)DYNAMIC AND THERMODYNAMIC PHERIC MODELS i Lorenz ,h College niversity .tute of Technology 'ULFILIMENT OF THE 'HE DEGREE OF CIENCE | i TE OF TECHNOLOGY Signature of Author... -----------------------........... Departmenk of Me.eoroiogy, Can. 9, 1948 Certified by. a0a. ... aee .... .. Chairman, Department(yO~m v .0., tee . .**....** *S , Thesis Supervisor on Graduate Students r TABLE OF COTINTS page List of Symbols 1 I. 4 Introduction II. A Tensor Notation for 2,eteorological Problems III. Power Series Solution of the Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Equations IV. V. "lotion of a Point Vertically Isothermal iviodels and Polynomial VI. Cyclones with Gradient Wind Fields VIII. XI. 30 Simple Cyclone M•odels VII. X. Deviation from the Gradient Wind Field Linear Cyclone Coefficients Quasi-gradient Wind Fields Conclusion 37 51 62 70 92 107 Appendix 114 Abstract 125 References 129 Acknowledgment 131 Biographical Note 132 1~9 _ 15 25 Models IX. 9 I~_~____ _ r-ctziý _·~__ - 1- LIST OF SYMBOLS Many symbols appearing in this list are in standard use in meteorology. The meanings of symbols in this list not in standard use, and the meanings of auxiliary symbols not in this list, are explained in detail in the following chapters. The significance of the subscripts in the symbols for vectors is explained in Chapter II. A o•., C), k constants describing the pressure field of a linear cyclone velocity, acceleration, --- of a pressure center C the binomial coefficient base of natural logarithms acceleration of gravity Coriolis parameter natural logarithm pressure b a standard pressure n! We"Ifti __g_ - _- -~- I I I I I - 2 radius of curvature of an isobar gas constant for dry air absolute temperature time AA A, WAr components of wind velocity parallel to x, y, z axes, respectively geostrophic wind velocity AA . magnitude of geostrophic wind gradient wind velocity magnitude of gradient wind wind velocity Wit.1o),.-. velocity, acceleration, --- of a wind center 1 (I 1 + Zt 2z) rectangular space coordinates directed, eastward, northward, upward respectively ratio of gas constant for dry air to specific heat of dry air at constant pressure "a-mmmii -3ratio of specific heat of dry air at constant pressure to specific heat of dry air at constant volume JA /0 ratio of gradient wind to geostropnic wind density latitude rr~LiEi·_ MiMOMOMMMM -4I. INTRODUCTION If the distribution of all the meteorological elements throughout space at a given time is known, and if the effect of influences outside the atmosphere is known, it is theoretically possible to determine the distribution of the meteorological elements at any future time by means of a set of differential equations, which express the laws of hydrodynamics and thermodynamics. This observation has led to a number of attempts to forecast the weather by the direct application of these equations. These attempts have encountered two major difficulties. First, the differential equations are very complicated. Second, it is not possible at present to determine the distribution of the meteorological elements at a given time with sufficient accuracy. Perhaps the most detailed of these attempts was made by Richardson (1922). By replacing the partial derivatives appearing in the differential equations by finite arithmetical differences, Richardson obtained a set of algebraic equations. On the basis of these equations he constructed a set of forms for computing forecasts. He computed a forecast for one particular situation. The first difficulty was only partially overcome by Richardson's method, for although filling in the forms was a matter of simple arithmetic, the time consumed was excessive. -L - 1_1__1__ "AN ~ - 5Richardson estimated that it would require 64,000 persons to compute the weather over the whole globe as fast as the weather occurred. With the introduction of electronic computing devices into meteorology, this difficulty may be overcome in the near future. Richardson found that his forecast was unsatisfactory, and attributed its failure to errors in the data for the initial wind distribution. There is no indication that sufficiently accurate meteorological observations will be made at a sufficiently dense network of stations in the near future. This study presents a method of applying the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations not to actual meteorological situations but to idealized models of meteorological situations. In such models the distributions of the meteorological elements can be expressed by equations. The difficulty caused by an insufficient knowledge of the initial conditions is thus automatically eliminated. Instead there is the problem of constructing models which are so simple that tangible results may be obtained by applying the equations to them, and which resemble actual situations so closely that the results obtained are valid in the situations which the models resemble. If in a model the atmosphere is piezotropia,, the set of equations to be applied to the model consists of three equations of motion, the equation of continuity, and the i •T -6physical equation. These five equations contain four inde- pendent variables and five dependent variables. If the curvature of the earth is neglected, the independent variables nmay be chosen as t, x, y, and z, and the dependent variables may be chosen as u, v, w,p , and p. The three equations of motion may be chosen as those expressing the accelerations parallel to the x, y, and z axes. The third equation of motion states that the hydrostatic equation is approximately true. It is shown in Chapter III that if the third equation of motion is replaced by the hydrostatic equation, the new system of five equations may be reduced to a system of three partial differential equations with the dependent variables p, u, and v. Mioreover, if the values of p, u, and v are known through- out space at the initial time t = 0, the equations may under certain conditions be solved for the initial values of 0/0 and ý , and from these quantities, expressions for the initial values of , and . be obtained for all positive integral values of n. may Under suitable conditions, the pressure at any later time t is given by the power series ft) -t A*- = - _ )(t o) ii -- -7Similar series give the components of the wind velocity at time t. It is therefore possible to construct an atmospheric model by choosing functions of x, y, and z for the initial values of p, u, and v. The remainder of the model is com- pletely determined by these functions. Since more is known about typical pressure fields than about typical wind fields, it is convenient to choose the initial pressure field first and tne accompanying horizontal wind field afterward. Since there is probably no unique wind field corresponding to a given actual pressure field, and since some features of the wind fields which can accompany a given pressure field are not understood, it is often desirable to construct several models with identical pressure fields but with different wind fields. The process of choos- ing the pressure field before the wind field does not imply that the wind field is a result of the pressure field. In the following chapters, a routine procedure is established for computing the power series expressing the pressure and wind fields in models defined by initial pressure and wind fields. models. The procedure is applied to simple Physical conclusions are drawn from a study of the models. Comparison of the changes of the pressure and wind fields to changes of actual pressure and wind fields constitutes a test of the resemblance of the models to actual situations. This resemblance in turn constitutes __ -8a measure of the validity of the physical conclusions. An estimate of the feasibility of the method presented in this study is based upon the success obtained in applying the method to simple models, and upon the apparent applicability of the method to more complicated models. -9II. A TENSOR NOTATION FOR METEOROLOGICAL PROBLEMS Whenever the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic e.quations are applied to atmospheric models, much repetitious writing and computation may be avoided by the use of a notation designed especially for problems of dynamic meteorology. In this chapter two simplifications are introduced. First, many partial derivatives appear in the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations and in expressions derived from them. It is therefore convenient to use a more compact notation for partial differentiation. The notation presented here appears in some textbooks on the calculus (cf. Berry et al., 1945). Second, both three dimensional and two dimensional vectors, which will be called three-vectors and twovectors respectively, occur in meteorology. For example, the wind velocity is a three-vector, but the velocity of a pressure center is a two-vector, for a pressure center has no meaning in three dimensions. It is therefore convenient to use symbols both for three-vectors and for two-vectors. The vector notation presented here is a modification of a notation frequently used in tensor analysis (cf. Eisenhart, 1940). In this study, partial differentiation with respect to x, y, or z is indicated by a subscript x, y, or z respectively. Partial derivatives of higher order contain - 10 - several subscripts. A subscript with an exponent n may be used instead of n identical subscripts. Partial dif- ferentiation with respect to t is indicated by a prime. A superscript n in parentheses may be used instead of n primes. For example, A At means --- A' means AA or A A . means 2 a'a2 Dt' Any term containing no Roman capital letter subscript and no Greek letter subscript denotes a scalar. A term with a single Roman capital subscript denotes a three-vector, whose components are obtained by replacing the subscript in turn by x, y, and z. A letter with a single Greek subscript denotes a two-vector, whose components are obtained by replacing the subscript in turn by x and y. Since subscripts x, y, and z also denote partial differentiation, any subscript representing a space variable and not denoting partial differentiation is placed in parentheses. A For example, is a scalar (.z) is a three-vector with components (3) is a two-vector with components 13 t ) , 3~, , 13), A . is a three-vector with components a A ) j3 A C) I>3 -- AA 9 _i/_____ ~· - 11 - A term containing n different Roman capital subscripts, each exactly once, and m different Greek subscripts, each exactly once, has of order m + n. 3nx 2m components, and is called a tensor A scalar is a tensor of order zero, a vector is a tensor of order one. and Each component is ob- tained by replacing each Roman capital subscript by x, y, or z, and each Greek subscript by x or y. For example, 13 -) has the six components a 13tv 9 ('2o The summation convention, frequently used in tensor analysis, states that if the same subscript representing a space variable appears twice in one term, the term denotes the sum of the terms obtained by replacing the subscript in turn by x, y, and z if it is a Roman capital subscript, or by x and y if it is a Greek subscript. The same Roman capital or Greek subscript never appears more than twice in one term. For example, J3(zC C) to) B.*) C B +8 C R/ -_(e)'If B~P& + 8ita C (a 8(4 0 -P - - 12 - A2AZ)a'A -A II AA A, A The above quantities are scalars. _DA a'A a-L They are the scalar product of two vectors, the (horizontal) divergence of a vector, and the Laplacian of a scalar, respectively. The order of any tensor is therefore 3nx 2 m , where n is the number of Roman capital subscripts which appear exactly once, and m is the number of Greek subscripts which appear exactly once. B For example, 13 1)C( is the two-vector with components Dt c,c.* + C (1,.) CC)) a 1 40 ca) ;.) Bc) C --- -)> A circumflex (^') placed over a Greek subscript in- dicates that the order of the two quantities obtained by replacing the subscript by x and by y is to be reversed, and that the sign of the quantity in which x replaces the subscript is to be changed. In particular, a circumflex placed over the Greek subscript which appears exactly once in a two-vector has the effect of rotating the vector clockwise through 900. A circumflex is never placed over a Roman capital subscript. 3• ( h, For example, is the two-vector with components 4 Bu(), - , - (C() 13 - has the four components 3 B BC B The last two quantities, which are scalar standard vector notation as the z-components o. product of two vectors and of the curl of a ve Some important identities follow: 1 €3 13 - 3 C (), =0 and, because the order of partial differentiat: versible, A 0 The space variables x, y, and z are themsi components of a three-vector, denoted by X I. pressions Xx, Xy, and Xz are identical with x, respectively. Parentheses about the subscript! sary, since the space variables may be treated derivatives of the scalar X 01 ( *% + A ÷ - 14 It follows that the tensors X,J and ). are equiva- lent to the Kronecker deltas frequently used in tensor analysis. X X X That is, 1 xx = X = 0 X yx zx xy 0 =0 =0 ' 1 , Xzy = 0 zy ' X xz =0 0 Xyz =0 Xzz = 1 . zz Some important identities follow: XrII X '*Y- xjý X -- X- X- X XI X,, - 3 = b XXi, The use of a notation resembling the one presented in this chapter is recommended to whoever wishes to study problems of dynamic meteorology with a minimum of repetition. _____ ·· .__ _·L · - 15 III. POWER SERIES SOLUTION OF THE HYDRODYNAMIC AND THERMIODYNAMIC EQUATIONS If the curvature of the earth is neglected, the three equations of motion may be written assumIed atmosphere are of the changes of state If the* A&+MC+A + A to of if the In particular, 1are is a constant. where of changes the specific , the ratio = dry-adiabatic, state of 1941). Haurwitz, dry air (cf. P+r heats + T 10AA F 4 A PA+ In the changes of of studyate the are assumed to simplificationshere atfollowing written equation thermodynamic may phhydrodynamicInand uponpic, bepolytrsed changes of ifbe the particular, athe constant. where )is the ratio of the specific , state are dry-adiabatic' heats of dry air (cf. iaurwitz, 1941). and upon the models to which they are applied: (1) The curvature of the earth is neglected. (2) The earth's surface is assumed to be horizontal. j L - 16 (3) The latitudinal variation of f (4) All variations of g is neglected. are neglected. (5) The atmosphere is assumed to contain no water vapor in any phase. (6) The changes of state in the atrmosphere are as- sumed to be dry-adiabatic. (7) The external forces F(x), F(y), and F(z) are assumed to be absent. (8) The third equation of motion is replaced by the hydrostatic equation (9) The term yml Ap- in the first equation of mo- tion, which is usually small compared to the terms mr ' and -XA , is omitted. With these simplifications, the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations may, in the notation of Chapter II, be written V, V) /•V•), p'-V(2 /&I + V(.11\p., -(3-1) (3-3) z0 • ( ;s -ý- V-1)1, o (3-4) - 17 Equation (3-4) is obtained by (total) differentiation of the physical equation with respect to t. These equations will be solved for p' and V() terms of p and V(,) and their space derivatives. in Equation (3-4) is first replaced by the simple equation p' -' Vq- f -ŽP Vtz (3-5) which is a combination of (3-3) and (3-4). When P is eliminated from (3-1) and (3-3) by means of (3-2), these equations become V-) V(")I (.) - t eV- (3-6) - P V( I V ( Pz (3-7) A suitable expression for V(z) must be substituted into (3-5) and (3-6) to make these expressions the desired solution for p 'and V(k) A second exoression ?I r- v\ -V VI pCZ p P - ( (3-8) \13 for pz' is obtained by differentiating (3-5). Elimination of pz' from (3-7) and (3-8) yields the expression ( ; A V ,, - /'O:Vvx - X ( 0r)t " P'-VX• /Oz Vt. .0) (3-9) - 18 and integration yields the expression 0O V ,:(t'V)) -'6 VEIA)K Pa C1 (3-10) in which each quantity to the right of the integral sign is evaluated at z = . The limits of integration follow if it is assumed that Since V(,A. V(2) ÷ VL')-L = V'(X] S( W (3-11) The limits of integration follow because the wind velocity is horizontal at the earth's surface. When (3-10) and (3-11) are substituted into (3-5) and (3-6), the desired expressions for p 'and Equation (3-10) V(') is are obtained. equivalent to an equation obtained by Richardson (1922), who also assumed the existence of hydrostatic equilibrium. Equations (3-5) and (3-6) are equivalent to simplifications of Richardson's expressions for pressure and wind changes. It is convenient to substitute for p the variable where p is a constant with the dimensions of pressure. Then (3-5) and (3-6) are replaced by the expressions - V(T A A' - - )ýV\(r V,.' - 19 - A V, -) - Vc (3-12) V>V< (3-13) ,A( AV7t) z- Az-V~sov) J'3 (3-14) -A S s where •.)• V(Z) I ,-A - i" i: 2 ( V(T) V(W) I - b) are obtained by Higher time derivatives of A and V () Thus differentiating the expressions for A' and V() -iKC., V/(A&t '1) t IL) Here C. Vt,:)) A1(i sk -A) -T) Ch V VtC)COVA 2A (0) 1) (3-15) (A.) - 7 C V,) and I) Vt.), (3-16) n' i:(n-i) '. is the binomial coefficient Suitable expressions for CA) C4 VC, (A;' A.) must be substituted into (3-15) and (3-16). Expression (3-9) may be written (V(V,,7r2 + AA/Vwi2) = - A Vt.~) + A 2 V00 Differentiation, with some rearrangement of terms, shows that - 20 - AA)e I ,aI ,AAV (3-17) z Integration of (3-17),-yielding an expression for , is similar to integration of (3-9) and hence for V\% if it is assumed that tv~v, A(V") C The expression ) A2 (A - C (A2 A4 (3-18) is obtained by differentiating the identity Az(Az' Ax) = A , and rearranging the terms. With the aid of equations (3-15) to (3-18) it is pos- sible to present a routine procedure for computing any desired number of coefficients of the power series for A and V x when the initial values of A and V(,) are known. To obtain A•A) and V,, by this procedure it is neces- sary to perform n sets of twelve steps each. The jth step in the nth set of steps will be indicated by the pair of numbers [n,j] in square brackets. Each step involves quantities determined in previous steps, so that with slight variations the steps must be performed in the fixed order `~"`~ ""~`' I S:. - 21 - placed before any expression In,j] The pair of numbers indicates that the expression is obtained by applying step n,j], to expressions obtained previously. The steps follow. [n+l,l) Compute A• In+1,21 Compute AA tn+1,31 Compute 9 ) A by differentiating A (Au. A.) by differentiating A.) In+l, 5 Compute [n+l,61 Compute (A.A.) by differentiating Compute . from the expression A. -A C A (A;' A.)"- A In+1, 4 by differentiating V•/e) (. C'.' by setting o1 \t -- e in V(0\), and summing. [n+l, 7 A) ,Ve Compute -A(V()I from the expression (A() (A AVtz;)l *X (A) m Vj.Io-w-'Oi -A CA A( V A:6-A~~qte In+l,8] Compute ~w by integration: AV(:, I VS/ AI(Al LL LA.-A)'J - 22 - V("-' In+1,9] Compute [n+l,lO] by subtracting V, *)b Compute V( 1 )( from V(): by integration: (..) 2 CtC1)Sb n+1, ill VC(l A Compute from the expression A +') .() fro = - / V(,) (+ V In+1,121 Compute V(A+V) teVr A, I) from the expression (.1) A (A (i-) V,.,, VC.-V The above steps make it possible to compute any desired number of coefficients in the power series oA (3-19) ,4-O I1 VIA•) :: Y ^1 A-V CO" V 4) 0% 4)u (týo) (3-20) Power series for imoortant quantities other than A and V (, are incidentally determined by steps [n,j] . these quantities are the horizontal divergence V Among and the vertical speed V(Z), whose coefficients appear in step and [n,lO1 . [n,6] Coefficients for the geostrophic wind U(C) are determined by steps [n,3] , for the wind is geostrophic when the pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force are .._.._..__ . I1·_ 23 - in equilibrium, and so, according to (3-13), S'A "7A (3-21) If the power series (3-19) and (3-20) are to represent the desired solutions for A and V(.), they must converge. Power series in a given model may be examined for convergence after the coefficients have been computed. If a series fails to converge, no solution is obtained, but a divergent series should not lead to any false conclusions. On the other hand, it is possible for a series to converge and yet fail to represent the desired solution for A or V For example, suppose a model contains a cold fron- tal surface treated as a mathematical discontinuity in temperature and wind velocity. If the vertical column L through a point P in the warm air mass does not intersect the frontal surface, the initial values on L of A and V() and their space derivatives are not affected by the presence of the cold front at a distance. Since the procedure pre- sented above, applied at P, makes no use of the initial values of A and V) at points not on L, the presence of the front cannot affect the values of the coefficients A VV ( at P. and In other words, according to the power series solution the front can never pass P. The failure of the power series to represent the desired solutions results from the fact that the initial values of A and V are not continuous. If a discontinuity values of A and V(•) are not continuous. If a discontinuity - 24 - in some atmospheric quantity is moving through space, the function expressing the quantity must be discontinuous in t at all points which the discontinuity crosses. It is conceivable that in certain models the presence It of a discontinuity may lead to no false conclusions. seems desirable however to require that in all models the initial values of A and V () be analytic functions of (x,y,z). In such models fronts appear as narrow zones of large temperature gradient and wind shear rather than as mathematical discontinuities. Since an analytic function is completely determined by the coefficients in its power series expansion, some of the space derivatives of A and V(.) on L are affected by the presence of the cold front at a distance, no matter how far away the front may be. Therefore some of the coefficients A and V are affected, and the model may describe the passage of a front. I r -r-- - 25 IV. iMOTION OF A POINT In certain meteorological problems it is desirable to know the path of a particular point, such as a surface low It pressure center. is sometimes possible to determine this path without computing the complete pressure and wind fields at any future time. Let P be a point moving in a horizontal plane and let the coordinates of P satisfy the equations x = fx)(t) y = f(y)(t) where f(x) and f(y) are analytic functions. ponents of the velocity of P be C,c, Let the corn- and Cc) . Then in vector notation, XOL ,,(t (4-1) (4-2) d-t Let 1 (x, y, t) be any analytic function of (x, y, t) and let at the moving point P. c4. CX .- Then at 3v. J. -L 4CIL (4-3) Let P be defined explicitly by the expression (4-4) E~r:s g 26 - - which represents a pair of equations. Expressions (4-1) and (4-4) are equivalent, though they may differ explicitly. at the moving point P does not The value of F ()(x,y,t) vary with time. So, according to (4-3), F (f) i(o) F(tv =o . (4-5) Expression (4-5) represents a pair of linear equations F(x) F(x)y F F F(y) C(v) and C-,c*) in the two unknowns . Its solution is ) () F F(y)y x F(y) (y)x (y) F(y)x FWy) C(.V) C C IC,") F(x)x F(x)y F(y)x or, F(y)y in texsor notation, F() C (4-6) - FC)y F(,)• provided that F(Py F(~,y% the solution of (4-5) is O . If FP F) )= indeterminate. A power series expression for the path of P involves not only the velocity C~,, but also the acceleration and higher time derivatives of the position of P. n 1 O, let For all - 27 Cs(4-7) If the power series (3-19) and (3-20) represent the desired values of A and V(~), the coordinates of P satisfy the equation o0 t=O -, A. provided that each coefficient The quantity CI,) C.(,, is evaluated at t = 0. has been defined only at P. means of equation (4-6), the definition of CI.), By may be extended over the entire plane, except for the points where F( y F(A ) C-,.c) = . When this extended definition of is used, C•c.,. = C.•-, ", C determine in turn CL) , the definition of each C-.Y Cl,) (4-9) Expression (4-9) makes it possible to according to (4-3). Although I (at) 3Ca ) , --- , and also extends over the entire plane. may be defined over the whole plane, it is sometimes inconvenient to determine its value explicitly at points other than P, and to obtain its space and time derivatives. It is therefore desirable to obtain al- ternative expressions for the acceleration Cx.,) for higher time derivatives C.,) of P and of the position of P. p I·· - 28 - F: Differentiation of (4-5) with respect to t and X yields the expressions I f I FtC *F(Oc) l I C,) F(.d,,I Cr(,. c,,, 's + F.voy C, ) + F(at Expression (4-9), C;(O) , with n = =~C (e + C_ (4-10) (4-11) C, t3)y , may be written (e)-y (4-12) Cry) and C.,Py Elimination of C-,c, = 0 from (4-10), (4-11), and (4-12) gives the equation. II , F st ýF(t)t C..~ t- F CIoC y3,,I+-(', C)(0 ) 0. (4-13) Expression (4-13) represents a pair of linear equations C.(_,) in the two unknowns sembles that of (4-5). and C(4 ) . An expression of the same form as (4-5) and (4-13) may be obtained for each general expression is Its solution re- rather complicated, C, () a The and is not pre- sented here. Suppose that the point P under consideration is a pressure center. At such a point A, = . Therefore the velocity and the acceleration of a pressure center are given by the following special cases of (4-5) and (4-13) - 29 - A i- A. A, ,) o(4-14) A +1AD' *Aeo A" ctoe) ,. (:+-l* t Am.p C-> 0 C-nts) ,fcm In the following chapters, the symbols Cos(- (4-15) ) refer only to the motion of a oressure center. The symbols are used instead of W•(.) ) to refer At such a point to the motion of a wind center. V c- 0 The velocity and the acceleration of a wind center are therefore given by the equations NA) ),- , tAI t IV(PC *~:; W 0+\A U) *VsyW,~,)~ y+*VjW)B~(p)- (4-17) (4-17) Equations (4-6) and (4-12) are generalizations of formulae obtained by Petterssen (1940) for the velocity and the acceleration of pressure centers and other points. The method of derivin- the equations in this chapter is similar to the one used by Petterssen. [i - 30 V. VEliTICAl.LY ISOTHERiM"AL 1MODELS AND POLYNTOIAL MODELS In the procedure for computing the power series for A and V(,,), steps In,8 and [n,10] tion along every vertical column. each require integraIn an arbitrary vertical column, the initial values of A and V(,) derivatives are functions of z. In,81 The ease with which steps may be performed depends upon the nature [n,10] and and their space of these functions of z The space derivative A z is considered first. Since A = In p/po 0 AA L - - - ~ -. LA So A z is a negative quantity whose value depends only upon the temperature. quantity, -Az' The negative of the reciprocal of this , has the dimensions of distance, and is equal to the height of the homogeneous atmosphere if the temperature is 0O C. (cf. Willett, 1944). In an arbitrary vertical column the simplest possible function which can be chosen for the initial value of A z is a negative constant, A Z = -B O The constant B10 need not be the same in different columns, so that initially A (x,y) zo = -B o (4 (5-1) - 31 A model in which (5-1) is satisfies everywhere initially will be called a vertically isothermal model. Integration of shows that initially (5-1) A = A0 (x,y) - B (xv) '--,s (5-2) in a vertically isothermal model. Step In,8] requires the evaluation of an integral of SA&%~, the form ao -A (*),'L) &-) A- p, 9) F , )5 5I '7 In a vertically isothermal model, o0 0SO F If expression (5-3) (5-3) a/ is integrated by parts n+l times, the expression S= B, F + (3 - (,,t,+ + 3;FF2 + B.- 3 Fx - (,, ) 84 Bb FIZ&V 7 0o - SOS F zL+ (5-4) is obtained, provided that ,u (- -B6 4('(';)f O Suppose that F (x,y,z) is z, say .,,', )! for i = 0,---, 0 (5-5) a polynomial of degrss n in - 32 Then h.r (5-6) ( .C'4(q3s)2~ In particular, f #+I = 0 . Moreover, nomial in z, expression (5-5) holds. is a poly- since Hence, according to (5-4), S-, (5-7) Therefore G (x,y,z) is also a polynomial of degree n say (',t ) 2 (5-8) Expression (5-6) may be substituted into (5-7). Cormparison of the resulting expression with (5-8) shows that OZ0 "-• -,~ t1 ( (5-9) It should be noted that an integral of the form (5-3) also appears in the expression for the isobaric mean value of a quantity. The isobaric mean wind has been discussed by Petterssen (1945) and by James (1945). If H is any quantity, the isobaric mean value H of H in a given vertical column is defined by the expression I-- r I H/ P H - -where p, is the pressure at the base of the column. If the r 1 - 33variable of integration is changed from pressure to height, AAAH H d• (5-10) If the column extends upward from the surface, the lower limit of integration is zero. A vertically isothermal model in which the initial value of V(0) is a polynomial in z, with functions of x and y for coefficients, will be called a polynomial model. With the aid of (5-7) it is easily verified that in a polynomial model the quantity computed in eacn step nomial in z. In,j] is a poly- In such a model no difficulties arise from the necessity to interrate in steps [n,8J and [n,10 . The above conclusions depend upon the assumption, made in Chapter III, that 00 V) O for all n=0 . (5-11) It is possible to prove expression (5-11) in the case of a polynomial model. The proof uses mathematical induction. Assume that for some particular value of n, Then all the steps [n+l,l1 = o V(t) Az• to li,JJ [n+1,71 for i = 0, --- , n-l. (5-12) for i = O, --- , n , are valid, and the quantity computed in each of these steps is a polynomial in z. [n+1,91 to [n+1,12] , and steps Also steps are valid, though the quantities com- puted in these steps are not necessarily polynomials unless i2211MG99- - 34 step In+ll,8 is valid. - Equation (3-17) is equivalent to the expression X(A )I- F, SA V( where Fn is a polynomial in z. Integration yields the ex- pression S- ,J ) (A#- -- (5-13) V(-x:r where Gn is a polynomial in z defined by an expression similar to (5-7), and hn deuends upon the boundary conditions. Steps [n+1,91 [n+l,11 to CA.) In+1,91 = P 1, In+l, 101 -. + k, . 0 ) .., ,*lt = V2 are now applied. ) , . I\ P&%3 ýn+l,1] Here P ni' Pn~ and P Z) + 2f,, A,- are polynomials in z. ( .- (A.-13 *2) Since tpo e, P,= ~1'00 Aý' and, in general, s, -• A (• .q,), where Qi is a polynomial in A', A" , (A) A ' So A,) ) - 35 - P A.(A02)(q " PA 3) + (-ý~) *. k is a polynomial in z for i = 1, --- , n , Qn is Since A a polynomial in z. Therefore Z -too The physical nature of atmospheric pressure requires that not only p but also every time derivative of p must approach zero as Z-i•o, Therefore hn (x,y) - 0, and according to (5-13), At^% (A AV V ) ) 0 (5-14) If n = 0 , no assumption is made in (5-12). must hold when n = 0 , i.e., So (5-14) (5-12) holds when n = 1. There- fore, by induction, (5-12) and (5-14) hold for all values of n. It follows that all the steps [n,j] are valid for polynomial models. The resemblance between vertically isothermal models and actual situations must be considered. Ordinarily the temperature varies considerably with elevation. But in a given vertical column, at least in the lowest thirty kilometers, the temperature appears never to differ from the surface temperature To by more than 1/2 To . A vertically isothermal model is probably preferable to one in which the temperature varies by a factor of 5 in the lower atmosphere. -36Vertically isothermal models should prove useful in the study of phenomena where the important feature of the temperature field is a pronounced horizontal temperature gradient. The motion of a cyclone in temperate latitudes may be a phenomenon of this sort. Vertically isothermal models cannot be used for studying phenomena which depend upon the presence of steep lapse rates, such as convective phenomena, nor phenomena which depend upon the presence of warm air above cold air, such as frontal phenomena. Neither can they be used to study phe- nomena depending upon horizontal variations of lapse rate, or, equivalently upon vertical variations of horizontal temperature gradient. The choice of a polynomial in z for the wind field places essentially no restriction upon the model, since throughout low levels any analytic function may be closely approximated by a polynomial. At very high levels, say 150 kilometers, virtually nothing is known about the wind, and there can be no basis for saying that the wind field in any particular model resembles an actual wind field at such levels. - VI. 37 - SIMPLE CYCLONE MODELS A problem which can perhaps be studied with vertically isothermal models is that of the motion of a cyclone in a baroclinic atmosphere. It seems likely that some features of cyclone motion, such as the phenomenon of steering (cf. Austin, 1947), depend more upon the large scale horizontal temperature field than upon the lapse rate. Although any simple analytic function doubtless differs greatly from the function representing the instantaneous pressure field of any actual cyclone, it is not difficult to describe many of the important features of the initial pressure field by a simple function A. to find analytic functions V(x ) It may also be easy and V(y) describing the im- portant features of the wind field of a cyclone. But it is not easy to determine a wind field which can reasonably accompany a given pressure field. If the pressure and wind fields in a cyclone model are incompatible, results which do not agree with anything ever observed on synoptic weather maps may be obtained. For example, pressure tendencies of 1000 millibars per three hours may occur. In the present chapter, simple cyclonic pressure fields are chosen, and simple wind fields are chosen to accompany them. Velocities and accelerations of the pressure centers are obtained. The resemblance of these velocities and ac- celerations to those of actual cyclones constitutes one test - 38 of the compatibility of the pressure and wind fields.. In Chapters VII and VIII, the same pressure fields are used. The wind fields appear to be more compatible with the pressure fields, but they are more complicated. Special attention is given to the problem of steering. For the purposes of this study, a cyclone is said to be steered if the velocity vector C•a•) of the surface pres- sure center is parallel to the isobaric mean geostrophic wind vector above the center. jlIu) In a vertically isothermal model, A = A - B z according to (5-2), so (6-1) (-A0~i I~z A"f' R according to (3-21), and at the surface pressure center, where Ao r O , U a- according to (5-11). IDA3~ 9. ~(6-2) At a given latitude, pletely determined by the temperature field. L is comIt should be noted that in a vertically isothermal model, a cyclone which is steered moves parallel to every isobar and every isotherm above the surface pressure center, since all of these lines are parallel to ,) * In the models used in this study, Cl~ot direction and magnitude to wind VI . U,) is compared in , and to the isobaric mean Austin's empirical study (1947) indicates - 39 that the majority of cyclones, although by no means all of them, move in approximately the direction of the isobars and isotherms at various upper levels. No connection is observed, however, between the speed of the cyclones and the speed of the upper level winds, or of the upper level geostrophic winds. The complete physical explanation of these empirical results cannot be obtained from the study of special models only. But this study suggests a possible physi- cal explanation. Three simplifications are imposed upon the cyclonic pressure fields considered in this chapter. (1) The models are vertically isothermal. (2) The surface isobars are concentric circles. (3) The surface isotherms are straight lines parallel to the x-axis. In the most general model satisfying these three conditions A (x,y,z) = A o (x,y) - A o (x,y) = F(R') B (x,y) = G(y) Here R = x + ya Bo (x,y) z , , (6-3) . is the distance from the z-axis. Let - 40 Then An l, =nAn+ X B Steps [1,11 to 1,1 Az = -B o 1,2' AK = AX 1,3 1 AAAA -1 z = B n +X [1,31 may now be applied -B1 X -1 =B 0 z (-A B XyV(-Az) The simplest possible initial wind field is a null wind field i. e., a field where V(,) = 0 everywhere. Experience with synoptic weather maps suggests that a null wind field never accompanies a well developed cyclonic pressure field. But it is interesting to consider the null wind field, in order to observe the results which are possible when the wind and pressure fields are known to be incompatible. Another simple wind field, which may appear to be more compatible than the null wind field, is the geostrophic wind field U(), defined by (6-1). If the wind field is either [n,j] null or geostrophic, steps are easy to apply when n is small, because many terms vanish. The null and the geostrophic wind fields may be treated as special cases of the wind field C4 •_ U (4) where c is a constant. 8 -A,'(AX- ii-x,XS. ) (6-4) The present chapter deals with cy- clone models in which the wind field is given by (6-4). - 41 Values of A V(,. [1,4] I I are now determined. and V(,) Sc. f' 3 C'A~c. [1,5] [1,7 V C1,lo] L V, To t3,A ,, -B.AA X,X•• ,A,A 4 -•\/(:o, +A, 2V 11,8] oA,X,p x, + (8.Ba - ,)X,,, X,,, V\/,=-•(c [1,6] 2 X) . P " g;B' - ' =o + ,A, +C1t 9 -BA, v., + 3,,A A The expression for A' is simple because the wind field has been so chosen that many terms vanish. surface, A At the earth's = 0 , so CI t) = 0. On the other hand, According to convention the null vector -o,.) is parallel - 42 - to any given vector, and in particular to 5U, , but for practical purposes the cyclone is not steered. However, since not all actual cyclones are steered, and since quasistationary cyclones are observed, it cannot be concluded immediately that the wind field is incompatible with the pressure field. The expression for V) is rather complicated. Very can be expected, complicated expressions for A' and V since it is necessary to differentiate V to obtain them. It therefore seems impractical to compute many terms of the power series for A and V(.) when the pressure field is de- fined by (6-3). The simplest special case of (6-3) occurs when F and G are linear functions of g RI and y respectively. In this case the model is called a linear cyclone model. If Po , which is arbitrary, is chosen equal to the pressure at (0,0,0), the pressure field of the most general linear cyclone model may be conveniently expressed by the function SA= In (6-8), O-• - \ ItcI ) (6-6) c9 may be treated as the reciprocal of a horizon- tal distance which depends upon the curvature of the surface pressure profile along a line through the center, while b is the reciprocal of a vertical distance, comparable to the height of the homogeneous atmosphere. The dimensionless F% '9 43- k- constant k is included to make the model general. (6-6), by (6-6), d3efined by When AA is defined When a R A A An B, =kab a = = (l+kay)b B , 0 for n. 2 , B rl = 0 for n = 2 II I/ becomes defined by by (~-4) (6-4) therefore The wind wind field therefore becomes defined field The 8 - 9 Vt•) VI,, Sl`lcB~IO·(·X~-k~LX -(c X f"--k . X1 c·')*z) (6-7) (5-7) simplest the sir~plest (6-6) appears appears to to define define tl~ie Expression (~-~) ~xpression possible possible pressure field field of of aa cyclone cyclone in in aa baroclinic baroclinic zt;nosphere, atmosphere, and and pressure The remainder of of The remainder simplest includes the (6-7) includes wind fields. fields, t~e simPlest wind (t-7) / the present present the by (~-6) (6-6) defined by with rrodels models defined chapter deals deals with cha.t~ter and and (6-7). (6-7). In performing the steps steps In performing the [n,jl Cnjl ,, it it is is convenient to to convenient combination quantity aa combination each quantity of each factor the first first factor as the include as of factor include as of include A and R b, and of a,a, b, of b, and R of a, quantity. that quantity. as tiiat di~iensions as same diiuensions having ·the l·ii;ving as that qu~ntity. t;he same same dii:;lensions h~vin~-~ tile by avoided by may be be avoided writing ~~y of writing deal of great deal purpose aa great; this purpose For this ~reat For ~urpose m~y the dimensionless constant the introduction introduction of the h i? = g gRc~a'a gR"a' (6-8) (t;-s) (6-~) b b-) b-l dimensionless variable variable and the dimensionless Y =kay =i;ay Y kay quantities these quantities of these terms of In terms In i F A A· A = R' R' -- V R R Cr· Cr· C- t4 (l+ ~> ·G z (R+Y) ((+ ~) klX·r.r) ~1 1 9 (6-9) (G-9) - - are now repeated for the linear case. l,j] Steps 44 AZ = -b(l+Y) [1,21 A, = a(aX,- [1, A' 3 -b a(l+Y) A,- [l,3] kbXyg z) - kbXy CK (aX = 'bchk(l+Y)' Xy, V(,)z = • [1,41 [1,51 = 1,6] 1[1,7 I chk(1+Y) = - + kaX. -(1+Y)X -t it ch(l+Y) "' ' XYee - k bX X x'. ye' ax = 0 - \ (V( )z + AzV( )I ) = 0 [1,9] = t chk(l+Y) 2 ax V(z)z _%I % , =t 6chk(l+Y) 11.101 [1,11] A' = [1,12] V'() abxz kchk(l+Y)' abxz = 1 a (l+Y)- - ch +k (c-)h(X - c'ka ' (1+Y)(aX It is convenient Frequent use is =- - -kbXy ,) X -x is now determined. The value of A to use the constant a +Y)) made of the identity (6-10) = X v Ra [2,11 [2,21 [2,41 A ' = t bchk(l+Y)-' ax = V(')z = achk(l+Y)- bz((l1+Y)Xx aabk(l+Y) c2 - kaXy x) (c-l)h(l+Y) Xy - 45 - E--ý,Q~~Vv)u= clhl 3 tY-Y a)-3) tA2V,) I - k( v<= wa A R' Y)-3 (I (C -")k (I+Y)k' 42) (I+ ? T - >1 ( Vý (\t I) -t *·(-t)( It1LO Y)k2A2 t(I -t -o -O)k(it y)(1+k t C ;, ~1V•2=,A + k:-L 2) (1 y 2 R- Y CI, "1 * - ((I+Y)* h 2) -+ (C-1) k(I+ Y)' (-.I+Y4+" 2) ·.ei~·I· Ev]1 a y t-(s*Y)kA2) lot I Y)JýJ ,(tt)* , (- -,~k) ' -Y /I F - 46 - K Sl (1 + -~LRK (- k~ o-'*$ 2 \41' [*I lo VN--1"k-, (It ? VP)-.' I V (·-I, C r: t (-1-2xW) V- h(~+Y) . 4- y (t4) -q ) /(-:+ + Yl) CL y~3Y y- Y Y) It- + y 'lJý'JrA2 I+k +YY (6-11) f I1 S•1('+Y) jk- +(<-) ( . 'i) . Y +y),C Y-.