Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 Ž1996. 21–34 Spacing of consecutive normal faulting in the lithosphere: A dynamic model for rift axis jumping ž Tyrrhenian Sea/ Giacomo Spadini, Yuri Podladchikov ) Faculty of Earth Sciences, De Boelelaan 1085, Vrije UniÕersiteit, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Received 2 October 1995; revised 26 July 1996; accepted 15 August 1996 Abstract We propose that the flexure of a broken elastic plate can determine the spacing of consecutive and localized zones of shearing on a lithospheric scale. The model provides a dynamic explanation for rift axis migration and, as a consequence, for a ‘wide rift’ mode of extension. Calculated values for rift axis shifting are consistent with the available observations and kinematic modelling results in the Tyrrhenian Basin. The quantitative relation obtained between lithospheric fault spacing and the effective elastic thickness ŽTe . of the lithosphere can be used in an inverse modelling approach, in which paleo Te values are calculated for a basin where the diachronous and spaced nature of rifting is known. Keywords: Tyrrhenian Basin; extension tectonics; shear zones; normal faults; rift zones 1. Introduction It is widely accepted that lithospheric extension is the major mechanism responsible for passive margin formation and continental break-up, but the role played by the dynamics of extension in imposing the style and kinematics of rifting is still a matter of debate w1,2x. Narrow and wide rift modes have been proposed as the two major geometric styles of extension. The wide basin mode occurs when deformation migrates laterally and new unstretched areas undergo extension. In order to explain this pattern of evolution, the role of different parameters, such as the pre-rift geotherm, the thickness of the crust and the strain rate has been pointed out w3x. Hardening of the ) Corresponding author. Fax: q31 20 6462457. E-mail: stretched area associated with both cooling w4x and thinning of the weak crust w5x can cause the site of extension to migrate laterally. However, these studies do not provide quantitative predictions of the rift axis migration in the wide rift mode of extensional basin formation. Recent studies have pointed out the existence of lithospheric scale shear zones that can lead to localized deformation in the upper mantle. An example is given by Burov et al. w6x, who revealed the existence of a broken plate beneath the North Baikal rift zone. Their model was characterized by a competent upper crust and a competent upper mantle separated by a weak lower crust; the authors showed that the behaviour of the diverging plates in the North Baikal rift requires a mechanical discontinuity beneath the rift axis. In the absence of ductile detachment in the lower crust, these type of discontinuities can propagate trough the entire lithosphere. 0012-821Xr96r$12.00 Copyright q 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X Ž 9 6 . 0 0 1 6 5 - 3 G. Spadini, Y. PodladchikoÕr Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 21–34 of the oceanic model, equal to half the width of the basaltic domain divided by a greater stretching factor. fault. The distance to this new fault location Žspacing of the normal faulting. is: Ss 4. Model We employ the popular model of flexure of a thin elastic plate floating on inviscid substrate ŽFig. 3a. w17,18x. A lithospheric scale normal fault forms when the averaged horizontal deviatoric stress reaches a critical value. After a finite displacement along this fault, the lithosphere bends and creates an additional perturbation to the horizontal stress field ŽFig. 3b.. This perturbation can be easily determined by solving the thin elastic plate equation w19x. Taking into account the continuity of slope, bending moment, and shear stress, the solution of the flexure equation requires continuity of the first, second and third derivatives across the fault. The only solution having these properties and being discontinuous at fault location is given in Fig. 3b. This simple solution accurately approximates vertical displacement and distribution of horizontal stress for xra ) 0.2 w20x, where a is the flexural parameter. Following Heiskanen and Vening Meinesz w19x, we suggest the area of maximum perturbation of the horizontal stress as the best candidate for the location of the next 25 pa 4 s p 4 ( 4 ETe3 3 Ž 1 y n 2 . Dr g Ž 1. where a is the flexural parameter w17x; Te is the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere; Dr is the difference in density between the viscous substrates above and below the elastic layer; E and n are the elastic moduli; g is the gravitational acceleration. Eq. Ž1. is equally applicable both to the entire lithosphere and to the elastic core of the subcrustal lithosphere in