Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Patrick Merlot Department of Computational Physics November 4, 2009 MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Table of contents 1 Quantum Dots 2 Model, Methods and Implementation 3 Results and Discussions MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions What is a quantum dot? Physics of QDs Applications of QDs Table of contents 1 Quantum Dots What is a quantum dot? Physics of QDs Applications of QDs 2 Model, Methods and Implementation 3 Results and Discussions MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions What is a quantum dot? Physics of QDs Applications of QDs What is a quantum dot? (a) Definition Semiconductor whose charge-carriers are confined in space. (b) 6= types/shapes/fabrication ⇒ 6= QDs (c) Figure 1: Possible types/shapes of QDs. (a) Various shapes of QDs pillars∼ 0.5µm, (b) Colloidal QD (InGaP+ZnS+lipid)∼ 10nm, (c) QD defined by 5 metallic gates on GaAs where 2-DEG is trapped. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions What is a quantum dot? Physics of QDs Applications of QDs Physics of QDs Quantum dot properties Semiconductor band gap increased by size quantization Figure 2: Electronic band structure of semiconductor and quantum dots (Courtesy of J.Winter[4]). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions What is a quantum dot? Physics of QDs Applications of QDs Physics of QDs Quantum dot properties Semiconductor band gap increased by size quantization Tunable optical/electrical properties Perfect system for computational studies Figure 3: Fluorescent emission (Courtesy of J.Winter[4]). Figure 4: Emission spectra of various quantum dots. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions What is a quantum dot? Physics of QDs Applications of QDs Applications of QDs Possible applications Biological nano-sensors Qubits for QCA LEDs Solar cells Figure 5: QDs imaging in live animals compared to classical organic dyes. (Courtesy of X. Gao) MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Table of contents 1 Quantum Dots 2 Model, Methods and Implementation Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation 3 Results and Discussions MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Model of a quantum dot Simple model of a quantum dot Atomic scale problem ⇒ Quantum mechanics for an accurate description of the system. ⇒ at rest, solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation Ĥ|Ψi = E |Ψi. Not modelling all nuclei/electrons ⇒ just model the few quasiparticles confined by the semiconductor. Figure 6: Illustration of a quantum dot model (Courtesy of S.Kvaal[5]). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Model of a N-particle system The Schrödinger equation The Schrödinger equation of a N-particle system Ĥ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rN )|Ψκ (r1 , r2 , . . . , rN )i = Eκ |Ψκ (r1 , r2 , . . . , rN )i (1) where ri reprensents the (spatial/spin) coordinates of quasiparticle i, κ stands for all quantum numbers needed to classify a given N-particle state, |Ψκ i and Eκ are the eigenstates and eigenenergies of the system. How to define our Hamiltonian? Ĥ = Ne X pi 2 + ... 2m∗ i=1 MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Definitions of the interactions/potentials Forces/Fields acting on the quasiparticles: Forces confining the particles ⇒ Confining potential Interactions between the particles ⇒ Interaction potential The Hamiltonian of our two-electron quantum dot model Confining potential ⇒ the harmonic oscillator (parabolic) potential Ĥ = NX e =2 i=1 NX e =2 pi 2 1 ∗ 2 e2 1 + m ω0 kri k2 + , ∗ 2m 2 4π0 r kr1 − r2 k i=1 Interaction potential ⇒ the two-body Coulomb interaction MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (2) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Applying an external magnetic field 1 pi −→ pi + eA , where A is the vector potential defined by B = ∇ × A. in coordinate space pi → −i~∇i , using a Coulomb gauge ∇ · A = 0 (by choosing A(ri ) = (pi + eA)2 → B × ri ), 2 « „ e e2 2 ~2 ∇2i − i~ ∗ A · ∇i + A . − ∗ ∗ 2m m 2m (3) In terms of B, the linear and quadratic terms in A have the form −i~e e2 2 e e2 2 2 A · ∇i = B · L , and A = B ri . where L = −i~(ri × ∇i ) m∗ 2m∗ 2m∗ 8m∗ is the orbital angular momentum operator of the electron i. 2 ωc ˆ Sz , where Ŝ 2 ∗ is the spin operator of the electron and gs is its effective spin gyromagnetic ratio and ωc = eB/m∗ is known as the cyclotron frequency. B also acts on spin with the additional energy term: Ĥs = gs∗ MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Final Hamiltonian The final Hamiltonian reads: Coulomb interactions Harmonic ocscillator potential Ĥ = }| { z }| { 2 X 1 e 1 ∇2 + m∗ ω02 kri k2 + 2m∗ i 2 4π0 r |ri − rj | Ne X −~2 i=1 + z Ne X i=1 | i<j 1 ∗ m 2 ω 2 c 2 1 1 ∗ (i) (i) kri k + ωc L̂z + gs ωc Ŝz , 2 2 {z } 2 single particle interactions with the magnetic field MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (4) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Scaling the problem: dimensionless form of Ĥ r New constant, the oscillator frequency ω = ω0 + “ ω ”2 c 2 , New units: the energy unit ~ω, the length unit, the oscillator length defined by l = p ~/(m∗ ω) . The dimensionless Hamiltonian is now Ĥ = – « Ne » Ne „ X X 1 X 1 1 1 ωc (i) 1 ∗ ωc (i) − ∇2i + ri2 + λ + ml + gs ms . 