+Y ' L)u (,4zy -"H ~- - 47 'I Although the expression for A is very complicated, the expression for the surface value of C3(c.) simple. At the surface pressure center (0,0,0) , [3,2§ Ac Also A• Since C( C,(3L) is relatively = akXy ch (8+16 k0) + (c-l)h (4+6kai) = 0 , it follows from (4-15) that = 0 = -Q (6-12) C; () k(cah(8+16 C,(.) The acceleration k'a ) + (c-l)h (4+6k2 ) is therefore parallel to the y-axis. It is difficult to appreciate the meaning of (6-11) and (6-12) without considering the numerical values of the quantities involved. The values of the physical constants may be taken as 0.98 x 0= 10 km sec = 2.87 10 "1 km2 sec = = l0fo " sec 0.99 =- 1.405 , = 0.288 . The value of A degree , , (6-13) corresponds to latitude 42.80 N. Representative values of the constants in the expression for A are now introduced. p = 1000 mb at (0,0,0) Let , , p = 1020.2 mb at (0,800,0) T = 273.20 abs at (0,0,0) , ~-C^-- ---- I - 48 - T = 270.50 abs at (0,200,0) The coordinates of the above points are expressed in kilometers. a = b = Then 4000 1 km km -| , (6-14) h= 1 k =- 5 , The pressure field is thus defined by A = R 00 - i + 0 y z It provided that R, y, and z are expressed in kilometers. is evident that the surface pressure increases without limit with increasing distance from the center, and that there is no upper or lower limit to the temperature. There is also no upper limit to the wind speed if the wind field is given by V() = cU() , and if c * O. It follows that a linear cyclone model can resemble an actual cyclone only in a restricted region. In the above example, when R = 2000 kilometers, p = 1133.1 millibars. The pressure and temperature remain within limits actually observed if only the portion of the model within 1000 kilometers of the z-axis is considered. region, Within this - 49 1000 mb - p • 1031.7 mb at the surface, and 287.60 abs I T 1 260.20 abs With somewhat different values of po, a, b, and k, rea- sonable values of pressure and temperature still occur within a restricted region. According to the discussion at the end of Chapter III, the exclusion of the portion of the model where R is large in no way decreases the effect of this portion of the model upon the portion near the z-axis. It is therefore impor- tant to determine that any conclusions based upon linear cyclone models do not depend upon the extreme values of pressure, temperature, and wind at great distances from the z-axis. Values of Cact' c are listed below. corresponding to various values of They are obtained from (6-12) with the numerical values (6-13) and (6-14), and are expressed in kilometers per hour per hour. C. C.) 0.0 215 0.2 163 0.4 94 0.6 7 0.8 -97 1.0 -219 - 50 For values of c near 0.6, the acceleration is small. The compatibility of the wind and pressure fields in such cases is considered in Chapter IX. For other values of c, the acceleration is much larger than accelerations actually observed. In the geostrophic case, where c=l, the cyclone, starting from rest, is moving rapidly southward after one hour. With a null wind field initially, the cy- clone is soon moving rapidly northward. Thus, as might have been anticipated, the null and geostroohic wind fields are both incompatible with the pressure field defined by (6-6). Moreover, the geostrophic wind field appears to be no more satisfactory than the null wind field. - 51 VII. CYCLONES WITH GRADIENT WIND FIELDS It is often claimed that in the free atmosphere the gradient wind is a good approximation to the actual wind. In the present chapter the pressure field defined by (6-3) is considered again, and the gradient wind field U) is chosen to accompany it. According to the usual definition, the wind is gradient if the pressure gradient force, the Coriolis force, and the centrifugal force are in equilibrium. tude u The magni- of the gradient wind is therefore the positive root of the equation u + 2 ru -(ruo = 0 , (7-1) where r is the radius of curvature of the trajectory, assumed to be positive if the curvature is cyclonic, and u is the magnitude of the geostrophic wind (cf. Petterssen, 1940). Petterssen (1944) has shown that in the free atmosphere any wind moving parallel to the isobars is equal to the gradient wind. There is therefore no unique gradient wind field corresponding to a given pressure field. For example, the wind field cU(W) of the previous chapter is a gradient wind field. A unique gradient wind field can be defined, however, if r is required to be the radius of curvature of the isobar. In practice, such a definition is often used when the 16" __ trajectory is not known. In this study, r will always mean the radius of curvature of an isobar. of r, the magnitude u With this definition of the gradient wind will be defined by (7-1). / Let 4 If the wind field is gradient, 1 The gradient wind field V(,) =,MU() field V(,) c U(,) l III i :~ n 1L) ,r~ (7-2) differs from the wind of the previous chapter because varies with x, y, and z. poUYI1JIlyno + B,Xo B*.' (-A,%XY 8' /4 th Since /4 ,,, iielutl, is not necessarily a L al)hIougi is not necessarily polynomial. ,m ,,~,7, vlerically ~ , isu 1,,, ithermal, Expressions containing inte- gral signs may be obtained for A' and V() , but if ,A varies with z in a complicated manner it may be impossible to perform the integrations. An expression containing integral signs is now obtained for the velocity [1l61 Vi., [1)7] C~K of the surface pressure center. A t t ,/ 1..1-46-1ko -m ;.X" Be-' ,,, N(V,.,,,=-, --AlV. ) =. ,,-;· " °' a - 53 At the surface, A' -o si;ccMA · ~i'·* I0 4 1 (A výA,A •" 4:- A [2,2A A AOwt~~ij At the surface pressure center (0,O,0), A =0 j A,,c - A, X(, Hence according to (4-14) AAto po. A"tmA )ýjG(7-3) -o Further simplification of (7-3) depends upon the beand its derivatives on the havior of the functionM axis. According to 'A r I AA*. (7-1), V"oA IMLet (7-4) Then (7-5) The positive root of (7-5) is /AA = - V 4- VIL + 2,V -54 iLet 1 In terms of / ,Ap Then 9 , / A, " ) Next, expressions for V , y* V~'~)L~` + /411 0 %%/A V Y, , and terms of the pressure field are obtained. ( )) in The expressions are valid in all vertically isothermal models. If a curve is defined by the equation F (x,y) = constant , the radius of curvature r, which is the reciprocal of the curvature, is given (cf. Berry et al., 1945) by (F r = F xx F y + F y x - 2F F F xy x y + F F yy x If the curve is an isobar on a horizontal surface, A stant along the curve. = con- The radius of' curvature of an isobar is therefore given, in tensor notation, by a:·\ - 55 - (As. Ao,) -'* Also, according Ao Therefore to (3-21), 8: g +y) ( A., A.,) / 8o (7-6) A.AA, A-s The sign is to be chosen so that V > o is cyclonic. Differentiation shows that (v"v,) = B, B,X, (Ay Ay) a A+y Ar Av - B23 , if the curvature ( A,AsA Ai) A- As A-- ,It Y (Ay AY)p (A3 S~v A , A, (A Ay) A•A (AyA, As ), AAcA5- (AvAAc•),(AyAsAA•;) (AI A,A.) 56- - When A I'slivev by (6-3) Aa A)(. - , X, A., 2 A, X, * AXx,.X -8ON.. AAo = A )(,YX-A,18, (X, AA,. A2 R' A., A, A-,P while ( X = As (AVAy )p + )(,KX.)2 +1, 2" 2' (Av Ay) + A ,Y * B; ו, X,, 2a - A B•a, + (-A3%,+ A, 13';%z Thus V X,, 4 8, 3A,*2 SA(A.A (A, AsA), that . , +- (-A" 8a,2 -A,1312 2) Xit is the quotient of two quadratic expressions in z, ,) is , m , and somewhat tmore complicated. ." The model is therefore and the expression for A integrable. Along the z-axis, however, 2 AeA.A = 83 z A A AA A = A(A (A, A, AYr follows are in general complicated irra- tional algebraic functions of not polynomial, It A •) =,A, (AyAY), j is not readily - 57 - (A ýAs A-ys),O = A, (AyAy), t AR Xea. 8,-z+ A38, + A(-tA C AV) 2) Therefore, along the z-axis, S= 11 .r8 8. Al "v, ' 8, XI (V" 9)wk . (8' 8, - 8." ) XX' , a,- A As BRass'" -A,"'A,) (,y X.O -+ a.(A, So, along the z-axis, ,( v' ) Aa = o e A or- AAo s PI(- At8,.81' +3a1, Ar.Aa' P/ A' , a) (v`'y, Asa /A, A, -,18, ,13, 618 A X •. The above expressions make if possible to evaluate the integral -(qILI) in (7-3). A1 Thus so -A S I A l- r3B, AAJX,7 __ r" j~M QI " ::. - 58 - C - ,"A, ) ý'c' 14AlLBB;B Bb, x.,, Comparison with (6-5) shows that (+ -3AlxAI) U<.o (7-7) Therefore the cyclone is steered. The speed of the cyclone is now considered. The linear cyclone model, defined by the pressure field (6-6), is considered first. /4 In this case (7-7) becomes Lot and (6-5) becomes Equation (7-6) reduces to At (0,0,0), with the numerical values (6-13) and (6-14), ý = - h-l h = 0.732 /4%= -1+2/1 Therefore U(x) V(x) = 0.155 143 km per hour = - U(x) = 104 km per hour 22 km per hour 59 - - The cyclone therefore moves eastward with a speed comparable to the speeds of actual cyclones. models, then, In linear cyclone a gradient wind field seems to be more comcJ(,) . patible with the pressure field than a wind field and /l It should be noted that V , and hence also / , are Therefore a linear cyclone model with a independent of z. gradient wind field is a polynomial model. The above results show that it is unnecessary to assume any deviation from the gradient wind to account for the fact that cyclones move. In actual cyclones, however, signifi- cant deviations from the gradient wind are undoubtedly present. Expression (7-7) is models. not limited to linear cyclone A pressure field which closely resembles the linear field (6-6) for small values of R, but which is not linear, is given by (l ) - (-I 7 A- ) (7-8) The pressure field (7-8) appears to be more realistic than the field (6-6), because both the surface pressure and the temperature remain within reasonable limits as power series expansion of (7-8) is 4A R (~+ko 3t '0"". 4;0 +1 -4 co . The ----- -ii- 7 r - 60 - So at (0,0,0), 0 , AA = a Bo = b , B = kab A As R-, o , p-lO000 , A = -a & m B, = 0 at the surface, so a reasonable value for m is 0.04. Thus and A, Cae_) A, = -m = -25 , = 76/jU(x) = 1680 km per hour In contrast to the linear cyclone, the cyclone defined by (7-8) moves with a speed much greater than the speed of actual cyclones. It must be concluded that except in spe- cial models, such as linear cyclone models, a gradient wind field is incompatible with the pressure field. For the pur- pose of computing pressure changes, the gradient wind is usually not a sufficiently close approximation to the actual wind. In this connection it should be noted that in a linear cyclone model the isobars in any horizontal plane are concentric circles. In the more general model defined by (6-3) the isobars are usually circular only at the surface. In the pressure field (7-8), for example, at sufficiently high levels some of the isobars are curved anticyclonically a short distance from the z-axis, since for x 4 sign with elevation. 0, r changes - 61 - It is beyond the scope of this study to find suitable val-ues of the wind when the isobars are neither straight nor circular. jected. The geostrophic and gradient winds have been re- In the remaining chapters only 1inear- cyclone models are studied. - 62 VIII. DEVIATION FROM THE GRADIENT WIND FIELD The results of Chapter VII show that in a linear cyclone model with a gradient wind field, the surface pressure center moves with a velocity resembling the velocities of actual cyclones. But nothing is said in Chapter VII about the wind center. Experience with synoptic weather maps indicates that in actual cyclones the pressure and wind centers move with approximately equal velocities. It is evident that a surface wind center must be stationary at any instant when it is also a pressure center. At such a point A o= Step [1,12] V , V ) = 0 V(Z) = 0 shows that ' =0 whence, according to (4-16) , Therefore, if the pressure and wind fields are compatible, the surface pressure and wind centers cannot coincide. The distance between the centers is probable small, since frequently two distinct centers are not observable on synoptic weather maps. In a theoretical study, Hesselberg (1915) found that the angle, measured counterclockwise from the direction of motion of the pressure center to the direction of the wind I:ii - 63 - center fron from the the ~ressure pressure center, center, should should lie lie between between 900 900 center and 1800 180O and in the Northern Northern Hemisphere. Hemisphere. in the In ti.ie the absence absence of of In friction, the the ani7le anle should should equal equal 900 900. friction, Hesselberg Hesselberg (1915) (1915) then studied studied 55 56 cyclones cyclones appearing appearing in in the the United United States then States Weather Bureau Bureau maps maps for for 1906. Weat~er lg0~. His findings appeared appeared to to nis findin~s be verified, verified. .be If aa cyclone cyclone is is moving moving eastward, eastward, the the surface If surface wind wind center may may be at some some point center be expected expected to to lie lie at point of the the surface pressure center center (0,0,0). (0,0,0). of surface pressure A = ~ a'R" a R AE -- (0,a ,O) north (O, crO) north If If (l+kay), Rz z (l+kzy) the gradient gradient wind wind field field is given by by the is given dL ~,,, o~ 1rb(~+r)~'(-~X tkbX**~) wind field field which which resembles resembles the the gradient gradient wind wind field field rather rather kA wind closely which has has aa wind (0,6 closely but but whic~i wind center center at at (0,6,0j ,0) ~(~ Y - o( is given given by is by X -+ X, + kf, X,1 +~-aX,. +kLX,,L) (8-1) (s-i) The present present chapter chapter deals cyclone defined The deals with with linear linear cyclone models Inodels defined by (6-~) (6-6) and (8-1). by and (8-1). computed. are computed, Surface values values of of Surface It is is then possible possible to to It exists aa value of exists val~e of rQ` for for which which Since Since Since IA is Since r is y h~l( C,(.) Ccr, and and WaI(a \FJI(,, determine whether deterrrine whether there there W• I(a) ~J I(a) ( i+Y) +) '+Y) independent of of z, independent z, the model model isis the polynomial. polynomial. - 64 Computations follow. IA,ý7 = - t- ((+ [1,2] Aa [1,3] A.' A. [1,43 V (CX- - kIM CL [1,810 "c'a (l+ Y - - 11,6 [1,7] Y) 4 t(-/ * A) I./A, I -, ( V,,),, +A,V,,, Vt --= A , , [1,91 J (=xUV9 = ), [1),.o] V,,, = I ) Y)' II+ (+ Y) Ik - 1o'-2' ~~~' kC7L xI (ctt'(rkaG ~ (/-'X- 1"/4-RMKAk -1 [1,'11 A' = - (+ Y) x = 0 . At the wind center at any le- At such a point, 1,12 V Lo')dh IL At the pressure center at an' At such a point, +. X <... 