POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF EXPLOSIVE MARITIME CYCLOGENESIS by PAUL JOSEPH ROEBBER B.Sc. McGill University (1981) Submitted to the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 1983 Signature of Author Department of Meteorology and Ph sical Oceanography Ma,316 1983 Certified br Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students UndgrMJ JUN 2WFROM Mg; ARARIES POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF EXPLOSIVE MARITIME CYCLOGENESIS PAUL JOSEPH ROEBBER Submitted to the Department of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography on May 6, 1983 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT A statistical analysis of 12 and 24 hour deepening rates for all surface lows analyzed on at least two successive NMC 12 hourly hemispheric surface charts was performed for one full year of data. The basis of the analysis was the Central Limit Theorem of Statistics, which would require an approximate Gaussian distribution of deepening rates, provided the mechanism(s) of deepening was (were) identical in all cases. Statistically significant deviations from the normal curve were found in both the 12 and 24 hour studies, with the largest deviations occurring along the tail of the distribution associated with most rapid deepening. An attempt was made to iteratively fit two normal curves of different means and standard deviations to the deepening spectra; the attempt was successful in both the 12 and 24 hour cases, suggesting that most cases of explosive cyclogenesis are the result of some physical mechanism in addition to or other than ordinary baroclinic instability. The climatology of explosive cyclones (Sanders and Gyakum, 1980) was updated to include the 1979-82 cold seasons. In addition, a climatology of formation positions, maximum deepening positions, and dissipation positions for all cyclones in a one year data sample was compiled. These studies suggested that the preferred regions of explosive the baroclinic zones; cyclogenesis are primarily climatological and statistical evidence therefore suggests that the explosive mechanism is a combination of the baroclinic process and some other mechanism. A quasi-geostrophic investigation of a particular formulation of the wave-CISK hypothesis was carried out on a sample of 18 explosively developing cyclones, using a modified version of the analytic baroclinic model suggested PAGE 3 by Sanders (1971) and Sanders and Gyakum (1980), with the parameterization detailed in Mak (1982). An extrapolation of the instantaneous model results (with friction) was able to account for 67% of the sample variance in 12 hour deepening rates, and 14% at 24 hours. This was a significant improvement over the baroclinic model, which could account for only 2% of the 12 hour variance, and 27% at a range of 24 hours. It was suggested that the improvement in the baroclinic model at longer range was related to the problem of extrapolating instantaneous results rather than any improvement in forecast skill. Evidence was found to suggest that the postulated explosive forcing of atmospheric bombs, the CISK mechanism, is operative only for the period of most rapid deepening; subsequent balance is achieved between friction and the weaker, baroclinic forcing. A logical relationship between convective heating intensity and geographical location was established, with the axis of maximum heating intensity located slightly to the warm side of the mean Gulf Stream position. CISK An attempt was made to apply the model to the operational forecasting of explosive cyclogenesis, with generally poor results. It is suggested that this failure is related to the problem of forecasting the occurrence, duration, and intensity of the operative CISK mechanism, and that the key to forecasting explosive cyclogenesis is essentially in the better understanding of the initiation and continued evolution of cooperative convection embedded within the large scale flow. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Frederick Sanders Professor of Meteorology PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction......... ......................... .. a Statistical Analysis and Climatology of Cyclones. .10 .1 Statistical Analysis... ......................... .12 .2 Climatology............. ......................... .24 I Statistics of Deepenin g Cyclones ............... .24 2 Geographic Distributio n of Cyclones...... .28 Summary................. ......................... .51 Application of an Analyt ic Model of Wave-CISK .... .52 Objectives.............. ......................... .52 Review of Wave-CISK..... ......................... .53 Model Formulation....... ......................... .56 .4 Model Climatology of Explosive Cyclones........... .93 Operational Forecasting of Explosive Cyclogenesis. 108 Conclusions....................................... 116 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...................................118 APPENDIX..........................................119 REFERENCES........................................126 PAGE 5 LIST OF FIGURES 2.01 12 hour deepening distribution (warm iseason )......16 .02 24 hour deepening distribution (warm Iseason )......17 .03 12 hour deepening distribution (cold iseason . .04 24 hour deepening distribution (cold iseason ...... . 18 19 .05 24 hour deepening distribution / cold seaso n sum.. 20 .06 12 hour deepening distribution (full kyear). ....... 21 ear). ....... 22 .07 24 hour deepening distribution (full .08 24 hour deepening distribution / full year sum.... 23 .09 Table of confidenc e intervals Table of deepening times (GMT)........ ............ 26 .10 Length of deepenin g periods........... ............ 27 .11 Formation positions (warm season)..... ............ 32 .12 Formation positions (full year)....... ............ 33 .13 Formation positions (Bombs)........... ............ 34 .14 Maximum deepening positions (warm seas on).........35 .15 Maximum deepening positions (full y eaT )...........36 .16 Maximum deepening positions (Bombs)...............37 .17 Maximum deepening positions, Bombs 1976-79. ....... 39 18 Maximum deepening positions, Bombs 1979-82. ....... 40 19 Maximum deepening positions, Bombs 1976-82. ....... 41 .20 Dissipation positions (warm season)........ ....... 42 .21 Dissipation positions (full year).......... ....... 43 .22 Dissipation positions (Bombs).............. ....... 44 PAGE 6 .23 700 mb height contours, May 1980....... ........... 47 .24 700 mb height contours, June 1980...... ........... 48 .25 700 mb height contours, July 1980...... ........... 49 .26 700 mb height contours, August 1980.... ........... 50 1.01 Model heating profiles................. ........... 6 1 .02 Model temperature profile.............. ........... 64 .03 Model stability profile................ ........... 65 .04 Vertical motion profiles (baroclinic mo del).......67 .05 Vertical profile of friction........... ........... 70 .06 Vertical motion profile (CISK model)... ........... 73 .07 Vertical profile of frictional updraft. ........... 74 .08 Type B CISK (geopotential tendency) Type B CISK (phase speeds) . ............... ........ 79 .09 Presidents' Day deepening profile (baroclinic).... 85 .10 Presidents' Dagy deepening profile (CISK)..........86 .11 Presidents' Day deepening profile (CISK cut off)..87 .12 Presidents' Dag surface analysis (model)..........88 .13 Presidents' Day 500 mb analysis (model)...........89 .14 Presidents' Day surface analysis (observed).......90 .15 Presidents' Day 500 mb analysis (observed)........91 .16 Presidents' Day 500 mb vertical motion (observed).92 .17 Table of explosive cases modeled................. .95 .18 Heating intensity distribution................... 100 .19 Table of explosive cases (model results)......... 103 .20 Table of deepening periods (modeled/observed).... 107 .21 Cases within satellite coverage 1980-81(Nov-Feb). 111 PAGE 7 .22 Cases within satellite coverage 1982-83(Nov-Feb).112 .23 Table of operational forecasting results.........115 PAGE 8 1.0 Introduction The emphasis of this research on explosively developing extratropical cyclones (bombs) has been twofold. The first goal statistical has been to evidence that such manifestations ordinary of a baroclinic obtain different some storms physical instability. significant are in some way process Up to this point, there has been some question as to the actual existence phenomena as distinct physical entities, inadequate data coverage over the oceans. approach than The of such owing to statistical provides a means of addressing this issue despite the minimal data available. The details of this analysis are discussed in the first section. Assuming that such evidence is found, it would further be possible to formulate a definition of a "bomb" that is consistent with this evidence, and more meaningful importantly, investigate than however, the the it possible is current would therefore definition. provide incentive heat continuing deepening hoped that release. effort via such to Related to adequately method could convective to these questions is the forecast computer or graphical methods. a Most physical mechanisms responsible for explosive cyclogenesis, such as the role of latent somewhat be realized explosive It has been based on PAGE 9 of parameters however, it thickness); indeed are bombs if that seem would 1000-500 mb (e.g., flow scale large the a manifestation of some physical process other than such instability, baroclinic ordinary or in addition to doomed to mixed success, since presumably the efforts are mystery deepening some in related be would process fundamental way to smaller scale flow parameters. The of effects bulk such investigators (1981), Sanders and Gyakum Gyakum as (1980), and Bosart (1981) have suggested critical which convection, cumulus possibly of are importance to the development of such storms, can be represented in terms of the large scale flow through the wave-CISK hypothesis discussed others. Building (1981) among analysis, statistical analytic explosive model of wave-CISK formulation as a means for cyclogenesis. on second the cyclogenesis, by Lindzen (1974) and Mak and the as the results section applied of the deals with an to cases of tests the feasibility of the forecasting of explosive PAGE 10 2.0 Statistical Analysis and Climatologg of Cyclones In order deepening to carry rates, it adequate data base. baroclinic successive tracked February 12 the 1980 (i.e., that NMC for was a first statistical to acquire an a were analyzed on at extent of their not believed continuing we two 1981) from to beginning through January 1981. the result M.I.T. of missing archives. cold The The season be serious, since the data set still represents an unbiased sample of one case, least existence, resultant break in continuity for the 1980-81 is predominantly hourly hemispheric surface charts were and (February of of thermal lows and tropical storms skewed one year sample was chosen as a data analysis necessary All surface lows nature excluded) were out full year; in any do not know a priori which particular season (if any) will show deepening, since statistically the significant deviations in cold season is more baroclinic, but not necessarily more or less Gaussian than the warm season. The pressure latitude/longitude coordinates and central as analyzed on the NMC charts were recorded at 12 hour intervals for as long as each storm was maintained a distinct entity. In some cases, the surface low moved off the map or else maps were missing; a as in other instances, surface system of a tropical nature was transformed into PAGE 11 a middle latitude baroclinic disturbance. were noted as they occurred, as they subsequent treatment of the raw data. recorded, it was condensed in the following manner: the position of maximum the deepening, hour and were recorded for each system, along with the date, time, and, magnitude of the maximum 24 the was position Once affected data formation position, dissipation These situations pressure falls. 