached much lower levels and higher
magnitude of oscillations than during deposition of
the previous, underlying unit 4L.
The base level rose during deposition of subhorizon V-2013. Fluvial deposits and coal layers, which
stand out in the cores, make up a large part of this
subhorizon. A large river system occupied the central
part of the graben.
Subhorizon V-20/2 extends over most of the studied area. It largely consists of marine deposits indicating a wide-spread transgression.
Fig. 8. The same as Fig. 6, but for 4U, V-2013L.
E.S. Dvorjanin et al. /Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Fig. 9. The same as Fig. 6. but for unit 5 , V-19.
Subhorizon V-2011 again shows dominantly fluvial characteristics. The paleogeography during deposition of subunit V-2011 is comparable to that of
subhorizon V-2013. Sediments of subhorizon V-2011,
however, are finer grained than those of horizon
V-2013. Sediments are silty and fluvial sandstones
are fairly rich in clay. In extensive areas which are
characterized by point-bar deposits at lower levels,
subhorizon V-2011 contains isolated lake and backswamp deposits of limited lateral extent. The top of
this subhorizon is characterized by a stratigraphic hiatus, which separates unit 4 from unit 5.Subsidence
continued to be strongest in the central part of the
Lithogeophysical unit 5 (Fig. 9) with productive
horizons V-19 and V-18), represents a transgressive-regressive cycle. Units 5 and 6 are separated by
a weakly visible hiatus.
Lithogeophysical unit 6 (Figs. 10 and 11; with
productive horizons V-17-V-13) consists of extensive marine deposits in the southeastern part of the
graben (Poltava paleo-sea).
Subhorizon V-17L shows a series of interconnected basins with a spotted, chain-like geometry.
It has a larger number of linear structures and reflects wider spread terrestrial conditions than unit
5 (Fig. 10). Also a relatively (about 100 krn) long
river left fluvial deposits along the northern margin
of the graben. Subhorizon V-17m (Fig. 11) shows
gradually more terrestrial conditions from base to
top. The two big paleo-lakes became isolated, and in
the area of the western one (Fig. 11) a fluvial system
became active. The tendency toward more terrestrial
conditions continued during deposition of subhorizon V-17u. In the northwestern part of the studied
area, some small isolated basins developed along the
trajectories of the paleorivers, possibly as the result
of local differential vertical tectonic motions.
In the southeastern part, the Poltava paleo-sea
was subdivided into two basins. The northwestern
basin turned into a lake; in the southeastern basin
marine conditions continued. Subhorizons V- 16 and
V-15 show a continuation of the regression. Lacustrine environments show a transition to fluvial facies,
especially in the northwestern part of the graben.
In the northwestern part of the graben, subhorizon
V-14 shows a degeneration of the fluvial depositional
system. The geometry is similar to that of subhorizon V-2011. Subhorizons V-14 and V-13 are fairly
much amalgamated, and cannot be recognized in the
west. In the east, horizons V-14 and V-13 consist of
marine deposits. The succession in unit 6 thus has
a dominantly regressive nature. It is separated from
unit 7 by a clear hiatus.
E.S. Dvorjanin er al. /Teetonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Fig. 10. The same as Fig. 6, but for unit 6, V-171L.
Lithogeophysical unit 7 (Fig. 12; horizons S-16
to S-10).In the central and northwestern part of the
basin, this unit consists of alternations of sandstone
and siltstone. The northwestern part is characterized
by a spotted occurrence of isolated basins and a
near-absence of fluvial deposits. Core analysis revealed a lacustrine origin of clays which separate the
productive horizons. The southeastern part is char-
acterized by open marine deposits alternating with
abundant coal layers. Horizons S-15-S-14 have a
spotted occurrence. They were largely deposited in
three isolated, small (200, 300 and 900 krn2) lakes.
Horizon S-13shows elongated structures, interpreted
as a chain-like series of lake deposits. The amount of
sand increases upwards, starting at subhorizon S-14
to S-13,especially in nearshore areas. During depo-
Fig. 11. The same as Fig. 6, but for unit 6, V-17M.
E.S. Dvorjanin et al. /Tecronophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Fig. 12. The same as Fig. 6, but for unit 7, S-11.
sition of subhorizon S- 12 the Poltava Sea expanded
towards the margins of the graben, i.e., to the north
and south. Horizon S-11 (Fig. 12) again shows a
decrease in size of the earlier depositional areas, a
splitting up of the Poltava Sea into smaller subbasins,
and the upward transition of lake sediments into
fluvial deposits. Finally, during deposition of horizon
S-10, there was a sharp increase of the size of the
Poltava Sea. A delta formed, and five large, more or
less equally sized lakes occurred in the west.
Lithogeophysical unit 8L (Fig. 13; productive
horizons S-9-S-6) is characterized by fluvial deposits which, in the west, are intercalated with lacustrine sediments. In the east marine conditions
Lithogeophysical unit 8U (Fig. 14; productive
Fig. 13. The same as Fig. 6, but for 8L, S-8.