2) - 65 - [2,)1 A% I I Y1 /a,I+' At the surface pressure center, o.? X , Av,, z -sI AI so Cut,= OL ('M,k + ~1 +j kI a a-) (() (8-2) ci, since At the surface wind center :- - I" Vista V( k I+Y-I I , ~"k(·t (8-3) In (8-2.),/ and 1, are evaluat A is evaluated at (0, G-,0) . small, ,M(0,-,0) may be replac ing the value of Wi t .% apprec are approximately equal when at The solution for - , in terms o while in (8-3), - 66 - S% Thus /4( 6 C I(VL./)~ (8-4) With the numerical values of the previous chapter, UtJc = 143 = •CIY) km per hour 30.12 km per hour The distance between the centers is P- = 61,9 km So at (0,~6,0) r = 1.0031 , r J,(,) = 0.7325 , = 30.10 km per hour . For practical purposes, - C, . . AJ,, the pressure At center, / In (o,o,o) this model, = 8.1 km per hour therefore, the cyclone is steered. The pressure and wind centers move together at a speed consistent with speeds of actual cyclones. centers is less thi an The distance between the the usual distance betwveen adjacent stations on a synoptic weather map, and the wind speed at - 67 the pressure center is small enough to be obscured by local fluctuations. The model seems reasonably satisfactory. The isobaric mean wind V() now considered. over the pressure center is Since V 'ý4 + a- .j It follows that U I( Expression (8-5) . ) (8-5) states that the speed of the cyclone equals the speed of the isobaric mean geostrophic wind minus the speed of the mean wind. This result contradicts state- ments sometimes heard to the effect that a cyclone moves with the speed of the upper level winds, or of the upper level geostrophic winds. Expression (8-4) states that the speed of the cyclone varies linearly with the isobaric mean geostrophic wind, and also in a more complicated manner with the curvature of the surface pressure profile. Values of significant quan- tities, corresponding to various curvatures of the surface pressure profile, appear in Table I. is identical to that of (6-6). The temperature field F· 68 - - TABLE I Significant quantities in linear cyclone models where k x "0) and where 2 waJ I =0.99x10 sec , •) 1ka 1 =, ka-20000 k-ni R (km) 400 600 800 1000 a (kmn') 1/2000 1/3000 1/4000 1/5000 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 2.00 0.89 0.50 0.32 0.25 0.56 1.00 1.56 0.50 0.64 0.73 0.80 6- U(x) 143 (km/hr) 95 Vx) (x) (km/hr) CII+) 62 67 (km) 14it3 143 143 105 113 119 (km/hr) V(x)(0,0,0) (km/hr) R = distance from surface pressure center (1000 millibars) to 1020.2 millibar isobar. - 69 The above figures do not apply to the general cyclone, and they apply to linear cyclones only when the wind field is defined by (8-1). But they at least suggest a physical explanation of the empirical results obtained by Austin (1947). The steering of cyclones may be a result of a tend- ency of the pressure and wind fields to be "balanced", in the sense that the pressure field and the gradient wind field are balanced in a linear cyclone model. This study does not attempt to explain vihy the pressure and wind fields are balanced. The lack of a relation between the speed of a cyclone center and the speed of the upper winds is a result of the dependence of cyclone speeds upon additional factors. It is conceivable that a study based on synoptic maps might yield an empirical relation between the speed of a cyclone, the upper level geostrophic wind speed, and some third quantity, such as the curvature of the surface pressure profile. The model defined by (6-6) and (8-1) is admittedly not entirely satisfactory. Some of its faults have been brought out in the discussion of linear models in Chapter VI. An- other fault is that the pressure and wind centers at upper levels move with decidedly different velocities, even though the surface centers move together. Nevertheless, it is be- lieved that many features of cyclone motion are correctly described by this model. - 70 IX. LINEAR CYCLONE COEFFICIENTS The choice of the wind field (8-1) in Chapter VIII, and the conclusions drawn from the study of the model, are based upon a consideration of the first time derivatives of A and V( ). A complete study of the model requires consid- eration of higher time derivatives, since the power series for A and V,) are not well represented by linear functions The complexity of the expression (6-11) for A' of t. sug- gests that it may be difficult to obtain these derivatives. It is possible to simplify expression (6-11) by an approximation. tion that k is The approximation is based upon the assumpa small quantity. Although k is a constant in any particular model, it may assume different values in different models. (6-11) is treated as a general expression for A When in a number of different linear cyclone models, it becomes a function not only of x, y, and z, but also of k, a, b, h, k, and c. It is therefore possible to expand (6-11) in a power series in k, with coefficients containing the remaining quantities used to define the model. An approximate expres- sion for A" consists of the constant and the linear terms of the expansion of A"' in a power series in k. Thus, approximately, - 71 - (-2+8kay) cl h +(-l+2kay)a R +(-2k+(2+6K)kay) bz A =• (9-1) (-2+4kay) + (c-1)h +(-l+kay)a% R' +\( -2+(1+2K)kay) bz/ From (9-1), the approximate expression C()= - Iak(8lc•h+4(c-l)h) (9-2) for the acceleration of the surface pressure center is obtained. Expression (9-2) may be treated as an approximation for (6-12). An estimate of the accuracy of the approximations may be obtained from a study of Table II. c = For the extreme values 0 and c = 1 corresponding to the null and geostrophic wind fields, the error introduced by the approximation is small compared to the quantity under consideration. For such wind fields, the approximation appears to be justified. For intermediate values of c, when the quantity being com- puted is small, the relative error involved is of little significance, and the absolute value of the error must be considered. - 72 TABLE II Exact and approximate values of and at the origin, for linear cyclones with wind fields cU(4) (h= I , k= ) 0.000 0.500 0.18 0.732 1.000 A/i ~(exact) 1.040 0.385 0.191 -0.011 -0.540 • (approx.) AI/x 1.000 0.375 0.191 -0.040 -0.010 (exact) 2.120 0.520 (approx,) 2.000 0.500 -0.120 -0.020 error C_1 ('eV)/ . h /1**- k C error 0 -0.015 0 '0.015 0 -0.500 +0.011 +0.040 -0.590 -2.160 -0.536 -2.000 +0.054 +0.160 When the pressure is approximately 1000 millibars, a change of 0.001 in A means a pressure change of about one millibar. The error +0.011 in Al"/A corresponding to c = 0.732 therefore means that the approximation causes an error of about 5.5 millibars in the power series expansion for A in t, whien t t = 1, that is, when t is about three hours. Such an error is so large that the use of the ap- proximation for computing pressure changes is not justified. The numerical value of a:` K in Chapter VI is 800 kilo- meters. The error +0.015 in C•/)/ I 0 "'k corresponding - 73 to c = 0.618 therefore means that the approximation causes an error of about 6 kilometers in the position of the cyclone center when t is tA ~r thcl l\f~ unjustified. It ~h about three hours. ~ f~~ Such an error is ~ hC+1~~~~-l\~:*,.C: rr ~f u- should be observed that the principal error in the computation of A l is common to every point, so that only minor errors affect the pressure pattern relative to a given point. Since the approximation is made by omitting terms of second and higher degrees in k, the errors are much smaller when k is small. The above errors of 5.5 millibars and 6 kilometers become errors of 1.4 millibars and 0.8 kilometers if the value of k is changed to . It may be concluded that the approximation is always justified if k is sufficiently small. In addition to simplifying the computation, the approximation yields an expression (9-1) for A" which has the same form as the expression (6-6) for A. Both expressions are of the form K + KaR a' where K,, + K& bz + kay(K. + K a Ra + Ksbz) Ka, --- are dimensionless constants. , (9-3) On the other hand, the exact expression (o-11) for A" involves terms in a2R 2 bz and b1 z. This observation suggests the possibility of obtaining a general expression resembling (9-3) for A by means of a similar approximation. - 74 When the model is defined by (6-6) and (6-7), approxiand V ( mate general expressions for A if the quantity computed in each step may be obtained [n,j] is replaced by the constant and linear termis of the expansion of that quantity in a power series in k. The expressions are estab- lished by mathematical induction. Assume that for i = 0, --- , n-l, there exists a set of dimensionless constants E V Q s H '''3 ¾ each defined for a finite number of values of j, such that the following eight expressions, nu-mbered (9-4) to (9-11), are true: (Expressions obtained by steps with the assumptions (9-4) to (9-11). In,jl are listed Each expression follows directly from the one or two assumptions just stated.) A ~i(E)26 E +A! &(E ( •)= a + E )A RE + KX (E R1E-1 +A-A E;S - 75 - (Al A .); +, X, ( F) + X,(F + +dR'7R'FA+~czF~) ( - s) ~sXS(F; ( V(al + - (5.))l [2i+1, 4 [2i+1,5] ) Q:6 X'( QL .-X .,c) (4-6) (Q6 k "'l'B - a o~ R'q, i Az k 444;) V(,,•, - X-+ ,(Qdh +ko~q: XKO (G. [2i+1,61 ...V~sI V(,, (.) I u (c (VI. + + A A . Vt'•,,IV(), I 1 [2i+1,10] (;,dh) V(I) =(,;,, I -~> (~)I a 2 4 K.-,'; I kht jA* [2i+1,91 t' X; X,, Q,+ 5 ~' ) iS) O&a. PR XaAL4~ R6 LX(P'qs dL + 1; I LxtgxQ~ I - q(2 -qp; RZ G + ~z +D-r)R1) G;\ 81 - 76 - A%. i) *. L2i+2, 1" i+ A (.b.,L k+) 12i+2,2] ·-" X,~ G-~ X,,(c; +. AE + -(3·"tl)l R' •0'e , - Ca;)) (t -X; G -1 ++ c R + +, 2 (A; A.) (>+r' A h ZX~ k ~iI 't X,< (Hi + ' R'H V 114t+% -t +, *) * 4+ 1A a. Jt,:) f ~~25*(c(-1 2 i+2, 41 ULLl) Ai [2i+2, 51 L t.(k) S. &; B Vot) a +C, ( +41) i V(%ca 12i+2,6] (V (a441) ()la; = (o.-,+))1 (36iL *) +A2VtI )l tI ~o =(zit·I)!1Z"+i X. )Xs ,- xlx 1 i& Si SA (3 Sss + s :+kq ( , .) (,-,,) (-r ITr Ia (T'ý -tT-4) - 77 - [2i+2,81 -- (1·t\, ( %'AT T !a * k TG6 V(26; [2i+2,91 (a;tl)! Vt) IL B T)) 2i+2, 101 , V ( /h~S 6+I) v(4) + (~I;+I)!R = +(-s-S)TT) 42r In the following equations, much repetitious writing may be avoided if each expression of the form z EjFr is replaced by the abbreviated expression The number in square brackets is the sum of the superscripts of the two factors in each product, and the limits of summation are the limits of the superscript of the first factor. The equation in xA V,- step 3,6-- L2n,ll may be written (VW) (,.ý.-I-.) C, Vc ) A (.&4) + A- Vc: (~c~l~~i) - 78 Substitution of expressions appearing in the inductive assumptions shows that assumption (9-4) is verified for i = n, and that El _• r O ' T LC~ rrc~) ,-.-,] (-• E, S.o E-,-, E3(4s 0- b (iK)T,) -T^(at + 4--, f~1 I So -E SI -CQ4dG ) I--- (-- E,S.- E,S- ?Es,S,) -a6 0I~ +E(E (s ,6- (I- X)T,) - East c. 3 SS + S,- (I-T-,) x) The equation in step (A-A. Az A> - 't~1AI Assumption (9-5) [2n+1,3] - Q. G- may be written .C, Az(A;A ,) C A) A, (A A) is verified for i = n, and - - 79 - + Xj E3 F. F,= E7 -EC* -+E vi-E, ~c(EFs,+ E, -- E. F, +EE-" l E,F, 1 -E; -ji t~ E3 F, . The equation in step [2n,12] F, -I - F.- E, F, Vc<o -+ z.C6 V(T 1 may be written (A;' A V, MI%) SV() V.i-) " Assumption (9-6) is verified for i = n, and q7 (S, o H, - --. ] (S o s- 3h 5,4 s + q. 5, + I~5 ZiE--'] ( q6s *+QS. 0 q> ' (s -' Ir3 IQS +q.7, --ýQ,ý ce--t (3 si) (-QsS +Q.S + 0(-Id)Q OT01) - 80 The equation in step [2n+1,7 may be written "(I-)2'~ %)-1 AILV(ol6 IILA7V : A l ;; S,- Ot V 1 A- Vn) 1 A3l -~'i-)) - V - -I > AI VWr1 *. 4 is verified for i = n, Assumption (9-7) + ~ -I (-S The equation in step - V1m$^ - and TC-i(Epqt± , [^-I E I A' A2 c., P.S. + - E,,.,) T [2n+1,11 may be written •I - (,V, ,%.-LA) Z2a -c , A ) Assumption (9-8) is verified for i = n, and ar'. +~~ ' (-G S.) + i (- Eq E Q.) , ~ rC~ · G7 ~h+~ cA-. Gt - t - (C~ r-- (-CSO)t -Eaql 't E. oQ)) [.,--, I , ( ,,- ,I-k7 T,) E;V-(-ExQS + E1 ('' ")E3 Rc+ Es9,-E3 d r C rt· Ir - 81 The equation in step [2n+2,31 may be written A. - C, A" (A'A,) (A;*"'A`V( Sa A c) A ri o Assumption (9-9) is verified for i = n, and Afto + 4I H~~ ?" = -&, * ,I:']E•H + S Th, - Gequation in ste The equation in V(Q) step '~ ).A L1w+1,121 .•. Vlot may be written (A;' Aa.) * = ) V() A,;0 may be written3H )c Assumption (9-10) is verified for i -- I• C* = n, and VI V(K VZX) ) ar - 82 - ,I c-bl POQ 1- *k Fs -q + S - q+ s'> )+~( -130 O S (- S.) 4 c. (395Q5)) 0 E-[ Q6, Q o I-S., S)4 0 &7ý ( Q :---] (SaS.-(t-Y)SJT.)-e ST3 Q^+WFv - -- k F" *" 0 The equation in step + L2n+2,7] A, V-() A 1 ry rV +r S )_s+1 (St Z (2) Ax 4% 0 I is verified for i = n, and 0 | - V .) (Sh+**A) (gIVE Assumption (9-11) may be written ) :4( T,~ -q (-3ss) t 4 -q ^+ F 1 TI- +) --,3[-5.s(O .~F± q[+ h F," +: ~ E S.) ~L-~J'V. S. - E,TtsT s .- E,(3s, +si) t Ext) 9,Q?.5 C.) qQb) - 83 Assumptions (9-4) to (9-11) are therefore established for i = n. Assumption (9-4) is true when i = 0, and com- parison of (9-4) with (6-6) shows that (9-12) Assumption (9-6) is true when i = 0, provided that the constant and linear terms of the power series expansion of V () in k are of the form (9-13) = cU( ) , and Expression (9-13) holds when V(,) .-- r,0 C, 0 5 0 6 Q '.? 0 q 0 The remaining assumrtions, when i = 0, follow directly from assumptions (9-4) and (9-6). The set of assumptions is therefore established by mathematical induction for all values of n. It is thus no longer necessary to treat ex- pressions (9-4) to (9-11) as assumptions. The dimensionless constants called linear cyclone coefficients. , , --- will be The symbol to refer to any linear cyclone coefficient. is used 3f The subscripts j have been chosen so that only those coefficients Y, with F - 84t 3 appear in the constant terms of the power series in k. These coefficients will be called linear cyclone coefficients The remaining coefficients will be called of order zero. coefficients of order one. The expressions for some of the linear cyclone coefficients may be simplified with the aid of (9-12). sions for T , , and T& The expres- may be written LC-l E,(", - , s o E-1(( E,(Rn-* ;,)/+ER.r +.E--,G-,(T Tro --s.)