12 and The formation position was taken to be the first analyzed position of the storm, provided it had not simply moved into view from a previous location off of the map. the The maximum deepening position was taken to be position of the most rapid deepening; storm centered over the interval of thus, the position of maximum 24 hour deepening was the position of the storm at OOZ, if the most rapid deepening occurred from position last analyzed and the taken to be position of a storm before it lost its by another storm or decay, so that the low center was no longer analyzed on successive maps. was 12Z, The position of dissipation was identity, either through absorption final to at 12Z, if the most rapid deepening occurred from OOZ to OOZ. the 12Z also recorded. The duration (in days) of each storm All pressure falls were subsequently adjusted geostrophically, based on the principle that two storms of identical pressure gradient would not produce the same Thus, maximum the geostrophic wind at different latitudes. pressure falls can be adjusted according to the PAGE 12 formula: dP(adj) = [sin a / sin b3 dP where "a" is some latitude the of reference storm. latitude, and Traditionally, "b" is a bomb has been defined as a total 24 hour pressure drop equivalent mb at the to 24 60N, so that for the above definition, with "a" set equal to 42.5N, dP(adj)=-19 mb corresponds to one bergeron, the lower limit of deepening to qualify as a bomb, adjusted to middle latitudes. definition is used This altered version of the in explosive cyclones occur either case, these this study, since the majority of about the axis the bomb class. 42.5N. rapid In deepeners The statistical analysis of deepening rates will make it possible to formulate a consistent of are arbitrary definitions, presumably formulated so as to include only the most in Bergeron new definition with the analysis, and therefore less arbitrary than the current definition. 2.1 Statistical Analysis The basis Theorem of of this Statistics, analysis which is states the Central that under certain conditions probability distributions will tend to the normal curve. Limit approach If we let Xn, n= 1,2,...,N be a set of N PAGE 13 stochastic variables (e.g., the random outcome denote the number of of the stochastic variable process number independent X1 is 1), and we let j realizations of that process, then we can define a variable Yj such that: = Yj X1,j + X2,j + ... + XN,j Thus, the summation is over processes, and variables restrict Yj sums such density limiting infinity the Xn, j the probability the are of that the additive effects. all have an distribution of the is the normal distribution. Yj as identical N approaches This is the simplest Limit Theorem. Liapounov Central Limit Theorem requires only that the random variables Xn,j be independent, and identically distributed not necessarily for the distribution of the Yj to be normally distributed. would If we with mean u and standard deviation s, (and most restrictive) form of the Central The stochastic In terms of this analysis, one expect the distribution of the deepening rates to be normal provided the N underlying processes (the nature which baroclinic have processes, vorticity not correspond advection, (realizations). processes been be to etc.) specified, warm are but advection, the same for of differential in This does not require that each all cases of these identically distributed, but only that these processes and no others are operative in all realizations. PAGE 14 The restriction correct, of although interact. independence some storms should be approximately in proximity may We can say little about the interactions between cyclones, and the effect of cyclones flow close and subsequent systems, on the upper level but it seems reasonable to assume that such effects would be statistically negligible. Analyses of 12 and 24 hour deepening distributions for warm season, cold season, and full year data samples show statistically significant deviations from the normal curve, the largest deepening deviations curve associated (fig. with 2.01-08). The the tail of the analysis was accomplished using a chi-square goodness of fit test at the 5% level of significance; of erroneously thus there is a rejecting the null 5% probability hypothesis that the distributions are Gaussian and concluding the distributions are not normal. An attempt was made to iteratively fit two normal curves with different means and variances to each of the cold season and full year 24 hour distributions; it was discovered that the sum of normal provided there curves were no longer observed distributions. a deepening the two good fit to the data, that is, significant deviations from the The statistics of the distribution associated with most rapid deepening with mean -22.3 mb and standard deviation 6.9 mb indicate definition of a bomb is quite adequate; that 68% the of Bergeron explosive PAGE 15 cases (as defined by the deepening distribution with mean -22.3 mb) are included by the definition, while only 2% of non-explosive cases are included, at least in this sample. These results provide strong evidence cyclogenesis is analysis, based on the pressure analyses over data demonstrate conclusion. information this an on sparse feature the oceans, further physical explosive investigation, that such oft-times underestimated NMC one this was attempted, and will be chapter. The fact process deepening must was able emphasizes Unfortunately, such a procedure responsible for the such explosive a process distinct in some meaningful way from ordinary baroclinic instability. an that can or give to this no processes mechanism. For turn to other methods; dealt with in the next PAGE 16 75 WARM SEASON -12 hour 65EP 55- (MAY 80-AUG 80) APadjusted = 3.54 X z 0.66 a- = 3.12 y = 3.76 N a 365 Cn) w (n 45- 0 ( 35- z 25- 15- 5 15 10 5 0 -5 APadj -10" -15 -20. -25 (mb) FIGURE 2. 01 Deepening distributions with computed sample statistics, Figures 2.01-08. AP and 0 are the sample mean and standard deviation, N is the total number of cases, '(I and 12 are the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis, respectively, measures of the relative centeredness and peakness of the distributions. The dashed lines represent the two normal distributions of different means and variances; the solid line in those figures represents the sum of the two distributions. -30 PAGE 17 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 APadj (mb ) FIQURE 2.02 -15 -20 -25 -30 PAGE 18 65 55 U) w 45 U. 0 35 z 25 15 15 10 5 -5 0 APodj -10 (mb) FIGURE 2. 03 -15 -20 -25 -30 <n LU 4 5 - 0356 z 2515525 P0 15 1O 5 0 -5 -10 -IS APadj( mb ) FIGURE 2. 04 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 APodj ( mb ) RICURE 2. O~ TI 0 P1 p3 0 PAGE 21 APadj (mb) FIGURE 2.06 w - 4 5 o35 - BOMB (BERGERON) z 25- 15- 525 20 15 10 5 0 -5 APodj -10 ( mb) -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 FIGURE 2. 07 fi lu Cl) u45u- 0 356 z 25- 520 15 10 5 0 -10 -5 APodj -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 (mb ) FIGURE 2. 08 -u (0 PACE 24 2.2 Climatology Statistics of Deepening Cyclones - 2.2.1 A wealth of climatological data can the one year be gleaned from cyclone sample, and in the process, one can learn some additional information about explosive cyclones. Consulting the data in figures 2.06-07, it is evident that the average pressure fall is greater in only one to two millibars the 24 hour sample than in the 12 hour sample. This suggests that, on average, most of the deepening is accomplished in a time period less than 24 hours. The main increase is in the dispersion (broadening) of the 24 distribution, continue confirming that deepening throughout the period. implications some cases do hour This result has important for any attempt to model the evolution of the cyclogenesis. Since it has been shown that the bimodal distributions of the 24 hour cold season and full year sample deepening rates can be approximated by the sum of two normal it is possible to say something about the true means and variances of the distributions. table 2.09. 4.5 The results are shown in One can say with 95% confidence that the mean deepening of the 24 hour cold between curves, and 5.5 mb, season baroclinic lows is and that the mean deepening of PAGE 25 explosive cyclones in that period is between 21.0 and mb. The 23.5 results for the full year data are similar. mean deepening of the baroclinic laws is between The 3.4 and 4.1 mb, and the mean deepening of the explosive cyclones is between 21.2-and 23.4 mb. The question bias in the sample was examined. of possible time The results of table 2.09 seem to indicate no discernible bias in the 12 and 24 deepening cases samples. according No to attempt ocean hour was made to stratify the basin, where the potential for bias might have been expected; in the study of Sanders and Gyakum (1980), greatest this was done and no bias was resolution, the found in their sample of bombs. Within question of the the limits length of a of 12 the hour deepening period of all storms and of bombs can be examined. The deepening period is the time interval over which successive 12 hour analyses indicate a continued fall in storm central results are plotted in figure 2.10. pressure. The By 36 hours, more than 75'4 of all the lows in the sample had ceased deepening, compared to less than half of the explosive cyclones. average deepening period of all lows was that 24 hours, of explosive cyclones was about 45 hours. bear in mind when interpreting these results as The while One should that, for example, a 45 hour deepening period is really 39h+/-6h, and that this analysis can reveal nothing about new sources of PAGE 26 energy introduced source has interpreted been into a system after the initial energy dissipated. Thus, a system that is as deepening 30h+/-6h may really have deepened for 18 hours, remained steady, or filled for 12 hours, and deepened again for the last 6 hours when a new pulse of --124h 124h ----124h 124h Cold Cold Full Full 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVALS DISTRIBUTION N 6 ------------------------------------------------------Season(baroclinic)!634l 4.5<Ckp 5.5 1 6.6<6<7.4 Season(bombs) 11191 21.1C1p1C23.5 I 6.1<C7.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year(baroclinic) 99751 3.4< p< 4.11 6.0<6<6.5 I Year(bombs) 11551 21.2CiW,<23.4 I 6.2CdC7.8 i Confidence intervals for the true mean, p, and standard deviation, do of particular deepening distributions of sample size N. DISTRIBUTION TIME DISTRIBUTIONS -i N 11 12Z 112h (12Z-OOZ,OOZ-12Z) 1 124h (12Z-12Z,00Z-OOZ) : "Bombs(12Z-12Z,OOZ-OOZ) I 1157 1178 115 H1 !H H 'FIGURE 2.09 619 579 58 % OOZ . 53.5 1 49.2 1 50.4 1 538 599 57 46.5 1 50.8 I 49.6 1 PAGE 27 DEEPENING PERIODS 1001 .J 0 H80 Lt. 0 z W 0 Cr 60 a- T (hours) all Cumulative distributions of deepening periods for The statistics of the deepening perstorms and for bombs. deepening T is the mean iod distributions are also given; e is the standard deviation, and 11 and 12 are the period, coefficients of skewness and kurtosis, respectively. FIGURE 2. 