PHYSICS OF FLUIDS VOLUME 15, NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 2003 Mean drift induced by free and forced dilational waves Jan Erik Webera) and Kai Haakon Christensenb) Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1022, Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway 共Received 20 March 2003; accepted 3 September 2003; published 29 October 2003兲 The mean drift velocity induced by longitudinal dilational waves in an elastic film is studied theoretically on the basis of a Lagrangian description of motion. The film is horizontal and situated at the interface between two viscous fluids. For time-damped dilational waves we let the film 共i兲 move freely with the mean fluid velocity at the interface, and 共ii兲 be kept fixed, i.e., having no mean motion. In the latter case the mean Lagrangian drift velocity in both fluids becomes oppositely directed to the wave propagation direction after a very short time. This is due to the fact that a fixed film initially generates a strong source of negative Eulerian second order mean momentum at the interface. This effect becomes even more pronounced when we consider forced dilational waves in a fixed film. Now a suitably arranged shear stress in the upper fluid prevents wave amplitude decay in the film. Accordingly, the negative mean Eulerian momentum at the interface becomes independent of time, and the backward drift will propagate deeper and deeper into the lower fluid. For a no-slip bottom at finite depth we may have a stationary drift solution with negative Lagrangian drift velocity everywhere in the fluid. © 2003 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1621867兴 I. INTRODUCTION parable to the wave period. Since such waves very rapidly lose their initial mean wave momentum, they are bound to induce strong mean Eulerian currents in the fluid. It is the aim of the present paper to study the development of such currents in a two-layer system subject to various conditions at the film-covered interface. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we formulate the problem mathematically, and in Sec. III we calculate the primary wave field for a two-layer system. We also consider the energy balance for dilational waves in this section, showing that the energy flux is negligible. Some general properties of nonlinear, time-damped dilational waves are discussed in Sec. IV, which also contains explicit expressions for the nonlinear mean drift when the film is free to move, and when it is fixed in a mean sense. An analysis of the nonlinear problem when an external stress is applied to prevent the primary wave field from decaying in time is given in Sec. V. The waves in this case are referred to as forced dilational waves. Finally, Sec. VI contains a summary and some concluding remarks. Thin elastic films on the sea surface lead to an increased damping of short capillary-gravity waves, as first explained by Dorrestein,1 and they affect the generation of short waves by the wind, e.g., Gottifredi and Jameson,2 Saetra.3 Such films also influence the nonlinear mean drift induced by capillary-gravity waves, as shown by Weber and Saetra.4 The key issue here is the existence of longitudinal elastic waves, or dilational waves, in the film. Sometimes these waves are referred to as Marangoni waves.5 As far as pure damping is concerned, maximum damping rate for transverse capillarygravity waves is obtained when the surface wave frequency nearly coincides with the so-called Marangoni frequency.1,6 Nonlinearly, the existence of an elastic surface film alters the virtual wave stress at the surface. This stress acts to redistribute the lost mean wave momentum due to damping as a mean Eulerian current in the fluid.4,7 The works referred to so far have all been concerned with the influence of an elastic film on various properties of transverse capillary-gravity waves. However, also