Effect Of Heavy Vehicle Weights On Pavement Performance Chhote L. Saraf, George 1. lives, and Kamran Majidzadeh Resource International. Inc .• USA ABSTRACT A study was conducted to determine the effect of heavy vehicle weights on the performance of rigid. flexible and composite pavements. Detailed traffic measurements were made twice a year for two years using weigh-in-motion equipment. Distress measurements. consisting of cracking. faulting. Mays roughness, and PSI for rigid pavements and cracking, rutting, Mays roughness, and PSI for flexible and composite pavements, were made at the same time. These measurements were analyzed to determine the effect of heavy axle loads on measured distresses. Dynaflect deflections were taken four (4) times during the monitoring period; the analysis of this data showed only minor deterioration of pavement's structural strength. The analysis of data showed that for rigid pavements, heavy axle loads may contribute toward cracking and faulting development, whereas, rutting is most influenced by heavy axle loads for flexible and composite pavements. Different load equivalency factors for each distress type are, therefore, required for estimating the effect of heavy vehicles on the performance of pavements. INTRODUCTION Load equivalency factors currently used to convert mixed traffic into 18,000 lb. single axle loads (E-18) were developed from AASIITO Road data collected in 1959-60. The design of heavy vehicles, their tire pressures and weights have changed since that time. Therefore, the equivalent single axle loads estimated from current load equivalency factors may not be able to predict the performance of pavements accurately. Keeping this in mind, a study to determine the effect of heavy vehicles on the performance of pavements was sponsored by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 1985. The results of this study were published in a report submitted to ODOT in 1991 [1]. The data collected for this study was analyzed to determine the effect of heavy vehicle weights on the performance of flexible, composite and rigid pavements. The results of data analysis along with other relevant information are described in this paper. SITE SELECTION The Ohio special Permit data for overloaded vehicles showed that the weight limits for trucks traveling from neigh boring states, such as Michigan, to northern Ohio cities are substantially heavier than the loads permitted in Ohio. Therefore, four sites were selected for the study near Toledo, Ohio where these heavy vehicles use the roadways. The selected sections were approximately Yz mile long and included all three different types of pavements, viz., flexible, composite and rigid. The data in Table 1 lists the locations and some important features of each site. All sites are located in Lucas County of Ohio. FlELDDATA The following field data was collected for this study: 1. Traffic, 2. Rutting measurements, 3. Faulting measurements, 4. Cracking measurements, 5. Roughness using Mays meter and K.J. Law non-contact profilometer, and 6. Dynaflect deflection measurements. A brief description of data collection method and the data collected is as follows. The traffic lanes were numbered 1-4 for the 4-lane divided highways. According to ODOT conventions, lane 1 is the driving lane of south or west bound traffic and lane 4 is the driving lane of north or east bound traffic. Road transport technology-4. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, 1995. 253 ROAD TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY-4 Table 1. Features of site selected for the study (all sites in Lucas County) Feature Site #1 Site #2 Site #3 Site #4 Location 1-475 US-23 1-75 1-280 Approx. limits, from mile post - mile post 6.80-7.20 10.90-1l.40 7.00~7.50 4.20-4.65 No. of lanes! directions 41N0rth and South Bound 2!South Bound only 4lEastand WestBound 2!South Bound only Pavement type Aexible Comp., reinf. Rigid, reinf. Comp., reinf. Joint Spacing ~ 60' 40' 60' Pavement layer thicknesses, inches 10" AC 4"Agg 2.5" AC 9" Conc 6"Agg 9" Conc 6"Agg 3.25" AC 9" Conc 6"Agg Subgrade (ODOT Class) A-4B A-3 A-6 A-6 1. TRAFFIC DATA Traffic data was collected with the help of a weigh-inmotion (WIM) equipment. A preliminary study of available WIM equipment indicated that the Golden Weighman (1M) could be used to meet the