10 PAGE 28 energy was introduced. resolution, This is an artifact of the 12 hour and there is little that can be done about it, except to urge caution when interpreting the results. This point is stressed, as the length of the deepening period is crucial to the model analysis of the next chapter. 2.2.2 Geographic Distribution of Cyclones A series of climatological maps data were drawn concerning plotted utilizing positions maximum deepening, and dissipation. was up, - of the formation, The raw frequency data on a 5 by 5 degree latitude/longitude tessera grid, and smoothed by taking 4 times the central value plus the 4 adjacent values and dividing by 8. The warm season and formation positions (fig. full 2.23-26, distributions of 2.11-13) both show marked maxima east of the Rocky Mountains. (fig. year Mean 700 mb height patterns obtained from Monthly Weather Review) for May-August 1980 show that in the first 2 months of the warm season there was substantial flow across the mountain barrier, but, by July, the flow had all but ceased over the southern portion of the mountains. August 1980 saw the return of the flow southward, though it could not penetrate as far south as in the first two months of the warm season. Thus, the warm season maximum can probably be attributed to PAGE 29 the same cause as that of the cold season, the process of lee cyclogenesis, though it is not clear why is comparable this maximum to the cold season value unless some of the warm season events represent thermal lows as well. Minor maxima are also located over Japan, and to a lesser extent, over the southeastern United (45N,45W), the and Alaskan the Atlantic Ocean the lee side of the Canadian Rockies along These - appear border. cyclogenesis States, and to reflect lee the baroclinic zones associated with the warm ocean currents off the coasts of Japan and the eastern United States. actually reflect currents. The The a areas off of Japan and the U.S. combination of orography and may ocean maximum out over the Atlantic is likely an area of redevelopment, with old lows cutting off in the cold air and new lows forming alongside the baroclinic zone associated with the Gulf Stream. In the full year data, these maxima are intensified, increases occurring along the eastern seaboard-of the United States. The maxima forced by vortex with the stretching greatest on the lee side increased proportionately; are most reflecting There strongly the of it is the activated enhanced mountain in coastal are areas that winter the baroclinicity barriers of these months, areas. is a noticeable maximum in the eastern Pacific Ocean (42N,1 55W) not apparent in the warm season climatologg PAGE 30 which becomes established in the winter months. probably associated with the breakdown of the Pacific high aloft (figure 2.24): the wintertime regime. shows maxima The associated areas discussed previously, with year Pacific maximum does season bomb distribution all the major cyclogenetic the induced by orographic effects alone. the warm and the establishment of full with This is not exception of those It is noteworthy that appear on the bomb distribution, suggesting that this area is not a birthplace of explosive cyclones. The positions of maximum deepening (fig. 2.14-16) are well correlated with the positions of initial cyclogenesis, located slightly upstream. The Pacific Ocean region where the maximum in formation position was found also displays a maximum in deepening; initial formation this maximum is not downwind of position, and the magnitude is greater, suggesting that other cyclones moving through are intensifying. This area this quite baroclinic, owing to moving through the Bering Straits ocean water. region has no warm ocean currents akin to the Kuroshio or the Gulf Stream, but it be the outbreaks and can still of Arctic air across the warmer The climatology suggests that storms that do form in the area are redevelopments of existing storms that subsequently move into the Gulf of Storms moving through the area deepen in Alaska and decay. response to the PAGE 31 enhanced baroclinicity. The maximum deepening positions of the year sample in and the baroclinicity cyclones. Gulf These areas are general baroclinic zones, however, so the climatology does not suggest that any process than the are well correlated with the positions of the warm ocean currents, primarily the Kuroshio Stream. bombs is other necessarily operative in explosive I Geographic distribution of formation position, maximum deepening position, and dissipation position, Figures 2. 11-22. Frequencies are smoothed from the 5 degree latitude by 5 degree longitude tessera grid of raw data, according to the formula of 4 times the central frequency plus each of the 4 adjacent frequencies, all divided by 8. FIGURE 2. 11 IT FIGURE 2. 12 FIGURE 2. 13 FIGURE 2. 14 PAGE 26 w Li 120. 1W1 I -u IT' FIGURE 2.16 '-4 PAGE 38 The maximum deepening positions of bombs (12Z-12Z) for the 1976-82 are plotted (fig. periods all 1976-79, 2.17-19). the 24 1979-82, and There are some but non-negligible differences in the samples. hour small The maximum off the eastern coast of the United States strengthened and moved closer to land in the later three year period. Pacific Ocean maximum around 145W was also greater latter period, somewhat less. between mean in The the but the maximum off the Japanese coast was There flow appears to be little correlation fields at upper levels (e.g. 700 mb), and the day to day c ccurrence of of explosive cyclogenesis in judging these areas. A better method relationship between the upper level and of intense the surface would be t o perform an analysis as in Sanders and features Gyakum (1980), where with individually study, the authors each explosive event was respect to the flow at 500 mb. found the relationship examined In that between the explosive cyclones a nd the upper trough to be qualitatively typical of deepening baroclinic storms intensifying lows, with such a studu of the within or just poleward of the region of maximum 500 mb wi nd and baroclinicity. that most It is not likely could explain the small variations in distributions of explosive cyclones found in the two 3 year samples, however, and was not attempted here. FIGURE 2. 17 PAGE 40 oot +~ ol, 0t +. w w 0 LL (to VTO~ 40 41 FIGURE 2. 19 FIGURE 2.20 4) P1 4~I K' 2" 0 FIGURE 2.21 4:4 C~) FIGURE 2.22 UE r 4.4 PAGE 45 The 6 year pattern of bomb distribution clearly the eastern Pacific maximum. shows Apparently, the blasts of cold, Arctic air were sufficient to compensate for the lack of exceptionally warm ocean currents, since this feature is almost of the same magnitude as the maxima associated the Kuroshio current and the Gulf Stream. with Another possible explanation is an increase in available data, but it unlikely that this location seems is frequented by ships more than some other areas of the Pacific Ocean which do not show any such maximum. The distribution of dissipation positions are shown in figures 2.20-22. diffuse, though suggestion of The maxima warm are season pattern discernible. is somewhat There is the a preference for the Gulf of Alaska region, as well as the area between Newfoundland and Greenland, and to the south of Iceland. in the midwest of the U.S. Soviet Union. These There are slightly greater maxima and the easternmost tip of surface features appear reflected in the 700 mb pattern for June, which to show the be mean low centers in the Alaskan coastal region and the Kamchatka peninsula. the The full year distribution greatly Gulf of Alaska as a region of cyclolysis, unparalleled anywhere else in about accentuates the the southern Northern tip Hemisphere. The regions of Greenland again show relative maxima, and there is a maximum over the Aleutian chain, PAGE 46 with no evidence of a maximum over Kamchatka. maximum over Manchuria suggests this final resting continent. place of lows area migrating located cyclones, and cyclones. It the in the Gulf of Greenland/Iceland likely the Asian area for for Pacific Atlantic is clear that the observed mean low centers rather than regions Cyclones move into the regions fixed over Alaska in these areas are indications of the final lows the The dissipation positions of bombs appear to be primarily of as A minor of active resting place cyclogenesis. and remain in a more or less position until another storm moves into the area and absorbs them, or else simply decay until they can no longer be identified as cyclones. PAGE 47 4 MAY 1980 Mean 700 mb height contours (dam) for May 1980. Mean 700 mb height contours for selected months, published by Monthly Weather Review, Figures 2.23-26. FIGURE 2. 23 as PAGE 48 Mean 700 mb height contours (dam) for June 1980. FIGURE 2. 24 PAGE 49 Mean 700 mb height contours (dam) for July 1980. FIGURE 2. 25 PAGE 50 Mean 700 mb height contours (dam) for August 1980. FIGURE 2.26 PAGE 51 2.3 Summary This section cyclones, and, has dealt with particularly, the climatology of of explosive cyclones. The question of explosive cyclogenesis as a phenomenon distinct from ordinary baroclinicity has been examined, and statistical evidence hypothesis. The climatology of cyclones indicated that the was found that supported preferred regions of explosive cyclogenesis baroclinic -zones, are this primarily areas which support the development and continued existence of ordinary low pressure systems; finding is consistent with that of Sanders and Gyakum (1980), that explosive cyclones exhibit a the relationship storms. mechanism The operative evidence thus suggests that mechanism. explosive (1921), who studied mechanism. baroclinic particular cyclogenesis in detail, and suggested that the bulk effects of cumulus convection in the other This is entirely consistent with the results of Gyakum (1921) and Bosart of the in cases of explosive cyclogenesis is some combination of the baroclinic process with some with to upper level flow that is qualitatively similar to less intense cases this process was the combination explosive forcing An investigation of this process was conducted; the results will be detailed in the next section. PAGE 52 3.0 Application of an Analytic Model of Wave-CISK 3.1 Objectives The results of the statistical evidence previous that section there process operative in most cases of that is in some baroclinicity. cannot other tell methods strong a distinct physical explosive cyclogenesis fundamental way different from ordinary Unfortunately, us is provide a statistical analysis anything more about the mechanism itself; must be utilized to continue the evidence that investigation. Gyakum (1981) has provided substantial in the GE II effects of convective baroclinic Presidents' mechanism case, the storm was driven by the combined process. Day condensational heating and the Bosart (1981), in his analysis of the storm of 1979, suggested that was operative in that case as well. this Rather than perform additional case studies, where the data sets would likely be less complete, it might be helpful to analyze the convective condensational heating process in explosive cases. This approach sample of may make it possible to ascertain whether or not this combination of and a baroclinicity convective latent heat release is a likely explanation for the incidence of explosive cyclogenesis. PAGE 53 A sample cyclogenesis of 21 was cases of analyzed, east within analytic, quasi-geostrophic model wave-CISK (conditional suggested incorporate diabatic the by the of Mak to the (1982) effects explosive context modified instability parameterization coast of an include a second kind) in order of convection. to It was hoped that the evolution of these storms could be accounted for within the limits of this simple model, and that a simple forecast scheme for subsequently, explosive cyclogenesis could be developed. 