studies of purely longitudinal elastic waves have been reported in the literature. These investigations have basically been designed to study the properties of surface films, e.g., Mass and Milgram.8 The dilational wave itself is a fascinating phenomenon. Its characteristics are very different from those usually seen for waves in geophysics, like ocean swell, which is only weakly influenced by friction, and therefore can propagate over long distances with only minor changes in wave amplitude. The dilational wave is nearly critically damped, which means that its amplitude decays on a time scale that is com- II. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION In the present problem we have two homogeneous, incompressible viscous fluid layers separated by a horizontal monomolecular layer of surfactant. We consider purely longitudinal elastic waves in the film. Such waves are referred to as dilational waves. If the upper fluid has much smaller density and dynamic viscosity than the lower fluid, which is the case for air above water, the effect of the upper fluid can be neglected as far as the damping characteristics of the dilational wave is concerned.9 For a slightly lighter, but much more viscous fluid on top, this fluid will dominate the damping and the nonlinear transfer of mean momentum from waves to currents. The thickness of the layers is assumed to a兲 Electronic mail: Electronic mail: b兲 1070-6631/2003/15(12)/3703/7/$20.00 3703 © 2003 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 29 Oct 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 3704 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2003 J. E. Weber and K. H. Christensen be much larger than the wavelength of the problem, and the horizontal extent is unlimited. A Cartesian coordinate system is chosen such that the x axis is aligned along the film, and the z axis is positive upwards. The motion in both layers is taken to be two-dimensional. We will use a Lagrangian description of motion for this problem, e.g., Lamb.10 This description yields directly the particle drift associated with the wave motion 共the wave drift兲; see Weber and Saetra4 for a related problem. For twodimensional motion we label each fluid particle with specific coordinates 共a,c兲. The particle displacement 共x,z兲 and the pressure p then become functions of the independent variables a, c, and time t. Denoting partial differentiation by subscripts, the particle velocity and acceleration become (x t ,z t ) and (x tt ,z tt ), respectively. The transformation from Eulerian space derivatives of any function f to Lagrangian derivatives are governed by f x ⫽( f a z c ⫺ f c z a )/(x a z c ⫺x c z a ) and f z ⫽(x a f c ⫺x c f a )/(x a z c ⫺x c z a ), respectively. We here take 共a,c兲 to be the initial position of the fluid particle. Strictly speaking, this is only true in an average sense for this problem. However, this fact does not influence the mean wave drift to second order in wave amplitude, e.g., Weber.11 The time scale of the present problem is so short that the effect of the earth’s rotation can safely be neglected. The equations for the conservation of momentum and volume for a viscous incompressible fluid can then be written x tt ⫽⫺ ⫺1 J 共 p,z 兲 ⫹ v 兵 J 共 J 共 x t ,z 兲 ,z 兲 ⫹J 共 x,J 共 x,x t 兲兲 其 , 共1兲 z tt ⫽⫺ ⫺1 J 共 x, p 兲 ⫺g⫹ v 兵 J 共 J 共 z t ,z 兲 ,z 兲 ⫹J 共 x,J 共 x,z t 兲兲 其 , 共2兲 J 共 x,z 兲 ⫽1, 共3兲 where is the constant density, v is the kinematic viscosity, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Furthermore, J is the Jacobian defined by J( f ,h)⬅ f a h c ⫺ f c h a . Equations 共1兲–共3兲 have been derived in detail by Pierson,12 using a different notation, and have also been stated in their present form by Weber and Saetra.4 In a Lagrangian formulation the position of the film covered interface is given by c⫽0 for all times. At the interface we have a surfactant with concentration ⌫. We here consider an insoluble film, i.e., there is no exchange of material between the film and the bulk of the bounding fluids. Conservation of film material4 leads to, when the film is horizontal: x a ⫽⌫ 0 /⌫, c⫽0, 共4兲 where ⌫ 0 is the concentration equilibrium value. We assume that the surface tension T and the concentration ⌫ are homotrophic, i.e., T⬅T 共 ⌫ 兲 . 