traffic analysis needs of this study. This WIM system consists of a capacitive weighmat to sense the axle loads (only ¥2 of an axle is measured and this measurement is doubled to get the axle load) and two inductive loops that act as axle detectors. The loops were installed in grooves cut into the pavement surface (about I inch deep) and functioned well over the 18 month monitoring period. At the outset of the project it was felt that at least three (3) days of traffic measurements per project would be needed to get an accurate estimate of the traffic mix and that each project should be monitored twice per year. Since one working day would be required for system installation and distress measurements, and allowing for bad weather (ODOT policy was not to close off lanes during wet weather, nor could the weighmat be installed when the pavement was wet), it was decided to only. monitor one project per week. The general procedure was to install the WIM equipment on Wednesday, start the recording at 4 p.m. and continue collecting data until 8 p.m. on the following Tuesday; it was necessary to stop recording the night before in order to recharge the Weighman (1M) batteries. This period was chosen because traffic in the Toledo area is very similar on Tuesdays and Wednesday, and to some extent also on Thursdays. However, this pattern could not always be followed due to wet weather, equipment malfunction and on a few occasions, the availability of the traffic control crew. The field monitoring had to be conducted between April 1 and October 31 each year. These dates were selected because studded snow tires were legal on Ohio highways between November 1 and March 31 and the WIM weighmat cannot long survive under studded tires. Further, the weighmat is temperature sensitive; it is temperature compensated for temperatures above freezing but not well compensated for 254 temperatures below freezing. Therefore, April through October period represents the practical time span available for monitoring. The system was calibrated before using it at the study sites. The data collected was analyzed and stored in the Weighman (1M) which is programmed to retain data in various modes using a programmer/retriever which also acts as an interface with a computer. The data measured included vehicle speed, load and length, axle load, spacing and type (steering, single, multiple) and time of arrival. All this data could be stored but this is impractical since in this configuration the 128k memory would be filled in a few hours; furthermore, such detail is not necessary for most purposes. The data storage mode selected was that which segregated the vehicles by the fHWA vehicle classification scheme F, and axles by type (steering, single, multiple), as well as storing axle weights in twelve (12) user-defined weight bins. Gross vehicle weight was also categorized into twelve bins (whose limits are fixed at four (4) times that of the axle load bins). [2] A recording interval of four (4) hours was selected. The results of the traffic measurements are shown in Table 2. In this table the day factor (this factor converts traffic measurements made on a specific day into ADT values) has been derived from ODOTs permanent traffic counting stations that have been operational for several years in the Toledo area (although not at the same locations). Type C vehicles represent medium weight trucks belonging to FHWA Classes 4-7, Type B vehicles represent heavy trucks in Classes 8-13 and Class 13 vehicles (7 or more axles, mUlti-units) represent the "Michigan Train. "[2] The road identification consists of: Road No.Lane.Monitoring Period, e.g. 475-1.2 represents 1-475, Lane 1, and Monitoring Period 2. The average traffic volume measurements (ADT/lane) shown in Table 2 were in general quite accurate and that vehicle classification (at least as far as Type B and Type C vehicles are concerned) was also satisfactory, especially when PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE Table 2. Summary of traffic survey data Class 13 Vehicles Length, Days Road Number Day Factor ADTI Lane No. of C TruckslDay No. of B TruckslDay No. Per Day % Over 80 KIP 475-1.1 475-1.2 475-1.3 475-1.4 1.0 6.2 6.2 6.0 1.03 0.99 0.91 0.85 10887 11372 12952 9815 186 241 209 334 1623 1350 947 945 32 11 6 83 50 69 97 37 475-2.1 475-2.2* 475-2.3* 475-2.4 3.7 6.0 3.3 6.0 1.04 0.91 0.95 0.85 5134 6637 6626 6615 25 49 142 31 254 301 459 196 1 16 63 1 25 8 20 16 475-3.1 475-3.2 475-3.3 475-3.4 5.2 0.7 0.5 6.0 0.99 0.85 0.90 0.99 7711 6273 6456 8026 42 91 158 61 415 357 301 307 2 33 36 17 64 4 11 3 475-4.1 475-4.2 475-4.3 475-4.4 4.8 6.2 5.3 6.0 0.90 0.99 0.99 0.85 11341 12058 11907 11843 202 327 252 246 1144 1431 1521 1048 8 152 15 54 16 4 30 18 23-1.1 23-1.2 23-1.3 23-1.4 5.0 7.2 5.7 6.0 1.03 0.85 0.90 0.99 8962 8267 7885 7928 147 152 121 163 1208 893 793 713 16 . 