2 2 rij 2 ~ω 2 ~ω i=1 i<j i=1 where the new dimensionless parameter λ = l/a0∗ describes the strength of the electron-electron interaction (a0∗ being the effective Bohr radius). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (5) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The Hamiltonian solved in this project „ 4~2 2 ∗2 4ω0 m + e 2 B 2 « 41 Role of B? Squeezing the particles should increase the strength of the electron-electron interaction. λ only decreases as the magnetic field increases in this model. Confinement strength λ 1 λ(B) = ∗ a0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0 5 10 B (T) 15 20 Figure 7: Dimensionless confinement strength λ as a function of the magnetic field strength in GaAs. In the rest of the project, we will solve the following Hamiltonian: Ĥ = – Ne » X X 1 1 1 − ∇2i + ri2 + λ . 2 2 rij i=1 i<j MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (6) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The method of variational calculus Definition Method to solve the Schrödinger eq. more efficiently than using numerical integration. Based on the method of Lagrange multipliers, where the functional to minimize (the energy functional) is an integral over the unknown wave function |Φi E [Φ] = R ∗ Φ HΦdτ hΦ|H|Φi = R ∗ , hΦ|Φi Φ Φdτ (7) while subject to a normalization constraint hΦ|Φi = 1. The method introduces new variables for each of the constraints (the Lagrange multipliers ) and defines the Lagrangian (Λ) with respect to |Φi as Λ(Φ, ) = E [Φ] − (hΦ|Φi − 1) , Find stationnary solutions by solving the set of equations by writing MSc. in Computational Physics (8) ∂Λ = 0. ∂Φ Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The Hartree-Fock method Definition The HF method is a particular case of variational method in accordance with the independent particle approximation, the Pauli exclusion principle. The approximated wave function To fullfil these criteria, the wave-function must be antisymmetric with respect to an interchange of any two particles: Φ(r1 , r2 , . . . , ri , . . . , rj , . . . , rN ) = −Φ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rj , . . . , ri , . . . , rN ). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (9) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The Hartree-Fock wave function The Slater determinant is an antisymmetric product of the single particle orbitals: ˛ ˛ ψα (r1 ) ˛ ˛ ˛ ψ (r1 ) 1 ˛˛ β Φ(r1 , r2 , . . . , rN , α, β, . . . , σ) = √ .. ˛ N! ˛ . ˛ ˛ ˛ ψσ (r1 ) ψα (r2 ) ... ψβ (r2 ) ... .. . .. ψσ (r2 ) ... . ˛ ψα (rN ) ˛˛ ˛ ψβ (rN ) ˛ ˛ ˛, .. ˛ ˛ . ˛ ˛ ψσ (rN ) ˛ (10) It can be rewritten as 1 X ΦT (r1 , r2 , . . . , rN , α, β, . . . , σ) = √ (−)p PΨα (r1 )Ψβ (r2 ) . . . Ψσ (rN ) N! p √ ` ´ = N! A Ψα (r1 )Ψβ (r2 ) . . . Ψσ (rN ) , by introducing the antisymmetrization operator A = MSc. in Computational Physics 1 X (−)p P̂. N! P Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (11) (12) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Matrix elements calculations Definition We write the Hamiltonian for N electrons as Ĥ = Ĥ0 + Ĥ1 = N X i=1 ĥi + N X v (ri , rj ), i<j where rij = k~ ri − r~j k, ĥi and v (ri , rj ) are respectively the one-body and the two-body Hamiltonian. Using properties of A and commutation rule with Ĥ0 and Ĥ1 , one can write: Z Φ∗T Ĥ0 ΦT dτ = N Z X Ψ∗µ (r)ĥΨµ (r)dr = µ=1 Z Φ∗T Ĥ1 ΦT dτ = N X hµ|h|µi. N N 1 XX hµν|V |µνiAS . 2 µ=1 ν=1 where we define the antisymmetrized matrix element as hµν|V |µνiAS = Z hµν|V |µνi − hµν|V |νµi, with the following shorthands hµν|V |µνi = Ψ∗µ (ri )Ψ∗ν (rj )V (rij )Ψµ (ri )Ψν (rj )dri drj . MSc. in Computational Physics (13) µ=1 Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (14) Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions The Hartree-Fock energy in the harmonic oscillator basis The energy functional The energy functional is our starting point for the Hartree-Fock calculations. E [ΦT ] = hΦT |Ĥ0 |ΦT i + hΦT |Ĥ1 |ΦT i = N X hµ|h|µi + µ=1 1 2 N X N X hµν|V |µνiAS . (15) (16) µ=1 ν=1 We expand each single-particle eigenvector Ψi in terms of a convenient complete set of single-particle states |αi (the harmonic oscillator eigenstates in our case), X Ψi = |ii = ciα |αi. (17) α The energy functional now reads E [Φ] = N X X i=1 αγ Ciα∗ Ciγ hα|h|γi + N 1 X X α∗ β∗ γ δ C Cj Ci Cj hαβ|V |γδiAS . 