WORKING WITH IMMIGRANTS: AN OVERVIEW OF CURRENT IMMIGRATION ISSUES AND A LOOK AT GREATER BOSTON Participate in a workshop with your peers to learn more about The basics of immigration and deportation policies The make-up of the immigrant population in the United States and in the Greater Boston area Many BC Students, in programs such as PULSE and 4Boston, volunteer their time with community-based organizations serving immigrant populations. But how much do you know about the realities of immigration and deportation that affect the populations you will be working with? The challenges and success of the immigrant rights movement nationally and locally Same workshop will be offered on two dates in Fulton 511: Mon., October 20 7:00-9:00pm, or Tues., October 21 7:00-9:00pm Sponsored by the BC Center for Human Rights and International Justice Open to ALL interested BC students (not just PULSE & 4Boston)! RSVP at