J ournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment An IOP and SISSA journal The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses 1 Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA 2 Department of Physics and Center of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, University of Oslo, PO Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway 3 A F Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St Petersburg, Russia E-mail: glatz@anl.gov, vinokour@anl.gov, joakim.bergli@fys.uio.no, martin.kirkengen@fys.uio.no and iouri.galperine@fys.uio.no Received 27 March 2008 Accepted 13 May 2008 Published 12 June 2008 Online at stacks.iop.org/JSTAT/2008/P06006 doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 Abstract. We study the statistics of local energy minima in the configuration space of two-dimensional lattice Coulomb glasses with site disorder and the behavior of the Coulomb gap depending on the strength of random site energies. At intermediate disorder, i.e., when the typical strength of the disorder is of the same order as the nearest-neighbor Coulomb energy, the high energy tail of the distribution of the local minima is exponential. We furthermore analyze the structure of the local minima and show that most sites of the system have the same occupation numbers in all of these states. The density of states (DOS) shows a transition from the crystalline state at zero disorder (with a hard gap) to an intermediate, probably glassy state with a Coulomb gap. We analyze this Coulomb gap in some detail and show that the DOS deviates slightly from the traditional linear behavior in 2D. For finite systems these intermediate Coulomb gap states disappear for large disorder strengths and only a random localized state in which all electrons are in the minima of the random potential exists. Dedication: This paper is dedicated to Thomas Nattermann, our dearest friend, brilliant colleague, and outstanding teacher. Keywords: disordered systems (theory), slow relaxation and glassy dynamics, energy landscapes (theory) c 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA 1742-5468/08/P06006+12$30.00 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Andreas Glatz1, Valerii M Vinokur1, Joakim Bergli2, Martin Kirkengen2 and Yuri M Galperin2,3 The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Model and simulation 3 3. Statistics of the local minimal states 5 4. Coulomb gap 8 11 Acknowledgments 12 References 12 1. Introduction Possible phases and the corresponding dynamic behaviors of strongly correlated disordered systems remain among the central unresolved issues. Doped semiconductors in the insulating state are exemplary systems, endowed with strong long range Coulomb interactions and strong disorder. It was hypothesized that their combined action imposes a glassy phase, resulting in the term electron or Coulomb glass [1]. Ever since, the Coulomb glass has been a subject of intensive research; see [2]. However, despite impressive developments, a consistent picture of its nature is still not available and consensus on the interrelation between its inherent properties, like the Coulomb gap, slow dynamics, and ageing, and the nature of the low lying metastable states and the mechanism of hopping transport is not yet achieved. A classic qualitative derivation [3] of the Coulomb gap induced in the single-particle density of states due to pair correlations remains the major result in the field. One of the main characteristics of the glassy state of an infinite system is the existence of an infinite number of low lying states (valleys in the rugged free energy relief) separated by barriers growing infinitely in the thermodynamic limit. This picture emerged from the study of the infinite range interaction model for spin glasses (Sherrington–Kirkpatrick spin glass) [4] and was later shown to imply an ultrametric structure of the configurational space [5]. There was important recent progress in relating the appearance of the Coulomb gap in electron systems to the generic glassy behavior [6], where a lattice model of spinless interacting electrons in the presence of randomness was considered and a non-linear screening theory was formulated to tackle Coulomb gap formation and its relation to glassy freezing. The formation of the glass phase with a large number of metastable states was identified via the emergence of a replica symmetry breaking instability. In [7, 8], the connection between the glass phase characteristics and a Coulomb gap was argued for, noting that within the locator approximation the correlated electron system shares several key properties with the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick spin glass. Remarkably, recent experimental studies of low frequency resistance noise in silicon doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 2 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 5. Conclusions The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses 2. Model and simulation In