共5兲 It appears that a real surface dilational modulus quite accurately predicts the dynamic behavior of surface films.8 The surface dilational modulus E is defined by E⫽⫺ dT , d 共 ln ⌫ 兲 共6兲 and we take 共the real兲 E to be the only rheological parameter of our problem. We assume that E is constant, which means that ⌫ is close to its equilibrium value ⌫ 0 . We introduce the superscript ( ˆ ) to distinguish the variables of the upper layer from those of the lower layer. For a freely floating horizontal film with negligible mass, the viscous stress ˆ from the upper fluid must balance the viscous stress in the lower fluid plus the stress due to the horizontal change in surface tension of the film. As far as the vertical stress at the interface is concerned, the assumption of a horizontal film means that the film must be rigid enough to withstand the normal stresses on both sides. Applying 共4兲–共6兲, the dynamic boundary condition at the interface can be written in Lagrangian form as ˆ ⫽ v J 共 x,x t 兲 ⫺E x aa x 2a , c⫽0. 共7兲 In addition, the fluid velocities must both be equal to the film velocity at the interface, i.e., x̂ t ⫽x t ⫽ 共 x t 兲 film , c⫽0. 共8兲 Far away from the interface in the vertical direction, we assume that all our variables vanish. When the surface film supports dilational waves, but is prevented from having a mean horizontal drift, as in some laboratory experiments,8 共8兲 leads to a no-slip condition for the mean Lagrangian velocity. Then an external mean stress must be added to 共7兲, i.e., the force that must be applied to prevent the film from sliding along the x axis. Since the flow field in this case is determined by the no-slip condition, this force can in turn be calculated from the extended version of 共7兲. The dependent variables of the problem will be written as series expansions after an ordering parameter , e.g., Pierson12 共 x,z,p 兲 ⫽ 共 a,c,⫺ gc 兲 ⫹ 共 x 共 1 兲 ,z 共 1 兲 ,p 共 1 兲 兲 ⫹ 2 共 x 共 2 兲 ,z 共 2 兲 ,p 共 2 兲 兲 ⫹¯ , 共 x̂,ẑ,p̂ 兲 ⫽ 共 a,c,⫺ ˆ gc 兲 ⫹ 共 x̂ 共 1 兲 ,ẑ 共 1 兲 ,p̂ 共 1 兲 兲 ⫹ 2 共 x̂ 共 2 兲 ,ẑ 共 2 兲 ,p̂ 共 2 兲 兲 ⫹¯ . 共9兲 Here g is the acceleration due to gravity. The appropriate form of the expansion parameter will be assessed later on. III. THE PRIMARY WAVE FIELD By inserting 共9兲 into the governing equations, and equating equal powers of , we get systems of partial differential equations to solve at each order. The solution to O() determines the linear wave motion, or the primary wave, while the averaged solution to O( 2 ) yields the nonlinear Lagrangian mean drift. The primary wave solution may be obtained by separating the wave field into an irrotational part and a rotational part.10 The procedure is quite simple, and we just give the results. A similar, linear Eulerian analysis of this problem has been performed by Lucassen-Reynders and Lucassen.9 The Downloaded 29 Oct 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Phys. Fluids, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2003 Mean drift induced by free and forced dilational waves explicit form of the primary wave field is needed for the calculation of the nonlinear mean solution, and we state it here mainly for that reason. We consider a complex Fourier wave component proportional to exp(ia⫹nt), where i is the imaginary unit, is the complex wave number in the x direction, and n is the complex time decay rate. The normalized solution in the lower layer can then be written as x 共 1 兲 ⫽⫺ z 共 1 兲 ⫽⫺ 冋 册 i c m mc i a⫹nt e ⫺ e e , n 共10兲 c mc i a⫹nt , 关 e ⫺e 兴 e n 共11兲 p 共 1 兲 ⫽ 关共 n 2 ⫹g 兲 e c ⫺g e mc 兴 