the decoupled state of extension Žsee discussion below.. Substitution of the typical values for parameters in Eq. Ž1. ŽE s 1.75 = 10 11 Pa, n s 0.25, g s 9.8 mrs 2 , Dr s 300 kgrm3, for the coupled state of the lithosphere; E s 1.5 = 10 11 Pa, n s 0.25, g s 9.8 mrs 2 Dr s 500 kgrm3, for the decoupled state of the lithosphere. yields a relation between effective elastic thickness, Te , and S: ( 4 S s 8 Te3 Ž 2. where both S and Te are in kilometres. Since the horizontal stress perturbation is symmetric along the plate ŽFig. 3b., there are two possible directions for fault migration. In Fig. 3c we hypothesize about the state of stress in these two Fig. 4. Schematic strength envelopes for Ža. a decoupled and Žb. a coupled state of the lithosphere during extension. The Te for the coupled situation ŽTeCo upled . is equal to the thickness of the crust plus the elastic core of the subcrustal lithosphere ŽTeDe coupled .. See Fig. 6 for the estimate of TeDe coupled . 26 G. Spadini, Y. PodladchikoÕr Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 21–34 locations after a finite displacement along the fault. Immediately after the formation of the first fault, the stress distribution in the plate is homogeneous in the x direction and is equal to a broken yield stress as a function of depth. After a finite displacement along the fault, the resulting stress will be the sum of the broken yield stress profile Žas the initial stress before the bending. and a perturbation due to the bending stresses. The horizontal bending stresses Ž sxx . are linear functions of depth with two maxima at the upper and lower boundaries of the elastic layer. The magnitude of the maxima is a function of horizontal position Ždistance to the fault. and reaches two equal maxima as a function of x at positions S and yS, which we suggest as candidates for the new fault location. To initiate a new fault we need to build up a critical bending at location S or yS. Therefore, the new fault location depends on where the critical bending is lower. If broken and unbroken plates have different slopes of the brittle yield envelopes Žbecause of reduction in the friction coefficient due to strain softening., then the plate is likely to break in the hanging wall first because, at the position of the maxima of the stress perturbation, there is an additional extension at a shallow level of the hanging wall and at a lower level of the foot wall. If the broken yield line is closer to the unbroken one at shallow levels than at deeper levels, the hanging wall will break first. of a ductile lower crust, separating the brittle upper crust from the brittle portion of the mantle. The depth of the brittle–ductile transition in the crust is characterized by the equation: 5. Estimate of the effective elastic thickness where Z Mo ho and T Moho are the depth and the temperature of the Moho. Fig. 5a shows coupledrdecoupled mode boundaries in Moho depthrMoho temperature space for different strain rates, assuming a diabase rheology for the lower crust ŽTable 1.. Instantaneous rifting acting on a ‘normal’ continental crust is likely to occur in a decoupled mode. Post-rift cooling, finite rate of extension, thinned pre-rift crust To compare our theoretical prediction for fault spacing to observations we need an estimate of the effective elastic thickness ŽTe . of the lithosphere during rifting w21x. The major control on Te is the coupledrdecoupled state of the lithosphere ŽFig. 4.. The decoupled state is characterized by the presence Ž 3. s b s sd where s b is the brittle yield strength and sd is the ductile yield strength. Assuming Byerlee law for s b in the form w21x: Ž 4. s b s 2.2 = 10 4 Z where s b is the brittle yield strength in Pa and z is the depth in metres, Eq. Ž3. can be written as: 2.2 = 10 4 Z bd s Ay1 r ne 1r n exp Ž yQr Ž nRT bd . . where z bd and T bd are the depth and the temperature of the brittle ductile transition in the crust ŽFig. 4., respectively; A is the initial constant in the power law creep function; e is the strain rate; Q is the activation energy; n is the power law exponent; and R is the gas constant. See Table 1 for values adopted. The shift from a decoupled to a coupled state takes place when Z bd is equal to the depth of the Moho ŽFig. 4.. Thus, the transition between the coupled state from the decoupled state can be defined by: 2.2 = 10 4 Z Mo ho s Ay1 r ne 1r n exp Ž yQr Ž nRTMoho . . Ž 6. Table 1 Power law creep parameters Parameter A n Q Definition Initial constant Power law exponent Activation energy Unit yN Pa Felsic granulite y1 s J moly1 Ž 5. y21 2 = 10 3.1 243000 See references in Carter and Tsenn w22x, Wilks and Carter w34x and Ranalli w35x. Diabase Mafic granulite y20 3.16 = 10 3.05 276000 8.83 = 10y22 4.2 445000 30 G. Spadini, Y. PodladchikoÕr Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 21–34 Table 2 Rifting parameters Parameter Strain rate Ž10y1 5 , sy1 . Rift axis jump Averaged crustal thinning Time of jump ŽMa. Moho depth Žkm. Lithospheric thickness Žkm. 6. Discussion Rift axis jump number 1 2 3 20 29 1.55 6.5 26 58 30 50Ž75. 