Boston College
Departments of Biology & Psychology
140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill MA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Departments of Biology, Brain & Cog Sci
77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA
University of Washington, Seattle WA
Indiana University, Bloomington IN
DOCTORAL THESIS: The structure of the neurons and synapses of the Macacca
monkey pulvinar nucleus, a light and electron microscopic study
DOCTORAL RESEARCH: Customized Neuroscience Program in the Adult and
Developing Primate Visual System: Departments of Psychology, Ophthalmology, and
Biological Structure, University of Washington School of Medicine
Lecturer II: Writing Across the Curriculum/Departments of Biology and
Brain & Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Cambridge MA
1996 Part-Time Faculty: Boston College, Departments Psychology & Biology
1999 - 2005 Teaching Faculty: Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
1982 – 1984 Research Scientist: MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
1978 – 1981 Postdoctoral Fellow: Yale University School of Medicine
2008 –
Assistant Editor, Reviewer, Journal of the American Academy of Child
Psychiatry (JAACAP)
1999 – 2001 Staff Writer and Editor, Massachusetts Medical Society,
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
1987 – 1993 Assistant Editor, Journal of Comparative Neurology (JCN)
1986 –
Freelance Medical Science Writer/Editor: Balkema Biotext:
Sole proprietor
SFN: Society for Neuroscience
NASW: National Association of Science Writers
NESW: New England Science Writers Association
Boston College
Departments of Psychology & Biology
1996 – ongoing
Introductory Neuroscience:
Lecture course in basic neuroscience for junior and senior premed majors
Custom PowerPoint lectures, in class activities, 3 exams
Text: Mark Bear - Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain
Developmental Neuroscience
Lecture course in developmental neuroscience focused on the developing
primate nervous system, developing sensory and cognitive functions, and
developmental abnormalities
Custom PowerPoint Lectures, in class activities, in class presentations,
review paper, 3 exams,
Text: James Harris - Developmental Neuropsychiatry Volumes I, II
Brain Science: New Frontiers
Core course in introductory neuroscience for nonscience undergraduates
Custom PowerPoint Lectures, 3 on-line writing assignments, 3 in class
neuroethics discussions, 3 exams
Text: Selected articles from Scientific American Mind
Richard Restak – The Secret Life of the Brain
Abnormal Psychology
Introductory course in abnormal psychology featuring neurological,
psychological, and social contributions to disorders recognized in the
DSM VI TR (revision for DSM V underway).
Text: Rosenberg and Kosslyn - Abnormal Psychology
Advanced Abnormal Psychology
This course is in development: Literature based upper division course in
adult disorders, etiologies, and therapies
Lecture and laboratory course in medical physiology for junior and senior
premed majors
Custom PowerPoint lectures, 3 exams
Text: Guyton & Hall – Medical Physiology
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
Graduate Program in Psychopharmacology
1999 – 2005 Basic Neuroscience for Clincal Psychologists
Introductory level Neuroscience course designed for adult learners with
little background in the sciences but a keen interest in the neurological
basis of psychological and psychiatric illnesses
Text: Mark Bear - Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain
2001 - ongoing
7.02 Introduction to Experimental Biology and Communication:
Novel, iterative approach to teaching undergraduate biology students how
to compose and illustrate research papers intended for submission to peerreviewed journals.
7.16 Biotechnology II Project Labe in Experimental Biology: Students
develop a research proposal and generate original data to be reported in a
scientific paper at the end of the term suitable for publication in a peerreviewed journal. We use the iterative approach to scientific writing by
stepping students through two preliminary writing assignments: Research
Proposal and a MiniReview.
9.41 Topics in Neurological and Cognitive Sciences
Forum for undergraduate neuroscience students engaged in undergraduate
research; students engage in formal scientific writing, informal oral
presentation, formal poster presentation
9.18 Developmental Neurobiology
Students present formal 30-minute PowerPoint presentations that analyze
the published literature in developmental neuroscience
Non-Refereed Publications
Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP)
Bimonthly Column
2009 Learning and Memory, Part II: Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity
Lombroso, P, Ogren, M.P. JAACAP, 48(1):5-9
Learning and Memory, Part I: Brain Regions Involved in Two Types of Learning
and Memory, Lombroso, P., and Ogren, M.P. JAACAP, 47:11
Fragile X Syndrome: Keys to the molecular genetics of synaptic plasticity,
Lombroso, P., and Ogren, M.P. JAACAP, 47:7
Reversing the effects of Fragile X Syndrome, Ogren, M.P., and Lombroso, P.
JAACAP, 47:8
Epigenetics: Maternal Behavior Permanently Affects Adult Behavior in Offspring;
Part I. Behavioral Influences on Gene Function, Ogren, M.P., and Lombroso, P.
JAACAP, 47:3
Epigenetics Maternal Behavior Permanently Affects Adult Behavior in Offspring,
Part II. Molecular Mechanisms, Ogren, M.P., and Lombroso, P. JAACAP, 47:4
Articles in Refereed Journals
1985 Diversity among purkinje cells in the monkey cerebellum, Ingram, V.M; M.P.
Ogren; C.L. Chatot; J.M. Gossels; and B.B. Owens, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,
1984 Alterations in visually related eye movements following left pulvinar damage in
man, Ogren, M.P.; C. Mateer; and R. Wyler, Neuropsych., 22:187-196.
1983 A light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical localization of glutamic
acid decarboxylase in monkey geniculate complex: evidence for GABA-ergic
neurons and synapses, Hendrickson, A.E.; M.P. Ogren; J. Vaughn; and J-Y Wu,
J. Neurosci. 3:1245-1262.
1981 Anatomical organization of primate visual cortex area VII, Lund, J.S.; A.E.
Hendrickson; M.P. Ogren; and E.A. Tobin, J. Comp. Neurol. 202:19-45.