e i a⫹nt , n 共12兲 where n m 2⫽ 2⫹ . v 共13兲 x̂ 共1兲 冋 册 i Q ⫺ c m̂ ⫺m̂c i a⫹nt ⫽⫺ e ⫺ e e , n ẑ 共 1 兲 ⫽ 共14兲 Q ⫺ c ⫺m̂c i a⫹nt ⫺e , 关e 兴e n 共15兲 ˆ Q 关共 n 2 ⫺g 兲 e ⫺ c ⫹g e ⫺m̂c 兴 e i a⫹nt , n 共16兲 p̂ 共 1 兲 ⫽ where n m̂ 2 ⫽ 2 ⫹ . v̂ 共17兲 In the solutions above we have assumed that the real parts of m and m̂ are positive. The requirement 共8兲 that the horizontal velocity must be continuous across the film yields for the coefficient Q in the upper fluid solution m⫺ . Q⫽ m̂⫺ 共18兲 共19兲 c⫽0. Inserting from 共10兲 and 共14兲 into 共19兲, we obtain ⫺ ˆ v̂ Q 共 m̂ 2 ⫺ 2 兲 ⫽ v共 m 2 ⫺ 2 兲 ⫹ E2 共 m⫺ 兲 . n 共20兲 Using 共13兲, 共17兲, 共18兲, and rearranging, we find the dispersion relation9 from 共20兲 冋 n 2 1⫹ 册 n ⫽ 3 冋 册 E2 * 4, ˆ 共 m⫺ 兲 ⫽⫺ 2 共 m⫺ 兲 E , * 共 m̂⫺ 兲 共22兲 A 2v where A⬅1⫹ 冉冊 ˆ v̂ v 1/2 共23兲 . We note that the coefficient A expresses the effect of the upper fluid in the complex dispersion relation 共22兲. For air and water, A is very close to one, which means that presence of air above the film is negligible as far as the propagation and damping of the dilational wave in the model studied here is concerned. It is easily seen from 共22兲 that temporally damped waves and spatially damped waves have different phase speeds. For temporal damping we take n⫽⫺i ⫺  , 共24兲 where and  are the real frequency and the real damping rate, respectively, and k is a real wave number. One then obtains from 共22兲 that ⫽ 冉 冊 3 1/2 E 2 * 2 A 2v 共21兲 where we have defined E ⫽E/ . For this problem we as* sume that 兩 m 兩 Ⰷ 兩 兩 , and 兩 m̂ 兩 Ⰷ 兩 兩 . The physical implications 1/3 k 4/3,  ⫽3 ⫺1/2 , 共25兲 6 e.g., Dysthe and Rabin for A⫽1. We notice that the wave here is nearly critically damped, since the damping rate is comparable to the wave frequency. For spatial damping we take n⫽⫺i , ⫽k⫹i ␣ , 共26兲 k⬎0, where ␣ is the real spatial attenuation coefficient. In this case we find ⫽ 共 8 共 3⫺8 1/2兲兲 1/3 ␣ ⫽ 共 2 1/2⫺1 兲 k, To O() we obtain from 共7兲 ˆ v̂ x̂ 共tc1 兲 ⫽ v x 共tc1 兲 ⫺Ex 共aa1 兲 , of these assumptions will be discussed later on. From 共13兲 and 共17兲 we now let m⬇(n/ v ) 1/2 and m̂⬇(n/ v̂ ) 1/2. Then 共21兲 reduces to ⫽k, In the upper fluid the corresponding solution becomes 3705 冉 冊 E2 * 2 A v 1/3 k 4/3, 共27兲 see Lucassen5 for A⫽1. Hence the phase speed C⫽ /k is different for the two cases. This also means that the group velocity C g ⫽d /dk is not well defined for this problem. This is in contrast to weakly damped capillary-gravity waves, where the real part of the dispersion relation is the same for both cases of damping, and where  ⫽C g ␣ , as shown by Gaster.13 These findings merit a short discussion concerning the energy transfer in dilational waves. It is well known that the group velocity is related to the transfer of wave energy in free nondamped, or weakly damped waves. Since the wave energy is a second-order quantity in wave amplitude, we need only consider the linear solutions in this discussion. To simplify, we neglect the presence of the upper fluid. We mul- Downloaded 29 Oct 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 3706 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2003 J. E. Weber and K. H. Christensen tiply the linear horizontal and vertical momentum equations and z (1) from 共1兲 and 共2兲 by the real parts of x (1) t t , respectively. By integrating in the vertical, and assuming that (1) 兩 x (1) t 兩 Ⰷ 兩 z t 兩 , 兩 / c 兩 Ⰷ 兩 / a 兩 , we readily find t 冕 1 共1兲 2 共 x t 兲 dc⫹ 2 a ⫺⬁ 0 ⫽E 共 x 共aa1 兲 x 共t 1 兲 兲 c⫽0 ⫺ v * 冕 冕 1 共1兲 共1兲 共 p x t 兲 dc ⫺⬁ 0 0 ⫺⬁ 共 x 共tc1 兲 兲 2 dc. 