PECA-=NAICAL COViPRESIONI FREEZE-DRYING OF FOOD PRODUCTS THROUGH FORCE DURING PRODUCED BY SPRINGS by SE ID- t OSSEIN EIMAIvAI B.S. Food and Nutritional Sciences, University of California, berkeley, 1974 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the egree of Master of Science at the IASSACtUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TC-I'iOLOGY January, 1976 Signature o I 1-UIULI[1O.[. Depart 6 nt of jN u ar-'uci:an:t &o _,,-I Certified by . t'i r).lA. cience K -.y , -L-.I ( Thesis Supervisor I;, Accepted by .. Chairman, ............ epartmental Committe on ARCH! ,:-S MAR 10 1976 _ L11e raduate tudies -2Wiv;:t,4A.I'ALCOl'iVTES-ZSIODRYlG A FROilUC:Si URIi.1- O0F 'Y:-.OU(.H- FORCE PRODUCE FREZE - .B.Y ERISG by Seid-Hossein mami Submitted to the Department of Nutrition and ood cience on January 21, 1976 in partial fulfillment of -therequirements for the degree of iaster of cience, ABS!TRACT Freeze-drying has been successfully used in preparation of high disadvantage quality dried foods; however, a major is the resulting low product density. This study has investigated the possibility of compressing food materials during freeze-drying to increase their bulk density. T'hedependence of degree of compression on compressive force, dry sample moisture contents, and rehydration behavior were determined for a variety of vegetable, materials. fruit, and meat A simple spring driven device was used to supply the compressive force during freeze-drying. The results indicate that the extent of compression depends on the physical characteristics of the food material -3- and increases linearly with increasing compressive force. The compression process does not prevent dehydration of the material to low moisture contents. Compressed samples rehydrate readily to their pre-compression characteristics (except blueberries) and the extent of' rehydration does not depend on the degree of compression (except beef cubes). Organoleptically compressed samples are not significantly different from non-compressed freezedried foods. Thesis Supervisor: Title: ir. James Iv,. 'link Assistant Professor of Food Engineering -4CK'!O'QWLED('.ELIET Although this is an early page of this paper, but is the last and hardest to be written, since I have never been able to express my feelings with words. ibonetheless, I will make an effort -to express my thanks to all those who have made this work possible. [¥~y debts of gratitude to rofessors iarcus Karel and James .. Flink who have made it possible for me to be where I am today, and my sincere thanks to my thesis advisor Professor James Flink for his continuous guidance and advices, for without him lots of opportunities I have today would seem very hard. Thanks are also expressed to James Hawks for drawing the figures and ynthia Cole for helping throughout the experiments. I would like to appreciate the friendly assistance of the members of the Food Engineering group throughout the completion of this work. I am deeply greatful to my dearest wife, Zarrin, for without her constant help this work may have never been completed. This study is dedicated to my wife, and my dearest parents. This project was supported by the U,, Army ?Satick Development Center, Contract io, DAAK 03-75-C-0039. -5OF COTEi'lNTS TABLE TIILE PAGE ABSTRACT LIS . .. . . . . . . . 0 . 2 . i)(EMENTiS. . . . 4 OF COIl'"EN'TS . . 5 ACKNOWL TABLE . 1 . . O FIGURES . . . EXPLAFNATIO,: 3-7 FOR T'ABLES, LIST OF TABLES ..... 1. INTRODUCTION . 2. SURVEY LITE'l'sTURE ~ ~ ~ LI~~~~·~~~···~ . I·· I·· · · . 10 I ~~~~~~~~~~~S 12 . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . 14 . . . . 11 . . 18 2.1 Freeze-Drying. 18 2.2 The Frozen State and the Ice Front . , . 20 Evidence for a Diffuse Sublimation 22.1 2.2.2 . . . . . . . . . 24 State of Water and of Solutes in Frozen, and 2.4 21 Evidence for a Sharp Sublimation Front 2.3 . . . . . . . . . Front . . . . . . . . Systems Freeze-Dried 27 Heat iethods of Compressing Dehydrated Foodstuff . 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 . . . . iioisture . . Content. Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . 29 Hinders and Other Plasticizing agents. 2.4.4 . . blanching . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . 46 (Scalding) . -l- D ;e 2,.i. ffect of F'reezingRates on Compression of Freeze-lried Foods 2,4,6 . Continuous Compression. 2.4.7 3. 3.1 Di 'v ' Equipment 3,1.1 S. 3 3,1 . . 4, RESUL' 4 . . 53 . . . . . . Sample older . Procedure . . . . . . Sample Preparation . 3.2.2 Freezin . 3.2,3 Loading of the 3,2,4 Compression 3.2.5 ?IoistureContent, Rehydration. 3.2.? Organoleptic 3.2.2 Storage Presentation 4. 2 Vegetables of . . 63 '· 63 . . . . otal Solid . . . . . . Test . . . . . . . . . . . DICUSSIO 57 66 . . . . . . . . Stability Treatment 4.1 . ,.5 . , 57 ell. Ratio . 3.2.6 . . . . . . . . 3.2,1 A 4Q 3 Design of a Static Loading We1 1. . 53 Experimental Data . . . . . . Determination 3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Freeze-Drier l,1.2 3,2 53 * ......... reeze-,ryin- and Limited Freeze-Drying, . 'A'ERIALS 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 ' ' 68 68 ' ' 69 . . . 70 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . . 70 . Beans 4.2.1 -7- lage . . . . . . . . . Compression Ratio · 72 4,2.1.2 i.oistureContent. 72 4,2.1,3 Rehydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrots . 4.2.2 · 79 ioisture Content, · 79 4,.2.2.3 Rehydration 4.2.2,4 Organolertic Lvaluat ion . . . . 5 4,2.3.2 Content. lv:oisture · 8i7 4 2,3.3 Rehydration 4.23.4 Organoleptic . . . . . . . . . valuat ion * 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 92 '92 'ompression Ratio '92 ivoistureContent. 94 . . . . . . . . . Cherries . . Organoleptic Evalua.t ion 4,4.1 '89 ' 90 Rehydration . . 85 Compression Ratio blueberries 4,3.2 X Corn. 4.3,1 · 82 . . . . . -eas . ruits . i eat . ' 79 Compression Ratio 4,24 L4, 4 · 74 4,2.2.1 4.2,3 4.3 * 70 . . . -,round Beef. 96 96 '99 100 . ... . 100 - 4.4.) teak. . Bottom Round . . Compression Ratio. . 4.4.2,2 ioisture Content . Rehydration . 0ranoleptic 4. General ( . Discussion . 6 FCOREU'URL Thicknes R:.o,. . . 04 115 107 117 Ratio on 117 . . . . . . Lffect of Compression during 6,3 _ffect Layer reeze- Drying on rying Rate . , ... 117 of S'ample 'emnerature (rozen and ry Layer) on omnpression Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dependence of Compression Ratio on Sample Loadin~. . ..... 115 6.5 use of iTdnders and Flasticizin 6.6 10o 107 ..... 6.2 6,t4 . valuation. 105 . .. .1 Dependence of Compression Sample . 101 .. . . .CO'CuLU; i,, .I.O. ... *. 6; .3UihSIiKo 101 Desi.-n of a Sample Holder Removal" of Compressed Agr-ents .119 for "'asy ars. . . . . 120 6.7 Freeze-Drying/Compression with Other Food }Iaterials BIBLIOGRAPHY. APPEi!DIC IES: . 'ests Appendix . . . . . . ... Appendix 121 . . . . . 'l'abulated Results of A: .120 '2eydration and Organoleptic Evaluations, Veetables. -1: Beans . . . . . . . . . . 128 131 131 . .132 -9- Page Ap-nendix A-2: . Carrots /Avjendjix A-3: . Peas . . . . . . . . . 138, ... .. . .146 A.pendix C: . . Appendix Appendix r: A-4: Corn . . . . 'ruits. Aweoend ix S.-1: blue berr ie s . L;eat . . . . . . . . . . .154 . . . . .16o Arendix C-I: Giround. Beef. . . 'Aeendix C-2: .. . . .. 162 jeef Cubes . Explanation of Rehydration Tests . xplanation of Organolentic . . Evaluation *... . . . . 162 129 . 130 -10LIST OF FIGURES o0, ritle Eage 1, Loadin 2. jample Holder .... .. . .. . 3. Frinciple ment. b., Cel . teps for each . . . . ConfiFuration ~-older ... 5. . . . . . . . . . . . 54 58 xperi. . . . 59 of beansin Sample . 61 Effect of Pressure on Compression Ratio of eans . . . . . . . . 73 Rehydration of Compressed and Non-Comnressed eans at Differ- ent Temperatures. 7. Effect of Vacuum on . eans . of . . 775 . ehydration . . . . . . . P Effect of Compression Ratio on Rehydration of Beass.. , . 9. Effect of Pressure on Comnression of Carrots . .1.. 10 iffect of Compression Rehydration of 11, 13. Ratio on arrots. , ., , of Peas 84 . . . . . . . . . . Effect of Compression Ratio on Rehydration of eas . .. Effect of -atio 14e . 1 Effect of Pressure on Compression Ratio 12, 76 of 91 ressure on Comcression lueberries. . . . . . L-.iffect of Compression Ratio on k-eahydration of lueberries, . .. 9 97 -110oI 15. 16. itle Effect of Pressure on Compression Ratio of beef Cubes. ... . ffect of Compression Ratio on Rehydration of BeefCubes . . . . Pase 103 106 -12- Explanation for Tables 3-7 Notation Rehyd. Rehydration Comp. Ratio Compression Ratio M.C. Moisture Content T.S. Total Solids Ave. Average wt. Weight Ht. Height Comp. Compressed N.Comp. Non-Compressed -13LIST; O? Y :\ 0. 1 'ALL~ Title P FIao e of prings used . . ronerties (LU 25 iaterials 3. Dearns,(Experimental 4. Carrots, (Experimental Results) . 5: (as measured) . . . esults) 71 . 80 . . . 86 Results) 93 Beef Cubes, (Experimental Results). 102 Lehydration Results for Gireen L eans 132 Aehydration Results for Carrots . . 138 10. Orpanolertic Evaluation of 145 11. Rehydration Results for Feas . 12 Or>anoleptic 13 Rehydration Results for Corn . 14. Rehydration Results for Blueberries Peas, (Experimental Results) Blueberries, (xperimental 7, 7. 9. 1 . arrots. . . 146 valuation of E1eas Or anoleptic 151 . . 152 valuation of . Elueberries . . . . . . . 159 1 6. Rehydration Results for Uround Beef I 1 1'7, Reh-vdration t•esultsfor Beef Cubes. 162 1. Oralanoleptic valuation of ieef Cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 -141. INT RODUC 'IOIN Freeze-drying has been recognized as the method of dehydration giving dried products having the best quality and retained nutritional value. This technique is now begining to emerge as an important method of dehydration. However, when foods undergo freeze-drying very little change in the physical shape of the material occurs. This results in an open and porous structure which yields a very light and fragile product of low packaging density. The disadvantages related to low packaging density can be summarized as: -The oen structure is very susceptible to oxidation and moisture pickup; and thus special packaging is often required. -Large ackage volumes are required close small product weights. to en- -Readily friable products produce fines during handling and transportation which is essentially wastage of the products. -Large stora:e space is required. A more efficient food system will result by eliminating or minimizing the above mentioned effects. this can be accomplished by compressing the food to remove -thevoid volumes which have been produced by sublimation of ice crystals during the drying process. -15To accomplish efficient compression, it is necessary to have the food solids in a plastic state, so when high compression pressures are applied to the product fragmentation can be avoided. This has been achieved either by thermaly plasticizing the dried food, which requires that the food should contain a relatively high sugar content, or by controlled humidification of the dry product to a uniform moisture content in the range of 5-20 percent. Depending on physical characteristics of the food there is an optimum moisture content range for best compression behavior., When the controlled humidification process is used, the added water has to be removed from the compressed wafer or bar to ive long-term storage stability. If it should be possible to remove the sample from the freeze-dryer when a uniform moisture con-tent of the desired level is reached, the initial overdrying and humidification steps of the controlled humidification process can be eliminated. However, with ordinary freeze-drying methods this is not possible since the remaining water is concentrated in the center of the freeze-dried sample as an ice core. By allowing the ice core to melt for redis- tribution in the sample the region of the core will have an air-dried character and may be hard and discolored. Furthermore different pieces dry at different rates which makes -16it hard to reach the optimum pieces at the same time. moisture con-tent in all (Hoge and Filsworth, 1973) Recent studies indicate that with controlled freeze-drying or modified freeze-dryers, it is possible to reach a predetermined uniform moisture content throughout -thesamples. However, this will have a significant effect on the rate of freeze-drying and the final drying after compression is still required. Previous investigations of moisture profiles during freeze drying indicate that over a narrow thickness of the dry layer adjacent to the ice interface, high moisture contents exist, (Aguilera and Flink, 1974) This study is investigating an approach in which it is assumed that the moisture gradients present; during the freeze-drying will ive sufficient plasticity to allow compression during "normal" freeze drying. This method for production of compressed freeze-dried foods should be the most efficient, since it does not require either overdrying and humidification or operation at much reduced dry layer temperatures. 1. Investigating the feasibility of simultaneously transmitting compressive force while allowing vapor transport. 2. Determining the effect of compression during freeze drying on the final moisture content. -17- 3. Determinin7 the relationship between compressive force and compression ratio. 4, Determining rehydration behavior of compressed samples (versus non-compressed controls) in terms of time dependence and percent of rehydration in reference to the ratio of: iH20 Total Solids (Rehydrated) :'r 5. gr H20 / " Total olids r(resh) valuations of the acceptability of reconstituted compressed samples (versus noncompressed freeze-dried controls and fresh samples.) -182, L '.i.'1 E:fAr'TL` TSSURVEY .ost studies orn compression of dehydrated foods to reduce bulk volume ave been conducted with freeze-dried r,roduct. :Sincethis study investi:gatedcontinuous compression of food durin-: freeze-dryin- some basic aspects of the freeze-dehydration technique will be presented before concentratin.-on a discussion of'methods of food compression. 2.1 Preeze-Drin: 'Vacuum freeze-drying on a lar.?erthan laboratory scale was first developnedfor the preservationof blood plasma and later penicillin durin1949). orld i,"arII (-'losdor, oday this process is widely used for the preser- vation of a variety of substances including:;antibiotics, vaccines, virus cultures, pharmaceuticals, and on the largest scale, food-stuffs. 'eneral descriptions of freeze-drying have been d:iver by many authors and ('owe, 1964; Rey, 1964; Va-rArsdel, 1964; otson and "mith, 1962).ihree comrehensive of freeze-dryinz.research have beer published. and I"apel, 1957; reviews (arper ruke and Decareau, 1964; King, 1971). Kin7 (1971) especially concentrates on -thepertinent factors which interact to -Tovernrates of freeze-dryinrT. 1"e p)riincipleof freeze-dryin.-r is to reduce -t'.e temperature -19- of the product to below its eutectic proint, a temperature low enour:h to esure complete solidification of all constituen-ts, and then -to lowEer-the surrondin- vapor ressure to below the saturated vaor water ressure at -this temperature. Under these conditions water vapor will tend to be trans-orted from the food to the "surrondins", 'io accomrlish tihis sublimation of sublimation (about 1200 '/lb from a heat source. of ice the heat of -'20) must be supplied i?'iis can be achieved by radiation the outer dry layer of a food bein~irfreeze-dried, to by con- duction trouh 'tlhe frozen layer or by internal eat r-eneration (microwaves). It is also necessary to remove tnhe water varor enerated by sublimation by havin' a moisture sink (f'inni, 1971). -dvanta-es of t,-is technique include -tie low processinq: tem-erature, te relative absence of liquid water and the rapid t ransition of anrvlocalre--ior of the material from a fully 'hydrated to a nearly completely dehydrated state. "this rapid -transitionminimizes the extent of various dative reactions lwhich often occur durinn- dryin?. tem,?eratures involved also deyrai'he low elp to minimize thesereactions and to reduce mass trans ort rates which cortrol of volatile flavor and aroma secies, the loss ';heabsence of the liluid state hel*psto minimize de rada.ive reactions ad -20- prevents the transport of soluble species from one region to another within the substance being dried, (Kingf, (i.e. it inhibits surface concentration). 