the present work we study the low energy properties of the lattice Coulomb model with on-site disorder potential (no positional disorder). The Hamiltonian for this system is defined as e2 (ni − ν)(nj − ν) εi , εi = Uαi ni + , (1) H= 2 r ij i j=i doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 3 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 inversion layers indicated glassy freezing and the presence of long range correlations, consistent with the hierarchical picture of glassy dynamics [9]. In this paper we re-examine in the first part the distribution of local minimal states (which we define as states that are energetically stable against all single-particle jumps) of the lattice model for a disordered Coulomb system (cf [10]), using an improved minimization algorithm which is explained in detail. We show that the high energy tail of the distribution of the numerically found local minimal states of the system can be fitted with an exponential distribution and study the structure of these local minima to some detail. The overlap between all local minima obtained is calculated and shows that the number of difference sites of two arbitrarily chosen states is almost invariant (7.4% for a 1002 -site system). A spatial analysis of the overlap reveals that the occupation numbers of most sites (about 75% for a 1002 -site system) are frozen in all local minima. It has been suggested [11] that flips of local, multi-site aggregates are responsible for the low frequency noise of such systems. We tried to identify such aggregates by identifying localized clusters of sites that appear in two different occupation states in our set of local minima. However, we were not able to identify such aggregates from analyzing the overlaps of our local minimal states. The numerically obtained overlap map of the calculated minima rather suggests that a transition between two minima has to occur by a global rearrangement of electrons on all ‘active’ sites (sites which have a non-frozen occupation number throughout all minima). Since the total number of local minima for the 1002 -site system studied is probably very large (the number of all possible states is of order 103008 ), we cannot prove that the idea of such aggregates is wrong; we could have missed identifying them in the set of 20 000 analyzed minima. More work is needed to reveal the mechanisms of the low temperature dynamics of Coulomb glass systems. In the second part, the distribution of addition or single-particle energies of these low energy local minima for a half-filled Coulomb glass is analyzed numerically for differing disorder strength. For small disorder strength the systems exhibits a hard Coulomb gap in this density of states (DOS) indicating a global crystalline electron structure, whereas at intermediate values a linear Coulomb gap forms (glassy/microcrystalline structure) which vanishes for strong disorder (random localized state) at finite disorder strength in finite systems. We analyzes the ‘linear’ Coulomb gap for a large set of single-particle energies (of order 108 ) and found that it follows a power law with exponent close to 1.23 rather than the classical linear behavior. In the last part of the paper we study the width of the hard gap Δh with increasing disorder U, starting with an initial Wigner crystal configuration. This crystalline structure is stable for U < Uc , which manifests itself in a linear decrease of Δh and breaks down at Uc where Δh drops to zero. The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses where i and j label the lattice sites, rij = |ri − rj |, Uαi with αi ∈ [−1; 1] define the quenched uniformly distributed random site energies, and ni are the occupation numbers (values 0 or 1) with average ν. Apart from the site energies εi, another energy associated with a single site is useful to introduce: the energy difference needed to add an additional electron to an empty site of the system or remove one from an occupied site: the addition energy. Assume that the system is in a state with energy Hm and that at an unoccupied site i (i.e., ni = 0) an additional electron is inserted into the system. The energy needed for this process is given by (2) If we neglect the change of the filling factor ν in H̃m this energy can be written as Δεi = 2εi − Uαi (ni + ν) . ni − ν (3) This expression is equivalent to the ‘single-particle energy’ proposed by Efros and Shklovskii [3, 12, 13]: nj − ν . (4) Δεi = Uαi + e2 r ij j=i For an occupied site this expression gives the energy needed to remove the electron from this site. In this paper, we are interested in the static low energy properties of model (1). Therefore, the central numerical method which is used here is the minimization algorithm which we describe in some detail in the following. First, the system is initialized with a state according to the filling factor which is either a random distribution of electrons or, in the second part of the paper, with an ordered crystalline configuration. The most important