- o TheE3 thes eqain so +firstht E'S The first of these equations shows thiat M T, = aSo for all n. The terms containing the factor T,in the second and third equations. S., The three equations may be used to simplify the expressions for Mp , G^ therefore vanish E pt It8 and S The simplified set of equations follows. ~~ , ET iui - 85 Coefficients of order zero: (9-14) r E. -C' EaSo 0 ]L E ' :- F. Q~- , (' " [-,-I] 5o =-" (a•Q . S) (-S.s) (5- F* 0o3"1(9+ A0 [A-]c- 9 S. T, = Coefficients of order one: E E M. (9-15) L -- ,] ( E(S.* ES. 5; (• -A ('c-ZO -E, +Q 6 (s3E, S.4 Ea S,* E, S,+ 9. r--1((I* ) E,56c3 Ex F, * I 0 cc7 o - 86 - F; --E" _c-3 E,F, EtZeK Ez F, FIA t - *c- E3 F, F 9 ',WH, - •--' (3qs.+ 3q.s,) - -' (3q, S. H. - IE-- +,, -I - 16 = - Q.1 - 0 Q ( ,S + i cb1 E3 R, -M+ .@- 0 C--IJ 1---3 (3 G-6, *k C-] (E,Q,- Ec r.s. so + I b + -GG 3. -t 9. S5S E,(q,- q,) t E.•, 5L-r s OW H I C--I· 1- 0*~ i -(-h - I~t G 1r 1;- A,. Q.s,1) (-xEsR 1,- E,Q.o) -·1E, H, - Ec- (-F. G,C Fi ____ 1 iimim - 87 Hi Zc-~ E -s Fi o E H c tH - - - CI+ u~l S I Z ~r, 1.I S Y. - Tc--IJ o t H**** to ± - t r~ I S IS- + ' - -~( , ( - T&1 (3SS.) I 1E, T, S- so) Z ~-r~ (~-yK) (E (-3SS- Expressions for A, V(&), 0 c-1 (3q,SQ ~ csc~ *tr~ss-spj SS° S,) q, Q.) tO0 Ea S and other quantities as power series in t involve the power series Y. , defined as follows: 00 Y#1 **O Y^~ (.t) Y, 00 Co = -t z According to (3-20), (9-4), field at time t is given by if Y= E, if Y= and (9-8), F, Q, R, G, H, S3, the pressure I:_ M - 88 - C +It Cr+ AE &s') E 1+A if the initial pressure and wind fields are given by (9-12) At points near the z-axis, the terms contain- and (9-13). ing k a y Ra and k a3 x R a remaining terms, unless G are much smaller than the excessively large. or G., is At (0,800,0), with the numerical values (6-14), I a a Ra ka = 0.02 y = 0.04 RA k a y a = If the terms containing G, E, + '- 0 0.0008 and E are neglected, +,-+L K , EL ((C6, L E II + (9-16) Expression (9-16) represents the pressure field of a linear cyclone, provided that E,>o and E 3 < . So within the limits of the approximation used to obtain (9-16), a linear cyclone with a wind field (9-13) remains a linear - 89 cyclone as t increases, until such time as E 3 = 0, or one of the power series Gj or E = O, 0 or fails to converge. (9-6), and (9-10), the wind field According to (3-21), at time t is given by O+ X + xV - = (9-17) + k Except when S, ,+ R'Q, = 0, the wind field (9-17) is more compli- cated than the initial wind field (9-13), since its horicontains the term zontal divergence V(W)W dependent of k. 2S, which is in- The horizontal divergence of the initial wind contains k as a factor. The surface pressure center in (9-16) is given by (9-18) C-I' E E, The pressure at the center is given by - 90- A = E, (9-19) In view of (9-19) it is unnecessary to obtain individual values of C.(,) to determine the paths of the cyclones under consideration. Figure 1 shows the paths of linear cyclones with wind fields cU(W) Table I. corresponding to values of c appearing in The computations, based on equations (9-14), (9-15), and (9-18), pendix. appear in Tables III to IX in the ap- The numerical values (6-13) and (6-14) are used. Each curve in Figure 1 shows that the corresponding cyclone, initially at rest, is soon moving much more rapidly than actual cyclones move. The complete lack of re- semblance between these curves and the paths of actual cyclones may be accepted as final evidence that, except for values of c near 0.6, wind fields cU(,) are incompat- ible with the pressure fields of linear cyclone models. Values of c near 0.6 must still be considered. case c = 0.618, The omitted from Figure 1, is included in Tables V, VIII, and IX. During the first three hours the surface pressure center moves about 12 kilometers. This distance has the same order of magnitude as the errors introduced by the approximation. It can be concluded that the cyclone is quasi-stationary, but the details of the path are not certain. Since quasi-stationary cyclones exist, a fur- ther test of the compatibility of the pressure and wind -- * -~~~~ ----------- P -7-71 I 1 .1 -----I- 2K 24 ~~~i---- ` -- V Vi ~ ~ ~ I__ii*~ __ -- ----~tl-~ i i---: '-:: I f-I!-- - J-i I L4.- .--- 4--; i i1 : I V4 1. 1 t i I 5: I j 1 !- i i I 7 '2 Il_,_ A - 77: 4.· III i_ - i I 1 1 t i. r21 22 i7 . T * 12 -t T- --17T- A--i2- -; - .--. I" - -t. I~il : i --- ' I-· ? ---·- K-- 4 IL: 41 t· · -t crtr o ,;i i IT·· -I I :Tjf .i I! T1-i f · ·1 777 -vi ,--------II, --- ·i i -1 i_ ,· 44~ -:7· 77 t f i `: t i lit 9 17 =77 .tT N.I-ti 44 Il if li Lt ffii idti rjrl · ' 'i-1 i I F~Fi ,IA 2'' 77i 2L irt r--i ci ulL r 4i iI 1 ii' -·C-L POh -j ·t:~i t,' cA·T1YidF it~ 4,,i Eli Lt 2 iqL-t-i TI? IE IN IiI--' TT-- i- I-- V:BE i_-_L11 7 ---- i; 1t; *-- CL L-I--f--.- -I ----·- RVEi -- F-1.7 2 -- L -i -A-t I- ·-.- C -- TT * a. 4 - ItI NALUtS_ -00 _CQC4T~ O '-K -1--t i. -t- - ;7 i V- -- ,.... I L.· 77 ----- I 2 _______ -.I r ,, L --- i-C---i-: I1 V tj* __ {- 1~ -. - Li WYIN SI____ LL- Fi1 iii Siii F1TT owfl I- ii '-I-' LLL Il - 91 - fields seems desirable. The figures in Table V show that t = 3 hours. E, = 0.096 when According to (9-19), P = A = 1101 millibars This excessively high pressure indicates that the pressure and wind fields are incompatible. iT W-IbI FNIELDS hold for all wind fields -15) in k have constant and linear le gradient wind field (7-3) is ie power series expansion +>OX hOO2 jL of , and /4, (10-1) at the origin. .3) shows that -hm = 0. hat every linear cyclone coef.ishes unless n = 0. Thus ____._ Fmý __ MMMMý - 93 equations (9-15) for the coefficients Y of order one may be simplified to the following set, referred to collectively as (10-2). ;.II **^ - 5'1 -" S 4 d"- -I,e *^ - ' t T4 4 (KT , E. 41 F,-= 1") Ss ~4~LCG; - -E? 4" = - E1 ; E F, %& ((1* 4, P.( .3 k U%) - (I+ S I Q3 'I )" krrc) S; il···-) S + •He + ,- ,•"3 SAt sot t H;il) ' HhI, - 94 - --c *c(*~ '5 * ~(L. H~ ~r 4 I - c. G-;+ 8 ? H hi G c~cS S m S L -- * S (+ (6 - -a- c - . S( -. - 3s Q+AF +i~rF;) e; .t.- (-~-)q +LF;) Qs tS *Sr thF-j 5 - - Equations (10-2) hold not only for gradient wind fields but for all other wind fields of the form (9-13) in which Such wind fields will be called quasi-gradient o = -hm. wind fields. ; is a linear In equations (10-2) each coefficient combination of coefficients Y7 . or Examination shows that if -IeKI for Y = E, F, Q, R and for all j, then Y ;I ~ ;;?;; for Y = G, H, for Y = E, series F, K, T and for all j, and S, Y.L i (SclSL~ | < (s+lt Q, R and for all j. )(3te ) Therefore each power yi converges for all values of t. The power series £y containing cyclone coefficients of order zero reduce to constants when the wind field is quasi-gradient. Thus EF> El: o qoS - ~~Ve , 3' Sco d -t J - 96 - Equations (9-17) and (9-18) therefore become -( (c. - Iz ±+ Ec,)) C4 (ca + k~ + X, (10-3) LCZ sC + -- •R~'(5,+s,) + ,, 4(S S~.) Equation (10-3) represents the pressure field of a linear cyclone which is exactly like the initial pressure field except that the pressure center is at (10-5) and the isotherms are parallel to the line Gs" + EK - instead of to the x-axis. = o The pressure and temperature changes at the center are of the order of magnitude of the terms neglected in the approximation. The wind field (10-4) resembles the initial in that its divergence V(,)) However, the wind wind field contains k as a factor. - 97 - at the surface pressure center is no longer parallel to the isotherms unless G-, Q, + E-t S = o and the vertical wind shear V ,4- = AC"' Lik (Xa QS + X,, S,) is no longer parallel to the isotherms unless Qi (s '+ EsS, = o The wind center is at St2 --S ------- Q& ) (10-6) Q(.+ 42 OS The wind field (8-1) of Chapter VIII wind field in which Q .5= k ( 44% Q Sh nm kkl 0- 0 'I 9"8 -, kV\Am (kI- ,, -•r ) a quasi-gradient Y____ __ :___ 1 - 98A consideration of first time derivatives alone indicates that the wind field (8-1) is fairly satisfactory. Consideration of higher time derivatives reveals some of its deficiencies. Figures 2 and 3 show the paths of centers of linear cyclones whose wind fields are given by (7-2) and (8-1), respectively. The computations, based on equations (10-2), (10-5), and (10-6), appear in Tables X, XI, and XIII in the appendix. The numerical values (6-13) and (6-14) are used. The paths of the surface pressure centers in Figures 2 and 3 resemble each other closely. In Figure 3, although the cyclone is steered at tne initial time, it is not steered at other times. For example, when t = 2 hours, the surface pressure center is moving approximately toward the S E. The axis of the cyclone'at t = 2 hours, which joins the pressure centers at different levels at this time, leans approximately to the N i W. The cyclone would have to move 900 right of this direction, or toward the E N E, if to the it were ,and Q being steered. By altering the values of slightly, Q , Q4 , it may be possible to find a model whose wind field resembles the field (8-1) very closely, but which continues to be steered as t increases from zero. Since the steering direction is 900 to the right of the temperature gradient, the angle e from the positive x-axis to the r ---- ---------- -~-~~ ~ ,i NUMBERS BESIDE C URVE ARE TIME IN HOURS , . . . . ... .. .. r ~~~~-~----~ -~~~-~ ~-~ ~~~~~~~~~-~---~-~ ~~~~-~ .. .. . . . .. .,. 01 c i* , ETER I I KILOMETER 0 $ -- I ' . .. .. 1. .. . .. _ .. .. i. . . * .-... A..-- I- D~i5I I-----,--- XIR:I-I31N I i~J l : :i ' ! i j +i---i';.l -;1 ;;;~k" !. 3 .1 I -- .. - . --. ..-.-.-.-- - ........ .. .... . ...- .. .---. -. II-~ I : - :I- ' --- ;---I O1 . - .--..-- -. . -·-1---·---+-----· I; 1 ,. ·· + · ·- ·-- ; : N I" :::j1 ~ I .~..-I~.: ·· : ·· :i· ----- ; . .. 1· · I . i" i . . ' ~· ·-: ·- . i.· - -;', . .. i I--·- I-+- ·i : · 1 -- ... i - - I- ... ., ... . . I .. .. . I·: .-. ·I·-I .. .. ...'.. .. .i - i : ". i .. .i .:.:. :..- - ' ! · . .. I.- :i: .~..-.i . -.. • ~ __ i·-- i i I_ *.... 1 ... : .... -. 4-1.--. •.:- i. t t -·--:-· M I.,_• L..-,,-,-,,4 -- I ---··· · · ··· ·t I .i t ~t-* c I I ti.. L11 .. 1.1 ::::I I · · -· u -· ·--;.1 -- ·i 1.. ji~i -- .-... .. II " -:- ---- ·i 1-_ i '--- , 77 -- 1----- -I-- ---· - - ' -. N r-- - ·· I - t'-- ..... .. ,,1 : ' ' ' i ·~ *I . · · ·- ·--- 1 i .1-.. " ...... l"•'"t ..... ~------i . i · : :· ;1 ';~t-" :...~ i..:...ii::- -7-- t 1. :I i.l r' ·---~ -· I: !....,.., ···· --- ----I i :I f.., -- I C-3 ' :: : jr -- · --------- -- ---- ·------------ ---- -------- I ___ I ! ____ ___~__ ,II - ·- --, . 71 I 't.: :1 "I'I..;.•- It NUMBERS E IDE iURVE S ARE f-ME - 0i RS I " ·" i E ... .. ... .... .-.... i........ -.'-'--. - -- NT ,- " *. .. • . . .. I. . . . .. : . I. . . ; . I i- i. ..... iI '"~~~ , ' , , .. i-- I I -st- I ·.:.. . i ... .; .1 - jj " ·Ii:-i---~i%.· .. i;..:.. I·I; ·i: i i 't-T~ -:·:-· i·-···l · I~ I. i ; i I Ii · · i 1t Im.,-- :---~LI1 - I •-- --- t-----C----YI3- lr ---- " .. t.-;. .-i-- :....:-• ... =, tL • •,:-;•--i.-.--i-. - i - I:Ii. · · · LLL · ''' :i. . · ::__ I _ :' . I; . :- _._......... .• . i . ____ :_T__ i . I "-- :I I r--- 1.. I ' . : :-- ¶ I:f: iiY;r 17 I · r ;-· 7t i t__ ·~1- .. . ;. . (I L,. .-f- -.{. "f-if ii l... --- I - - -7-:--i: : ' ! . ..; ° .......... .: : ,! "1 II! ... U•~L ':-4 i1- I:1: rrm7 1·· :: :jfhhi: ; I;. I ... : i ;7.. 9+ :Z , • .:i . -~- ·-i ·It I 1>>· r 1 r i~ t---·-~-C- · ·---i-•:i·-L 1~1 l i.-:.i i ..it~ i------------ I :I iii:r· ·-- · -I- _._1_ -C: '-L~. -T ! ... i. .4 ;.1 , i. L.. ... I.. - i- - - - · ·- :....i . F- IT ·· :1J.1 - C· 77- . it ,.. .....4'---·I i i II~ ·-· ir i · · (-I e; ?- -i- : -- .• I:- 1-1.1 1- it • .. ++' --- t-- -1- i-TV- -aI-~~ I , , 77·-- l A EE. I. -.-. 1-: - K *--. 7 A 1 -i .--.... 7 F- · · . . 777.... .I; _ " i Si: 1:l" -.l ... : t-·-1'' 1' i. tl~-I 1- 1~ S:!71 i . -· · !':77 - -- --.. . ii:. ....... · · · .· -K- " -- -- t-- K -. --_ ~1•: I -i- 4 1 El. il T -' I- . : i T777- b 101N LC - ~- ! -~rCirt~ * I ~jRtlYIPI I~t"; "; I ; I , i, rl ' ' '··---- i __... .-.... . . --- •__•.•--•. j -- : ! .... I I I·t-I: 1-i : ii i~,.!] . i ' ~·~FC~ - · IT I---uLr~ LI 17ITIi! I I I jI-I.'ij.!i ~--·~· .._,. . . . . -_. : • I 1 :· '' we,•., .1. _..... •:t,; : !It . ; i. i. ii ;,.. . . ii _ · .4 ---- rM--- It j4 i (AItE HX~ f SI-1A "" f -- ----- i-------t-' .ii -- 1 · !... _ II 4 j ---CI ..... '" I : · ---------- M_ i I--i...i I t I _i_. ,....... i:,,, i:iI · · i ~LL-I .-...... · I·~- .Td : " I' •: :-' ."... "i:..I._:__i_=:..: " " i ..· _ .. i''' _. -I .i---,-:!. : -- .. I : = : : 7i:t ii I 1 ~___ .1]..: i-,-:i-.... :-"i..... iIO1Ek i I.. i. I I I ..- ,:.~ f777 ·' t:II -1--i i· li - I .1: _ *1 t ... -7-. L '-~~- ";-:!-r--:-- : "_ .:_ [L~·- . . ... - ;. .i. . "-4 . --- :. -- I :· i- 7': . .. .. I :f i: r:'-i--1•.-7, fLi':T:-C· · Dý FIE* ii7 L -,---.7 :.... ,t+~fi·- i - · I~ L~-ii _· iwm - 99 steering direction is given by -A . SAz- . Thus t~b3A 2 JA_2 ý 2.a + 39 A29 -I-- A2 A2 Initially, Azx =0 A = -kab FA AZi = A Ixat a = kab kab Go So at The angle 4 from the positive x-axis to the direc- tion of motion of the surface pressure center is given by JA;ý y TC- 'M1ý ýCO C (,) At the moving center, + Cli C1) p) dt C1(o) ). U--'---~ iim _ -· ~-·~" ~-·- .·· ~ -- 100 - - Initially, :'i ost Cyl,) C If the cyclone is steered C,(~) ~ So Thus .F. -/,E d z Cr If the cyclone continues to be steered as t increases, OtN j whence 2 E' :GAD 6 (10-7) According to (10-5) and (10-6), the surface pressure and wind centers move parallel to the x-axis with the same speed if S-- r G-~ (6- Condition (10-8) (i0-8) is of course satisfied when the wind field is given by (8-1). - -101 (10-2) show thrat Equations when the wrind field is quasi-gradient, -4kC o tat wtne surfae tlempratur zonaladetion.(07 (1-9 If Unes 9 changesdu t aiabti sstsidapoiaeyi 109 holds, , nls the sucrface .e. initiallystatizontary hat pressraure aibter det cen~e this vac luediffersfromte vmalueom isa I__ -_ immmý_ Iw _ - 102 - which occurs in the wind fields (7-2) and (8-1). A quasi-gradient wind field which satisfies (10-10) but which otherwise resembles the field (8-1) very closely is defined by the equations (10-11) eb = In such a wind field the values of (, and 0 Q , , , G , & are identical with thle values of these quan- tites in the field (8-1). Figure 4 shows the paths of centers of the cyclone whose wind field is defined by (10-11). The conmputations appear in Tables XII and XIII in tnie appendix. Again the numerical values (6-13) and (6-14) are used. Figure 4 shows tlhat tihe surface pressure center follows the steering direction very closely for about three hours, at the end of which time it becomes almost stationary. It then regains speed and moves approximately parallel to the isotherms, but in the direction opposite to the steering I -~-~-·-·~-----~---------·~--~- i !: L, S i -i t ilTi-i i '! 