12 9 24 51 66 65 28 23-2.1 23-2.2 23-2.3 23-2.4* 4.5 6.2 5.8 1.2 1.04 0.85 0.91 0.86 5806 6085 7379 4690 196 108 110 354 536 703 846 657 6 10 28 60 27 45 58 34 75-1.1 75-1.2 75-1.3 Equipment 5.3 4.0 Malfunctll. 0.89 0.83 10809 12476 749 1447 975 288 19 4 23 75-2.1 75-2.2 75-2.3 6.8 6.2 6.0 0.86 1.02 0.86 7338 7418 6882 282 300 296 176 289 138 2 3 2 13 47 17 75-3.1 75-3.2 75-3.3 75-3.4 6.7 6.2 6.0 0.90 0.99 0.98 11540 9686 9772 234 218 238 1655 1608 1066 11 16 9 53 49 50 75-4.1 75-4.2 75-4.3 4.8 6.2 6.0 0.85 0.99 0.90 6378 7222 6715 173 298 479 315 626 563 6 3 3 25 48 75 280-1.1 280-1.2 6.5 6.2 0.86 1.01 12770 13746 425 357 1486 1887 191 12 14 56 280-2.1 280-2.2 5.7 6.7 0.85 1.01 8516 9071 293 100 703 832 86 4 2 33 17 *Weighmat failed 255 ROAD TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY-4 monitoring times were greater than 4 days. However, small discrepancies were noted in classifying vehicles. For instance, it was noticed during visual cross-checks that the equipment tended to mis-classify vehicles when two vehicles traveled close together (one after the other). This is especially true for Class 13 vehicles where two vehicles with a combined total of more than 6 axles were classified as one Class 13 vehicle. In most cases where a high number of Class 13 vehicles has been found, the percent of these vehicles weighing over 80 kips is low, indicating a high probability of misclassification. The Weighmat on 1-280 was located just upstream from a draw bridge; consequently traffic tends to move close together during the times when the draw bridge was operated. This most probably explains why 1-280 has a significant variation in the number of Class 13 vehicles accompanied by a significant change in the percentage of heavy Class 13 vehicles. 2. RUTTING MEASUREMENTS The extent of rutting was measured in both wheel paths at 100 feet (3Om) intervals using a 7 feet straight edge and a combination square. The location of maximum rut depth was determined by sight and measured to the nearest lI64th of an inch. Care was taken to place the straight edge so that it was not on the painted edge lines as the wear in these cause measurements error. Measurements were always taken at the same locations; the pavement was marked with spray paint to ensure this. Average rutting measurements of all sites are listed in Table 3. Table 3. Average rutting and total cracking measurements, Project site 1-475, US-23 and 1-280 256 Date No. of 18-kip Load Applications Total Cracking Route Number (Ft.) Average Rutting (In.) 1-475-1.1 1-475-1.2 1-475-1.3 1-475-1.4 07/05/86 20108/86 02106/87 26/08/87 5,695,480 5,872,022 6,415,360 6,454,782 414 412 466 651 0.126 0.126 0.095 0.133 1-475-2.1 1-475-2.2 1-475-2.3 1-475-2.4 14/04/86 28/08/86 05105/87 19/08/87 1,346,896 1,400,684 1,501,836 1,538,754 632 637 668 755 0.079 0.064 0.074 0.085 1-475-3.1 1-475-3.2 1-475-3.3 1-475-3.4 22/04/86 10109/86 15104/87 12/08/87 1,412,708 1,478,562 1,583,546 1,624,585 499 497 534 621 0.081 0.058 0.070 0.097 1-475-4.1 1-475-4.2 1-475-4.3 1-475-4.3 29/04/86 03109186 06/04/87 05/08/87 4,160,056 4,394,044 4,805,410 4,934,544 147 152 188 245 0.130 0.141 0.145 0.167 US-23-1.2 US-23-1.2 US-23-1.3 US-23-1.4 01/04/86 12108/86 14/07/87 03/09/87 1,456,785 1,582,770 1,914,417 1,963,417 736 739 738 744 0.108 0.098 0.103 0.103 US-23-2.1 US-23-2.2 US-23-2.3 US-23-2.4 02104/86 28/07/86 16/06/87 10/09/87 1,176,784 1,267,017 1,522,085 1,590,797 686 703 682 686 0.120 0.115 0.105 0.114 1-280-1.2 1-280-1.2 22/07/86 15110/86 10,412,966 10,619,220 612 626 0.337 0.310 1-280-2.1 1-280-2.2 16/07/86 22110/86 2,945,354 3,012,708 578 625 0.268 0.318 Table 4. Total cracking and average faulting measurements, Project site 1-75 Route Number Date No. Of 18-kip Load Applications Total Cracking (Ft.) Average Faulting (In.) 1-75-1.1 1-75-1.2 1-75-1.3 