1981 The prenatal development of the pulvinar in the monkey: 3H thymidine
autoradiographic and morphometric analysis, Ogren, M.P., and P.R. Rakic, Anat.
Embryol. 162:1-20.
1979 The morphology and distribution of striate cortex terminals in the inferior
Macacca monkey pulvinar, Ogren, M.P., and A.E. Hendrickson, J. Comp.
Neurol. 188:179-200.
1979 The structural organization of the inferior and lateral subdivisions of the Macacca
monkey pulvinar, Ogren, M.P.; and A.E. Hendrickson, J. Comp. Neurol. 188:147178.
1978 The neuroanatomical organization of pathways between the dorsal lateral
geniculate nucleus and cortex in Old World and New World primates,
Hendrickson, A.E.; J.R. Wilson; and M.P. Ogren, J. Comp. Neurol. 1812:123136.
1977 The distribution of pulvinar terminals in visual areas 17 and 18 of the monkey,
Ogren, M.P., and A.E. Hendrickson, Brain Res. 127:343-350.
1977 Evidence for a projection from pulvinar to striate cortex in the squirrel monkey
Saimiri sciureus. Ogren, M.P. Exp. Neurol. 54:622-625.
1976 Pathways between striate cortex and subcortical regions in Macacca mulatta and
Saimiri sciureus: Evidence for a reciprocal pulvinar connection. Ogren, M.P., and
A.E. Hendrickson, Exp. Neurol. 53:780-800.
Book Chapter
The Development of the Primate Pulvinar, in: Primate Brain Evolution. Eds: E.
Armstrong & D. Falk, Plenum Press, NY, pp 113 – 130
Freelance Medical and Scientific Writing
2003 An Accident Waiting to Happen? The Scientist, Vol. 17
1999 – 2001
Weekly Briefings from the New England Journal of Medicine, Massachusetts
Medical Society, Waltham, MA 02451, Web publication parallel to the NEJM
featuring plain language summaries of research articles published weekly in the
NEJM. Weekly Briefings is no longer an active publication.
More than 200 single author articles (with byline):
2001 - 2004
HealthNews: Straight Talk About the Medical Headlines Print Newsletter by
subscription. Massachusetts Medical Society, Waltham, MA 02451
More than 10 editorial contributions (no byline, some ghost writing for MDs):
2001 - 2002
InteliHealth, Harvard Health Publications, Internet Publication, Countway Library,
Suite 612, 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115
More than 100 editorial contributions
Weekly Briefings from the New England Journal of Medicine:
Melatonin Adjusts Light-Dark Cycle in Blind People to Aid Sleep
Original Research article: Sack RL, Brandes RW, Kendall AR, Lewy AJ N
Engl J Med 2000;343:1070
Synthetic Substitute for Red Blood Cells in Blood Transfusion for Severe
Original Research Article; Klein HG; N Engl J Med 2000;342:1666
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Parathyroid Hormone Increases Bone
Density and Reduces Fractures
Original Research article; Black DM, Greenspan SL, Ensrud KE, Palermo
L, McGowan JA, Lang TF, Garnero P, Bouxsein ML, Bilezikian JP, Rosen
CJ; N Engl J Med 2001;344:1434
Treatment for Fatal Autoimmune Disorder Affective Infants: IPEX
Original research article: Baud O, Goulet O, Canioni D, Le Deist F,
Radford I, Rieu D, Dupuis-Girod S, Cerf-Bensussan N, Cavazzana-Calvo
M, Brousse N, Fischer A, Rivet C, Bodemer C, Wildin R, Casanova JLN
Engl J Med 2001;344:1758
Umbilical Cord Blood: A Source of Stem Cells for Adults with LifeThreatening Disease
Original Research article; Gluckman E; N Engl J Med 2001;344:1815
Protective Effect of Bilateral Mastectomy in women with BRCA1 or
BRCA2 Mutations, Original Research article; Narod S, Offit K, Robson M,
Schrag D, Riggs T, Stoutjesdijk MJ, Barentsz JO, Klijn JGM, MeijersHeijboer H; N Engl J Med 2001;345:159
Sept. 2001
Long-Distance Air Travel Increases the Risk of Pulmonary Embolism,
Original Research article: Lapostolle F, Surget V, Borron SW,
Desmaizieres M, Sordelet D, Lapandry C, Cupa M, Adnet F; N Engl J Med
Two Studies Uncover Diagnostic and Prognostic Markers for Acute
Coronary Syndromes
Original research article: Brennan ML, Penn MS, Van Lente F, Nambi V,
Shishehbor MH, Aviles RJ, Goormastic M, Pepoy ML, McErlean ES,
Topol EJ, Nissen SE, Hazen SL; N Engl J Med 2001;345:1022
Sept. 2001
Wild Mushroom Poisoning in France
Original research article: Bedry R, Baudrimont I, Deffieux G, Creppy EE,
Pomies JP, Ragnaud JM, Dupon M, Neau D, Gabinski C, De Witte S,
Chapalain JC, Beylot J, Godeau P; N Engl J Med 2001;345:798
HealthNews: Straight Talk About the Medical Headlines:
July 2004
Mind and Memory: Guidelines for New Epilepsy Drugs; Health News, Vol.
10, No.7, p6
Diabetes Developments: Treating Type 2 Diabetes, Health News, Vol. 10,
No.8, p4
Mind and Memory: Alcohol, Drug Dependence Late in Life; Health News,
Vol. 10, No.8, p6
April 2001
Transient Facial Tics and Simple Motor Tics; Your Health A – Z:
Postpolio syndrome, Your Health A – Z:
Esophageal Varices; Your Health A – Z:
Optic Neuritis; Your Health A – Z: