Dark energy from scalar fields and conformal invariance in extra dimensions Ingunn Kathrine Wehus Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor Scientiarum Department of Physics University of Oslo October 2006 c 2006, Ingunn Kathrine Wehus Copyright Takk! this thesis is written in my blood, sweat and tears, but also with a lot of joy. it is the result of four years as a phd student in the theory group in the physics department at university of oslo. first of all i want to thank my supervisor, professor finn ravndal, for introducing me to such an interesting field of physics. in addition to being a great physicist prof ravndal has the gift of constantly encouriging people. i also want to thank prof licia verde and the rest of the astronomy group at upenn for making my stay in philadelphia the fall 2004 highly enjoyable. and naturally i want to thank the physics department and the research council of norway for paying me for doing what i most wanted. lots of thanks goes to my friends and fellow students and colleagues here in the physics building for all help and support during the years. especially thanks to joakim for all the physics discussions, and to hans kristian for really fast proof-reading in the final spurt. mest vil ækk takke famelie å kjente fårr at dåkke he gitt megg et liv dei siste fire åran. tusen takk te alle heime -bodde på lista åh på lagshuse :-) blinderen, oktober 2006 ingunn kathrine wehus Contents I Introduction 1 1 Prologue 3 2 Physics 2.1 Gravity minimally coupled to matter . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 General Relativity minimally coupled to matter 2.1.2 Modified gravity minimally coupled to matter . 2.2 Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Scalar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Electromagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Gravity non-minimally coupled to matter . . . . . . . 2.4 Conformal transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Conformal invariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Scalar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.2 Electromagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Weyl transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6.1 Weyl transformations in General Relativity . . 2.7 Einstein frame and Jordan frame . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cosmology 3.1 Constructing a cosmological model . . . . . . . 3.2 The old standard model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Standard cosmological assumptions . . . 3.2.2 Acceleration and flatness . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Modifying classical physics . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Modified Matter – Dark energy . . . . . 3.4.2 ΛCDM – the new standard model of the 3.4.3 Modified gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.4 Extreme makeover . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Modifying cosmological assumptions . . . . . . 3.6 Quantum effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21 21 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 4 Epilogue 29 List of papers 30 Bibliography 32 II 37 Papers Part I Introduction Chapter 1 Prologue When Ask and Embla a dark night sit under their apple tree staring at the stars, several existential questions come to mind • What makes the apple fall in my head? • What am I? • Am I alone in the universe? • Is there more out there than what I can see? • Is a constant always constant? • How do we know that other people feel the same as us? • Am I only a three-dimensional ant in a higher-dimensional world? • Is everything random? • What is left if you take away everything? Being a physicist means you can work with all of them! 4 Prologue Gravitation What makes the apple fall in my head? The gravitational force pulls all massive objects towards each other. Gravitational interactions is supposed to reach infinitely far and to travel with the fastest speed available, the speed of light. This means that gravity has to be propagated by massless particles, called gravitons. Two galaxies separated by an entire universe feel the gravitational pull of each other, due to the gravitational field present everywhere. Gravitation is described by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. This theory elegantly unite space and time into one concept, spacetime. When we live in three spatial dimensions and add the time dimension this spacetime becomes four-dimensional. According to Einstein this spacetime is no longer some kind of absolute background, in which we can put massive particles and then calculate the interactions between them while the spacetime itself is unchanged. On the contrary, it is the mass distribution that forms spacetime. Einstein’s equations tell us that the geometry, or curvature, of spacetime is proportional to its mass distribution. For a given mass distribution we must find the corresponding spacetime geometry according to Einstein’s equations. More massive objects makes spacetime more curved. Nothing which invalidates General Relativity has ever been measured. Matter What am I? The vague term matter is used to describe the stuff we are all made of, or more generally, everything in the universe besides gravity. Matter includes the atoms which build mankind as well as the light we see on the sky. Matter which moves slowly compared to the speed of light, like atoms in human beings or a cluster of galaxies on the sky, is labeled cold. Matter which speed is comparable to the speed of light, like light itself and electromagnetic radiation in general, is referred to as hot. Matter which we can see glowing is named bright while dark matter is invisible for both human eyes and other electromagnetic instruments. Cosmology Am I alone in the universe? From a large scale point of view our home is named the universe. And for us inhabiting it, the universe is our whole world. To ask what is outside 5 universe is comparable to asking what was before dawn of time or who has created God. On the other hand, what we as physicists can ask, is how our universe has developed, and how it all will end. When Hubble in 1929 measured that the galaxies surrounding us are moving away from us, the possibility of a dynamical universe was revealed. Ever since then the questions about the universe’s past, present and future have been asked. This kind of questions is it cosmologists try to answer. The basis of it all are Einstein’s equations. The big bang models are the heart of the standard cosmological model today. The big bang is the event which started our era of time. At this time event, maybe 13 billions years ago, some kind of explosion ignited the expansion of spacetime. The initial expansion is believed to have been so strong that even today, the universe is still expanding. This ongoing stretching of space itself makes the galaxies positioned at different points in space move away from each other, the same way as the raisins in a bun get more separated when the dough rises. In the dough the rising is initiated by the yeast, but what was acting as the universe’s yeast physicists are still trying to figure out. Dark energy Is there more out there than what I can see? Eight years ago astronomers measured that the galaxies far away from us are not only leaving us, they are leaving us faster and faster. The stretching of space has a positive acceleration! This is hard to explain if one assume that the universe is only made up of matter particles which are pulled towards each other due to gravitational forces. This gravitational pull should slow down the initial expansion, making the universe’s expansion have negative acceleration. The common way to explain the acceleration of the universe without altering Einstein’s equations is to postulate that the universe must be filled with something exotic which, contrary to ordinary matter, is being pulled away from itself due to gravitational forces. It must experience some kind of negative gravity. This mystical and unseen something is referred to as dark energy. The simplest version of dark energy is Einstein’s cosmological constant. This corresponds to some constant dark energy being present all over universe, and its negative gravitational pull is responsible for the universe’s positive acceleration. It has got its name from its initial entrance to the world of physics as being a constant added to Einstein’s equations by Einstein himself. This constant was originally put by hand into the Einstein equations to 6 Prologue allow for a static universe. If Einstein had not put the cosmological constant into his equations he would have predicted the expansion of the universe 14 years before Hubble measured it. Because of this Einstein later referred to the cosmological constant as the biggest blunder of his life. The same cosmological constant is nowadays used to account for the acceleration of the universe, in what is the new standard model in cosmology – the ΛCDMmodel, an example of a big bang model. The second simplest version of dark energy, and the most popular alternative to a cosmological constant, is a scalar field called quintessence. Scalar fields Is a constant always constant? A scalar field is the second simplest thing to an universal constant. It can be described as a “constant” which varies with time and space. A scalar field is a scalar function of spacetime. For each point in spacetime the scalar field has some specific magnitude. A vector field on the other hand has in each point of spacetime both a magnitude and a direction. The electromagnetic field is an example of a vector field. The gravitational field is an example of a tensor field, having an even more complex structure. The Standard Model in particle physics includes a scalar field called the Higgs field. Scalar fields in the early universe are often called inflation while scalar fields in late time universe are referred to as quintessence. Scalar fields can have different cosmological behaviour due to different types of self interactions, or potential. In late-time cosmology the scalar field is supposed to imitate a cosmological constant, and thereby causing the universe’s positive acceleration. At small scales the distribution of mass in the universe varies enormously from one point in the center of a star to another point in the middle of nowhere. But viewing the mass distribution from larger and larger scales the mass get smeared out. At cosmological scales the distribution of matter like galaxies and clusters of galaxies in the universe looks the same in all points and directions in space. In cosmology it is therefore common to assume that that the universe looks the same in all points of space, so that a cosmological scalar field is space-independent, and only varies with time. Quintessence can therefore be described as a ’time-varying cosmological constant’. Although commonly used in various fields of physics, scalar fields have never been experimentally detected. 7 Conformal invariance How do we know that other people feel the same as us? Performing a conformal transformation of our spacetime means that we change our standard measuring rods and clocks. This change in the measuring rods and clocks is not the same from point to point in spacetime. We multiply the local measuring rods at each point in spacetime by a scaling factor which generally varies from point to point. In other words, we multiply them by a spacetime-dependent scalar field. What makes up a physical system is often divided into matter and gravity. As described above the challenges in modern cosmology are often faced by keeping the gravity part standard, but allowing for a non-standard matter part like dark energy. General Relativity together with dark energy means we have standard gravity together with non-standard matter. By now performing a conformal transformation of our geometry, that is changing the measuring rods and clocks as described above, we find that our system is transformed into another system where we have standard non-exotic matter but non-standard gravity. These two descriptions are often viewed as two versions of the same theory. The frame where we have standard gravity is labeled Einstein frame, while the other frame where the matter part is standard is called Jordan frame. If our theory is conformally invariant we know that both the Jordan frame version and the Einstein frame version describe the same physics. If our theory is not conformally invariant, the question of which frame is the physical one is debated. From its definition, the transformations we do when moving between Einstein frame and Jordan frame involve scalar fields. When moving between frames like this, many extra-dimensional theories naturally give us scalar fields in our four-dimensional spacetime. Extra dimensions Am I only a three-dimensional ant in a higher-dimensional world? The possibility that we live in a world with more than four spacetime dimensions has always been a fascinating thought. In physics it all started with Nordström in 1914. Nordström had then already constructed a gravitational theory of his own, where the gravitational interactions were mediated by a scalar field rather than gravitons. By assuming that space has one extra dimension he got a unified theory of 8 Prologue electromagnetism and his scalar gravitational theory. Theodor Kaluza was in 1919 the first to construct a higher-dimensional theory based on the correct gravity model, Einstein’s General Relativity. Like Nordström he assumed that spacetime has four spatial dimensions instead of three. In this higher-dimensional spacetime he introduced Einstein’s gravity and nothing else. Then he noticed that, seen from our ordinary fourdimensional spacetime, this corresponded to both gravity and electromagnetism and a scalar field. He had found a unified theory of both gravity and electromagnetism, which also included a scalar field. In order for this to work, the extra, fifth, dimension has to be small and compact. What does this mean? How can a dimension be small? Imagine a garden hose. When watched from a large distance the surface of the hose looks one-dimensional. But as we zoom in, we see that for each point in this large dimension, we can walk a short loop into an extra dimension. The fact that we return to our starting point without changing direction means that the dimension is compact. In the same way, we can imagine that for each point in our four-dimensional spacetime, there is a small loop extending into a fifth dimension. Many theories within modern physics, like string theory and brane worlds, assume that we live in a higher-dimensional spacetime, although in most aspects we only see the usual four of them. Quantum field theory Is everything random? Until now we have not mentioned quantization. Quantum behaviour is one of the fundamental aspects of physics, and quantum theory is about as old as general relativity. Quantum mechanics tells us that fundamental particles do not follow the same deterministic mechanical laws as large billiard balls. A quantum particle can have infinitely many options for how to move, and we can only forecast the probability for a single particle to follow a given path. Zooming in on a fundamental matter particle like an atom or an electron, this is not a miniature billiard ball but a small oscillator. The same way as a guitar string only can produce given tones, the oscillating elementary particle can only oscillate at given discrete frequencies. These oscillations give the particle its energy. We say the energy is quantized. The energy of an atom can only take distinct discrete values. The energy of only one level can not be measured, only the difference between two levels. Using quantum mechanics we can calculate the value of these energy levels and the gap between any two levels matches experimental values. We call the energy of the lowest possible state for an atom to be in, the 9 zero-point energy. If we want to we can adjust the theoretical zero-point energy to be zero by subtracting this same zero-point energy from every energy level. Since only energy differences between levels can be measured in particle physics, the value of the zero-point energy is irrelevant. Similar to the quantization of the energy of an atom, the energy associated with a field, like the electromagnetic or gravitational or scalar field, is also quantized. The field quanta are the smallest possible bits, similar to atoms in a human body. The quantum of the electromagnetic field is the photon which carries light and other types of electromagnetic radiation. The quantum of the gravitational field is the graviton, which carries gravitation. Until now only the matter part of physics has gotten a consistent quantum description. How to quantize gravity is still an open question. We still assume that the gravitational field may be quantized, meaning gravitons will behave as quantum particles. Casimir energy What is left if you take away everything? Like fundamental particles, the quanta of a quantum field also behave as harmonic oscillators, making small fluctuations. For a quantum field all energy states have infinite energy, but the gap between any two states is still finite. The lowest possible energy state of a quantum field is infinite. We call this the vacuum energy, and say it is due to quantum fluctuations of the field. Since it is associated with a field, which from its definition fills all of spacetime, the vacuum energy is present all over universe, also the otherwise empty parts. Again the vacuum energy, or zero-point energy, can not be measured from its interactions with matter. We only measure energy differences. However, if we insert two parallel plates in an otherwise empty vacuum, the quantum fluctuations exhibit a force on the plates. Two metal plates in vacuum are pulled together by the vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. The force is inversely proportional to a power of the distance between the plates. This force was first calculated theoretically by Casimir in 1948, and it has later been experimentally verified. The finite force corresponds to a finite addition to the infinite vacuum energy between the plates. We call this additional vacuum energy due to the plates for the Casimir energy. Moving the plates away from each other makes the Casimir energy become zero. If our universe contains extra compact dimensions, these will act as confining plates for the quantum fields propagating in these extra dimensions, and a Casimir energy will be generated. This Casimir energy from extra dimensions might be an alternative to other kinds of dark energy in cosmology. 10 Prologue Chapter 2 Physics In a D-dimensional spacetime with a metric g µν we describe our system by an action integral Z √ S = dD x −gL (2.1) where L is the Lagrangian for the given system, which generally is a function of both gµν and various other fields. Varying the action and demanding that the variation shall be zero gives us the equations of motion. Varying the action with respect to the metric means that when we let the action will change by gµν → gµν + δgµν (2.2) S → S + δS (2.3) where the variation δS is given by δS = ∂S ∂S ∂S δgµν + δgµν,σ + δgµν,σρ + · · · ∂gµν ∂gµν,σ ∂gµν,σρ (2.4) and similarly for Lagrangians containing higher derivatives of g µν . We need the variation of the determinant of the metric, which is given by √ 1√ 1√ δ −g = −gg µν δgµν = − −ggµν δg µν (2.5) 2 2 2.1 Gravity minimally coupled to matter It is common to divide the Lagrangian into a gravity part and a matter part, Z √ (2.6) S = dD x −g Lg + Lm The gravity Lagrangian Lg is only a function of gµν and its derivatives, the matter Lagrangian Lm is a function of gµν and matter fields only, and not a function of derivatives of the metric. This means that matter and gravity are minimally coupled. 12 Physics 2.1.1 General Relativity minimally coupled to matter The gravity Lagrangian for Einstein’s theory of General Relativity is given by 1 (2.7) Lg = R 2 where R is the Ricci scalar, the trace of the Ricci tensor, R = g µν Rµν . The Ricci scalar is a function of the metric g µν , its first derivatives and its second derivatives. However, we have the identity g µν δRµν =0 δg αβ (2.8) We let the gravity Lagrangian in (2.6) be Einstein gravity (2.7) and we vary this action with respect to the metric. Taking advantage of (2.8) and (2.5) we find ! Z √ ∂L 1 1 m δg µν (2.9) dD x −g Rµν − gµν R − gµν Lm − 2 µν δS = 2 2 ∂g We see that demanding δS = 0 independent of the variation δg µν gives the equations of motion Eµν = Tµν (2.10) where the gravity tensor derived from the Einstein gravity Lagrangian (2.7), the Einstein tensor, is defined by 1 Eµν = Rµν − gµν R 2 (2.11) and the energy-momentum tensor derived from the matter Lagrangian L m is given by ∂Lm (2.12) Tµν = −2 µν + gµν Lm ∂g The matter Lagrangian is a function of other fields besides g µν . Variation of the action (2.6) with respect to these other fields gives us additional equations of motion for the matter fields. 2.1.2 Modified gravity minimally coupled to matter Next we abandon General Relativity and explore more generalized theories of gravity, often referred to as modified gravity. Presuming gravity is still minimally coupled to matter we again have (2.6) Z √ S = dD x −g Lg + Lm (2.13) However, this time Lg is not given by (2.7), it is a general scalar function of the metric. It may depend on both the Ricci scalar R, the squared Ricci 2.2 Matter 13 tensor Rµν Rµν and the squared Riemann tensor Rµνσρ Rµνσρ . In so-called f (R)-theories, or nonlinear theories of gravity, L g is a general function of the Ricci scalar. Varying the action with respect to the metric we end up with a set of equations of motion we can write like Gµν = Tµν (2.14) where now Gµν is the gravity tensor derived from the modified gravity Lagrangian. It is defined from 1 δS = 2 2.2 Z √ dD x −g Gµν − Tµν δg µν (2.15) Matter We will discuss two types of fundamental matter fields, scalar and electromagnetic. 2.2.1 Scalar field The minimal Lagrangian for a scalar field is a function of the metric and first order derivatives of the scalar field. 1 Lm = Lφ = − g µν φ,µ φ,ν 2 (2.16) From (2.12) we find the corresponding energy-momentum tensor 1 Tµνφ = φ,µ φ,ν − gµν φ,α φ,α 2 (2.17) which implies that for the scalar field minimally coupled to Einstein gravity we have the Einstein equations Eµν = Tµνφ (2.18) The equations of motion for φ are found by varying the action S= Z √ 1 R − g µν φ,µ φ,ν dD x −g 2 (2.19) with respect to φ, 22 φ = 0 This is the Klein-Gordon equation for a free scalar field. (2.20) 14 Physics 2.2.2 Electromagnetism The Lagrangian for a free electromagnetic field reads 1 1 LA = − F 2 = − g µν g αβ Fµα Fνβ 4 4 (2.21) Here the electromagnetic field is given by the gauge field A µ Fµν = Aν,µ − Aµ,ν (2.22) Variation with respect to the metric gives us 1 A Tµν = Fµα Fν α − gµν Fαβ F αβ 4 (2.23) It is the gauge field Aµ , and not Fµν , which is the fundamental field in the Lagrangian. Variation with respect to A µ gives the equations of motion Fµν;ν = 0 (2.24) These are the source-free Maxwell equations. 2.3 Gravity non-minimally coupled to matter Looking at the Brans-Dicke action [1] Z ω µν D √ S = d x −g φR − g φ,µ φ,ν + 2Lm φ (2.25) we notice that it can not be written on the form (2.6) with a gravity Lagrangian only depending on the metric and its derivatives, and a matter Lagrangian not containing derivatives of the metric. In this theory gravity is non-minimally coupled to a scalar field. The parameter ω is a constant. Varying this action we find ω φEµν = Tµνφ + φ;µν − gµν 22 φ + Tµνm (2.26) φ where Tµνφ corresponds to the minimal scalar field Lagrangian (2.16) and T µνm is the energy-momentum tensor for the additional matter term L m . Here we have used that for a term in the action like Z √ (2.27) SφR = dD x −gφR variation with respect to the metric gives us [2]. δSφR = Z ! √ 2 d x −g φEµν − φ;µν − gµν 2 φ δg µν D (2.28) 2.4 Conformal transformations 15 Contracting equation (2.26) we find (D − 2)R − (D − 2) ω µν 2(D − 1) 2 2 g φ,µ φ,ν − 2 φ + Tm = 0 φ2 φ φ (2.29) Here T m = Tµνm g µν is the trace of the energy-momentum tensor for the additional matter fields. Variation of the action (2.25) with respect to the scalar field φ gives the equation of motion for φ R− ω µν ω g φ,µ φ,ν + 2 22 φ = 0 φ2 φ (2.30) Combining (2.29) and (2.30) we are left with D − 1 − (D − 2)ω 22 φ − T = 0 (2.31) Another example of a non-minimal coupling between matter and gravity is the conformally coupled scalar field which will be discussed in section 2.5.1. 2.4 Conformal transformations A conformal transformation of the metric is a rescaling on the form gµν → Ω2 gµν (2.32) where Ω = Ω(xµ ) is a scalar function of the spacetime coordinates x µ . This means that the metric is multiplied by a scaling factor which generally varies from point to point in spacetime. We have changed our measuring rods and clocks, and thereby our metric, but our coordinates are the same. We do not perform any coordinate transformations. Two metrics connected by a conformal transformation are said to be conformal. 2.5 Conformal invariance The transformation (2.32) written on the form (2.2) corresponds to or δgµν = Ω2 − 1 gµν (2.33) δg µν = Ω−2 − 1 g µν (2.34) Performing a transformation (2.32) of the metric, the matter part of the action Z √ (2.35) Sm = dD x −gLm 16 Physics change by 1 =− 2 δSm √ dD x −g Ω−2 − 1 Tµν g µν Z (2.36) Any matter Lagrangian corresponding to a traceless energy-momentum tensor leaves the action invariant under conformal transformations. From the Einstein equations (2.14) a conformal invariant theory also demands G = 0, where G is the trace of the gravity tensor. A conformally invariant theory allows us to change our measuring rods as described in section 2.4 without affecting the equations of physics. 2.5.1 Scalar field By taking the trace of (2.17) T φ = D 1− 2 (2.37) φµ φµ we see that only in D = 2 spacetime dimensions is the action of a minimally coupled scalar field conformally invariant. However, a theory in which General Relativity is coupled to a scalar field can be made conformally invariant by introducing an extra term proportional to Rφ2 [3] in the Lagrangian Z √ 1 R − ξRφ2 − g µν φ,µ φ,ν (2.38) S = dD x −g 2 The constant ξ is given in D spacetime dimensions as ξ = variation of the extra term in the action Z √ S∆ = −ξ dD x −gφ2 R D−2 4(D−1) . The (2.39) with respect to the metric gives δS∆ = Z √ dD x −g ! − ξφ2 Eµν − ∆Tµνφ δg µν where ∆Tµνφ is the Huggins term [4] ∆Tµνφ = ξ gµν 22 (φ2 ) − (φ2 );µν (2.40) (2.41) This gives the Einstein equations (1 − ξφ2 )Eµν = Tµνφ + ∆Tµνφ (2.42) where Tµνφ is the ordinary scalar field energy-momentum tensor (2.23) from D−2 the combined energy-momentum the minimal coupling case. For ξ = 4(D−1) 2.6 Weyl transformations 17 tensor Tµνφ + ∆Tµνφ is traceless, corresponding to a conformally invariant theory. Then also Eµν and Rµν are traceless. Varying the action (2.38)with respect to φ gives the equation of motion 22 φ − ξRφ = 0 (2.43) Since R = 0 in a conformal theory the equation of motion for φ is the same as for the minimally coupled scalar field (2.20). 2.5.2 Electromagnetism Taking the trace of the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor (2.23) we find D TA = 1− Fµν F µν (2.44) 4 Our usual four spacetime dimensions is the only number of dimensions for which Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism is conformally invariant. Because electromagnetism is a gauge theory, and we need to conserve the gauge invariance of the action, we can not add a term to make the theory conformally invariant in every dimension, as we could for the scalar field. 2.6 Weyl transformations A Weyl transformation is a conformal transformation (2.32) of the metric. We write gµν → g̃µν = Ω2 gµν (2.45) and this gives us for the determinant of the new metric g̃ µν as a function of the determinant of the old metric gµν p √ −g̃ = ΩD −g (2.46) Calculating the Ricci tensor we find R̃µν = Rµν − (D − 2)Ω−1 Ω;µν − Ω−1 gµν Ω;αβ g αβ + 2(D − 2)Ω−2 Ω,µ Ω,ν − (D − 3)Ω−2 gµν Ω,α Ω,α (2.47) Contracting this we get the equation for the transformation of the Ricci scalar R̃ = Ω−2 R − 2(D − 1)Ω−3 g µν Ω;µν − (D − 1)(D − 4)Ω−4 g µν Ω,µ Ω,ν (2.48) This equation for the Ricci scalar may be rewritten as R̃ = Ω−2 R − 4 D − 1 − D+2 2 D−2 Ω 2 2 Ω 2 D−2 (2.49) 18 Physics Here we must remember that the D’Alambertian operator is with respect to the old metric gµν . We can also write down the expression for the transformation of the Einstein tensor i h Ẽµν = Eµν + (D − 2)Ω−1 gµν Ω;αβ g αβ − Ω;µν (2.50) 1 + 2(D − 2)Ω−2 Ω,µ Ω,ν + (D − 2)(D − 5)Ω−2 gµν Ω,α Ω,α 2 We observe that in D = 2 dimensions the Einstein tensor is invariant under a Weyl transformation. 2.6.1 Weyl transformations in General Relativity For simplicity we look at Einstein gravity minimally coupled to matter. Prior to the Weyl transformation (2.45) we have the Einstein equations (2.10) Eµν = Tµν (2.51) Eµν is the Einstein tensor for the old metric g µν and Tµν is derived from the original matter Lagrangian Lm using (2.12). Conformal theory In a conformal theory, we know that the Einstein equations take the same form before and after the conformal transformation Ẽµν = T̃µν (2.52) The energy-momentum tensor, the Einstein tensor and the Ricci tensor are all traceless. Using R = 0 = R̃ in equation (2.49) we get 22 Ω D−2 2 =0 (2.53) while the transformation of the Einstein tensor simplifies to 1 Ẽµν = Eµν − (D − 2)Ω−1 Ω;µν + 2(D − 2)Ω−2 Ω,µ Ω,ν − (D − 2)Ω−2 gµν Ω,α Ω,α 2 (2.54) Using this together with (2.51) and (2.52) we can write down T˜µν as function of Tµν . In a conformal theory we can always deduce how matter transforms under a conformal transformation since we know that the equations of motion are always the same. Non-conformal theory For a non-conformal theory we can still change our measuring rods according to (2.45) and calculate how the gravity part of the action change according 2.7 Einstein frame and Jordan frame to (2.49). But to transform the matter part of the action may be non-trivial. To find the energy-momentum tensor after the transformation as a function of the original one, we must know the matter Lagrangian as a function of the metric. Energy-momentum tensors corresponding to different types of matter will generally transform different from each other. 2.7 Einstein frame and Jordan frame A theory which can be described by an action on the form of (2.6), where Lg = 21 R, is called a Einstein frame theory. In Einstein frame we have standard Einstein gravity minimally coupled to some kind of matter. In Jordan frame, on the other hand, we have a standard matter Lagrangian while the gravity part is non-standard. There may also be non-minimal couplings between matter and gravity. By performing a Weyl transformation of the metric, we can move between a Jordan frame theory and the corresponding Einstein frame theory. But only for a conformally invariant theory are the Einstein frame theory and the Jordan frame theory the same theory. For a non-conformal theory we can use Weyl transformations to transform between Einstein frame and Jordan frame. The equations of motion will then look different in the two frames, meaning that the laws of physics change when we introduce new measuring rods. However, the original equations of motion for the original metric are mathematically the same as the new equations for the new metric. We can always choose to work with the simplest equations, but we must remember that since the two metrics describe different physical systems only one of the metrics can be the physical one. If we choose the Jordan frame metric to be the physical one, the Einstein frame metric is reduced to a mathematical quantity, a function of the physical metric. To change our mind, and say that the Einstein frame metric shall be the physical one, is the same as introducing a whole new theory. Only for a conformally invariant theory are both metrics physical. In a conformally invariant theory we can not distinguish between conformal metrics. Since all physics is invariant under the change of measuring rods we can not tell which set of measuring rods we are using. The Brans-Dicke theory discussed in section 2.3 is an example of a theory written in Jordan Frame, Z ω µν µν D √ (2.55) S = d x −g φR − g φ,µ φ,ν + 2Lm (g ) φ Here the notation Lm (g µν ) is used to remind us that the matter Lagrangian is a function of the metric g µν in addition to matter fields. The Weyl transformation 2 gµν → φ− D−2 gµν (2.56) 19 20 Physics gives us the corresponding Einstein frame theory Z 2 1 µν 1 D−1 D √ µν S̃ = d x −g R − +ω g φ,µ φ,ν + 2 2 Lm φ D−2 g D−2 φ2 φ (2.57) Lm is now a function of the new metric but the functional form is the same. 2.8 Quantization The classical field equations described until now are the starting point for quantization. Keeping these field equations but promoting the classical fields to operator fields we arrive at the quantum field theory. Both the traditional canonical quantization and Feynman’s path integrals are best described in the white “bible” of Peskin and Schroeder [5]. Chapter 3 Cosmology 3.1 Constructing a cosmological model The standard recipe for making a cosmological model can be summarized as follows: 1. Start with your favorite action and derive the fundamental equations of motion. Alternatively, take a guess on some equations of motion which may or may not be derived from an action. 2. Use your assumptions based on observations and/or intuition to simplify these equations of motion. 3.2 The old standard model We start with the standard master equation in four spacetime dimensions Z √ S = d4 x −g Lg + Lm (3.1) where our system is the universe as a whole. For the gravity part, which is described by General Relativity, L g = 12 R, this action corresponds to the standard Einstein equations (2.10) Eµν = Tµν (3.2) where Tµν is given from (2.12). 3.2.1 Standard cosmological assumptions On cosmological scales the distribution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies looks smooth all over the universe. We assume that the universe looks the same in all directions, that space is isotropic. We also assume that it looks 22 Cosmology the same in all points in space, in other words, the universe has no center. This means that in addition to being isotropic, the universe is homogeneous. The most general metric for a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime has two free parameters. We use the Robertson-Walker ansatz for the geometry of spacetime dr 2 2 3 2 2 2 + r dΩ3 ds = −dt + a (t) (3.3) 1 − kr 2 Here the two free parameters are the scale factor a and the curvature constant k for the spatial geometry. In a spherical geometry k = 1, for euclidean flat space k = 0, while k = −1 corresponds to negatively curved, hyperbolic space. The scale factor a is space-independent, it only varies with time. On cosmological scales the motion of the individual galaxies may be ignored compared to the expansion of spacetime. We make the assumption that the matter content in universe today may be described as a pressureless perfect fluid. A perfect fluid has parameters ρ and p. ρ is the energy density and p is pressure. The energy-momentum tensor is written like pf Tµν = (ρ + p)uµ uν + p gµν (3.4) where uµ is the 4-velocity of the fluid. The fluid is not moving with respect to space, it is the space in itself that is stretching, so the 4-velocity has components uµ = [1, 0, 0, 0]. Given the Robertson-Walker metric (3.3) the energy-momentum tensor has components pf Tµν a2 p , a2 r 2 p , a2 r 2 sin2 θ p = diag ρ , 1 − kr 2 (3.5) pf Demanding Tµν to be divergence-free gives us ȧ ρ̇ + 3 (ρ + p) = 0 a (3.6) The perfect fluid energy-momentum tensor together with (3.3) gives two independent components of the Einstein equations (3.2) ȧ2 k +3 2 =ρ 2 a a k ä ȧ2 −2 − 2 − 2 = p a a a 3 (3.7) (3.8) These equations were found by Friedmann in 1922 and are referred to as the Friedmann equations. Taking the derivative of (3.7) and using (3.8) gives us (3.6). For p being zero or proportional to ρ these equations can easily be solved. 3.3 Modifications 3.2.2 23 Acceleration and flatness Adding the two Friedmann equations (3.7–3.8) we find ä 1 ρ + 3p =− 2 a 6M (3.9) We see that this equation is independent of curvature. In order to have positive acceleration we must have a negative pressure p < −ρ/3. Pressureless cold matter always gives negative acceleration for the expansion of universe. If we trust the measurements of a present accelerating universe [6, 7, 8], we need to modify the above cosmological model. Another view of the failure of the cosmological model presented above is seen by considering the observed flatness of space [9]. When putting k = 0 in equation (3.7) we find ρm =1 (3.10) Ωm ≡ 3H 2 where we have introduced the relative density Ω m measuring the matter density’s fraction of the critical density 3H 2 needed to have a spatial flat universe according to (3.7). However, summing the observed mass of all the luminous matter in the sky, such as stars, only gives us Ω m ≈ 0.04. Adding the best estimate of the amount of cold dark matter in the universe we can increase Ωm to around 0.3 but we are still far from fulfilling (3.10). Something is wrong. 3.3 Modifications If we want to modify this model we have several theoretical possibilities: 1. Change classical physics • matter (Lm ) • gravity (Lg ) • extreme makeover (S) 2. Adjust cosmological assumptions • homogeneity • isotropy • perfect fluid description 3. Include quantum effects 24 Cosmology 3.4 Modifying classical physics This means we are modifying the equations of motion or, equivalently, the action. We can either keep the action on the form (3.1) and only modify Lm and/or Lg , or we can imagine the action being modified so thoroughly that it can not be written in the form of (3.1). Our fundamental action may for instance be higher-dimensional or we can have non-minimal couplings between matter and gravity. 3.4.1 Modified Matter – Dark energy The most common way of modifying the matter Lagrangian to obtain a cosmology which allows for positive acceleration, is to introduce a new matter component called dark energy in addition to the cold matter, Lm → LDE + Lm (3.11) Here Lm represents the pressureless perfect fluid matter. Our new master equation is therefore Z √ 1 (3.12) S = d4 x −g R + LDE + Lm 2 The simplest implementation of dark energy is the cosmological constant described in section 3.4.2. The second most popular thing to do is to introduce a scalar field into our universe 1 LDE = Lφ = − g µν φ,µ φ,ν − V (φ) (3.13) 2 This is called the quintessence field. Putting this into (3.12) we have the Einstein equations 1 pf Eµν = φ,µ φ,ν − gµν φ,α φ,α − gµν V (φ) + Tµν 2 (3.14) Assuming the scalar-field to be homogeneous in space the scalar field energymomentum tensor may be written in the form of a perfect fluid, with 1 ρ = φ̇2 + V (φ) 2 1 p = φ̇2 − V (φ) 2 (3.15) (3.16) We notice that when the potential energy V (φ) dominates over the kinetic energy 21 φ̇2 , a scalar field dominated universe gives positive acceleration. Other modifications of the matter Lagrangian include a Chaplygin gas [10][11] having p ∼ 1ρ . 3.4 Modifying classical physics 3.4.2 25 ΛCDM – the new standard model of the universe The simplest modification of (3.1) is to reintroduce Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ to Einsteins equations, giving us S= Z √ 1 d4 x −g R − Λ + Lm 2 (3.17) This results in the following equations of motion m Eµν + Λgµν = Tµν (3.18) Using the same cosmological assumptions as a above, namely isotropy, homogeneity and Lm describing a perfect fluid, our modified Friedmann equations read k ȧ2 +3 2 =ρ+Λ a2 a ä ȧ2 k −2 − 2 − 2 = p − Λ a a a 3 (3.19) (3.20) We see that introducing a cosmological constant corresponds to adding a new perfect fluid with constant density ρ Λ = Λ and negative pressure pΛ = −ρΛ . We can view this as some constant vacuum energy density being present all over the universe, even when no other matter is present. This vacuum energy is only observable through its gravitational effect. We see from (3.9) that a universe dominated by this vacuum energy will have positive acceleration. Since CMB observations suggest a spatially flat cosmology, k is put to zero in (3.19-3.20). The Friedmann equations can then again be easily solved [12]. This new standard model of the universe, called the ΛCDM model, can describe all cosmological observations we have today. However, since we have no physical explanation of this vacuum energy or cosmological constant, several other descriptions of dark energy have been suggested. 3.4.3 Modified gravity An alternative to introducing dark matter in order to explain the observed acceleration of the universe is to modify Einstein’s theory of gravity, as discussed in section 2.1.2. For instance, Carroll et al. [13] suggest adding a term going like 1/R to the Einstein gravity Lagrangian, while Nojiri and Odintsov [14] study ln R -terms. The non-specific generalized f (R)-theories have been studied by, e.g., Capozziello et al. [15]. These kind of models have been extensively investigated during the last three years, see for instance [16] and references therein. 26 Cosmology 3.4.4 Extreme makeover Several cosmological models including non-minimal couplings between matter and gravity have been suggested. Faraoni [17] has showed that a conformally coupled scalar field with a particular potential give p < −ρ, known as phantom energy [18]. Phantom energy models will have extremal positive acceleration according to (3.9) Steinhardt and Turok [19, 20] have proposed a cyclic universe model inspired by higher-dimensional brane-worlds. The effective four-dimensional theory is a theory in which matter is non-minimally coupled to gravity. 3.5 Modifying cosmological assumptions Several people have started to investigate whether abandoning some of the standard cosmological assumptions described in section 3.2.1 can explain all observations of today without introducing dark energy or modified gravity. This started around 2000 with Tomita [21, 22] and Cèlèrier [23], who explored whether an inhomogeneous matter dominated universe may show accelerated expansion when considered in a homogeneous framework. During the last year, the interest for inhomogeneous universe model has boosted. There have been several ideas regarding what kind of inhomogeneities are needed, from superhorizon perturbations, see, e.g., Kolb et al. [24], to the tiny perturbations of, e.g., Buchert [25] and Räsanen [26]. Following Tomita, Alnes et al. [27] have investigated models where we live off-center in a spherically symmetric underdense region of space, see for example [28] and references therein. For a short review of inhomogeneous universe models see [29]. Based on observed anisotropies in the CMB spectrum, Jaffe et al. [30] have proposed that we live in a Bianchi type VII h universe. This cosmology is homogeneous, but abandon isotropy. However, the model needs dark energy to explain acceleration, and is also ruled out by the small-scale observations which shows that the universe is flat. 3.6 Quantum effects Vacuum energy has been suggested as a physical explanation of the cosmological constant. Interpreting the constant energy density ρ Λ as a quantum field vacuum energy eliminates the need of putting Λ by hand into (3.1) or (3.2). The classical action is kept (3.2), but when the underlying fundamental physical theory is quantized we get a constant vacuum energy density. The only problem is that this vacuum energy density is infinitely large. Trying to regulate the vacuum energy by introducing a Planck-scale cutoff gives a value for ρΛ about 120 orders of magnitude larger then the observed value. 3.6 Quantum effects Assuming extra compact dimensions, the vacuum energy from the quantum fields propagating in these dimensions gets an extra, finite term – the Casimir energy. In a D-dimensional spacetime with one compact dimension of size L, the Casimir energy density is proportional to L −D and similar for more compact dimensions. Since the size of the extra dimensions generally varies with time, this corresponds to a time-varying cosmological “constant”, or a scalar field. This may give us a cosmology in accordance with current observations of an expanding universe. An example of this is the six-dimensional model by Albrecht et al. [31, 32] from 2002. 27 28 Cosmology Chapter 4 Epilogue Cosmology today is in trouble The main advantage of the standard cosmological model today – the ΛCDM model – is that it is the simplest model fitting all data. As it has been formulated, the ΛCDM model has only two problems: the Λ and the CDM. Keeping the ΛCDM model means that we must for now accept that about 95% of the content of universe is both unseen and unknown. Cosmology today is interesting The equivalence of the above statement is to say that cosmology has never been more interesting than today. There is a multitude of theoretical possibilities to investigate and no answer book. And with new and better data pouring in, we will be able to better distinguish between models. Cosmology today needs fundamental physics First when cosmology is completely founded on fundamental physics, cosmology can truly be understood. It is interesting that the largest physical system, the universe as a whole, seems to be among those we know least about. 30 Epilogue List of papers Paper I Dynamics of the scalar field in 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory. I. K. Wehus and F. Ravndal. Int.J.Mod.Phys. A19, 4671 (2004). Paper II Geometrical constraints on dark energy. A. K. D. Evans, I. K. Wehus, Ø. Grøn, and Ø. Elgarøy. Astron.Astrophys. 430, 399 (2005). Paper III Black-body radiation in extra dimensions. H. Alnes, F. Ravndal, and I. K. Wehus. [quant-ph/0506131]. Paper IV Electromagnetic Casimir energy with extra dimensions. H. Alnes, K. Olaussen, F. Ravndal, and I. K. Wehus. Phys.Rev. D (In press) (2006), [quant-ph/0607081]. Paper V Resolution of an apparent inconsistency in the higher-dimensional electromagnetic Casimir effect. H. Alnes, K. Olaussen, F. Ravndal, and I. K. Wehus. [hep-ph/0610081]. Paper VI Gravity coupled to a scalar field in extra dimensions. I. K. Wehus and F. Ravndal. (2006), [gr-qc/0610048]. Bibliography [1] C. Brans and R. H. Dicke. Mach’s principle and a relativistic theory of gravitation. Physical Rewiew, 124(3):925–935, nov 1961. [2] K. Tywonik and F. Ravndal, Scalar Field Fluctuations between Parallel Plates quant-ph/0408163. [3] C. G. Callan, S. Coleman, and R. Jackiw, A New Improved Energy Momentum Tensor Ann. Phys. N.Y.59, 42 (1970). [4] E. Huggins, Ph.D. thesis, Caltech, 1962 (unpublished). [5] M.E. Peskin and D.V.Schroeder. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Perseus Books, 1995. [6] A. G. Riess et al. 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D65, 123507 (2002). 35 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY Part II Papers Paper I October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 International Journal of Modern Physics A Vol. 19, No. 27 (2004) 4671–4685 c World Scientific Publishing Company DYNAMICS OF THE SCALAR FIELD IN FIVE-DIMENSIONAL KALUZA KLEIN THEORY INGUNN KATHRINE WEHUS and FINN RAVNDAL Institute of Physics, University of Oslo, N-0316 Oslo, Norway Received 24 February 2003 Using the language of differential forms, the Kaluza–Klein theory in 4 + 1 dimensions is derived. This theory unifies electromagnetic and gravitational interactions in four dimensions when the extra space dimension is compactified. Without any ad hoc assumptions about the five-dimensional metric, the theory also contains a scalar field coupled to the other fields. By a conformal transformation the theory is transformed from the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame where the physical content is more manifest. Including a cosmological constant in the five-dimensional formulation, it is seen to result in an exponential potential for the scalar field in four dimensions. A similar potential is also found from the Casimir energy in the compact dimension. The resulting scalar field dynamics mimics realistic models recently proposed for cosmological quintessence. Keywords: Extra dimensions; gravity; conformal transformations; unified theories; scalar fields. 1. Introduction A unified formulation of Einstein’s theory of gravitation and theory of electromagnetism in four-dimensional space–time was first proposed by Kaluza1 by assuming a pure gravitational theory in a five-dimensional space–time. The metric components were to be independent of the fifth coordinate.2 This so-called “cylinder condition” was a few years later explained by Klein by invoking arguments from the newly established quantum mechanics when the extra dimension was compactified on a circle S 1 with a microscopic radius.3 In the following years it was studied by a large number of authors and also extended to higher dimensions in order to incorporate non-Abelian gauge theories.4 In the last couple of years it has seen a rebirth as the mathematical implementation of the exciting possibility that our Universe can have extra dimensions which in principle can be of macroscopic size.5 – 9 The field content of the original Kaluza–Klein theory is given by the fivedimensional metric ḡM N where the indices M , N = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Denoting the indices of our four-dimensional space–time by Greek indices, its metric is given by the components ḡµν while the electromagnetic vector potential is given by the components ḡµ4 = ḡ4µ . The remaining spatial component ḡ44 was for no good reason set 4671 October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4672 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal equal to a constant by Kaluza1 and kept that way by the subsequent authors. This assumption was apparently first abandoned by Jordan10 and then later by Thiry11 who showed that ḡ44 corresponds to a scalar field in our space–time. At that time there was no need or place for such a field, but today we realize that it is a generic feature of almost any extension of Einstein’s theory of gravity. From the experimental point of view it can be related to the physics behind the dark energy12 in the Universe in the form of a cosmological constant13 or variable quintessence.14 The main motivation behind the present contribution is to investigate some of the physical properties and manifestations of such a scalar field. In order to make the presentation more accessible, we present the reduction of the five-dimensional theory down to our four-dimensional space–time in more detail than is generally available in the literature. We will take advantage of the simplifications which follow from using differential forms as was first done by Thiry.11 After this reduction, we find that the scalar field couples directly to the gravitational field. To get this part on the standard form, we perform a conformal transformation so that the gravitational part is described by the usual Einstein–Hilbert action. In this frame the scalar field couples only to the Maxwell field. It is shown that this form of the full action can be obtained by performing a conformal transformation on the five-dimensional metric. The classical equations of motion for the different fields are then derived and discussed. If there is a cosmological constant in the five-dimensional space–time, we show that it gives rise to an exponential potential for the scalar field. Such potentials are phenomenologically very interesting in cosmology where they can drive the observed acceleration of the Universe.14 A potential of the same form also follows from the Casimir energy in the compactified, extra dimension. Including both of these effects, we have an effective potential which is the sum of two exponential terms. Adjusting the parameters in this potential, one can then obtain a realistic cosmology of an accelerating Universe.15,16 2. Reduction to Four Dimensions In the five-dimensional space–timea we have the line element ds̄2 = ḡM N dxM dxN where the coordinates are xM = (xµ , x4 ≡ y). It is convenient to define ḡ44 = h and ḡ4µ = hAµ where the fields h(x) and Aµ (x) at this stage depend on all five coordinates. Our four-dimensional space–time is orthogonal to the basis vector ~e 4 in the extra direction. It is therefore spanned by the four basis vectors ~e µ⊥ = ~eµ − ~eµk = ~eµ − and is endowed with the metric gµν = ~eµ⊥ · ~eν⊥ = ḡµν − a The ḡµ4 ~eµ · ~e4 ~e4 = ~eµ − ~e 4 ~e4 · ~e4 ḡ44 (1) ḡ4µ ḡ4ν = ḡµν − hAµ Aν . ḡ44 (2) flat metric in this space–time has the diagonal components ηM N = (−1, 1, 1, 1, 1). October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory 4673 In this way we then have the following splitting of the five-dimensional metric " # gµν + hAµ Aν hAµ ḡM N = (3) hAν h and correspondingly for the contravariant components # " µν −Aµ g MN ḡ = −Aν h−1 + Aµ Aµ (4) which satisfy ḡM N ḡ N P = δM P . The line element in this space–time thus takes the form ds̄2 = ḡµν dxµ dxν + 2ḡµ4 dxµ dx4 + ḡ44 dx4 dx4 = gµν dxµ dxν + h(dy + Aµ dxµ )2 . (5) The appearance of the gauge potential 1-form in the last term is characteristic for Kaluza–Klein theories also with additional extra dimensions.4 At this stage we impose the cylinder condition ḡM N,4 = 0 which means that the fields gµν (x), Aµ (x) and h(x) are independent of the fifth coordinate y. 2.1. Vierbeins and connection forms In the four-dimensional space–time we introduce the vierbeins V µ̂ν and their inverse V µν̂ satisfying V µ̂λ V λν̂ = δ µ̂ν̂ and V µν̂ V ν̂λ = δ µλ . The metric is thus gµν = V α̂µ V β̂ν ηα̂β̂ where ηα̂β̂ is the four-dimensional Minkowski metric in this space–time. Using these vierbeins we find the orthonormal basis 1-forms as ω µ̂ = V µ̂ν dxν . (6) In the fifth direction we see from the line element (5) that the basis 1-form is √ ω 4̂ = h(dy + Aµ dxµ ) . (7) Now using standard methods,17 we can calculate the connection 1-forms and the curvature 2-forms needed to find the Riemann and Ricci tensors which enter the Einstein–Hilbert action. As an example, we find dω 4̂ = 1 −1/2 h h,µ dxµ ∧ (dy + Aµ dxµ ) + h1/2 Aµ,ρ dxρ ∧ dxµ 2 4̂ 4̂ since d2 y = 0. The result can be written in the form dω 4̂ = −Ω̄ µ̂ ∧ ω µ̂ where Ω̄ µ̂ is the corresponding five-dimensional connection 1-form. By using the antisymmetry of dxρ ∧ dxµ to introduce the field strength Fµν = Aν,µ − Aµ,ν , we find 1 1√ 4̂ h,µ̂ ω 4̂ , (8) hFµ̂ν̂ ω ν̂ + Ω̄ µ̂ = 2 2h where h,µ̂ = h,ν V νµ̂ . Using the antisymmetry in the two orthonormal indices, we µ̂ then also have the value for Ω̄ 4̂ which we will need in the following. October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4674 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal The exterior derivative of the remaining basis forms is similarly given in five dimensions as µ̂ µ̂ dω µ̂ = −Ω̄ ν̂ ∧ ων̂ − Ω̄ ∧ ω 4̂ 4̂ while taken in the four-dimensional space–time it would just be dω µ̂ = −Ωµ̂ ν̂ ∧ ω ν̂ where Ωµ̂ ν̂ now is the the connection 1-form in four dimensions. We thus have the relationship 1√ µ̂ hFν̂ µ̂ ω4̂ (9) Ω̄ ν̂ = Ωµ̂ ν̂ + 2 between the connections in these two space–times. 2.2. Curvature forms and tensors The curvature 2-forms are defined by the structure equation 1 µ̂ R ω ρ̂ ∧ ωσ̂ (10) 2 ν̂ ρ̂σ̂ in the four-dimensional space–time and correspondingly in five dimensions. Their components Rµ̂ ν̂ ρ̂σ̂ form the Riemann curvature tensor in the orthonormal frame we are working in. In the same frame the corresponding expansion of the connection forms is Rµ̂ ν̂ = dΩµ̂ ν̂ + Ωµ̂ λ̂ ∧ Ωλ̂ ν̂ ≡ Ωµ̂ ν̂ = Ωµ̂ ν̂σ dxσ , (11) where Ωµ̂ ν̂σ are the connection coefficients. These will enter the calculation together with partial derivatives of the field strengths F µ̂ν̂ to give the covariant derivative F µ̂ν̂;σ = F µ̂ν̂,σ + Ωµ̂ ρ̂σ F ρ̂ν̂ − Ωρ̂ ν̂σ F µ̂ρ̂ (12) and similarly for the other components. We calculate first the curvature form R̄µ̂ 4̂ from µ̂ R̄µ̂ 4̂ = dΩ̄ µ̂ 4̂ + Ω̄ ν̂ ν̂ ∧ Ω̄ 4̂ . Along the direction ω ρ̂ ∧ ω σ̂ we then find the curvature tensor components 1√ 1 R̄µ̂ 4̂ρ̂σ̂ = hFσ̂ ρ̂ ;µ̂ + √ 2h;µ̂ Fσ̂ ρ̂ + h;ρ̂ Fσ̂ µ̂ − h;σ̂ Fρ̂ µ̂ 2 4 h (13) (14) and similarly R̄µ̂ 4̂ρ̂4̂ = 1 µ̂ν̂ 1 ;µ̂ 1 F Fρ̂ν̂ − h ;ρ̂ + 2 h;µ̂ h;ρ̂ 4 2h 4h (15) in the direction of ω ρ̂ ∧ ω 4̂ . These are all the components of the Riemann tensor involving the fifth index, since the Riemann tensor is antisymmetric in the first two and in the last two indices. We have here introduced the notation Fσ̂ρ̂;µ̂ = Fσ̂ ρ̂;ν V νµ̂ for the covariant derivative of the field tensor. We have also simplified the result using the Bianchi identity Fσ̂ ρ̂;µ̂ + Fρ̂µ̂;σ̂ + Fµ̂σ̂;ρ̂ = 0. October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory 4675 The remaining components of the curvature tensor follow now from the 2-form µ̂ R̄µ̂ ν̂ = dΩ̄ µ̂ ν̂ + Ω̄ λ̂ ∧ Ω̄ λ̂ µ̂ ν̂ + Ω̄ 4̂ ∧ Ω̄ 4̂ ν̂ (16) which can be evaluated along the same lines. It gives 1 R̄µ̂ ν̂ ρ̂σ̂ = Rµ̂ ν̂ ρ̂σ̂ + h 2Fν̂ µ̂ Fρ̂σ̂ − Fρ̂ µ̂ Fσ̂ ν̂ − Fσ̂ µ̂ Fν̂ ρ̂ (17) 4 which has the correct antisymmetry in the first and last two indices. We also notice that the symmetry R̄µ̂ν̂ ρ̂σ̂ = R̄ρ̂σ̂ µ̂ν̂ is satisfied, as well as R̄µ̂ [ν̂ ρ̂σ̂] = 0. The Ricci curvature tensor is defined in four dimensions to be Rν̂ σ̂ = Rµ̂ ν̂ µ̂σ̂ and similarly in five dimensions. It is symmetric in its two indices. We find its components to be 1 1 ;µ̂ 1 ;µ̂ R̄4̂4̂ = hF µ̂ν̂ Fµ̂ν̂ − h + h h;µ̂ , (18) 4 2h ;µ̂ 4h2 1√ 3 R̄ν̂ 4̂ = (19) hFν̂ µ̂ ;µ̂ + √ Fν̂ µ̂ h;µ̂ , 2 4 h 1 1 1 R̄ν̂ σ̂ = Rν̂ σ̂ − hF µ̂ν̂ Fµ̂σ̂ − h;ν̂ σ̂ + 2 h;ν̂ h;σ̂ . (20) 2 2h 4h For the scalar curvature R̄ = R̄µ̂ µ̂ expressed in a coordinate basis we then have 1 1 1 (21) R̄ = R − hF µν Fµν − ∇2 h + 2 (∇µ h)2 4 h 2h in agreement with Thiry.11 Here we have introduced the ∇-operator for the covariant derivative and ∇2 = ∇µ ∇µ is the four-dimensional d’Alembertian operator. Needless to say, it is the appearance of the Maxwell Lagrangian in this higherdimensional curvature first derived by Kaluza and Klein, that we still do not understand the full significance of. 2.3. Einstein Hilbert action and equations of motion These geometrical considerations become physical when we postulate that gravitation in the five-dimensional space is governed by the corresponding Einstein–Hilbert action Z √ 1 3 S = M̄ (22) d5 x −ḡR̄ , 2 where M̄ is the Planck mass in this space and R̄ is the Ricci curvature scalar (21). In principle there can also be an additional term here corresponding to a cosmological constant. Its implications will be considered in Subsec. 4.1. From the 4 + 1 split of the metric in (3) we see that its determinant is simply ḡ = hg where g is the determinant of the four-dimensional metric gµν . Using this in the action (22) and then integrating out the fifth coordinate, we find the action Z √ √ 1 1 1 1 (23) S = M 2 d4 x −g h R − hF µν Fµν − ∇2 h + 2 (∇µ h)2 , 2 4 h 2h October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4676 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal when the extra dimension is a microscopic circle of radius a so that M 2 = 2πaM̄ 3 becomes the ordinary, four-dimensional Planck constant. The two last terms form a total derivative, √ 1 2 √ 1 h ∇ h − 2 (∇µ h)2 = 2∇2 h . (24) h 2h Assuming that h disappears far away these terms can be neglected from the action. We are therefore left with the final result Z √ 1 2 1 µν 4 √ S= M d x −g h R − hF Fµν (25) 2 4 which is the Kaluza–Klein action. In the general case where the scalar field h(x) varies with position, the effective gravitational constant given by the coefficient of the Ricci scalar in (25), is no longer a constant, but varies with time and position in the four-dimensional space–time. Electromagnetic interactions described by the Maxwell part, will similarly have a variable coupling strength. For this reason the theory seems to be in disagreement with present-day observations although there have been recent indications that the fine-structure constant may vary over cosmological time scales. 18 Kaluza– Klein theory thus belongs to a wider class of fundamental theories characterized by the extension of Einstein’s tensor theory of gravity to include also the effect of scalar interactions. Such scalar-tensor theories of gravitation were constructed by Jordan19 and later shown by Brans and Dicke20 to be compatible with gravitational experiments and cosmological tests. The classical equations of motion for the three fields can be derived from the action (25). But it is simpler to use the five-dimensional action (22) which gives rise to the equation of motion R̄M N = 0. We have already the components of the Ricci tensor in orthonormal basis (18)– (20). We now transform these to coordinate basis using the√ vierbeins V µ̂ν , along √ with the rest of the fünfbein components V µ̂4 = 0, V 4̂µ = hAµ and V 4̂4 = h, which we read out from (6) and (7). We then find 1 1 1 (∇µ h)2 , (26) R̄44 = h2 F µν Fµν − ∇2 h + 4 2 4h 3 1 R̄µ4 = h∇ν Fµν + Fµν ∇ν h 2 4 1 1 1 + Aµ h2 F µν Fµν − ∇2 h + (27) (∇µ h)2 , 4 2 4h 1 1 1 hF σµ Fσν − ∇µ ∇ν h + 2 (∇µ h)(∇ν h) 2 2h 4h 1 2 1 1 2 µν 2 + Aµ Aν h F Fµν − ∇ h + (∇µ h) 4 2 4h 3 3 1 1 + Aν h∇σ Fµσ + Fµσ ∇σ h + Aµ h∇σ Fνσ + Fνσ ∇σ h . (28) 2 4 2 4 R̄µν = Rµν − October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory 4677 By equating these components of the Ricci scalar to zero we find the corresponding four-dimensional equations of motion. With the help of the identity (24), we find from (26) for the scalar field √ 1 ∇2 h = h3/2 F µν Fµν 4 (29) while (27) combined with (29) gives the equation of motion for the Maxwell field, ∇µ Fµν = − 3 Fµν ∇µ h . 2h (30) Finally, for the gravitational field we find from (28) when using (29) and (30) Rµν = √ 1 1 σ hF µ Fσν + √ ∇µ ∇ν h . 2 h (31) These equations can also be found in Wesson.21 Introducing the Einstein curvature tensor Eµν = Rµν − 21 Rgµν , we see that the last equation can be written as √ √ 1 1 1 Eµν = h F σµ Fσν − gµν F ρσ Fρσ + √ ∇µ ∇ν h − gµν ∇2 h (32) 2 4 h when we express the Ricci scalar R in terms of the Maxwell and scalar fields using (21) with R̄ = 0. In the first term we recognize the energy–momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field, while the last term must be the corresponding entity for the scalar field in this representation. From the equation of motion (29) for the scalar field we see that it can take a constant value, which can be chosen to be h = 1, provided the accompanying gauge field satisfies the special condition F µν Fµν = 0. The magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields must therefore be the same everywhere. This rather strong and unnatural condition was imposed for many years in investigations of the Kaluza– Klein theory4 since there did not seem to be a real physical need for a scalar field on the same footing as the electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Today, however, the situation is different. In fact, scalar fields are at the core of the Higgs mechanism in particle physics, cosmological inflation in the early universe and dark energy in the late universe. In the following we will therefore keep the scalar field nonconstant and study some of its physical implications. 3. Conformal Transformations to the Einstein Frame A basic assumption in Einstein’s general theory of relativity is that all observers are equipped with standard measuring rods and clocks. The properties of these rods and clocks are coded into the components of the metric tensor gµν and has the consequence that the gravitational action is just given by the volume integral of the Ricci curvature scalar. This is obviously the case for the underlying, fivedimensional theory described by (22). But in the resulting,√four-dimensional theory (25) we see that this term is multiplied by the scalar field h which is generally not October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4678 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal constant. This corresponds to using nonstandard measuring rods and clocks. We can now adjust these by changing the metric at every point by a Weyl transformation gµν → Ω2 gµν (33) and choosing the scale factor Ω(x) appropriately. In a D-dimensional space–time this results in the corresponding change Rµν → Rµν − Ω−1 ∇2 Ωgµν − (D − 2)Ω−1 ∇µ ∇ν Ω − (D − 3)Ω−2 (∇ρ Ω)2 gµν + 2(D − 2)Ω−2 ∇µ Ω∇ν Ω (34) of the Ricci tensor. This gives a change in the Ricci scalar R → Ω−2 R − 2(D − 1)Ω−3 ∇2 Ω − (D − 1)(D − 4)Ω−4 (∇µ Ω)2 (35) as shown in Ref. 22. 3.1. Weyl transformations √ √ When we are in D = 4 dimensions −g → Ω4 −g while the Ricci scalar changes according to (35). The first term in (25) thus changes as Z Z √ √ √ √ d4 x −g hR → d4 x −gΩ4 h Ω−2 R + · · · . (36) For the coefficient of R to take the canonical value we must therefore choose Ω = h−1/4 . Including the Maxwell term in (25) and the second term of the Weyl transformation (35) we thus find the transformed Kaluza–Klein action Z 15 1 1 23 µν 31 2 1 2 2 4 √ ∇ h− (∇µ h) . (37) d x −g R − h F Fµν + S= M 2 4 2h 8 h2 It can be simplified by combining the last two terms by a partial integration which results in Z 1 2 1 3 µν 3 1 2 4 √ 2 (∇µ h) . S= M (38) d x −g R − h F Fµν − 2 4 8 h2 After this Weyl transformation we are now in the Einstein frame. By construction the gravitational part in the first term of the action has now the canonical form. The last term describes a massless scalar field which is coupled to the electromagnetic field in the second term. This is the physical content of the Einstein frame theory. For similar transformations between the Jordan frame and the Einstein frame for dilatonic brane-worlds see Ref. 23. We could have achieved the same result by performing the Weyl transformation (33) directly on the five-dimensional metric appearing in (22). Since we now have √ √ −ḡ → Ω5 −ḡ, we find that the transformation needed is Ω = h−1/6 . Again using (35) where now also the last term contributes and the gradients act in five dimensions, we find Z Z √ √ 1 4 1 2 0 0 2 ∇ h − d5 x −ḡR̄ → d4 x −g R̄ + (∇ h ) . (39) µ 3 h0 h0 2 October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory 4679 For later convenience we have here denoted the scalar field h0 instead of h. By using (21) for the five-dimensional scalar curvature, we find the transformed action integral Z √ 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 2 (∇ h ) . (40) S = M 2 d4 x −g R − h0 F µν Fµν + ∇ h − µ 2 4 3 h0 2 h0 2 Again we can use a partial integration to combine the two last terms, as in (38). The final result for the Kaluza–Klein action after a five-dimensional Weyl transformation is then Z √ 1 1 1 1 0 2 . (41) S = M 2 d4 x −g R − h0 F µν Fµν − (∇ h ) µ 2 4 6 h0 2 We see that there is full agreement between the four-dimensional Weyl transformation gµν → h−1/2 gµν and the five-dimensional counterpart ḡM N → h−1/3 ḡM N . If we put h0 = h3/2 in (41) this equation is transformed into (38). This is also easily understood directly from the five-dimensional metrical structure (3). After the four-dimensional Weyl transformation the five-dimensional metric becomes # " −1 3 3 gµν + h 2 Aµ Aν h 2 Aµ h 2 gµν + hAµ Aν hAµ 1 . = h− 2 3 3 2 2 hAν h h Aν h Introducing here h0 = h3/2 we then have the Weyl transformation of the fivedimensional metric used above. 3.2. Canonical fields Although the gravitational part of the action now has the standard form, the kinetic energies of scalar and electromagnetic fields do not have their canonical forms. However, this is simple to achieve. In the action (41) we introduce h0 = e √ 6φ/M , (42) where now φ(x) is a scalar field with canonical normalization. Similarly, we redefine the electromagnetic field by √ Aµ → 2Aµ /M (43) and the Kaluza–Klein action takes its final form Z 1 2 1 √6φ/M µν 1 2 4 √ S = d x −g M R − e F Fµν − (∇µ φ) . 2 4 2 (44) When the scalar field φ has values much less than the Planck mass M , both the electromagnetic field and the scalar field are seen to be free. October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4680 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal 3.3. Equations of motion in Einstein frame 1 Now that we have performed the Weyl transformation ḡM N → h− 3 ḡM N the equations of motion are no longer the same as Eqs. (29), (30) and (32) in the Jordan frame. We can find the new equations of motion from the transformed fourdimensional action (41). Varying this action with respect to h gives 1 3 2 h Fµν F µν + (∇µ h)2 . 4 h Similarly the equation for Aµ is found to be ∇2 h = 1 ∇ν Fµν = − Fµν ∇ν h h while varying with respect to gµν gives us 1 scalar 1 el.mag. hTµν + 2 Tµν . Eµν = 2 3h (45) (46) (47) el.mag. Here Tµν = F αµ Fαν − 41 F ρσ Fρσ gµν is the ordinary electromagnetic energy– scalar momentum tensor, while Tµν = ∇µ h∇ν h− 21 (∇σ h)2 gµν is the energy–momentum tensor for a free scalar field. By performing the canonical transformations (42) and (43) we then obtain the equations of motion in canonical normalization: r 3 √6φ/M 2 Fµν F µν , (48) e ∇ φ= 8M 2 √ 6 ν ∇ Fµν = − Fµν ∇ν φ , (49) M i 1 h √ el.mag. scalar + Tµν . (50) Eµν = 2 e 6φ/M Tµν M We can also get Eqs. (45)–(47) by varying the five-dimensional action after the 0 0 Weyl transformation. This gives R̄M N = 0, where R̄M N is the transformed Ricci 2 − 31 and we get the following tensor which we find from (34). In our case Ω = h expression for the transformed Ricci tensor: 5 ¯ 1 ¯ ¯N h (∇P h)2 ḡM N − ∇M h∇ 4h2 12h2 1 ¯2 1 ¯ ¯ ∇M ∇N h + ∇ hgM N . (51) + 2h 6h Here we have barred the covariant derivative to remind the reader that it is the covariant derivative with respect to the five-dimensional metric. The relationship ¯ 2 h = ∇2 h + between the d’Alembertian operator in four and five dimensions is ∇ 1 2 2h (∇µ h) . By computing a couple of Christoffel symbols we find 0 R̄M N = R̄M N − ¯4 ∇ ¯ 4 h = 1 (∇µ h)2 , ∇ 2 ¯4 ∇ ¯ν h = 1 (∇µ h)2 Aν − 1 h∇µ hF µ , ∇ ν 2 2 (52) (53) October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory ¯µ ∇ ¯ν h = ∇µ ∇ν h + 1 (∇σh)2 Aµ Aν ∇ 2 1 − h∇ρ h(Aµ Fνρ + Aν Fµρ ) . 2 4681 (54) 0 When we now equate the various components of R̄M N to zero and use the expressions (26)–(28) for the untransformed Ricci tensor, we end up with Eqs. (45)–(47). To get the last equation we must also use the fact that the transformed Ricci scalar R̄0 = 0. 4. Potential Energy for the Scalar Field So far the scalar field is massless and will therefore modify the gravitational interactions over cosmological distances. This is surely unwanted and is easily avoided by slightly enlarging the theory. By including a cosmological constant in five dimensions we will see that the scalar field develops a potential and thus also a nonzero mass. Alternatively, we will see that the Casimir vacuum energy induced by the presence of the compact, fifth dimension also generates a similar potential. 4.1. Cosmological constant in five dimensions With a cosmological constant Λ̄ in the original, five-dimensional theory, the fundamental action (22) is replaced by Z √ 1 (55) S = M̄ 3 d5 x −ḡ(R̄ − 2Λ̄) . 2 Going through the same compactification as before, followed by the Weyl transformation in five dimensions, it immediately follows that Z 1 √ 1 1 1 1 0 2 0− 3 . (56) (∇ h ) − 2 Λ̄h S = M 2 d4 x −g R − h0 F µν Fµν − µ 2 4 6 h0 2 Introducing here the canonically normalized fields, it takes the more informative form: Z √ 1 √6φ/M µν 1 2 1 2 2 4 √ − 23 φ/M . (57) S = d x −g M R − e F Fµν − (∇µ φ) − M Λ̄e 2 4 2 The five-dimensional cosmological constant is thus seen to correspond to an exponential potential in four dimensions. Its absolute sign is directly set by the sign of Λ̄. Such an exponential potential for a scalar field addition to Einstein’s tensor theory was first considered by Wetterich.24 It has been much studied since then in connection with models for quintessence.14 Its cosmological evolution is completely characterized by the coefficient of φ in the exponent. October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4682 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal 4.2. Casimir energy from the compact dimension The cosmological constant is a contribution to the vacuum energy from physics on short scales, i.e. scales shorter than the size Z 2πa √ √ (58) L= dy h = 2πae 2/3φ/M 0 of the compact dimension. But including quantum effects, the Casimir energy will contribute to the vacuum energy at the scale L due to the confinement of the massless field quanta in a space with a compact, fifth dimension. The corresponding momentum is therefore quantized with the values p = (2π/L)n where n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . , ±∞. In (58) we have chosen to calculate L after the four-dimensional Weyl transformation, which means that √ the correspondence between φ(x) and h(x) is √ given by h = (e 6φ/M )2/3 = e2 2/3φ/M . The calculation of the Casimir energy is done in lowest order perturbation theory where the field quanta represent small oscillation around the ground state ḡM N = ηM N which follows from the classical equations of motion. Considering first the contribution from one such massless mode, it gives rise to the Casimir energy Z ∞ V d3 k X p 2 E0 = k + (2πn/L)2 , (59) 2 (2π)3 n=−∞ where V is a finite 3-volume. Using dimensional regularization, we do the momentum integral in d dimensions where we have the general formula Z dd k 1 Γ(N − d/2) 2 d/2−N = (4π)−d/2 (m ) . (60) (2π)3 (k 2 + m2 )N Γ(N ) In our case N = −1/2 and we find d+1 ∞ d+1 V X 2πn −d/2 Γ − 2 E0 = . (4π) 2 n=−∞ L Γ − 12 The sum over the compact quantum number n is still divergent. It is made finite with zeta-function regularization which gives ∞ X n=−∞ nd+1 = 2ζ(−d − 1) . Taking now d → 3, we have (61) V 2 π Γ(−2)ζ(−4) . (62) L4 Although Γ(−2) is infinite and ζ(−4) is zero, their product is finite as follows from the reflection formula z −z/2 1 − z −(1−z)/2 Γ π ζ(z) = Γ π ζ(1 − z) (63) 2 2 E0 = − October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory 4683 for zeta-functions. We put z = −4 in this formula and use it to rewrite E0 . The corresponding vacuum energy density E0 = E0 /V L in five dimensions is then E0 = − 3ζ(5) . 4π 2 L5 (64) This is in agreement with the result of Applequist and Chodos25 obtained by a more indirect approach. It also follows from the calculations of Ambjørn and Wolfram26 who studied Casimir energies in different geometries. More recently the corresponding Casimir energy has been calculated by Albrecht, Burgess, Ravndal and Skordis 27 in a similar Kaluza–Klein theory in six dimensions of which two are compact in order to derive a corresponding scalar potential. Elizalde et al. have calculated the corresponding Casimir energy for an anti-de Sitter background.28 In five dimensions the graviton has five physical degrees of freedom. The total Casimir energy is thus the above calculated result (64) times five. With the length L expressed by the scalar field as in (58), we put this energy into the five-dimensional action integral and obtain the potential √ 1 4 15ζ(5) −6√ 2 φ/M 3 (65) e V (φ) = 5E0 (2πa) h h− 4 = − (2π)6 a4 in the Einstein frame. This potential term enters the Kaluza–Klein action instead of the last term in (57). It has the same exponential form as the contribution from the cosmological constant, but the exponent is six times as large. In general the potential will get contributions both from the small-scale cosmological constant and from the Casimir energy. It will thus have the form V (φ) = Ae−αφ + Be−βφ , (66) where the exponents are fixed but the coefficients are unknown. We only know that at least one of the prefactors A or B must be negative in this particular theory. Including also higher order quantum corrections to the Casimir energy, the simple exponential result will be modified. In the six-dimensional theory of Albrecht, Burgess, Ravndal and Skordis27 the radiative corrections add up to a polynomial in the field φ. This modification can be important when such potentials are used in models for cosmological quintessence.29 5. Conclusions The original, five-dimensional theory of Kaluza and Klein is the simplest example of the more elaborate theories used today to describe physics with extra dimensions. In addition to unifying the electromagnetic and gravitational fields, it also contains a scalar field which codes the size of the single extra dimension here. Similar theories with additional compact dimensions will contain a corresponding scalar field which is usually called the radion.6 This represents an extension of Einstein’s tensor theory of gravity and can have important, cosmological consequences. In this connection the radion field appears as quintessence which can give rise to acceleration of the October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 4684 02060 I. K. Wehus & F. Ravndal Universe at late times. This depends on the field dynamics which is governed by its effective potential which appears in the Einstein frame. Here it is pointed out that this effective potential will in the lowest order approximation used here be a sum of two exponential terms. One is resulting from the small-scale cosmological constant in the higher-dimensional space–time while the other is induced as a Casimir energy due to one or more compact dimensions. It has been shown by others that potentials of such a form allow for a consistent description of the evolution of the Universe since radiation domination until today when the dark energy dominates and gives acceleration.15,16 It would be even more satisfactory if also the inflationary mechanism could be explained by similar physics from extra dimensions. References 1. T. Kaluza, Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Phys. Mat. Klasse, 966 (1921). 2. G. Nordström, Phys. 