1: -:·ri[ ,: ::r:- 4- --- -4 -t-T t . 4- -. 1 rr7IY ; I Ll r - -· .... ----7--- -i- -- Ji 4-- ! ,........ -LT-C-L T I i l i "44• ~TrrT:. .I . .. l..,i #~R# -- W-.~. ~ ~ii - Ii .I.-.. W~ti, i.; 21 4 i irt,, S1 ::: : i: : I---- -- i ri? :t i, _-L S ------ i ''1 1--1~7-~ • :t .I '" i --- - i I·; 41'q i i•- - ii- -1--- -L i.ii i4- it- 1- 7i( II ; i-I14 fict 44 •q-!q fi iii i:i - 1 i- ,, iiI-- .ti it -. : :; tt 7i'· •! _ S 1:t•1 rti i h4 L;- IJ. -I -44, i:!•:! Ir I i•- · rs--- :. ,.: :! • pT~-i r I i • -I- 5 II I•-t C----I t']i- 44 J 7 ýj i 1-I • -- ttt----~---- -i la -M1 w- It ,, -4-4 I.. I i-i: j4.. . i Lj -4-it ..i• -·'+1 ii -I T T'-:-- ! I' if " ;il .4; I :-1•ii .1:i ! .:r I -- :--- LJ! 77 I -" I •" .. 7-1-----iI ____ll : 7 ,-----i i, "., Ii ' " . ..... ! 8 "_ K i· ' ,i ::i ... . .i • i' r :I , :i ML=- I'1 -- : -ii ' , ] t' 4--t-i 1 . . : 17--C !iIi L-,1- .-- .-- i-"i ':i 1 1 L I,' .-7 --- WTTi: l tv-liF ;!: I: iII:-: ii • i- .... T I i j :L::L:- F::( • .4*~ -. ·-- 4-1- -. 1 i It .ti , i 2, :ll.: Aii: :-, --. i- 77 U .... : eEms i. ' i· : ' i • . . . . 1. I ' I, : I -.: . .. .. .. . ' : T :L• i~i -} QiT i, - * -1--!--**1-.-l-1 .1 _.:L-I A i ;I' ITI - --- . -4---I-1 .. .. 1.I1.ir-· 4 :HK: ,- , -II r__ . _I __ - 103 direction. The surface wind center moves in a somewhat similar path, but the chane of direction is less abrupt. The failure of this cyclone to move in thie manner of actual cyclones except for small values of t is very likely a result of the failure of linear cyclones to resemble actual cyclones except for small values of x and y. pointed out in Chapter III that if the initial It is pressure and wind fields are analytic functions of x, y, and z, every feature of these fields, no matter how far from the origin, affects some of the coefficients A and V at the origin, and hence affects the values of A and V(,) origin for sufficiently large values of t. It is at the shown in Chapter VI that linear cyclone models must be restricted in horizontal extent. It now seems desirable to require that linear cyclone models be restricted in time. The wind field (10-11) has been chosen to satisfy the two conditions (10-7) and (10-8). bitrary constants Q. Since there are four arit in a quasi-gradient wind field, should be possible to make such a wind field satisfy four physical conditions. For example, the vertical wind shear may be required to remain parallel to the isotherms, or the pressure and wind centers at some upper level may be required to have equal initial velocities. lWind fields sat- isfying such conditions are not considered in this study, since the wind field (10-11) is fairly satisfactory for small values of t, and since the use of linear cyclone - 104 - models with large values of t may lead to false conclusions. Within the time interval -2 hours < t < +2 hours, the model defined by (6-6) and (10-11) appears to describe correctly many features of cyclone motion. The velocities of the surface pressure and wind centers are consistent with each other and with the velocities of actual cyclones. The pressure does not vary at the pressure center, and the shape of the cyclone is unchanged. The steering properties have of course been "forced" into the model by the choice of the wind field. The initial vertical velocity is positive to the east of the y-axis, and negative to the west, at all levels above the surface. Such a distribution of vertical velocity is consistent with the presence of stormy weather ahead of a cyclone and fair weather behind, frequently observed in actual cyclones. The initial horizontal divergence V(), is given by Thus there is convergence to the east of the y-axis and divergence to the west, at all levels. Horizontal convergence is usually observed at low levels in advance of actual cyclones. The extreme value of such - 105 - convergence indicates the presence of horizontal divergence It is sometimes stated that the diver- at higher levels. gence aloft must be great enough to overcompensate for the low level convergence, if the cyclone is to move as it does. In the above model there is divergence at all. no compensating horizontal This observation suggests that in actual cyclones, although compensating horizontal divergence aloft exists, there is no necessity for overcomoensation. The pressure fall in the model is vection of warm air. at the surface. explained by the ad- Near the origin, According to (10-2) 0 With the numerical values used in Figure 4, the contribution is of a horizontal convergence to - QQ = +0.268 The contribution of advection to - •- &6 is = -0.374 Thus the convergence tends to produce a surface pressure rise, but the tendency of advection to produce a surface pressure fall is greater. The principal deficiencies of the model are the deficiencies common to all linear cyclone models. The main __ ~ ~ 1 - fault is 106 - the limitation of the model in space and time. Other faults result from the lack of variation of temperature with height, and the accompanying lack of vertical variation of such quantities as divergence. The numerical values of the errors in Table II suggest the possibility that the approximation has introduced errors into Figures 2, 3, and 4 which are large enough to make some of the details entirely incorrect. It should therefore be noted that if k is decreased while the other constants of the model are not changed, tains its shape, each curve in these figures re- but decreases in size in proportion to k. On the other hand, the errors introduced by the approximation decrease in proportion to k . So all the details of the curves are accurate for sufficiently small values of k, even though some of them may be incorrect when k =-. - 107 - XI. CONCLUSION The preceding chapters have developed and demonstrated a method of using the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations to study meteorological phenomena. In Chapter III these equations are solved for A, thle logarithm of trie presthe horizontal wina velocity. sure, and V(), of the equations are power series in t. The solutions The coefficients in these power series are functions of the initial values of A and V(,, and their space derivatives. This solution may theoretically be used to study a wide variety of meteorological phenomena. In Chapters VI to X several models are used to study the motion of cyclones in a baroclinic atmosphere. sions for A and V(,) Expres- as functions of t are special cases of the general solutions obtained in Chapter III. The study of these models brings out some of the difficulties involved in the use of the method. The method appears to be more readily applicable to linear cyclone models, cyclone models. defined in Chapter VI, than to other In general the pressure and wind variations in linear cyclones can be expected to resemble actual pressure and wind variations only for small values of t. If a knowledge of the behavior of cyclones throughout a short period only, may be used. say two hours, is desired, linear cyclone models A fairly satisfactory model is defined by (6-6) - 108 and (10-11). Since linear cyclone models are vertically isothermal, such important phenomena as instability in cyclones cannot be studied. If the wind fields are simple enough to make the algebraic equations (9-14) and (9-15) applicable, such phenomena as the presence of divergence above convergence cannot be studied. Linear cyclone models therefore give at best an incomplete picture of cyclone behavior. If it is a reasonable twenty-four hour "forecast" is desired, necessary to use a model in which the surface value of A always lies between two fixed numbers, whose difference can hardly exceed 0.1. (7-8). Such a pressure field is given by The difficulty of finding a suitable wind field to accompany (7-8) is discuissed in Chapter VII. wind field is entirely unsatisfactory. wind field can be found, Even if a conmpatible the work required to obtain more than one or two' time derivatives of A and V(q) large. A gradient is extremely The best hope seems to be that of obtaining a set of equations analagous to equations (9-4) to (9-11) to accom- pany a pressure field resembling the field (7-8) and an associated wind field. The method may then yield the desired results without an excessively large amount of labor. It is not at all certain that the desired set of equations can be found. It therefore appears possible, but hardly probable, that reasonable twenty-four hour "forecasts" can be made from non-trivial models by the method of Chapter III, with- __ _~ out a prohibit It should is given by (7 sults can be o plete. Complete only with mode in such models occuring in st Vertical disco: not occur in a tical temperat Al where a, b, an case T where a,, - b,, therefore decr, in the stratos, occurs tne at occurs at the m - 110 - In any column where (11-1) holds, and It may be difficult if not impossible to find a wind field which will make the exoressions (11-2) easy to integrate whenever they occur. Other non-constant vertical tempera- ture distributions lead to similar difficulties. The possibility of making a complete study of a meteorological entity by the method of Chapter III therefore seems rather remote. The above discussion has mentioned cyclone models specifically, but the conclusions apply equally well to models of other meteorological entities, such as open troughs. Even if results are obtained by the method, their va- lidity must be questioned in view of the nine assumptions appearing in Chapter III. The assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium is discussed by 'Richardson (1922). assumption it is Without this necessary to define a model by the initial values of the five quantities p, F , u, v, w instead of three quantities. It is difficult to justify any model in which these initial values do not approximately satisfy the hydrostatic equation. The assumption of hydrostatic equi- librium does not appear to lead to false conclusions. The - 111 - other alteration of the equations, term 2 e.4 A4r from the first made by omitting the equation of motion, ap- pears to have little effect upon the equations. The greatest restrictions upon the models are the assumptions that the changes of state are dry-adiabatic and that the external forces vanish. These assumptions exclude from the models two important controlling factors of atmospheric motion. The forces which lead to almost all atmos- pheric motion appear to result from solar heating, which is non-adiabatic. On the other hand, friction appears to be the force which prevents the atmospheric motions from assuming a different order of magnitude. Nevertheless, it is possible that the pressure and wind changes during a restricted period of time may be only slightly affected by the solar heating and the friction occuring during that period. Another important case in which the changes of state are not dry-adiabatic occurs when the air is saturated. Such phenomena as cyclogenesis may be related to the occurrence of evaporation and condensation, in which case they cannot be studied by equations (3-1) to (3-4). Derivatives of temperature with respect to time and elevation often show abrupt changes at points of transition from unsaturated to saturated air. Since it is awkward, although not impos- sible, to represent these abrupt changes by analytic functions, the method of Chapter III is not readily applicable to models in which both dry-adiabatic and moist-adiabatic - 112 changes occur. The' remaining assumiptions are frequently made in meteorology. Somewhat different results are obtained if the f latitudinal variation of is considered. For example, if the initial wind field is geostrophic, the surface pressure systems are not stationary initially, but are moving westward (cf. Haurwitz, 1941). However, it is reasonable to expect that results reseimbling those of the previous chapters may be obtained if It the wind fields are altered slightly. should be mentioned that the conclusions based on a con- sideration of first tinie derivatives of A and V(,) are still valid in the vicinity of the north pole. The assumptions that the curvature of the earth and the variations of e may be neglected appear to have little ef- fect in a restricted region, earth's surface is while the assumption that the horizontal obviously limits the study to regions free of mountains. If this study had been made earlier in the present century, the writer would have believed that it would be worth a few months, or even years, of somebody's time to make a complete study of integrals of the form (11-2), or of some analogous form, and then to use the method of Chapter III in a systematic study of cyclones, or some other meteorological entities, wvith vertical temprerature distributions represented by (11-1), or by som:e analogous equation. It appears at pres- ent, however, that a complete study of the behavior of a - 113 - meteorological entity can be much more satisfactorily made by means of electronic computing devices. of such devices to atmospheric models is On the other hand, is The application recoimamended. the method presented in Chapter III reconmmended for the study of certain details of meteor- ological phenomena. APPENDIX - 114 - TABLE III Linear cyclone coefficients, (C = 0, h = 0.5) 1 Ej Ei E3 F. QO so T1 H H6 H- wind field cU 0.