2 i,j=1 αβγδ i MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (18) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The Hartree-Fock equations (1) Remember the method of the Lagrange multipliers 1 Define a functional E [ΦT ], 2 Identify the constraints: hΨi |Ψj i = δij which implies hΦT |ΦT i = 1, X X with hΨi |Ψj i = Ciα∗ Cjβ hα|βi = Ciα∗ Cjα | {z } α αβ 3 Define the Lagrangian Λ δαβ Λ(C1α , C2α , . . . , CNα , 1 , 2 , . . . , N ) = E [ΦT ] − N X i=1 ! i X Ciα∗ Ciα − δij . (19) α where i are the Lagrange multipliers for each of the normalization constraints. 4 Get the system of equations to solve by setting Λ dΛ d ≡ [Λ(C1α , C2α , . . . , CNα , 1 , 2 , . . . , N )] = 0, dΦT dCiα∗ MSc. in Computational Physics ∀ i ∈ N∗ . Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (20) Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions The Hartree-Fock equations (2) Treating Ciα and Ciα∗ as independent, we arrive at the Hartree-Fock equations (one equation for each basis state |αi) Effective potential hα|U|γi z " X γ hα|h|γi Ciγ + N X X X γ which we can rewrite as }| Cjβ∗ j=1 βδ X { # hαβ|V |γδiAS | {z } Cjδ Ciγ = i Ciα , Two-body interaction matrix elementVαβγδ Oαγ Ciγ = i Ciα , ∀ α ∈ H. γ ⇒ System of non-linear equations in the Ciα∗ , since Oαγ depends itself on the unknowns. ⇒ To be solved by an iterative procedure. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (21) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The Hartree-Fock (self-consistent) iterative procedure 1 Compute the effective Coulomb interaction potential α(0) hα|U (0) |γi with an initial guess of the Ci . 2 Build the resulting Fock matrix O. 3 Solve the linearised system given by the equations (Fock matrix diagonalization) X Initial guess of HF orbitals Fock matrix computation Fock matrix diagonalization [hα|h|γi + hα|U|γi] Ciγ = i Ciα . γ no Selfconsistency achieved? (k) at iteration (k), store the output eigenenergies i and the coefficients of the new eigenvectors 4 α(k) Ci . Substitute back the new coefficients to compute a new Coulomb interaction potential. 5 ... 6 Continue the process until self-consistency is reached. MSc. in Computational Physics yes Compute the total energy End Figure 8: Flowchart of Hartree-Fock algorithm. Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Many-body perturbation theory Take the Hamiltonian Ĥ = Ĥ0 + Ĥ 0 , and treat Ĥ 0 as a perturbation, such as the Coulomb interaction. Suppose Φn eigenfunctions of Ĥ0 corresponding to the eigenvalues En : Ĥ0 Φn = En Φn . Consider the effect of the perturbation on a particular state Φ0 . We denote by Ψ0 the state into which Φ0 changes under the action of the perturbation, so that Ψ0 is an eigenfunction of Ĥ, corresponding to the eigenvalue E . Ĥ0 Φ0 = E0 Φ0 . (22) ĤΨ0 = E Ψ0 . (23) Therefore Φ0 and Ψ0 denote the ground states of the unperturbed and perturbed systems respectively. Since Ĥ0 is Hermitian, one can show that: E − E0 = hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Ψ0 i . hΦ0 |Ψ0 i (24) which is an exact expression and independent of any particular perturbation method. Since Ψ0 is unknown, using a projection operator R for the state Φ0 defined by the equation RΨ = Ψ − Φ0 hΦ0 |Ψi, (25) MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions The perturbed energy The perturbed energy can be derived from the iterated Ψ0 which gives E − E0 = ∞ X ˙ n=0 Φ0 |Ĥ 0 „ R E0 − Ĥ0 «n ¸ (E0 − E + Ĥ 0 ) |Φ0 . We shall write ∆E = E − E0 = ∆E (1) + ∆E (2) + ∆E (3) + . . . where the mth -order energy correction ∆E (m) contains the mth -order power of the perturbation Ĥ 0 . MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (26) Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions The many-body perturbation corrections The 1st -order correction is ∆E (1) = hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i. (27) The 2nd -order correction is ∆E (2) = hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 R E0 − Ĥ0 (E0 − E + Ĥ 0 )|Φ0 i. (28) The 3rd -order energy correction reads ∆E (3) = ∞ X ∞ X hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φm ihΦm |Ĥ 0 |Φn ihΦn |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i (E0 − Em )(E0 − En ) n=0 n=0 − hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i ∞ X hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φn ihΦn |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i . (E0 − En )2 n=0 MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (29) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The MBPT corrections expanded in a basis set It is possible to rewrite the many-body energy corrections in particle and hole state formalism by using the expression of Ĥ 0 as expressed in terms of anihilation (ck ) and creation (ck† ) operators 1X Ĥ 0 = hij|v |klici† cj† cl ck , 2 ijkl The previous many-body perturbation corrections now read ∆E (1) = hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i. = 1X hh1 h2 |v |h1 h2 ias , 2hh (30) 1 2 ∆E (2) = ∞ X hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φn ihΦn |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i 1 = E − E 4 n 0 n=0 X h1 h2 p1 p2 |hh1 h2 |v |p1 p2 i|2as , h1 + h2 − p1 − p2 where hi and pi are respectively hole states and particles states, and i are the single particle energies of the basis set. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions The MBPT corrections expanded in a basis set The 3rd -order many-body perturbation correction reads ∆E (3) = ∞ ∞ X X hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φm ihΦm |Ĥ 0 |Φn ihΦn |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i (E0 − Em )(E0 − En ) n=0 n=0 − hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i ∞ X hΦ0 |Ĥ 0 |Φn ihΦn |Ĥ 0 |Φ0 i (E0 − En )2 n=0 (3) (3) (3) = ∆E4p−2h + ∆E2p−4h + ∆E3p−3h , where (3) ∆E4p−2h is the contribution to the third-order energy correction due to the 4-particle/2-hole excitations, (3) ∆E2p−4h is the contribution to the third-order energy correction due to the 2-particle/4-hole excitations, (3) ∆E3p−3h is the contribution to the third-order energy correction due to the 3-particle/3-hole excitations. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots (31) Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation The MBPT corrections expanded in a basis set The contributions to the third-order energy correction can be written as 0 (3) ∆E4p−2h (3) ∆E2p−4h (3) ∆E3p−3h 1 X hp1 p2 |v |p3 p4 ias hp3 p4 |v |h1 h2 ias hh h |v |p p i as 1 2 1 2 @ A, h1 + h2 − p1 − p2 p p h1 + h2 − p3 − p4 h1 h2 p1 p2 3 4 1 0 X hh1 h2 |v |h3 h4 ias hh3 h4 |v |h1 h2 ias 1 X @ hh1 h2 |v |p1 p2 ias A, = 8hhpp h1 + h2 − p1 − p2 h h h3 + h4 − p1 − p2 1 2 1 2 3 4 0 0 11 X X X hh1 h3 |v |p1 p3 ias hp3 h2 |v |h3 h2 ias hh1 h2 |v |p1 p2 ias @ @ AA , = h1 + h2 − p1 − p2 h1 + h3 − p1 − p3 p h h p p h 1 = 8 X 1 2 1 2 3 3 where the pi denote the particle states, hi the hole states, and i the single particle energies of the corresponfing state. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Code implementation Tools C++ language: for flexibility using classes and efficiency. Blitz++ library: managing dense arrays. Lpp / Lapack library: (Fortran) routines for solving linear algebra problems. Message-Passing Interface: for parallel computing Functionality Read parameters from a unique textual input file or command line. The simulator class performs the initialization and calls other objects. The orbitalsQuantumNumbers class: generates the harmonic oscillator states. The CoulombMatrix class generates the Coulomb interaction matrix outside Hartree-Fock. The HartreeFock class computes the HF energy and generates the interaction matrix in the HF basis. The PerturbationTheory class computes many-body perturbation corrections from 1st - to 3rd -order, either in the harmonic oscillator or in the HF basis set. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Model of a quantum dot The method of Variational calculus The Hartree-Fock method The many-body perturbation theory Implementation Implementation issues Difficulties encountered if not making use of symmetries Huge Fock matrix to diagonalize (grows exponentially with R b ). Huge Coulomb interaction matrix to store Vαβγδ = h(n1 , ml1 )(n2 , ml2 )|V |(n3 , ml3 )(n4 , ml4 )i is an 8-dimensional array. Solutions implemented By using the symmetries and properties of the Coulomb interaction: Vαβγδ does not act on spin: ms1 = ms3 & ms2 = ms4 . Vαβγδ conserves the total spin and angular momentum: ml1 + ml2 = ml3 + ml4 . By sorting the states of the basis by blocks of identical angular (ml ) and spin (ms ) quantum numbers: It allows to reduce the storage of the Coulomb interactions per blocks of couple of states by avoiding to store zeros’s elements. The Fock matrix appears as block diagonal, allowing much smaller eigenvalue problems to solve. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Table of contents 1 Quantum Dots 2 Model, Methods and Implementation 3 Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Validation of the simulator Simple checks Reproduce the non-interacting ground state energies. Reproduce the two-body interaction matrix elements of OpenFCI almost with machine precision Comparison of MBPT results with similar experiments 0 2nd order MBPT Correction [meV ] ∆E (max(|ml |)) ∆E (max(|n|)) with with max(n) = 5 max(|ml |) = 11 -0.5 Waltersson computed the open-shell 2nd -order MBPT correction. -1 Our closed-shell 2nd -order MBPT correction shows close agreement. -1.5 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 max(n), max(|ml |) nd Figure 9: 2 -order perturbation theory correction − for the 2e QD. Comparison between results of Waltersson (top) [3] and our results (down). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) Fock-Darwin orbitals When neglecting the repulsions between the particles, the eigenenergies n ml as a function of the magnetic field B can be solved analytically for a parabolic confining potential V (r ) = 1/(2m∗ ω02 r 2 ) leading to a spectrum known as the Fock-Darwin states Rewriting the eigenenergies in units of ~ω0 , n ml becomes dimensionless and we obtain s n ml = (2n + |ml | + 1) 1+ (ωc /ω0 )2 1 − (ωc /ω0 ) ml 4 2 (32) eB eB )2 − ml . 2m∗ ω0 2m∗ ω0 (33) s = (2n + |ml | + 1) 1+( MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (2/3) Twelve-electrons dot 4.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 Energy n ml (~ω0 ) Energy n ml (~ω0 ) Six-electrons dot 4.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 6th shell electron states 5th shell electron states 4th shell electron states 3rd shell electron states |0, 1i 2nd shell electron state |0, 0i 1st shell electron state 0.5 3rd shell electron states |0, 1i 2nd shell electron state |0, 0i 1st shell electron state 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Magnetic field (T) Figure 10: Spectrum of Fock-Darwin orbitals for 6 non-interacting particles (GaAs:~ω0 = 5meV ,r = 12). MSc. in Computational Physics 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Magnetic field (T) Figure 11: Spectrum of Fock-Darwin orbitals for 12 non-interacting particles (GaAs:~ω0 = 5meV ,r = 12). Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 4 Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 1 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 4 Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 4 Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 1 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 4 Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i 12 non-interacting particles Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, 3i b R =3 |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 2 Rb = 1 |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 2 Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i 12 non-interacting particles Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, 3i b R =3 |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −3i |1, −1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics R =2 Rb = 1 |0, −1i Rb = 3 |0, 2i b |0, 1i |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 2 Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i 12 non-interacting particles |1, 1i |0, 3i b R =3 |1, 0i R =2 |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 1 Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i |0, 2i b |0, −1i |0, −3i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, 3i Rb = 3 |0, 2i Rb = 2 |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i 12 non-interacting particles |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, 3i Rb = 3 R =2 |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 1 Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i |0, 2i b |0, −1i |0, −3i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, 3i Rb = 3 |0, 2i Rb = 2 |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 12 non-interacting particles 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i b R =3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i MSc. in Computational Physics R =1 Rb = 2 |0, 1i b |0, 0i Rb = 3 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i 12 non-interacting particles |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 3i |0, 2i MSc. in Computational Physics R =1 Rb = 2 |0, 1i b |0, 0i Rb = 3 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles Rb = 4 |1, −1i |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |1, 1i |0, 3i |0, −2i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 3i |0, −2i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 2 |0, 1i b |0, 0i Rb = 3 R =1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 Rb = 4 |1, −1i |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |0, −3i |1, −1i b R =4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |0, −3i |1, −1i b R =4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i Rb = 4 |1, 1i |0, −2i |0, 3i |1, 0i |0, 2i |0, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, −1i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |1, 0i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i |1, −1i |0, 2i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i |1, −1i |0, 2i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |1, 1i |1, 0i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i Rb = 3 Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, −1i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |1, 