elementary process which is needed for the minimization algorithm is the pair exchange. It is necessary to have an efficient way to calculate the total system energy difference of the states before and after an exchange of particles/holes. We denote the initial energy as H and the energy of the system after an electron has been moved between sites k and l as H̃. The occupation numbers are ni and ñi with ñi = ni ∀i = k, l and ñk = nl , ñl = nk . The energy difference is then Δεkl ≡ H̃ − H = Uαk (ñk − nk ) + Uαl (ñl − nl ) rM (ñk − ν)(ñj − ν) rM (ñl − ν)(ñj − ν) + e2 + e2 rkj rlj j=k j=l (ñk − ν)(ñl − ν) rkl rM (nk − ν)(nj − ν) rM (nl − ν)(nj − ν) − e2 − e2 rkj rlj j=k j=l − e2 γlk + e2 γlk (nk − ν)(nl − ν) , rkl with γlk = Θ(rM − rkl ) where Θ(x) is the Heaviside unit step function. doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 4 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Δεi ≡ H̃m |ni →1 − Hm . The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses or, in terms of the addition energy, 2 γkl (nk − nl ) . Δεkl = (nk − nl ) Δεl − Δεk − e rkl (6) The minimization algorithm consists of several steps. In the initial step all nearestneighbor (NN) pair exchange energies for one site are calculated and the exchange which lowers the total energy most is executed, resulting in a complete recalculation of H. All sites in the system are addressed by a random permutation of the site indices. If no NN pair exchange in the whole system can lower the system energy further, an addition energy optimization is performed, meaning that first the electron with the maximal addition (1) energy of all occupied sites Δεmax hops to the hole with the minimal addition energy (0) (1) (0) Δεmin as long as Δεmax > Δεmax which according to (6) lowers the system energy. Second, (1) we calculate the differences δ of Δεmax and the addition energies of all occupied sites. If δ < e2 /a all possible pair exchanges within a radius of e2 /δ are checked (see (6)) and the one minimizing the energy most is executed. After this step we start over again until no further pair exchange is possible, i.e., all possible pair exchanges in this final state lead to an increase of the system energy. We define these final states as local minima in the present work. Additionally, multi-site exchanges can be checked using expressions similar to (5) or (6). Additionally to pair exchanges, we checked compact four-site aggregates, and found that those cannot lower the system energy significantly and can be neglected in the following considerations. The simulations were performed for two-dimensional systems of size (number of lattice sites) N between 502 and 10002 with periodic boundary conditions and filling factor ν = 0.5. In the following we use dimensionless units: distances are measured in units of the lattice constant a and the disorder strength U and Coulomb energy in units of e2 /a. 3. Statistics of the local minimal states In the first part we study the distribution of the local minima states of the lattice model (1) at intermediate disorder strengths. We consider the system in which the disorder spread, U, is equal to the Coulomb interaction at the distance of the lattice constant, i.e., U = 1. In general, the behavior of the systems depends on the interplay between disorder and Coulomb interaction: for vanishing disorder the system has a crystalline structure which goes over to glassy behavior upon increasing U. With U = 1 we believe that we are well into the glassy regime. doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 5 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 rM denotes the maximal interaction radius in the simulation and therefore restricts the sums for the Coulomb interaction parts. Since we use sufficiently large systems here, we set rM = L/2 and therefore avoid Ewald summation for the Coulomb interaction. Using the occupation number relations and the site energies of H the above expression can be written as nk + ν nl + ν Δεkl = U(nk − nl ) αk − αl nk − ν nl − ν εl (nk − nl )2 εk 2 , (5) − − e γkl + 2(nk − nl ) nl − ν nk − ν rkl The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses Starting from many initial random distributions of electrons we use the minimization algorithm to calculate the local minimal states. The distribution of the energies for those states is shown in figure 1 (right) for 20 000 local minimum states of the N = 1002 system used for the analysis of overlaps (see below). It seems that the high energy tail can be fitted with an exponential law, nmin (E) ∼ e−E/E0 . In order to further substantiate this claim we repeated the procedure for a smaller system (N = 502 ) which allows us to get better statistics (8 × 106 minima). The results are shown in figure 1 (left) and confirm that the high energy tail is better fitted with an exponential than a Gaussian. Additionally to the two distributions discussed, with good statistics, we calculated the distributions of many more system sizes N between 502 and 1002 as well as for 