1971) Despite all these advantages, freeze-drying has some drawbacks which include: high initial capital invest- ment, high processing costs, slicing, special etc...) of some products (cutting, treatment prior to drying to improve dehydration, and producing products of very low density. 22 2 (P. Lon-more, 1973) he Frozen State and the Ice Front: 'Themost important change that occurs during freez- ing is the appearance of at least one new phase conversion of water into ice). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (i.e. Other changes include: Dehydration of the insoluble solid material. Coalescence of droplets of immiscible liquids. Crystallization of some solutes. Formation of amorphous precipitates of other solutes. Exclusion of dissolved gases. Formation of concentrated solute glasses. Distruption of molecular complexes (lipoprotein), (ivlacKenzie,1965). Thus the ideal frozen state would show a sharp and discrete dividing surface between a region which consists of ice crystals and a region which consists of concentrated amorphous solution. During freeze-drying the ice region retreats inwards as the drying proceeds leaving the dried matrix behind. -21l';ost analysis of freeze-dryin- rates have been made with the os-tulatiorof a sharp-and discrete dividingrsurface between a region which is fully hydrated and frozen, and a region which is nearly completely dry. However, there is a considerable amount of contention in recent years relnardin7the de:-reeof sharpness of this surface when it is retreatin. as a frozen front during freezedryin.B, Kin. (1971) reviews the evidence for a sharp front versus evidence for a diffuse sublimation front. He explains that a very sharp front would result if sublimation occured from a very thin zone near the surface of the frozen re,,ion, and if the sublimation re- moved. essentially all of the initial moisture from the remaininc,solid material immediately after the passage of the frozen front from that re,?ion, This is clearly an idealization but has been assumed by most authors to be a ood description of the mechanism of freeze drvi-.r r 2.2.1 Evidence for a Diffuse ublimation .,;"effert (1963) measured temperature ront: rofiles durin;g freeze-drying.of rutabas7a. From the temperature and thermal conductivities inferred from them he concluded that some 30 percent to 40 percent of the initial water content was left behind by the retreating ice front. -22'hiisremaininr ': 2 0 had to be removed by secondary drying or desorption. irajnikov et al (1969) indicated that the results of some experiments demonstrated the rresence of a diffuse sublimation front. In one experiment he took color photo- ,:raphsof cut specimens of beef which had been freeze-dried once, rehydrated with a solution of freeze-dried aain. charing oC12 and then partially ivalent cobalt has the property of color from pink to blue dependin: on water activity of its surroundings. indicated the L;rainikov's experiments with Co12 resence of a -transition zone; however, Kin, (1971) as no-tedthat the cobalt salt can lower the freezin:7 point which could cause the presence of some liquid at the sublimation front, even at -200C. Luikov (1969) observed the sublimation behavior of pure ice spheres (0 mm diameter) which were sublimed in a vacuum chamber at -33°C. Luikov observed that ice crys- tallites of various shapes and len, ths (from 0.1 to several mm) formed at the sublimation front near surface irregularities. TI"heir rowth was observed visually and it was found that crystallites could oscillate and rotate rapidly at speeds up to 70rpm existin.n for 20 to 30 revolutions. These oscillations reflect molecular pressure from the vapor, escapin:r- Often the crystallite would break from -23the ice surface and be entrained in the vapor at velo- cities of .70 to .34 meter per second. and others have Luikov (1969) oirted out that the very .:reat and sudden expansion.of water from the solid to the highly expanded vapor state upon vacuum sublimation can cause stronr forces and unusual flow patterns. Local uneven- ness of temperature along;: the sublimation front can also cause mechanical stresses which can cause the crystallite to break off and be entrained. Luikov sugests that this entrainment mechanism can have an important effect on the observed rate of sublimation of ice, since this would amount to the removal of moisture without the transfer of an ecuivalent amount of heat to the sublimation front. Luikov also found that sublimation and ablimation (desublimation from vapor state to solid state) occur simultaneously at the sublimation front of an ice sphere. ;.heoccurance of ablimation was confirmed by Luikov in experiments involv- ingvacuumsublimation of water vapor from spherical ice crystals made from water containing red fucin dye. Crystallites formed directly from the solid ,phase apeared but -those formed by ablimation were transparent re(T, and color- less. iThetendency for ablima.ion to occur depends uPon the degree of saturation of surroundin- :as phase with water vapor. Ablimation occurs to a .reater extent as the surround- -24- inc--'asbecame more nearly saturated in water vapor. Ablimation can also occur in a supersaturated zone removed from the ice surface in the vapor phase. King (1971) states that the studies made by Luikov can account for a transition zone with a thickness of perhaps a mm, but not for a zone with a thickness of an inch or more. E-vidence or a 2.2.2 ,,any ront: harr,Sublimation investircatorshave reported cuttin- open partially freeze-dried specimens and observin, a distinct and relativelyv sharp demarkation between the still frozen zone and dry zone of uniform coloration, 'hese include .-ardin (1965) who studied freeze-dried beef, Ivararritis who studied studied reeze-dryini turkey meat and and eke inc: (1949) (1969) who freeze-dryin.. of pork. Additional evidence was obtained by atcher (1964) who used g-ammaray attenuation measurements to monitor the profile of moisture content across relatively thick (2 inches) slabs of beef as a function of -time during. freeze-dryin. -atcher reports that visual inspection of partially dried specimens revealed the ice front to be planner. ,zammaray beam diameter was - W;ince his inch he concluded that the ice front was sharrer than could be detected by the beam. He also found that the residual moisture in the dry zone was so low that it did not affect the gamma ray count rate. -2.5- However, non-uniform retreat of a still sharp ice front has been found by J;arcaritis and in- and :Tatcher (1964) also has reported some preferential drying from -the edge of his samples, i'.acKenzie (1966) constructed a "freeze-dryinp? microscope" in which he could observe freeze-dryin as it occured in various transparent frozen liquid systems. An. extremely sharp sublimation front was observed, althou.:h the front, while sharp, did not necessarily remain planner. There should be a finite partial pressure of water vapor in the as within te dry layer, since the water vapor :enerated by sublimation must escape across the dry layer. One would. therefore expect a finite amount of sorbed water to be present in the dry layer corresnondin.: at least to the amount that would be predicted by equilibrium sorotion isotherm. -andall (1966) made calculations for -tyrical conditions of freeze-dryin. usin- the sorption isotherms was measured by outer dry 'Kin for et al (968). the of turkey breastmeat same material that For heatin,n from the surface he condluded that equilibrium between the dry layer and the escapin7 water vapor would avera.e moisture content within the dry percent of the initial content layer ive an equal to 3 water, or about 1,5percent moisture on a solid basis, "lowever, this surprisingly low -26- value results from the increasinn temperature across the dry layer toward the outer surface as well as from the decreasing water vacor partial pressure, (King, 1971) .owever, one would expect that the deQ-reeof the sharpness of the ice front durinr; freeze-dryinr mainly reflect the condition(s) of freeze-drying[. Important parameters which seem directly to effect broadening:of the front are pressure and, -temperature difference between local temperature and ice front temperature. iralsford (1967) postulated the existence of a "diffusion zone" broadening which was due to solute migration which melted as the zone recedes more :ivesand more ice being into ice core. Hie felt -that at higher chamber pressures more liquid water is present in the ice core which results in some liquid diffusion into the dry layer. Ai.ruilera and link (1974) calculated moisture profiles from temperature measurements durin- freeze-dryin,., 'Theircalculation.was based on -therelationship between bound water content () and temperature difference ( D) between any position in the dry layer (desorption temperature) and the temperature of ice (sublimation temperature) which was ori.inally postulated by &entzler and Schmidt (1973) T.ihe mathematical expression is based on hig;her desorption temperatures for bound water as compared with the sublimation temperature for frozen water and can be expressed as: -27,,(= e (a + b) where a and b are constants dependent on each particular product. A,;uileraand link (1974) based on their experi- mental results reported that due to above relationship h.ipher moisture contents are to be expected at a distance from the ice front as drying preceeds. iven Their results show that at a heater temperature of 128°0C. and a surface temperature of 560, the diffusion zone was about ice front had retreated ' mm (after 2.5 hrs), 2 mm when te and when the ice had retreated about 15 mm the diffusion zone increased to about 5 mm (after 9 hrs). Another factor which seems to effect the degree of broadenin" of the diffusion is discussed 2I zone is freezinc in the following tate of ?Waterand of Dried Systems: '..:estate method. 'This section. olutes in Frozen and Freeze- of water bound to polymers has been investi- ,ated using various physical and physicochemical methods of analysis, Nuclear Karel and Flink (1973) explain that recent affneticResonance studies and infrared work indicate thatwaterboundto olymers is less "free" than water in solution, and more "free" than water in ice crystals. '.he thermodynamic confirmation of the reater mobility of the -non-freezablewater in muscle derived foods compared -to -2Pthe water in ice as stated by Karel and Flink (1973) is shown by 'iedel who studied the apparent specific heat of frozen beef. 'he specific heat for bound water (unfree- zable water) calculated by iedel was intermediate between that of ice and pure unfrozen water. Since specific heat reflects molecular mobility, "bound" water is evidently more mobile than water in ice. A.P. ?iacKenzieand .J. Luyet (1967) sowed that water binding properties of ox-muscle, expressed in the form of water adsorption isotherms, were markedly dependent u.on the manner of initial freezing and at the same time practically independent of the freeze-drying procedure. T'hey concluded that the quantity of water contained in the monolayer is not affected by the manner of freezing or by the freeze-dryin- treatment; however, the energy with which -themonolayer is bound is greatly increased when the initial freezing velocity is raised while not affected by freeze-drying procedure. They also showed that at a given constant relative humidity quickly frozen, dried sample holds more water than slowly frozen dried samples. Karel and Flink (1973) explained that in slow freezing, the resultant high salt concentration acts on muscle protein. long: enou;?h to cause dislocation and a-re-cation. The -total number of accessible hydro-?hylic sites does not change, hence -29there is no effect of rate of freezing on monolayer value. ,owever, the access to these sites is more difficult and this is thermodynamically equivalent -to reducing tle energy of water bindinr( site and it similarly explai.ns the requirement for a hi-her relative humidity for a -iven amount of water bound by the protein. ,.he above explanation'enzie and the results obtained by and Luyet (1967) could indicate that freez ing rate may influence moisture radierts at the ice interface durinc freeze-dryin. 2,.4 Ietlods of ompressin~g Dehydrated oodstuff: 'he technique of compression was introduced to the industry in the late 30s, T2hehritish Mvinistry of AFriculture, isheries and lF"ood,through -their experimental factory in Aberdeen experimented with the compression of veetables, especially carrots, cabba,.e and fruit bars, (ii.i .amdy, 1960). 1Juring 1942-1943, f.... carried out a research proFram on the compression of dehydrated -foods. :esearc'hAdministration of te Ti he A'ricultural U.,.,.A.,conducted a food compression project in 1943 and 194'4,and the efense ,esearca I.edical Laboratories in Canada workred on the development of meat and fruit bars (L.±. -ftuer 194L-L te -lamdy,1960). interest in compression of foods faded until -301960 when the ;, ' Army Quartermaster ,vorps initiated new research projects in compressing dehydrated foods, then there has been an increasin' 'ince interest in compressed foods, with most of the research being sponArmy and reported by Rhaman, brockman, sored by the U.3. "rennin'~, 7'estcott, Schafer and others. In all methodsemployedthe most important factor necessary for successful compression is that the foodhas dehydrated foods with low state·. viost to be in a plastic ,ile and fra-menteven under moisture contents are very fra,, compressive pressures. li.::hzt present are to cast and developments of methods for compression of foods examined. the In this section the 'he reconditionin. section is Feerally subdivided according techniques that have been employed prior to compression. 2,4.1 oisture ontent: ',oisture content has a ronounced effect on the texture It is known-that most low moisture foods of food materials. (generally less than 5 percent) are brittle and fra.?ile. Accordin.gly they do not yield to compression without destroyin-:the characterof food product. floods of low soluble solid (sugar) contents, are fragile when below 3 percent moisture. Ver-etables of all kinds (shredded, diced, etc...) were found to frarnment easily at low moisture. Pulverized -31and powdery dehydrated foods; however, are expected by compression to be less affected content (amdy, 1940). at low moisture Nevertheless, moisture content in the ran?,e of 5-20 percent has a lar-;e plasticizing effect on most foods. KaDsalis et al (1970a) in a study of mechanical properties of low and intermediate moisture foods found important chan::esof the textural properties of precooked, of aw, 0.15-0.3, which freeze-dried beef in the ran.~!e corresponds to a moisture content ran;Teof 5-10% moisture contee nt. In another study of precooked, freeze-dried beef Kapsalis et al (1970b) reported that-s-he mechanical properties of hardness and cohesiveness (as defined by Szczeniak, 1963 ) increased with increase in relative humidity from 0-66 called te , whereas, the mechanical proer-Lty crushability index (as defined by Drake,!966) and -thesensory property "ease of bitin" decreased, It is expected that over that moisture content ranrgesinificant textural charr:es to occur with other foods as well. 1Durin,:: the latter part of wV'orld ar II at the Aberdeen, Scotland Factory, dehydrated cabbage and carrots were beinr.: compressed after conditionin -to percent moisture by inlectin..steam in a heated air stream (amdy, 1960). -32oWciers In the Uriited s:tates, otato and e. aft er content adjustin:- the moisture 1960), were to 15 percent comressed (amdy, In.a study on compression of dehydrated food (U.L,.., 194 ° ) it was reported that,"usually the surface of the food nieces are at considerably lower moisture levels than the centers and consequently the material will not compress satisUniform distribution of moisture can be obtained factorily. by storag7eat room temperature for several days, and satisfactory homonenity can be brought about in a relatively short -thematerial in recirculated air under care-timeby heatirf'l, fully controlled condition of temperature and humidity." 