3.2 Review of wave-CISK In wave-CISK, interacts with cumulus convection cooperatively the large scale pattern of convergence and divergence to amplify conditionally unstable the synoptic disturbance. In a environment, forced ascent through low-level convergence associated with the propagating large scale disturbance produces convective towers, which act to produce a solenoidal field of vertical motion release of latent heat. is an important wave-CISK; the CISK pumping the boundary in the Thus, the large scale disturbance is amplified, and a positive feedback loop is There through distinction mechanism layer, established. between operates whereas CISK through the process provides moisture convergence through the and Ekman wave-CISK inviscid PAGE 54 increased convergence) modifications (i.e. itself; wave are made possible through the inclusion of viscous effects. The advantage theoretical is mechanisms wave-CISK in of the both flow scale large velocity at some low level. to the vertical the formulation, a such Without of parameters specifically field, and relate the to ability magnitude of the convective heating to CISK the one would have to model the convective elements themselves, and calculate the heating at directly, substantial increases in difficulty and cost. In CISK parameterizations, the latent heating is taken to be distributed specified profile. the in the Unfortunately, it has been scale instability a heating maximum at low levels a profile would entrainment version or presumably shown that shallow the of specifying results as the convection. Arakawa-Schubert vertical to either severe (1974) cumulus this avoided the problem heating mechanism Such Stark (1976) used a profiles a by-product of the calculations. suggested that the CISK associated (Davies, 1979). correspond parameterization in a CISK model; of some CISK mechanism is sensitive to the vertical profile of heating, with maximum large with to according vertical was not since it His results effective in amplifying a disturbance, but the study has b.een criticized PAGE 55 (Lindzen and Stevens, 1978) as an inappropriate usage of sophisticated cloud model. heating is implicitly that is, the time In the usual formulations, the assumed to occur that is infinitesimal. of such a instantaneously, it takes the entire cloud ensemble to process the low level moisture supply heat a noticeable on and the convert large it to scale is There is little data on the true time scale process, but estimates have ranged up to 12 hours. Probably the most serious defect of wave-CISK lack of a short wave cutoff. is the The fastest growing scale is the smallest one, that of an individual convective element. Even when a closed parameterization scheme is used (Stark, 1976), this feature prevails. with this problem has been The usual method for dealing to introduce an additional frequency dependent heating parameter to suppress the short wave modes. This prescribes a scale, and thus represents a quick-fix rather than a solution to (1979) included mode problem. Davies a time lag in the heating response to the forcing, and found that for a lag of unstable the 12 is of finite wavenumber. hours, the The time scale of 12 hours seems long, and Davies himself noted that the effect was lag not a viable means of scale selection based on this consideration. some most Thus, it is clear that there are still significant theoretical problems in current wave-CISK PACE 56 formulations that remain to be solved. Model formulation 3.3 his earlier theoretical from follows which (1982), Mak findings (Mak, 1981), will be used. suggested Mak short the that problem cutoff wave In 1973). reaches a Some investigators value. critical heating heating intensity is larger than that found in the atmosphere, one can ignore the result; a CISK B the when scale have argued that since the critical somewhat is B CISK, the growth rate becomes Type infinite for a particular length intensity work, earlier In the intimately related to the phenomenon known as Type (Bates, by suggested the wave-CISK formulation In this work, that argument seems unsatisfactory from theoretical point of view, and Mak demonstrates that the arises phenomenon same the problem, cutoff shortwave from namely, as mathematics the relation the of the heating to the divergent (secondary) component of the flow. If the forcing of the heating is related to the rotational (primary) component of the flow alone at some problems velocity field still appears term of in non-zero the divergence the vorticity equation, and is expressed in terms of the vertical While both The divergent component of the eliminated. are level, this derivative avoids the of the necessity vertical of p-velocity. introducing a new PAGE 57 parameter and allows the flow to determine the scale of the cutoff, it between the formulation is not clear how the atmosphere distinguishes two vertical introduces velocity an intrinsic parameterization (on the Coriolis approximately parameter, components. order of time the 2-4 lag in the inverse of the hours for middle latitudes), since the rotational component of the strongly influenced by This flow the rotation of the earth. the internally determined time scale of the is Thus, large scale (rotational) flow dictates the time scale of the conversion of the low level moisture to heating that is noticeable on the large scale. The problem can quasi-geostrophic be omega easily formulated equation generalized to include diabatic effects in through the p-coordinates, (Haltiner, 1971). Thus, CDP? LF(dynamic/adiabatic) JLF(diabatic)J The vertical velocity can then be written as the sum of two components, above: directly related to the two forcing terms PAGE 58 W = Wa + Wd where is the vertical p-velocity induced by the Wa dynamic/adiabatic forcing Wd is the vertical p-velocity induced by the diabatic forcing problem The parameterization vertical dynamic is (convective latent heat) in relating at some low level; p-velocity q the to this was done in the following way: 4 = -Cp E h(p) Wa* is the heat capacity at constant pressure where Cp E is a heating intensity parameter (K/mb) h(p) is the vertical heating profile Wa* is the vertical p-velocity at p=PL induced by dynamic and adiabatic effects A continuous, moist (but not necessarily layer from p=PO to p=PL is postulated; saturated) the moisture supply to the condensational process is assumed to be proportional to -Wa*, moisture certain the and to the specific humidity of the layer. flux total heating is entirely precipitated out, This giving a heating related to the vertical integral of profile, h(p). The heating intensity PAGE 59 parameter, E, the layer. One can therefore relate the heating to the crudely ratio mixing represents the moisture content of intensity the layer, as will be discussed of later. One can, of course, relate the moisture flux to the entire vertical p-velocity (rotational plus divergent) at some low level (p=PL), but the resultant flow would exhibit the unwanted feature of Type B CISK. An example of this will be provided later, within the context of the model. For the vertical profile of heating, two idealized but reasonable profiles have been chosen. <-H(p) p / PO I They are of the form: hI(p) = > h2(p) = { K H(p) / p where H(p) = 0 for p > PL, p < PU = 1 for PL > p > PU K = (PU - PL) / 2 PO ln(PU/PL) These are essentially top-hat profiles, one with a low level maximum at p=PL, the other maximum at p=PU. These profiles 3.01, 850 mb and PU= 400 mb. with PL= are with an upper level pictured level with the cloud top. figure One can associate the PL level with the lifting condensation level, PU in and the Although 850 mb is probably PAGE 60 850 mb may represent the level of large scale instability. field is stronger than profile represents adiabatic at effects more slightly of that between the profiles the with the two. two effective (15%) in producing deepening this level maximum; than the high with performed were the not the results indicated that the low level maximum profiles; was calculations sample (and of air heating subsidence), hI(p) profile is probably the more realistic Some the alone compensating the while Since moist. diabatic through warming the vertical motion levels, lower relatively still is itself since convergence, moisture optimum this level yields the maximum showed calculations sample atmosphere, maritime slightly too high for the LCL in the two with Davies, although profiles maxima at to be result is consistent he found the discrepancy greater, with heating low levels to be about twice as effective as those at high levels. PAGE 61 250 HEATING PAOFILES 300350Pu 400 -- 450500550600- h (p) a 650- H(p) P P 700h 2 (p) =KH(p) 750- P 800850---- PL 9009501000 .2 .4 , .6 FIGURE 3. 01 .8 1.0 PAGE 62 (unconditional) This parameterization allows negative this is done primarily for convenience, as it is heating; clearly unphysical. been In the atmosphere, it has total convective heating can be the that suggested tropical looked upon as the sum of mean and perturbation quantitiesi the mean is taken to be of the same magnitude as heating the perturbation, so never any negative It is not clear that this interpretation remains heating. in valid is there that middle the in activity convective there, however; latitudes, a sense propagates along with the and large scale pattern of convergence and divergence, The single mode. appears is akin to a nondispersive wave packet than a more therefore the main heating unconditional of effect to be an enhancement of the effective amplitude of thus, the CISK heating, and of consequent growth rates (Davies, 1979). The CISK parameterization was into inserted an analytic, baroclinic model after Sanders (1971) and Sanders and Gyakum (1980). relationships In between this the way, model one can examine the parameters and the CISK mechanism, and hopefully learn something about the process, accept the black box approach of a numerical rather than model. The main disadvantage of such an approach the is that results, strictly speaking, are diagnostic rather than prognostic; the instantaneous results must be extrapolated PAGE 63 in some meaningful way if one wishes to make a forecast. Instead of starting ,with an approximate exact system, and obtaining results, as with a numerical model, one begins with an approximate system, and obtains exact results. The following thermal structure was assumed: A T(xip) = Tm(p) - ( ay + T Cos kx Cos ly ) 6 Tm(p) = Tm(PO){ p/PO ) The term variation in of the representing a with parantheses temperature constant intensity a, represents and field, meridional the the the horizontal first temperature second term gradient representing a two A dimensional harmonic horizontal variation with amplitude T. variation is taken as constant in the vertical, representing fairly well the small change in intensity horizontal the temperature troposphere. wavelength The contrasts through of maritime The term Tm(p) represents the average over in a X and Y on a constant pressure surface, and essentially provides a label the isotherms at Tm(p) reveals that the temperature drops off monotonically with height, that is, level. there The is no expression isothermal appears to represent the for for region above the tropopause. atmosphere quite well in each It the PAGE 64 troposphere, the region of primary interest for this study, as shown in figure 3.02 for the Presidents' Day case. P(mb) 200 210 220 230 240 250 T (*K) J FIGURE 3.02 260 270 280 290 PAGE 65 In factor, this at study, the expression The the is derived as in Sanders (1971); value of temperature adopted is Tm(p). for the stability the constant vertical average adoption of the constant value of temperature in the expression for the stability factor appears to little difference, except in the troposphere, where it is too large. small, however, Presidents' of as shown in upper make reaches of the The discrepancies are figure 3.03, again for the Day case. P(mb) 250 300 -m(Tm) 400- 500- PRESIDENTS' DAY CASE 2 -19- 79 ,122 600- STABILITY PROFILE 700- 800- -900- 1000, 5 15 25 35 45 a- (P) (10 -3 55 65 J Kg~ mbz ) FIGURE 3. 