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October 21, 2004 11:6 WSPC/139-IJMPA 02060 Dynamics of the Scalar Field in Five-Dimensional Kaluza–Klein Theory 4685 26. J. Ambjørn and S. Wolfram, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 147, 33 (1983). 27. A. Albrecht, C. P. Burgess, F. Ravndal and C. Skordis, Phys. Rev. D65, 123506, 123507 (2002). 28. E. Elizalde, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and S. Ogushi, hep-th/0209242. 29. A. Albrecht and C. Skordis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2076 (2000). Paper II Astronomy & Astrophysics A&A 430, 399–410 (2005) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20041590 c ESO 2005 Geometrical constraints on dark energy A. K. D. Evans1 , I. K. Wehus2 , Ø. Grøn3,2 , and Ø. Elgarøy1 1 2 3 Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1029, Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway e-mail: oelgaroy@astro.uio.no Department of Physics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1048, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway Oslo College, Faculty of Engineering, Cort Adelers gt. 30, 0254 Oslo, Norway Received 3 July 2004 / Accepted 23 September 2004 Abstract. We explore the recently introduced statefinder parameters. After reviewing their basic properties, we calculate the statefinder parameters for a variety of cosmological models, and investigate their usefulness as a means of theoretical classification of dark energy models. We then go on to consider their use in obtaining constraints on dark energy from present and future supernovae type Ia data sets. We find that it is non-trivial to extract the statefinders from the data in a model-independent way, and one of our results indicates that parametrizing the dark energy density as a polynomial of second order in the redshift is inadequate. Hence, while a useful theoretical and visual tool, applying the statefinders to observations is not straightforward. Key words. cosmology: theory – cosmology: cosmological parameters 1. Introduction It is generally accepted that we live in an accelerating universe. Early indications of this fact came from the magnituderedshift relationship of galaxies (Solheim 1966), but the reality of cosmic acceleration was not taken seriously until the magnitude-redshift relationship was measured recently using high-redshift supernovae type Ia (SNIa) as standard candles (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999). The observations can be explained by invoking a contribution to the energy density with negative pressure, the simplest possibility being Lorentz Invariant Vacuum Energy (LIVE), represented by a cosmological constant. Independent evidence for a non-standard contribution to the energy budget of the universe comes from e.g. the combination of the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies and large-scale structure: the position of the first peak in the CMB power spectrum is consistent with the universe having zero spatial curvature, which means that the energy density is equal to the critical density. However, several probes of the large-scale matter distribution show that the contribution of standard sources of energy density, whether luminous or dark, is only a fraction of the critical density. Thus, an extra, unknown component is needed to explain the observations (Efstathiou et al. 2002; Tegmark et al. 2004). Several models describing an accelerated universe have been suggested. Typically, they are tested against the SNIa data on a model-by-model basis using the relationship between luminosity distance and redshift, dL (z), defined by the model. Another popular approach is to parametrize classes of dark energy models by their prediction for the so-called equation of state w(z) ≡ px /ρx , where px and ρx are the pressure and the energy density, respectively, of the dark energy component in the model. One can then Taylor expand w(z) around z = 0. The current data allow only relatively weak constraints on the zerothorder term w0 to be derived. A problem with this approach is that some attempts at explaining the accelerating Universe do not involve a dark component at all, but rather propose modifications of the Friedmann equations (Deffayet 2001; Deffayet et al. 2002; Dvali et al. 2000; Freese & Lewis 2002; Gondolo & Freese 2003; Sahni & Shtanov 2003). Furthermore, it is possible for two different dark energy models to give the same equation of state, as discussed by Padmanabhan (2002) and Padmanabhan & Choudhury (2003). Recently, an alternative way of classifying dark energy models using geometrical quantities was proposed (Sahni et al. 2003, Alam et al. 2003). These so-called statefinder parameters are constructed from the Hubble parameter H(z) and its derivatives, and in order to extract these quantities in a modelindependent way from the data, one has to parametrize H in an appropriate way. This approach was investigated at length in Alam et al. (2003) using simulated data from a SNAP1 -type experiment. In this paper, we present a further investigation of this formalism. We generalize the formalism to universe models with spatial curvature in Sect. 2, and give expressions for the statefinder parameters in several specific dark energy models. In the same section, we also take a detailed look at how the statefinder parameters behave for quintessence models, and show that some of the statements about these models in Alam et al. (2003) have to be modified. In Sect. 3 we discuss what can 1 see http://snap.lbl.gov 400 A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy be learned from current SNIa data, considering both direct χ2 fitting of model parameters to data, and statefinder parameters. In Sect. 4 we look at simulated data from an idealized SNIa survey, showing that reconstruction of the statefinder parameters from data is likely to be non-trivial. Finally, Sect. 5 contains our conclusions. (1) äa Ḣ = − 2 − 1, (2) 2 ȧ H where dots denote differentiation with respect to time t. The proposed SNAP satellite will provide accurate determinations of the luminosity distance and redshift of more than 2000 supernovae of type Ia. These data will permit a very precise determination of a(z). It will then be important to include also the third derivative of the scale factor in our characterization of different universe models. Sahni and coworkers (Sahni et al. 2003; Alam et al. 2003) recently proposed a new pair of parameters (r, s) called statefinders as a means of distinguishing between different types of dark energy. The statefinders were introduced to characterize flat universe models with cold matter (dust) and dark energy. They were defined as q = − ... a Ḧ Ḣ = +3 2 +1 aH 3 H 3 H r−1 s = · 3 q − 12 r = H x − 1. H Calculating r, making use of a = −a2 , we obtain 2 H H H 2 r(x) = 1 − 2 x + + x. H H H2 3k 8πGa2 3 (H 2 + kx2 − Ωm0 H02 x3 ), (9) 8πG where and Ωm0 and Ωx0 are the present densities of matter and dark energy, respectively, in units of the present critical density ρc0 = 3H02 /8πG. In the following, we will use the notation Ωi ≡ 8πGρi (t)/3H 2 (t), Ωi0 ≡ Ωi (t = t0 ), where t0 is the present age of the Universe, and also Ω = i Ωi . From Friedmann’s acceleration equation 4πG ä =− (ρi + 3pi ), (10) a 3 i where pi is the contribution to the pressure from component i, it follows that Ω 3 1 2 H2 k q− = (H ) x − x2 − H 2 · (11) px = 4πG 2 8πG 3 3 Hence, if dark energy is described by an equation of state px = w(x)ρx , we have w(x) = 1 k 2 2 2 3 (H ) x − H − 3 x · H 2 + kx2 − H02 Ωm0 x3 (12) In the following subsections, we calculate statefinder parameters for universe models with different types of dark energy. 2.1. Models with an equation of state p = w (z)ρ (4) First we consider dark energy obeying an equation of state of the form px = wρx , where w may be time-dependent. Quintessence models (Wetterich 1988; Peebles & Ratra 1988), where the dark energy is provided by a scalar field evolving in time, fall in this category. The formalism in Sahni et al. (2003) and Alam et al. (2003) will be generalized to permit universe models with spatial curvature. Then Eq. (4) is generalized to (5) s= (6) The statefinder s(x), for flat universe models, is then found by inserting the expressions (5) and (6) into Eq. (4). The generalization to non-flat models will be given in the next subsection. The Friedmann equation takes the form2 8πG k (ρm + ρx ) − 2 , (7) 3 a where ρm is the density of cold matter and ρx is the density of the dark energy, and k = −1, 0, 1 is the curvature parameter H2 = 2 This gives for the density of dark energy: (3) Introducing the cosmic redshift 1 + z = 1/a ≡ x, we have Ḣ = −H H/a, where H = dH/dx, the deceleration parameter is given by q(x) = (8) = The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models of the universe have earlier been characterized by the Hubble parameter and the deceleration parameter, which depend on the first and second derivatives of the scale factor, respectively: ȧ a ρm = ρm0 a−3 . ρx = ρc − ρm − 2. Statefinder parameters: Definitions and properties H = with k = 0 corresponding to a spatially flat universe. The dust component is pressureless, so the equation of energy conservation implies Throughout this paper we use units where the speed of light c = 1. r−Ω , 3(q − Ω/2) (13) where Ω = Ωm + Ωx = 1 − Ωk , and Ωk = −k/(a2 H 2 ). The deceleration parameter can be expressed as 1 1 [Ωm + (1 + 3w)Ωx ] = (Ω + 3wΩx ). (14) 2 2 After differentiation of Eq. (2) and some simple algebra one finds q̇ (15) r = 2q2 + q − , H and further manipulations lead to 9 3 ẇ r = Ωm + 1 + w(1 + w) Ωx − Ωx · (16) 2 2H q= A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy 2 Inserting Eq. (16) into Eq. (13) gives s =1+w− 1 ẇ · 3 wH 401 (17) 1.5 For a flat universe Ωm + Ωx = 1 and the expression for r simplifies to 1 r 3 ẇ 9 Ωx . r = 1 + w(1 + w)Ωx − 2 2H (18) 0.5 Note that for the case of LIVE, w = −1 = constant, and one finds r = Ω, s = 0 for all redshifts. For a model with curvature and matter only one gets r = 2q = Ωm , s = 2/3. The same result is obtained for a flat model with matter and dark energy with a constant equation of state w = −1/3, which is the equation of state of a frustrated network of non-Abelian cosmic strings (Eichler 1996; Bucher & Spergel 1999). Thus, the statefinder parameters cannot distinguish between these two models. However, neither of these two model universes are favoured by the current data (for one thing, they are both decelerating), so this is probably an example of academic interest only. For a constant w, and Ωm0 + Ωx0 = 1, the q–r plane for different values of Ωx and w is shown in Fig. 1. Quintessence with w = constant is called quiessence. The relation between q and r for flat universe models with matter+quiessence is found by eliminating Ωx between Eq. (14), with Ω = 1, and Eq. (16). This gives 1 r = 3(1 + w)q − (1 + 3w), 2 (19) which is the equation of the dotted straight lines in Fig. 1. When Ωx = 1, all models lie on the solid curve given by 1 3 w+ 2 2 9 r = w(1 + w) + 1, 2 or (21) r = 2q + q, (22) q = 2 (20) in accordance with Eq. (15) since q̇ = 0 for these models. This curve is the lower bound for all models with a constant w. For −1 ≤ w ≤ 0, all matter+quiessence models will at any time fall in the sector between this curve and the r = 1-line which corresponds to ΛCDM. The results shown in Alam et al. (2003) seem to indicate that all matter+quintessence models will fall within this same sector as the matter+quiessence models do. However, as we will show below, this is not strictly correct. 2.2. Scalar field models If the source of the dark energy is a scalar field φ, as in the quintessence models (Wetterich 1988; Peebles & Ratra 1988), the equation of state factor w is w= φ̇2 − 2V(φ) · φ̇2 + 2V(φ) (23) 0 –1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 q Fig. 1. The q − r-plane for flat matter+quiessence models. The horizontal curve has w = −1 (ΛCDM). Then w increases by 1/10 counterclockwise until we reach w = 1 in the upper right. When Ωx0 = 0 all models start at the point q = 0.5, r = 1 (Einstein-de Sitter model). As Ωx0 increases every model moves towards the solid curve which marks Ωx0 = 1. The crosses mark the present epoch. Then, V̇ φ̇2 + 8πG 3 , H2 H and furthermore, r = Ω + 12πG (24) Ω 3 px 4πG 1 2 q − = wΩx = 4πG 2 = 2 φ̇ − V · 2 2 2 H H (25) Hence the statefinder s is 2 φ̇2 + 23 HV̇ s= · φ̇2 − 2V For models with matter+quintessence+curvature, Friedmann and energy conservation equations give 1 1 2 2 ρm − V(φ) + ρk Ḣ = −3H + 3 2M 2 2 1 2 φ̇ = 3H 2 M 2 − ρm − V(φ) − ρk 2 ρ̇m = −3Hρm ρ̇k = −2Hρk , (26) the (27) (28) (29) (30) and q = 1 Ωm + 2Ωkin − Ωpot 2 (31) MV r = Ωm + 10Ωkin + Ωpot + 3 6Ωkin · ρc (32) As customary when discussing quintessence, we have introduced the Planck mass M 2 = 1/8πG. Furthermore, we have defined Ωkin = φ̇2 /2ρc , and Ωpot = V(φ)/ρc . For an exponential potential, V(φ) = A exp(−λφ/M), looking at values at the present epoch, and eliminating Ωpot0 , using Ωm0 +Ωkin0 +Ωpot0 + Ωk0 = 1, one obtains 3 q0 = Ωm0 − (1 − Ωk0 ) + 3Ωkin0 (33) 2 r0 = (1 − Ωk0 ) + 9Ωkin0 −3λ 6Ωkin0 (1 − Ωk0 − Ωm0 − Ωkin0 )· (34) 402 A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy 12 1 10 0.8 8 6 0.6 4 r r_0 0.4 2 0.2 0 –2 0 –4 –0.2 –6 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 –1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 q q_0 2 Fig. 3. Time-evolution of q and r for models with matter and quintessence with an exponential potential. The crosses mark the present epoch. The diamond represents the present ΛCDM model. The curve on top has λ = 0.2 and then λ increases by 0.2 for each curve going counter-clockwise until we reach λ = 2 to the right. The corresponding values for Ωkin today are Ωkin0 = 0.002, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.165, 0.22, 0.29. The dotted curve shows the area all matter+quiessence models must lie within at all times. We see that all models will eventually move towards this curve. 1.5 1 r_0 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 q_0 Fig. 2. Present values of q and r for matter+quintessence with an exponential potential. Top panel: from top to bottom the different curves have λ = −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. They all start at the point (q0 (Ωkin = .73) = 1.595, r0 (Ωkin = .73) = 7.57) (matter+Zeldovich gas (px = ρx )). As Ωkin decreases when we move to the left, they join at the point (q0 (Ωkin = 0) = −0.595, r0 (Ωkin = 0) = 1) (ΛCDM, marked with a diamond). The dotted curve shows the area all matter+quiessence models must lie within at all times. Bottom panel: zoom-in of the figure above. Here the curve having λ2 = 2 is also plotted (thick line). By choosing for instance Ωm0 = 0.27 and Ωk0 = 0 we can plot the values of q0 and r0 for varying Ωkin0 ; see Fig. 2. As we can see from Eqs. (33)–(34), when Ωkin0 = 0, q0 and r0 are independent of λ, and have the same values as in the ΛCDM model. This is obvious, since taking away the kinetic term will reduce quintessence to LIVE. However, when Ωkin0 is slightly greater then 0 we can make r0 as large or as small as we like, by choosing |λ| sufficiently large. There is no reason all quintessence models should lie inside the constant-wcurve. However, in order to get an accelerating universe today we must have λ2 < 2. But also for λ2 < 2 the present values of q0 and r0 can lie outside the constant-w-curve. In fact, when we move on to the time-evolving statefinders, plotting q and r as functions of time for given initial conditions, we obtain plots like Fig. 3. Here we have chosen as initial conditions Ωm0 = 0.27 and Ωk0 = 0 as above, and h = 0.71. The last initial condition, for the quintessence field, we have chosen to be φ0 = M/100 combined with the overall constant A in the potential chosen to give Ωkin0 as stated in the caption of Fig. 3. This corresponds to the universe being matter dominated at earlier times. When Ωpot0 Ωkin0 we have high acceleration today. Choosing Ωkin0 = 0 will again give us ΛCDM. The three rightmost curves in the figure have λ2 > 2 and no eternal acceleration, although the λ = 1.6 universe accelerates today. It seems that in order to get a universe close to what we observe, r and q for models with matter+quintessence with an exponential potential will essentially lie within the same area as matter+quiessence models. In Fig. 4 we have plotted the trajectories in the s0 –r0 -plane and the s0 –q0 -plane for the same models as in Fig. 2, to be compared with Figs. 5c and 5d in Alam et al. (2003). Choosing instead a power-law potential V(φ) = Aφ−α gives V = − αφ V and q = 1 Ωm + 2Ωkin − Ωpot 2 M r = Ωm + 10Ωkin + Ωpot − 3α 6Ωkin Ωpot . φ (35) (36) We see that for φ0 = M we get the same curves in the q0 −r0 -plane when varying α as we got when varying λ in the exponential potential, see Fig. 2. We also see that varying φ0 for a given value of α is essentially the same as varying α. Figure 5 shows the q0 −r0 -plane for the case α = 2. Figure 6 shows an example of time-evolving statefinders (φ0 = M, Ωkin0 = 0.05, Ωm0 = 0.27 Ωk0 = 0, h = 0.71). If one compares this plot with Fig. 1b in Alam et al. (2003), the two do not quite agree. Alam et al. (2003) do not give detailed information about the initial conditions for the quintessence field. Our initial conditions correspond to a universe which was matter-dominated up to now, when quintessence is taking over. A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy 403 4 5 3 0 2 1 s_0 –5 r_0 0 –10 –1 –15 –2 –20 –3 –25 –4 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 –1 10 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 q_0 r_0 2 Fig. 5. Present values of q and r for matter+quintessence with a powerlaw potential with α = 2. From top to bottom the different curves have φ0 = 8M, 4M, 2M, M, M2 , M4 , M8 .The diamond represents the ΛCDM model. The dotted curve shows the area all matter+quiessence models must lie within at all times. 1 s_0 0 2 –1 0 r –2 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 –2 q_0 Fig. 4. Present values of the statefinder parameters and the deceleration parameter for models with matter and quintessence with an exponential potential. The diamond represents the ΛCDM model. Top panel: from left to right the different curves have λ = −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Bottom panel: from top to bottom the different curves have λ = −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 2.3. Dark energy fluid models We will now find expressions for r and s which are valid even if the dark energy does not have an equation of state of the form px = wρx . This is the case e.g. in the Chaplygin gas models (Kamenshchik, Moschella & Pasquier 2001; Bilic et al. 2002). The expression for the deceleration parameter can be written as 1 px q= Ω, (37) 1+3 2 ρx and using this in Eq. (15) we find 3 ṗx r = 1− Ω 2 Hρx 1 ṗx · s = − 3H px –4 –6 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 q Fig. 6. Time-evolution of q and r for models with matter and quintessence with a power-law potential. The crosses mark the present epoch, the diamond represents the present ΛCDM model. All models start out from the horizontal ΛCDM line and will eventually end up as a de Sitter universe (q = −1, r = 1). The curve going deepest down has α = 5 and moving upwards we have α = 4, 3, 2, 1. The dotted curve shows the area all matter+quiessence models must lie within at all times. Obviously the same is not the case for matter+quintessence models. The Generalized Chaplygin Gas (GCG) has an equation of state (Bento et al. 2002) (38) (39) For a universe with cold matter and dark energy one finds 9 ρx + px ∂px r = 1+ Ω (40) 2 ρm + ρx ∂ρx ρx ∂px s = 1+ · (41) px ∂ρx p=− A , ρα (42) and integration of the energy conservation equation gives 1 ρ = A + Ba−3(1+α) 1+α , (43) where B is a constant of integration. This can be rewritten as 1 ρ = ρ0 As + (1 − As )x3(1+α) 1+α , (44) 404 A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy where ρ0 = (A+B)1/(1+α) , and As = A/(A+B). For a flat universe with matter and a GCG, the Hubble parameter is given by 1 H 2 (x) = Ωm0 x3 + (1 − Ωm0 ) As + (1 − As )x3(1+α) 1+α . H0 3 β −1 (46) where Sk (x) = sin x for k = 1, Sk (x) = x for k = 0, Sk (x) = sinh x for k = −1, and z dz · (56) I = H0 0 H(z) (47) where β = 3(1 + α), h(x) = H(x)/H0 , and v = As + (1 − As )xβ (48) f (x) = Ωm0 x2 + (1 − Ωm0 )(1 − As )v 3 β −1 xβ−1 . (49) In the r−s plane, the GCG models will lie on curves given by (see Gorini et al. 2003) r =1− 9 s(s + α) · 2 α (50) We note that a recent comparison of GCG models with SNIa data found evidence for α > 1 (Bertolami et al. 2004). 2.4. Cardassian models As an alternative to adding a negative-pressure component to the energy-momentum tensor of the Universe, one can take the view that the present phase of accelerated expansion is caused by gravity being modified, e.g. by the presence of large extra dimensions. For a general discussion of extra-dimensional models and statefinder parameters, see Alam & Sahni (2002). As an example, we will consider the Modified Polytropic Cardassian ansatz (MPC) (Freese & Lewis 2002; Gondolo & Freese 2003), where the Hubble parameter is given by H(x) = H0 Ωm0 x3 1 + u 1/ψ , (51) with −ψ u = u(x) = Ωm0 − 1 , x3(1−n)ψ (52) and where n and ψ are new parameters (ψ is usually called q in the literature, but we use a different notation here to avoid confusion with the deceleration parameter). For this model, the deceleration parameter is given by 3 1 + nu q(x) = (53) −1 2 1+u and the statefinder r by u(1 − n) − (1 + nu) 9 1 + nu r(x) = 1 − 1 + 4 1+u 1+u 2 (1 − n) u −2q · (1 + u)(1 + nu) 1+z Sk ( |Ωk0 |I), √ H0 |Ωk0 | dL = β 3 Ωm0 x + (1 − Ωm0 )(1 − As ) v x −1 2 Ωm0 x3 + (1 − Ωm0 ) v3/β x 3 x2 r(x) = 1 − 3 2 f (x) + f (x), 2 h2 (x) h (x) q(x) = The luminosity distance is given by (45) This leads to the following expressions for q(x) and r(x): 3 2.5. The luminosity distance to third order in z (54) (55) The statefinder parameters appear when one expands the luminosity distance to third order in the redshift z. This expansion has been carried out by Chiba & Nakamura (1998) and Visser (2003). The result is z 1 1 dL ≈ 1 + (1 − q0 )z − (1 + r0 − q0 H0 2 6 −3q20 − Ωk0 )z2 . (57) One can also find an expression for the present value of the time derivative of the equation of state parameter w in terms of the statefinder r0 . A Taylor expansion to first order in z gives 2 Ωm0 − r0 9 w(z) ≈ w0 − 1 + w0 (1 + w0 ) + z. (58) 3 2 Ωx0 3. Lessons drawn from current SNIa data In this section we will consider the SNIa data presently available, in particular whether one can use them to learn about the statefinder parameters. We will use the recent collection of SNIa data in Riess et al. (2004), their “gold” sample consisting of 157 supernovae at redshifts between ∼0.01 and ∼1.7. 3.1. Model-independent constraints The approximation to dL in Eq. (57) is independent of the cosmological model, the only assumption made is that the Universe is described by the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric. We see that, in addition to H0 , this third-order expansion of dL depends on q0 and the combination r0 − Ωk0 . Fitting these parameters to the data, we find the constraints shown in Fig. 7. The results are consistent with those of similar analyses in Caldwell & Kamionkowski (2004) and Gong (2004). In Fig. 8 we show the marginalized distributions for q0 and r0 − Ωk0 . We note that the supernova data firmly support an accelerating universe, q0 < 0 at more than 99% confidence. However, about the statefinder parameter r0 , little can be learned without an external constraint on the curvature. Imposing a flat universe, e.g. by inflationary prejudice or by invoking the CMB peak positions, there is still a wide range of allowed values for r0 . This is an indication of the limited ability of the current SNIa data to place constraints on models of dark energy. There is only limited information on anything beyond the present value of the second derivative of the Hubble parameter. A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy 5 405 2 1.5 4 1 3 w1 r0-Ωk0 0.5 2 0 -0.5 1 -1 0 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 -2 -1.8 -1.6 q0 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 w0 Fig. 7. Likelihood contours (68, 95 and 99%) resulting from a fit of the expansion of the luminosity distance to third order in z. Fig. 9. Likelihood contours (68, 95 and 99%) for the coefficients w0 and w1 in the linear approximation to the equation of state w(z) of dark energy, resulting from a fit of the expansion of the luminosity distance to third order in z. subsection we will consider the following models: pdf 2 1 0 -1.4 −3 −1 1 3 5 q0 , r0−Ωk0 Fig. 8. Marginalized probability distributions for q0 (full line) and r0 − Ωk0 (dotted line). Under the assumption of a spatially flat universe, Ωk0 = 0, with Ωm0 = 0.3, one can use Eq. (58) to obtain constraints on w0 and w1 in the expansion w(z) = w0 + w1 z of the equation of state of dark energy. The resulting likelihood contours are shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen in this figure, there is no evidence for time evolution in the equation of state, the observations are consistent with w1 = 0. The present supernova data show a slight preference for a dark energy component of the ‘phantom’ type with w0 < −1 (Caldwell 2002). Note, however, that the relatively tight contours obtained here are caused by the strong prior Ωm0 = 0.3. It should also be noted that the third-order expansion of dL is not a good approximation to the exact expression for high z and in some regions of the parameter space. 1. The expansion of dL to second order in z, with h and q0 as parameters. 2. The third-order expansion of dL , with h, q0 , and r0 − Ωk0 as parameters. 