EPSL ELSEVIER I Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (1994) 95-103 The effect of lithospheric phase transitions on subsidence of extending continental lithosphere Yu.Yu. Podladchikov a, A.N.B. Poliakov b, D.A. Yuen Department of Sedimentary Geology, Vrije Uniusrsiteit, 1081 HVAmsterdam, The Netherlands HLRZ, KFA-Jiilich, Postfach 1913, 0-52425 Jiilich, Germany " Department of Geology and Geophysics and Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, Uniuersity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA I I ~ 1 Received November 9, 1993; revision accepted April 6,1994 Abstract A new simple model for sedimentary basin formation, which combines both stretching and phase transitions occurring together in the lithosphere, is proposed, and two important aspects in sedimentary basin formation are addressed: (1) the explanation of the domal uplift preceding rifting, and (2) the ability of the model to explain the contradiction between a small amount of crustal stretching and the large amount of thermal subsidence without the need to invoke differential stretching between the crust and mantle. Relationships for synrift initial and thermal post-rift subsidence are derived. The model predicts that extension of continental lithosphere could produce synrifting uplift up to a threshold amount of extension and then subsidence for greater extension. Three dimensionless parameters quantify the contribution of the phase transition to the subsidence history: (1) the Clapeyron slope normalized to the initial geothermal gradient, (2) the ratio of depth of phase transition to the thickness of the lithosphere, and (3) the ratio of density effect due to phase transition to the change in density due to thermal expansion. An evaluation of these parameters has been carried out by using thermodynamical data for the garnet-spinel transition for upper mantle rocks. Our simple model shows that by including the effects of lithospheric phase transition in existing stretching models of sedimentary basin formation we can obtain an extra significant parameter controlling the subsidence and the entire extensional tectonics of such basins. 1. Introduction Any movement of lithospheric material is accompanied by changes in the pressure P and temperature T. This results in multiple phase transitions, due to the complex mineralogical composition of the lithosphere. The dynamic re- sponse of the lithosphere due to numerous phase transitions depends on both the scale and the depth of the tectonic process. It is obvious that during continental stretching involving large vertical movement in the lithosphere, phase transitions with strong density effects will play an important role in the tectonic evolution. The most widely used model for the subsidence of sedimentary basins is the pure shear model for passive rifting 111. One of the problems 0012-821X/94/$07.00 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0012-821X(94)00074-9 96 Yu-Yu. Podladchikov et al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (1994) 95-103 with this model is that the crustal stretching is much less than that predicted by thermal subsidence [2,3,4]. This is a direct consequence of the fact that stretching is the only cause of subsidence in this model. The second problem with this model is related to the often observed late acceleration of the subsidence rate (i.e., deviation from t-0.5 behaviour) which requires some type of non-thermal mechanism [5,6,7]. Lithospheric phase transitions have long been proposed as a possible contributor in the formation of sedimentary basins [4-6,8-201. These authors did not take stretching into account, assurning the phase transition as the only cause of non-thermal subsidence. As a result, they only considered phase transitions with extremely high density effects. The most well known in this respect is the basalt-eclogite phase transition, which is the one (and perhaps the only one) phase transition in the lithosphere having a density effect of up to lo%, which makes these studies highly hypothetical because of the absence of convincing seismic and petrological evidence (except possibly in the case of a subducting slab), suggesting the presence of thick layers of eclogites in the lithosphere [21,22]. First estimates of the depth of the basalt-eclogite phase transition have been made by linear extrapolation of hightemperature experimental data to lower crustal conditions [21,23]. The results of Ito and Kennedy were distinctly different from those of Ringwood and Green, which were the subject of a wellknown discussion [24,25]. However, the validity of this extrapolation is not supported by any theoretical model and seems to be in disagreement with recent experimental data, which suggest a non-linear character for the corresponding phase boundary curves and a greater depth of the basalt-eclogite phase transition [26,27]. Theoretical thermodynamic models explain the discrepancy in the early experimental result by the difference in the chemical composition of the rocks studied in the experiments, but these models themselves suffer from a significant discrepancy, in the prediction of phase boundary positions at conditions of low temperature and pressure [27,28]. This is partly because of the fact that the thermodynamic models are developed by the fit- ting of high-temperature experimental data and the lower temperature predictions are outside their calibration range [28]. An additional problem is that, due to strong temperature dependence of the transformation rate, the transition does not take place at normal crustal conditions [29,30,13,15,17, and references therein]. Namiki and Solomon [30] came to the conclusion that the basalt-eclogite phase transition is not in equilibrium at the base of the Venusian crust beneath the highly elevated mountain belts despite the very high surface temperature on Venus (750 K). Here we propose a new model which combines both stretching and phase transitions occurring together in the lithosphere. Due the non-linear interaction of the two mechanisms of subsidence in our model, a substantial amount of thermal subsidence can be obtained as a result of the interplay between a relatively small amount of extension and a weak lithospheric phase transition (i.e., the spinel to garnet lherzolite phase transition with a density contrast of 3% and a depth of 60-90 krn). 2. Model description It is certainly a very difficult task to take into account all the possible phase transitions occurring in the lithosphere for every particular tectonic situation and bulk composition of the rocks. However, most of the lithospheric phase transitions with strong density effects are usually located at the 50-100 km depth and have a similar small positive Clapeyron slope [28,31]. According to seismic and petrological models of the lithosphere [32-341, the garnet-spinel transition has the most profound density effect (about 3%) on mantle rocks with ultramafic (Iherzolitic) bulk compositions, compositions which can be assumed for depths between 50 and 100 km. The spinel-garnet transition has been observed in the laboratory at upper mantle temperature and pressure 135-381, and xenoliths of both facies are common [39], so it seems likely that this reaction does occur in the uppermost mantle [34]. Fortunately, the relatively high temperature in the up- Yu.Yu. Podladchikou et aL /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (19941 95-103 BASIN SUBSIDENCE \ 1 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of pure shear model lithospheric extension with a phase transition. perrnost mantle (the conditions are similar to those of the experiments and reactions rates are high), the relatively dry conditions, and the simpler mineralogical composition of ultramafic rocks compared to basic rocks makes the phase dia- - gram predictions much more reliable [40]. Observations of increasing seismicvelocity in the 50-100 km depth range have been made by a number of workers. Such observations have been made for different geographic localities and distinct tec- GEOT H E W CLAPEYRON LINE (P-T PHASE BOUNDARY) p g ~ ~ d g ~ ~ : ~ ; g gP~0~ST , ?-R~ >I F ~ 'I: A) B Fig. 2. Geometrical relationship between the Clapeyron lines and the geotherm for two different cases: (A) Positive Clapeyron slope with 0 < y' < 1. (B) Positive and negative Clapeyron slopes with y' > 1 or -inf < y' < 0. fi = stretching factor; z,,,, and z,,, = thickness of the crust and lithosphere; ,z, = depth of phase transition; p,,,, and pscdim= densities of crust and sediment; I = inflection point of the transient geotherm; TI = temperature at the base of the lithosphere zlith.The column in the middle shows the density distribution in the lithosphere and the shifts in the phase boundary during the stretching. Note that the direction is the dimensionless Clapeyron of the surface movement is opposite to the movement of the phase boundary. y' = yT1/(plithlg~Sth) slope. 98 Yu.Yu. Podladchikou et al. /Earth and Plan!etary Science Letters 124 (1994) 95-103 tonic settings, suggesting that increasing velocity in this depth range may occur globally (see [34] for review). Hales [41] has attributed this discontinuity to the spinel-garnet transition. Revenaugh and Jordan [34] have developed a new technique to image the seismic discontinuities and to examine the nature of mantle layering, and have confirmed the persistent character of the discontinuity at a mean apparent depth of about 60 km. This they designated the H (Hales)-discontinuity. The widespread geographical distribution of the H-horizon and the lack of a tectonic correlation to the apparent depth variation of this horizon lends, according to Revenaugh and Jordan [34], further credence to the spinel-garnet phase transition hypothesis. These authors have discussed an alternative hypothesis that attributes the observed increase in compressionaI wave speed to a corresponding increase in the intensity of preferred orientation of olivine, and, finally, they concluded that " . . .the H discontinuity is best described as the spinel-garnet facies boundary characterized by a small effective Clapeyron slope." The spinel-garnet transition actually consists of a sequence of phase transformations involving fields of coexisting phases on the P-T diagram and their solid solutions. The exact positions of the phase boundaries are poorly constrained because of their extreme sensitivity to the bulk composition and the difficulties in both experimental and theoretical studies of multicomponent systems. Thus, in this paper, we will assume a linear superposition of tectonic responses for multiple phase transitions occurring at approximately the same depth and treat them all as a single transition with some average property. We therefore considered the effect of a single phase transition on the formation of a sedimentary basin. We employ the classical pure shear stretching model [1] as a basis, dividing the lithosphere at the depth of a phase transition z g , into layers with density plith, and p,,,,,. The rest of the notation and the values are almost the same as in the, classical model [I] (see Figs. 1 and 2). We will now justify our arguments by some simple analytical consideration. For very slow rates of extension the geotherm barely changes during rifting, because the amount of advected heat is small compared with the conductive heat. Therefore the phase boundary deflection will be very small. However, for rifts with a relatively high rate of extension, the geometrical relationship between the Clapeyron line (the phase boundary in the P-T diagram) and the perturbed geotherm will strongly influence the subsidence history. This is the situation for most of the existing basins where the instantaneous rifting model [I] is a good approximation [42]. In this case, the point of intersection between the geotherm and the Clapeyron line changes with time (Fig. 2). Thus, for a Clapeyron line lying in the angled sector (bounded by the dashed horiin Fig. 2A and the initial zontal line ,,z, geotherm) the phase transition boundary moves downwards during rifting. The shift in the phase boundary position increases the amount of light material (p,,,,), which causes either an uplift of the surface or a decrease in the initial subsidence, depending on the parameters of the phase transition. For Clapeyron slopes which are less steep than the geotherm and for all negative Clapeyron slopes (Fig. 2B) the phase boundary moves up during the rifting process. In this case the shift in the phase boundary increases the initial subsidence. Thus the dimensionless parameter y', which is the Clapeyron slope ( y ) normalized to the initial geothermal gradient (7' = yTl/(Plithlgzlifh)),determines the direction of the phase boundary movement during rifting. The condition for the Fig. 2A case (downward movement of the phase boundary) is 0 < y' < 1. Other values for y' define the Fig. 2B case, which deals with the upward movement of the phase boundary. Because strong volumetric effects among the phase transitions with negative Clapeyron slopes (y' < 0) or with Clapeyron slopes steeper than the geotherm (Y' > I) are not common (e.g., study of orthoclinopyroxene transition [43]), we have restricted ourselves here to the case where phase transitions have small positive Clapeyron slopes (0 < y' < 1). During post-extensional thermal subsidence, Yu.Yu. Podladchikou et al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (1994) 95-103 the phase boundary moves in the opposite direction, and finally the geotherm and phase boundary return to the initial position. Therefore the total tectonic subsidence is not affected by the phase transition. In order to assess quantitatively the effect of the phase transition, we need to estimate the maximum undulation of the phase boundary Azph!. This value can be found from geometrical relationships between a Clapeyron line and the geotherms (initial and perturbed after instantaneous stretching). There are two cases of the intersection between the Clapeyron line and a perturbed geotherm separated by the configuration when the deflection point I in Fig. 2A belongs to the Clapeyron line. The stretching factor for this configuration is dence compared with the effect due to thermal expansion. The other parameter H gives the ratio of the density effect due to a single phase transition to the density effect caused by thermal expansion, Comparing the column weights above the level of isostaic compensation before stretching, after stretching and after thermal relaxation yields the following expressions for initial subsidence Sinit and thermal post-rift subsidence Sthe,,,, [c.f. I]: aTl plithIzlith Sinit = P lithl( l - a T )~ - Psedim 1 'C = 7' Azp11t + ( 1 - yi ) * zpht/zlith (1) Y 1 ( P- 1) = Zpht * (1 - P * Y j (2) For extension in which /3 > P, the intersection of the Clapeyron line with the-flat part of the geotherm remains at the same depth and this yields the following relationship: Azp,lt =zPllt X - ) Zlithc( αρ T Z ~ l i t h l l( - w 8th1 1T~lith $+h lith1 For the small amount of extension ( p < P C ) the change in the phase boundary depth is given by *zpllt 99 m (F-0.5)-H- A zPht 'lith St hermu1 = a T 1 ~ l i t h l~ l i t h ~ l i t h l (l - a T 1 ) - psedim * Y' * ( z j i t l l / z p h t - 1) There are three processes affecting the density distribution in our model: (i) thinning of the crust, (ii) thermal expansion of the lithosphere, and (iii) density change due to phase transitions. Therefore, for convenience of analysis, we will introduce two ratios: Setting Sinitto zero gives the criterion for initial uplift (see Fig. 3): and The dimensionless parameter F quantifies the contribution of thinning of the crust to the subsi- We note that for the case of the initial uplift the density of the sediments pSedirnshould be set to zero in the expression for initial subsidence. XL.Hd.Podladchiko~?et al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (1994)95-103 0.5 + H- pht Fig. 3. F-P diagram showing the fields of parameters for initial uplift and subsidence. Expressions for parameter F at three important points (/3 = 1, p, and infinite limit) are given in the plot. Because of relaxation of the phase transition boundary to the initial position during the post-rift thermal subsidence, a different amount of stretching (P,) is required to produce the same amount of thermal subsidence, as in the classical model without phase transitions (Az,,, = 0). We can compare p, to the McKenzie stretching (P,) by the following equations: 1 --- -PM PB * Y' * ( P B - 1) -7' *B ~ ) Zpht *- 'lith for PB and The comparison between PB in our model and PM in the McKenzie