共28兲 IV. THE NONLINEAR WAVE DRIFT A. Freely drifting film In the following we consider temporally damped waves. Then 共24兲 applies to our problem. From 共13兲 and 共17兲 we obtain for the real and imaginary parts of m and m̂, respectively, m r ⫽3 ⫺1/4␥ , m i ⫽⫺3 1/4␥ , m̂ r ⫽3 ⫺1/4␥ˆ , m̂ i ⫽⫺3 1/4␥ˆ , To obtain the first term on the right-hand side, we have utilized the boundary condition 共19兲, with ˆ ⫽0. For the moment we let an overbar denote an unspecified mean 共in time or space兲. We then get Ē⫹ F̄⫽W̄⫺D̄, t a 共29兲 where Ē⬅ 冕 1 共1兲 2 共 x t 兲 dc 2 ⫺⬁ 0 is the energy density 共here equal to the kinetic energy per unit mass兲. Furthermore, F̄⬅ 冕 1 共1兲 共1兲 共 p x t 兲 dc ⫺⬁ 2 A v 2 2 A 共 v̂ 3 v 兲 1/2 , . E E ⫽ . ␥ 共32兲 * * For a typical film value E ⫽30 cm3 s⫺2 , and wave frequen* cies from 1 to 100 s⫺1, we find from 共25兲 and 共27兲 for air above water that is in the range 3–118 cm. This is well above the thresholds required by 共32兲, where the second limit on the right-hand side for the same configuration is of the order 10⫺3 cm. We can now assess the value of our expansion parameter . If we denote a typical horizontal displacement in the film by , we must have from 共10兲 and 共14兲 that 兩 x (1) (c⫽0) 兩 ⫽ 兩 x̂ (1) (c⫽0) 兩 ⬃ . Accordingly, for this problem we take * is the work done by the elastic film, and 0 ⫺⬁ 共 x 共tc1 兲 兲 2 dc u⬅ 2 x̄ 共t 2 兲 , is the viscous dissipation. Actually, to get correct dimensions, these quantities should have been multiplied by 2 , as in 共9兲, but this is irrelevant here. For nondamped, or weakly damped waves, we have in general that F̄⫽C g Ē. However, for nearly critically damped dilational waves this is not the case. Both for temporally damped waves 共averaging over the wavelength兲 and for spatial damping 共averaging over the wave period兲 we find that 兩 F̄ 兩 ⰆC g Ē. 共33兲 We solve the nonlinear problem by averaging the variables over one wavelength. This process will be denoted by an overbar, as used before for the energy discussion in the previous section. Furthermore, we introduce mean nonlinear, horizontal drift velocities in the lower and upper layers defined by W̄⬅E 共 x 共aa1 兲 x 共t 1 兲 兲 c⫽0 冕 1/2 Ⰷ 0 is the energy flux, D̄⬅ v 共31兲 where ␥ ⬅( /(2 v )) , ␥ˆ ⬅( /(2 v̂ )) . Our former assumption 兩 m 兩 , 兩 m̂ 兩 Ⰷk, requires that the wavelength ⫽2 /k must satisfy 1/2 共30兲 This means that the energy flux in free dilational waves is negligible. Accordingly, the group velocity as a carrier of wave energy has no meaning here. The rate of change with time of the energy density for temporally damped waves is locally determined by the joint action of work by the elastic film and the viscous dissipation, i.e., Ē/ t⫽W̄⫺D̄. For spatially damped waves, ( Ē/ t⫽0), there is basically a local balance between the work by the elastic film and the dissipation (W̄⬇D̄). û⬅ 2¯x̂ 共t 2 兲 . 共34兲 By inserting real parts of the primary wave fields 共10兲–共16兲 into 共1兲, and averaging, we obtain to the leading order u t ⫺ v u cc ⫽⫺2•3 1/2v 2 k m r2 e 2m r c⫺2  t , 共35兲 û t ⫺ v̂ û cc ⫽⫺2•3 1/2v̂ 2 k m̂ r2 e ⫺2m̂ r c⫺2  t . 共36兲 From the continuity of horizontal stresses 共7兲, we obtain to O( 2 ) v u c ⫺ ˆ v̂ û c ⫽3 1/2 2 k 共 v m r ⫹ ˆ v̂ m̂ r 兲 e ⫺2  t , c⫽0. 共37兲 Continuity of mean horizontal velocities requires u⫽û, 共38兲 c⫽0. The variables in the lower and upper layers are assumed to vanish as c→⫺⬁ and c→⬁, respectively. As a check on these derivations, we integrate 共35兲 and 共36兲 in the vertical, and apply 共37兲 at the interface. It then readily follows that d dt 冉冕 0 ⫺⬁ udc⫹ 冕 冊 ⬁ 0 ˆ ûdc ⫽0, 共39兲 Downloaded 29 Oct 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Phys. Fluids, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2003 Mean drift induced by free and forced dilational waves i.e., the total mean horizontal Lagrangian momentum is conserved, as expected, since there are no horizontal external forces acting at the boundaries of our system. Particular solutions u p , û p of 共35兲 and 共36兲 are easy to obtain. We find u p⫽ 3 1/2 2 ke 2m r c⫺2  t , 4 共40兲 û p ⫽ 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2m̂ r c⫺2  t . 4 共41兲 Defining the mean wave momentum M as M⫽ 冕 0 ⫺⬁ 兩 2¯x̂ 共t 2 兲 兩 Ⰶ 兩 x̂ 共t 1 兲 兩 , c⫽0. 