3. Flat ΛCDM models, with Ωm0 and h as parameters to be varied in the fit. 4. ΛCDM with curvature, so that Ωm0 , ΩΛ0 (the contribution of the cosmological constant to the energy density in units of the critical density, evaluated at the present epoch), and h are varied in the fits. 5. Flat quiessence models, that is, models with a constant equation of state w for the dark energy component. The parameters to be varied in the fit are Ωm0 , w, and h. 6. The Modified Polytropic Cardassian (MPC) ansatz, with Ωm0 , q, n, and h as parameters to be varied. 7. The Generalized Chaplygin Gas (GCG), with Ωm0 , As , α, and h as parameters to be varied. 8. The ansatz of Alam et al. (2003), (59) H = H0 Ωm0 x3 + A0 + A1 x + A2 x2 , where we restrict ourselves to flat models, so that A0 = 1 − Ωm0 − A1 − A2 . The parameters to be varied are Ωm0 , A1 , A2 , and h. Note that these models have different numbers of free parameters. To get an idea of which of these models is actually preferred by the data, we therefore employ the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz 1978; Liddle 2004). This is an approximation to the Bayes factor (Jeffreys 1961), which gives the posterior probability of one model relative to another assuming that there is no objective reason to prefer one of the models prior to fitting the data. It is given by 3.2. Direct test of models against data B = χ2min + Npar ln Ndata , The standard way of testing dark energy models against data is by maximum likelihood fitting of their parameters. In this where χ2min is the minimum value of the χ2 for the given model against the data, Npar is the number of free parameters, and Ndata (60) 406 A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy Table 1. Results of fitting the models considered in this subsection to the SNIa data. Model χ2min 2. order expansion 177.1 2 187.2 3. order expansion 162.3 3 177.5 Flat ΛCDM 163.8 2 173.9 # parameters B ΛCDM with curvature 161.2 3 176.4 Flat + constant EoS 160.0 3 175.2 MPC 160.3 4 180.5 GCG 161.4 4 181.6 Alam et al. 160.5 4 180.7 (A0 = A2 = 0), and w = −1/3 (A0 = A1 = 0), and the luminosity distance-redshift relationship is given by dx 1 + z 1+z · (63) dL = 3 H0 1 Ωm0 x + A0 + A1 x + A2 x2 Having fitted the parameters A0 , A1 , and A2 to e.g. supernova data using Eq. (63), one can then find q and r by substituting Eq. (62) into Eqs. (5) and (6): 1 A2 x2 + 2A1 x + 3A0 q(x) = (64) 1− 2 Ωm0 x3 + A2 x2 + A1 x + A0 Ωm0 x3 + A0 , (65) r(x) = Ωm0 x3 + A0 + A1 x + A2 x2 and furthermore the statefinder s is found to be is the number of data points used in the fit. As a result of the approximations made in deriving it, B is given in terms of the minimum χ2 , even though it is related to the integrated likelihood. The preferred model is the one which minimizes B. In Table 1 we have collected the results for the best-fitting models. When comparing models using the BIC, the rule of thumb is that a difference of 2 in the BIC is positive evidence against the model with the larger value, whereas if the difference is 6 or more, the evidence against the model with the larger BIC is considered strong. The second-order expansion of dL is then clearly disfavoured, thus the current supernova data give information, although limited, on r0 − Ωk0 . We see that there is no indication in the data that curvature should be added to the ΛCDM model. Also, the last three models in Table 1 seem to be disfavoured. One can conclude that there is no evidence in the current data that anything beyond flat ΛCDM is required. This does not, of course, rule out any of the models, but tells us that the current data are not good enough to reveal physics beyond spatially flat ΛCDM. A similar conclusion was reached by Liddle (2004) using a more extensive collection of cosmological data sets and considering adding parameters to the flat ΛCDM model with scale-invariant adiabatic fluctuations. 3.3. Statefinder parameters from current data If the luminosity distance dL is found as a function of redshift from observations of standard candles, one can obtain the Hubble parameter formally from H(x) = d dL dx x −1 · (61) However, since observations always contain noise, this relation cannot be applied straightforwardly to the data. Alam et al. (2003) suggested parametrizing the dark energy density as a second-order polynomial in x, ρx = ρc0 (A0 + A1 x + A2 x2 ), leading to a Hubble parameter of the form H(x) = H0 Ωm0 x3 + A0 + A1 x + A2 x2 , (62) and fitting A0 , A1 , and A2 to data. This parametrization reproduces exactly the cases w = −1 (A1 = A2 = 0), w = −2/3 s(x) = 2 A 1 x + A 2 x2 , 3 3A0 + 2A1 x + A2 x2 (66) and the equation of state is given by w(x) = −1 + 1 A1 x + 2A2 x2 · 3 A 0 + A 1 x + A 2 x2 (67) The simulations of Alam et al. (2003) indicated that the statefinder parameters can be reconstructed well from simulated data based on a range of dark energy models, so we will for now proceed on the assumption that the parametrization in Eq. (62) is adequate for the purposes of extracting q, r and s from SNIa data. We comment this issue in Sect. 4. In Fig. 10 we show the deceleration parameter q and the statefinder r extracted from the current SNIa data. The error bars in the figure are 1σ limits. We have also plotted the model predictions for the same quantities (based on best-fitting parameters with errors) for ΛCDM, quiessence, and the MPC. The figure shows that all models are consistent at the 1σ level with q and r extracted using Eq. (62). Thus, with the present quality of SNIa data, the statefinder parameters are, not surprisingly, no better at distinguishing between the models than a direct comparison with the SNIa data. We next look at simulated data to get an idea of how the situation will improve with future data sets. 4. Future data sets We will now make an investigation of what an idealized SNIa survey can teach us about statefinder parameters and dark energy, following the procedure in Saini et al. (2004). A SNAP-like satellite is expected to observe ∼2000 SN up to z ∼ 1.7. Dividing the interval 0 < x ≤ 1.7 into 50 bins, we therefore expect ∼40 observations of SN in each bin. Empirically, SNIa are very good standard candles with a small dispersion in apparent magnitude σmag = 0.15, and there is no indication of redshift evolution. The apparent magnitude is related to the luminosity distance through m(z) = M + 5 log DL (z), (68) where M = M0 + 5 log[H0−1 Mpc−1 ] + 25. The quantity M0 is the absolute magnitude of type Ia supernovae, and A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy 2 407 15 1 r (from data) q (from data) 10 0 −1 5 0 −2 −3 0 1 −5 2 0 z 1 2 z 15 2 1 r (ΛCDM) q (ΛCDM) 10 0 −1 5 0 −2 −3 0 1 −5 2 0 1 2 z z 15 2 Fig. 11. Binned, simulated data set for a Cardassian model with ψ = 1, n = −1 (upper curve), a flat ΛCDM universe with Ωm0 = 0.3 (middle curve), and for a Generalized Chaplygin Gas with A s = 0.4, α = 0.7 (lower curve). The 1σ error bars are also shown. 1 r (quiessence) q (quiessence) 10 0 −1 5 to the simulated dL , and hence our results give the ensemble average of the parameters we fit to the simulated data sets. 0 −2 −3 0 1 −5 2 0 1 2 z z 4.1. A ΛCDM universe 15 2 DL (z) = H0 dL (z) is the Hubble constant free luminosity distance. The combination of absolute magnitude and the Hubble constant, M, can be calibrated by low-redshift supernovae (Hamuy et al. 1993; Perlmutter et al. 1999). The dispersion in the magnitude, σmag , is related to the uncertainty in the distance, σ, by We first simulate data based on a flat ΛCDM model with Ωm0 = 0.3, h = 0.7, giving the data points shown in the middle curve in Fig. 11. To this data set we first fit the quiessence model, the MPC, the GCG, and the parametrization of H from Eq. (62). Since all models reduce to ΛCDM for an appropriate choice of parameters, distinguishing between them based on the χ2 per degree of freedom alone is hard. Based on the bestfitting values and error bars on the parameters A0 , A1 , and A2 in Eq. (62) we can reconstruct the statefinder parameters from Eqs. (64)–(66). In Fig. 12 we show the deceleration parameter and statefinder parameters reconstructed from the simulated data. The statefinders can be reconstructed quite well in this case, e.g. we see clearly that r is equal to one, as it should for flat ΛCDM. In Fig. 13 we show the statefinders for a selection of models, obtained by fitting their respective parameters to the data, and using the expressions for q and r for the respective models derived in earlier sections, e.g. Eqs. (46) and (47) for the Chaplygin gas. Since all models reduce to ΛCDM for the best-fitting parameters, their q and r values are also consistent with ΛCDM. Thus, if the dark energy really is LIVE, a SNAP-type experiment should be able to demonstrate this. ln 10 σ = σmag , dL (z) 5 4.2. A Chaplygin gas universe 1 0 r (MPC) q (MPC) 10 −1 5 0 −2 −3 0 1 z 2 −5 0 1 2 z Fig. 10. The deceleration parameter q and the statefinder r extracted from current SNIa data using the Alam parametrization of H (top row), for ΛCDM (second row), quiessence (third row), and the Modified Polytropic Cardassian ansatz (bottom row) (69) and for σmag = 0.15, the relative error in the luminosity distance is ∼7%. If we assume that the dL we calculate for each z value is the mean of all√dL s in that particular bin, the errors reduce from 7% to 0.07/ 40 ≈ 0.01 = 1%. We do not add noise We have also carried out the same reconstruction exercise using simulated data based on the GCG with As = 0.4, α = 0.7, see Fig. 11. Figure 14 shows q and r reconstructed using the parametrization of H. The same quantities for the models 408 A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy Fig. 12. The statefinder parameters and the deceleration parameter for the best-fitting reconstruction of the simulated data based on ΛCDM, using the parametrization of Alam et al. The 1σ error bars are also shown. Fig. 14. The statefinder parameters and the deceleration parameter for the best-fitting reconstruction of the simulated data based on the GCG, using the parametrization of Alam et al. The 1σ error bars are also shown. Fig. 13. The statefinder parameters for a selection of models, evaluated at the best-fitting values of their respective parameters to the simulated ΛCDM dataset, with 1σ errors included. Fig. 15. The statefinder parameters for a selection of models, evaluated at the best-fitting values of their respective parameters to the simulated Chaplygin gas data set, with 1σ errors included. considered, based on their best-fitting parameters to the simulated data, are shown in Fig. 15. For the Cardassian model, the best-fitting value for the parameter n, nbf , depends on the extent of the region over which we allow n to vary. Extending this region to larger negative values for n moves nbf in the same direction. However, the minimum χ2 value does not change significantly. This is understandable, since H(x) for the MPC model is insensitive to n for large, negative values of n. The quantities r(x) and q(x) also depend only weakly on the allowed range for n, whereas their error bars are sensitive to this parameter. We chose to impose a prior n > −1, producing the results shown in Fig. 15. The best-fitting values for ψ and n were, respectively, 0.06 and −0.94. Figure 16 shows the deceleration parameter extracted from the Alam et al. parametrization (full line), with 1σ error bars. Also plotted is the best fit q(z) from the quiessence (squares), Cardassian (triangles) and Chaplygin (asterisk) models. We note that the q(z) from the Alam et al. parametrization has a somewhat deviating behaviour from the input model, especially A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy Fig. 16. Comparison of q(z) extracted using the parametrized H(z) with q(z) for the various best-fitting models. The input model is a GCG model with As = 0.4, α = 0.7. Error bars are only shown on the values extracted using the Alam et al. parametrization, but in the other cases they are roughly of the same size as the symbols. See text for more details. 409 Fig. 17. Comparison of r(z) extracted using the parametrized H(z) with r(z) for the various best-fitting models. The input model is a GCG model with As = 0.4, α = 0.7. Error bars are only shown on the values extracted using the Alam et al. parametrization, but in the other cases they are roughly of the same size as the symbols. See text for details. at larger z. Also, no model can be excluded on the basis of their predictions for q(z) Figure 17 shows the same situation for the statefinder parameter r(z). Note again that for large z, the recovered statefinder from the Alam et al. parametrization does not correspond well with the input model. As with the case for q(z), the quiessence and Cardassian models follow each other closely. These, however, do not agree with the input model for low values of z (similar to the case for q(z) they diverge for low z). Comparing the statefinder r for the quiessence and Cardassian models with that of the input GCG model, indicates that, not surprisingly, neither of them is a good fit to the data. 4.3. A Cardassian universe We repeated the analysis described in Sects. 4.1 and 4.2, this time based on an underlying Cardassian model. The values of the input parameters were chosen to be ψ = 1, n = −1. The luminosity distance for this model is shown in Fig. 11. Figures 18 and 19 show, respectively, the deceleration parameter q(z) and the statefinder r(z) for the input Cardassian model (triangles) compared to the reconstructed parameters (full line) using the Alam et al. parametrization for H(z). For clarity, only the error bars for the reconstructed parameters are shown. As before, the error bars for the input model are roughly the size of the symbols, except in the case of z = 0−0.7 for r(z) where they are somewhat larger (up to two symbol sizes in each direction). We see that the deceleration parameter is reconstructed quite well. However, the behaviour of the reconstructed r(z) does not seem to agree well with the input model, although the input model is more or less within the 1 σ errors bars of the Fig. 18. Comparison of q(z) extracted using the parametrized H(z) with q(z) for the input Cardassian model. reconstructed statefinder. For the Cardassian universe, the discrepancy between input and reconstructed parameter is most conspicuous for low z (z < 0.7). This further corroborates the conclusion in Sect. 4.2 that a better parametrization for H(z) is needed. The best fit quiessence and Chaplygin gas models are not shown in these figures. We only remark in passing that with the quiessence model we managed to reproduce the input model quite well, while the Chaplygin gas model was a very poor fit to these simulated data. 410 A. K. D. Evans et al.: Geometrical constraints on dark energy state w(x) from SNIa data using Eq. (67). They found that this parametrization forces the behaviour of w(x) onto a specific set of tracks, and may thus give spurious evidence for redshift evolution of the equation of state. Since there are intrinsic correlations between the statefinders, finding an unbiased reconstruction procedure, and demonstrating that it really is so, is likely to be very hard. Acknowledgements. We acknowledge support from the Research Council of Norway (NFR) through funding of the project 159637/V30 “Shedding Light on Dark Energy”. The authors wish to thank Håvard Alnes for interesting discussions and the anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions. References Fig. 19. Comparison of r(z) extracted using the parametrized H(z) with r(z) for the input Cardassian model. The exercises in this subsection and the previous one indicate that there are potential problems with extracting the statefinders from data in a reliable, model-independent way. The fact that r extracted from the simulated data using the Alam et al. parametrization deviaties from r(z) for the input model in the two cases, indicates that one needs a better parametrization in order to use statefinder parameters as empirical discriminators between dark energy models. In fact, a potential problem with this approach is that since the equation governing the expansion of the Universe is a second-order differential equation, all derivatives of dynamical variables of order higher than the second have intrinsic correlations. In the case of the statefinders, Eq. (15) shows that r is correlated with q. When extracting statefinders from data, one always has to parametrize some quantity, e.g. H, and it is hard to do this without introducing bias in the correlation between r and q. 5. Conclusions We have investigated the statefinder parameters as a means of comparing dark energy models. As a theoretical tool, they are useful for visualizing the behaviour of different dark energy models. Provided they can be extracted from the data in a reliable, model-independent way, they can give a first insight into the type of model which is likely to describe the data. However, SNIa data of quality far superior to those presently available are needed in order to distinguish between the different models. And even with SNAP-quality data, there may be difficulties in distinguishing between models based on the statefinder parameters alone. Furthermore, there are potential problems in reconstructing the statefinders from observations as shown in Sects. 4.2 and 4.3. 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From statistical mechanics one obtains an exact formula. In a field-theoretic derivation, the Maxwell field must be quantized. The notion of electric and magnetic fields is different in spacetimes with more than four dimensions. While the energymomentum tensor for the Maxwell field is traceless in four dimensions, it is not so when there are extra dimensions. But it is shown that its thermal average is traceless and in agreement with the thermodynamic results. 1 Introduction Since the introduction of string theory to describe all the fundamental interactions, the possibility that we live in a spacetime with more than four dimensions, has steadily generated more interest both in elementary particle physics and nowadays also in cosmology. We know that any such extra dimensions must be microscopic if they exist at all and many efforts are already under way to investigate such a possibility[2]. Physical phenomena in spacetimes with extra spatial dimensions will in general be different from what we know in our spacetime of four dimensions. Although the fundamental laws in such spacetimes can easily be generalized, their manifestations will not be the same. Even if it turns out that there are no extra dimensions, it is still instructive to investigate what the physics then would be like. Here we will take a closer look at the Maxwell field and then in particular its properties at finite temperature in the form of black-body radiation. It is characterized by a pressure p and an energy density ρ. In a spacetime with three spatial dimensions, these are related by p = ρ/3. This can be derived by purely kinematic arguments which are used in the next section to find the corresponding relation in a D-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. When the radiation is in thermal equilibrium at temperature T , we then get by thermodynamic arguments the generalization of the Stefan-Boltzmann law on the form ρ ∝ T D . In the following section these results are derived more accurately using statistical mechanics. One obtains these results by just assuming that the radiation is composed of massless havard.alnes@fys.uio.no finn.ravndal@fys.uio.no 3 i.k.wehus@fys.uio.no 1 2 1 particles described by quantum mechanics. Except for an overall factor giving the spin multiplicity, these results should then be the same for scalar particles with no spin, photons which have spin-1 and gravitons which are the massless spin-2 quanta of gravitation. While our results for the pressure and density corresponds to a traceless thermal average of the energy-momentum tensor, the general trace of the corresponding energy-momentum tensors of these fields is not zero. This apparent paradox is discussed and resolved in the last section where we concentrate on the Maxwell field and the corresponding photons at finite temperature. The quantization of the field in a spacetime with dimensions D > 4 is a bit more complicated than in the usual case since the magnetic field can no longer be represented by a vector. Also the number of independent directions of polarization or helicity states will now be more than two. Landsberg and De Vos has calculated the Stefan-Bolzmann constant in d-dimensional spaces, but including only two helicity states instead of d − 1, as later noticed by Menon and Agrawal [1]. 2 Thermodynamics In an ordinary spacetime with D = 3 + 1 dimensions the pressure of black-body radiation with energy density ρ is given as p = ρ/3. This is most easily derived from a simple kinetic consideration of massless particles impinging on a plane wall and thereby being reflected[3]. If the angle between the momentum of the incoming particle and the normal to the plane is θ, then the kinetic pressure is p = ρ h cos2 θ i (1) Rπ where the average is taken over the full spherical angle 2π 0 dθ sin θ = 4π. In d = 3 spatial dimensions one then finds h cos 2 θ i = 1/3 which gives the above result for the pressure. With extra, non-compactified dimensions the pressure will again be given by (1). The angular average is then a bit more cumbersome to evaluate and is worked out in the Appendix. Not so surprising, we then find that the pressure is in general p = ρ/d where d is the number of spatial dimensions. Assuming that the black-body radiation is described by ordinary thermodynamics, we can now also derive the temperature dependence of the energy density[4]. If the radiation fills a volume V and is in equilibrium with temperature T , the total energy U = ρV will obey the energy equation ∂U ∂V =T T ∂p ∂T V With p = ρ/d this gives ρ= T dρ ρ − d dT d which simplifies to dρ dT = (d + 1) ρ T 2 −p (2) One thus obtains for the energy density ρ = CT D (3) where C is an integration constant and D = d + 1 is the dimension of the extended spacetime. 3 Statistical mechanics We will now consider the radiation as made up of massless particles moving in a ddimensional space obeying Bose-Einstein statistics and in thermal equilibrium at temperature T . It will be convenient to use units so that the speed of light c = 1 and Planck’s constant h̄ = 1. The energy of one such particle with momentum k is then ω k = |k| = k and the internal energy density will be given by ρ= Z dd k ωk (2π)d eβωk − 1 (4) with β = 1/(kB T ) where kB is the Boltzmann constant. The differential volume element in momentum space is dd k = Ωd−1 k d−1 dk where the full solid angle Ωd−1 is given in the Appendix. Making then use of the integral Z ∞ dx 0 xn = Γ(n + 1)ζ(n + 1) ex − 1 where ζ(z) is Riemann’s zeta-function, we have ρ= Ωd−1 Γ(D)ζ(D)(kB T )D (2π)d (5) when expressed in terms of the spacetime dimension D = d + 1. The temperature dependence is seen to be in agreement with the thermodynamic result (3). The pressure of the gas is similarly obtained from the free energy as in the ordinary case for D = 4. Again one finds p = ρ/d consistent with the kinetic argument in the first section. Using the duplication formula for the Γ-function 22z− 2 1 Γ(2z) = √ Γ(z)Γ z + , 2 2π 1 in the result (5) for the density, the formula for the corresponding pressure takes the somewhat simpler form p= Γ(D/2) ζ(D)(kB T )D π D/2 (6) As a check, we get in the ordinary case of four spacetime dimensions p = (π 2 /90)(kB T )4 since ζ(4) = π 4 /90. This is essentially the Stefan-Boltzmann law in these particular units. 3 If the massless particles making up the radiation gas has non-zero spin, these results must be multiplied by the corresponding spin multiplicity factor. 