Issues Facing Southern CA Chief’s position on the management of water resources Healthy Forest Initiative NFP goals Clean Water Act Loss of surface water T& E habitat Recreation and other nonmarket values Loss of snow pack Climate Change Influences on Savanna Watershed Function Savannas (Eragrostis spp.) SE AZ, Northern Mexico, SW NM Southern Africa Question: Are there significant relationships between changes in plant communities (e.g. shrub encroachment) , C cycling and watershed function under 3 general scenarios 1. 2. 3. Historical/paleo” “ records Current record Under modeled rainfall regimes Forest Service Policy Fire Invasive species (introduced) T&E spp. Cooperators: Univ. of Arizona, Cambridge University, Univ. of Swansea, Basin-level Approach to Climate Induced Changes in Southern CA Watersheds (Santa Ana, San Gabriel, Los Angeles Rivers) General Direction of Project Sediment fluxes Fluvial discharge of black carbon and other compounds Surface water storage Approach Utilize already established infrastructure to measure basin-level response. Utilize mobile technology to sample at different spatial scales. Forest Service Policy • • • National Forests were established to protect the water resources ESA Clean Water Act