共42兲 From 共10兲 and 共14兲, using 共31兲, we have 兩 x 共t 1 兲 兩 ⬃ ␥ , 兩 x̂ 共t 1 兲 兩 ⬃ ␥ , c⫽0, 共43兲 using Qm̂⬇m in the expression for the upper fluid. Letting the particular solutions 共40兲 and 共41兲 represent the secondorder velocities, and utilizing 共33兲, we find from 共42兲 and 共43兲 that kⰆ1. 共44兲 The relation 共44兲 implies that the amplitude must be at least one order of magnitude less than the wavelength to assure convergence of the solutions. Unfortunately, we have no information about the size of the amplitude in the laboratory experiments of Mass and Milgram.8 Hence, we cannot check the applicability of our solutions to that problem. Neither can we estimate the actual size of the drift velocities in their experiments. In weakly damped surface waves, the particular solution of the equation for the mean Lagrangian motion yields the Stokes drift,14 which is associated with the irrotational part of the wave field. The present problem is governed by the effect of viscosity. This is seen from the fact that the wave field is dominated by its rotational part. Accordingly, the particular solutions 共40兲 and 共41兲 are vorticity solutions, confined to thin vorticity layers at the interface. Since the vorticity-layer solutions decrease rapidly in time, quasiEulerian currents must evolve in time and space in order to fulfil the momentum conservation condition 共39兲. Mathematically, these Eulerian mean currents are solutions to the homogeneous versions of 共35兲 and 共36兲, which we denote by u h and û h , respectively. This transition of momentum is achieved by the action of the virtual wave stress w at the interface; see Longuet-Higgins7 for a discussion of this concept in connection with surface gravity waves, or Weber and Førland15 for gravity waves in a two-layer system. The virtual wave stress can here be defined as w ⬅ v u hc ⫺ ˆ v̂ û hc , c⫽0. 共45兲 From the condition 共37兲 at the interface, utilizing that u ⫽u p ⫹u h and û⫽û p ⫹û h , we obtain that w⫽ 冉 冊 ˆ 1 ⫹ 2 2 ke ⫺2  t . 4 m r m̂ r 共46兲 u p dc⫹ 冕 ⬁ 共47兲 ˆ û p dc, 0 we readily find from 共40兲, 共41兲, and 共46兲 that w ⫽⫺ Formally, to ensure convergence of the present approach, we must require 兩 2 x̄ 共t 2 兲 兩 Ⰶ 兩 x 共t 1 兲 兩 , 3707 d M. dt 共48兲 This demonstrates that the virtual wave stress at the interface acts to transfer mean wave momentum into a mean Eulerian current. A similar relation have been obtained for weakly damped surface gravity waves by Weber.16 So far we have considered some general properties related to the conservation of the total mean momentum in dilational waves. In order to investigate how the Lagrangian drift current actually varies with time and depth in both layers, we have to solve the governing differential equations 共35兲 and 共36兲, subject to the relevant initial and boundary conditions. We have already obtained the particular solutions 共40兲 and 共41兲. The solutions to the homogeneous problem u h ,û h are readily found by applying Laplace transforms. Transforming the homogeneous parts of 共35兲 and 共36兲, and the boundary conditions 共37兲 and 共38兲, assuming that u h ,û h are initially zero, the solutions follows straight away by applying the convolution theorem. The complete mean Lagrangian drift u⫽u p ⫹u h and û⫽û p ⫹û h in the lower and upper layer can then be written, respectively, as u⫽ 冋 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2  t e 2m r c 4 ⫹3 ⫺1/4 û⫽ 冉 冊冕 2 1/2 t 0 冋 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2  t e ⫺2m̂ r c 4 ⫹3 ⫺1/4 冉 冊冕 2 1/2 t 0 册 c⬍0, 共49兲 册 c⬎0. 