1-75-1.4 15107/86 02110/86 21107/87 09109/87 7,367,617 7,556,544 8,277,903 8,388,315 1,588 1,857 1,884 1,920 0.081 0.090 0.074 0.090 1-75-2.1 1-75-2.2 1-75-2.3 1-75-2.4 07/07.86 10110/86 21107/86 09/09/87 1,566,081 1,605,746 1,727,725 1,746,917 1,343 1,423 1,444 1,464 0.011 0.016 0.032 0.013 1-75-3.1 1-75-3.2 1-75-3.3 1-75-3.4 24/06/86 24/09/86 14/07/87 23/09/87 6,699,692 6,859,982 7,367,567 7,502,923 1,409 1,423 1,446 1,506 0.065 0.070 0.072 0.069 1-75-4.1 1-75-4.2 1-75-4.3 1-75-4.4 01107/86 17/09/86 01107/87 23/09/87 3,768,668 3,844,668 4,133,668 4,212,668 1,408 1,471 1,488 1,644 0.068 0.081 0.089 0.076 3. FAULTING MEASUREMENTS Faulting measUrementS were made on the outside edges of the slab at about 12 inches in from the edge. The I 2 inch distance was selected to be away from the painted edge lines and also to avoid any excess joint filler and/or significant joint spalling; however, measurements sometimes had to be shifted slightly to clear the obstacles. A combination square was used, with faulting values recorded to the nearest 1/64th of an inch; every joint was measured. Average faulting measurement at project site 1-75 are listed in Table 4. 4. CRACKING MEASUREMENTS Cracking measurements consisted of estimating the length of each crack to the nearest foot. To facilitate this, a sketch was made of each project during the fitst survey showing the location and approximate length of each crack. This allowed the changes in cracking to be recorded on these figures during subsequent surveys and resulted in much more accurate estimate of the extent of cracking than would otherwise have been possible. Total cracks measured at all sites are listed in Tables 3 and 4. 5. ROUGHNESS MEASUREMENTS Pavement roughness was measured using a Mays Meter mounted on a midsize car and also by a Kl. Law non-contact profilometer, which provided PSI values. Measurements were always made over the entire project length; the start and end points of each project were painted on the sides of the road for easy visibility. The roughness measurements are summarized in Table 5. 6. DYNAFLECT DEFLECTION MEASUREMENTS Dynaflect deflection measurements were made by ODOT at about 100 feet intervals on all lanes of 1-475 (flexible pavement) and at about 50 feet (15 m) intervals on the south bound lanes of US 23 (composite pavement); no measurements were made at joint locations because very few joints had reflected through the overlay. Measurements were made at each joint and at each location for all four lanes ofI-75 and for the southbound lanes of 1-280. The joint measurements consisted of "approach" and "leave" measurements. In the approach case the loading wheels and number 1 sensor are placed about 6 inches (150 mm) on the upstream slab, with the remainder being on the downstream slab, and in the leave case all sensors are on the downstream slab with the loading wheels being about 6 inches (150 mm) downstream from the joint. Air and pavement surface temperature were also recorded, along with weather information. Due to limited space in this paper, deflection data is not included here. The results of data analysis, however, are discussed later in this paper. ANAL YSIS OF DATA The data collected for this study was analyzed to determine the effect of heavy loads on various pavement performance parameters measured for this study. For this purpose, the traffic data was anaIyzed to estimate the total number of 18-kip single axle load applications (E-18) for each lane of the road section using the conventional load equivalency factors. The estimatednumberofE-18 are listed in Tables 3, 4 and 5 along with the performance measurements. The WIM data listed in Table 2 was used to estimate the averages of ADT and number of B, C and Class 13 trucks for each lane of the study section. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 6. These traffic data were used to relate the performance measurements with the number ofE-18 and/or heavy trucks (Class 13). The following paragraphs describe the analysis of data and the results. 257 ROAD TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY-4 Table 5. Summary of roughness measurements. 