1.7Ž2. 4.8 22 42 41 76Ž95. 1.3Ž1.33. 2.2 12 24 Rifting parameters inferred from kinematic modelling w12x and from paleotectonic and paleogeographic reconstruction w7x. most realistic estimate for the case study considered, which has to be used to check the dynamic predictions of Eq. Ž2.. However, this estimate is strongly affected by the crustal geotherm and rheology, which are poorly constrained parameters. To minimize the influence of crustal rheology, we limit ourselves to the prediction of the coupledrdecoupled state of the lithosphere ŽFig. 5. and use of the above recipe ŽFigs. 4 and 6. of the two first estimates to calculate Te . This simplification again means neglecting rigidity of the crust compared to rigidity of the subcrustal mantle lithosphere in the decoupled state, which is usually a good approximation for continental lithosphere. For this strongly simplified way of calculation of the third estimate, the only additional information needed compared to the first two estimates is the rheology of the lower crust. We use three different dry rheologies, spanning a very wide range of possible compositions of the lower crust Žfrom silicic to mafic, via standard diabase., to construct the coupledrdecoupled mode boundaries in Fig. 5b. Fortunately, despite the strong potential dependence on the lower crustal rheology, the first and third fault jumps are relatively well placed within decoupled and coupled fields, respectively. The "508C uncertainties in the Moho temperatures result in the error bars for the third estimate of Te in Fig. 7. We do not show the third estimate Žerror bars. for the second jump since the uncertainties on lower crustal rheology and Moho temperature result in a scatter of the Te predictions covering the whole interval between the coupled and decoupled state. Considering the number of simplifications made while constructing the third estimate of Te , Fig. 7a shows a remarkable fit between ‘dynamic’ and ‘kinematic’ predictions for the first and third fault jumps. The good fit is encouraging, since we use common, or ‘conservative’ values for the parameters involved in the fitting; that is, the crustal rocks at the Moho depth are dry, subcrustal mantle composed of dry olivine. The uncertainties in these parameters, except for the Moho temperature, have a relatively weak influence on the testing of the model presented in Fig. 7a. The evolution of the Moho temperature was estimated based on the four-layer model, resulting in the error bars of "508C. These error bars have only minor influence on the test results. However, the thermal calculations based on one- or twolayer pure shear models may result in Moho temperatures as much as 2008C higher w12x. Such changes in the Moho temperature would noticeably disturb the fit presented in Fig. 7a. Since the four-layer model is a more precise description for the extension of the continental lithosphere Že.g. w15,16,21,23x., its predictions must be used preferably to the predictions of the one- or two-layer models. Moreover, the uncertainties in the Moho temperature mostly affect the prediction about the coupledrdecoupled state of the lithosphere and the third estimate of Te Žthe narrow error bars for the first and third jumps.. The first Žthe lower dashed line. and second Žthe upper dashed line. estimates of Te , which constitute a much large range of possible values of Te , are relatively independent of the Moho temperature and other assumptions made while calculating the ‘more precise’ third estimate of Te Ži.e., ignoring the influence of the crustal contribution in the decoupled state.. The fact that our theoretical curve for the fault spacing is in between the dashed lines confirms the model testing for the Tyrrhenian Basin at the present level of accuracy. This fact can be considered as a verification of Eq. Ž2., since there are almost no ‘fitting’ or ‘tuning’ parameters involved in plotting the dashed lines. The model that we propose for rift axis migration has some noteworthy implications. Buck w1x discussed the possibility of lateral migration of deformation during extension and the creation of a ‘wide’ rift. Realistic pre-rift conditions of the 32 G. Spadini, Y. PodladchikoÕr Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 21–34 conversely, as a coupled system in the last phase Žsubcrustal and crustal thinning factors tend to coincide.. For the intermediate phase of deformation Žsecond jump. the kinematic modelling results do not allow discrimination between a coupled or a decoupled situation and, thus, the estimate of the effective elastic thickness, affected by the faulting, varies between a maximum and a minimum value, respectively. 6.1. The role of subduction A back-arc model w8,29x can explain the origin of the extensional processes that the Tyrrhenian area underwent during the compressional deformation of the Apennines and the subduction of the Ionian plate beneath the Calabrian arc ŽFig. 9.. The trench retreat produces a tensional stress field in the back-arc area that leads to the formation of a rifted basin. The slab retreat process could also explain a shifting of the depocentre at the rear of a migrating arc–trench system. This mechanism would most probably result in a time-continuous and spatially gradual process. In fact, we observe a rifting history that is characterized by no quiescent periods during extension, but the spatial distribution of thinning and stretching indicators is clearly discrete. A good example is given by the stratigraphy of the MM ŽFig. 1.. This area Žalso called in the literature ‘‘Cornaglia Basin’’. is characterized by up to 1 km of Messinian evaporitic sediments. This unit abruptly decreases in thickness at the sides of the Cornaglia Basin Ž; 200 m.; for the same period, in the LM there is evidence of subaerial environment and erosion w10x. The Cornaglia Basin constitutes a very well defined paleo-rift axis. The most compelling argument to consider the Tyrrhenian rifting as constituted by spatially separated rift axes is the presence of two distinct oceanic domains. The Vavilov and the Marsili basins ŽFigs. 1 and 2., underlined by oceanic crust, have different ages and, above all, are separated by a block of continental crust w30x. This is the strongest argument in favour of a real jump of extension-related processes. It appears that the elastic core of the extending plate is more likely to control the observed kinematics of rifting and the subsidence history. Independently from what is the cause of extension, the broken elastic plate model can simulate a continuous process of rift axis migration characterized by spatially separated paleo-rift axes. Such kinematics could alternatively be explained by jumps in the subduction hinge line, which should probably produce crustal roots in the positions of the abandoned slab. There are no indications from deep seismic or gravity for crustal roots in the Tyrrhenian. At the present state of knowledge, the shifting of the subducting slab below the Tyrrhenian appears to be gradual and with no jumps. Moreover, if the dynamics of subduction are non-trivial, they would be expected to have a much larger characteristic timing and spacing. 6.2. The fourth jump? Extensional tectonics are still active in the southern Tyrrhenian area and are at present affecting the Calabrian arc ŽFigs. 1 and 9.. Is this the result of a further shift of extension after the end of drifting in the MB? We can verify this possibility in the framework of our model. If we take into consideration that, for the lithospheric sector between the MB and the Italian peninsula, we have well constrained data on lithospheric and crustal geometry, heat flow and deformation rate w7,27,31,32x, we can conclude that the lithosphere is in a coupled situation ŽFig. 5. and we can calculate the Te using diagrams of Fig. 6. We obtain a range of values of 28–33 km for the Te of this sector of the Tyrrhenian plate. Substituting this value in Eq. Ž2. we obtain a value for the possible jump of 100–110 km. It is noteworthy to observe that crustal and upper mantle seismicity show that most of the earthquakes, including the largest events occurring in the Calabrian arc Ž6.5 - 7.1., are located within a narrow normal fault belt located onshore of Calabria w32x approximately 110 km to the southeast of the MB. This normal fault belt, related to ESE–WNW extension has been active since the middle Pleistocene. We do not know if this extensional system will develop in a future rift axis, we do not have the geological record that we had for the previous phases of the Tyrrhenian evolution, but the fit with our model prediction is remarkable. At present, the lithosphere of Tyrrhenian Sea is weak and is not capable of supporting strong deviations from the isostasy Ži.e. is not competent in this context., but it may result in a few tens of kilometres spacing of consecutive normal faulting. G. Spadini, Y. PodladchikoÕr Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144 (1996) 21–34 33 7. Conclusions References The main conclusions of the paper are summarized in Fig. 7. We propose a quantitative relation between the spacing of rifting migration and Te at the time of jump. Our theoretical function ŽEq. Ž2.. is able to reproduce the rifting migration trend observed in the Tyrrhenian Basin. 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