共50兲 exp共 2  ⫺c 2 /4v 兲 d , 1/2 exp共 2  ⫺c 2 /4v̂ 兲 d , 1/2 In Fig. 1 we have depicted the dimensionless drift velocities u/( 2 k) and û/( 2 k) from 共49兲 and 共50兲 as functions of dimensionless depth kc at various dimensionless times t, when the wave number k is 0.5 cm⫺1. In this example we consider an air–water system with ˆ ⫽1.25⫻10⫺3 g cm⫺3 , v̂ ⫽0.14 cm2 s⫺1 , and ⫽1 g cm⫺3 , v ⫽0.012 cm2 s⫺1 . Furthermore, we have taken E ⫽30 cm3 s⫺2 , which is a typical * value for an oleyl alcohol film.8 We realize that because v̂ ⬎ v , the drift velocity penetrates further into the air than into the water. The velocity at c⫽0 is the mean velocity of the film. Downloaded 29 Oct 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 3708 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2003 J. E. Weber and K. H. Christensen FIG. 1. Mean drift velocities u/( 2 k) for kc⭐0, and û/( 2 k) for kc ⭓0 at times t⫽1,5,10 induced by free dilational waves in a moving film. FIG. 2. Mean drift velocities u/( 2 k) for kc⭐0, and û/( 2 k) for kc ⭓0 at times t⫽0.1,1,5 induced by free dilational waves in a fixed film. B. Fixed film times t for an air–water system. The values of k and E * are the same as in Fig. 1. We note from the figure that the drift velocity very soon becomes negative in both layers due to the strong source of negative mean Eulerian momentum at the interface. In a laboratory situation, e.g., Mass and Milgram,8 the film may be prevented from having a mean horizontal motion. In such cases the boundary condition 共8兲 for the mean motion at the interface reduces to u⫽û⫽0, 共51兲 c⫽0. The particular solutions to our problem become the same as before, i.e., 共40兲, 共41兲. However, the no-slip condition 共51兲 now introduces a strong source of negative momentum at the interface for the Eulerian part of the flow. We obtain 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2  t , u ⫽⫺u ⫽⫺ 4 c⫽0, 共52兲 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2  t , 4 c⫽0. 共53兲 h p û h ⫽⫺û p ⫽⫺ By assuming that the homogeneous solutions initially are zero, as before, and applying Laplace transforms, the complete solutions for this case can be written 冋 û⫽ 冕 t 0 册 exp共 2  ⫺c 2 /4v 兲 d , 3/2 冋 冕 t 0 册 exp共 2  ⫺c /4v̂ 兲 d , 3/2 2 ⫽ c⬍0, 冉 冊 E2 k4 * 2v 1/3 , 0 ⫽i . 共58兲 The particular solution is c⬎0. The dimensionless drift velocities u/( k) and û/( k) from 共54兲 and 共55兲 for a fixed film are plotted in Fig. 2 as functions of dimensionless depth kc at various dimensionless 2 共57兲 Furthermore, for this problem, we find that m r ⫽⫺m i ⫽( /2v ) 1/2⫽ ␥ in 共10兲–共12兲. The equation for the mean drift to second order in the lower fluid now becomes from 共1兲: u t ⫺ v u cc ⫽⫺6 v 2 k ␥ 2 e 2 ␥ c . 共55兲 2 共56兲 Requiring that  ⫽0, we obtain from 共7兲 that 共54兲 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2  t e ⫺2m̂ r c 4 c ⫺ 2 共 v̂ 兲 1/2 Our previous calculations can easily be extended to determine the mean drift induced by nondamped longitudinal elastic waves. Similar studies of the motion in a viscous fluid induced by an oscillating plate go back in time; see the discussion by Batchelor.17 To obtain nondamped waves in the present problem, we may assume that there is a given oscillating horizontal stress in the upper fluid acting on the film. This stress is chosen such that the damping rate  of the dilational wave is zero. The resulting nondamped waves will be termed forced waves. In the boundary condition 共7兲 we then assume to O(): ˆ 共 1 兲 ⫽ 0 e i 共 ka⫺ t 兲 . 3 1/2 2 ke ⫺2  t e 2m r c u⫽ 4 c ⫹ 2 共 v 兲 1/2 V. FORCED WAVES u p ⫽ 32 2 ke 2 ␥ c . 共59兲 For a fixed film on top of an infinitely deep fluid, the drift problem never becomes stationary. By solving the homogeneous problem by Laplace transforms, as before, we obtain for the total mean Lagrangian drift velocity Downloaded 29 Oct 2003 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Phys. Fluids, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 2003 Mean drift induced by free and forced dilational waves FIG. 3. Mean drift velocity u/( 2 k) in water as function of depth at times t⫽1,5,10 induced by forced dilational waves in a fixed film. 