National Wind Institute
Texas Tech University
The National Wind Institute (NWI) at Texas Tech University performs debris impact tests on storm shelters,
shelter components, and building materials to evaluate their ability to resist various types of projectiles
propelled at different speeds in accordance to accepted and proposed test protocols as follows:
Protocol 1
Protocol 2
Protocol 3
Protocol 4
Protocol 5
Protocols for Debris Impact Testing2
Hurricane envelope impact by a 9 lb. wood 2”x4” propelled
at 34 mph. In accordance to the Florida Building Code, the
International Code Council, and the Texas Dept. of Insurance
Windstorm Resistant Construction.
Hurricane Shelter Speed impact by a 9 lb. wood 2”x4”
propelled at 0.40 x the design wind speed (mph) for
horizontal impacts and 0.10 x the design wind speed (mph)
for vertical impacts, in accordance to the proposed ICC 5001
– ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of
Storm Shelters.
Hurricane Shelter Speed impact by a 9 lb. wood 2”x4”
propelled at 0.50 x the design wind speed (mph) for
horizontal impacts and 0.33 x design wind speed (mph) for
vertical impacts, in accordance with FEMA 320, “Taking
Shelter from the Storm,” 2008 edition and FEMA 361
“Design and Construction Guidance for Community
Saferooms,” 2008 edition.
Tornado shelter speed impact by a 15 lb. wood 2”x4”
propelled at 100 mph for horizontal impacts and 67 mph for
vertical impacts, in accordance with FEMA 320, “Taking
Shelter from the Storm,” 2008 edition, and FEMA 361,
“Design and Construction Guidance for Community
Saferooms,” 2008 edition.
Department of Energy (DOE) impact standards.
– The ICC 500 – ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters is scheduled for inclusion in the 2009 editions of the International
Residential Code and the International Business Code. This is a Life Safety Standard which will use an Extreme Wind Map for Hurricanes with wind speeds
starting at 225 mph and with contours along the Atlantic and Gulf Coast stepping inland in 10mph increments to 160 mph.
2 – All impact tests are consistent with the Debris Impact Requirement of ICC-500.
Note: Listing does not imply product endorsement or warranty by TTU, FEMA or NSSA. Unless otherwise noted, the following listings have been tested to
Protocol 4, the Tornado Standard Protocol.
2nd Chance Shelters
Ron Vanderslice
5004 E. 110th Street
Tulsa, OK 74137-7262
Ph: (918) 296-0929
Product Tested
Date Tested 08/10
Above ground 76”x52” steel panel shelter
A-1 Storm Shelters
Brian Cunningham
599 Halls Place
West Blacton, AL 35184
Ph: 205-938-5159
Date Tested: 06/12
Above ground concrete shelter with door
ACE Group
Mr. Lee Marsh
1173 U.S. Hwy. 52
Castalia, Iowa 52133
Date Tested: 04/16
Above ground shelter
3M Storm Shelters, LLC
P. O. Box 161652
Fort Worth TX 76161
Ph: (817) 475-2286
Date Tested: 05/13
Above ground steel shelter with door
Date Tested: 03/14
Above-ground shelter
A Box 4 U, LLC (Redguard)
Josh Thibault
4340 S. West Street
Wichita, KS 67217
Ph: (316) 554-9000
Date Tested: 03/13
Above ground shelter door and panel (12’x40’)
All Weather Saferooms
Kevin Julian and Dick Ault
PO Box 8091
South Port, FL 32409
Ph: (850) 258-2752
Date Tested: 08/08
4’x6’x7’ steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 10/12
Above ground plate steel panel shelter with door
Alabama Storm Safe
John Davis
10313 US Hwy 11
Springville, AL 35146
Ph: (205) 467-0177
Date Tested: 06/02
Above ground shelter
Alternative Construction Technologies, Inc.