4 Scalar quantum field theory The massless particles in the previous section will be the quanta of a corresponding quantized field theory. Let us first consider the simplest case when these are spinless particles described by a scalar field φ = φ(x, t). The corresponding Lagrangian is L= 1 µν 1 η ∂µ φ∂ν φ ≡ (∂λ φ)2 2 2 (7) where the Greek indices take the values (0, 1, 2, . . . , d). The metric in the D-dimensional Minkowski spacetime is ηµν = diag(1, −1, −1, . . . , −1). From here follows the equation of motion ∂ 2 φ = 0 which is just the massless Klein-Gordon equation. We are interested in the energy density and pressure of the field. Both follow from the corresponding canonical energy-momentum tensor[5] 1 Tµν = ∂µ φ∂ν φ − ηµν (∂λ φ)2 2 (8) In a quantized theory it is the expectation value h T µν i which gives the corresponding measured values. The energy density is therefore ρ = h T00 i = 1 2 1 h φ̇ i + h (∇φ)2 i 2 2 (9) Spherical symmetry implies that the expectation values of all the spatial components are simply given as h Tmn i = pδmn where p is the pressure. Thus we find that the pressure is given by the trace p= 1 1 1 h Tnn i = h (∇φ)2 i + h φ̇2 − (∇φ)2 i d d 2 (10) when we use the Einstein convention summing over all equal indices. These expectation values are usually divergent, but the thermal parts will be finite for such a free field. In order to quantize the field, we consider it to be confined to a finite volume V with periodic boundary conditions. It can then be expanded in modes which are plane waves with wave vectors k. The field operator takes the form φ(x, t) = X k s i 1 h ak ei(k·x−ωk t) + a†k e−i(k·x−ωk t) 2ωk V (11) where ak and a†k are annihilation and creation operators with the canonical commutator [ak , a†k0 ] = δkk0 4 As in ordinary quantum mechanics, the number of particles in the mode with quantum number k is given by the operator a†k ak . At finite temperature its expectation value h a†k ak i equals the Bose-Einstein distribution function nk = 1 eβωk − 1 (12) This also equals h ak a†k i when we disregard the vacuum or zero-point contributions which can be neglected at finite temperature. Similarly, the expectation values of the operator products ak ak and the Hermitian adjoint a†k a†k are zero. We can now find the energy density from (9). For the mode with wavenumber k the time derivative φ̇ will pick up a factor ωk while the gradient ∇φ will pick up a corresponding factor k. Thus we get ρ= X k 1 (ω 2 + k2 )nk 2ωk V k Now letting the volume go to infinity so that X k →V Z dd k (2π)d and using k2 = ωk2 for massless particles, we reproduce the expression (4) from statistical mechanics. We thus recover the same result for the thermal energy density. Similarly for the pressure, the two last terms in (10) will cancel and the equation simplifies to p = ρ/d as before. The expectation value of the full energy-momentum tensor at finite temperature is now diagonal with the components h Tµν i = diag(ρ, p, p, . . . , p). Since the pressure p = ρ/d, we have then recovered the well-known fact that the expectation value of the trace is zero for massless particles, h T µµ i = 0. What is a bit surprising is that the trace of the energymomentum tensor itself in (8) is generally not zero. In fact, we have T µµ = (1−D/2)(∂λ φ)2 which is only zero in D = 2 spacetime dimensions. In that case the massless scalar field is said to have conformal invariance[7]. This is a fundamental symmetry in modern string theories. But we know from thermodynamics and statistical mechanics that the expectation value of the trace of Tµν is zero in all dimensions. From the above calculation we see that here in quantum field theory, this comes about since we are dealing with massless particles for which h φ̇2 i = h (∇φ)2 i. This is equivalent to h (∂λ φ)2 i = 0 which follows from the equation of motion for the field after a partial integration. Concerning conformal invariance, the massless scalar field is special. Many years ago Callan, Coleman and Jackiw[6] showed that it can be endowed with conformal invariance in any dimension, not only for D = 2. The corresponding energy-momentum tensor will then be the canonical one in (8) plus a new term ∆Tµν = − 1 D − 2 ∂µ ∂ν − ηµν ∂ 2 φ2 4D−1 5 (13) Taking now the the trace of this improved energy-momentum tensor, it is found to be zero when one makes use of the classical field equation ∂ 2 φ = 0. Needless to say, the expectation value of the conformal piece (13) is zero at finite temperature. However, this is not the case at zero temperature for the scalar Casimir energy due to quantum fluctuations between two parallel plates[8]. The new term makes the energy density finite between the plates and only when it is included, is the vacuum expectation value of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor zero. For the scalar field, this can be achieved in any dimension. 5 Maxwell field and photons Black-body radiation is historically considered to be a gas of photons at finite temperature. These massless particles are the quanta of the Maxwell field. In a spacetime with D = d+1 dimensions, the electromagnetic potential is a vector A µ (x) with D components. A gauge transformation is defined as Aµ → Aµ + ∂µ χ where χ(x) is a scalar function. It leaves the Faraday field tensor Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ invariant as in D = 4 dimensions. Thus the Lagrangian for the field also takes the same form, 1 1 2 L = − Fαβ F αβ ≡ − Fαβ 4 4 (14) and is obviously also gauge invariant. While the components F 0j form an electric vector E with d components, the d(d − 1)/2 magnetic components F ij no longer form a vector. The number of electric and magnetic components are equal only when D = 4. From the above Lagrangian one gets the corresponding energy-momentum tensor 1 2 Tµν = Fµλ F λν + ηµν Fαβ 4 (15) as in the ordinary, four-dimensional case[5]. The energy density is therefore T00 = Ei2 + 1 2 1 1 Fij − 2Ei2 = Ei2 + Fij2 4 2 4 (16) while the pressure in the radiation will follow from the spatial components 1 Tmn = −Em En + Fmk Fnk − δmn Fij2 − 2Ei2 4 (17) In order to calculate the expectation values of these quantities, the field must be quantized. This is most convenient to do in the Coulomb gauge ∇·A = 0. In vacuum, the component A0 = 0 and we have D − 2 degrees of freedom, each corresponding to a independent polarization vector eλ . Corresponding to the expansion of the scalar field operator in (11), we now have for the electromagnetic field A(x, t) = X kλ s i 1 h eλ akλ ei(k·x−ωk t) + e∗λ a†kλ e−i(k·x−ωk t) 2ωk V 6 (18) The polarization vectors for a mode with wavenumber k are orthonormalized so that e∗λ · eλ0 = δλλ0 together with k · eλ = 0 and thus satisfy the completeness relation X λ e∗λi eλj = δij − ki kj k2 (19) Since the electric field E = −Ȧ, we then find that each polarization component has the same expectation value as the scalar field in the previous section, i.e. h Ei2 i = (D − 2) X k ωk2 nk 2ωk V (20) where nk is the Bose-Einstein density (12). Similarly, for the magnetic components F ij = ∂i Aj − ∂j Ai we obtain h Fij2 i = 2(D − 2) X k k2 nk 2ωk V (21) when we make use of the above completeness relation for the polarization vectors. Since the photons are massless, we again have ω k = |k| and therefore h Fij2 i = 2h Ei2 i. As expected, we then find that the density of the photon gas is D − 2 times the density of the scalar gas. We also see that the expectation value of the last term in (17) is zero. Defining again the pressure as h Tmn i = pδmn , it follows then that p = ρ/d as it should be. Even though the expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor for the electromagnetic field is found to be zero at finite temperature, the tensor itself in (15) has a trace T µµ = 2 /4. It is therefore traceless only in the ordinary case of D = 4 spacetime (D − 4)Fµν dimensions when the field has conformal invariance. In contrast to the scalar case, the Maxwell field will not have this symmetry in spacetimes with extra dimensions and there is no corresponding, improved energy-momentum tensor with zero trace. As we have seen above, this has no serious implications for the photon gas at finite temperature. But at zero temperature when one calculates the electromagnetic Casimir energy, the tracelessness of Tµν plays an important role[9]. A similar calculation of this vacuum energy with extra dimensions would therefore be of interest. 6 Conclusion Black-body radiation is defined to be a free gas of massless particles at finite temperature. Purely kinetic arguments then relates the pressure and density by p = ρ/d where d is the spatial dimension of the volume containing the gas. This is equivalent to saying that the finite-temperature expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor of the gas is zero. Describing these particles as quanta of a field theory, we have shown that this tracelessness has very little to do with the trace of the corresponding energy-momentum tensor of the field. 7 There are many different ways to derive the energy-momentum tensor. The correct result follows from the most direct derivation starting from the Lagrangian L of the field in a curved spacetime with metric gµν instead of the Minkowski metric ηµν . From a variational principle one then finds that the energy-momentum tensor will have the general form[7] Tµν = 2 ∂L − gµν L ∂g µν (22) From the scalar Lagrangian (7) this gives the energy-momentum tensor (8) and similarly for the Maxwell field with the Lagrangian (14). What we have shown for these fields at finite temperature can be summed up in the statement that the expectation value h L i in the last term of Tµν is zero. This follows directly from the equations of motion and is also true for massive fields. The average must be taken over an infinite volume or a finite volume with periodic boundary conditions so that the surface terms from the partial integrations vanish. Here we have only considered the unphysical situation where the extra dimensions are assumed to be infinite in extent like the ones we know. In a realistic situation they must be compactified or curled up at a very small scale that is consistent with present-day observations. The black-body radiation laws derived above will then be modified and end up as small corrections to the four-dimensional results. Such an investigation will be more demanding and is not taken up here. We want to thank Professor R. Jackiw for several useful comments. This work has been supported by grants no. 159637/V30 and 151574/V30 from the Research Council of Norway. Appendix In a d-dimensional Euclidean space one can specify a point on the unit sphere by d − 1 angles, (φ, θ1 θ2 , . . . , θd−2 ). Here φ is an azimuthal angle with the range 0 ≤ φ < 2π while all the polar angles θn vary in the range 0 ≤ θn < π. The differential solid angle is then given as dΩd−1 = 2π d−2 Y sinn θn dθn n=1 which gives for the full solid angle in d dimensions Ωd−1 = 2π d−2 YZ π n=1 0 sinn θn dθn = 2π d/2 Γ(d/2) when we make use of the integral Z π dθ sinn θ = 0 √ Γ( n+1 2 ) π n+2 Γ( 2 ) 8 For the pressure in black-body radiation we now need the average over this solid angle of h cos2 θd−2 i = 1 − h sin2 θd−2 i. With these integral formulas it is now straightforward to show that h sin2 θd−2 i = Γ( d2 )Γ( d+1 2 ) d+2 Γ( d−1 2 )Γ( 2 ) = d−1 d and thus h cos2 θd−2 i = 1/d as used in the first section of the main text. References [1] P. T. Landsberg and Alexis De Vos, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 22, 1073 (1989); V. J. Menon and D. C. Agrawal, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31, 1109 (1998); [2] N. Arkani-Hamed, S. Dimopoulos and G. Dvali, Phys. Today, 55N2, 35 (2002); L. Randall, Science, 296, 1422 (2002); J. Hewett and M. Spiropulu, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci., 52, 397 (2002). [3] For a clear presentation of this argument, see for instance S. Gasiorowicz, The Structure of Matter: A Survey of Modern Physics, Addison-Wesley (1979). [4] M.W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1957). [5] J.J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley (1967). [6] C.G. Callan, S. Coleman and R. Jackiw, Ann. Phys. N.Y. 59, 42 (1972). [7] M. Forger and H. Römer, Ann. Phys. N.Y. 309, 306 (2004). [8] B. deWitt, Phys. Rep. 19C, 295 (1975); K. Tywoniuk and F. Ravndal, quantph/0408163. [9] L.S. Brown and G.J. Maclay, Phys. Rev. 184, 1272 (1969). 9 Paper IV Electromagnetic Casimir energy with extra dimensions H. Alnes, F. Ravndal and I.K. Wehus Department of Physics, University of Oslo, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. and K. Olaussen Department of Physics, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway. Abstract We calculate the energy-momentum tensor due to electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations between two parallel hyperplanes in more than four dimensions, considering both metallic and MIT boundary conditions. Using the axial gauge, the problem can be mapped upon the corresponding problem with a massless, scalar field satisfying respectively Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. The pressure between the plates is constant while the energy density is found to diverge at the boundaries when there are extra dimensions. This can be related to the fact that Maxwell theory is then no longer conformally invariant. A similar behavior is known for the scalar field where a constant energy density consistent with the pressure can be obtained by improving the energy-momentum tensor with the Huggins term. This is not possible for the Maxwell field. However, the change in the energy-momentum tensor with distance between boundaries is finite in all cases. 1 Introduction When a classical field is quantized, the modes that can be excited are solutions of the classical wave equation and are labeled by different quantum numbers. These modes will depend on the imposed boundary conditions and will therefore be influenced by the presence of confining boundaries. Each such mode has a zero-point energy which contributes to the total vacuum energy of the field. As a result, these vacuum fluctuations give the ground state of the system an energy which depends on the presence of nearby boundaries. For two parallel and perfectly conducting plates placed in vacuum Casimir[1] showed that for the electromagnetic field this energy corresponds to an attractive pressure P =− π2 240L4 (1) between the plates, separated by a distance L. This macroscopic quantum effect was for a long time in doubt, even after the first experimental verifications by Sparnaay[2]. Today this Casimir force is measured to high precision[3] and even effects of non-zero temperatures are being investigated[4]. 1 Together with this experimental progress, modern regularization methods to remove the unphysical divergences endemic in these calculations now make them much simpler than previously[5]. One can then investigate more detailed properties of the effect like how the energy or stresses are distributed between the plates. One must then calculate the vacuum expectation value of the full energy-momentum tensor as was done by Lütken and Ravndal[6]. This confirmed a previous calculation by de Witt[7] of the fluctuations of the electric and magnetic fields near a metallic boundary where they diverge but in such a way that the energy density remains finite. Since Maxwell theory is conformally invariant in D = 4 spacetime dimensions, one can directly relate this energy density to the attractive pressure[8]. Recently the Casimir energy has been invoked to explain the dark energy which seems to drive the present acceleration of the Universe[9]. It appears in particular in cosmological models with extra dimensions[10]. In these models the confinement of the fluctuating fields is provided by compactification of the extra dimensions. The energy appears as a cosmological constant in our four-dimensional Universe and is given numerically by a formula of the same form as (1) with L given by the size of the compactified dimensions. The calculation of Casimir energies in higher-dimensional spacetimes was first done by Ambjørn and Wolfram[11]. They calculated the global energies equivalent to the Casimir force and thus obtained no knowledge of how the energy is distributed between the hyperplanes. Since the force due to electromagnetic fluctuations is expected to be proportional to the force due to fluctuations of a massless scalar field, only the effects of this kinematically simpler field was investigated. Each mode has a momentum k T transverse to the normal of the plates plus a component k z = nπ/L with n = 1, 2, . . . in the direction of the normal. If d is the number of spatial dimensions, the vacuum energy between the plates per (d − 1)-dimensional hyperarea will follow from the divergent integral ∞ E= 1X 2 n=1 Z dd−1 kT (2π)d−1 q k2T + (nπ/L)2 (2) We can now do the transverse integration by dimensional regularization. The remaining sum over n is then done by analytical continuation of the Riemann zeta function ζ R (z) to give E=− Γ(−d/2)ζR (−d) π d L 2(4π)d/2 It can be simplified using the reflection formula Γ(s/2)π −s/2 ζR (s) = Γ((1 − s)/2)π −(1−s)/2 ζR (1 − s) (3) for the zeta function. Then we can write E = E 0 L when we introduce the energy density E0 = − Γ(D/2)ζR (D) (4π)D/2 LD 2 (4) Defining now the pressure between the plates by P = −∂E/∂L, it is then simply P = (D − 1)E0 (5) where D = 1 + d is the spacetime dimension. Taking D = 4 and multiplying the result by two for the two polarization degrees of the photon, we recover the original result (1). In D-dimensional spacetime we must for the same reason multiply the result (5) by D − 2 to obtain the electromagnetic Casimir force. The spatial distribution of the vacuum energy can be obtained from the energy-momentum tensor. For the scalar field it is Tµν = ∂µ φ∂ν φ − ηµν L (6) where the massless Lagrangian is L = (1/2)(∂ λ φ)2 choosing the metric to be ηµν = diag(1, −1, · · · , −1). Since its trace T µµ = (1 − D/2)(∂λ φ)2 is zero only in D = 2 dimensions, it is in general not conformally invariant in higher dimensions. Calculating now the Casimir energy density h T00 i in for example D = 4 spacetime dimensions, one then obtains a result which diverges at the plates after regularization[12]. When integrated, it will thus not reproduce the total Casimir energy corresponding to the force (5). For the scalar field this apparent problem can be solved. One can improve[13] the above energy-momentum tensor in any spacetime dimension D > 2 by adding the Huggins term[14] ∆Tµν = − 1D−2 (∂µ ∂ν − ηµν ∂ 2 )φ2 4D−1 (7) The energy-momentum tensor is then traceless and conformal invariance has been restored. Since this new term is a divergence, it will not contribute to the force, but change the distribution of energy around the plates. Vacuum expectation values of all components of the energy-momentum tensor are now constant between the plates and zero outside as already noticed by de Witt[7], Milton[15] and others[12]. However, the situation for the electromagnetic field is somewhat different. It has the energy-momentum tensor 1 Tµν = Fµα F αν + ηµν Fαβ F αβ 4 (8) 2 where Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ is the Faraday tensor. From the trace T µµ = (−1 + D/4)Fαβ we see that it is conformally invariant only in D = 4 spacetime dimensions. In this case the Casimir energy is also constant between the plates[6] as for the scalar field. But for dimensions D > 4 it is no longer clear how the energy is distributed since there is no way to construct a gauge-invariant analogue of the Huggins term in Maxwell theory. In the following we will investigate this problem in more detail. In D = 4 dimensions one can choose the transverse gauge and expand the classical field in electromagnetic multipoles. This is cumbersome in higher dimensions since the field then has more magnetic 3 than electric components. From the geometry of the problem it is more natural to choose the axial gauge nµ Aµ = Az = 0 where the D-vector nµ = (0, 0, . . . , 0, 1) is normal to the plates and is called the z-direction. The Faraday tensor then has a correlator which can be directly obtained from scalar field theory in the same geometry. In the next chapter we therefore derive a general expression for the scalar field correlators, both in the case of Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. These can then be used to calculate the expectation value of the scalar energy-momentum tensor (6) and the relevance of the Huggins term is discussed. For the electromagnetic field considered in Chapter 3, we need to know the boundary conditions. These can be of the metallic type used for the standard Casimir force in D = 4 or the QCD version used in the MIT bag model for confinement of quarks. In the axial gauge we find that these two possibilties correspond to Dirichlet and Neumann conditions for the corresponding scalar field. The fluctuations of the different components of the Faraday tensor are then calculated with particular attention to the energy density and the pressure between the plates. While the pressure is found to be constant and in agreement with the global Casimir force, the energy density diverges at the plates. In the last chapter this problem, which no longer can be cured with a Huggins term, is discussed and compared with similar divergences in other systems. With physical boundaries that only confines fluctuations with frequencies below a certain cut-off, all field fluctuations should reach a finite value when the boundaries are approached. 2 Scalar fields It will be very convenient to denote by a bar any vector or tensor component orthogonal to the unit normal nµ of the plates, which is taken to be in the z-direction. Thus for a full D-vector we write A = (Aµ ) = (Aµ̄ , Az ). Note that the (D − 1)-vector Ā = (Aµ̄ ) also includes the time component A0 . The metric can thus be written as η µν = η̄ µν − nµ nν where η̄ is the projection of η onto the barred subspace. The field operator for a massless scalar field satisfying the Dirichlet boundary conditions φ(x̄, z = 0, L) = 0 in D = d + 1 spacetime dimensions will then be r ∞ Z d−1 r i 2 X d kT 1 h ¯ ¯ −ik·x̄ † ik·x̄ a (k ) e + a (k ) e sin(nπz/L) (9) φ(x) = n T n T L (2π)d−1 2ωn n=1 q Here k̄ = (ωn , kT ) with the frequency ωn = k2T + m2n where mn = kz = nπ/L. Had we instead chosen the Neumann boundary condition ∂ z φ(x̄, z = 0, L) = 0, we just have to make the replacement sin(nπz/L) → cos(nπz/L) in the sum. Then there p should also be a n = 0 mode to be included in the sum with normalization constant 1/L. But with the regularization we will use in the following, it will not contribute and is therefore not further considered. 4 2.1 Feynman correlator In the above field operator for the scalar Dirichlet modes we have used a normalization which corresponds to [an (kT ), a†n0 (k0T )] = δnn0 (2π)d−1 δ(kT − k0T ) for the annihilation and creation operators. From this we find the Feynman propagator GD (x, x0 ) = hΩD |T φ(x)φ(x0 )| ΩD i Z d ∞ d k̄ 2 X sin(nπz/L) sin(nπz 0 /L) −ik̄·(x̄−x̄0 ) e = i (2π)d L k̄ 2 − m2n + iε n=1 (10) Here we integrate over all components of the d-dimensional Lorentz vector k̄. Assuming ¯ ≡ x̄ − x̄0 to be spacelike, we may choose a coordinate system where it has no components in the time direction. We can then rotate k 0 to the imaginary axis and find Z d X ∞ 2 sin(nπz/L) sin(nπz 0 /L) ik̄·¯ d k̄ 0 GD (x, x ) = e (11) L (2π)d k̄ 2 + m2n n=1 (where now k̄ is a Euclidean vector. In order to evaluate the sum, we consider the function ∞ g(z, z 0 ) = 2 X sin(nπz/L) sin(nπz 0 /L) L k̄ 2 + m2n (12) n=1 which solves the differential equation d2 2 − 2 + k̄ g(z, z 0 ) = δ(z − z 0 ) dz (13) on [0, L] with Dirichlet boundary conditions. As can be verified by insertion, the solution is g(z, z 0 ) = sinh k̄z< sinh k̄(L − z> ) k̄ sinh k̄L (14) where z< = min(z, z 0 ) and z> = max(z, z 0 ). Expanding the hyperbolic functions, one then finds ∞ X 1 −k|z−z 0| 0 0 0 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ g(z, z 0 ) = e − e−k(z+z ) − e−k(2L−z−z ) + e−k(2L−|z−z |) e−2j kL 2k̄ j=0 ∞ Z h i X 1 0 0 dkz eikz (z−z −2jL) − eikz (z+z −2jL) . (15) = 2 2 2π k̄ + kz j=−∞ The last equality is verified by evaluating the k z integral by contour integration. Inserting now this partial result into (11) and using rotational invariance, we find ∞ Z X dd+1 k 1 i[kz (z−z 0 −2jL)+k̄·¯] i[kz (z+z 0 −2jL)+k̄·¯ ] e − e (16) GD (x, x0 ) = (2π)d+1 k 2 j=−∞ 5 where now the (d + 1)-dimensional vector k = ( k̄, kz ). Each of the integrals are given by the generalized Coulomb potential Z n d k 1 ik·(x−x0 ) Γ(n/2 − 1) 0 (17) e = n/2 Vn (x − x ) = n 2 (2π) k 4π |x − x0 |n−2 in n = d+1 spatial dimensions. Had we instead considered Neumann boundary conditions, the sine function in (9) would have been replaced by the corresponding cosine function. The only change would then have been that the last term in (16) came in with opposite sign. Introducing the D-vectors zj = (¯ , z − z 0 − 2jL) and z̃j = (¯ , z + z 0 − 2jL) of lengths Rj = (zj2 )1/2 and R̃j = (z̃j2 )1/2 , we can now write the result for both correlators as G(x, x0 )N/D = ∞ h X j=−∞ Vd+1 (Rj ) ± Vd+1 (R̃j ) i (18) where the upper sign is for Neumann and the lower for Dirichlet boundary conditions. For a massive field we would have found a similar result, but with the Coulomb potential replaced by the corresponding generalized Yukawa potential. In fact, almost every student of introductory electrostatics could have written down this result immediately by realizing that the problem is equivalent to calculating the potential of a point charge between parallel plates in D = d+1 spatial dimensions, using the method of images to enforce the boundary conditions. 