1502 and 2002 systems. For all these distributions we calculated the mean energy Em and standard deviation (figure 2 (left)) as well as the collapsed distribution, where we shifted the distribution by Em and rescaled the axis by the standard deviation σ (figure 2 (right)). Em shows clearly a linear dependence on the system size N = L2 , whereas σ shows a square root dependence on N. The linear behavior of Em on N shows that the energy is an extensive variable, as would be expected if the system could be considered as a sum of individual subsystems weakly interacting with each other. In the presence of long range Coulomb interactions this is not obviously the case, and our results show that for the local minimal states screening is sufficient for this to happen. Using this picture, it follows directly from probability theory that the square of the standard deviation would be the sum of all variances of the subsystems and therefore lead to the square root dependence on N. At this point we remark that the number of calculated local minimum states represents doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 6 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Figure 1. Energy distribution of local minimum states of systems of size N in half-log representation with a linear fit (i.e., an exponential distribution) at the high energy tail. Left: for 8 × 106 local minima of a N = 502 system. The black diamonds represent the ‘square root’ of the distribution (in arbitrary units), i.e., a straight line here would indicate a Gaussian distribution. While at the central peak it is close to that, the right tail shows a clear curvature, and we conclude that the tail is not Gaussian. Right: for 2 × 104 local minima of a N = 1002 system. As a guide to the eye a Gaussian distribution at the maximum is shown (dashed red curve). For the low energy tail not enough data points are available for a reasonable analysis. The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses only a small fraction of all possible metastable states of the systems considered. However, in the absence of correlation between the energy of a minimum and the probability of reaching this minimum using our algorithm, our histograms will still be representative. At the present time we are checking this correlation, and our preliminary results for small systems indicate some correlation. More work is required to verify this and to understand how the correlation scales with the system size. We also plan to understand the relation between our algorithm for finding local minima and a physical relaxation process (modeled by a kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm). For all computed minima of the N = 1002 system, we also calculated the normalized site occupation number difference |nαi − nβi | Δαβ = N −1 i corresponding to all pairs of minima {α, β}. We call the quantity Δαβ (i) ≡ |nαi − nβi | the local occupation number difference of minima α and β. The distribution of Δαβ , i.e., the fraction of the system which have different occupation numbers for two different minima, is shown in figure 3 (left). For the filling factor used, 0.5, about 7.4% of all sites (not only the occupied ones, as shown in [10]) have different occupation numbers when comparing different minima. This can be seen in the spatially resolved ‘activity’ map in figure 3 (right): the color coded regions show the places in the system where electrons/holes differ between different local minima—the color is determined by the numbers of differences between all calculated low energy states at a particular site. One sees that the occupation numbers of most sites are frozen in all local minima (about 75% of all sites have the same occupation in all local minima). In order to understand the structure of the local minima, we compared the occupation numbers of all sites i which have the same local occupation difference counts α,β Δαβ (i). There are only a few of these collections of sites which have more than four sites, but even these do not doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 7 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Figure 2. Left: dependence of the mean value Em and standard deviation σ(n) of the distribution of the local minimum states for 2D systems on the system size. Em depends clearly linearly on the system size N = L2 and σ[n(E)] as the square root of the system size. Right: rescaling all distributions according to x = (E − Em )/σ and y = n(E)/n0 σ collapses them onto one distribution. The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses represent n-site aggregates, which are collections of n sites fixed throughout all states— possibly spread over the whole system—having only two complementary states. This observation suggests that transitions between different local minima occur through global rearrangements of electrons on the active sites and in particular cannot be understood in terms of flips or inversions of different n-site aggregates. Due to the small—compared to the total—number of local minima, we cannot exclude the possibility that n-site aggregates are important for the low temperature dynamics of Coulomb glasses. However, the study of these transitions at finite temperatures is beyond the scope of this work and will be the subject of further investigations. 4. Coulomb gap In the second part of the paper we analyze the dependence of the density of states of the local minima on the disorder strength U. It is clear that a crystalline configuration defines the ground state of the system for U = 0, meaning that all occupied/free sites have (1),(0) (1) (0) the same (negative/positive) addition energy Δεi with Δεi = −Δεi (see figure 4 (0) (1) (lower, left)). Here we can define a hard gap as Δh ≡ Δεmin − Δεmax . In the opposite limit U → ∞ the disorder potential dominates the Coulomb interaction such that the electrons are in the minima of the random potential and therefore the addition energies are uniformly distributed (see figure 4 (lower, right)). Increasing the disorder strengths also decrease Δh until the low temperature DOS approaches the linear/quadratic Coulomb gap for intermediate disorder strength for 2D/3D systems, respectively [13]. In figure 4 doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 8 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Figure 3. Left: distribution of the difference of the local minima Δαβ (0 for identical states, 1 for complementary ones). The distribution is fitted with a Gaussian curve, with mean 0.074 and width 0.020. 2 × 108 overlap integrals are calculated. Right: the ‘active’ regions of the deep energy configurations, i.e., the placesin the system where electrons/holes typically differ for different local minima, α,β Δαβ (i). Data are shown for 20 000 different local minima of a 2 N = 100 system and the color code represents the number of local differences in occupation numbers for all possible configuration overlaps. The background, dark-gray color represents the frozen site at which the occupation number does not change for all local minima—these are about 75% of all sites. The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses (top) the DOS for a 2D N = 10002 is shown—the (apparently) linear dependence is stable for a certain interval of U. As mentioned before, all simulations are done for half-filling ν = 1/2 which results in the symmetrical structure of the DOS. The above is the classical Efros–Shklovskii picture [3, 13] for states which are stable against single-particle jumps or pair exchanges—which we can easily reproduce with our algorithm. However, a closer look at the Coulomb gap at U = 1 reveals deviations from this well known linear behavior of the Coulomb gap: we calculated the averaged DOS for 56 local minima of a N = 10002 system in order to get a good statistical foundation, and analyzed the gap in a log–log representation. Although not visible in the linear representation, the gap shows a |Δε|α behavior with an exponent α = 1.23 ± 0.02 doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 9 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Figure 4. Coulomb gap for differing disorder strength. Plotted are normalized histograms for the addition/single-particle energies. The upper plot shows the linear behavior of the DOS for a two-dimensional system in the ‘glassy’ region (U = 1) with fitted linear graphs. The lower graphs show the DOS for a Wigner crystal (left) and a strongly disordered system (right, U = 10) in which the Coulomb gap has almost disappeared. All DOS are calculated for systems of size N = 10002 . (d denotes the resolution of the histogram.) The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses Uc Figure 6. Disorder strength dependence of the hard Coulomb gap Δh for an initial crystalline configuration. Simulations are done for N = 2562 systems. rather than α = 1, see figure 5. First indications of this deviation were already reported in [14, 15], however with rather low, non-conclusive accuracy. In order to understand this discrepancy, further analytical studies are needed. In the following we study the transition from the crystalline state to the Coulomb glass state with increasing disorder strength in more detail. Therefore we start the minimization algorithm with the two possible crystal configurations for half-filling at given U and calculate the hard gap at the end. The average of these is plotted in figure 6. One clearly sees a sharp transition of Δh at a critical disorder strength Uc to zero. For the simulated system of size N = 2562 we have Uc ≈ 1/4. Below Uc , Δh decreases linearly since (1) Δεmax ∝ Uαmax + Ec with αmax ≈ 1 and Ec = −e2 /aUc,max = const being the Coulomb doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 10 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 Figure 5. Averaged Coulomb gap at U = 1 for 56 local minima of a N = 10002 system. On a log–log scale one clearly sees that the Coulomb gap deviates slightly from the classical |Δε| behavior. It rather follows a |Δε|α