1i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, −1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |1, 1i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, 1i Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, −1i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |1, 1i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, −1i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |1, 1i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |0, 1i |0, 1i |0, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, −1i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |1, 1i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 2i MSc. in Computational Physics |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, 2i Rb = 2 Rb = 2 |0, 1i |0, 1i |0, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, −1i |1, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, −1i |0, 2i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Level crossing as a function of B without interactions (1/3) 6 non-interacting particles |0, −3i 12 non-interacting particles |0, −3i |1, −1i |1, −1i Rb = 4 |0, −2i Rb = 4 |0, −2i |1, 1i |1, 1i Rb = 3 |1, 0i Rb = 3 |1, 0i |0, 3i |0, 3i |0, −1i |0, −1i |0, 2i Rb = 2 |0, 2i |0, 1i |0, 0i MSc. in Computational Physics Rb = 2 |0, 1i Rb = 1 |0, 0i Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Rb = 1 Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Level crossing as a function of λ with interactions (1/2) Ground state energy for a six-particle QD with λ = 0.1, R = 4 Ground state energy for a six-particle QD with λ = 1, R = 5 19 28 S =0 S =2 S =4 S =6 18 26 16 25 (~ ω) 17 E0 (M, S) (~ ω) E0 (M, S) S =0 S =2 S =4 S =6 27 15 24 14 23 13 22 12 11 21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 9 0 1 2 3 4 Total angular momentum M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 Total angular momentum M Ground state energy for a six-particle QD with λ = 15, R = 5 Ground state energy for a six-particle QD with λ = 50, R = 5 107 290 S =0 S =2 S =4 S =6 106 S =0 S =2 S =4 S =6 285 105 (~ ω) 103 E0 (M, S) E0 (M, S) (~ ω) 104 102 280 275 101 100 270 99 98 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total angular momentum M 265 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total angular momentum M Figure 12: FCI ground state energies for a 6-electron QD with λ = {0.1, 1} (top) and λ = {15, 50} (bottom). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Level crossing as a function of λ with interactions (2/2) Summary of FCI results using OpenFCI λ 0.1 0.5 1 2 5 10 11 12 13 15 20 50 FCI ground state energy (~ω) R=5 11.197 15.561 20.257 28.032 46.482 73.067 78.143 83.168 88.152 98.027 122.325 266.157 (M,S) For a 6-particle QD, break of the model of a single Slater determinant from λ ' 13. (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (1,2) (1,2) (1,4) A similar study performed on a 2-particle QD indicates a break of the closed-shell model from λ ' 150. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Exponential convergence of HF as a function of R b (1/3) Definition The size of the basis set characterized by R b (R b ∈ N R b ≥ R f ) It defines the maximum shell number in the model space for our Hartree-Fock computation. It implies the number of orbitals in which each single particle wavefunction will be expanded, with spin degeneracy the number of states NS is NS = (R b + 1)(R b + 2) (34) The bigger the basis set, the more accurate the single particle wavefunction is expected. In mathematical notation, R b and the size of the basis set B are defined by B = B(R b ) = n |φnml (r)i o : 2n + |ml | ≤ R b , (35) where |φnml (r)i are the single orbital in the Harmonic oscillator basis with quantum numbers n, ml such that the single orbital energy reads: nml = 2n + |ml | + 1 in two-dimensions. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Exponential convergence of HF as a function of R b (2/3) Ground state of a 2-particles QD Ground state of a 6-particles QD 5 45 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 λ=0 40 4 35 30 E0HF [~ω] E0HF [~ω] 3 25 20 2 15 10 1 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 λ=0 5 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 8 10 Ground state of a 20-particles QD Ground state of a 12-particles QD 350 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 λ=0 140 120 300 λ=2 250 E0HF [~ω] E0HF [~ω] 100 80 200 λ=1 150 λ = 0.5 60 100 λ=0 40 50 20 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 Figure 13: Hartree-Fock ground state (E (bottom). 