'Theybasically used both moisture and heat treatment (described below) as the means of conditioninc compression. the product before ihey report, further, "moisture content often critically affects the compression characteristics of a material. At lower moisture levels, lower bulk densities are usually obtained at a iven pressure, and cohesive quality may be considerably lower. The temperature required for satisfactory compression generally decreases as the moisture levels rises. Temperature conditions, especially as they influence breaka-e and production of fines, become more important as the moisture level falls, At very low moisture contents, many dehydrated foods do not ,ive at any temperature." However, coherent blocks in the majority of cases the -33Procedures adopted in this experimental study were applied to secific TT. comodities at moisture levels conformin to Quartermaster Corps specifications in force at the time -the tests were conducted, content (ie. Vegetables with low sucar beets, cabbai-e, carrots, onion, and ruta- coml-cressed satisfactorily at moisture levels of 3.5-5.5;, with the temperatures ran.-ingfrom 120 to 160°F. and pressure rancir- from 200 to 5500 psi. ved witl tese Problems invol- comodities were usually relaxation of the product after compression, weakness of the bars and difficulty with rehydration. Fruits such as peaches, apricots, and prunes were compressed at moirsture levels of 10.7-18.7,:. at room temperature with relatively low pressures (100-900 psi). SApple nu,-.retsat moisture and 100-400 1500 F. at in? on suar si. contents Cranberries ressures ran-in content, of 1,3-2,1: at moisture from 400-2000 at moisture at 120-130 r'. level of 5.5. at si. Potatos, depend- levels of 9-15, at 140-1601 ', with pressures rancin'- from 200-2000 psi. And finally e-:; powder at moisture at temperature content of 2.0 and 5.0, of 65-90°F'.with 600-1500 psi. E.- powder did not compress well at 2>:-moisture; however, at 5 eercent, satisfactory bars wereobtained which were redried to 2 percent to meet the specifications. .I'he increase in density of compressed products in -these experiments ran:e from 15-7 fold, ."amdy -34enerally used low moisture content foods for (1961) compression except blanched precooked carrots which 'ad moisture levels of 5.45-6,6 of 3000-4500 achieved .At pressures si a compression ratio of about 4 was ¥_e also used heat and sormetimesrlasticizin.: a:-ents in his experiments. compressed percent. products. Results indicated acceptable In 1962 amdy reported that accept- able compressed freeze-dried spinach could be obtained by increasin>.the plasticizin. moisture content to 9 percent, Ishler (1962) found that successful compressed food can be achieved by sprayin- freeze-dried cellular food with water -to attain -13 ercent moisture, compression and to less than 3 percent moisture. redryin7 Lampi has indi- cated that the moisture level of the food rior to compressior. may affect rehydration. (Rahman, et al, 1969) et al, (1969) used lived steam or water sprays Ra'nhman after freeze-dryin- for preconditionin:-a variety of vepe- table for cor- '.hedesired equilibrium moisture content roducts. was 12 .percentbefore compression. All compressed products were redried in a vacuum oven to moisture levels of aproximately psi was used. 2 ercent Compression pressure of 500-2500 Compression ratios obtained were: peas, 4:1; corn,4:l; sliced onions, 5:1. spinach, 11:1; carrots, 14:1 and ·. 'reen beans 16:1. -35- Rahman, et al, (1971) studied non-reversible compression a of intermediate moisture fruit bars where the compressed product is to be eaten "out of hand" rather than rehydrated. Yo successfully produce compressed fruit bars the moisture content of the fruit in.redients such as dates and fi-s, maraschino cherries and others was reduced to approximately 8 percent to be applicable), (a ranrle of ?-1 4 '? was reported Compressing these fruits with their -.,) ori-iinalmoisture (ranin?- from 15-35 due to excessive extrusion of pul. were unsuccessful Approximately 2 per- cent lecithin was incorporated to the bar to enhance the texture .acKenzie and Luyet (1969)studied the effect of water on freeze-dried foods, compressed after moisturizing to various relative humidities. i!hey found that freeze- dried carrots and Deas compressed after equillibration at 60 percent relative humidity were restored durinr. rehydration to their re-compression character, vackenzie and Luyet (1971) conducted another experimental study where twelve freeze-dried foods, alone and in combinations were brou-ht to certain predetermined water con-tertsby exposure, via the vapor phase, to water at controlled activities-, .;'he moist freeze-dried materials were subjected to compression and to further dryin'g,after which they were rehydrated h.'ey reported that rocessin- -36- conditions isurin. best rehydration could be defined in terms of water activities to which the foods were adjsusted prior to compression. They also found that composite foods were more likely to respond well to compression where component items wre selected on the bais of compatible water activity dependent behavior. Their experimental data indicates activities that the hi--l water (0. -0. ), which. corresponds to about 15-35 per- cent moisture, most food-?,either collapse (flow) under compression, or compress readily but have very little or no recovery upon rehydration. Also, at low water activity (dependin on surar content) products fra,-mentor crumble upon compression. Fruits which are enerally hi;gh in su/.arcontent showed best restoration when compressed after resorption to relatively lower water activities. compression are aples Examples of conditions rivin- :ood at a water activity. close to 0.3 (?' moisture), peaches at water activity of 0.3 (4.5'.) and inatcles at water activity of 0325-0,3 (5%) Vecretables, which nave lower sugar content and 'hiher fiber content than fruits, required hin-herwater activites. For example, froodcompression was achieved with carrots at a water activity of 0.55, cabbage at a water activity of 0.35, and potatos at a water activity of 0.6. They reported that this difference is mainly due to -3?the su-ar con-tent. Ihe freeze-dried plant tissue viewed as a two-phase, two component sstem cellulose ad su-ar, amorpnous after cellulose. comrosed of uOnexposure to water the su,-:ar phase, freeze-dryinr dive-rn is sorbs more wa-ter than the hlbih enou?h water activity, the su-ar phase softens and flows under the compression force while the cellulosic phase deforms simultaneously presumably with more only above its water resistance. lass o ince the su ar rich transition tem-erature, the suar: as to be controlled ratio -')Iase flows so tat the the a-lass transition temperature falls near but below the temperature selected for compression, lfhere he system is moisturized further,the sucar-rich phase may flow too readily, the various internal surfaces beinm-annihilated yihe cellulosic in the process. component may moreover, lose its ability retain a strained form at hih water activities, sul-ar and the excess water plasticizin- to with the an irreversible d eo rmati ion, Chicken muscle beh'aved best whenthe water activity was increased corresonds to about 0.6 (a ran.'e of 0O5-0.7) which to a moisture content of about 1i,5,prior to com-rression. Tuna showedoo" compression behavior a-t moisture levels of 11-22";.idepende-.t of the way in which -the water contents -38were achieved. ituomy (1971) moistened dehydrated products by spraying -them with the correct wei,:rhtof water to :-ive the amount needed for compression. equilibration was obtained by holdirny: the moistened products under 27 inches of vacuum for 27 hours, He used "The Ldisonian Approach" of trial watercontent and error in his recipes for best results. nhe of the recipes ran-ed from 1 -35i; before compression. Pilsworth Jr. and :-oge (1973) compressed freeze-dried beef to form bars by plasticizin:-with water transferred as a vapor. They retorted that "freeze-dried beef can be plasti- cized for compression by partial rehydration in which water is transferred to the beef in the form of vapor to an equilibrated level of 11-12 percent moisture content for satisfactory compression with compression pressures of about 3000 psi." tIheyalso madea test of plasticizing- thefreeze-dried material by spraying. with water until a uniform moisture level of 11.5-12 percent by wei:h.t was obtained. dified products formed satisfactory compressionpressure of 5000 psi. the rehumi- compressed bars under 'Iinner,-ardt and Sherman (1975) used rehumidification by sprayinnr with water to moisture levels of 9.6-12.9';'Jfor compressinto freeze-dried foods, such as chili can carne, beef hash, beef with vegetables, chicken with vegetables, chicken with brown rice, beans and franks. -39Rahman, et al, (1971) studied the effect of level of b moisture content of peas on compression behavior. They sprayed freeze-dried peas with water to achieve moisture contents of , 12, 16, 1, and 20,,w, and compressed them after equilibration in an over for 10 minutes at 200°F. '.hreecompression ressures (1000, 1500, were used to form bars. and 2000 psi) i'heirresults indicate that the amount of moisture added to peas prior to compression significantly affected the rehydrated product. he rehyd- ration ratio decreased whereas the resistance to shear became reater as the conditioning moisture increased. Pressure did not have an effect on rehydration ratio. I-thas been shown that ence as a lasticizin- water has a significant a,-ent on the compressibility food, its texture, reversibility stability of the compressed ifluof upon relhydration, and product. However, it is noted that in almost all cases, the products which have been rehumidified prior to compression have been redried to low moisture content so ta-t the microbial and storage stability 2,4.2 properties of the dehydrated food are not affected. '.eat reatment: Heat treatment alone or to,-etherwith moisture content also have been used for plasticizing- foods prior to compresseion. As mentioned before (2.4.1) the effect of heat is -40most evident in hi7h as the moisture content decreases, especially sugar content foods which are sensitive to heat treatment. Some combination examples of moisture content and thermal -treatment are iven in the previous section, ;.:Thermal lasticity at low moisture contents is primarily possible with high su?7arcontent foods such as most fruits. problems associated with -thermal plasticization are discoloration, burninr, and loss of nutritional value of the product, Rahman, et al, (1970) successfully compressed freezedried red tart than 2 heat itted cherries (RTP) and blueberries at less ercent moisture content by subjecting7them to dry in an oven at 200°r', for approximately 10 minutes, followed by compression at pressures of 100-1500 psi. resultsindicated a significant ratio and compressive correlation ressure. Tl.he between compression Volume reductions of P and 7 fold, respectively, for cherries and blueberries were obtained; when the compressed volume was compared with loose frozen product, obtained. a compression ratio of 12 and 13 to 1 was Pies prepared from compressed products were equi- valent in flavor, texture and appearance -tothose prepared from the non-compressed products. 'he extent of rehydration was about 30-50 percent of the fresh samples, In another study o, et al, (1975) successfully compressed freeze-dried sour cherries with less than 3 ercent moisture -41content eati-n; for 1 minute by a 200° .'': under an Comressive infrared lamp nrior to compression. of 100-400 psi were used. ressures I'heirresults showed -that the texture of compressed sour cherries became softer as the comnressive h'Inerehydration ressure was increased, was less for lower compressive ressure. J.he time freeze-dried cherries were sli:h-tly wrinkled prior to compression. overall uality declined durin. stora e. Donnell.,, (1947) developed another foods ir. which'-.e refri.erated to acroximately ve:etables 'he flaked, me-thod of debulkin.: unseasoned mixed 2001°.and foods of relatively . and then comressed hiz-h fat contents to about 0 to -200° a-t ressures around 1000-1l00 si, -:e reported that depend- in.- on fat content and/or su.-ar coten-t, the oisture level vrior to comression ca:n vary from 2-4 ercent with hirh fat conten-t foodsand to 6-7 percet with foods of low fat content and withn relatively hih su-ar conten-'t. 2. 43 ;inders and other Plasticizin- A:ernts: A variety of binders ad plasticizin. a ents (other -- th.anY moisture a,nd heat) have been used (up to permitted levels) in foods with low moisture content (3-4 percent) -to imrrove compressibility, of texture,and reversibility the compressed products. oodin., et al, (19-:) obtained a better quality of compressed dehydrated cabba-e when they scalded the cabba.e before dehydration in a solution containin-i 1-1. percentsu-ar;however,the final product was rot acceptable because of sweetness and browrin., ( Tamdy, 1960) .err' (194"'), percent in compressin;-cereals, added 0.5-3 of ethylene claimed imroved or propylene fclycol, which he the firmness of'the compressed roduct, (Y-amd,,190 ) $,loodin-: (1952) srayed of lycerol solution but found tat per 120 ml of a 5 -ercent solution ound of steam-blanched cabba,e, brownirn. occured more readily, at hir:hstora.,-e temperature. especially --. e also obtained the same results wen. leate F'ats have been used as binders in compressin- wheat wafer he used meat bars, percent solution of .'lycerolmono- and muttom blocks. All methods recommend usinan imal fats clusion o or ard-shortenin.s (amdy, 1960)<- fa-ts suc as in order to decreaseex- fat durin. compression, Durst (1967) demonstrated -the effectiveness of a bland, hi,Fhcaloric bindin7 material to rovide a desi- rable level of cohesion in bars prepared from a lar[-e variety of dehydrated comporen-ts. It was rroven earlier that i-ncorroration of redetermined amounts of this -43- binding material provides a basis for comressin a variety of foods into bars of' uniform size and equal content, caloric a related study mlorethan thirty I sauces, spreads and relishes in the form of flexible in shee-ts suitable for direct consur-,.tion conjunction with a bland carrier were prepared. !e describes te binders ( a-trices carriers which are easy -to handle, and 6.3 values (4.9 calorie per ) as kA and I-* -J2 caloric have hi;-'h ram, resnectively) stability, mild flavor and good rehydration pro?c-ood k.'atrix -certies, j 2 also matrices A1-,which hias bet-ter bindin<-:Dower than as a h.iner , and 23.4 16.P 2 su-,arcontent. Ihe formula for are: 20.0 .1 47. 7 31.6 32._5 2.2 1.1 0. 'J.he rotein beinpc sodium casinate, the carbohydrates; sucrose, dextrose, starch and lactose and te $00 oil. fat Durkee Diurstused these binders in a wide variety of food recipe with accer-tableresults, 'Healso used sprayed water in most of his experiments, in combination with the binders mentioned, to achieve moisture of about 4 percent. Ishler (1962) reported that sprayin. the dehydrated lycerine or propylene ,Tlycolbefore compression food with -. -44produced bars with excellent rehydration characteristics as stated by Rahman, et al, (1969). Rahman, et al, (1971) reported that incorporation of 2 percent lecithin enhanced the texture of the intermediate moisture food bars. Konigsbacher, (1974) investigated the applicability of various plasticizing agents and techniques for compression. Use of vanishing plasticizers such as FDA approved freons alone or in combination with oil, or liquefied gases such as carbon dioxide; however, was not successful. He also proposed a process of split stream treatment where fresh food is added to dehydrated food to increase the moisture content of the dried food to give a material in the plastic range. He reported that this process is much more efficient than the classical method of rehumidification by vapor phase equilibration or water spray. He used propylen glycol, glycerol alone or in combination with water, vegetable oil, or combination thereof. He retorted that, "the use of propylene glycol or glycerol as plasticizing agents in combination with a brief steam treatment immediately before compression yielded compressed foods of best Quality." H{ealso reported the use of binders to prevent expansion after compression. -45- r-'he results indicated tha-t: -?7inimumexpansion was achieved with systems contaiin.:- .elatin as the binder, -est results were obtained when a mixture of equal arts propylene I,_lycol and steam were applied at the 10 percent level as the plasti- cizin aent. Ranadive, et al, (1974) used abou-t 2 binders in combination wi-th moisterin (be-tween10-12 different with water ercent) for comr.ressin.meat balls and pork sausa.res. "l'he birders were ~-enerallystarch, modified starch, corn meal, e.