03 75 85 95 PAGE 66 The geopotential field is determined at the atmosphere, as in Sanders hydrostatics, the geopotential From the relations is relative (1971); known at base thus, of from levels. all for temperature and geopotential, one can easily obtain relations for the geostrophic the vorticity geostrophic wind and at any point in the three dimensional model atmosphere. The identical procedure for solving to that in Sanders; the omega equation is the boundary conditions are that W go to zero at the top and bottom of the troposphere, p=PO and p=PT. the appendix. The forms of the solutions are listed in The forcing of the vertical motion terms are identified as in Sanders (1971), to wit: W11; the advection of the component of thermal vorticity due to the gradient of the perturbed temperature field by the component of the thermal wind due to the meridional temperature gradient. W12; the advection of planetary vorticity by the component of the thermal wind due to the gradient of the perturbed temperature field. W2 ; the advection of surface relative vorticity by the component of the thermal wind due to the meridional temperature gradient plus the advection of the meridional temperature gradient by the surface wind. W3 ; the advection of the perturbation temperature by the surface wind. Profiles for the maximum values of these parameters in figure 3.04 for the Presidents' Day storm. appear PAGE 67 P(m b) wA (10- 3 m mbs- ) FIGURE 3.04 PAGE 68 Although in a wave-CISK formulation it is not necessary to include viscous effects, common sense suggests that friction evolution of likely an plays intense intensifies rapidly. an important storm, role particularly The inclusion of such in the one effects that would also make it possible to examine, within the limitations of the model, attained the supposition prior to occlusion derivation begins by pressure gradient that frictional in postulating explosive a balance balance is cases. The between the force, the Coriolis force, and friction in the planetary boundary layer: f K X ( V - Vg Applying the operator K.(VX ) ( d'/dz ) /p ) to the = F above yields, in pressure coordinates: K-(V X F ) -g K( neglecting the variation of the V X dr/dp Coriolis ) parameter. The form of the stress is specified according to: =ot ( p/PO where v is the unit vector in evaluating IV! the parameter 7O P Cd IV! v the direction in the of equation V. In for the PAGE 69 stress, it seems reasonable geostrophic surface velocity; i = Vg(max) to choose the maximum thus: ( b $ ) / 8 fO For n sufficiently large, T(p) goes to zero above the The expression established available form data. for the in fairly The formulation, designed while capturing still stress through the PBL. profile of the surface good vertical to the maximize stress, TO, agreement profile analytic exponential is a well with is an ad-hoc decrease of the vertical force through the PBL for the Presidents' Day case, with the value of n equal to 9. profile of the frictional the convenience Figure 3.05 displays the frictional PBL. force The is quite close to that produced by the formulation used in Gyakum (1983b). PAGE 70 7 1 E 0. 7 9 F (10-5 m- 2 FIGURE 3.05 To determine frictional the vertical convergence the motion following field induced by equation must of vertical be solved: Assuming the horizontal distribution the velocity field is the same as that of the Forcing: A W4(p) = W4(p) Cos k(x+A) Cos 19 In the same manner as before, one can then solve for W4(p), PAGE 71 subject to the boundary conditions velocity vanishes at the surface that and at the the vertical tropopause. The expression for W4(p) is detailed in the appendix. This is the complete set of equations the for diagnosing vertical motion field for the case without the effects of latent heating. To solve for the heating induced vertical motion, one must find the solution of: Using the parameterization for q discussed earlier, equation can be written: where bi = b, for i = 1,2,4 = ba for i = 3 A where ri = (-R E bi / fO 10 PO) Wa*i for h = hl(p) = (ri PO PT / p ) for h = h2(p) the PAGE 72 Thus, it is necessary to solve Euler equations of the form: a P A A h a Wdi + B Wdi = ri p = for PU < p < PL for p > PL, p 0 Once again, the boundary conditions are that motion vanish at p=PO solutions can be found in and p=PT. the The < PU the vertical details appendix. The of the convective condensational heating induced vertical motion field of the Presidents' Day case is shown in fig. 3.06-07. The magnitude of the maximum values are increased from three to four times the dry model values, and the maximum at low levels, (these profiles are for PL=850 mb, PU=400 mb). profiles show a where the maximum heating occurs the hi(p) heating distribution, PAGE 73 P(mb) -120 -80 -40 A 0 3m FIGURE 3.06 40 ~ 80 120 PAGE 74 P(m'b) I IIII PRESIDENTS' DAY CASE 300 2 -19 -79 , 122 FRICTIONALLY INDUCED VERTICAL VELOCITY, QG/CISK 400 500- 600- A 700 - W4 (CISK) A 300- W4 (QG) )00- 0 0 10 20 20 40 30 60 A w4( 4 40 80 mbs') FIGURE 3. 07 50 100 60 W4 (0G) 120 W4 (CISK) PAGE 75 Once the vertical field of motion geopotential vorticity equation. tendency The is field can solution determined, the be derived from the for the geopotential tendency at the surface low center can be written: X(center) = X(dyn/adiabatic) + X(diabatic) + X(friction) The details of the functions are The effect of heating is shown in the appendix. to increase the instantaneous deepening rate through the addition of two new terms, one augmenting the effect of the dynamic/adiabatic forcing, the other opposing frictional dissipation through increased low level convergence. The scenario is as follows: vertical motion induced by low level temperature and vorticity advection aloft past conditionally the level of free convection. heating induced vertical motion field in vertical advection results in the release of latent heat through the lifting of air the unstable This results in a addition to the motion induced by dynamic/adiabatic effects; the increased low level convergence and upper level associated with the vertical motion field leads to greater intensification. convergence divergence and The additional associated effect lifting of of frictional conditionally unstable air (and resulting convection/latent heat release) helps to oppose the damping effects of friction. heating contribution to intensification is through Wil, The the PAGE 76 advection of the component of thermal vorticity due to the gradient of the perturbation temperature field. One can derive the relations for the phase the surface of features, and their relationship to the upper level flow (e.g., Sanders speeds (1971). 500 mb), in a manner identical to that of Thus, Cx(PO) = Cx,Cos kU + Cx. Cy(PO) = Cy(dyn/adiab) + Cy(diab) where Cx;= Cx, (dyn/adiab) + Cx; (diab) The specific forms of the terms are shown in the Two appendix. new terms appear in the relation for Cx, the effect of X(diabatic) in Cx, and the effect ahead of of latent heat the storm associated with W2 in Cxa. the dry model, Cx, was usually quite small, X(diabatic) is to greatly increase the effect on Cx,, lows. The of is then to decrease the eastward propagation speed There is one additional in for expression Cy, release associated with W3. quite of retarding the end result of the disturbance. the effect on the other hand, is an almost negligible increase in eastward propagation speed; heating Whereas in the (enhancing) effect of the term for warm (cold) release substantial, and related The to increase heating term the latent heat in Cy can be there are no retarding effects to PAGE 77 compensate. component The result is an of phase increase velocity with in the heating. northward The overall effect of heating is usually to increase the phase speed of the disturbance, direction. Since developing system most the particularly instantaneous is generally observed "left-movers," 500 the mb northward flow west-southwest surface center, this effect is a the in possible in a over the explanation of cyclones that move to the left of the instantaneous upper level flow over the center, contradiction An analysis of the usual baroclinic result. of 67 explosive through cyclones in the a slight bias twice as many of the right. September 1981 April 1982 showed 51% of those storms moved to the left of the instantaneous 500 mb showed period in flow. The left movers towards less rapid deepening, with strongest deepeners moving to the A possible explanation of this observation is that in the weaker deepeners, the CISK overcome tendency the right moving mechanism of is the able to baroclinic process. Type B can show that in the case where the heating is It is now possible to provide an CISK. One example parameterized in terms of the total vertical of motion field (dynamic/adiabatic plus diabatic): W(PL) = Wa* / ( I - E B ) where B is some constant that depends on all the parameters PAGE 78 of the model. infinity. Thus, for certain values of E, W(PL) goes to Some tests were run, using the example, a scheme; as plot of phase speeds and geopotential tendency as a function of heating intensity for the Presidents' case are an presented in figure 3.08. Day As can easily be seen from the plot, both the geopotential tendency and the phase speed become unbounded for certain values of E, in contrast to the parameterization relating the heating dynamically and adiabatically to only the induced vertical velocity. It is clear that such a scheme is highly unstable relative to small changes in heating intensity, so for the remainder of this work, the Mak scheme is used. PAGE 79 50 Il TYPE 80- B CISK 40 F a< W (PL) F.