258 Route Number Date No. of 18-kip Load AppL Mays, in} 0.2 mile 1-475-1.1 1-475-1.2 1-475-1.3 1-475-1.4 18/08/86 16112186 31108/87 10/02188 5,868,594 6,026,282 6,463,352 6,597,809 1-475-2.1 1-475-2.2 1-475-2.3 1-475-2.4 18/08/86 16112/86 31108/87 10/02/88 1-475-3. I 1-475-3.2 1-475-3.3 1-475-3.4 PSI Date No. of 18-kip Load AppL (OOOn 4.57 7.27 5.90 6.56 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 5,914,872 6,024,568 6,178,828 6,669,032 6,657,799 3.74 4.02 3.63 3.57 3.70 1,393,046 1,441,214 1,543,571 1,607,795 5.50 5.96 6.80 7.12 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 1,403,884 1,440,813 1,476,939 1,591,739 1,621,844 3.74 3.99 3.64 none 3.57 18/08/86 16112186 31108/87 10/02188 1,468,063 1,511,966 1,633,652 1,642,273 6.58 5.80 4.58 6.73 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 1,480,948 1,511,488 1,554,436 1,690,916 1,658,975 3.48 3.97 3.47 none 3.57 1-475-4.1 1-475-4.2 1-475-4.3 1-475-4.4 18/08/86 16112186 31108/87 10/02188 4,275,981 4,502,421 4,983,606 5,285,526 6.25 9.15 5.19 7.55 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 4,326,930 4,500,534 4,670,364 5,210,046 5,351,571 3.73 4.00 3.64 3.69 3.74 US-23-1.1 US-23-1.2 US-23-1.3 US-23-1.4 18/08/86 16112186 31108/87 10/02/88 1,618,488 1,705,180 1,960,329 2,125,279 4.80 6.80 5.09 4.53 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 1,648,107 1,704,083 1,802,813 2,135,204 2,233,934 3.48 3.73 3.69 3.68 3.38 US-23-2.1 US-23-2.2 US-23-2.3 US-23-2.4 18/08/86 16112186 31108/87 10/02188 1,306,566 1,376,551 1,582,526 1,715,687 5.88 6.03 5.75 5.49 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 1,329,114 1,375,716 1,450,875 1,703,910 1,779,069 3.56 3.91 3.66 None 3.52 1-75-1.1 1-75-1.2 1-75-1.3 1-75-1.4 1-75-1.5 18/09/86 16112186 31108/87 7,514,833 7,740,564 8,366,232 11.87 16.93 10.90 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 7,507,472 7,738,111 7,885,327 8,628,767 8,849,591 2.82 3.05 2.81 2.82 2.80 1-75-2.1 1-75-2.2 1-75-2.3 1-75-2.4 1-75-2.5 18/09/86 16112186 31108/87 1,595,083 1,634,321 1,743,079 11.09 14.57 9.31 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 1,593,804 1,663,895 1,659,485 1,788,714 1,827,099 3.28 3.54 3.42 none 3.40 1-75-3.1 1-75-3.2 1-75-3.3 1-75-3.4 1-75-3.5 18/09/86 16112/86 31108/87 6,843,953 7,007,805 7,461,960 13.47 17.49 11.27 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 6,838,610 7,006,024 7,112,884 7,652,527 7,812,817 2.72 3.03 2.84 none 2.73 PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE Table 5. Summary of Roughness Measurements (continued) Route Number Date No. Of E-18 Mays Date 1-75-4.1 1-75-4.2 1-75-4.3 1-75-4.4 1-75-4.5 18/09/86 16/12186 31/08/87 3,842,668 3,934,668 4,189,668 12.87 16.34 11.06 1-280-1.1 1-280-1.2 1-280-1.3 1-280-1.4 18/08/86 16/12186 10,550,088 10,767,455 1-280-2.1 1-280-2.2 1-280-2.3 1-280-2.4 18/08/86 16112186 2,988,221 3,049,788 No. Of E-18 PSI 09/86 12186 02187 12187 03/88 3,839,668 3,933,668 3,993,668 4,296,668 4,386,668 3.10 3.17 2.20 2.71 3.07 8.13 10.66 09/86 12186 02187 12187 10,621,368 10,764,815 11,002,415 11,802,335 3.37 3.51 3.38 3.64 6.27 8.76 09/86 12186 02187 12187 3,007,607 3,049,070 3,113,690 3,331,244 3.49 3.80 3.40 none Table 6. Averages of traffic data listed in Table 2. No. Of ClDay No. Of BlDay No. Of Class 13IDay Total Trucks (B+C+ Class 13)lDay Road Lane ADT/ Lane 1-475 1 2 3 4 11,257 6,253 7,117 11,787 243 62 88 257 1,216 303 345 1,282 33 20 22 57 1,492 385 495 1,596 US-23 1 2 8,261 5,990 146 192 902 686 15 26 1,063 904 1-75 I 2 3 4 11,643 7,213 10,333 6,771 1,098 293 230 317 632 201 1,443 501 12 2 12 4 1,742 496 1,685 822 1-280 1 2 13,258 8,794 391 197 1,687 768 102 45 2,180 1,010 1. ANALYSIS OF CRACKING DATA The cracking data for flexible pavement (1-475 road section) is listed in Table 3. This data indicates that total cracking for each lane increased with time and number of E-18. However, no clear trend was observed when total cracking data was combined for all 4 lanes. Coincidentally, it was observed that lane #4 developed the least amount of total cracking and lane #2 developed the highest amount of total cracking (see Table 3). Also, lane #4 carried the highest number of Class 13 trucks and lane #2 carried the least number of Class 13 truck (see Table 6). The cracking for lanes 3 and 1 also follow this trend. This indicated that E-18 obtained from load equivalency factors may not be representative of cracking related performance of flexible pavements. Cracking data for rigid pavement (1-75) is shown in Table 4. This data indicated that cracking in each lane increased with time and E-18. But, as was the case with flexible pavements, no relation between E-18 and total cracking was observed when data for all 4-lanes was combined. Presence of greater number of Class 13 vehicles in lanes I and 3 did not cause greater cracking in these lanes when compared with lanes 2 and 4. Cracking data for composite pavements (1-280 and US-23 roadway segments) is listed in Table 3. This data shows that total cracking in these pavements did not change significantly during the observation period of approximately 17 months. 