--albumin, wheat luten, soy protein, or locust bean grum,alone or in combination. 'ihey reported rehydration that the product quality (which includes roperties, flavor, and -texture) depended mainly on the type or types of binders used. 'i'he best binder for sausar:esw-,ascomposed of modified starch (~':atioral :'o,. 10), wheat (:ational o., 71), luten and preelatinized starch and for meat balls modified cross linked starch (iational '.o.10) and wheat 7luten. I:avey (1975) in an study of techniques for controlling flavor intensity in compressed foods used both remoistenin'rs and a conditionin/birdir..-- aent which minimized the redry- inr after compression,. Ihis aent was water and crlycerine, and then addinthe elatin to swell for minutes. repared by mixin.- elatin and allowin-. 'i'his was heated urtil -46i-tmelted and then mixed with freeze-dried food products prior to compression. It was reported that this plasti- cized the meat for compression purposes and allowed the other ingredients to adhere -to the etted ; chafer, et al, (1975) developed compacted and dehydrated meat surfaces. a me-tsod to produce food bars which may be easily bitten or chewedwithout orior rehydration or rapidly rehydrated in bar form in cold water, by incorporatingr potato than articles, which have been freeze-dried to less 4 percent and thereafter equilibrated with water to a moisture content of from about 5-15 percent. food in the reparation mixture a proportion of about 10-20 nercent Potato -to about 90-80 formin.of inrredients was used. comr-essed at a pressure ercen-tnon-potato food bar I'hismixture can be from about 00-100 si and -thenredried to a moisture content below 1. percent. Flavoring a,c-ents such as lemon powder are used to mask potato flavor, "'he otato articles act to allow break- a -e of tlhe food bar during? chewin-: without prior rehyd- ration or result in the quick rehydration (10 minutes in cold water). 2,4,4 ,ilanchin,-(:caldin?-): .tudy of the effect of blanchin'-on the final quality of the compressed foods was done by oodin-; (195;). Hre -47concluded -h'a-t steam blanchin.: yielded a better qualitT than the quality of dehydrated and compressed cabbag-;e obtained from water scalded samples. explained that te :oreover, he leaching effect of blanching with water caused increased frajmentation. To overcome this effect, e su,-'cested a 1-1.5 percent solution of soluble solids for water blanchin; however, brownin:.- was observed with samples treated in this manner. ('-amdy,1960) 2,4.5 ~n of _ e oom'oession ffect of Freezing, _ried Foods: ·..acenzie of ates o re rreeze- and Luyet (1971) who tested four different freezing-rates prior to freeze-dryin. of cooked beef, chicken and carrots, rerorted that there was no s i:nificant differ- ence in the products after compression and restoration. However, they indicated that some trends were evident in the results: -rih f-reezingrates were more deleterious for compression of beef, though no effect on rehydrat-ionwas observed, -arrots showed less resistance to comoression when hit':freezin- rates were used. Also their recovery was low. -Chicken when frozen with high freezing rates showed less recovery when rehydrated, 'ley explained that the reason for the observed behavior was mainly due to small ice crystal formation, which presumably decreases the routes available for the -48re-entry of water, 2,L.. Continuous Freeze- rin? and Com pression: _oni.-sbacher, (1974) conducted a -test were a constant laced. on a sample of diced chicken (no plastici- load was d.urin.-freeze-dryin....'He zers were used) indicated -that the diced chicken .ad been compressed to about half its ori.inal size, ';.i'e samples rehydrated to their ori.irnal shape wit' no in their texture or appearance when compared with non-compressedcicken, thait, "this findinr- oper.s a new aproach freeze-dryin" and compression. represents because re-or-ed -ie further owever, to simultarn.eous this a-croach a concept that needs to be investiated as a one-step , process." of its potential We did not further essentially further investi:rate -thismet-iod whic the aroach is undertaken in this study. 24, 7 Limi-ted reeze-.Dryrin: -[.ost develoumertal work to date for compressed freezedried foods has utilized full freeze-dryingf to low moisture contents, followed 'byremoisteninr,to attain the desired mositure content for compression. conditions it is ossible Under certain controlled -to carry out- te freeze-acryir. -rocess such tat- the ma-terial is left wit. a desired uni- form moisture content at the "end" of dryin-.,thereby avoidin.:te remoistenin,- step., '.?heterm "Limited reeze-bryin2- -49w: Pir-st az- ied b,r a-d Luret, 19;9) out freeze-drrir-^ z.acle-zie -t this :iherincile rocess G' enziee of -'the method is 'to carrv i- a-, enviriorment such ta-t the relative t e surace a.d wi-thin the :roduct does not lali beiwo somre reetermnec_, value, wici is hi-h enou'h hurnidit a `Io e-'.sure thaite dror, belowl. thie desired lised will not m.oisture cor;-eren in an? retion value by see-arate contro duryicn, durin' of te : 'his is accownr)- samp-le-chambertemperature and. con-de-)s r temn..erat,ure each w.ithir. arrow limits -'ic Iq causes t .e fr eeze-dryin: to rocee (+ , ), b simultaneous subimation. of ice and limited cdesor-ntionof unfrozen water, t ' nile thre subllimatio-n prroceecs to comnletion, te desorption nrocess stos wen vaor ;e e -cressu e of te .water in-rthle ,-,roduc- is redu thaL, of water vanor in te cham.ber .....e:!uilirium with ice on t;e condenser, s.m--le c.a -rr-conenser srraller sammle .reater emera-t-uredifferences result in ul tima-te water activities .-reaoer deso-.-tior from te i samp-les. -tesamp,,lechzamber; hence .enerally, t"he selection of sam--le c amber temmeratures in the ran-e -10 to -40 ° , -rermits the ,--ram 100 roduction of ma-terials containin- about 25 to 5 0 dry solids dram res pectively (,acl:enzie and Luyet, 171). rAccompishin.?limited freeze-dryinr. trouh.lh control of the -nvironmertal relative humidity as described above requires tha-tte -temperaturedifference and water-vapor partial pressure difference drivin- forces for heat and mass transfer be less than in ordinary commercial freezedriers which necessarily leads to lon..-er dryinc times. Kinf, et al, (1o7 ) noted that lacTlenzieand Luyet reor--tedthat dryin'-times of 25-100 for 1 cm cubes of beef and various T owever, inr, freeze-dryin 1. et al, (197 ) reportedtat t'lerate of can be accelerated if: :he heat -ransfer '..e were wours required ve?-etable products, coefficient source to the surface of the increased. 2, ad from the heat roduct is temp,erature of -the heat source is raised durin thleearly part of dryir:" so that temperature of the roduct surface rises toward the point where -the surface itself experiences the prescribed relative humidity. 3, Control of environmental relative accomplished in some other way, ihey.--rovosed two alternative methods to accomplish a more efficient limited freeze-dryinmethocd te humidity is rocess. In one t heatinr -.aten -tem-rerature is controlled at -thedesired final surface temnerature, instead of a -the samrle-chamber emperature which was ori.inally MacKenzie and Luyet (1969, 1971). They indicated used by tat the iece-surface temperature rises as dryin;: proceeds from a initial value close to -the frozen-core temperature -51-o a fin-al value approaclin,- the artial pressure within and similarly, the water-vapor t-'e dryi' laten temperature cehamber ' may a be held a-t the desired value, v.wit-theknowledge that -thewater-vapor partial at the ressure iece surface will approximate that value and be no lower, Under these conditions, -therelative at the iece surf ace will be value and will be at a hi:her sta,:es of the drying, umidity o lower than -the rescribed value durin. A major rocess. -. the early drawback of this method is that small fluctuations of the laten temperature will result in a -:reat chanre mois-ture cortent by affect in- the local relative humidity. !(in-, et al, (1975 ) h'he expected dryin? times usin,- tis cedure are about 3 times lon-.erthan freeze-dryingr to low moisture `-ilhe other method pro- for conventional contents, is a self-re-rulatin- control enviornmental relative humidity by utilizin:uptake medium which maintains a of the a water- articular, prede-termined relative ihumidit independent of temperature or amount of moisture taken up, '.hisrelative same as tat humidity would be the the surface of the food pieces, provided -that food pieces and water-uptake medium are at -thesame -temperature, in.-, -- et al, (1975 ) In a layered bed with alternatin layers of food and -52- hydrating salt desiccant, a circulating low pressure gas is used to transfer heat and mass between the food and desiccant. Since the latent heat of absorption for most desiccants is about equal to the latent heat of sublimation for the same amount of water, the gas will be cooled as it passes through the food layer and then will be dried and reheated as it passes through the desiccant layer. configuration The good mass transfer possible with this ermits the use of inert gases at higher total pressures, which reduces the drying time. King, (Jones and 197.5) The hydrating salt desiccantsare good since for any hydrate they have the unique property of maintaining a constant relative humidity over a range of water contents. They also have the additional advantage of maintaining a relative humidity that is independent of small changes in temperature (Jones and King, 1975). With this method the drying times are even shorter than the ones described before; however, they may exceed by about a factor of 2 the drying times of conventional freeze-drying to low moisture contents. Although limited freeze-drying has good promise in food compression processes, it requires longer drying time and the compressed food still must be dried to low moisture contents o preserve stability. -533. 3.1 DiATERIALS AljD i'LTHODS Equipment: 3.1.1 Freeze-Drier: A virtis laboratory freeze-drier (Uni-trap iodel 10-100) with a custom drying chamber, was used. It was operated with no heat input (except the ambient leakage) chamber pressure, less than 100 microns, and a condenser temperature of-60°C. 3.1.2 Design of a tatic Loading Cell: As the size of the chamber of the Virtis freezedrier used is relatively small (30 cm height, 25 cm diameter), there is not enough space for a large static load (such as lead) having appreciable compressive force to be placed on the sample during freeze-drying. However, it is possible to use the resultant force from extension of springs to attain compressive pressures hic:h enough to compress the food. Figure 1 shows the cell loading system. This system is not truly, a static system since the length of the extended springs decrease as the height of the food bed is reduced due to being compressed. This causes the force produced by the springs to decrease as the food is compressed. This change in force during compression can I Base Plate 2 Top Plate 3 Matched Set of Springs 4 Threaded Guide Rods 5 6 7 8 Nuts for Raising Top Plate Sample Cell Stand Sample Holder Compression Plate Fig. . Load Cell. (Extension Type) -55- be minimized by selecting springs which have a large initial tension (force required to initiate extension) and a relatively small relationship of modulus to initial tension (i.e. A F due to A L is small compared to F) so that the main part of the force is due to the initial tension and only a small fraction of the force is due to extension, Ideally this means that after the force re- quired to initiate extension is achieved no more force is necessary to further extend the springs. is not possible, that A it is desirable Since this to use long springs so L/L is small for a given sample thickness. Different sets were used in order to widen the range of compressive force. All springs were tested for linear response of force with extension. The extension of the spring versus force was graphed for all springs of each set. T'able1 represents the properties of the springs selected for this study. Cell configurations using either 2, 4, or 6 springs have been constructed, allowing three levels of compressive force from each spring set. 3.1.3 Sample Holder: The sample holder is constructed of aluminum and stainless steel mesh to allow application of the compressive force without sinificantly of vapor from the drying surface. impending the flow Its dimensions are 0) U0 U, o r4 o 0 o .-4 4-4 0 4J P, 0) P. r. E- 0 0 V) (n 0sk Q du o a r4 E (I o 4 bn · to H -I la 4i to 0) P4 a) P 4! ) Q r.0E 'HZ' '-4 (1 *,LX Un C' 0C Cl 00 o G~ c0 C -"q cr Cs Co v o x.D c cS H, d o r O 00 cV o0 ,-I H O.o q o O -C Cl K \D C' -- 00 -4 u. a,% 0 ¢N C oO rH 00 cc CN - pH cn ao H * C U (2 , 0 CJ Jr0 a va o -Ka K4C X ed e k 1- a b0 0 4-0 v ,~~~ to JJ U o 0 0, a 0o a) P *1 ut 92 O~ (12 -i -57- approximately 2x3x2 inches. Figure 2 shows the detail of the sample holder. In practice, the cell is assembled without the sample holder. A small scissors jack is used to raise the top plate (2, in Figure 1) and extend the springs. The nuts (5) are raised until they are just under the top plate. T'he jack is removed so that the frozen material in the sample holder (7) can be placed on the loading cell stand (6) while the nuts (5) maintain the springs under tension. The compression plate (8) is inserted and the nuts (5) are lowered permitting the top plate (2) to contact the compression plate which is on the bed of food. The nuts are lowered sufficiently so that the top plate (2) can move down the guide rods (4) without contacting the nuts before -the end of compression. 3.2 Experimental Procedure: Fiure 3 shows the principle steps used for each experiment. 3.2.1 Sample Preparation: Table 2 lists te food materials used. All samples except for cherries and blueberries were kept in a freezer at -200C. 0 Compression Plate © © Sample Holder (wire mesh) Green Beans (sample) Fig. 2. Sample Holder. -59- Packin~? of sample in sample holder Freezino~ Insertion. of frozen sample in its holder in the loading cell with springs under -tension. lowering the nuts to allow the compressive force to be placed on the frozen material. freeze-drying/compression Unloading the dried, compressed sample Stora: ,e4-compress ion ratio--Rehydration determination behavior ;inal moisture content and percent total solid measurements Orpanoleptic evaluations Fig. 3. Principle steps for each experiment. -greenbeans Vegetables '*carrots -- peas Fruits Comments er ial Lieat system - **blueberries .- * black ,eat cherries "-~,[round beef ''bottom round steak cut frozen packed diced frozen packed, cubes approximately 6 mm on each side frozen packed frozen acked, kernels fresh fresh, pitted and halved fresh, 1 percent fat fresh -:Purchasedfrom a local supermarket as frozen packed, in large quantities (5-6 lar-e packagces)to minimize variability within -thesamples. '"Furchased as mixed frozen peas and diced carrots, they were separated by hnd and stored. purchased fresh from a local supermarket (cherries and blueberries were purchased in quantities sufficient for one or two experiments since the quality and texture would change upon storage.) -L 2 Materials used. -61- The frozen vegetables were first thawed by placing them in water at room temperature for several seconds. TLhe excess water was then removed by an absorbent paper towel. 'he reason for this procedure is that the frozen vegetable usually had a shell of ice around it which would decrease the measured total solid percent of the material. All samples were hand packed in the sample holder with minimum void volume between pieces. When the frozen sample was initially subjected to the force (before freezedrying) some breakage was produced in the frozen sample. To reduce this cracking layers of cheese cloth were placed in the sample holder under and over the bed of food to provide some cushioning. Uniform sized cut green beans were selected for compression. They were aligned uniformly next to each other as rows and layers in the sample holder (Figure 4), with the force perpendicular to the grain. I a. Fig. 4. I I top view Configuration b. side view of beans in the sample holder. -62- Diced carrots were placed into the sample holder such that all cubes formed an orderly array of rows and layers. ::o effort was made to separate dices according to presence or absence of carrot core material. blue- berries, peas and corn were placed in the sample holder fully packed. Cherries were pitted first and ther put in-tothe sample holder either whole, or halved. ,(round beef was g7ently "packed" into the sample holder so that void volume was avoided while "pre-compression" on the fresh sample was minimized. The steak was trimmed of fat and cut into cubes approximately 1 cm on a side. he cubes were then packed as rows and layers into the sample holder with :Grain perpendicular to the direction of force. ?.few tests were conducted with the (as beans) rain parallel to the direction of force. All samples were weighted and final weights were obtained by difference of the sample holder with and without the sample. In all experiments one or two samples were freeze-dried without compression as control. One control, approximately the same weight as the sample being compressed, was freeze-dried in a 250 ml glass beaker randomly filled. Trams sample 'Theother control was usually a 10-12 in a 50 ml beaker, .he first control was -63- used for moisture, rehydration and organoleptic comparisons with the compressed sample while the second control gave a second value of percent moisture content and percent total solids of the raw material. 3.2,2 Freezin: In most cases the samples in the holder were frozen in a freezer at -20°C. Prior to the experiment they were further cooled down by a stream of liquid nitrogen. (In some cases when there was not time for slow freezing the thawed samples were quickly frozen by the aid of liquid nitrogen.) 3.2.3 Loadin.gof the Cell: After freezing, the sample holder was quickly placed into the loading cell with the springs extended. The force was placed on the frozen sample by lowering the nuts. The length of the springs were recorded, and then the system was immediately placed in the freeze-drier and the process started, The lengths of the springs were recorded again after freeze-dryin./compression so that the force on the sample during compression could be calculated. 3.2.4 Compression Ratio: The term compression ratio is defined as the ratio of the initial volume of the sample prior to compression -64to the final sample volume following compression and drying . owever the numerical value of the compression ratio can vary depending on the method of measuring or defining volume. In this study compression ratios are given by three different methods. a- Compression ratio by displacement: the lowest numerical value of compression ratio is obtained by taking the initial and final density (on a dry basis). This can be done by a displacement technique for determining volume using lead shots similar to that used for bread volume measurements using rapeseed. In this measure, no void volume for the bulk sample is included, hence it approaches closest to the "real" volume changes of the sample. Lead shots were used due to the fact that their diameter was much smaller than rapeseeds. Also, since small quantities of sample were used, lead shots which have a very high much better to small displacements. density respond To calculate the density (dry basis) the following equation is used, wt.(cont.+L.S.)- wt.(s+cont.+L..) PL.S. vol. _ 1 t.s. where: vol. t.s. gr t.s. p volume total solids density of the sample -65PL.S. density of the lead shots wt. cont. L.S. s weight container lead sots sample It was not feasible to measure the volume of the wet, initial sample since lead shots would stick to surface. In this case the ratio of the densities of the freeze-dried non-compressed to the freeze-dried compressed samples was used assumin.?that the change in volume of the freeze-dried samples (non-compressed) is not sirrnificant. b- Compact compression ratio (by height) and random compression ratio: Compact compression ratio is obtained by taking the volume of the food as occupied in the sample holder before and after compression. ince the compression area remains unchanged and that compression is uni-directional (i,e. only the thickness decreases),measuring!the bed heirht before and after the compression can be ood indication of compression ratio. This compression ratio ives lower values than normally reported in literature, since these values use a random fill of the initial material as base rather -than the ali.nMedfill used in this study. compression ratio reported T'o make values of here comparable to those in -66- t'heliterature a volume ratio of random to aligned packin..was determined for each sample. This is done by measuring the volume that each food with the given piece size occupies randomly, and measuring the corresponding.weiht of the sample. The same quantity of food occupies a much smaller volume if packed orderly. (as measured in the sample holder). The ratio of these two different volumes ives a correction factor for each food product with a given piece size, By multiplying the correction factor to the compression ratio by height, a ood measure of random compression ratio for each sample can be calculated, as long as they have a relatively uniform piece size, 3.2_i5 ;loistureContent, Total Solid Determination: Immediately after freeze-drying the weights of the compressed and non-compressed samples were recorded and a random portion of each used to determine moisture content. From this the percent total solid in the fresh (or frozen) samples was calculated. The moisture content was determined on 1-2 gram of sample by drying under the IR lamp to a constant weight. The percent moisture content left after freeze-drying is used to calculate the grams of water left in the dried -67sample, and subtracting this from to-tal dried weight, the grams of total solid is measured. grams '_.o.'= 32 .6 Then: total solid x 100 initial wet weifht Rehydrat ion: Rehydration behavior of the samples was examined at different water temperature, namely cold (about, 40°1.), 0 F), warm (about, 90-100° and hot (about, 130-160°F.). Individual pieces were rehydrated and their weights measured at 1, 2, 5, 15, 30 minutes or 2, 7, 15, and 30 minutes after -the initial immersion. In most cases 30 minutes or less was enough for full rehydration. In a few cases rehydration was carried out for up to 1 hour. In most rehydration tests the samples were immersed under water and held submerged with a screen; except when weights recorded. To test for air entrapment in the void volumes produced by sublimation of ice (specially in non-compressed samples) vacuum was used initially in order to release any entrapped air. In one test the samples were evacuated for 5 minutes, -thevacuum was released with air and then the samples were rehydrated. In other method the vacuum was released with water instead of air and the rehydration was carried out. The results of rehydration tests were calculated as, -68-grams 20 up-take Crams total solid the, tram H20 in fresh (frozen sample) was used as a reference gram total solid ir order to calculate the percentage of the rehydration. 3.2.7 Organoleptic Test: In a few cases rehydrated cooked or fried (steak only) samples were evaluated organoleptically. In each 'testthree samples were compared: compressed, non-compressed, and fresh (frozen), all prepared the same way. panel of 8-15 people used for each test. A taste wo preference evaluations were conducted simultaneously for each test, one based on a 1-9 (dislike extremely- like extremely) hedonic scale, and a ranking -test. (Larmond, 1970) 3,2.8 Storage Stablit: All samples were stored in darkness in desiccators with no vacuum. Rehydration tests were conducted on a few samples in order to see if there was any change in rehydration behavior after storage, and also to see if there was any relaxation of the compressed sample with time. Carrot samples stored showed a sizable disappearance of the color pigments (carotinoids). -ortions of -69- compressed and non-compressed samples from the same experiment were stored in dark under vacuum over desiccant and in dark over desiccant but without vacuum. 3.3 Data Treatment: Fior each food, the compression ratio as a function of pressure used during compression was determined. he rehydration behavior of freeze-dried compressed and non-compressed samples examined in relation to the fresh (or frozen) foods. The rehydration behavior of compressed samples was also examined with respect to compression ratio. Or;ganoleptictests were used to investigate acceptability of compressed samples with respect to non-compressed and fresh samples. -70- 4, RESUL'.TS A1' DISCUSSION T'heprimary aim of this study was to investigate feasibility of compressing-foods during freeze-dryin-: to produce easily reversible compressed foods or food bars with hirthcompression ratios that are highly acceptable, upon rehydration. 4,1 Presentation of Results: The experimental results have been divided into 3 major sections: 1, 2. Veg.etables Frui-ts 3. £:eart Subdivisions of these sections cover experimental results obtained for each particular type of food. Detailed experimental results for each subdivision are tabulated. in Appendicies. a At the end of this section eneral discussion coverin-gall food materials tested is presented. 4,2 Ve.etables: The data for this section is tabulated in Appendix A. 4.2.1 Beans: Table 3 shows the summarized results for green beans. I C\ u) 4J 0 9 a) x a. wl ) r w ·4.4. U w .rq .U) 4 U 0 z~. 0 n :L rq U .rq Hl C) w U 4i 4 n~ "0 8 ; *OQ li 0 u0 Al ,e o b'o4J * r%4 o 4 U 1 . a. ¢i n CO o0 n I 'I N r- oM ! fw -71- o Lm tO ' ' fO.n - - -q N Io'DCO r'-. oNN C °O o-t -o'Iooroo'ar tn 44 . Ln m - cv ov, o oo 0 H 0 N4 10 \9 1 oo 0 0CCr C! °L°O0 . . . CDn C~ N cq On H nNNNNCH 0oo n 4 C44 C C 4 I I I . un D 0 44 M4vH4 HH trnF a C 3 - 0 o a u U) H 4 0 k ) s -i W a) 4C x Eq -72- 4.2.1,1 Compress ion Ratio: Beans did not produced bars upon compression; however, they ave the highest compression ratios compared to other samples. As seen in table 3 the ranre of pressures used was from 15 psi-130 psi which ,gaverandom compression ratio from 3:1 to 12:1. T!he increase in compression ratios with pressure was linear over the range experimented. ('iure 5) T 'he correction factor -to calculate the random compression ratio is 1.7. Over 12 months the compressed beans did not seem to relax and increase their volume. voisture Content: The final moisture content of freeze-dried compressed beans were always similar to the non-compressed products which were dried at the same time ('iable 3). This indi- cates that compression during freeze-drying~does not produce a surface layer of lower permeability sufficient to prevent complete dryin. after 4 The percent moisture range obtained hours dryinc was between 1.35-4.,7;. The percentage of total solid calculated were very close and areed well with values in the Table of Composition of Foods, U.L.D.A, Wandbook number R. The observed ran-e was from 6.4 to ll.y%" solids, while the literature value is about percent. m .a 0 4- CI .m 0aQ) IL 0 0 E L. 0 0C) 0 0 0 0. 4- Cj) L OIVI NOISS38dIiO3 Q W llJ M. Lii C/) C) .~~~a-~~~ -74Rehydration: Initial studies of rehydration were conducted at 3 temperatures, Figure 6 shows the time dependence of rehydration for a typical experiment. It was noted in these studies that rehydration was most complete when cold water was used, and that compressed beans rehydrated more completely than non-compressed, In later experiments only cold.water was used for rehydration. The rehydration essentially reached equilibrium after 15 minutes under conditions where beans were placed in the water and held below the surface with a screen. Tlhe original sample volume was recovered after rehydration. To investigate if the difference of rehydration between compressed and non-compressed freeze-dried samples was due to air entrapped in the non-compressed samples, vacuum was used prior to rehydration, (see section 32.5). Fi:ure 7 is a typical example, Little effect was noted for compressed beans, while the non-compressed samples showed a marked increase in rehydration when vacuum was used, Vacuum rehydration increased the extent of rehydration of non-com-ressed beans to that of compressed., his sug~gests that there has beer.some chanfes in bean structure during compression which affects the ability of air to escape from the non-compressed cells, '.l.he compression ratios Fig. 6. Rehydration of compressed and non-compressed beans at different temperatures. 0. U) 0 04-C N% 6 0, 0. 0 10 TIME 20 (min.) 30 U0 0 .o § c0,40 10 1... 0 a, C 0 E .w 0a %I.- *IZ =r iz '4w 0' (4saj,)'S'L6 / OZH 6 '6 (Aip) 'S.L ' 6 oH O 1t) ID rto I~) t CM E LN -77attained did not appear to affect the extent of rehydration of green beans. (Figure 5) iore detailed results of rehydration of beans are given in Appendix A-l.When the rehydration of compressed and non-compressed freeze-dried beans stored for 2 months was tested, no change in rehydration behavior was observed, with the same eneral pattern of rehydration being obtained. (Appendix A-l) ?Jhenno protective cheese cloth was used in the sample holder the surface of beans that were in contact with the mesh (the sample holder) showed some destruction of the tissue when compressed at high pressures ( >90 psi). Upon rehydration the texture of these beans was in general soft and mushy, and in some cases they fractured extensively after rehydration. hiowever,when layers of cheese cloth were used under and over the bed of sample, the destruction was reatly reduced, due apparently to a cushioning effect of the cheese cloth. The texture of the compressed rehydrated samples (as felt by hand)showed no difference from that of non-compressed, Compression (with cheese cloth) did not affect the physical appearance of the rehydrated sample and the compressed beans showed a more desirable green color than non-compressed, which were pale. c 0 0 4- c .I o0o 0 0 (0 aD . E 00 0 '.- 0 44- co I.. Ici O .o I 0o I m t-. I ol I I I I I U I w 1'I I I lo 0I oC E3ji I I I I ,, W - 0 0 - 'S 1 '6 /(:) / (qsJ) O3H 6 I I O t 6 S16 OH I I 0 Cm I 0 - 2 0 00 O 0 F- Ot O (, 'nr (D O 0 -79- 4.2 2 Carrots : ta>le 4 shows the summarized results for carrot dice. 4.2.2,.1 Comression Ratio: Carrot dices were compressed at pressures from 65-132 psi. i.ure 9 shows that all three co-mression ratios (disFlaceme-n(t, height, and random increase linearly with increasin tested, compression ressure, over the ra-:--:e of ressures '.'he random compression ratios for the pressure range tested varied from 2.7- 7.77 The correction factor -tocal- culate random compression ratio of diced carrots was 1.76. 1,o visual expansion of volume of compressed carrots was observed 4,2.2,2. durin? 7 months of storag-e. Li oisture ontent: As seen from '..'able 4 in many cases the moisture content of non-comressed ins moisture an indication process. samples is much hither than the correspond- con-tent of compressed samples. `This could be of a faster rate of dryinl/ with the compression os sibl sam,le holder. due t1o better heat transfer in -the acked It should be noted that the comparisons in tables are made with non-comnressed controls which weiphed arproximately the same as the compressed sample, while the small quantity non--compressedcontrol (10-12 -rams) dried to final moisture contents which were equal to or lower than the compressed samples. V'ith the exception of two experiments l- I 0 u a 0x 4J. 1a) 31 u U) 0(14O- 4J 44 Cd H4 0 0 a) p u~ M a) 0 0 0 0 , cu 0 0 0 0 U a1) Pr Q LI or-o M .D 1- - e 0- J T 4o 00 L.-rn 0oO 0 00 r4 .. 4'N Ln M 0 . 0O - - 00 <0'O . . . £, r rq Ln M Ln I . cn n H NH ¥ c44c4 4 -4 j -4 . . . . M H o, .0 C C HcH'0 14;C 4 C4C Ln Ni WA T oO o0 OooI %D l r4 w- r 4 o H . ONr- o - ur- . 1) I'Dr< I Oc -. .U . Mn 0 r0 00coL'l n L" I O M O 0 0oH 0 . . . ! C. o0 c0'H H .4 .;. .. 0 0 r r - r C M r- r 1 r r r rl r Ln C m O .c 1- ) Ln ('4 . c ° 0 'H' 4 J, 4 ~ .