( Wdyn(PL) 60- 30 40 20 20 10 G 0' ' -0 E 0 -10 -20 -20 .40- -30 -60- -80- -100 - 3 I I I - 5 4 E (10-2 kmb' FIGURE 3.08 6 7 8 -40 -50 PAQE 80 It is now possible to determine fields, the vertical motion phase speeds, and instantaneous deepening rates of a disturbance at any instant thickness field is for which available. It the 1000-500 is not clear how one determines whether a CISK mechanism is operating, in terms for the of however; this model, one still must determine a value heating fundamentally intensity. related to Since the this mixing parameter which corresponds Thus, it would be necessary structure was to at know that only E the level to This still does not answer the question determining the what pressure the existence of a CISK consultation of satellite photos would provide on of to the saturation mixing ratio at p=PL. estimate qs and E. of is ratio at p=PL (see appendix), one approach would be to choose the value temperature mb existence of process; information convection (though not whether that convection was cooperating with the large scale). Once the instantaneous fields strictly speaking, it is then, is to been determined, not possible to say what those fields will look like at any step, have time determine extrapolating the instantaneous a thereafter. logical results The procedure in time. next for Since there is no additional information concerning the continued evolution assumption of the (for large short scale forcing, a reasonable periods) might be that the initial PAGE 81 value holds continued for the entire period. In cases, development will result in an underestimation of the overall forcing, while in others, the will some initial forcing represent the height of the disturbance organization, resulting in an overestimate. Still, one might expect that such reasonably accurate for time an assumption remains periods less than some critical time scale for the synoptic scale, say 12 hours. The simplest approach is a linear extrapolation. assumption is that the forcing The and the friction remain constant over the interval: DP(t) = 4 ( XO + XFO) t / 300 ; where XO XF(t) = XFO = X(dyn/adiab) + X(diab) = const XFO = XF(dyn/adiabatic) This will hereafter be referred to as friction extrapolation (LCF). the linear/constant It is possible to develop a scheme that accounts for the increase of friction with time in an intensifying system. One can write: XF(t) = C (t) M In order for the above relationship to be the original form of the stress, consistent with 1V(t)H=4V(t0). In PAGE 82 reality, in an intensifying system, one magnitude would expect the of the wind speed to increase with time, so this representation is still frictional drag. an underestimate of the actual The frictional dissipation is linear in the sense that a doubling of vorticity with time results in a doubling of the rate of frictional filling. Using the relation: d C/dt= . 7X fO yields a differential equation for (t): d C (t)/dt + (b, It is possible to solve vorticity as a C / fO) 4 (t) = -b, XO / fO this function equation of time; known, it is possible to solve for thus, for relative once the vorticity is the geopotential, and the pressure so that: DP(t) = 4 d C I + XO/XFO 3C 1-exp{-XFO t/ XF(t) = XFO exp{-XFO t/ It is possible to solve drops the t} - for k} 3 / 300 XO I 1-expf-XFO t/ fl 3 the maximum total pressure and the time for the pressure to drop to 90% of that maximum: PAGE 83 DPmax = 4 T(90%) = 2.3 & / XFO 1 + XO/XFO J / 300 This will be referred to (LLF) this scheme. In as the linear/linear scheme, the friction pressure change asymptotically approaches a constant value which is reached when the friction balances the forcing. In the constant friction scheme, the cyclones deepen forever, since there can never be a balance between friction and forcing. As an example of an application of these schemes to an cyclone, consider fig. Presidents' Day case. explosive 3.09-11, pressure traces for the The dry model could not deepening explosive of the first 6 handle hours the at all. Subsequently, it improved, since the real storm had stopped deepening while the model continued to develop the system. The model with the CISK mechanism included performed well for forcing the first 6 hours; resulted disturbance had in model ceased however, the continued CISK deepening to develop. after the after that baroclinic forcing; suggesting that in time would be a that any result of the the forecast trace is quite realistic, this case, the CISK mechanism was operative for the period of explosive development only, first 6 hours. real In the final figure, the CISK mechanism was cut off after 6 hours, so development quite the PAGE 84 Figures 3.12-16 observed and model Presidents' Day case. flow display the surface initial and 500 state of the flow of the represent the mb The model appears to reasonably well, except for the excessive wind speeds and gross overestimate of the vorticity field Since this results in fields had 500 been more the actual wind model are probably and exactly reproduced, the vertical motion field and consequent pressure falls in baroclinic mb. greater temperature and vorticity advection than would be expected if vorticity at exaggerated. shows even more clearly the failure of the dry the This result model account for the cyclogenesis in the Presidents' Day case. to L-LF - - 81 C- -12 OBS -16--- -- ft -- 1, - - - - - - .0, .0* -20- -24~ PRESIDENTS DAY CASE 2-19- 79 , '22 PRESSURE CHANGE (mb) OG MODEL -28- -32- 03 0 6 9 12 15 T (hours) FIGURE 3. 09 1 18 21 24 0 3 6 9 12 T (hours) FIGURE 3. 10 15 18 21 24 ..%-t-6 E CL T (hours) FIGURE 3. 11 0 L/10 L/ 5 3L/10 2L/ 5 L/2 3L/ 5 7L/ 4L/5 9L -U Model surface analysis, Presidents' Day case (2-19-79, Dashed lines are lines are surface isobars. Solid 12Z). dekameters. in thickness, mb isopleths of 1000-500 FIGURE 3. 12 -3L/ 10 | - /110 I 0 L/5 3L/10 2L/5 L/2 3L/5 4 L/5 (2-19-79, Model 500 mb analysis, Presidents' Day case lines are isopleths of 500 mb height, in deSolid 12Z). vorticiDashed lines are isopleths of absolute kameters. ty, in 10''s~ FIGURE 3. 13 PAGE 90 FIGURE 3. 14 PAGE 91 *IIV ~' p ~ ~C~4 ~' - >~ 500MB ANALYSIS HEIGH'S/VORTICITY FIGURE 3. 15 I~I PAGE 92 FIGURE 3. 16 PAGE 93 3.4 Model Climatology of explosive cyclones The initial test of the model on the Presidents' Day case suggests that it would be fruitful to examine a larger sample of explosive performance of the cyclones, CISK to test the general model in those cases. Thus, it might be possible to evaluate the wave-CISK hypothesis as a generally credible explanation of explosive cyclogenesis. With this in mind, explosive cyclones in January 1978 to March the period from 1981 which occurred in the region covered by the GOES-East satellite were modeled. In the M.I.T. archives for this period, in addition to the usual OOZ and 12Z thickness hemispheric and upper air surface pressure/ 1000-500 charts, 3 hourly North American surface analyses and 6 hourly hemispheric surface were available on microfilm. Since analyses the upper air (and consequently, the thickness) charts are available 12 mb only at hour intervals, the instantaneous model results must be extrapolated from OOZ charts make it and possible 12Z. to The additional surface extrapolate the results for periods less than 12 hours, since it is then verify observations. the deepening rates with possible to In particular, the desire is to model the period of most rapid deepening, so only those cases whose explosive phases were initiated at 00Z or 12Z were modeled, 21 cases in all. first The 6 hours of the rapid deepening phase was modeled, on PACE 94 the basis that the underlying forcing would introduce assumptions the least concerning the serious error in the calculations for such a time period, while still preserving the important and measurable characteristics of the explosive phase. Satellite convection, pictures using were examined evidence of the necessarily qualitative criteria of observable small scale structure tops for on infrared. on visible and/or high The value of E was chosen such that the observed 6 hour deepening was approximately accounted for by the diagnostic model extrapolation, provided evidence of convection was found on evidence used. E the satellite pictures. If was found, the model with no diabatic heating was If no satellite images were available, the value was chosen to fit the observations. Although satellite evidence was clear cut in only about 1/3 cases (the majority being calculations were performed convection as The table (fig. inferences cases. analyzed no long as the than of the ambiguous), the the observed convection The results of these 18 rather on based the assumption of the evidence did not preclude it. 3.17) lists concerning somewhat of for cases the full 21; excluded did not exhibit any and the 18 of the 21 total were statistically the 3 cases that were particular but rather a steady, strong deepening. data explosive phase, PAGE 95 MODELED EXPLOSIVE CASES DATE f TIME i LAT 1 LONG 1 imm/dd/ygl (GMT)! (N) 1 (W) - - -- - --------------1/03/78 00 44 58.5 03 47.5 57 06 47.5 55 2/22/78 PRESS(mb) 1 SATELLITE 1 NA I NH 1 NOTES 1 986 984 972 988 1001 997 988 1000 Not Avail. 12 15 18 34 3435.5 71 68 66 00 03 06 42.5 42.5 43 52.5 51 50.5 994 980 970 992 3/04/78 12 15 18 42 43 43 67.5 65 63 984 978 970 983 Conv. east 1 center. i 11/29/78 00 03 06 46 46 47 56.5 55 56 999 995 988 999 989 Not Avail. No evid. earlier. 00 03 06 41 41 41.5 67 66 65 995 991 985 996 Not Avail. I 00 03 06 36.5 38 40 78 76 75 992 988 983 992 12 15 163 42 41.5 41 66 64.5 61. 5 1001 994 9e6 998 00 03 06 35.5 33 34 69 69 67 993 990 984 992 12 15 18 41 41 41.5 54 54 50.5 990 990 972 990 00 03 06 34 35 35.5 73 72.5 70 1006 996 996 1006 00 03 06 45 45 46 65 63.5 61 983 978 973 980 2/28/78 12/10/76 12/25/78 1/18/79 2/01/79 2/10/79 12/17/79 1 1/24/80 FIGURE 3.17 Barotropic 4 instabiliti Structure. Not Avail. Eye struc. earlier. 984 -40C IR center. 983 -45C IR near center 987 -SOC IR center. 980 960 996 972 -50C IR. Structure earlier. -75C IR. -60C IR. Ci shield. -45C IR. -60C early. Noth. vis. I i PAGE 96 DATE 1 TIME 1 LAT 1 LONG : PRESS(mb) 1 SATELLITE t NH 1 NOTES (N) 1 (W) 1 NA i imm/dd/yyl (GMT)! 12 15 18 40.5 42 45.5 61.5 58.5 56 1001 994 984 1001 00 03 06 32 34.5 33.5 77 76.5 75 1009 1000 998 1008 00 03 06 35 34.5 35 74.5 73.5 73 997 986 986 995 11/22/80 00 03 06 36 39 40.5 72 68.5 68 1011 1007 1004 1011 Not Avail. 1/17/81 12 15 18 41 42 42 66.5 66 64.5 1002 996 988 1002 -80C IR point. Stril 988 ations. 12 15 18 44 42 36.5 65 65 63 998 997 980 996 Not Avail. 2/29/80 3/02/80 1 3/03/60 3/03/81 Cell. struc' -45C IR. 984 Vis. NE. evid. -50C IR. 998 986 982 1 PAGE 97 The question as to whether the moisture convergence necessary to supply the model heating intensity, E, can be supported by the relationship observations between was considered. A the heating intensity and the mixing ratio can be established using the assumption that the rate of precipitation is proportional to the moisture convergence into the column plus the surface The can be related to the precipitation rate, in turn, evaporation. integrated heating by condensation so that: q(PL) > (E Cp ( P' - PU )I / 2 Lc PO (1 + Wd*/Wa*> where Wd* is the diabatically induced p-velocity at p=PL. The details of the derivation are supplied in the appendix. Thus, we can evaluate the right hand side of the above equation, and compare this "implied" mixing saturation ratio to the value as computed From the observed temperature at p=PL, in the model, 850 mb. In 5 of the 1 cases, the required magnitude of E implied a mixing ratio greater than the saturation value in the actual atmosphere, as by NMC. g/kg; analyzed The discrepancies were small, on the order of 1-2 since the actual temperature at 850 mb was not directly observed (the value used was interpolated from the analysis), suggests this finding may not that be too serious, but it caution be used in interpreting the results PACE 98 of this analysis. support the In any case, the computed mixing idealization of ratios a nearly saturated boundary layer to the pressure level PL. An attempt was also made to estimate the stability of the atmosphere in the vicinity of the low center for the 18 cases. Interpolated temperatures were surface, 850 mb, and 500 mb on a pseudo-adiabatic that in evidence atmosphere 4 out of of convection was from the level NMC analyses, and plotted diagram. the obtained This analysis indicated 8 cases that showed fairly clear on absolutely the satellite stable. photos, the Even after the layer from the surface to 850 mb was lifted (150 mb), 3 of the cases remained absolutely stable. 