259 ROAD TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY-4 There is a significant difference in the traffic (E-18 as well as Class 13 vehicles) in lane I and lane 2 of route I-280.However, no such difference in total cracking in these lanes was observed for this pavement. 2. ANALYSIS OF RUTTING DATA Rutting measurements were recorded for flexible and composite pavements. The data for flexible pavement (1-475) indicated that rutting in any given lane generally increased with time andE-18. Among the two highest rutting lanes (1 and 4), lane #4 rutted most but lane #1 carried the most E-18 (see Table 3). A comparison with Class 13 data (see Table 6), however, showed that lane #4 carried the most Class 13 vehicles and also rutted the most. A regression analysis of this data (flexible pavement) was, therefore, performed to obtain a relationship between the observed rutting (RUlF) and the number of Class 13 vehicles (CI3) per day and the combined Band C trucks (B&C). Another independent variable (months) was added to this equation which represented the month of testing. The count for month of testing started with January 1986 as month = 1. Data collected during any given month was recorded as a whole number. For example May 1986 was recorded as 5 months and June 1987 was recorded as 13 months and so on. The equation derived from the data is as follows: RU1F =0.035 + 0.984 (CB) + 0.03 (B & C) (1) + 0.0007 (months) where, RUIF Rutting in flexible pavement, in, C 13 No. of Class 13 vehicles in the lane per day in thousands, B & C =Total number of B & C trucks combined per day in thousands, and months number of months since January, 1986 as explained above. The correlation coefficient (r) square of this data was 0.86. However, the relationship is limited to the data range used and it is not intended to be an universal equation. It is evident from this equation that heavy vehicles (CI3) contribute significantly more to rutting of flexible pavement than other trucks (B & C). The coefficient for CB is about 33 times larger than the coefficient for B&C. The rutting data for composite pavements (US-23 and 1280) indicated that lane #1 of US-23 (see Table 3) carried slightlymoreE-18 than lane #2. But the rutting in lane #1 was slightly less than lane #2. A substantial difference in E-18 in lane #1 and #2 of 1-280 showed only a slight difference between the rutting in lane #1 and #2 of this road. On the other hand, the summary of traffic data shown in Table 6 indicated that lane #2 of US-23 carried slightly more C13 vehicles than lane #1, which may explain slightly more rutting in lane #2 than lane #1. Also, the difference in rutting in lanes I and 2 of 1-280 is consistent with the slight difference in Cl3 vehicles in these lanes rather than a significant difference between E-18 values listed in Table 3 for this road. These observations indicate that rutting in composite pavements is also affected by heavy vehicles(CI3). = = = 260 3. ANALYSIS OF FAULTING DATA Faulting data was collected for rigid pavement (1-75) only. The data listed in Table 4 indicates that in any given lane, faulting increased with time and E-I8. Also, when data for lanes 1 and 2 is combined, there is a clear trend between the faulting and E-18 due to significant difference between the E18 in these lanes. However, the difference in E-18 of lane #3 and #4 does not show similar trends. The number of C 13 vehicles listed in Table 6 for this route also do not indicate any consistent trend with this parameter. However, relatively higher percentage of Band C and Class 13 trucks in lanes I, 3 and 4 were observed to develop more faulting than lane 2 which carried lesser percentage of trucks (percent of ADT/day). These percentages for lanes I, 3, 4 and 2 are 