8 HF 2 4 6 Max. shell number in the basis R b 10 b as a function of R for 2-,6-electron QD (top) and 12-,20-electron QD MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Exponential convergence of HF as a function of R b (3/3) Relative error wrt best HF energy for 2-particles QD Relative error wrt best HF energy for 6-particles QD 100 100 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 Relative error 10−1 Relative error 10−1 10−2 10−2 10−3 10−3 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Relative error wrt best HF energy for 20-particles QD Relative error wrt best HF energy for 12-particles QD 100 100 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 λ = 0.5 λ=1 λ=2 10−1 Relative error Relative error 10−1 10−2 10−2 10−3 0 10−3 0 2 4 6 Figure 14: Hartree-Fock relative error (E 12-,20-electron QD (bottom). 8 HF b (R ) − HF HF Emin )/Emin MSc. in Computational Physics 2 4 6 8 10 Max. shell number in the basis R b 10 b as a function of R for 2-,6-electron QD (top) and Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations “Convergence history” as a function of λ (1/3) Definition The convergence history of a simulation shows how the convergence “improve” over iterations. We could plot the energy difference from one iteration to the next δ(iter ) = |E HF (iter ) − E HF (iter − 1)|. more intuitive on the form: δ(iter ) ' 10−β iter . MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions “Convergence history” as a function of λ (2/3) First iterations of the history for a 2-particles QD λ = 2, 100 slower convergence as λ increases. First iterations of the history for a 6-particles QD λ = 1, R b = 4, β = −1.1 Rb λ = 1, R b = 4, β = −0.75 = 4, β = −0.8 λ = 2, 100 λ = 5, R b = 4, β = −0.57 Rb = 4, β = −0.66 λ = 5, R b = 4, β = −0.4 λ = 1, R b = 8, β = −1.1 λ = 1, R b = 8, β = −0.7 λ = 2, R b = 8, β = −0.8 λ = 2, R b = 8, β = −0.48 λ = 5, R b = 8, β = −0.51 λ = 5, R b = 8, β = −0.32 much less impact due to R b or to the nb.of particles, except when leading to unstability. 10−5 δ(iter ) δ(iter ) 10−5 10−10 10−10 10−12 10−15 10−15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 iterations iterations First iterations of the history for a 12-particles QD First iterations of the history for a 20-particles QD λ = 1, R b = 4, β = −0.7 40 45 λ = 1, R b = 4, β = −1.2 λ = 2, R b = 4, β = −0.63 100 35 λ = 2, R b = 4, β = −0.86 100 λ = 5, R b = 4, β = −0.5 λ = 5, R b = 4, β = −0.47 λ = 1, R b = 8, β = −0.43 λ = 1, R b = 8, β = −0.31 λ = 2, R b = 8, β = −0.14 λ = 2, R b = 8, β = −1.5e − 05 λ = 5, R b = 8, β = −3.6e − 06 λ = 5, R b = 8, β = −0.31 10−5 δ(iter ) δ(iter ) 10−5 10−10 10−10 10−15 10−15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 iterations 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 iterations Figure 15: Convergence history of the Hartree-Fock iterative process for 2-,6-electron QD (top) and 12-,20-electron QD (bottom). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions “Convergence history” as a function of λ (3/3) expected “plateau” when reaching machine precision. Zoom over the convergence plateau for a 20-particles QD λ = 1, R b = 4, β = −1.2 However it seems that increasing the interaction strength: λ = 2, R b = 4, β = −0.86 λ = 5, R b = 4, β = −0.47 10−12 λ = 1, R b = 8, β = −0.31 slows down the convergence process, as adding error at each iteration, δ(iter ) 10−13 10−14 10−15 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 iterations 200 induces a lower accuracy, as if it could “decrease the machine precision”, ⇒ Phenomena maybe due to round-off error, proportional to λ, and entering the eigenvalue solver in a non-trivial way. Figure 16: Zoom over the limit of convergence of the Hartree-Fock iterative process for a 20-particle QD. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Quadratic error growth of HF/MBPT wrt FCI ground state Relative error wrt CI energy for a 2-particles QD (R b = 4, R = 4) 100 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 2-particles QD (R b = 8, R = 8) 100 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−6 10−8 Relative error Relative error 10−4 β = 2.97 β = 2.00 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−10 10−12 10−14 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 Confinement strength λ 100 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−14 10−7 Relative error Relative error β = 2.00 β = 2.00 10−12 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−10 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 Confinement strength λ 102 10−4 10−10 β = 2.96 β = 1.98 10−14 101 10−2 10−8 10−8 10−12 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 6-particles QD (R b = 4, R = 4) 100 10−6 10−6 100 101 102 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 12-particles QD (R b = 3, R = 3) 100 HF −2 MBPT(HF) 2nd order 10 MBPT(HF) 3rd order st order −4 MBPT(HO) 1 10 MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−6 β = 2.96 10−8 β = 1.99 10−10 10−12 10−14 101 102 Confinement strength λ 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 Confinement strength λ 100 101 102 rd Figure 17: Comparison of HF/MBPT and HF corrected by MBPT up to 3 -order wrt to the FCI ground state taken as reference for 2-electron QD (top) and 6-,12-electron QD (bottom). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Respective accuracy of HF and MBPT (1/2) 10−12 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−5 Relative error Relative error 10−11 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 2-particles QD (R b = 8, R = 8) 10−11 10−12 10−4 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−5 10−4 Confinement strength λ Confinement strength λ Relative error wrt CI energy for a 6-particles QD (R b = 4, R = 4) Relative error wrt CI energy for a 12-particles QD (R b = 3, R = 3) 10−11 10−12 Relative error Relative error Relative error wrt CI energy for a 2-particles QD (R b = 4, R = 4) HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−5 10−11 10−12 10−4 Confinement strength λ HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−5 10−4 Confinement strength λ Figure 18: Zoom on the quadratic growth of the error when λ is relatively small (λ < 0.05), showing different accuracies with respect to the method, the number of particles and the size of the basis. for 2-electron QD (top) and 6-,12-electron QD (bottom). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions ] e− R FCI R HF 4 4 8 8 4 4 4 8 3 3 2 6 12 Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Relative error shift between each method for λ = 10−3 MBPT(HF)-2nd order → min MBPT(HF)-3rd order → 3 min MBPT(H0)-2nd order and MBPT(H0)-3rd order → 2.1 × 103 min HF → 4.6 × 103 min MBPT(HO)-1st order → 7.5 × 103 min MBPT(HF)-2nd order and MBPT(HF)-3rd order → min MBPT(H0)-2nd order and MBPT(H0)-3rd order → 2.7 × 103 min HF → 7 × 103 min MBPT(HO)-1st order → 10.7 × 103 min MBPT(HF)-2nd order and MBPT(HF)-3rd order → min HF → 9.65 min MBPT(H0)-2nd order and MBPT(H0)-3rd order → 40.3 min st MBPT(HO)-1 order → 52.55 min MBPT(HF)-2nd order and MBPT(HF)-3rd order → min HF → 1.31 min nd rd MBPT(H0)-2 order and MBPT(H0)-3 order → 5.47 min st MBPT(HO)-1 order → 8 min nd MBPT(HF)-2 order → min MBPT(HF)-3rd order → 5.98 min HF → 5.6 × 103 min nd rd MBPT(H0)-2 order and MBPT(H0)-3 order → 51.3 × 103 min MBPT(HO)-1st order → 58.4 × 103 min Table 1: Classification of the methods with respect to their relative accuracy in the range of λ that exhibits a quadractic error growth. MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Break of the methods Relative error wrt CI energy for a 2-particles QD (R b = 4, R = 4) 102 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 2-particles QD (R b = 8, R = 8) 102 101 101 Relative error 100 Relative error 100 10−1 10−1 10−2 10−4 10−5 10−2 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−3 0.1 1 2 10 Confinement strength λ HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−3 10−4 10−5 50 0.1 1 2 10 Confinement strength λ 50 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 12-particles QD (R b = 3, , R = 3) 100 Relative error wrt CI energy for a 6-particles QD (R b = 4, R = 4) 101 100 10−1 Relative error Relative error 10−1 10−2 10−2 HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−3 10−4 10−5 0.1 1 2 10 Confinement strength λ HF MBPT(HF) 2nd order MBPT(HF) 3rd order MBPT(HO) 1st order MBPT(HO) 2nd order MBPT(HO) 3rd order 10−3 50 10−4 0.1 1 2 10 Confinement strength λ 50 Figure 19: The plots display a zoom for λ approaching the limit of the closed-shell model for 2-electron QD (top) and 6-,12-electron QD (bottom). MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Summary of the results Exponential convergence of HF as a function of R b . Increasing λ slows down the convergence of HF, and decreases its accuracy. Compared to FCI, HF and MBPT have a quadratic error growth wrt λ. Unstability of the 2nd - 3rd -order MBPT corrections before 1st -order MBPT and HF. Break of the method before the closed-shell model # particles 2 6 12 Break of the method λ '5 λ '2 λ '1 MSc. in Computational Physics Break of the model λ '150 λ '14 λ '??? Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations Thank you for your attention ;) MSc. in Computational Physics Many-Body Approaches to Quantum Dots Quantum Dots Model, Methods and Implementation Results and Discussions Validation of the simulator Limit of the closed-shell model as a function of λ Convergence/Stability/Accuracy of HF Comparison on HF/MBPT/FCI calculations L. P. Kouwenhoven. Electron transport in quantum dots, Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute, 1997. X. Gao, Y. Cui, R. M. Levenson, L. W. Chung, and S. Nie. In vivo cancer targeting and imaging with semiconductor quantum dots. Nat Biotech, 22:969–976, 2004. L. P. Kouwenhoven, D. G. Austing, and S. Tarucha. Few-electron quantum dots. Reports on Progress in Physics, 64:701–736, 2001. S. Kvaal. 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