E.S. Dvorjanin er al. /Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Fig. 14. The same as Fig. 6, but for SU, S-4.
horizons S-5-S-I). Horizon S-5 is characterised by
very thick deposits (cf. Fig. 5, uppermost profile)
with a variety of lacustrine, fluvial and delta deposits, and a separate marine basin in the southeast
(Poltava Sea). During deposition of horizon S-4, sea
level was lower than during deposition of horizon
S-5. In the northwest, horizon 5 largely has a fluvial character. The Poltava Sea had retreated to the
east, and along its northwestern margin a delta system formed, comparable to the present-day Dnieper
mouth. Horizon S-3 reflects a renewed deepening of
the basin. The river system in the north turned into a
lake. Horizon S-2 is much thinner than horizon S-3
(Fig. 5). The northwestern part was characterized by
non-deposition and in the southeast the marine basin
decreased in size, forecasting the development of
another hiatus. Horizon S-1 was found in only a few
wells in the southeastern part of the graben.
6. Discussion
Lithogeophysical units (LU) discussed in this paper resemble cycles described for time-equivalent
series in Western Europe and northern America.
Duff et al. (1967) and several later authors show various examples of Carboniferous cycles which show
similarities with those observed in the DDB.
The cyclicity of the DDB succession is illus-
trated in a semi-quantitative base level curve for
the late Visean-Serpukhovian based on well-log data
(Fig. 15; after Samoyluk et al., 1993). The up to
50 m thick short cycles form basic elements in the
succession, and are inferred to represent more or
less equal time intervals. Poor time control of the
Carboniferous strata does not allow to make detailed
estimates of the average time span covered by the
cycles, but comparison with the time scale of e.g.
Harland et al. (1990) suggests an average period of
the order of 500 ka.
Comparison of the long cycles in Fig. 15 with
fig. 8 of Ramsbottom (1979) and fig. 6 of Ross
and Ross (1988) reveals a fair correlation with the
mesothems in northwestern Europe, the Moscow
Basin and Southern Urals, and the Illinois Basin.
Cycles 4L and 4U correlate with the two Asbian
mesothems, cycles 5 and 6 with the two mesothems
in the Brigantian, and cycles 7, 8L and 8U with
the 3 lowermost Namurian (Pendleian, Arnsbergian)
mesothems (cf. Ramsbottom, 1979, fig. 8, and Ross
and Ross, 1988, fig. 6; Table 2).
The apparent global correlatability of the Visean
and Serpukhovian long cycles is suggestive of allocyclic mechanisms and pleads against local tectonics
andlor autocyclic controls as the major cause of their
formation. Allocyclic control may have been driven
by variations of large-scale intraplate stresses (cf.
E.S. Dvorjanin er al. /Tecfonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Fig. 15. Base-level curve for the late Visean-Serpukhovian succession in the DDB (simplified after Samoyluk et al., 1993).
Cloetingh, 1988; Milanovskiy et al., 1992), andlor
by glacio-eustasy (cf. Veevers and Powell, 1987;
Heckel, 1994; Read, 1994).
As stated above, the exact (average) duration of
individual long cycles cannot be established due to
poor time control. Moreover, due to erosion and/or
E.S.Dvorjanin et al. /Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 169-187
Table 2
Correlation of lithogeophysical units in DDB and depositional
sequences in Western Europe
Dnieper Donets Basin
Western Europe,
cf. Ramsbottom, 1979
through the basin, and likely also to Western Europe
and North America. The poor time control does not
allow, as yet, to define the duration of the cycles and
the origin of the causal changes of relative sea level.
longer periods with a low sea level, cycles may be
missing and represented by hiatuses. Assuming that
the above tentative time constraints are more or less
correct, the average time span of the cycles could approach 400 ka, i.e., the period of the long eccentricity
cycle (cf. Berger, 1988). This could imply a control
by glacio-eustasy. Conclusive evidence of the very
cause of the cycles (glacio-eustasy and/or large-scale
intraplate stress variations), however, may only be
obtained by detailed inspection and analysis of the
succession at different places, and time series analysis (cf. Maynard and Leeder, 1992; Weedon and
Read, 1995) with good (paleomagnetic/radiometric)
time control.
In addition to (global) allocyclic tectonic and/or
glacio-eustatic control, differential vertical tectonic
motions on the scale of the basin have made that
the southeastern part has been systematically deeper
and wider, and was dominated by marine conditions,
while fluvial and lacustrine conditions and erosional
periods dominated in the northwest. In both areas,
hiatuses are common, especially at the top of 'long
cycles'. As yet, the time represented by such hiatuses
cannot be estimated in sufficient detail to allow
definite conclusions.
7. Conclusions
The late Visean-Serpukhovian sedimentary fill
of the Dnieper Donets Basin is characterised by a
multifold cyclicity characterized by repeated transgressions and regressions on the scale of the about
50 m thick 'short cycles' as well as on the scale
of 'long cycles' which include, on the average, 4-6
short T-R cycles. The long cycles are correlatable
We thank A. Izart and G. Postma for critical
comments on drafts of this paper and editor H.
de Boorder for his patience during the preparation
of the manuscript. Mrs P. van Oudenallen and I.
Santoe are acknowledged for redrawing and adapting
the figures. This is NSG (Netherlands School of
Sedimentary Geology) contribution 961208.
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