2.2 Energy-momentum tensor The term Vd+1 (R0 ) in (18) is equal to the free correlator G 0 (x, x0 ) = h0 |T φ(x)φ(x0 )| 0i, where | 0i is the bulk vacuum. It diverges in the limit x 0 → x. But defining now the physical vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor by the point-split limit h Tµν (x)i = lim [hΩ |Tµν (x0 , x)| Ωi − h0 |Tµν (x0 , x)| 0i] 0 x →x (19) its contribution is removed. The finite expectation values will then follow from the regularized correlator GD (x, x0 ) − G0 (x, x0 ) which contains the effects of the plates. We will continue to denote it by GD (x, x0 ) in the following and it is given by (18) when we in the first part leave out the j = 0 term. Since we have assumed that x − x 0 is non-zero and spacelike, the time-ordering symbol in the correlator can be ignored and it satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation (∂¯2 − ∂z2 + m2 )G(x, x0 ) = 0 for both boundary conditions. For the Dirichlet vacuum expectation value of the scalar energy momentum tensor (6), we first need the part 1 h ∂xµ̄ φ(x)∂xν̄0 φ(x0 )iD = −∂xµ̄ ∂xν̄ GD (x, x0 ) = − η µ̄ν̄ ∂¯2 GD (x, x0 ) d 1 µ̄ν̄ 2 2 = η (m − ∂z )GD (x, x0 ) d 6 (20) using Lorentz invariance. Similarly, it follows that h ∂z φ(x)∂z 0 φ(x0 )iD = −∂z2 GN (x, x0 ) (21) since the two parts in the correlator (18) has opposite symmetry under the exchange z → z 0 . For vacuum expectation value of the point-split Lagrangian 1 L(x, x0 ) = [ηµ̄ν̄ ∂xµ̄ φ(x)∂xν̄0 φ(x0 ) − ∂z φ(x)∂z 0 φ(x0 ) − m2 φ(x)φ(x0 )] 2 we thus find i 1 h h L(x, x0 )iD = ∂z2 GN (x, x0 ) − GD (x, x0 ) (22) 2 The point-split expressions for the canonical energy-momentum tensor (6) are thus found to be h1 i m2 1 GD − ∂z2 GD + (GN − GD ) (23) h Tµ̄ν̄ iD = ηµ̄ν̄ d d 2 1 (24) h Tzz iD = − ∂z2 (GN + GD ) 2 Corresponding results for the Neumann expectation values are obtained by the exchange D ↔ N . The physical limit x → x0 can now be taken where a resulting z-dependence can only come from the last sum in the correlators (18). But for the pressure P = h T zz i we see that this will cancel out in the sum G D + GN so that the pressure is constant between the plates. This is physical reasonable and is also the case for the fluctuations of a massive field. It follows directly from the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor. The expectation values of the other other components of the energy-momentum tensor in (23) will in general be dependent on the position z between the plates. Let us now calculate the pressure in the massless limit. We will then need the double derivative ∂z2 (GD + GN ) which follows directly from (18) in the limit x → x 0 as ∂z2 (GN + GD ) = 2 lim 0 z →z = ∞ X 0 ∂z2 Vd+1 (Rj ) j=−∞ 2(D − 1)Γ(D/2) ζR (D) (4π)D/2 LD ∞ 1 Γ((d − 1)/2) X0 = 2d(d − 1) d+1 (d+1)/2 |2jL| 4π j=−∞ (25) where the 0 denotes that j = 0 is excluded from sum. Using this in (24) we reproduce exactly the standard pressure (5) obtained from the total energy. It is seen to be the same for both boundary conditions. The energy density E = h T00 i between the plates follows from (23). When the mass m = 0, we then need to calculate in addition the quantity ∂z2 (GN − GD ) = 2 lim 0 z →z = ∞ X ∂z2 Vd+1 (R̃j ) j=−∞ (D − 1)Γ(D/2) fD (z/L) (4π)D/2 LD 7 (26) when we introduce the function fD (z/L) = ∞ X j=−∞ 1 |j + z/L|D (27) Notice that the term j = 0 is now to be included. The sum can be expressed by the Hurwitz zeta function ζH (s, a) = ∞ X 1 (n + a)s n=0 (28) which allows us to write fD (z/L) = ∞ X j=0 ∞ X 1 1 + D (j + z/L) (j − z/L)D j=1 = ζH (D, z/L) + ζH (D, 1 − z/L) When D = 4 the same position-dependent term was derived on this form by Kimball[15]. But when the spacetime dimension D is an even number, we can express the result in terms of the digamma function ψ(x) using the relation k−1 d (−1)k ψ(x) (29) ζH (k, x) = (k − 1)! dx We then have fD (z/L) = 1 (D − 1)! d dx D−1 h ψ(x) − ψ(1 − x) i (D = even) where x = z/L. This simplifies even more since ψ(x) − ψ(1 − x) = −π cot(πx), which allows us to write πD d D−1 fD (z/L) = cot θ (D = even) (30) − Γ(D) dθ with θ = πz/L. For the ordinary Casimir effect in D = 4 spacetime dimensions, this function also appeared in the calculation of the electromagnetic field using another regularization and choice of gauge[6]. This follows from writing f 4 (z/L) = (π 4 /3)F (θ) which gives 3 2 − F (θ) = (31) sin4 θ sin2 θ This function will then characterize all position-dependent expectation values when D = 4. Collecting the above results, we now have the scalar vacuum energy density in arbitrary spacetime dimensions i Γ(D/2) h ED/N = − ζ (D) ± (D/2 − 1)f (z/L) (32) R D (4π)D/2 LD 8 where the lower sign is for Neumann boundary conditions. While the first term corresponds to a constant density, the last term gives a position-dependent contribution which in general diverges at the position of the plates, i.e. where z = 0 and z = L. Only in the special case D = 2 when the scalar field has conformal invariance, will it be absent. When integrated over the volume between the plates, the first term alone is seen to give the total Casimir energy(4). The last term gives a divergent contribution to the same energy and should be absent. No such term was found in the calculation of the pressure. It is consistent with just the first part of the energy density which alone gives the correct Casimir force. 2.3 Huggins term A free, massless scalar field can couple to gravity in a conformally invariant way. The resulting energy-momentum tensor will thus be traceless[7][13]. It differs from the canonical expression (6) by the extra Huggins term (7). Using the equation of motion ∂ 2 φ = 0, one then finds that the improved energy-momentum tensor indeed is traceless. When we now want to evaluate the Huggins term for the vacuum between the two plates using the above point-split regularization, we interpret ∂µ ∂ν φ2 = (∂µ ∂ν + ∂µ ∂ν0 + ∂µ0 ∂ν + ∂µ0 ∂ν0 )φ(x)φ(x0 ) where the primed derivatives are with respect to x 0 . This gives the ground state expectation value D−2 2 1 ∂ (GN − GD ) (33) h ∆Tµν iD = η̄µν 2 D−1 z which is seen to be proportional to h Li. The Huggins correction has no components in the z-direction, leaving the pressure unaltered. The z-dependent terms cancel against the same terms in the canonical part (23) so that the resulting energy density will be constant. In fact, when m = 0 we have for both sets of boundary conditions that h Tµν + ∆Tµν i = E0 (η̄µν + (D − 1)nµ nν ) (34) when expressed in terms of the energy density (4). The pressure is simply D − 1 times this constant energy density. This is a direct consequence of the energy-momentum tensor now being traceless. 3 Maxwell fields 2 /4 is gauge invariant. In a general The electromagnetic Lagrangian density L = −F µν spacetime it can be written as 1 1 2 L = Ei2 − Bij 2 4 9 (35) where Ei = −(Ȧi +∂i A0 ) are the components of the electric field vector while the magnetic field is given by the antisymmetric tensor B ij = ∂i Aj − ∂j Ai . We want to calculate the vacuum expectation value of the corresponding energy-momentum tensor (8) between the plates. As already explained in the introduction, it is then most natural to work in the axial gauge n µ Aµ = 0. Since the plate normal vector nµ only has a component along the z-axis, this requires the component A z = 0. The component A0 is no longer a canonical variable, but depends on the others via the Maxwell equation ∂i F i0 = 0, which gives A0 = −∆−1 ∂i Ȧi (36) where the operator ∆ = ∂i2 . There are thus D − 2 independent degrees of freedom in a D-dimensional spacetime described by the spatial field components A i where i 6= z. We can then express the full Lagrangian in terms of these fields. After partial integrating and neglecting surface terms, we find it to be Z i h 1 (37) dd x Ȧi δij − ∂i ∆−1 ∂j Ȧj − Ai ∂i ∂j − δij ∆ Aj L= 2 As usual, the first or electric part acts like a kinetic energy while the magnetic part acts like a potential energy. 3.1 Boundary conditions and the correlator In order to quantize this theory, we must impose boundary conditions for the electromagnetic field components on the confining plates. For the original Casimir effect in d = 3 dimensions one had metallic plates in mind where one could impose the standard constraints n × E = 0 and n · B = 0 on the elecric and magnetic field vectors. For the more abstract case we have in mind here, we could just as well consider the MIT boundary condition nµ Fµν = 0 proposed for the quark bag model ensuring color confinement[16]. In terms of components, this is equivalent to the two conditions n × B = 0 and n · E = 0. They are therefore just the electromagnetic duals of the metallic boundary conditions. For our problem under consideration the MIT boundary condition can most directly be imposed. With the normal vector nµ along the z-axis, it is equivalent to F µ̄z = 0 in our previous index notation. Now in the axial gauge this is simply equivalent to the Neumann boundary condition ∂z Ai (x̄, z = 0, L) = 0, and defining ∆−1 in (36) with Neumann boundary conditions. With this index notation, the metallic boundary conditions can also easily be generalized to higher dimensions by noticing that in d = 3 dimensions they correspond to F µ̄0 = 0. In the axial gauge this is achieved in all dimensions by requiring A i (x̄, z = 0, L) = 0, i.e. Dirichlet conditions, and defining ∆ −1 in (36) with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In this way we can take directly over many of the previous results for the scalar field. 10 The field components Aµ̄ obey the classical wave equation ∂ 2 Aµ̄ −∂µ̄ (∂ ν̄ Aν̄ ) = 0. Solutions will be of the form Aµ̄ (x) = aµ̄ (x̄)b(z) where the function b(z) ∝ cos(nπz/L) when we impose MIT, i.e. Neumann, boundary conditions and b(z) ∝ sin(nπz/L) for metallic or Dirichlet boundary conditions. With these boundary conditions the remaining functions aµ̄ (x̄) satisfy (∂¯2 + m2n )aµ̄ − ∂µ̄ (∂ ν̄ aν̄ ) = 0 which are just the equations of motion for a massive vector field with mass mn = nπ/L. With this observation, we then immediately have the correlator Dµ̄ν̄ (x, x0 ) = hΩD |T Aµ̄ (x)Aν̄ (x0 )| ΩD i Z d ∞ kµ̄ kν̄ d k̄ 2 X sin(nπz/L) sin(nπz 0 /L) 0 ¯ = i η − e−ik·(x̄−x̄ ) (38) µ̄ν̄ (2π)d L n=1 m2n k̄ 2 − m2n + iε A corresponding result is obtained with Neumann boundary conditions. As before, we then drop the mode with n = 0. 3.2 Electromagnetic expectation values We are now in the position of calculating the value of the energy-momentum tensor (8) between the two plates. First we need the expectation value 2 ηᾱµ̄ ηβ̄ ν̄ − ηᾱν̄ ηβ̄ µ̄ ∂¯2 GD (x, x0 ) h Fµ̄ν̄ (x)Fᾱβ̄ (x0 )iD = d 2 (39) ηᾱµ̄ ηβ̄ ν̄ − ηᾱν̄ ηβ̄ µ̄ ∂z2 GD (x, x0 ) = D−1 since the massless correlator satisfies the free wave equation ( ∂¯2 − ∂z2 )GD = 0. The structure of this result follows directly from antisymmetry of the field tensor and Lorentz invariance in the barred directions. As expected, it is simply given by the scalar correlator. In the same way we also find 1 D−2 h Fµ̄z (x)Fν̄z (x0 )iD = ηµ̄ν̄ ∂z2 − ∂¯2 GD (x, x0 ) = ηµ̄ν̄ ∂z2 GN (x, x0 ) d D−1 (40) 2 /4 − F 2 /2 is thereThe point-split expectation value of the Lagrangian density L = −F µ̄ν̄ µ̄z fore h i 1 h L(x, x0 )iD = (D − 2)∂z2 GN (x, x0 ) − GD (x, x0 ) (41) 2 in analogy with (22). From these results we can now read off the fluctations of the vacuum fields when the limit x → x0 is taken. For this purpose we combine (25) and (26) which give Γ(D/2) 1 2 ∂z GN/D = (D − 1) ζR (D) ± fD (z/L) (42) 2 (4π)D/2 LD 11 in this limit. With µ̄ = ν̄ = 0 in (40) we then find for the z-component of the electric field 1 Γ(D/2) 2 (43) ζR (D) + fD (z/L) h Ez iD = (D − 2) 2 (4π)D/2 LD The other components follow from (39) which gives 2Γ(D/2) 1 2 h E i iD = − ζR (D) − fD (z/L) 2 (4π)D/2 LD (44) where there is no summation over the index i 6= z on the left-hand side. For the fluctations 2 i = −h E 2 i and h B 2 i = −h E 2 i in the magnetic components we similarly find h B iz D z D ij D i D where again there is no summation over the indices i, j 6= z. These relations also hold for the case of Neumann boundary conditions except for a change of signs in the last term of (43) and (44). These vacuum field fluctuations where first calculated by Lütken and Ravndal[6] for the ordinary Casimir effect with D = 4 spacetime dimensions in the Coloumb gauge and a different regularization. Using ζR (4) = π 4 /90 and the function (31) for f4 (z/L) in the above general results, we find π2 1 h Ez2 i = (45) F (θ) + 48L4 15 for Dirichlet boundary conditions, where θ = πz/L as before. The two other transverse components are given by (44) as 1 π2 2 2 F (θ) − (46) h Ex i = h E y i = 48L4 15 Fluctuations of the transverse magnetic components are then h B x2 i = h By2 i = −h Ez2 i while for the normal compoent we have h B z2 i = −h Ex2 i. Since the pressure is given by the expectation value of T zz = Fz µ̄ F µ̄z + L, it now follows as 1 P = − (D − 2)∂z2 (GN + GD ) = (D − 2)(D − 1)E0 2 (47) when expressed in terms of the energy density (4). It is again constant between the plates and a factor D − 2 times the scalar pressure (24). This is exactly as expected since the Maxwell field has D − 2 scalar degrees of freedom. For the other components of the energy-momentum tensor we similarly find i 1 D − 2 2h h Tµ̄ν̄ iD/N = − ∂z GN + GD ± (D − 4)(GN − GD ) ηµ̄ν̄ 2D−1 i Γ(D/2) h = −(D − 2) ζ (D) ± (D/2 − 2)f (z/L) ηµ̄ν̄ R D (4π)D/2 LD 12 (48) where the lower sign is for Neumann boundary conditions. It is only for D = 4 that the last, position-dependent term will be absent. And it is also then that Maxwell theory is conformally invariant. The above results for the electromagnetic field are very similar to what we found for the canonical, massless scalar field in the previous section. In that case the theory could be made conformally invariant with an improved energy-momentum tensor which gives a constant energy density. But for the Maxwell field there is no way to construct a local and gauge-invariant analogue of a similar Huggins term to cancel out the position-dependent part of (48). Thus the total Casimir energy obtained by integrating the energy-density is divergent and therefore looks different from what follows from the regularized sum of the zero-point energies of all modes. However, the difference turns out to be an infinite constant independent of the distance between plates. 3.3 Discussion and conclusion The massless and free, canonical scalar field theory is not conformally invariant in other dimensions than D = 2. And it is only then that the Casimir energy density is constant and gives a finite integrated energy. The same satisfactory situation is also possible in higher dimensions when the theory is extended by making it conformally invariant, corresponding to adding the Huggins term to the energy-momentum tensor. This has been well-known for a long time, but not very well understood from a physical point of view. One of the most recent and detailed discussions of this phenomenon has been undertaken by Fulling who has attempted to understand the divergences in the canonical theory at a deeper level[17]. One can isolate the problem to the lack of commutativity between regularization of the integrated energy and the integration of the regulated energy density. This is perhaps not so surprising from a mathematical point of view, but hard to accept physically since the energy density is a physical quantity and should be tied up with the total energy of system. In other systems like the Casimir energy for a sphere, the energy density again diverges at the surface[18], but this is understood from its non-trivial geometry as first discussed by Deutsch and Candelas[19]. Since then the problem has been addressed by Fulling[17] and Milton with collaborators[20]. For a plane boundary there should be no such geometric complications. The electromagnetic Casimir effect for D = 4 is very similar to the scalar effect for D = 2. But for dimensions D > 4 there is no Huggins term for the electromagnetic case to cure the problem. From the point of view of the Casimir force alone, this is not a problem because the pressure is given by the expectation value h T zz i which is constant in all dimensions and equal to the force. But at first sight this force has little to do with the integral of the energy density h T00 i which will always diverge at the plates when D > 4. This becomes especially clear when we just consider the electromagnetic fluctuations around one plate. The induced energy density can then be obtained from equation (48) 13 by taking the limit L → ∞. The pressure will then be zero on both sides of the plate while the other components become h Tµ̄ν̄ iD/N = ∓(D − 2)(D/2 − 2) Γ(D/2) (4π)D/2 |z|D ηµ̄ν̄ (49) since fD = (L/z)D in this limit, as follows from the definition (27). It is non-zero on both sides of the plate and diverges when we approach it. The situation is analogous to the diverging energy density surrounding a classical pointlike electron. Thus, the behaviour (49) is related to the intrinsic structure of a single plate, and the correponding integrated (infinite) energy is part of the energy required to make that plate. It does not contribute to the Casimir force. Thus, to find a connection between Casimir force and energy density it is sufficient to investigate the changes in energy density as two plates are brought together from infinite distance. We thus define T µ̄ν̄ as the expression (48) subtracted contributions like (49) from plates at z = (0, L), taking into account both sides of each plate. We find that for z < 0, ∓(D/2 − 2)(L/(L − z))D Γ(D/2) ˜ η × Tµ̄ν̄ (z) = −(D − 2) ζ (D) ± (D/2 − 2) f (z/L) for 0 < z < L, (50) µ̄ν̄ D R (4π)D/2 LD D ∓(D/2 − 2)(L/z) for z > L, where f˜D (z/L) = ζH (D, 1 + z/L) + ζH (D, 2 − z/L). This quantity Tµ̄ν̄ is finite everywhere, and its integrated energy agrees perfectly with the Casimir force since the integrals over the z-dependent terms in (50) cancel each other. The consistency between the various approches to the Casimir effect, i.e. total energy from mode sum (2), the pressure term (47) and the change in energy density (50), gives support to the belief in a Casimir force which is essentially independent of the details of the plates. Of course, the interesting problem of the intrinsic and finite structure of a single plate remains. But this is similar to the problem of resolving the divergences caused by pointlike objects in quantum field theory. One obvious approach would be to modify the boundary conditions. If they were made softer so that they didn’t affect fluctuations with wavelengths below a certain cut-off λc , one would expect that the resulting energy density would be modified and finite for distances |z| < λ c away from the plate. This has actually been investigated by Graham et al. where a more physical boundary is described by an additional field[21]. In the more unphysical case where the Neumann or Dirichlet boundary conditions are replaced by periodic boundary conditions when D > 4, there would be no problems of these kinds. The energy density is then constant, giving a total energy consistent with the force between the plates. This is equivalent to the problem of photons in thermal equilibrium. Even if the trace of the energy-momentum tensor is non-zero when D > 4, the pressure P in this blackbody radiation is given by the energy density ρ by the standard expression P = ρ/d where d = D − 1 is the number of spatial dimensions[22]. But imposing such periodic boundary conditions, would be equivalent to just avoiding the problem. In conclusion, we must admit that the total vacuum fluctuations near confining 14 boundaries is still not completely understood, but is very likely to depend on the microscopic details of those boundaries. This is especially the case for the electromagnetic field in spacetimes with more than four dimensions. Fortunately the Casimir force seems to be rather insensitive to those details. Acknowledgement: We want to thank a referee for an insightful comment which helped to clarify the conclusion presented above. This work has been supported by the grants NFR 159637/V30 and NFR 151574/V30 from the Research Council of Norway. References [1] H.B.G. Casimir, Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 51, 793 (1948). [2] M.J. Sparnaay, Physica 24, 751 (1958). [3] S.K. Lamoreaux, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 5 (1997); U. Mohideen and A. Roy ibid. 81, 4549 (1998); H.B. Chan et al. Science 291, 1941 (2001); G. Bressi et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 041804 (2002). [4] V.V. Nesterenko, G. Lambiase and G. Scarpetta, Riv. 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While the pressure between the plates agrees with the global Casimir force, the energy density is divergent at the plates and not compatible with the total energy which follows from the force. However, subtracting the divergent self-energies of the plates, the resulting energy is finite and consistent with the force. In analogy with the corresponding scalar case for spacetime dimensions D > 2, the divergent self-energy of a single plate can be related to the lack of conformal invariance of the electromagnetic Lagrangian for dimensions D > 4. Two parallel, metallic plates separated by the distance L in vacuum, will interact due to the modifications of the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field caused by the boundary conditions at the plates. The resulting force was first calculated by Casimir[1] who found it to be given by the attractive pressure P = −π 2 /240L4 . Using the conformal symmetry of the electromagnetic field in D = 4 spacetime dimensions, Brown and Maclay[2] later obtained the vacuum expectation values of all the components of the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor Tµν = Fµα F αν − ηµν L (1) 2 is the standard Lagrangian. While these expectation values were where L = −(1/4)Fαβ constant between the plates, the corresponding fluctuations of the separate electric and magnetic fields were found by Lütken and Ravndal to be in general non-constant and actually divergent as one approaches one of the plates[3]. These divergences are caused by imposing ideal boundary conditions valid for arbitrarily small wavelengths of the field. A physical boundary would only affect fluctuations down to a finite wavelength which is expected to result in an increasing, but finite value of the fluctuations near the plates. The quantitative effects of such more realistic boundary conditions have been investigated during the last few years but a complete and satisfactory description is still lacking[4]. Casimir forces in spacetimes with dimensions D > 4 were first systematically calculated by Ambjørn and Wolfram[5]. For the electromagnetic field between two parallel hyperplanes 1 with separation L, the attractive pressure was found to be P = −(D − 1)(D − 2) Γ(D/2)ζR (D) (4π)D/2 LD (2) where the factor D − 2 is the number of physical degrees of freedom in the field resulting from gauge invariance. If the energy density between the plates is constant, it would just be this pressure divided by the factor D − 1. This is the case when D = 4 and it is of interest to see if it holds also in the more general case D > 4. For this purpose we calculate in the following the separate fluctuations of the electric and magnetic components of the field which then allows us to find all the vacuum expectation values of the components of the energy-momentum tensor (1). Today these quantum effects could be of relevance for stacks of parallel branes where the electromagnetic field is replaced by one or more of the abelian Ramond-Ramond fields. Any divergent energy density would then have serious implications for the stability of such configurations due to the resulting large gravitational interactions. The electromagnetic field tensor Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ in D = d + 1 spacetime dimensions has d electric components Ei = F0i and d(d − 1)/2 magnetic components B ij = Fij . For the geometry under consideration, the simplest and most natural choice of gauge is the axial gauge nµ Aµ = 0 where the unit D-vector nµ is normal to the plates. Taking this along the z-axis, we thus have Az = 0. The component A0 is no longer a free variable, but depends on the others via the Maxwell equation ∂ i F i0 = 0. It gives A0 = −∆−1 ∂i Ȧi where the operator ∆ = ∂i2 . There are thus D − 2 independent degrees of freedom described by the spatial field components Ai where i 6= z. The full Lagrangian then follows as Z h i 1 dd x Ȧi δij − ∂i ∆−1 ∂j Ȧj − Ai ∂i ∂j − δij ∆ Aj (3) L= 2 after a few partial integrations and neglecting surface terms. In order to quantize the system, we must solve the classical wave equation following from the Lagrangian. For this purpose we impose the boundary condition n µ Fµν = 0 at the plates. This is the same as for the MIT quark bag where it had a physical justification[6]. Here it is just taken for convenience. In the axial gauge it gives ∂ z Ai = 0 at the plates which is the Neumann boundary condition for each physical field component A i (x) = Ai (t; xT , z). We then have the general mode expansion r ∞ Z nπz 2 X dd−1 kT ikT ·xT Ai (t; xT , z) = A (t, k )e cos (4) in T L (2π)d−1 L n=1 p which satisfies the wave equation and the boundary conditions. The factor 2/L is a normalization factor. In the mode sum we have dropped a term with n = 0 since it will not contribute to any physical results after regularization. Quantization can now be done in the standard way. We introduce orthonormal polarization vectors eλ normal to the wavevector kT and a longitudinal polarization vector e L along this 2 direction. The coordinate components A in of the field are then replaced by the polarization components (Aλn , ALn ). After quantization at t = 0 the transverse components can then be written on the standard form as r i 1 h Aλn (kT ) = aλn (kT ) + a†λn (−kT ) (5) 2ωn where ωn2 = k2T + kz2 with kz = πn/L. The creation and annihilation operators now have the standard commutator [aλn (kT ), aλ0 n0 (k0T )] = δλλ0 δnn0 (2π)d−1 δ(kT − k0T ) However, the longitudinal component r h i 1 ωn aLn (kT ) + a†Ln (−kT ) ALn (kT ) = 2ωn kz (6) (7) contains an extra factor when the corresponding creation and annihilation operators have the same canonical commutator (6). The full field operator (4) is then expressed in terms of these new operators corresponding to definite polarization states. The field fluctuations between the two plates can now easily be calculated. As a simple example, consider Ez = −∂z ∆−1 ∂j Ȧj . If we isolate the mode with quantum numbers (n, kT ), we find the operator r r nπz 2 1 (ikj )(−iωn ) ωn ikT ·xT −1 e cos a e + H.c. a e + ∆ ∂j Ȧj = Ln Lj λn λj L 2ωn ωn2 kz L (8) acting on the vacuum state. Here we have used that ∆ gives k 2T + kz2 = ωn2 in momentum space. We see that the transverse modes will not contribute here since they satisfy the orthogonality condition eλ · kT = 0. However, for the longitudinal mode we have instead eL · kT = kT and it will give a non-zero contribution. The derivative ∂ z gives a factor kz and cos(nπz/L) → sin(nπz/L). For this mode alone we thus get the fluctuation h Ez2 i|n,kT = 2 1 2 nπz kT sin2 L 2ωn L (9) Including all the modes, we thus have for the full fluctuation of this electric field component ∞ h Ez2 i = 1X L n=1 Z dd−1 kT kz2 nπz ω − sin2 n (2π)d−1 ωn L (10) when we write kT2 = ωn2 − kz2 . For the other components we similarly find ∞ h Ei2 i = 1X L n=1 Z dd−1 kT kz2 nπz cos2 ωn (d − 2) + ωn L (2π)d−1 3 (11) where there is an implied sum over the transverse index i. The magnetic field fluctuations can be obtained the same way and become ∞ Z 1 X dd−1 kT nπz kz2 2 h Biz i = (d − 2) sin2 (12) ωn + L (2π)d−1 ωn L n=1 ∞ Z 1 X dd−1 kT kz2 nπz 2 h Bi<j i = ωn (d − 2) − (d − 2) cos2 (13) d−1 L ω L (2π) n n=1 when we again sum over the indices i and j. Using now a combination of dimensional and zeta-function regularization as previously used when D = 4[7], we can write the result on the form ∞ Z 1 Γ(D/2) 1 X dd−1 kT 2nπz ωn 1 ± cos (14) ζR (D) ± fD (z/L) =− 2L (2π)d−1 L 2 (4π)D/2 LD n=1 and ∞ 1 X 2L n=1 Z dd−1 kT kz2 (2π)d−1 ωn 2nπz 1 ± cos L 1 Γ(D/2) ζR (D) ± fD (z/L) = −(D − 1) 2 (4π)D/2 LD (15) Here ζR (D) is the Riemann zeta-function while f D (z/L) depends on the distance z from the plates. When the spacetime dimension D is even, it can be written on the compact form d D−1 πD cot θ (D = even) (16) − fD (z/L) = Γ(D) dθ where θ = πz/L. But when D is odd, no such closed expression is easily derived. However, using a different regularization based on the corresponding point-split Green’s functions, one finds in general[8] fD (z/L) = ∞ X j=−∞ 1 = ζH (D, z/L) + ζH (D, 1 − z/L) |j + z/L|D (17) where ζH (D, z/L) is the Hurwitz zeta-function. When D is even, this can be shown to agree with (16). The regularized fluctuations of the electric field normal to the plates thus become (D − 2)Γ(D/2) 1 2 h Ez i = ζR (D) − fD (z/L) 2 (4π)D/2 LD (18) while for the transverse components we find h Ei2 i (D − 2)Γ(D/2) 1 = −2 ζR (D) + fD (z/L) 2 (4π)D/2 LD 4 (19) For the magnetic fluctuations we similarly have 2 h Biz i 1 (D − 2)Γ(D/2) ζR (D) − fD (z/L) = −(D − 2) 2 (4π)D/2 LD (20) (D − 2)Γ(D/2) 1 = (D − 3) ζR (D) + fD (z/L) 2 (4π)D/2 LD (21) and 2 h Bi<j i Notice again that in these expressions we have summed over the transverse indices i and j, each taking D − 2 different values. All these correlators are seen to diverge near the plates z → 0 or z → L where the function f D (z/L) diverges. This is the same phenomenon which has previously been seen in D = 4 dimensions[3]. The pressure betwen the plates due to these fluctuations is defined by P = h T zz i. From 2 − E 2 + L where now (1) we have Tzz = Biz z (D − 2)Γ(D/2) 1 fD (z/L) h Li = − (D − 1) 2 (4π)D/2 LD (22) 2 i from above, the z-dependence from the Together with the values for h Ez2 i and h Biz function fD (z/L) cancels out in the pressure and gives the expected value (2). So far there are no inconsistencies in the obtained results. But when we now calculate the energy density E = h T00 i between the plates, with T00 = Ei2 + Ez2 − L, we obtain E =− (D − 2)Γ(D/2) [ζR (D) − (D/2 − 2)fD (z/L)] (4π)D/2 LD (23) The z-dependence in the last term is non-zero when D > 4 and makes the energy density diverge like z −D with distance z from the plates. As a result, the total energy of the system is infinite, a result which seems to be impossible to reconcile with the finite Casimir force (2). In fact, (2) corresponds to having a constant energy density equal to the first term in (23). This apparent inconsistency has been verified in a different approach based on Green’s function methods[8]. It is tempting to explain this problem by the imposed boundary conditions. We have used the MIT boundary condition which is equivalent to letting the electromagnetic vector potential satisfy Neumann boundary conditions in the axial gauge. Had we instead imposed metallic boundary conditions, equivalent to Dirichlet boundary conditions for the vector potential in the axial gauge, the only change in the above results would be the replacement of the mode functions cos(nπz/L) with sin(nπz/L) in (4) so that f D → −fD in the above results. Needless to say, the problem would remain. Only for periodic boundary conditions, as for finite temperature, would the disturbing term be absent[9]. But this is not necessarily satisfying from a physical point of view. A more mathematical discussion of such divergences near confining boundaries has been initiated by Fulling but here only scalar fields are considered[10]. 5 A physical explanation of the above conumdrum becomes apparent when we take the limit L → ∞ and thus consider the quantum fluctuations around a single plate. From (23) we then find the energy density E1 = (D − 2)(D/2 − 2) Γ(D/2) (4π)D/2 |z|D (24) which is non-zero on both sides of the plate and diverges when we approach it. This situation is analogous to the diverging energy density surrounding a pointlike electron. It is intrinsic to a single plate and should not contribute to the interaction between the plates induced by the same vacuum fluctuations. To see the connection with the Casimir force, we should subtract the self-energy (24) for both plates from the full energy density (23), taking into account both sides of each plate. We thus obtain the interaction energy density for z < 0, (D/2 − 2)(L/(L − z))D Γ(D/2) ˜ ˜D (z/L) for 0 < z < L, × (25) E = −(D − 2) ζ (D) − (D/2 − 2) f R (4π)D/2 LD (D/2 − 2)(L/z)D for z > L, where now f˜D (z/L) = ζH (D, 1 + z/L) + ζH (D, 2 − z/L) (26) It is seen to be finite everywhere, even at the plates. When integrating over the full volume, the z-dependent terms cancels out as follows from Z 1 Z ∞ Z 0 dx dx ˜(x) + − dx f = D D (1 − x) x 0 1 −∞ " # ∞ X 1 2 1 1+ − =0 (27) D−1 (n + 2)D−1 (n + 1)D−1 n=0 Only the z-independent term in (25) contributes and agrees perfectly with the total energy corresponding to the Casimir force. A similar and somewhat simpler system is the Casimir energy induced by a massless scalar field in the same geometry. One will then find a very similar result for the energy density as obtained here[8]. It diverges near the plates for all spacetime dimensions D > 2. Again this can be attributed to a divergent self-energy of each plate. However, when D = 2 there are no such divergences and zero self-energy. But this is also the dimension in which the scalar theory has conformal invariance. In higher dimensions D > 2 it is possible to make the scalar theory retain this invariance by adding a conformal term. The resulting, improved energy-momentum tensor[12] then contains an additional piece discovered by Huggins[13] and makes it traceless. Including the Huggins term, the divergent part of the energy density corresponding to the last term in (23) drops out as s first noticed by de Witt when D = 4[11]. 6 For the electromagnetic field we have used the canonical energy-momentum tensor (1) which has the trace T µµ = (4 − D)L. It is zero for D = 4 which reflects the well-known fact that Maxwell theory is then conformally invariant. There are then no diverences in the Casimir energy. Thus it is natural to relate the apparent inconsistency in the electromagnetic Casimir energy when D > 4 to the lack of conformal invariance. It does not seem to be possible to construct an improved energy-momentum tensor in this case because gauge invariance forbids the existence of any corresponding local Huggins term. From this point of view the divergent, electromagnetic self-energy can therefore not be removed. For this to be done, one needs a more realistic description of the boundary plates along the lines considered by others[4]. This work has been supported by the grants NFR 159637/V30 and NFR 151574/V30 from the Research Council of Norway. References [1] H.B.G. Casimir, Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet. 51, 793 (1948). [2] L.S. Brown and G.J. Maclay, Phys. Rev. 184, 1272 (1969). [3] C.A. Lütken and F. Ravndal, Phys. Rev. A31, 2082 (1985). [4] K.A. Milton, J. Phys. A37, R209 (2004); N. Graham, R.L. Jaffe, V. Khemani, M. Quandt, O. Schröder and H. Weigel, Nucl. Phys. B677, 379 (2004); K.A. Milton, I. Cavero-Pelaèz and J. Wagner, J. Phys. A39, 6543 (2006). [5] J. Ambjörn and S. Wolfram, Ann. Phys. N.Y. 147, 1 (1983). [6] A. 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For the minimally coupled system the equations can either be solved directly or by transforming vacuum solutions, as shown before in 3 + 1 dimensions by Buchdahl. In d + 1 dimensions the solutions have been previously found directly by Xanthopoulos and Zannias. Here we first rederive these earlier results, and then extend Buchdahl’s method of transforming vacuum solutions to d + 1 dimensions. We also review the conformal coupling case, in which d + 1 dimensional solutions can be found by extending Bekenstein’s method of conformal transformation of the minimal coupling solution. Combining the extended versions of Buchdahl transformations and Bekenstein transformations we can in arbitrary dimensions always generate solutions of both the minimal and the conformal equations from known vacuum solutions. 1. Introduction Theories in which gravity couples to a scalar field are common in extra-dimensional problems. A few examples are Kaluza-Klein, Jordan and Brans-Dicke theories, as well as string theory in general. Consequently, the corresponding Einstein equations have been studied extensively for the last sixty years, with particular emphasis on searching for black hole solutions. Minimally coupled scalar fields in 3 + 1 dimensions were first studied by Fisher [1] in 1948, and later by Bergmann and Leipnik [2] and by Janis, Newman and Winicour [3]. These were all solving the equations directly. However, in 1959 Buchdahl showed that it is always possible to generate a solution for the minimal coupling case by means of a particular transformation [4] of a vacuum solution metric. The problem was later revisited by Janis, Robinson and Winicour [5], who also included electromagnetism in their solutions. The extension from 3 + 1 dimensions to d + 1 dimensions was first done by Xanthopoulos and Zannias [6], using a direct solution technique. In the present paper we generalize Buchdahl’s transformation method to arbitrary dimensions to solve the same problem. Solutions of the conformally coupled equations in 3 + 1 dimensions were first found by Bocharova, Bronnikov and Melnikov in 1970 [7], using a direct approach. However, these results were published in a Russian journal, and did therefore not get the attention of physicists in the western world. As a result, the solutions were re-discovered independently by Bekenstein [8] in 1974, using a conformal transformation method. These solutions included a black hole-like solution [9], known as the BBMB (Bocharova–Bronnikov–Melnikov–Bekenstein) black hole. The first direct solution in the West was found by Frøyland [10] in 1982, who demonstrated that the metric coincides with the extremal Reissner-Nordström solution. In a later work, Xanthopoulos and Zannias [11] further showed that the BBMB solution is unique. Again, the extension to d + 1 dimension was also done by Xanthopoulos, this time together with Dialynas [12]. They found solutions for the conformally coupled case by extending Bekenstein’s method of transforming minimal solutions. They also demonstrated that the BBMB black hole only exists in 3 + 1 dimensions. These issues have been investigated in collaboration with Tangen [13]. One goal of this investigation was to extend Buchdahl’s and Bekenstein’s methods of generating solutions by conformal transformations to spacetimes with extra dimensions. However, during the course of the project, we found that most results had already been obtained by others. We will here give a pedagogical introduction to the field based on the more formal approach of Tangen. In particular, we will show how the Buchdahl transformation can be extended to arbitrary dimensions. 2. Gravity coupled to a scalar field In D = d + 1 dimensions the theory of gravity coupled to a free scalar field is described by the action Z √ 1 R − ξRφ2 − g µν φ,µ φ,ν S = dD x −g (1) 2 We work in natural units where c = 1 = M D , MD being the D-dimensional reduced Planck mass. For instance, in four spacetime dimensions we have M 4−2 = 8πG3 = 1. Putting the parameter ξ to zero gives us the common case where the scalar field is minimally coupled to gravity, while keeping ξ non-zero allows for more general couplings. In this paper we will also be interested in the conformal coupling case defined by ξ = d−1 4d . Varying the action with respect to φ gives the equation of motion for the scalar field 2 φ − ξRφ = 0 (2) while varying with respect to the metric g µν gives the Einstein equations (1 − ξφ2 )Eµν = Tµνφ + ∆Tµνφ (3) Here Tµνφ is the ordinary scalar field energy-momentum tensor for the minimal coupling (ξ = 0) case 1 Tµνφ = φ,µ φ,ν − gµν φ,α φ,α (4) 2 and ∆Tµνφ is the Huggins term [14] coming from the extra term ξRφ 2 in the Lagrangian [15] ∆Tµνφ = ξ gµν 2 (φ2 ) − (φ2 );µν (5) To summarize, the total energy-momentum tensor is given by 1 Tµν = φ,µ φ,ν − gµν φ;α φ;α + ξ gµν 2 (φ2 ) − (φ2 );µν + ξφ2 Eµν 2 (6) Only for ξ = d−1 4d will Tµν be traceless and the theory will be conformally invariant. By contracting equation (3) we see that in this case also the Ricci scalar vanishes, R = 0. Taking the trace of equation (4), we notice that only in 1 + 1 dimensions is a minimally coupled scalar field conformally invariant. 2.1. Statical, spherical symmetric solutions We are searching for black hole-like solutions and are only interested in static and spherical symmetrical solutions. The most general static and spherical symmetric metric in d + 1 dimensions can be written ds2 = −e2α(r) dt2 + e2β(r) dr 2 + e2γ(r) r 2 dΩd2 (7) where α, β and γ are unknown functions of the radial coordinate r, and dΩ 2d is the solid angle element in d − 1 dimensions. Putting γ = 1 gives us Schwarzschild coordinates in which the equations of motion often take the simplest form. In our case the solutions can often not be explicitly written down in Schwarzschild coordinates and it is better to work in isotropic coordinates, defined by β(r) = γ(r). In Schwarzschild coordinates the Einstein tensor has the independent components e2β−2α Ett = Err = (d − 1) 0 (d − 2)(d − 1) 2β (e − 1) β + r 2r 2 (d − 1) 0 (d − 2)(d − 1) 2β (e − 1) α − r 2r 2 (8) (9) The scalar field configuration must also be static and spherically symmetric, so φ ,µ can only have one non-zero component, φ,r ≡ φ0 . Using this when calculating the energy-momentum tensor we find for the minimal case 1 e2β−2α Tttφ = Trrφ = φ02 (10) 2 and for the Huggins term φ 2β−2α 00 0 d−1 02 0 e ∆Ttt = −2ξ φφ + φφ (11) −β +φ r d−1 ∆Trrφ = 2ξφφ0 (12) + α0 r We also find the following expression for the D’Alambertian operator h d−1 i 2 = e−2β ∂r2 + (α0 − β 0 + )∂r r (13) Rtt = e−2α 2 α (14) Using this we get the following simple expression for the first component of the Ricci tensor while the Ricci scalar may be written R = −22 α + i0 d − 1 h d−2 −2β 1 − e r r d−1 (15) 3. Minimal coupling 3.1. Fundamental equations Putting ξ = 0 gives us the minimal coupling case. Equation (2) then reduces to 2 φ = 0, and using equation (13) we obtain the equation of motion for φ, φ00 = −(α0 − β 0 + d−1 0 )φ r (16) For a non-constant scalar field this can easily be integrated to give φ0 = Ce−α+β r −(d−1) (17) where C is a constant of integration. We further notice from (14) that R tt = 0 gives us 2 α = 0 so for both α and φ non-zero we have α0 = Kφ0 (18) for some constant K. When using (8-9) and (10) the Einstein equations can be simplified to e2β − 1 = φ0 2 = r α0 − β 0 d−2 d−1 0 α + β0 r (19) (20) Using equation (18) to substitute for φ 0 , and then eliminating β and β 0 from equations (17), (19) and (20) we are left with a first-order differential equation for α. But this can not be explicitly solved to find α, indicating that the general solution of the minimally coupled equations can not be explicitly written i Schwarzschild coordinates. We can however look at two special cases. First we notice that for constant φ equation (20) imply α 0 + β 0 = 0. Then equation (19) can be rewritten as h i0 r d−2 1 − e−2β =0 (21) which may be integrated explicitly, and we end up with the trivial Schwarzschild vacuum solution for the metric [16] in d + 1 dimensions [17] Bs Bs −1 2 2 2 ds = − 1 − d−2 dt + 1 − d−2 dr + r 2 dΩd2 (22) r r were the integration constant Bs is canonically normalized to give Newtonian gravity in the Gd M large r limit, Bs = 2(d−2) with Gd being the d-dimensional Newtonian gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the black hole. Second, for the special case α = 0, equation (19) can be rewritten as i0 h =0 (23) r 2(d−2) 1 − e−2β giving e−2β = 1 − C0 (24) r 2(d−2) Inserting this into (20) we see that for φ 02 to be positive, the integration constant C 0 has to be negative. We put C 0 = −A2 and integrate φ0 to get ! r r d−1 A2 A φ=± (25) 1 + 2(d−2) − d−2 + C 00 ln d−2 r r Since we want φ to go to zero for large r when the metric approaches flat Minkowski space we choose the integration constant C 00 = 0. Our final solution thus reads −1 A2 2 2 ds = −dt + 1 + 2(d−2) dr 2 + r 2 dΩd2 (26) r ! r r A2 A d−1 1 + 2(d−2) − d−2 ln (27) φ = ± d−2 r r Xanthopoulos and Zannias [6] found a general two-parameter solution in arbitrary dimensions by solving the equations of motion in isotropic coordinates. This solution may be written as # 2 " #2a #− 2a " 2(d−2) d−2 d−2 d−2 − r d−2 d−2 − r d−2 r r r 2 0 0 0 dr 2 + r 2 dΩd2 (28) dt + 1 − ds2 = − d−2 d−2 2(d−2) r r d−2 + r0 r d−2 + r0 r d−1 r d−2 − r0d−2 φ = (29) (1 − a2 ) ln d−2 r d−2 + r0d−2 " where r0 and a are arbitrary constants. The parameter a can run between 0 and 1, and a = 1 corresponds to the Schwarzschild metric (22) plus a constant scalar field solution. a = 0 gives the upper sign version of (26-27). As showed by Xanthopoulos and Zannias this latter solution is a naked singularity, and no value of a yields a black hole solution [6]. 3.2. Buchdahl transformations We will now show that for a given solution of the d+1 dimensional Einstein equations in vacuum, one can always generate a solution of the same equations minimally coupled to a scalar field. In 3+1 dimensions this was first shown by Buchdahl [4] and later by Janis, Robinson and Winicour [5]. For the general d + 1 dimensional case see Tangen [13]. For a metric on the form i i ds2 = −e2V (x ) dt2 + e−2V (x ) ĥij xi xj (30) ĥij being a d-dimensional spatial metric and V is a function of spatial coordinates only, the Ricci tensor reads i h 2 ˆ V − (d − 3)V,i V ,i = e2V 2 V (31) R00 = e4V i h 2 ˆ V − (d − 3)V,i V ,i (32) Rij = R̂ij + (d − 3)Vˆ;ij + (d − 5)V,i V,j + ĥij The hat denotes quantities derived using the metric ĥij which also is used to raise indexes. If the metric (30) is a solution of the Einstein equations in vacuum we must have R µν = 0, which implies ˆ 2 V − (d − 3)V,i V ,i = 0 R̂ij + (d − 3)Vˆ;ij + (d − 5)V,i V,j = 0 (33) (34) We now introduce a new metric i i ds̄2 = −e2U (x ) dt2 + e−2U (x ) h̃ij xi xj (35) where again U is a function of spatial coordinates only, and the spatial metric h̃ij is conformal to the spatial vacuum metric ĥij . We want our metric (35) to be a solution of the minimally coupled equations. For this metric the Einstein equations for gravity minimally coupled to a static scalar field, R̄µν = φ,µ φ,ν , reads ˜ 2 U − (d − 3)U,i U ,i = 0 R̃ij + (d − 3)U˜;ij + (d − 5)U,i U,j = φ,i φ,j (36) (37) while we have the equation of motion for the scalar field φ h 2 i ˜ φ − (d − 3)φ,i U ,i 2 φ̄ = 0 = e2U (38) Since the Ricci tensor in d dimensions transforms as 2 ˜ Ω R̂µν = R̃µν − (d − 2)Ω−1 Ω˜;µν − Ω−1 h̃µν + 2(d − 2)Ω−2 Ω,µ Ω,ν − (d − 3)Ω−2 h̃µν Ω,α Ω,α (39) under a Weyl transformation ĥij = Ω2 h̃ij of the metric, we find that when setting U = aV ĥij 2 (40) 2 d−3 d−2 1−a U a = Ω h̃ij = e h̃ij r d − 1 1 − a2 U φ = ± d − 2 a2 (41) (42) the equations (33-34) are transformed into (36-37). The equation of motion for φ (38) is also fulfilled. We see from (42) that a necessary constraint is a 2 ≤ 1. In conclusion, given a vacuum solution of the Einstein equations on the form (30), we can always find a solution of the Einstein equations for a minimally coupled scalar field given by ds2 = −e2V a dt2 + e−2V b h̃ij xi xj r d−1 φ = ± (1 − a2 )V d−2 where a is an arbitrary constant and b = a+d−3 d−2 . We adopt the higher-dimensional Schwarzschild solution (22) written in the form ds2 = −e2V dt2 + e−2V dr 2 + e2V r 2 dΩd2 where eV = r 1− B r d−2 (43) (44) (45) (46) as our vacuum solution. Using the above transformation, we end up with the following twoparameter set of solutions a+d−3 ds2 = −e2V a dt2 + e−2V d−2 dr 2 + e2V r 2 dΩd2 r 1 d−1 B 2 φ = ± (1 − a ) ln 1 − d−2 2 d−2 r (47) (48) Renaming the constant B = 4r0d−2 and making the coordinate transformation to isotropic coordinates 2 d−2 r → r r d−2 − r0d−2 (49) we see when choosing the upper sign in (48) that these are exactly the same solutions as those found by Xanthopoulos and Zannias [6]. 4. Conformal coupling 4.1. Fundamental equations We now consider the case ξ = d−1 4d for which the system is conformally invariant. Since T µν , Eµν and Rµν are traceless in a conformal theory, equation (2) still reduces to 2 φ = 0 and the Einstein equations in Schwarzschild coordinates can be written φ0 2 φφ0 α0 + = 1− d(d − 1) d φφ0 φ0 2 d−1 0 + α + = 1− (d − 1) d r i d − 1 2 h 2 0 d − 2 2β φ β + 2 (e − 1) 4d r r i h d − 1 2 2 0 d − 2 2β φ α − 2 (e − 1) 4d r r (50) (51) Further, since 2 φ = 0, equations (16) and (17) are still valid. When trying to solve the above equations, it is tempting to choose α 0 + β 0 = 0. Then we get from adding (50) and (51) d+1 0 2 φφ00 = (φ ) (52) d−1 with solution A φ= (53) d−1 (r − B) 2 where A and B are constants. Combining with the φ-equation (17) which for the case α 0 +β 0 = 0 reads φ0 = Ce−2α r −(d−1) (54) we can solve for e2α and find d−3 B d+1 2 r− 2 e2α = e−2β = 1 − r (55) Here we have chosen the integration constant C in (54) such that the metric approaches Minkowski for large r. But only for d = 3 dimensions is this a solution of the Einstein equations 2 (50) and (51). In 3 + 1 dimensions we find A 2 = Bξ = 6B 2 and the metric given by (55) reduces to the d = 3 version of the extremal Reissner-Nordström metric[18, 19][17] B 2 2 B −2 2 ds = − 1 − d−2 dt + 1 − d−2 dr + r 2 dΩd2 r r 2 (56) The corresponding scalar field solution is φ= √ B 6 r−B (57) To get canonical normalization we must put B = B s /2. For d 6= 3 the d+1-dimensional extremal Reissner-Nordström metric is not a solution of the combined gravity and scalar field equations. In this case there are no solutions having α 0 + β 0 = 0. 4.2. Bekenstein transformations Introducing a new metric g̃µν in the form of the following conformal transformation of the old metric gµν p 4 (58) g̃µν = cosh d−1 ( ξφ) gµν together with a redefinition of the scalar field p 1 ψ = √ tanh( ξφ) ξ (59) brings us from the minimal coupling case of the Einstein plus scalar field equations in the old metric gµν Eµν (g) = Tµνφ (g) 2 φ = 0 (60) (61) to the conformal coupling case of the same equations for the new metric g̃ µν (1 − ξψ 2 )Eµν (g̃) = Tµνψ (g̃) + ∆Tµνψ (g̃) 2 ˜ ψ = 0 = R (62) (63) Here we use the fact that the minimal scalar field energy-momentum tensor (4) does not change under a conformal transformation like (58) Tµνφ (g̃) = Tµνφ (g) (64) and that the Einstein tensor under a conformal transformation g̃ µν = Ω2 gµν in D dimensions change like h i Ẽµν = Eµν + (D − 2)Ω−1 gµν 2 Ω − Ω;µν 1 + 2(D − 2)Ω−2 Ω,µ Ω,ν + (D − 2)(D − 5)Ω−2 gµν Ω,α Ω,α 2 The result is the same if we instead of transformations (58-59) use p 4 g̃µν = sinh d−1 ( ξφ) gµν p 1 ψ = √ coth( ξφ) ξ (65) (66) (67) The latter correspond to 1 − ξψ 2 being negative while the first transformations (58-59) is used for positive 1−ξψ 2 . The transformations (58-59) and (66-67) were first found in 3+1 dimensions by Bekenstein [8]. Maeda [20] showed very generally that Lagrangians with arbitrary couplings between φ and R in arbitrary dimensions can always be transformed to a minimally coupled Einstein Frame theory by means of a conformal transformation. The specific extension of equations (58-59) and (66-67) to arbitrary dimensions was done by Xanthopoulos and Dialynas [12]. We now take as our minimal solution the solution (46-48) found in section 3.2 which we write like ds2 = −e2V a dt2 + e−2V b dr 2 + e2V (1−b) r 2 dΩd2 r d−1 φ = ± (1 − a2 )V d−2 (68) (69) Performing the transformations (58-59) we arrive at a two-parameter solution of the conformal equations 2V c 4 i e + e−2V c d−1 h 2V a 2 2 ds = −e dt + e−2V b dr 2 + e2V (1−b) r 2 dΩ2 (70) 2 p e4V c − 1 ξψ = tanh(±2V c) = ± 4V c (71) e +1 where the constant c is given by d−1 c= 4 s 1 − a2 d(d − 2) (72) The conformal solution (70-71) has the same two parameters a and B as the minimal solution (46-48). V is still given by (46) and we still have b = a+d−3 d−2 . 1 Choosing now the particular solution given by c = 14 , corresponding to a = d−1 and b = d−2 d−1 , the metric (70) simplifies to 2 ds = eV + 1 2 4 d−1 −dt2 + e−2V dr 2 + r 2 dΩ2 (73) In order to write this particular solution in Schwarzschild coordinates, we introduce a new radial coordinate R given by 2 q d−1 B 1 + 1 − rd−2 R= r (74) 2 Then the metric (73) can be written as 2 ds = − R r(R) 2 2 dt + 2 d−1 R r(R) d−1 2 d−3 + d−1 !−2 dR2 + R2 dΩ2 (75) where r(R) is given implicitly from (74). When choosing the lower sign in (71) the scalar field φ now takes the form d−1 p r(R) 2 −1 (76) ξψ = R Only in d = 3 dimensions can (74) be solved explicitly to give 1 1 B = 1− r R 4R (77) so that we can write (75) and (76) in Schwarzchild coordinates B 2 2 B −2 ds = − 1 − dt + 1 − dR2 + R2 dΩ2 4R 4R √ B/4 ψ = 6 R − B/4 2 (78) (79) which is the same BBMB solution with the extremal Reissner-Nordström metric as we found in last section (56-57). As demonstrated by Xanthopoulos and Zannias [6] and Xanthopoulos and Dialynas [12], this is the only known black hole solution for gravity coupled to scalar fields except for the trivial solutions where φ is constant and the metric is a vacuum black hole. The BBMB solution has been extensively studied by for instance Zannias [21] who has shown it not to have a continuous new parameter, and therefore not to contradict the no scalar hair-theorem [22][23][24]. For an overview see [25]. 5. Conclusions Given a vacuum solution of the Einstein equations, solutions of the equations for gravity coupled either minimally or conformally to a massless scalar field can be generated in arbitrary spacetime dimensions. To obtain a minimal solution we perform a generalized Buchdahl transformation on our vacuum metric. To obtain a conformal solution we perform a generalized Bekenstein transformation on this minimal solution. In the search for static and spherical symmetric black hole-like solutions we choose the Schwarzschild black hole as our seeding metric. This gives us both Xanthopoulos and Zannias’ minimal solutions and Xanthopoulos and Dialynas’ conformal solutions. It is known that only in 3 + 1 dimensions do these solutions include a black hole, namely the BBMB black hole where the metric is the extremal Reissner-Nordström metric. This makes us wonder what is special with the four-dimensional spacetime we normally call home. 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