992 Winterberry Drive
Marco Island, FL 34145
Ph: (941) 394-1717
American Tornado Master
Bill Stegman
12640 East Northwest Hwy., Suite 409
Dallas, TX 75228
Ph: (972) 686-7733
Date Tested: 07/99
Above ground steel panel shelter
Atlas Safe Rooms
Tommy McHenry
601 McKinley Avenue
Joplin, MO 64801
Ph: (417) 206-6816
Date Tested: 04/12
Steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 09/12
Above ground steel panel shelter and door
Area Septic
Brian Evans
28576 Hwy 29
Elmore City, OK 73433
Ph: (580) 788-2109
Date Tested: 03/11
Above ground shelter
5’x8’x3116’ steel shelter
FEMA 320 and ICC-500
Arkansas Industrial Fabricators
Bryan Burks
P.O. Box 36
Sheridan, AR 72150
Ph: (870) 942-4262
Date Tested: 03/14, 06/14
Above-ground panel shelter
Armored Closet
David Magiera
6701 Potomac Pkwy.
Arlington, TX 76017
Date Tested: 02/14 & 04/14 & 05/14
Above ground Panel Shelter and Door
Armor Vault
Mark Webb
729 SE 29th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73129
Ph: (405) 634-2841
Date Tested: 07/03
Above ground 4’6” x 6’0” x 6’2” steel shelter
Charles Cherry
PO Box 1058
Guthrie, OK 73044-1058
Date Tested: 08/99
Above ground steel panel shelter
Date Tested: 08/11
Above ground steel plate shelter
Date Tested: 07/03
Above ground 4’ x 6’ x 6’ steel shelter
Ph: (405) 282-5235
B&K Welding
Mr. Bobby Holsomback
PO Box 146
Briarfield, AL 35035
Ph: (205) 665-5996
Date Tested: 01/12
Above ground steel panel shelter
B&M Shelters
Dale Miller
HC 60 Box 2912
Lawton, OK 73501
Ph: (580) 492-4158
Date Tested: 02/02
Above ground steel panel shelter
Barger and Sons
Eric Barger
PO Box 370
Kingston, TN 37763
Ph: (865) 882-5860
Date Tested: 04/09
Above ground shelter
Barr Fabrication, LLC
Justin Reyes, Project Manager
PO Box 2217
Brownwood, TX 76804
Ph: (325) 643-2277
Bed Bunker
Roger Hatcher
104 Joan Drive
Divernon, IL 62530
Ph: (334) 477-8339
Date Tested: 02/16
Above ground Shelter
Jim Briscoe
16800 N. Council Road
Edmund, OK 73003
Ph: (405) 672-2323
Date Tested: 10/99
4’x6’ above ground steel panel shelter
Butler Tornado Safe Rooms
Sue Butler
125 W. Gulfport
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Ph: (918) 455-6301
Date Tested: 02/12
Above ground steel shelter
Date Tested: 05/07
Steel above ground shelter
Capital Food and Beverage, Inc.
George Lara/Keith White
2430 January Lane
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Ph: (972) 660-4450
Custom Components & Logistics
Mr. Dan Wolf
19722 E Admiral Pl.
Catoosa, OK 74015
Ph: (918) 640-7631
Date Tested: 03/14
Ark-Pod, LLC Above-ground oval shelter
Date Tested: 02/12 & 05/15
Steel above ground shelter
Above ground bench shelter
Custom Fab & Welding, LLC
Jeremy Botica
9484 Hwy 157
Haughton, LA 71037
Ph: (318) 518-6432
Date Tested: 08/2015
Above-Ground Shelter
CWF Shelters
Chancy Cockrum
1530 Construction Way
Van Buren, Arkansas 72956
Ph: (479) 410-9092
Date Tested: 06/11, 07/11
Above ground steel panel shelter
DAMAR Tornado Safe Bed
Dale Watson
113 Hollyberry Lane
Georgetown, TX 78628
Ph: (866) 864-1352
Date Tested: 10/00
5’x6’x2’ above ground steel panel shelter
Down Under Shelters
Milton Odom
38 East 44th Street
Tulsa, OK 74105
Ph: (918) 857-4380
Date Tested: 06/14
4’ x 5’ above ground shelter
Dupont Stormroom with Kevlar
Laura Dwyer
Chestnut Run Plaza
Bldg. 728/Room 3208
4417 Lancaster Pike
Wilmington, DE 19805
Ph: (800) 448-9835
Date Tested: 11/02-08/04
Above ground shelter 4’x8’x7’ and 4’x6’x7’ composite
shelter with Kevlar
Earth Outdoor Shelter, LLC
Chris Roy/Sarah Kelly
PO Box 310
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
Ph: (417) 746-0043
Date Tested: 05/12
Above ground steel panel shelters with doors
Express Shelters, LLC
Mr. Bryan Sprouse
5240 Sinai Road
Mason, TN 38048
Ph: (901) 692-3804
Date Tested: 05/14
Above-ground shelter
F5 Storm Shelters
Matt Hillburn
1776 N. Deffer Drive
Nixa, MO 65714
Ph: (660) 424-0599
Date Tested: 01/12
Above ground steel panel shelters with door
(Series 1, 2, and 3)
Date Tested: 08/13
Above-ground plate steel shelter
F5 Storm Shelters of Louisiana
Robert Taylor
348 Delmus McMurray Road
Baskin, LA 71219
Ph: (318) 248-2994
Date Tested: 04/12
Above ground steel shelters with doors
FabSouth, Inc.