model for different values of H is shown in Fig. 4. This figure shows that a given value p, corresponds to a smaller value p, for all cases with H > 0.5 and with y' = 0.4 (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Relationship between the standard stretching model of the phase transition model. This comparison is made on the basis of the same amount of total subsidence. H = dimensionless parameter which measures the influence of the phase transition. H = 0.3-0.7 corresponds to the phase transition parameters for the spinel-garnet transition in peridotite. (BM) and the stretching factor (P,) 3. Discussion and conclusions A regional domal uplift preceding rifting is a common feature in the formation of intercontinental extensional basins [44-471. The simple stretching model requires a very thin crust to Yu.Yu. ~odladchikovet al. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (1994) 95-103 reproduce this effect. However, many rifts occur on continents where the crust is thicker than 30 krn. This situation does not allow uplift in the simple model. Another important problem in sedimentary basin analysis is that relatively small amounts of crustal thinning and extension are observed in many basins [4,48]. It is difficult for a simple stretching model to explain the high amount of subsidence in these basins. Both of these observations have been explained by differential stretching of the crust and mantle [2,3]. However, the mechanism of differential stretching within the framework of passive rifting is not so clear, because there are problems with space and mass conservation. The differential stretching could be caused by the active upwelling of hot mantle material [49]. This, in fact, means the substitution of a passive model by an active rifting model [50-521. However, according to Turcotte and Emerman [51], it might take as much as 50-75 m.y. to thin the continental lithosphere to the base of the crust by mantle plume impingement. Similarly, Mareschal [44] concluded that the most reliable mechanism of uplift preceding rifting is the ascent of an asthenospheric diapir, but Mareschal needed to lower the lithospheric viscosity to lo2' Pa s to satisfy the timing problem. Therefore, the above observations cannot be accounted for completely by the existing passive stretching models. Mechanisms of active rifting, in turn, involve a much higher degree of complexity and a large number of poorly constrained controlling parameters, such as the rheological properties of the lithosphere, and too long a duration for the process. The model presented here can explain in a simple way both the initial uplift and the small amount of extension, taking into account a phase transition with a moderate volumetric effect and a small positive Clapeyron slope. The effect of the phase transition is controlled by the following three dimensionless parameters: (i) the Clapeyron slope normalized to the geothermal gradient (f), (ii) the ratio of the depth of the phase transition to the thickness of the lithosphere, and (ii) the parameter H , which is a ratio of density effect due to phase transition to the change in density due to thermal expansion. The influence 101 of the phase transition on the subsidence history becomes stronger with increasing values of each of these parameters. These parameters for the garnet-spinel transition yield the following values: y' = 0.2-0.4, H = 0.3-0.7 depending on the M 2 0 3content in the peridotite, and a zpht/zlith value of, say, about 0.5-0.8 (the data from [33] were used). From Fig. 4 we see that these values give a substantial decrease in the amount of stretching estimated on the basis of thermal subsidence, compared with the classical model. For this set of phase transition parameters and a standard set of other parameters initial uplift is feasible if ,,,z, < z,/5 and ,f3 = P C = 1.1-1.2, whereas for the McKenzie model the condition would be,,,z, <zlith/7 for the same set of parameters. Therefore our model will predict synrift uplift after a small amount of extension for a continental crust with a thickness of 30 krn and a lithosphere with a thickness of 150 km. For a greater amount of extension ( p > p*, where p* is a critical stretching factor, p* = PC),synrift uplift may change to synrift subsidence (see Fig. 3), which seems to be in agreement with the typical evolution of intercontinental rifting. Doming usually precedes rifting, and therefore we can identify it with the first phase of homogeneous regional stretching with p < p,. The second phase of stretching (according to the traditional interpretation, this is the beginning of stretching) may be related to the localization of extension and formation of rift valleys. The rift valleys subside because of much greater values of the local /3 factor ( p > P C ) compared with adjusted areas, which can still be uplifted. In summary, our model shows that inclusion of the phase transition effect for existing stretching models of sedimentary basins can give an extra significant parameter controlling the subsidence and the entire extensional tectonics related to such basins. Acknowledgements We are grateful for discussion with B.J. Wood and S.S. Sobolev. The constructive comments from an anonymous reviewer were greatly appre- 102 Yu.Yu. Podladchikov et a!. /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 124 (1994) 95-103 ciated too. Paul J. Johnston kindly- improved the English. This research was supported by the Department of Energy. * References [I] D.P. 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