~ Ln - ,O Wc% O ,44,H o u-nC c H H H HHH ' M' . *. ~ 4 O0o ,.: x *g 0* 1rCoN0O .. ; sk 4- 0 r 3 j 0 1.4 0p U 1U r 4 o U .. 4- p 1) i-q X 5-' ui 0 o 4I.. a 0o o 0 40- 0o. 0 U 0n CL E 00 c 0 0 0 a, 0 %I4- U 0 I- bj ai I C 1 I- * I F a 0 0.U) 0 4 I (D U U I L) -81- 0 I I I ) 4 I N 4 011VI NOISS38dWNO3 - I 00 0 CU) 0 o0 n oO 0U) . L w cn D Cr () tL LLJ w 0- CD i~t llJ -82where non-compressed samples showed a very high moisture content after drying which might have been due to accidental exposure to high humidity or incomplete drying, the rankleof moisture contents left after drying is between 1.5-7.7 percent, (Table 4) Drying times were between Percent total solid based on measured mois- 4P-60 hours, ture contents were in the range of 9-2 which aain closely ag:reewith the literature value of 11,5',. 4.2,2.3 Rehydration: Tests on the effect of water temperature, rehydration time, and sample evacuation on the carrots rehydration were similar to those of beans. When samples rehyd- rated without prior evacuation, compressed samples showed higher extent of rehydration in cold water ( 700 F.) than hot water (1400 F.) or warm water ( 90°F.). Only one experiment was conducted at 3 different temperatures and thereafter cold water was used in later rehydration tests. Hydration was rapid generally reaching near to equilibrium in 15 minutes. Vacuum rehydration had a little effect on compressed samples whereas non-compressed samples showed an increase in rehydration to a level equal -tothat of compressed. (Appendix A-2) The effect of vacuum on rehyd- ration of carrots suggests some structural chanres during compression which effects the amount of air entrapped in _.Z3- the cells or ease of its removal with water influx. iirure 10 shows that there is little effect of compression ratio (random) on extent of rehydration. Rehydrated compressed carrots did not differ from non-compressed samples in physical appearnace. They returned to their orip:inal volume upon reconstitution. By hand feel the texture of compressed rehydrated samples were slightly softer than that of non-compressed. A -testof rehydration behavior of stored samples showed no changes (Appendix A-2); however, when storing compressed and non-compressed samples it became from earlier studies appparent -thatair-storage at 0 absence of light (i.e. in a cabinet) in~.of the pi:ments in carrot dices R even in in a bleach- resulted and loss of desirable flavor (as indicated from organoleptic tests). An experiment was conducted where compressed and non- compressed carrots were stored in the absence and presence of air in the absence of light. After 2 months, which were stored in presence of air carrots were completely bleached and became almost pale yellow in color; the samples stored in absence of air did not visually seem to have lost any pigments. It is concluded that bleaching and the loss of flavor detected in org--anoleptictests is dueto air oxidation of dried carrots. i,;ore detailed results of rehydration Uo 4- L 0 0 0Cc 0 0 b. 00 C 0 0c 0 .0 0C 0o 0) 0.- 44- - I) * I I. I I II I I 0 L 0 lb t E 0 U 0I- 1 1 1 0 II I 0 OD E 0 C 0 (DO.. 0O -z t 0Z C) O c0 a. I I I OH O() H'S*. 6 0 (D CQ I 0 rj ',, I IS I. I It UF111 I o d 6 OsHo3H~~~ -85- tests for carrots are presented in Appendis A-2. Organoleptic Evaluation: Two organolertic tests were conducted to evaluate acceptability of compressed carrots versus non-compressed and frozen. testing. Carrots were boiled for 5 minutes prior to In the first test frozen carrots were rated significantly better than compressed and non-compressed, while compressed was rated slightly higher than non-compressed. Comments indicated a large loss of color and flavor in both dried samples. The carrots used in the above organoleptic test had been stored for over a month in an unevacuated light free desiccator. A second organo- leptic test was conducted on dried samples which were not stored. This significantly improved the organoleptic evaluations of the dried samples. Although, frozen carrots still were rated best there was no signigicant difference observed in taste and texture. The compressed ranked second while the non-compressed remained last. Results of or,2,anoleptic tests for carrots are given in Appendix A-2, 4.2.3 Peas: Table 5 gives the summarized results for peas, 4.2.3 1. Compression Ratio: Compression pressures used for peas were between 0H I rq U) 4-J En a W -8 4 * d 0 S o a)Z 0 U 0 Ln ' a-n C4 t '~Z oo CqN C D . . . o-C CrX <f C N4 J t un - - n -4 C4 N - C1 . . . f<f o L e n¢ n r- ,c ON r . .4 c1 )Ln o CL CVt *na n lCs C CJ rC *n X Lr) qc0e .s.4 e. C <f cq el cn CY LScn o r cCO 0 wC 1 , N C N I C Ncr4 J 0a) - * . 44j 0X 4i co 0 9 r= 4-i 4-i I I u8o 0 z C) *U) ,4- 4-i a EvU c i: - 4" PX O ObJ .-. 0 C) a) C. U) --I ml w -H U) a) u) (n a) O., n l 0) u aJ 3 4J 0 04) -U a) m 0) U) (U a o U) C) a) 0 (3 1-4 m (a ril Q) Q 9 z Q Pm Ll 4 0 0C PI CO 0 C - 4-ii a 8 et Q 4-i i U p '-4 .n Ca a) a) K n LL w -87si s-iving random compression 39-97 ratios of 2,9 to 5.5. Figure 11 shows the different compression ratios as a function of compression pressure. It is seen that compre- ssion ratio increases linearly with increasing pressure, A correction factor of 1.33 was determined to obtain random compression ratios from the measured compression Y.ochange in volume of compressed ratios based on sheiht. peas was observed over 12 months of storage. 4,2.3.2 Mioisture Content: Dryingrtimes of 4-60 seen from table hours were used for peas. As 5, final moisture content of compressed samples are very close to those of non-compressed (control number 1). This suggests that the process of compression during freeze-drying of peas does not impede the flow of vapor to the extent that drying to low moisture contents would not be possible. It can be noted that the final moisture content of control number 2 which was freeze-dried in smaller quantities were always lower or equal to that of the compressed samples. Tlherange of final moisture contents in the compressed samples were from 0.9-7,0'.. T'"hepercent total solids calculated from percent moisture content was between 19.R-22,7 which is quite close to reported literature values of 19.3 (U.S.D.A., andbook o. ). 0o . 0 0 .. 0 (A 00 0,0a. o c 0 W I. Ol¥±V NOISS 3d IAOO 00 Q. en 0 LL Cn U) w/) a:: 0 I w O -89- 4 . 23.3 Rehydration: Rehydration of dried compressed peas was quick and went to equilibrium in about 15 minutes in cold water. The original volume was recovered. In general compressed peas rehydrated better than non-compressed, which is similar to beans and carrots. Vacuum rehydration with vacuum release with water improved rehydration of peas to a large extent. However, it was still noted that some non-compressed peas rehydrated very slowly and to low extents. (Appendix A-3) Further investigation showed that most compressed peas had a hole or crack in their outer skin which apparently was produced during compression. On the other hand the skin of many non-compressed peas ( 40 percent) remained intact. The unbroken skin slows down -the extent of rehydration to a reat degree. The effect of vacuum on rehydration of non-compressed peas and the influence of the skin are noted in Appendix A-3. seen that vacuum and broken skin faciliate It is the extent of rehydration in the case of non-compressed peas. Little influence of vacuum was observed for compressed peas. In later experiments, only non-compressed peas which were cracked were tested for rehydration. The color and texture of rehydrated compressed peas were very good and did not -90seem to have been affected by compression, i;i-:!ure 12 shows the effect of compression ratio on the extent of rehydration after 30 minutes. It is seen that compression does not affect the rehydration behavior of the dried sample. Appendix A-3 .ives more detailed experimental results of rehydration behavior of neas. 4 r-:anoleptic 2.2_4 Evaluation: Frozen, non-compressed rehydrated and compressed rehydrated samples were boiled for 5 minutes and served with a touch of salt and butter. Although all samples showed insignificant statistical difference, the compressed and fresh were rated very close in terms of their texture and taste. Ranking test showed aain that compressed and frozen were very close, with the frozen rated first, compressed next, and non-compressed rated last. The results of organoleptic evaluations for peas are Appendix 4.2.4 iven in A- 3. Corn: Only 2 experiments were conducted on cut corn kernels. At pressures of 43 and 47.5 psi, the correspondinr random compression ratios were 2. and 2.9, respectively. The final moisture content of both compressed and non-compressed dried products was very low, being between 1.5-2.9',, indicatin, that the compression process did not affec-L; r-in'- 0 Q. - ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 0 t ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ L1- 4- 30 t E = 0 I _ I Il (0 00 0 I - ' (qJ)'SI ' OH co 'C,: N 0 0 C. a: o z or C 6- C I0 0 0 0 4- 0 0 0 CL. E 0 0 6- 0 4- 0 CQ '66w a, LL 0) / O0 0 m I I I I I 0 o 40 L. "0 o ' (4sJ;)'S 1'/ OZH -92to low moisture contents. upture or fracture of the outer kernel skin of compressed products produced some fines. Upornrehydration the whole ernels re-a-ttained their ori:- inal volume, Vacuumdid not seem to affect rehydration and both compressed and non-compressed rehydrated to nearly the same extent (ur to 70>). Appendix A-4 -ives more detailed results of rehydration with timie. 4.3 Fruits: The data for this section is riven in Appendix B. 4.3.1 Blueberries: Table 6 shows the summarized results. Compression Ratio: Fresh blueberries were slowly frozen and compressed/ freeze-dried at pressures from 3.9-30 psi. ments, 5 were classified product and 2 as havin-' Out of 19 experi- as havin,,' sir'nificantly collapsed completely collapsed product. (A collapsed sample was identified by exuded juice which had run out throuoxh the sample holder mesh and which usually were puffed durin:-dryinE.) Collapse phenomena was probably due to hi-'h su, coltent of blueberries. Also due to the short season tat fresh blueberries are available, the textural variation in the raw material is relatively 'hi:chr. It was noted th'at toward tine end of the season the texture of blueberries became softer and they were more prorne to CII -H u G) -4 W 9 0 M O.- m1r - 40o o " O ,' J 4 W, ,. -K I.tu %rI 0 : a u 4JZ U~ UZ -'-4 o OiU a) C, C, a) D Ln r Ln ,o -I ' -93- o r r Cl= C4 r r m 00 O * LI * r * C'J DC) - T :r L M Ln M N N * C'4 m H r- "N4 un rC'N C'40 c O * OIDC N no C'o or!' , q * I'D I r I-r Cl C * IDlOOe NI CN nN C c ! 1IC " I1-4 - I HCl 4 - I ~- - O r-- ur ILn r Ln rI\0C O l '0LI . "'1m NCNNO zS-- %O ' -O HmI rl O * Cnl ,-D .H ! wc L 0 cl N LI -- .* 1. I . I H- r H H- H H H rHH4rq - CN N m I o C, _t O' ,4 , r4 .0 a U, eo ra) a0) E 4 Cu O 0 U 3C -94- collapse, The experimental data -:ivenfor blueberries is based on the 12 exreriments where little or no collapse was observed. iiure 13 shows the relationship between compression ratios and pressure, correlation is not very -:ood which variation i It is seen that the is probably due to the the texture of dif:feren,-t blueberry batches used., A correction factor of 1,3 was calculated to convert compression ratios by hei:ht -to random compression ratio, Compressive forces required to co-mpress blue- berries were much lower for :iven compression than that ratios. the skin was usually needed for vegetables .or the compressed.samples broken or cracked; however, the berry itself remaired whole. i.o relaxation of compressed samples was observed over time. shranksomewhat after ;,on-compresseddried controls freeze-dryin. and their skin became quite wrinkled, 4, 3.1,2 ',:oisture ContUent: Final moisture contents for blueberries which were successfully compressed durin. freeze-dryin?'were g.enerally between 2.0-L.A bo 60 hours, i· hours. ercent. since This The drying cycle was len~thened the samples were not completely dry in is probably due to the touch cause the dryi-'. rate to be reduced. solids was obtaired skin which A rarn.:efor -total (13.6-1/.4), which corr:mares well with OIIV8I NOISS3dWO03 U) N o 0. C' a. w 1 n- -96the re-orted value of 4. 3 1 3 1 '<.(T.,>.o.A, :iandbook .io. ). Rehydration: h'leextent of rehydration of both compressed and non- compressed blueberries was ::enerally poor. Rehydration at different water temperature indicates that blueberries rehydrate best in hot water. (ppendix 'L-l) Vacuumprior to rehydration generally :?ave some improvement for both com-ressedand non-compressed comparison of the extent (Appendix -1) samples. A of rehydration of compressed and non-compressed samples showed that the non-compressed samples reh,.ydrated about 2 times that of coTmressed samples. The oriwinal volume was not recovered after rehydration and compressed samples remained lat, even thourh there was some water pickup and the product softened somewhat. rated samples were not as soft as fresh. 'iherehyd- Some leachin- of the color pi-ments was also noted during rehydration of compressed samples, ,Forcompressed samples, there did not seem to be any particular relationship between cormression ratio and rehydration ('irure 14). L4. 1.4 Oran.olernticEvaluation: A number of or.:anoleptictests were conducted with blueberry products, one with blueberry three with blueberry muffins. utherland, u: et al, (1973). ie fillin?-and Recipes were taken from 0) ._ 0 4- Io C .l 0 0 0C 0 IiC E 00I-) .C 0 0 4- w 0' LL _I 1. 4- 0 3 t o' 0I t .I I I I 4 II II 0 II I 4 4 41 I 41l I I /('4J) rl.(0LO )1r( (LI4SJ: )' S'_1 OH '1/ I I I I 4 I 1 I I Me C S.L'1 O0H - 4 0 S O O E 0 C t9 0 O L- O F 't I z O Uf) U/) JQ 0LI 0 ir CUe Q O CD -98The Hedonic preference -testwith pie filling showed significant differences between the texture of fresh or non-compressed samples with compressed, No significant difference was observed between the texture of fresh and non-compressed. No significant difference in taste was observed between any samples. In the ranking test fresh and non-compressed blueberries were rated the same and significantly-higher than the compressed sample. Pie fillin The made from compressed sample was too "thin" since compressed blueberries rehydrate very poorly and thus there was too much water in the pie filling. In later experiments with muffins, the dried blueberries (compressed and non-compressed) were either held over steam until they were soft, or only very little water was added to just soften the samples. .['The panelists were asked to evaluate the taste and texture of only the blueberries in the muffin and not the muffin itself. were to be ranked based.only on the blueberries. They In the first test both the texture and taste of compressed blueberries (in muffins) were preferred over fresh (not significant) and non-compressed, (significantly different). In the second test fresh and compressed samples were rated equal in terms of taste and texture, with non-compressed rated last; however, no significant difference was observed -99- between all samples. In the third experiment all samples were rated very close to each other and no significant difference was observed. Appendix -i :ives the results of or-anoleptic evaluation for blueberries. 4,3.2 Cherries: PFreshcherries were pitted and used as whole or halves, Almost all dryin,:experiments conducted were unsuccessful, in that the product underwent collapse. Compresseion collapse. pressures as low as 11 csi resulted in 'wo experiments ,raveproduct that seemed to be uncollapsed, thouh the physical appearance was oor. ;'hesample had browned and was cracked and wrinkled. I ey showed compression ratios of 2.9 and 3.0 (random) with compression ressure of 41 and 43 si, respectively. 'i'he moisture contents were about 4 percent. ,iion-compres- sed cherries which also had a poor appearance (browned and wrinkled) had final moisture contents of 2.5-3 percent. In another experiment in which the cherries appeared to be uncoll]ase In tis t'e + final moisture content was 2,4 percent. case the compression compression ratio of 14,3. ressure of 17 psi Cave a ihe percent total solids calculated from the final moisture content rangfedfrom 17,1-20.,5!, which arees with the reported value of 20.6, -100(U.S..D,A., andbook :o, ), 'he dried samples had texture. ood taste but a rather chewy Uxponreconstitution the com-ressed samples fractured extensively and browned further, while the non-compressed samples, though cracked, remained whole, and became browner. yhe results with cherries do riot seem to be reliable and it seems that cherries are not very suitable for compression durinp-freeze-dryings,at least with the loading cell used in these experiments. It should be noted that the drying apparatus was always operated at chamber Pressures below 100 millitorr. L, 4 ?';eat: 'hedetailed experimental data for this section is ?iven in Appendix 3. 