8 These inconsistencies graphically demonstrate the rather substantial problem of data availability in the regions of these storms. The values of E were plotted on a map according to the latitude/ longitude coordinates of the storm center, based on the logical supposition that this parameter some recognizeable would have geographic distribution, at least in a climatological sense. Figure 3.18 reveals a reasonable distribution of heating intensity, with the axis of maximum heating intensity located slightly to the warm side of mean position of the maximum gradient of temperature, associated with the Gulf Stream. the sea surface This is an PAGE 99 area one might expect to be conditionally unstable with a warm, moist boundary layer; furthermore, this differs from the distribution of maximum bomb occurrence detailed in the previous (1980), section which and discussed revealed no by Sanders preference for and maximum surface temperatures, but was associated instead region of maximum SST gradient. the would tend to baroclinic instability without paying too great a price in terms of warmth should with sea This result is consistent with a CISK mechanism, since such a region maximize Oyakum be noted, and however, moisture that 21 availability. data points do not constitute a very complete data set, and provide of leeway in the analysis. It a degree PAGE 100 FIGURE 3. 18 PAGE 101 The results for the 18 table (fig. 3.20). cases are presented in the In particular, the poor performance of the 6 hour baroclinic forecast should be noted, the minimal reduction of variance suggesting a no skill forecast. baroclinic averaged mechanism 6 mb was clearly fast. displacement speeds, This is a persistent and model. well correlated averaging it puzzling with the about 7 m/s too feature of the Krishnamurti (1968) found that the amplitude of the vertical motion predicted by quasi-geostrophic too as less than the deepening actually observed. The phase speeds were also not observed insufficient, The large; theory was the phase speed problem is most likely related to this feature. The phase speeds in the somewhat correlated better CISK model are with the observations, though the net effect of the mechanism is to increase the velocity of the systems; thus, the variance of the speeds is better explained by the CISK mechanism, but not The dramatic improvement their magnitude. in the reduction of variance of the northward component of the phase velocity is due to large While negative correlation with the observations. this suggests a strong statistical link model and the between the a CISK observations, and thus makes a forecast of them feasible, it renders the underlying physical mechanism somewhat questionable. northward disturbance phase The result implies that when large speeds exhibits a are predicted, the actual small northward displacement, and PAGE 102 vice versa. The statistical regression equation of the form: A Cy = m Cy + b where Cy is the model result, and m and parameters, b are can be used to predict the actual phase speed, but one can only be confident of the physical the regression results for m-11 and b-40. validity of In that case, there would be a one-to-one correspondence between the model and the real atmosphere. In the 12 hour forecast, the baroclinic model again underpredicts the observed deepening rates and overpredicts the phase speeds. deepening The CISK model does much better, but the rates are too large, suggesting that the forcing on average has already applied weakened. The CISK model, when for only the period of most rapid deepening, shows an increased reduction of variance over the extrapolations, standard CISK and the mean and standard deviation of the resultant deepening distribution conform that of the observations; more closely to this result lends support to the supposition that the CISK mechanism is operative the period of most rapid deepening. only for PAGE 103 EXPLOSIVE CASES (model results) T=6h 1 Ext I DP I o I R '1 1 C 1 o 1 R 1 -------------------------------------------1 LCF a -7.31 4.61-.06H1 Cx 119.81 8.11 .261 LLF 1 -7.11 4.51-.0711 Cy 111.41 5.01-.21! * I£11~C 123.51 7.49 .081 ------------------------------------------------CISK 1 LCF 1 -14.21 5.31 .9311 Cx 115.9110.91 .241 LLF 1 -14.01 5.31 .9411 Cy 121.7110.21-.471 11 C 128.7110.61 .261 ------------------------------------------------OBS 1 1 -13.31 5.4! 11 Cx 111.71 5.61 1 1 1 111 Cy 1 6.7111.51 i 1 C 116. 4 1 83. 41 I ------------------------------------------------Model -----GG T=12h 1 Ext DP 1a R C I 1 R 1 -------------------------------------------f LCF 1 -14.61 9.31-.1511 Cx 119.81 8.11 .071 LLF -13.61 8.71-.1511 Cy 111.41 5.01-.241 I C 123.51 7.41 .051 --------- ---------------------------------------i CISK 1 LCF 1 -28.4110.71 .6711 Cx 115.9110.91-.05! I LLF -27.0110.11 .6711 Cy 121.7110.21-.191 a1 11 C 128.7110.61 .041 ------------------------------------------------'CISK(cut)l LCF 1 -24.2111.8 .81H: Cx 116.8110.51-.051 LLF 1 -22.4111.3 .8211 Cy 118.7110.31-.351 C 127.1110.21 .041 ------------------------------------------------LFM 1 -9.31 5.11 .32e' Cx ' 9.31 3.71 .211 Cy 1 7.6110.31 .87 1 C 115.21 4.51 .171 Model -----GG 1 OBS 1 1 -19.11 9.21 1 1 1 1 1 FIGURE 3. 19 it Cx 113.01 4.91 1# Cy 1 8.01 7.51 11 C 116.81 5.41 1 I PAGE 104 I Ext 1 Model GG CISK DP T=24h o a R ! C 1 o I R I I LCF I -29.2120.11-.521 LLF -25.2117.61-.521 t Cx 120.11 9.51-.111 Cy 111.41 5.31-.361 C 124.11 8.31-.16 -55.3121.3 .38 -49.2118.71 .351 i Cx #16.6112.11-.26? Cy 118.9: 8.2'-.40! C t27.1,10.31-.26! LCF LLF Cx 118.3911.01-.21! CISK(cut)l LCF 1 -36.8115.7 .191 -29.3112.91 .21K Cy 114.81 5.71-.56 LLF i -18.5' 5.9? LFM C .011 Cx Cy 11C 1 I 1 -31.2110.1? OBS i 11 Cx 11 I ' 125.01 8.7,-.28? 8.51 3.11 8.8t .i 112.91 5.6? 4.71 111.21 5.6? ~Cy 1 7. 01 7. 41 C 1114.91, 5.91 .911 .96 .909 PAGE 105 In the 24 hour extrapolations, improvement in the baroclinic there model measured by the reduction of variance. large negative the observed forecast a dramatic performance, This is due to as the correlation between the model forecast and data. improvement The with continued trend of dry model time is most likely related to the method of extrapolating than is instantaneous results rather any improved forecast skill, particularly if the main deepening period of these storms is less than 24 hours. The model improves, since it develops slowly, and therefore does not come into frictional balance real atmosphere. It effectiveness of the linear frictional balance; is as possible friction 18 to model as the examine the in producing the maximum pressure fall and the time required to attain 90% of that maximum the rapidly were computed cases and compared to the observed data. The mean maximum computed pressure fall and the average time to of that 90% maximum were greater than that observed, implying that the friction is really of a higher order than model for (e.g. quadratic). Since based on a constant forcing, the the in the extrapolations are possibility also exists that the forcing itself weakened and frictional balance was attained somewhat earlier than would otherwise have been the case. In the case of strong forcing followed by weak forcing PAGE 106 (CISK cut-off), the maximum pressure falls were still too large, and the time required to attain 90% of that was much longer than the time to observed balance. not clear from these results that the weakens maximum before frictional these results are also consequent necessarily balance i.s attained; influenced underestimate forcing of by the The pressure changes following the It is however, linearity and frictional dissipation. the cut-off of the CISK mechanism are small, and a quadratic frictional force could conceivably reduce substantially the time to frictional balance. Returning to the 24 hour data, there appears to be a dramatic drop in CISK model performance, another suggestion that this time extrapolating scale is instantaneous inappropriately results; the long for success at a range of 12 hours gives some hope of applying the scheme to the operational forecasting of explosive cyclogenesis, however, and the details of one such study are presented in the next section. PAGE 107 DEEPENING PERIODS (Hours) 1Model !! Statistics H N Git ! 18 CISK 1. 16I ,CISK(cut)H1 15 B-IOBS H8 16 TM DPmx(rmb)! 183.3 1 53.3 !! C -98.4 1 69.5 183.3 1 53.3 !1 -188.6 i 4 1 67.5 i 150.7 187.4 H1 -47.9 1 20.7 1 ------------------------------------23.8 FIGURE 9.3 3.20 H-31.8 s'13.3 H1 PAGE 108 3.5 Operational forecasting of explosive cyclogenesis The climatological parameter, E, provides map a of means the for heating intensity a general forecast scheme, which would proceed as follows: 1. Evaluate the quasi-geostrophic model parameters in the usual way (Sanders, 1971). 2. Consult satellite coverage of the area in question to look for evidence of convection in the storm region. 3. If evidence of convection is found, assume it is interacting cooperatively with the large scale disturbance, and determine the value of E from the climatological map, based on the position of the storm center. 4. If no evidence of convection is found, set the heating intensity to zero. There are, of course, some drawbacks to Convection CISK. scheme. is a necessary but not sufficient condition for There must be a symbiotic relationship observed this convection and between the forcing, that is, convection which would have some meaningful effect on the dynamics the developing cyclone. tell nothing about this. is often inconclusive; the of Perusal of satellite pictures can Furthermore, satellite evidence convection may be occurring, but could be obscured by a cirrus shield or not show up well on the photos. else simply does PAGE 109 A second drawback is with the values climatology of explosive cyclones. E Perhaps cyclones with operative CISK mechanisms intensities of at from the there are lower heating that do not result in explosive cyclones; contours may be biased towards the most intense the events, rather than cover a range of development. Lastly, extrapolating there are diagnostic the results. assume the heating intensity, forcing is constant in time. the geographic areas. thermodynamic consequently does problems It and would likely vary as the storm different usual is with necessary consequently the to CISK In reality, the intensity developed and moved over The scheme does not consider properties of the system, and not automatically cut off the CISK when the boundary layer can no longer support the continued convection. As a test of the scheme on an operational lows basis, all that formed in or entered the coastal waters adjacent to the eastern U.S. through February in the period from November 12, at 12Z. 1982 1983 were modeled and a forecast of bomb (1) or no bomb (0) was made for beginning 14, the 24 hour period As a control, the forecast was compared to that of a subjective forecast made prior to the modeling for the same period. Also, the performance of the LFM was PAGE 110 noted. In all, there were 19 cases in this period, of which 2 were explosive cyclones. The positions within the model area are plotted in figure 3.22. expected bomb This is were bombs, which as shown in figure 3.21. 