冋 冉 冊册 3 c u⫽ 2 k e 2 ␥ c ⫺erfc ⫺ , 2 2 共 v t 兲 1/2 3709 mean velocity induces a strong source of negative Eulerian mean momentum at the surface. This means that the mean Lagrangian drift tends to be in the opposite direction of the waves. For forced waves in a fixed film, this tendency is strengthened, and the mean drift below the film is negative at practically all times. Mass and Milgram8 performed laboratory experiments to investigate the dynamic behavior of surfactant films. Longitudinal film waves were generated by a wave maker, oscillating back and forth at a prescribed frequency. These experiments have much in common with the present model for forced waves. One important difference is that the wavelengths generated in the laboratory were considerably longer than the length of the wave trough, which made the observed motion more like that induced by standing waves. No observations of the mean wave-induced drift are reported in Ref. 8. This is unfortunate, since such experiments with sufficiently short waves should provide a perfect setting for observing the backward drift current induced by progressive longitudinal elastic waves in a fixed film. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS c⭐0. 共60兲 In Fig. 3 we have plotted the dimensionless mean drift u/( 2 k) in water from 共60兲 for forced dilational waves in a fixed film as a function of the dimensionless depth at various dimensionless times. The parameters for the water and the film are as in Figs. 1 and 2. Now the source of negative mean Eulerian momentum at the interface, u h ⫽⫺3 2 k/2, is independent of time. This makes the negative drift more pronounced than in the case of free waves. In practice, we will have a rigid bottom at a finite distance from the interface where the velocity vanishes. Let this bottom be placed at c⫽⫺H. If HⰇ1/␥ , we can write the asymptotic solution of 共58兲 when time tends to infinity as u⫽ 32 2 k 共 e 2 ␥ c ⫺c/H⫺1 兲 . 共61兲 We note from this expression that the drift velocity is negative everywhere in the fluid. VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper we study temporally and spatially damped dilational film waves. It has been demonstrated5 that the dispersion relation ⫽ (k) for the two cases of damping differs by a numerical factor, which suggests an ambiguity as far as the group velocity is concerned. We show here that the energy flux in free, strongly damped dilational waves is negligible, which makes the concept of the group velocity as an energy carrier irrelevant. Hence, a nonunique group velocity has no consequences for the physics of this problem. The main aim of the present paper has been to investigate the nonlinear mean Lagrangian drift associated with dilational waves. For a freely drifting film with time-damped waves, we find that a strong virtual wave stress at the surface acts to redistribute the initial wave momentum into a Eulerian current. This current is directed in the wave propagation direction. For a fixed film, the boundary condition on the During this study K.H.C. was supported by The Research Council of Norway 共NFR兲 through Grant No. 151774/ 432. J.E.W. gratefully acknowledges NFR support through the Strategic University Program ‘‘Modeling of currents and waves for sea structures.’’ 1 R. Dorrestein, ‘‘General linearized theory of the effect of surface films on water ripples,’’ Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., Ser. B: Phys. Sci. 54, 260 共1951兲. 2 J. C. Gottifredi and G. J. Jameson, ‘‘The suppression of wind-generated waves by a surface film,’’ J. Fluid Mech. 32, 609 共1968兲. 3 Ø. Saetra, ‘‘Effects of surface film on the linear stability of an air–sea interface,’’ J. Fluid Mech. 357, 59 共1998兲. 4 J. E. Weber and Ø. Saetra, ‘‘Effect of film elasticity on the drift velocity of capillary-gravity waves,’’ Phys. Fluids 7, 307 共1995兲. 5 J. Lucassen, ‘‘Longitudinal capillary waves, 1. Theory,’’ Trans. Faraday Soc. 64, 2221 共1968兲. 6 K. Dysthe and Y. Rabin, ‘‘Damping of short waves by insoluble surface film,’’ in ONRL Workshop Proceedings-Role of Surfactant Films on the Interfacial Properties of the Sea Surface, edited by F. L. Herr and J. 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