44,1 Ground Beef: '.'wo experiments were carried out with 1 ~,' fat plround Avera'-ecompression pressures of 44.7 and 66.3 beef si were applied durin? freeze dryi-n,y :-,iivin,,r compression ratios (hei:iht) 1.2 and 1.2, respectively. The final moisture content of both compressed and non-compressed samples were relatively low in the ran{le of 1.7-2.5}5 after 4 hours of dryinre. !''The percent total solids calculated from the final -101moisture cortert were between 32.6-34. ,.-:, Pehviydrat io of both compressed and nor-compressed samples in cold water was very fast, enerally reaching more than PO percent relative to fresh after 2 minutes and more than 90 percent after 30 minutes. Vacuum did not seem to affect rehydration. (krppendi x C-1) 4.4.2 Bottom iound Steak: Table 7 shows the summarized :omression results. Ratio: Fresh bottom round steak trimmed of fat was used as cubes approximately were -racked force would in te be were conducted 1 cm on each side. Frozen cubes sample holder so that th e direction to the ,?rain, A few erpendicular with' ,rain of tests arallel to the d irection of compression , :,'heinfluence of compression pressure on compression ratio ratio based on beirlht is c-iven since the ra ndom compression is sown in 1i-ure 1. ratio will derTendon the size of te 1 c beef c ubes., beef cubes, the correction factor randoom comression ,he compression ratio frorm the hei-h ',ith to c alculate the va lues is aroxi- mately 2, It car be noted from 'i?-ure 15 t hat the decree of compression is linearly related to the c ornrress ion. pressure; however, comnression is much less resuonsive to increase in ?rressurethan the fruits and ve'-etables tested. '-I Ir-q 14 -H Wl Cu L 0 w W m xX wr~ W s wq E r c *:h 0 0 on 44 -W $48k1 10" Xt -Kd 0 0 QQ 0 o 0~D 4Ii0) JZ U 3E 0 0 0) O C.) ·3 oU U, Pi 0) - 0)Ut :4 . I CN I I -102- Lf °O ... 4 N - C r -t Lcw C N C ' ' DL Io C4 -: o N C4 IJ . I n -I O " iLtn n ooo-, Ic N 0cn l" . aC \ II- N N CU _. cCf'e 10 \. o: a It CO 0 o00 -4wT-q -4 q w l cN Io %cr 4v-IrAH' r4 C4 C4 CI N N C^4N - U C-, $J k 0o U C Vn wn as 4 d H ·JJ .r 44I 0 C U _ rl C 0 i 0) Cd H r- x 0) - 5 1-4 u * 0) u LL0 C4 hq -f H- - ·I c \J N f1 . NrCi U -It rCNN' .O mCC1 mCu -N N CN rI ~ I-I exl ID oo o',1 xC)e~ I~ r 0 - CO0000,, N L c C" . oo1.o-,oo I cr-. Or'n ,- Co O C C'Cq cD CI . . O eJ w4N eC SI N r)mn gr-q 14 I <O % e Ln n on %Ocu cV I -, Lr 0O co.3._ .0 4- 0 ._ to 0 0E 0 C o C, 0h. 4-a o._ .m -103- O IIV NOISS38dlNO3 0O O, U) .U) ow o3r 0> LJ (D o > 0 C\l -104'Thecomrression ratios of the samples havin the ,rain perpendicular to the direction of force were not different from those having the g.rain parallel, i.aximum compression ratio (eirTht) obtained for beef cubes was 2.9 at a pressure of 15 psi. ;o expansion of volume of compressed beef was observed over 8 months of storage. Iioisture Content: Final moisture contents of both compressed and noncompressed dried beef cubes were quite low, in the range of 0.4-2,60;. A seernfrom table 7 after 48 hours of freeze- dryinf the final moisture contents of compressed samples are very close to non-compressed, and in many cases less. ':Thisindicates that compression of beef during freezedryin.-does not prevent achievin,glow moisture contents. Percent total solids in fresh samples were calculated from values of final moisture content and raned 25-29.5' which compares well with from the reported literature value of 27.3' (U.£.D.A., 'andbook Fo. 2) for lean, raw round beef. Rehydration: Examination of rehydration behavior of freeze-dried beef cubes showed that in all cases non-compressed samples rehydrated better than compressed (Appendix C-2). There was little influence of prior evacuation on rehydration -10.5- of either compressed or non-compressed samples (Appendix -2). In one test on the effect of water temperature on the extent of rehydration, it was noted that warm water ( 100°i;.)gave better rehydration than either cold or hot water (Appendix C-2). Col'dwater rehydration ave the best color, since warm or hot water rehydration resulted in samples with a darkened, greyish--brown. color, and a cooked appearance. l'herate of water uptake by compressed samples was much slower than -thatof noncompressed. Rehydration of non-compressed samples was fast and went to equilibrium in about 2 inutes. In most cases compressed samples still had a hard core after 30 minutes of rehydration and more than one hour was required for complete penetration of water (Appendix -2). Compression samples recovered almost full volume after rehydration. The influence of compression ratio on rehydration is shown in Fi--ure 16. Some scatter of the data poi.nts is noted, perhaps due in part to the narrow range of compression ratios (compared to other products tested). straight line to the data Fittinr a does indicate a trend toward decrease in rehydration with increasing compression. .4,4,2.4Or.anoleptic Evaluation: :resh, non-compressed rehydrated and compressed rehydrated beef cubes were fried in butter and served a a, .0 U 0 0 0 0c l0 0C I,- E 0 c. 0 I.- w (0 0' o .4 / -0 o - I L , - 4. a II I_ / 0 / - / 0 tt 40) t 1. I~I (P OH . t E 0 4 I III U. ('qJ) 'S' 'B 0 00Jr 0 ' 'L'l (4sO).H'S' O3H 0 I.- Z i-- 0 ®m-. tO K) = ON O (f) C,) c0 (L -107immediately for or.anoleptic evaluation. I'The results showed that both compressed and non-compressed samples were very close in taste and texture. Fresh samples were rated first, non-compressed next, and compressed last. -lowever,no sifnificant difference was noticed betweer all samples at 1 percent level of sig.nificance. A prpendix -2 :rives the results of or-anole-tic test evaluation of fried beef cubes. 4.5 General Discussion: All samples tested showed good compressibility, except for cherries and in some cases, blueberries. These products underwent collapse at the pressures applied. It is likely, that the collapse which occured with these products is mainly due to mass transfer limitations which give rise in sample temperature and the high sugar contents. The packed configuration in the mesh container and the thick skin of these samples can contribute significant mass transfer resistances. Also, compression of the dry layer during freeze-drying reduces the channals and pathways by which vapor escapes. These effects can increase the temperature of the frozen layer. On the other hand as mentioned in section 2.4 i.iacKenzie and Luyet (1971) explained that increase in sugar content and/or water: sugar ratio -108can significantly decrease glass-transition temperature of sugars. When the temperature of the boundary layer passes this glass-transition temperature, the sugar phase then flows under pressure with simultaneous and irreversible deformation of cellulosic phase which seems to be the case with blueberries and cherries. It should be noted that examination of non-compressed samples which had been freezedried at pressures well below 100 microns with only ambient leakage heat input showed poor physical appearance, and in some instances even artial collapse, Compressed samples handled carefully. enerally did not form bars unless This was due to the difficulties in releasing the compressed sample from the holder. This problem should be eliminated by design of the sample holder with sufficient lubrication and possibly by use of binders in the product. Examination of products before completion of compression/ freeze-drying showed that compression proceeded with the retreat of the ice front which indicates that compression took place at the ice-dry layer interface. This supports the concept that at the ice-dry layer interface, the high moisture content present gives a material having plastic properties. The compressive pressures used in this study (4-185 psi) -109are significantly lower than those required for compression of foods with the other methods currently employed (100-5000 psi) to obtain corresponding compression ratios. Besides differences in plasticity this may be due to the difference in the thicknesses of the samples to be compressed. In general a bed height of several centimeters is used for techniques involving compression after complete dehydration. Studies on moisture profiles during freeze-drying have shown that the "diffusion zone" at the interface where high moisture contents exist, has a thickness of a few millimeters (Aguilera, and Flink, 1974). As mentioned above the only place which is continuously compressed during freezedrying is this narrow layer where enough plasticity exists due to the high moisture content present. Therefore, the pressures to compress this narrow layer should be much less than the pressures required to compress samples with a thickness of several centimeters. Compression ratios obtained were linearly related to compressive pressure and increased with increasing pressure over the range tested. It is expected that the compression ratio would reach a maximum value at some compressive pressure so that no increase in compression occurs with further increase in pressure. It should be noted that during compression process two types of void volumes are being eliminated. One is the -110void volume between individual ieces in the sample holder and th.eother is the voids that are produced by sublimation of ice, which reflect the true change in the volume of individual pieces. This reduction in volume is directly related to the initial water content of the fresh material and its maximum value approximately equals the volume originally occupied by water in the fresh sample. ments with beef, when fresh. This is clear in experi- Lean beef has approximately 65; water Tihemaximum values of compression ratios obtained in this study or reported elsewhere for this product is approximately 3 which corresponds to about 657 reduction in volume. Pressure was increased Also that, when the compressive from 175; to 1_85 si (able increase in compression ratio was observed. 7) no T'his could probably indicate the maximum compression ratio obtainable by this technique is attained at pressures around lQO psi. If food is considered as a plastic material with a constant resistance to deformation, when stress is applied there will be a minimal (residual) force required to initiate compression (yield stress). This was estimated to be (not shown in graphs) relatively high for peas, carrots, and beef cubes (around 50 psi), but very low for blueberries and beans (<10 psi) which indicates that the force required -111to initiate compression depends on the particular food. If this resistance remains constant during compression process then, the net force which causes deformation can be expressed as: F1 = F2 = F = ;.a d2 s ,,2 at ds d( ) or: AF dt [ dt = d(d) = MFdt By integrating the above equation: ds -_ dt It -t, then: ds = where: to = 0 Ftdt Second integration results: s - - F It: ' t 2 2 If the drying rate is constant t2 2MD K1 and: s = K 1 A F' since: F 2 = Constant then: s = K1 (F 1 ) - then: -112where: F1 F2 M t s force applied (springs) resistance force (food) mass of element being compressed time element is plastic enough distance that element moves in.time = t From the above equation it can be seen that the extent of deformation which is related to the degree of compression is directly related to the force applied, inversely, to the mass at the interface (which is related to the thickness of diffusion zone), physical characteristics of the material and time. As mentioned before the bigger the diffusion zone the higher force will be required for compression or in other words with constant compressive pressure the degree of compression of the boundary layer depends on the thickness of the boundary layer and increase in thickness of this layer results in decrease in degree of compression. Final moisture contents of both compressed and noncompressed samples were always similar and in most cases about 1.5-45'. TL'his shows that compression process during freeze-drying does not prevent the dehydration of the samples to low moisture contents. There were some indications that the heat transfer might be improved due to compression; however, further investigations of drying rates during compression are necessary to evaluate drying times. -113Rehydration of samples was quick and in most cases went to equilibrium within 15 minutes. All samples except blueberries re-attained their pre-compressed volume after rehydration. Non-compressed vegetables rehydrated to lesser extents than compressed. Vacuum rehydration reveal- ed that the cause for lower uptake of water by non-compressed vegetables was due to air entrapped in the cells. Higher rehydration of compressed samples than non-compressed (when no vacuum was used) indicates some structural changes (distruptions) caused by compression either faciliate water uptake or removal of entrapped air. It is known that cell distruption as produced by slow freezing (Logan, 1973) cooking (Rahman, 1972) faciliates water uptake. or Curry, et al, (1976) showed that soaking pre-cooked carrots in water or low concentrations of "NaCl (0,1-0.2 Piolar) before freeze-drying markedly improved rehydration. They suggested that soaking in water for relatively long times (24 hrs) causes cells to become turgid with maximum water uptake which in turn cause more distruption of cells during freezedrying resulting in better rehydration. NaCl solutions do the same thing; however, it has also been suggested that after freeze-drying, NaC1 crystals deposited on the cells may attract water molecules (polar effect) to faciliate flow inside the cells which causes even -114higher rehydration than soaking in plain water. Never- theless compression or vacuum rehydration seem to improve rehydration of carrots to the same extent. ihe percent rehydration (relative to fresh sample) did not seem to be affected by the degree of compression (except for beef cubes). Organoleptic evaluations of prepared non-compressed, compressed, and fresh samples indicated that compressed were always rated equal to or hi-her -thanthe non-compressed. The fresh samples usually were rated hiher than either the compressed and non-compressed freeze-dried product. How- ever in most cases the differences noted were not significant at the 1:. level. -11 5- 5. 1. COiCLUS IOis Compression during freeze-drying can be success- fully accomplished. 2. High compression ratios are attainable with appli- cation of relatively low compressive forces. 3. This process allows effective drying to low moisture contents of compressed foods. 4. During freeze-drying the ice-dry layer interface has enough plasticity to allow compression. This supports the existance of a non-linear moisture gradient having high values near the ice interface or a "diffusion zone," though may be narrow at the ice interface. 5. I'i~ost dehydrated foods which can be plasticized for compression through remoistening should be compressible during freeze-drying using the procedure described. 6. The degree of compression obtainable depends on physical characteristics of the food material and the compressive pressure applied. 7, Rehydration of compressed samples obtained by this procedure is rapid and generally not affected by the extent of compression, 8. Products prepared from compressed samples are as acceptable as non-compressed samples. 