power law with exponent α = 1.23 ± 0.02. The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses energy of the crystal configuration (at an occupied site). At Uc the global crystalline structure breaks down and the hard gap disappears. For an infinite system we can estimate Uc as follows. If we assume a crystalline configuration, one can find two places where an electron occupies a site with αi = 1 and a hole a site with αj = −1. Additionally, we notice that if the addition energy (4) of an electron/hole becomes larger/smaller than zero they can be exchanged, lowering the system energy; see equation (6). Therefore the upper boundary for U at which the crystalline structure is stable is given by (3D) Uc,max ∞ ∞ (−1)n+m √ = −2 ≈ 0.8078, n2 + m2 n=1 m=0 ∞ (−1)n1 +n2 +n3 = −1/2 ≈ 0.8738. 2 2 2 n + n + n 1 2 3 n1,2,3 =−∞ n1 =n2 =n3 =0 These values are up to a factor 1/2 the 2D or 3D Madelung constants. Here we should remark that the ‘delta’ peaks for the crystalline DOS shown in figure 4 (U = 0) are (2D) at addition energies ±0.78 which are close to ±Uc,max , where the peaks for the infinite Coulomb interaction range system would be. Furthermore, if we assume that the electron and hole with αi = 1, −1 are nearest neighbors and use (6), we find Uc = Uc,max − 1/2 (2D) (3D) and therefore Uc ≈ 0.3078 and Uc ≈ 0.3738. Both values are fairly close to the numerically calculated one for 2D systems. However, it should be remarked that Uc depends slightly on the screening radius of the Coulomb interaction in finite systems, which we usually took as half the simulated system size, but not on the disorder configuration. The behavior is, however, essentially the same and especially for U ≥ O(1), Δh = 0 for all system sizes analyzed, meaning there is no global crystalline order any longer. A detailed study of the gap structure and the behavior at large disorder strength will be subject of forthcoming works. 5. Conclusions In conclusion, we have analyzed the statistical properties of local energy minima for a disordered lattice Coulomb system. The lattice Coulomb model was studied numerically before by many authors looking at various aspects. However, the statistical properties of the local minima in the configurational space were studied either in too small systems, or not in sufficient detail. In previous works [16]–[18] system sizes of the order 102 were used. The optimized numerical procedures that we used in this paper and reference [10], and latest computational equipment, made it possible to analyze systems 100 to 104 times larger, which have an astronomically large number of different local energy minima states. Typical times for the minimization algorithm range from O(1 s) for N = 1002 to O(1 h) for N = 10002 . We found that the high energy tail of the numerically calculated distribution of the local minima can be fitted with an exponential function. The study of the structure of the local minima suggests that transitions between different local minima probably occur through global rearrangements of electrons on doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2008/06/P06006 11 J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P06006 (2D) Uc,max The Coulomb gap and low energy statistics for Coulomb glasses Acknowledgments We are grateful to the referee of this paper for his/her detailed, insightful, and constructive criticism, helping us to improve the presentation of this work substantially. This work was supported by the US Department of Energy Office of Science under the Contract No DEAC02-06CH11357 and by the Norwegian Research Council under the STORFORSK program, and the Norway–USA Bilateral collaboration program. References [1] Davies J H, Lee P A and Rice T M, 1982 Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 758 Grünewald M et al , 1982 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 15 L1153 Pollak M and Ortuño M, 1982 Sol. Energy Mater. 8 81 Pollak M, 1984 Phil. Mag. B 50 265 [2] Ovadyahu Z, 2006 Phys. Rev. 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Finally, we studied the distribution of addition energies of these low energy minimal states for a half-filled Coulomb glass at different disorder strengths. For small disorder strength the systems exhibits a hard gap in the density of states (DOS) indicating a global crystalline electron structure, whereas at intermediate values an apparently linear Coulomb gap forms (glassy/microcrystalline structure) which vanishes for strong disorder (disordered electron distribution). The crystalline structure is stable for U < Uc , which manifests itself in a linear decrease of Δh with a breakdown at Uc where Δh drops to zero. The value found numerically for Uc is in agreement with a simple consideration of the stability of the addition energy in infinite systems. An interesting observation is the deviation of the Coulomb gap from the classical Efros–Shklovskii behavior at intermediate disorder strength. However, further analytical investigation of this result is needed.