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 0.000 -0.500 -1.000 0.500 0.500 0.144 -0.644 0 0 -1.000 -1.000 1.000 0 0 1i000 0 0 0 0 2 0.054 0.179 0.005 0.006 0.054 -0.036 0.000 -0.097 -0.027 -0.001 -0.002 -0.656 -0.277 -0.557 -0.394 -0.245 -0.352 -0.074 1.682 1.000 0.500 1.579 0.800 0.629 0.538 0.328 1.026 0.397 0.445 0.124 0.250 0 0 0.250 0.310 0.042 -0.062 0.044 0.219 0.019 -0.057 0.010 0 0 -0.167 -0.168 0 0 0 0 0 0.075 0.037 0.062 0.044 0.026 0 0 00 0.083 HS -0.250 -0.107 -0.214 -0.500 0.083 0 -0.167 -0.083 -0.276 -0.090 -0.018 0.051 0.150 -0.075 -0.262 -0.063 0.500 0 0 0.447 0.167 0.500 0.042 0.225 0.088 0.175 0.018 2.000 1.955 1.058 0.083 - 115 TABLE IV Linear cyclone coefficients, wind field cU(4 ) (c = 0.500, h = 0.5) 3 n 0 1 2 E, 0.000 0.188 -0.009 -0.002 E, Eg 1.000 -1.000 0.188 0.054 0.008 -0.004 -0.002 0.000 -1.000 -0.242 -0.017 0.003 QO S, T, -0.250 -0.188 -0.375 -0.141 0.018 0.036 -0.006 0.006 0.012 0.002 0.000 0.000 Fo -0.250 -0.020 0.008 E7 Eg 0 -1.000 -0.125 -0.081 -0.033 0.015 0.001 0.005 Fs F( F, F, 1.000 0 0 1.000 0.502 0.250 0.125 0.135 0.078 0.034 0.040 -0.011 Qs Q( Q7 Q3 0.250 0 0 0.250 0.188 0 -0.062 0.065 0.030 0.005 0.014 -0.007 R 0 -0.125 -0.004 0.062 0.010 E( Gi 0 0 G 0.031 0.008 Gf 0.250 0.072 0.003 HS He H7 Hg 0.250 0 -0.500 -0.250 0.176 -0.062 -0.323 -0.085 0.040 -0.013 -0.072 -0.007 SS 0.062 -0.050 -0.024 S4 0 0.042 0.004 SI ýF 0.125 0.188 0.125 -0.011 0.031 -0.002 0.500 0.009 -0.046 ~1 - 116 - TABLE V Linear cyclone coefficients, wind field cU(Y) (c = 0.618, 1 O0 -0.009 -0.004 -0.003 0.004 0.004 0.001 0.002 0.000 -0.001 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 0 0.028 0.011 0.000 0.001 0.000 1.000 0 0 1.000 0.123 0 0 0 -0.026 0.309 0 0 0.030 -0.013 0.o96 o0.0o96 0.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -0.309 -0.096 -0.191 -0.123 -0.077 0.018 0.036 0 0 -1.000 FF1 F1 Qs F Q7 Qt S3 S S, h = 0.5) 0.028 0 0.005 0.013 -0.011 -0.005 -0.016 0 0.007 -0.004 0.309 0 0 0.013 0 0 0.309 0 -0.003 -0.002 0.027 -0.003 0.309 0 -o.618 -0.309 0.074 0 -0.147 -0.036 -0.002 -0.096 0 0.191 0.096 -0.031 0 0.040 -0.003 0.001 -0.001 -0.004 0.000 -0.044 -0.001 0.003 0.002 0.003 __ ___~ ___ ~ - 117 TABLE VI lear cyclone coefficients, wind field (c = 0.732, h = 0.5) 0.000 1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -0.366 0.000 0.000 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.268 -0.039 0 -1.000 0.134 0.144 -0.020 -0.015 1.000 0 0 1.000 -0.278 -0.268 -0.134 -0.144 0.035 0.039 0.020 0.015 0.366 -0.190 0 0 0 0.035 0 0.098 -0.003 -0.040 -0.092 0.011 0.196 -0.064 0 0 0.366 -0.098 -0.049 -0.036 0.016 0.009 0.005 0.366 -0.085 0.098 -0.016 -0.732 -0.366 0.121 0.036 -0.019 -0.005 0.366 0 0 0.014 0.087 -0.011 0 -0.045 0.005 0.268 -0.113 0.018 0.018 -0.001 0.165 -0.016 -0.268 0 -0.536 B I s, wind field cU 0.5) 2 n 3 E, Ez E3 Fo Q. S. T, 0.067 O.098 0.017 -0.138 -0.098 0.051 0.102 -0.017 -0.036 -0.004 0.055 0.036 -0.020 -0.040 E, E Ej -0.564 -0.386 -0.221 0.341 1.010 0.636 0.422 0.277 -0.674 -0.404 -0.311 -0.144 -0.582 -0.339 0.862 0 -0.690 0.119 1.000 -1.255 0.929 -0.500 -0.250 -0.275 0.382 0.264 0.144 -0.213 -0.157 -0.722 0.500 1.194 0.311 0.625 -0.418 -0.970 -0.174 -0.708 -0.250 0.919 -0.167 -1.042 0.130 -2.000 1.925 -1.575 FrF, F Fy 1.000 0 O1.000 1.000 -1.360 -1.000 0.500 0 0 0.500 -1.000 Q1 Q Qk 0 0 0.500 Hs H7 H, H, Sg S4 S7 Sk 0.500 0 -1.000 -0.500 -0.750 0 0.500 -0.500 -0.538 0 0.500 0.080 0.763 -0.041 0.273 0.111 -0.008 0.500 -0.041 -0.058 119 - - TABLE VIII urly values of E , and E, for linear , G cyclones with wind fields cU (h = 0.5) .000 t 0.500 .016 1.0 .067 1.5 .159 2.0 .308 2.5 3.0 1.006 1.024 1.054 1.097 1.152 1.224 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 .000 .001 0.000 .004 0.009 .020 0.003 0.024 0.050 0.090 2.5 3.0 1.003 1.000 0.992 0.969 1.012 1.000 1.027 1.048 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.935 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.001 -0.003 -0.014 -0.021 -0.062 -0.033 -0.132 -0.005 -0.098 1.074 1.102 0.894 -0.004 -0.060 values of t (hours) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.000 values of G" t (hours) 0.5 0.732 values of E- (hours) 0.5 0.618 .033 -0.008 .714 -0.074 -0.131 .139 .346 -0.032 -0.208 -0.300 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.015 0.009 0.033 0.074 0.126 0.191 0.260 0.031 0.119 0.248 0.408 - 120 - TABLE IX Half hourly positions of surface pressure centers (b2 of linear cyclones with wind fields cUo(~) 4 1 -1 1 h1 ksec -/ km , b=~j km~ 2' k5 =0.99K10 0.000 -1 -3 -12 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 1 2 3 17 11 26 53 11g -35~ -59 y (kilometers) t (hours) 0.5 1.000 x (kilomleters) t (hnours) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.732 0.500 26 104 239 4·37 6 25 56 144· 196 -7 -26 -1 -2 -5 -11 -59 -101 -153 -208 -25 -212 - 366 X uasi-4radient wind fields 0.732) 2 IO x -3 0 I0 x 13 -1 -18 10 18 -9 3 0 18 -13 1 -10 13 -9 -58 38 -30 25 95 -54 52 -20 1.4 6.0 -1.6 -3 -4 0 4.4 -1.4 -2.8 1.6 -4 3 4 0 -3.6 16.2 10.2 -24.2 -1057 3 -23.6 2 -8 -6 10 O10 122- - TABLE XI Linear cyclone coefficients, quasi-gradient wind fields (h -4' EJ E E• = 0.5, in= 0.732) /0 x 0 528 0 0 -10000 7r31 F- 10000 0 -52E8 F7 0 10000 -7$1 2886 283 0 3660 -250 0 112 -E~59 774 -497 Q7 H1 -1057 0 34-37 100 -37 1057 -100 133 -3437 SI. 87 -1057 -387 2114, 0 -1057 4.5 -112 261 -v 17 -15 15 0f 13 -42 -30 -1 i0 -9 -17 1 -10 -9 30 25~ -54 -20 -1.0 -2 6.0 -1.6 -4 4~.4 -4 0 1.0 2 1.6 4 -3.6 13.0 -24.2 2 -7 -6 10 -23.6 i0 10.2 - 123 TABLE XII Linear cyclone coefficients, quasi-gradient wind fields (h = 0.5, m = 0.732) n 0 1 2 3 E6 E, El 0 0 -10000 -195 -362 573 87 73 19 -83 -27 -15 21 10 6 Fs F. F, F, 10000 0 0 10000 -211 195 362 -573 -92 -87 -73 -19 42 83 27 15 -16 -21 -10 -6 Q, Qt Q, Q, 2678 283 0 3452 211 0 -154 -665 -80 -35 77 69 53 38 -80 -37 -21 -16 34 9 RL 774 -1030 226 -170 64 G4 G7 Gj -1057 0 3437 367 95 29 -45 -21 -14 23 13 8 -6 -4 -2 HSHI H, 3437 1057 -6874 124 -367 -153 -35 45 49 21 -23 -29 -6 6 8 Hf -3437 -29 14 -8 2 -618 -387 1960 284 -183 33 182 208 24 1 -40 -21 -13 -1 23 8 4 2 -7 -2 390 -159 13 s St S3 S, 4 - 124 TABLE XIII itions of centers of linear cyclones th quasi-gradient wind fields c , a= 4 0 0 0 km , b 2 1 h= , k= , m=0.732 km, 3 4 5 6 ace pressure center, cyclone I 0 0 22 -4 42 -18 61 -36 77 -63 90 -100 ace pressure center, cyclone II 0 30 57 80 100 0 -5 -22 -47 114 -128 -82 sure center at one kilometer, cyclone II 0 17 32 42 48 49 00 94 74 ace wind center 0 31 66 62 62 60 44 3 -51 cyclone II 110 161 214 51 32 -9 ace pressure center, cyclone III 0 29 50 59 55 0 2 6 10 9 41 -2 21 -21 sure center at one kilometer, cyclone III 0 16 DO 25 21 5 101 103 103 97 -22 78 ace wind center, cyclone III 0 30 57 81 99 52 62 60 53 =0.2886, :=0 , =0.286, =0.26, q=0.0283, =0, Q =0,) ,=0.2678, C=0.0283, 50268 . =0,, Q7 52 105 36 C -53 8 Q( 99 -34 =0.3660 =0.3660 q =0.3452 m - 125 AB STAC T A number of attempts have been made to forecast the weather by direct application of the equations of hydrodynamics and thermodynamics. Perhaps the most detailed of these attempts was made by Richardson (1922). i'ichardson obtained a solution of the equations by replacing the partial derivatives by finite arithmetical differences. Richardson found that his method was unsatisfactory in practice, because the initial conditions could not be observed with sufficient accuracy. This study presents an alternative method of applying the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations. cable not to actual meteorological It is appli- situations but to ide- alized models of meteorological situations. If the chanTes of state in the atmosphere are poly- tropic, the variations of pressure, density, and wind velocity may be expressed by a system of five differential equations, consisting of three equations of motion, the equation of continuity, and the physical equation. If a condition of hydrostatic equilibrium is assumed, these equations may be replaced by a set of three equations in which the dependent variables are A, the logarithm of the pressure, and V(0), the horizontal wind velocity. A tensor notation is introducea to facilitate the application of these equations. iiME - 126 - On the basis of the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic equations, a routine procedure is established for computing the initial values of the nt h partial derivatives A and w~) respect to time t. If the inwith of A and V V (a) itial values of A and V(,) are analytic functions of the space variables x, y, and z, the derivatives A and V(a) will under suitable conditions be contained in the power series expansions of A and V(4) in t. It is assumed that the changes of state in the atmosphere are dry-adiabatic, that there are no external forces, and that the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter may be neglected. The procedure may be applied to models of atmospheric situations, defined by the initial values of A and V 4). It may be most conveniently applied to "oolynomial" models, in which the temperature does not vary with height initially, and in which V(0) is a polynomial in z initially. The prodedure is applied to polynomial models of circular cyclones in a baroclinic atmosphere. The application is least complicated in the case of "linear cyclone models", in which the initial surface value of A is a linear function of OP - , and in which the initial value of linear function of y. is a In linear cyclone models the isobars are circular at all levels. A linear cyclone model can re- semble an actual cyclone only in a restricted region about the surface pressure center. If the initial wind field is a constant times the ;;ý I' c - 127 - geostrophic wind field, the initial velocity of the surface pressure center is zero, and in general the initial acceleration is unreasonably large. If the initial wind field is gradient, the cyclone is steered, i. e., the surface pressure center moves parallel to the upper level isobars and isotherms. The speed of the center is consistent with the speed of actual cyclones if the cyclone model is linear, but the speed is unreasonably large if the upper level isobars are not circular. With a wind field which deviates slightly from the gradient w;ind field, the cyclone is steered, and the surface pressure and wind centers move with the same velocity. speed varies linearly with the temperature gradient, The and varies in a more complicated manner with the curvature of the surface pressure profile through the center. The speed differs considerably from the isobaric mean wind speed above the center. A possible explanation of the phenomenon of steering is suggested. By means of an approximation, a set of al 'ebraic equa- tions is obtained for the initial values of A in linear cyrclore &)odeis .ith special wind fields, ing the geostrophic and gradient wind fields. mation is justified if and V includ- The approxi- the temperature gradient is not too large. The paths of centers of several linear cyclones are computed from the algebraic equations. W;hen the wind field - 128 Istant times the geostrophic wind field, the paths resemblance to the paths of actual cyclones. :n the wind field is approximately gradient, a lin- Lone remains a linear cyclone, and the pressure at ;er does not vary. Ahead of the cyclone there is lotion and horizontal convergence. The tendency of rergence to produce a surface pressure rise is overthe tendency of advection to produce a surface pres1. In certain cases the cyclone is steered for about urs. For large values of t, linear cyclones do not ike actual cyclones. is concluded that the use of models of atmosoheric ns, defined by initial values of A and V(,), and edure for obtaining expressions for A and V( ) as ries in t, constitute a workable method of studying details of meteorological phenomena, but that the s too complicated for a comolete study of any phe- i - 129 - REFERENICES Austin, J. M., 1947: An empirical study of certain rules for forecasting the movement and intensity of cyclones. Journ. iNleteor., Berry, F. 4, pp. 16-20. A., Bollay, E., of meteorology. and Beers, N. R., 1945: Handbook New York, ',cGraw-Hill Book Co., 1068 pp. (see pp . 199, 203). Eisenhart, L. P., 194 0: An introduction to differential geometry, with u se of the tensor calculus. Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 304 pp. Haurwitz, D., Dynamic meteorology. 1941: Hill Book Co., New York, MKcGraw- 365 pp. (see pp. 129-131, 163). Hesselberg, T., 1915: Ober die Beziehung zwischen Luftdruck und Wind im nichtstationaren Fall. Ver5ff. - e ophys. Inst. Univ. Leipzig, 2 Serie, 1, IHeft 7, pp.175-205. James, R. W., 1945: Miovement in meteorology. Quart. Journ. Roy. meteor. Soc., 71, pp. 74-81. Petterssen, S., 1940: bieather analysis and forecastin. New York, M4cGraw-Hill Book Co., 505 pp. (see pp.214, 378-387). Petterssen, S., 1944: Computation of winds in the free atmosphere (unpublished). Petterssen, S., variations. pp. 56-73. 1945: Contribution to the theory of pressure Quart. Journ. Roy. meteor. Soc., 71, - Richardson, L. process. Willett, H. C., F., 1922: Cambridge, 1944: 130 - Weather prediction by numerical Cambridge Univ. Press, Descriptive meteorology. Academic Press, 310 pp. (see p. 12). 236 pp. New York, ---· ·· --- · li_ - 131 - ACK NikOWVLELDGMLENT The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor J. 1Mi.Austin, his advisor, for his counsel and criticisms during the preparation of this thesis. Thanks are also due to Professor V. P. Starr and Dr. A. J. Abdullah for the helpful suggestions which they offered. - 132 - AOGRAP hICL Born in West Hartford, Conn., Attended Dartrmouth College, EOTE i:iay 23, 1917. 1934-38. Received A. B. degree in Ii'athemstics (magna cui lkue) 1938. Attended Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, 1938-42. Received A. 1M.degree in Mathematics, 1940. Awarded John harvard Fellowship, 1940-41. Teaching Fellow in mathematics, 1941-42. Served in Army Air Corps, 1942-46. Attended Mleteorology Course at Milassachusetts Institute of Technology, 1942. Stationed at !Miassachusetts Institute of Technology, 1942-44. Research Assistant in Meteorology, 1943-44. Received S. i'M.degree in M'eteorology, 1943. Stationed in Pacific Theater as Forecaster, 1944-46. Reappointed ihesearch Assistant in IMeteorology, 1946. Attended Graduate School at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1940-48. Awarded Richard DuPont eriemorial Fellowship, 1946-47.