15, 16, 12 and 7 respectively. These results indicate that faulting in rigid pavement is affected by all types of trucks but the effect of heavy vehicles in this case may have been shadowed by their small number in the traffic mix. 4. ANALYSIS OF ROUGHNESS DATA Roughness data was collected by two different devices; Mays Meter and K.J. Law non-contact profilometer. The data collected by these devices is summarized in Table 5. The flexible pavement data (1-475) shows that the roughness measured by May Meter increased with time and E-18 for any given lane. However, no correlation could be found between E-18 and May Meter roughness when data for all4-lanes was combined together. This roughness did not show any correlation with the number of heavy vehicles (CB) in different lanes. The PSI data also did not correlate with either E-18 or heavy vehicles (CB). The data from two composite pavements (US-23 and 1280) showed some increase in Mays Meter roughness with time and E-18 in only one case (1-280). However, the number of heavy vehicles in individual lanes of both pavements increased the roughness with increase in their numbers. PSI did not show noticeable change in either case. The rigid pavement roughness (1-75) did not show any noticeable trend for either Mays Meter data or PSI data with E18 and CB traffic. 5. ANALYSIS OF DEFLECTION DATA The deflection data collected for this study was analyzed to determine the effect of heavy vehicles on this parameter. Although, it was observed that the maximum deflection (WI) generaIly increased during the study period, yet this increase in (W 1) did not indicate significant deterioration in pavement structurally. The total cracking in sections ofl-75, 1-280 and 1-475 changed more than the cracking in US-23. Therefore, these sections may have undergone slight structural strength change than US-23 section. This was evident from the deflection data for US-23 section. RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSIS The results of data analysis (described in the previous section) are as follows: 1. The presence of heavy vehicles in the traffic mix did not alter the cracking of pavements of all three types. 2. The effect of heavy vehicles on rutting in flexible and composite pavements was significant when compared with other trucks (B & C) as indicated by Equation (1). 3. Faulting in rigid pavement did not show any significant effect of Class 13 vehicles only. However, a greater percentage of all trucks (B, C and Class 13) carried by lanes 1, 3 and 4 ofI-75 section developed more faulting in these lanes than lane #1 which carried lesser percentage of all trucks. 4. Effect of heavy vehicles on roughness of pavements was no different than the effect of other trucks (B&C) on roughness. 5. The presence of heavy vehicles did not alter the trends in structural deterioration of pavements as observed from the deflection data. Slight deterioration in structural strength of pavementS as observed from the Dynaflect deflection data may be due to the presence of cracks in these pavements CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of this study it was observed that in general the traffic affected the performance (as measured by various parameters) of all types of pavements. When data from each lane of the roadway was considered, all distresses increased with time andlor E-18. However, the presence of different number of heavy vehicles in the mix of traffic in each lane of a roadway, the effect of heavy vehicles on the performance of pavement was not clearly delineated except in case of rutting in flexible and composite pavements and to some extent faulting in rigid pavement. Different load equivalency factors (different than currently used) for different pavement distresses are, therefore, required to determine the effect of heavy vehicles on various pavement distresses. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The data used in this paper was obtained from a study sponsored by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). REFERENCES 1. George J. lives, K. Majidzadeh and A. Damoulakis, "Reevaluation of the methods for calculations of load equivalency and damage ratios", Resource International, Inc. May, 1991. 2. Federal Highway Administration, "FHWA Vehicle Classifications with Definitions", Exhibit 4-3-1, June, 1985. 261