8 season, of in 7 bombs were observed in this period. the two previous seasons, there were explosive the cyclogenesis in the 6 sector. and 17 The 1980-81 season appears to have been fairly representatives 1978-79 1/4 frequency for this period, in this area, as computed from the 1980-81 climatology, in storms about 10 Thus, cases the In of the test period represents an anomalously quiet period for explosive cyclogenesis. PAGE 111 FIGURE 3.21 PAGE 112 FIGURE 3. 22 PAGE 113 Two 24 hour model predictions were made, an extrapolation of the 12Z diagnostic results, and the sum of two 12 hour diagnostic extrapolations, beginning at 12Z and OOZ. The indicate results, summarized in the table (fig. generally overforecast the performance. none. the LFM, which difference in typical was minimal. deepening sample. The the baroclinic CISK model. model did variance better of the scheme deepening rates were case, forecast., in this storms was however; minimal. less excessive, even thus, the The model average in the baroclinic indicating that the process or processes responsible for the lack of development were not handled basic model. region well by the In particular., two cases on December 12, 1982 merit further examination. was quite The baroclinic forcing strong, with estimated temperature gradients ranging from 1.40 to 1.71 and in The models were generally unable to improve on the subjective utility but The bomb/no bomb forecasts respect, reflecting their tendency to develop than fashion, rates, were able, at best, to account for 62% of the the schemes The CISK schemes showed a slightly better reduction of variance in the actual the The occurrence of explosive cyclogenesis, in marked contrast to predicted poor 3.23), in the meridional X 104K/m perturbation temperature amplitudes in excess of 10 K. The wavelengths of the disturbances were somewhat large, on the order of 4500 km, but the baroclinic forcing was PAGE 114 sufficiently strong to easily produce model bombs, with hour deepening rates of -25 atmosphere was apparently stable and -48 mb. to small The 24 real perturbations, however, as the surface systems did not develop ( -2 mb and +4 mb). the If these two cases are removed forecast performance is from improved (see 3.23), but the schemes still fall short of forecast. The schemes were the sample, table, fig. the subjective able to forecast the actual cases of explosive cyclogenesis; the trouble was rather in predicting too many bombs. If one accepts the CISK hypothesis as a for explaining the viable occurrence of explosive cyclogenesis, then it is necessary to understand the mechanism inhibiting the cooperatively problem, then, with is means observed convection the scale large from flow. that was interacting The basic to understand the interactions between the mesoscale and the synoptic scale. PAGE 115 OPERATIONAL FORECAST RESULTS T=12h I Ext I DP Model GG i c-11 R !! LCF 1 LLF 1 -6.01 -5.41 7.71 .341 6.6: .351 CISK 1 LCF 1 LLF , -8.11 -7.41 8.91 .371 7.91 .39 i LFM 1 -1.51 4.71 .1211 I 0BS -3.81 6.21 H T=24h Model GG I Ext I DP 1 I LCF 1 -11.3112.01 .3311 I LLF 1 -9.31 9.91 .32|1 CISK 1 LCF I -15.7115.41 1 LLF 1 -13.2112.71 LFM I SUBJ 1 BS 11 R(0/1 FCST)11 R H! All #w/o 1211 6 1 -3.31 1 01 1 1 -8.31 .57 1 .79 i .2411 .56 1 .2511 .56 1 8.31-.0611 1 .78 11 .78 H £ 11.581 9.61 .78 H .78 H 11 I! .80 '1 1 11 T=24h (12+12) Model GG CISK I Ext 1 DP I 11 R(0/1 FCST)11 R H' All 1w/o 1211 o I 1 LCF 1 -14.0114.31 LLF 1 -12.4112.31 .331! .49 1 .3411 .57 1 .65 11 .65 11 I LCF ' -16.4115.21 LLF 1 14.7113.21 .35,1 .49 1 .3611 .55 1 .55 11 .55 11 a LFM I 1 -3.31 8.31-.0611 OBS I 1 -8.31 9.61 FIGURE 3.23 Il 1 ii 11 PAGE 116 4.0 Conclusions the In deepening normal first section, rates curve, associated revealed along with statistical tail rapid of the in some way baroclinicity. With explosive the of different the distributions deepening. suggests that the operative process in is analysis significant deviations from the the most a This evidence explosive cyclones from that climatological of ordinary distribution of cyclones, which showed a maximum in frequency in strongly currents, baroclinic the evidence areas adjacent to warm ocean suggests a process in combination with baroclinicity. In the study of explosive cyclones, the CISK mechanism was able to account for the observed deepening, whereas the baroclinic model fell well short. heating intensity, geographic cases. a parameter considerations, The was A logical based pattern of upon physical and established from these axis of maximum heating intensity was located slightly to the warm side of the mean Gulf Stream position, a prime moist area boundary explanation for for conditionally unstable air with a warm, the represents layer. for maximum strong the SST This relationship suggested an preference of explosive cyclogenesis gradients, baroclinicity since yet is such still an able area to PAGE 117 for the support conditionally unstable air. The CISK mechanism provided "left an explanation moving" phenomenon, in which some storms move to the left of the instantaneous 500 mb flow, contrary to synoptic systems. typical The evidence was unclear as to whether the explosive forcing weakens before frictional balance can be attained, seems to but the indicate parameterization possibility the that advisability includes thermodynamics, so that convection be assured can of such an occurrence an an of a internal check on the automatic when formulating the cut off physics of the no longer supports its continuance. In the operational forecasting that in an anomalously baroclinic model evolution as was low about the CISK model. study, bomb as it was found frequency period, the able to handle cyclone This was largely due to the observation of convection associated with storms, since the presence assumed. of convection, a cooperative interaction was The basic problem, and the solution, of explosive cyclogenesis appears to reside in the better understanding of the interactions between the synoptic scales. in and sub-synoptic PAGE 118 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I must thank Professor Frederick Sanders me to the meteorology drafting the wild in world I also thank Isabelle quickly, and neatly. made life at M.I.T. by the for help and not just possible, but probable. This research was supported by the Office and Kole Lastly, I wish to express my appreciation of my fellow students, whose humor introducing of atmospheric bombs, and to Synoptic general. figures for of Naval Research, Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility, under contract N 00014-79-C-0384. PAGE 119 APPENDIX The following equations describe the model atmosphere. The temperature structure is: A T(xiytp) = Tm(p) ( ay + T Cos kx Cos 1y ) - where Tm(p) = Tm(PO) ( p/PO)b Tm(PO) = k = 2 j/ ( kl/47 ) Lx ; 1 = 2 5$ T(xty,PO)dxdy Ly and the geopotential structure is: (x, Yp) = m(p) + 4. Cos k (x+A) Cos 19 A - R ln(PO/p) ( ay + T Cos kx Cos 1y ) where Im(p) = R I Tm(p)dlnp = {R Tm(PO)/b> C 1 - (p/PO) 3 + *m(PO) From the geopotential, we can derive relationships for the geostrophic wind and the geostrophic relative vorticity: A u(x~y,p) = { I #.Cos k(x+l) + R ln(PO/p) v(x,g~p) = < Sin 19 I a - A 1 T Cos kx Sin lj 3 } / f0 k(x+J.) Cosly -k 4.Sin AA + R ln(PO/p) k T Sin kx Cos l I / fO C(xtyip) = (b,/fO) C R T ln(PO/p) Cos kx Cos l A - ffrCos k(x+.a) Cos ly 3 PAGE 120 3 a where b1 = k + 1 The expression for the stability factor, 6, is: 6 = <K/p - dInTm/dPI ( R Tm / p ) = tCN R Tm I / p where Tm = <Tm(PO)/(PO-PT)(1+b)} £ 1 - ( PT/PO ) 3 The equation to be solved to determine the vertical motion field is: (Fz + YA:; an o$ ak 0 Dop . TRiKb o k x IA o s ty A Sin - -- p Ly .Oa C Let: W = WI + W2 + W3 A A & where W1 = W1(p) Sin kx Cos l ; A W1I(p) + W12(p) W1(p) W2 = W2(p) Sin k(x+A) Cos 1j A W3 = W3(p) Sin 2 1y = {2RTak/fOXTm} < The solutions are: W11(p) + W12(p) (PT/p) I (PO - = {kTp /b,'Tm} (a, /b ) F1(pq 1. ln(POfp) p)/(PO - PT) 3 ln(PO/PT) ) p -CF1 (p,q, ) } p PAGE 121 W2(p) = <akk/f0Fm} < W3(p) = <-klTk-/fOTm(bi A F1(p, q, ) I p ~ /b, )Sin kA where a, = <{f0o% b2 = 41z q = -C I + E I + 4(b, /a, qa = t < F1(pq / 2 /I R Tm I ) > 3 / I + 4(b. /a, ) 3 I + I 9-I F1(pq) = - I p 2 - EPO(p/PT) -EPO(PT/p) 2 9-I - 3 PT(p/PO) PT(PO/p) 3I / [PO PT - P0 PT 3 +1 The equation to be solved the for frictionally induced vertical motion is: ' Thus, CorVp Cos kLX)Cy we can write: W4(p) = W4(p) Cos k(x+A) Cos 19 and solving for W4(PO)=W4(PT)=O yields: -A W4(p) = <C 3/(n-1+qj )(n-q, )3 + p ( PO - - pn PT <<t )J / ( PO I-N, n-41 91 p9 '( PO PT -- PT >> n ta PO PT ) PAGE 122 p where C 3 = -C g For release Cd l0j bi including on the the o n(n-1) effects fO 90 PO I / of convective latent heat vertical motion field, the following equation must be solved: ..DP np P l 0H 0o~ The solutions are of the form: Wdn = A2n (p = A3n pol+ - PO ) <a A4n p + - PT = A5n p9 ( p>PL rn / (2a, -bn*)} p PL>p>PU ) pCPU where qn*,bn* = q1 ,b, for n=1,2,4 = qa'b, 'rn for n=3 = -C- R E Wa*n bn* / fO oP0) In order to solve for the constants A2n, vertical motion proFiles matched at p=PL and p=PU. A2n = An 11 i-all(PL - ((2-qn*)PT and their A3n, first A4n, A5n, the derivatives are Thus, the constants are: 1+i PU ) A3n = An {(2-qn*)PO PT (PU - a-9 - PL ) (1+qn*)(PL - - a-r PU )} (1+qn*)(PO PU - PT PL )} PAGE 123 A4n = An ((2-qn*)(PO PL - PT PU A5n = An ((2-qn*)PO (PL PU - ) ) - (1+qn*)(PL - (1+qn*)(PL - PU )} - i-2.' An = (-a, rn) PU )I / C (2a,-bn*)(1-2qn*)(PO - t-ai PT ) 3 From the vorticity equation, the geopotential tendency can be found, if the vertical motion field is known. In the model, the geopotential tendency at the surface center (x=Lx/2-A, y= 0 , p=PO) can be written: X(sfc center) = X(dyn/adiab) + X(diabatic) + X(friction) = where X(d/a) <kT 9 '-9 (PO PT -f0 X(diab)= <-A21 X(fric)= {Cg p <2Ra-CEb, I Tm}Sin k %/bl p - 1 a, F1(q,,PO) + (1-24 ) / b1 b, 3} lVI 4, PO I Sin kA n(n-1)3 / + CA24 9fO (1-2q 1 ) / b, (n-1+q, )(n-q )P033G* PO') = XF(dyn/adiab) + XF(diab) where F* = {(1-2, )PT + 4,(PO PT + PO PT ) - (1-2q, )PTln(PO/PT)/ F*} 'f0 Cd 9 '-9l PO PT )3 PO PT I / { PO PT - PO PT 5 PAGE 124 G* = ((1-2q, )PO + q, PT PT - PO I / < PO - PT I + n The equations for the eastward and northward components of the phase velocity can also be found: Cx(PO) = { X(dyn/adiab) + X(diab) I Cot kA / k L -< 2 %a/bfbTm}F* -- A22 9.fO(1-2q A, a )/b, k-NOPO I - P/bi - Cy(PO) = -- 2 %b, KT/bQ 'Tm)F** Sin kA +-( 2 A23 99f(1-2q4 )/b. Ito PO' 0 where F** = F*, q, replaced by 4 . In the expression for the friction, the term IVt We can estimate a value of V: appears. based on our equations for the velocity: u(PO) = ( 1 Wo fO) Cos k(x+A) Sin l9 v(PO) = (-k i / fO) Sin k(x+A) Cos l9 -~ ~ 2 143 Since "V!=(u + v ), it can be shown from the above that: AA Vimax = b If the assumption is made that into the / B. 8 fO the moisture convergence column plus the surface evaporation is approximately PAGE 125 equal to the precipitation rate, then due to condensation must rate of precipitation. = Thus, heating also be approximately equal to the <( - / g Lc} dP From the model parameterization for Cp E Wa* integrated Thus, P = P = - the ( PL - 4, it can be shown that: / 2 g Lc PO PU ) q can (-q W / g) + Evap the mixing ratio be related to the intensity, E, such that: q(PL) > E Cp ( PL - PU ) / 2 Lc PO ( 1 + Wd*/Wa* ) heating PAGE 126 REFERENCES Arakawa, A.., and W. Schubert, 1974: "Interaction of a Cumulus Ensemble with the Large Scale Environment. Part I." 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