Nick Rice
702 CC Gurien Drive
Troy, TN 38260-5654
Ph: (731) 536-6375
Date Tested: 12/12
Kit style, above ground shelter
Family Safe Shelters
Mr. Vince Mims
PO Box 2188
Owasso, OK 74055
Ph: (918) 443-7233
Date Tested: 11/11
Above ground steel panel shelter 4’x6’8”x3/16”
Date Tested: 02/13
Above ground steel-channel and stairwell shelter with
Good Shelters, LLC
Cesar Flores
11117 E. 63rd Street
Tulsa, OK 74133
Ph: 918-951-8715
Date Tested: 07/13
Above ground shelter
Greenblock Construction, LLC
James R. (Bob) Brock
89 Riverbend Road
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Ph.: 575-751-7751
Date Tested: 05/15
Above-ground shelter
Ground Zero Shelters
Richard Crow
4600 Independence
Perry, OK 73077
Ph: (405) 880-1351
Date Tested: 08/09, 01/16
Above ground shelter
Guardian Angel Shelter Systems
Mr. Travis Coombe
131 Shady Lane
Bald Knob, AR 72010
Ph: 501-941-9724
Date Tested: 07/14
Above ground shelter
Harman-Maulden Designs, Inc.
Dave Harman
155 Ray Brown Road
Boone, NC 28607
Ph: (828) 264-8120
Date Tested: 06/12
Above ground proprietary timber assembly with steel
Hausner’s Precast
PO Box 52
Drumright, OK
Ph: (918) 352-3479
Date Tested: 11/01
8’x8’x7’ steel above ground shelter
Heartland Tornado Shelters
Jerry Shoemaker
330 Wintergreen Court
Weatherford, TX
Ph: (940) 453-0393
Date Tested: 02/14
Above ground Panel shelter
Hercules Storm Shelter
CSD Fabrication, Inc.
Charles Logan
75 Commerical Loop Way
Rossville, TN 38066-3851
Ph: (901) 351-3510
Date Tested: 04/04
6’x7’x7’ steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 09/10
Iron Tight Safe Rooms
Julana Bennett
9486 Rock School Road
Skiatook, OK 74070
Ph: (918) 396-7233
Above ground steel shelter
JG Saferooms
Tom Bennett
2210 Industrial Road
Supulpa, OK 74066
Ph: (918) 639-8102
Date Tested: 11/06
Steel above ground shelter
Keely Safe Rooms
John Keely
406 Monroe Street
Purcell, OK 73080
(405) 664-2869
Date Tested: 02/16
Above ground shelter
Life Box of America, LLC
Randy Molnar
2825 W. Thomas Road
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Ph: (251)-404-9490
Date Tested: 03/15
Above-ground Panel Shelter
Life Saver, LLC
Chuck Melton
10290 Farm Road 137
Brighton, MO 65617
Ph: (417) 742-2793
Date Tested: 02/02
3’x5’x6.8’ steel above ground shelter
Lone Star Safe Rooms, LLC
Mr. Chris Hooser
4303 S. Bowen Road #129
Arlington, TX 76016
Ph. (817) 682-6574
Date Tested: 05/15
Above Ground Shelter
Lucas Metal Works
39628 West 3000 Road
Ocheelata, OK 74051
Ph: (918) 535-2726
Date Tested: 03/02
5’x7’x7’ panelized steel above ground shelter
MBS Manufacturing, Inc.
Bob Smith
26319 E. Highway 51
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
Ph: (918) 486-6226
Date Tested: 6/13
Above ground shelter and door
M&J Industries
Carlton Guyse
1021 Brooks Street SE
Decatur, AL 35601
Ph: (256) 340-1620
Date Tested: 02/14
Above-ground community shelter end panel
Menard Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Bill Menard
PO Box 21
Gillett, AR 72055
Ph: (888) 764-3130
Date Tested: 05/08
6’x6’x6.5’ steel above ground shelter
Mid America Shelters
Don Bundy
510 West Dewey
Sapulpa, OK 74066
Ph: (918) 227-1919
Date Tested: 03/12
Cylindrical above-ground steel panel shelter
Date Tested: 02/14
Above-ground oval shelter
Mighty Safe Shelter
Mighty Metal Products
Randy Parsley
2414 DeWitt Henry Drive
Beebe, AR 72012
Ph: (501) 607-4602
Date Tested: 12/12
Above ground shelter
Missouri Storm Shelters
Jeff Olsen
4983 Hwy 60
Rogersville, MO 65714
Ph: (417) 725-0055
Date Tested: 02/06
4’x6’ steel above ground shelter
Modular Engineering
Sam Ramsey
180 Airpark Drive
Wilsonville, AL 35186
Ph: (205) 921-9966
Date Tested: 06/01
Steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 03/15
Above-ground shelter
Native Storm Shelter
Shawn Metcalf
3167 Platter Road
Platter, OK 74753
Ph: 405-514-5836
OK Catastrophe Team
Chad Harris
15101 S. May
Oklahoma City, OK 73170
Ph: 405-378-7000
Date Tested: 03/2015
Above ground shelter plate steel shelter
Oldcastle Precast, Inc.
Bradley J. Smith
5900 E. Division
Lebanon, TN 37088
Ph: (800) 966-2568
Date Tested: 12/01
Above ground 4’x4’ and 5’x5’ precast concrete shelter
Patrick Allen Companies
Storm Ready Shelters LLC.
Mr. Patrick Allen
5305 HWY 145 South
Meridian, MS 39301
Ph: (601) 693-9647
Date Tested: 03/13
Above ground steel shelter with door
Date Tested: 05/15
Above-Ground Econo Shelter
Above-Ground Elite Shelter
Patriot Steel Shelters, LLC
Novice Cole
PO Box 209
Kingston Springs, TN 37082
Ph: (615) 952-5501 Ext. 104
Date Tested: 07/09
Above ground Steel shelter
Perfect Storm Shelters, LLC
Patrick Studnicka
8171 Tyler Blvd.
Mentor, OH 44060
Ph: (440) 205-9353
Date Tested: 08/09
6’x3’x3.5’ steel above ground shelter
Permastrong Wood Products
Clayton Posey
29221 Hwy. 59
Wayne, OK 73095
(405) 449-3376
Portland Cement Association
Donn Thompson
Date Tested: 02/16
Above ground Shelter
Date Tested: 07/99
Above ground ICF shelters
5420 Old Orchard Road
Skokie, IL 60077
Ph: (847) 966-6200
Precision Fabworx, LLC
Mr. Matt Wolfe
105 Rattling Antler Court
Azle, Texas 76020
Ph: (682)-225-1546
Date Tested: 06/15
Above Ground Shelter
Protection Shelters, LLC
Dale Zogelman
18900 W. 87th South
Viola, KS 67149
Ph: (316) 722-4499
Date Tested: 03/11
Above ground 4’x 6’x6’ steel shelter
Shelter vent FEMA 320 and ICC-500 pressures
Pro-Tote Systems, Inc.
Jared Egger
1705 S. Olive Street
South Bend, IN 46619
Ph: (800) 259-4550
Date Tested: 06/11
Above-ground steel shelter and door
Date Tested: 05/12
Above ground steel panel shelter with doors
Providence Safe Rooms, Inc.
Bill Cotner
14919 Lebanon Road
Old Hickory, TN 37138
Ph: (615) 598-6286
Date Tested: 05/12
Above ground shelter
Pyramid Mouldings
4630 County Road 209 South
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Ph: 904-297-4536
Date Tested: 07/11
Tornado shelter Series 2 (14 gauge) and Series 3 (16
Remagen Saferooms
James E. Waller, P.E.
707 North Bluff Circle
Monteagle, TN 37356
Ph: (931) 692-3961
Date Tested: 11/99
Above ground steel panel shelter
Safe-n-Sound Shelters
4401 West Elgin Street
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Date Tested: 04/06
8’x6’x7’ steel above ground shelter
Ph: (918) 252-4741
Brent Mitchell
3275 Highway 55 West
Danville, AL 35619
Ph: (800) 462-3648
Date Tested: 01/03
4’x4’x7’ steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 04/13
Above ground panel shelters with doors
Safe-T-Zone Shelter
Frank Pockrandt
5800 East Ten Mile
Warren, MI 48091
Ph: (586) 755-0800
Date Tested: 09/02
4’x8’x2.67’ steel above ground shelter
Safety Space
Joe Mullis & Scott Baker
8718 S. 76th East Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74133
Ph: (918) 346-5883
Date Tested: 07/13
4’x8’x6’x1.4” above ground shelter
Safe Solutions
Wayne Bullington
15794 FM 1954
Wichita Falls, TX 76310
Ph: 1(855)997-2335
Date Tested: 06/13
Above ground shelter
Safety Storage Inc.
Emmy Dowden
855 N. 5th Street
Charleston, IL 61920
Ph: (217) 345-4422
Date Tested: 04/13
Above ground shelter
Secure Shelter-CWF Shelters
Chancy Cochrun
1530 Construction Way
Van Burren, AR 72956
Ph: (479) 410-9092
Date Tested: 07/11
Above-ground steel panel shelter and door
Secure Environment
Dan Fox
2021 Crested Butte Drive
Guthrie, OK 73044
Ph: (405) 209-6450
Date Tested: 09/02
6’x6’x8’ plywood and steel shelter
Self-Reliance Systems, LLC
Alex Clark
105 Taylor
Huntsville, AL 35811
Ph: (256) 434-1560
Date Tested: 10/20/11
Above ground shelter & shelter door
S-E-T Supply
Alberto Velasquez
21420 SE 103rd Street
Newalla, OK 74857
Ph: (405) 209-2584
Date Tested: 08/13
Above-ground steel shelter
Show Me Shelters
Mike Gardner
5134 S. 97th Road
Morrisville, MO 65710
Date Tested: 09/12
Steel above ground shelter
SHRC Shelter
Flint Holbrook
Oklahoma State University
101 Ag Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078
Date Tested: 03/13
Above ground steel shelter with door
Shumaker Industries
Brett Shumaker
924 Water Street
Northumberland, PA 17857
Ph: -1-800-326-9349
Date Tested: 04/12
Steel above ground shelter
Southern Fabrication Specialties
Mr. Nathan Bennett
1805 Howard Road
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Ph: (469) 517-1642
Date Tested: 06/15
Above-ground Shelter
Southern Sheetmetal
Mark Robins
PO Box 5000
Tulsa, OK 74150
Ph: (918) 584-3371
Date Tested: 08/11
Above ground steel panel shelter
Staying Home Corporation
Date Tested: 01/13
Troy Bowers
P. O. Box 37
Harrison, MO 64701
Ph: (816) 380-2427
Steel Safe Shelters
Chris Wood
114 Stewart Street
Albertville, AL 35950
Ph: (256) 506-9449
Deployable steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 04/13
Above ground shelter (deployable steel)
Date Tested: 07/13
Above ground shelter
Date Tested: 03/12
Steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 05/12
Steel above ground shelter (6’x8’x6’8”x1/4 steel shelter
Steel Standing Shelters
Christina Allen
81 Park Street
Geraldine, AL 35974
Ph: (256) 659-5242
Date Tested: 05/13
Above ground safe room
Steel Storm Shelters
David Hughes
33 Bolivar Highway
Jackson TN 38301
Ph: (731) 427-8055
Date Tested: 08/05
5’x8’x6’ steel above ground shelter
Steel Strong Storm Shelters
Mr. Joel Carroll
3316 Sexton Road
Decatur, AL 35603
Ph: (256) 309-0344
Date Tested: 05/14
4'x8'x7' steel above ground shelter
4'x6'x8' steel above ground shelter
Storm Box
Jim Hugg
PO Box 194084
Little Rock, AR 72219
Ph: (510) 562-1267
Date Tested: 01/12
8’x10’x8’6” x 16 gauge steel above ground shelter and
Storm Protection Group
Dean Weidman
1050 North Grove Road
Richardson, TX 75081
Ph: (214) 334-8456
Date Tested: 10/13
5’x5’ 6’ tall and ½ in thick steel above ground shelter
StormBox, Inc.
W. A. Willis
Date Tested: 08/99
4’x4’x4’ steel above ground shelter
2425 Hwy 69 S
Denison, TX 75021
Ph: (903) 465-7691
Stormrooms of America
Darlene Strough
206 S. Springfield Street
Berryville, AR 72616
Ph: (870) 929-6390
Storm Safe In-ground Tornado Shelters
6101 Camille St
Valley Brook, OK 73149
Ph: (405-606-2563
Date Tested: 02/16
Above-ground shelter
Stormsafe Rooms
Brad Webb
13614 North Old Hwy 169
Collinsville, OK 74021
Ph: (800) 324-9322
Date Tested: 05/01
4’x6’x6’ and 4’x8’x6’ steel storm shelter
Stormtech Systems
George Lafferty
4801 Neosho
Roeland Park, KS 66205
Ph: (913) 558-0097
Date Tested: 12/09
Steel panel type shelter
Storm Track Shelters, Inc.
5000 Viewpoint
Amarillo, TX 79412
Ph: (806) 373-2640
Date Tested: 08/05
8’x8’x8’ steel
Storm Guard Shelters
366 Molino Road
Fayetteville, TN 37334
Ph: (256) 323-7985
Cell: (239) 253-9347
Date Tested: 08/11
4’x6’x6’1’’ tall’ x3/16’’ plate steel
Above ground steel plate shelter
Alternate shelter door
Strein Enterprises
Waldo Strein
4800 Inwood Road
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Ph: (817) 927-7082
Date Tested: 06/02
3’x4’x6’ steel above ground shelter
Date Tested: 06/15
Above – Ground Shelter
Supercell Shelters
Carlton Guyse
1021 Brooks Street SE
Decatur, AL 35601
Ph: (256) 340-1620
Date Tested: 02/14
Above-ground community shelter end panel
Survive-a-Storm Shelters
Matt Williams
1207 Sunset Drive
Thomasville, GA 32312
Phone: (229) 226-0911
Date Tested: 03/13
Above ground steel shelter with door
Above ground community shelter end-wall with door
Swisher Acquisition, Inc.
Mr. Scott Larimore
1602 Corporate Dr.
Warrensburg, MO, 64093
Ph: (660) 422-6043
Date Tested: 05/15 & 08/15
Above-ground Shelter
Target Metal Systems, Inc.
Bert Greene
60 Rockbridge Road
Lilburn, GA 30047
Ph: (770) 921-1702
Date Tested: 07/11
Above ground shelter
Tommy B. Manufacturing
John Hufgard
374 5th Street N.W.
Barberton, OH 44203
Ph: (440) 476-7805
Date Tested: 07/12
Steel above ground shelter
Tommy Tornado Shelters
Tom Valetutti
831 Gray Road
Hohenwald, TN 38462
Ph: (615)761-8488
Date Tested: 03/2015
Above ground plate steel shelter
Tornado Shelter Enclosure, Inc.
David G. Abare
415 River Street
Haverhill, MA 01832
Ph: (877) 377-8676
Date Tested: 12/98
Above ground steel frame shelter with polycarbonate
Date Tested: 03/15
Above-ground shelter
Tornado Alley Armor, LLC
Monty McGee
7122 S. Sheridan #2144
Tulsa, OK 74133
Ph: (855) 552-7667
Cell: (918) 720-2532
Date Tested: 08/11
Above ground steel panel shelter: 4’8” x 8’ x 7’ tall x
3/16” plate
Tornado Tamer
P. O. Box 1316
Broken Arrow, OK 74013
Ph: (918) 258-3999
Date Tested: 08/13
Above ground steel shelter
Round above ground steel shelter
Tornado Tech Tornado Shelters, LLC.
Mark H. Morelli
8801 S Yale Ave, Ste 350
Tulsa, OK 74137
Phone: 918-770-7212
Date Tested: 01/11
Above ground steel shelter (73”x78”x73” double walled
1/8” place w channel frame)
Tornado Twister Shelters, LP
10021 Amarillo Blvd. East
Amarillo, TX 79108
Ph: (806) 374-3747
Date Tested: 04/04
6’x4’x5.5’ precast concrete above ground shelter with
steel door
Tornado Turtle
American Adventures, Inc.
23929 US 33 East
Elkhart, IN 46517
Ph: (574) 875-6850
Date Tested: 09/04
5’ diameter with 5’, half moon steel above ground
Turner Welding
David Turner
1879 Stacy Springs Road S
Quitman, AR 72131
Ph: (501) 589-2177
Email: txturner2@yahoo.com
Date Tested: 04/11
8’x8’x8’ portable steel shelter
FEMA 320/361 and ICC-500
Date Tested: 04/11
Above-ground sea container shelter and shelter door
Jack Crain
6201 Hwy. 90 East
Broussard, LA 70518
Ph: (337) 364-4000
Date Tested: 08/00
8’x12’x10’ steel panel above ground shelter
Twister Safe, LLC
Enos O. Davis
7661 Highway P
Neosho, MO 64850
Ph: (417) 624-7210
Date Tested: 08/04
5’x6’x6’ modular steel above ground shelter
Ultra Safe Tornado Shelters
Scotty Poole
76 Ida Lane
Greenbriar, AR 72058
Ph: (501) 679-2174
Date Tested: 02/12
Above ground steel panel shelters with doors
USA Storm and Safe Shelters
Randy Ross
9226 Barnesville Road
Quinlan, TX 75474
Date Tested: 04/13
Above ground under-stair shelter
Above ground shelter
U.S. Storm Shelters, LLC
Ron West
443 PR 4215
Decateur, TX 76234
Ph: (817) 938-1383
Date Tested: 06/12
Above ground steel-channel shelter with door
United States Stove Company
Brandon Barry
227 Industrial Park Road
South Pittsburg, TN 37380
Ph: (423) 837-2100
Date Tested: 02/2015 & 03/2015
Above ground Panel Shelter
Above ground Shelter Door
Valley Storm Shelters, LLC
Kateri Linahan
14628 US Hwy 72
Scottsboro, AL 35768
Phone: (256) 259-0944
Date Tested: 08/11
Above Ground Steel Plate Shelter
Watkins Metal Fabrication
Rusty Watkins
544 Grant Rd.
Mineral Wells, TX 76067
Ph: (940) 325-6008
Date Tested: 03/16
Above-ground shelter
Webster Dirtworks
13513 East 1200 Norton
Odon, IN 47562
Ph: (812) 444-9728
Date Tested: 05/06
4.5’x6.6’ steel above ground shelter
Wheeler Metals
Randy Shearin
3100 W. 40th Street N.
Muskogee, OK 74401
(918) 781-8186
Date: 8/13
Above Ground Steel Shelter
Whiteboard InstaShelters, LLC
Thomas Bernardy
17070 N. Rockwell
Crescent, OK 73028
Ph: (405) 969-2076
Date: 07/14
Above ground shelter (deployable prototype)
White’s Equipment Community Shelter
Calvin White
PO Box 1761
Woodward, OK 73802
Ph: (580) 254-1507
Date Tested: 05/12
Portion of above ground steel panel community shelter
with door
Wooten Metal Inc.
Don Wooten
256 Regal Row
Dallas, TX 75247
Ph: (214) 640-5554
Date Tested: 09/13
Above ground steel shelter