9. Compression during freeze-drying is advantageous -116and more efficient than the methods currently used in compression, in that: a. It provides samples having a considerable decrease in volume, which are below moisture contents allowed, and which rehydrate rapidly. b. It does not require an initial over-drying step to low moisture contents prior -to compression. c. It does not require a conditioning step prior to compression. d. It does not require a final drying step after compression. -1176, 6.1 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCI Dependence of Compression Ratio on Sample Thinckness: In the course of this study the time was insuffi- cient to perform a thorough investigation on the effect of sample thickness on compression ratio. However, in some cases when the same force was applied to different thicknesses of the same product different compression ratios were obtained. Therefore, is assumed that compression ratio also is dependent on the sample thickness. However, further studies are required for a more precise measurement of the effect and determination of the best sample thickness to be used for compression of particular samples. 6.2 Effect of Compression during Freeze-Drying on Drying Rate: There is little doubt that compression during freezedrying will affect the subsequent rate of drying since the volume decrease is being achieved at the expense of void volume which normally serves as pathways for vapor escape. Reduction of the dimension of the vapor pathways will increase with increasing compression ratio, and furthermore, as drying proceeds these reduced vapor pathways will increase in length. From another view point compression of the dry layer will result in improved heat transfer in the -118dry layer. The combination of these effects will result in complex changes in drying behavior, and it is necessary to consider them. 6.3 Effects of Sample Temperature (Frozen Layer and Dry Layer) on Compression Behavior: While moisture content is an important parameter influencing plasticity, the temperature of the matrix is also an important factor in determining the existing plasticity. The temperature gradients present should interact with the resultant moisture gradients, to produce the thickness of the layer which is capable of being compressed. Also, the frozen layer temperature seems to be critical, since the higher moisture content regions of the matrix should have a temperature very close to that of the frozen layer. The effect of this is most evident when collapse occurs. 6.4 Dependence of Compression Ratio on Sample Loading: To some degree this has been investigated with the system used in this study. However, there was no control of the compression force during freeze-drying. If compre- ssive force is transmitted bya hydraulic pressure system, the pressure on the sample at any time can be controlled to produce improved final compression ratio and also minimize the physical damage to the sample. With the technique used in this study, it was necessary -119to subject the frozen sample to pressure prior to the start of freeze-drying. This in many cases caused cracking of the sample, since initially the frozen sample is quite rigid and no plastic layer has yet been produced. This cracking effect was minimized by use of cheese-cloth to give a cushion effect. owever, with use of a hydralic system it is possible to start the freeze-drying first and after the plastic layer is formed to apply the pressure for compression. 6.5 Use of Binders and Plasticizing Agents: As mentioned earlier, binders and plasticizing agents have been added to dehydrated food prior to compression. This can have a tremendous effect on compressibility of the product and the final character of the compressed bar. However, for compression during freeze-drying it is necessary to add these agents in the wet state, that is prior to freeze-drying. has to be evaluated. (1972) used The effect For instance, when Shipman, et al, lycerol to improve the texture of celery, the glycerolated samples underwent low temperature evaporative drying rather than true freeze-drying as glycerol preventsfreezing in most cases, Nevertheless, use of binders may improve the cohessiveness of the food pieces and result in an improved compressed food bar. -1206.6 Design of a Sample Compressed Bars: older for "Easy Removal" of As mentioned, unless careful handling is exercized in most cases the compressed samples separated into individual pieces during removal. A better design of the sample holder with smooth and lubricated walls should reduce this problem. 6.7 Freeze-Drying/Compression with Other Food IMaterials: For more completeness other food materials than the ones already tested could be considered. -121LIBLIOC `1) Aguilera, J.V. RA1 TY and Flink, J.M. (1974). "echnical ;-ote: Determination of moisture profiles from temperature measurements during freeze-dryin&g",J. Fd echnol. 2, 391-396. 2) G. Geke, (1969). "The effect of sublimation temperature on the rate of the freeze-drying process and upon the volumetric change in meat muscle tissue" , In proceedings of the XII International ongress of Refrigeration, ol. 3) £err, (1948). i.A. "Compressed , iladrid. Cereals", U.. I-atent 2,437,150. 4) Branjnikov, A.Mvi.,Vassiliev, A.I., Voskoboinikov, VA., and Kautchechivili, fer de Chaleur .L (1969). "Trans- et de Mlasse dans les iVateriausPoreaux pendant la Lyophili- sation sous Vide, in Symposium on Ther- modynamic Aspects of reeze-Dryin.", International Institute of Refrigeration, Commision 5) , Lausanne, Switzerland. Brake, R.F. and Decareau, R.V. (1964). "Advances in Food esearch, Vol. 13, Chichester, .O., .,larke, E. ,, and tewart, -'F, P Lds,, Academic Press, hiewYork. ~:-e).ralsford, R. 7) Cotson, 8) Curry, (1967). . Pdiechnol.2, and .mith, m, stuffs, .CI., Burns, j.L. (1962), 339-353 . "ireeze-Drying of Pood- Columbine ress, Mianchester, `ngland. ,E., and eidelbaugh, r.D. (1976). "Effects of Sodium Chloride on Rehydration of reeze-iDried Carrots", J. ood ci., 41, 176-179. "Literature reviewed -1229) Do, . Y., -risannam, C,, alunkhe, D,K , and Rahman, .i.(1975;). "1reeze-Dehydrated and Compressed our ZCherries", I, Product ion and eneral Quality valuation, J. d. T'echnol. 10, 191-201. 1]) iD~rake, rocessing ackac-in, J.C. (1947). "lethod of Jebul'king 'ood for 243,334, "10) Ionnelly, i.· (1966). Advances P1oodstuffs, U.,. Fatent etermination in the of itexture and (Consistancyof I'oodstuffs,in Froc. 2nd Intern. Con . Food ci, and ech., i.-arsaw, Poland. -'12) (1967). "Compressed Durst, j.R Space", ,tora-!e R6o(), Food Components Contract to viinimize A 19-129-AlviC- o. echnical Report 69-22-FL, U.S. Army lNatickLaboratories, atick, Ivass. AD-,662060. 13) Flosdorf, ~., (1949). 14) Gentzler, and n.L Schmidt, 179. 16) Goodin, 16) Goodin., -·GE.(19'2). "Freeze-bryin", F;'TV.(1973). Tifrans.AAE, "Iveat and Ve<etable Slocks", i.oodinF, i.'. b. (1955). "Problems ,-,sL and olfe, .J. Food 'iechnolo -Toodin, unclassi- of Cabba;rTe ehydration, 311. (1957). ".Some ecent on jDehydration in the United ,Alork 1 ) 16, fied Renort SA/IA/A/Ri/31, Iviinistry of Apgric.,, and Food, reat ritain. f'isheries, r'oodiianufac.,30, 17) Reinhold, Iew York. , e~ 1, Kingdom, 302-306. ,BD, uckworth, R ., ivlacDougall, .C., and Gasay, J. 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(1957), "Advances in Food tewart, .F., and Research", Vol..7, rds., Adademic Press, !"ew York. iirake, B;.i,, (1964). kfv.S.Thesis, '5eor,(ia Inst. of 24) MHatcher,J., -25) Technolog!y, Atlanta, Georgia. 'innerffardtand Sherman, (1975). "Evaluation of rial Procurement of eversibly Compressed Freeze-L)riedFoods", 'echnical Report 75-96-FEL, U.S. iatick Laboratories, ?Watick, -'26) Jones, R.L. "I'ass. (1975). "Use of Hydratino and Kin-, Ji.J. Salts to Accomplish Limited 'reeze-Dryin", For resentation at Symposium on ryin6,: Erincirles and iechnolo.g-y,l:ational iveetinp, American Institute of Chemical ngineers, Boston, Mlass. `2a) Ka-salis,J,, ,lvalker, "A jr, j.L., and Wolf, ii, (1970) hysico-chemical tudy of liechanical properties o- Low and Intermediate ioisture 1, 464-483. Foods". J.Texture Studies, -124- *27b) Kapsalis, J.., Drake, B,, and Johansson, B., "Textural Properties of Dehydrated Foods. Relationship with the Thermodynamics of Water Vanor Sorption", J. 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"Studies of Reversible Compression of Freeze-Dried RTP cherries and Blueberries", Technical Report 70-52-FL, U.S. Army Nlatick Laboratories. *48a) Rahman, A.R., Schafer, G:.,Prell, P., and estcott, D.E. (1971). "on-Reversible Compression of Intermediate IMioisture Fruit Bars", Technical Report 7R-71-60-PL. *49b) Rahman, A.R.,, Bishov, S., and ,*Xestcott,D.E. (1971). "Reversible Compression of Dehydrated Peas", J. Texture Studies, 2, 240-245. 49) Rahman, A.R. (1972). "Increased Density for ilitary Foods", U.S. Army atick Laboratories, Natick fM'ass. AD-750-368. 50) Ranadive, A.S., uang, E.A., and Seltzer, E. (1974). "Investigation of Rehydration Characteristics of Compressed Comminuted PMeats", Contract i'o.DAAG 17-73-C-0015, Technical Report 74-53-FEL, U.S. Army INatick Laboratories, Niatick, 51) ass. Rey, L. (1964). "Fundamental Aspects of Lyophilization, In Aspects theoriques et Industriels de la Lyophilisation, Rey, L., Ed., Hifermann,Paris. 52) Rowe, T.W.C. (1964). 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"Development of Reversibley Compressed Freeze-Dried Foods for Use in Individual Ration Packets."Technical Report 72-4-FL, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, iViass. Van Arsdel, W.B. (1964). "Food Dehydration". Vol. 1, Avi Pub Co., Westport, Cnn. US.D.A. (1948). "Experimental Compression of Dehydrated Food YNiscellaneousPublication 647 Presented by Aricultural Research Administration, Washington,DC. 61) U.S.D.A., Handbook No. 8, att, B.K., IVerril, A.L., (revised Handbook 1963.) Composition of Foods Aric., No. 8, U.S Dept. of Agric., Washington, D.C. *Literature reviewed -128- APPENDICIES TABULATED RESULTS OF REHYDRATION TESTS AND ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATIONS -129- EXPLANATION OF REHYDRATION TESTS: Notations a % Rehydration gr H20 gr H20 gr T.S. (rehydrated) b Sample codes: Comp. N.Comp. gr T.S. (fresh) Compressed Non-compressed C Indicates if vacuum applied prior to water content (see section 3.2.5) No No vacuum Vac.-air Vacuum released with air Vac.-H20 Vacuum released with water d Water temperature Cold (40-700 F.) Warm (90-1000 F.) Hot (130-1600 F.) -130EXPLANATION OF ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION: Notations: a Mean Score (9 point hedonic scale) 1: Extremely dislike to 9: Extremely like b Ranking test: Scale of +0.85 to -0.85 used c Sample codes: Comp. N.Comp. F. @, # Compressed Non-compressed Non-dried material thawed) (fresh or frozen Indicate if there is any statistical difference. Diffenret symbols indicate significant difference (at 1% level). -131- APPENDIX A TABULATED RESULTS OF REHYDRATION TESTS AND ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION FOR VEGETABLES Cl) w 00 0 (1) 0 H r-q 1) r.l w 0. (1) D a g 0w (3 :j r4-i 3 '-4 00 .H 4J 71 $4 a e P 0 co r= 53 4 U (1 E-4 a) 4J 03 a) c a, 11 c cn~ C, 0- c -132- Hl o- c I' C) o 00 co oo ~. M'o n o coD r o Ln Cnroo c,n 0 coo \ D ,, oh O ca: n v. co 0o r- UT ,% oD0 ,-, o 00 r-,_r- D ,~l ,D .-r orC r- n oo -It - r-, Co . 00 r 'C D I -IT c' r-Ln u e0 jc 00 I 4 00 0 * d Ji oo N - C Ln Ln in Cq o * * CY)C,!n o o m qN oo *d C 00 z o C J U co 4J0 * oo 1 ::3 cu o 0 0u 00 rl- N -M T cOqo)n r r 0 *J* Jj J* jo HH r-q l r 00 O0 * * O o 0Z U') CL -I Un 9 w x -4 N) a) 4i 4U 00 00 8c8 00 zZ 4 -W E z 004 3 E U u I.-,-I 9 .H ) N x 0_ 0 z; a. u 00 co w -r4 rz a) a)q w 0 Lrn f.- 0 C', 4 4i Ul) oo 00 Un -133- o s cc oc N O r r- 00 L r-4 Un 0o Z; 0o 0o .,u 00 Z z 00 4r -:, 00 oo aLo I -0 0Ln rN 00 o ko V~ 0 u Z z00Z oo iD C 00 00 00Z Z uZ u o Co V 0 ( C; 8 000 z E:= 0o 0o '0. ,--i Ln oe4M M co rI",-%O oni ,Dr'. C r0 C 14 e =E( c; O0 CN u1 N CI a0 c;o 0 10 o u (3 z v H4 U o Pi 00 z 0z 0 * 0R e8 o Eo cc p- U) -i r r) 0 r:: 0 c' 1 CO r O Ci r- ,D C %D O" O ln --I " a u'n o' I'~ un -134- .: r-' .- 00 * 00c 0 00 Ln %U r t un 0 .,-i C0 r4 0 LFn -W 0 r4 a) x I- %D ,D m I'_ .-," o) O 0 Ln r 00 %C 0 Ln n -1 I'D o oo M" 'C r- \,o 10 -.1 rt r C' n Un fl I'~ u" r 4 "D m 0o r i o0 \D 'C :3 :3 ::-. OQ n) C c" 14 C'n .i 00 00 00 0O8 Q uu 00 WI 00 00 .i4.J 00 ( ZZ s" :3a ZZ *=0 Q o .u Z; z z , CD 0 u 1 00 Z 00 5-4 0) $4 aN ) x 8u -4 1-4 Z 00 z ;i14 a) = to a) ., 'H E: E-- C.) 0 .4 0 m ItLn Ln cn co .:I, cn -135- Ln n .o cq C) --. -T_: rC· %D Ln s-fT · -T-T 0o cH Ln 1-4 aeo C C MLr cr !-... 1 r-I " ( C C ~4 M. c_ -41 I o 0 1Lf M " rl C 00 z li 880 2z 0u 00 00 00Z O O. 89 d C CN SE, 0 , 00 00 E, C X a) a) -W 000n 0 " ,n a¢ cO D 'O0 0nL O0 a) px x wr U V :z::w 00 1 Z.Z 8 Z "s0 Z . t; . z a z: 88 . a) 4J r4 E-r a) (o co r-q n 0H m oLfe 0 oo Ln Ln -136- ~ o I r- r- - % N-c r- r. N .T r Ln-- n Ln 0 0 0 0) 0 0 r- r- r- 0% cn N- _ N r.- Ln Ln'I 00 * S - C4 -I C4 .. C4 0 00 00 00 00 00 .,o r oo - lr 0x 0 Ln N- a.1 .I0 0) (D W 00OC) 0 * 89 r O 00 00 *zX3 * 0 ;z cZX r0 r. 04 0 0) wa .t u' oo U ,.o ( o o' r- .- . Ln" 00 r- r- n a'O r-. 00 oo 00 n c'.. C..: c..T oo - oorUL t oo mrN oo 0 0 0 t n 00 I Ca cd Jj I _ t * 00 UU * 00 Uz V V 004 -IT u% . , u 00 00O 00 O O 00 u o u8 8 u . 0 0 88 a) .3 0 E :3 to w a) 0 -r4 .1-4 w Ei Ir 0 If r-A r- ,-I ) . .1-I N -r p0) o 'D 00cl o oo o 0o0 8- 8 0 -137- 4-I -<0 %O L-T ND Un o0 H Cn *r oo 00 -u co - Lf.n T -Do n r- I %V -T r- Ln -IT IT n -I n -: o n Ln Ln o 00 00 00 ¢<¢ c 58o 88, 88 Z :!; U, O o 4I a, 0O .I U, 4.1 0 u a) 0 -4. Po. -. m 0s.d a 0CL = O t 4 . 0 E w c4 a) 4d 0-4 a) p la Ed a a) 0o a) V 0 LfM '-4 F- CNI 0 -138- -9a) am .rq 1-4 . c* 0o~ -O0D CNo a 0 -O0 Co o0 -:O z 00 cdcU O -ir Cs d 00 -o m- o .. L 0 rcr 000 O z 0.c)0 p , tu ur V0r - r . d r-oo O ID 00 . CO C0 *d 0 0 C; (Dr~ r-q r-f z CN 8 ) .4i a x 19 .. 8 00c! o' 00 O o00oo 8Cs 00 ouln 00 4 O D 00 oo 0 z 0 0 z o o 43 0 0': or Eq a) -i a) 4 0m Ln ri- r- Cl 0 a) a1 X %o0 ooo00 00 Ln CO n 00 Ln -. -- oo 00 riD oo oo -139- r- 0~O U"lo O0 I I C^) 00 00o 00 00 00 o o oo 00 8 o a) ro o, coo o0 C.oc oO r- oo- N 0 0 CN N o 00 r* . cl-. * 00 0 0) z 0oLn . Co CcU r-. oo *n co 88 UC 00 O 00 r00 aj 00 a) U 88 la :3 "0 .,- u0 o w w 0 .H 0 o cn C14 0 -140- cn - ~ oo Ln rLr rLrn O Ln cn r~- o Ln -: N O%0 r- u r- r-_ cn M N, uD I n fn c" Ln P 0 0 ) 00 0 z 0 * j = = 0 r- 00 00 *0 * - r- r 00 00 00 ln)O 00CO .; O0 .' 00 c0. wX r. w -1 - 4-1 r C: r- ;j C. r. o I 00~q 0o i x - - x E! O.H N x 14 w i-4 00 ,:-' o o Q C) Z 4J 10 U o 0c .H .-W 0 r. .r4 0Crn 0 co 4 5. -141- C r- V--Ul r ;:D -- %0 -r Ln ~ l. m r-4o ICn ao CN 1O u- 00 0 --T Ln r- Ln r- %. 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Ln D cx r \0 - cn en cq , 0 c 00 x 4 -. -i 04 00 c N 0 0 o o 1'IO :4H r--4 z Q co o JJ I oeNOCJ 88 oo *0 O r- 88 ZZ z* 0 48 oM w 0c *.a 'H w H, QJ 0 IrI 0 '-I -i .00(-D r4 O n cn CN 00 IC ooM -143- cq oo Or 0moocO ~jtO\ %tO' 00n 00n *; *; *; V-4 -It. 0) *l-4 a) x a) PI W 1- ct 00 = z O0 Jdc I I O O W P-4rq 0 00 z Z; o rO Iro 0a Ln -'D W (-r- Ci Ln oC o Lr1 oo 0 0 rI z 00 I =O NNc4 00 - -a t 00 o0 rn -I 0n n a) a dO Un ' Ln U'-4 Oo I z .,- LO Ln ~ O0 ( -It oo ~ 00LtF o' -,t-T 0 0 o o U I 8 0 V 0 o~ o V O ZR C8 rU w :3 r: w .T-i ,I~t 0) 0 O [-i O 00n o Hn o -144- cOo 0 oa)ano C00o 11.0 H i tn 0 cr o ON z' rLn . C, O o~. CO' C, O o ,-qI " H,CO 0o\r IR c',i c - o 00 M n H Hi C r --4oo r 00 0 oocI u0 C4 ro ro Ho C C 88 C3C3 ucJ~ co * C' CI = I 00 88 0 O O0o --I He- ) 0 Iv ;~ 000 00 ,Q 4J O 43 % -T C0 8 IT c C) M 00 o 0o uo I o z IV 8i ; 00o 88o a) 0 C') 4-:0 CN U, NJH 0 0 0oo-0 CY)C ... --r CY) O0o' U Q o z ~.r I 0 UU U~2 )C) zZ; 4- 0 to -145- Ln a V *. 0 1D Ln > 1o r-~DLI~ 0 n ol 0 ,--0 Ln oo r. oo r- O .,A Li Ln C a) U E 1o4. . . 0O 0 5o 0.* ,-4-It -t T a) E-i ,.- cn 9 oC-) a) 40 a) 1 Cr4 k rn 0o co w4 :7- 0 Qi 0 U r4 ao 0 o r-- H U U E-I U U 2 P~ 'U 4-W a) E- a -4 .a) U a) a4 .r4 4-I a 4-4 _r c , la *,, 4-I rz a) -, 4 U, a a lI 0 Co L44 U 4-1 H U a 0 a 2 a) H: E4 H P4 cn x .r a r. Cd O o fn 0aW : H4 4-1 "TJ 4 E-4 N a) ao a 0n a) co ,. 0 Q a) e -4 -146- Ln N T N Ln 0mf Lf. n O ,4C " cn 0 T n O Cn _ n Cm Ln c O0 cq-t c r- O0 'I L1 \I r- Ln ,--I HCO v-I HO ~C;c; M o0 c4 1 r--Io 00 Un -1N c0cC 'I O; CD I C z 00 88 88 I O O 00 00 UT 'O 0m Ln IT Ln kD cm Un x a "4 a) -I o C 0 00u rH r 88C H r00 00 00 00 c10 CA N \D 0 Hn 1-4 O r4 a) 1-4 ta x w C"4c o o H H Ut 4 4 00 Z. 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I cn ,.-i c co r-r r400 - ID ' ,-! tC -W -I 0 ,. c,qoo C'J 1M00 n -- ,-I c'n cv',-t 0 r r. -I 880 00 ,-I Cs IC zr 8o 0*c6Cd =:CI=eq o O V-I rl ,-!,T-4 13, 0 0 u z o ,- 0 1\ O r. - 10 -I - co It urr o O O 0' 0 cn 14 oll es C n00 00 C vl OC N o crE rs4 la UO ' C~ (:, n %D O O Ln O I' .. 00 00 C; C; 10 c · ul * I * 8 J O. P. 0 0 I 6 CN LCC4 o o 88 88 Z Z *O. z ra) U -W E .lw w Ln U") -I m mO - --:' , Cn M m mC 00 00 M Ln 00 00 - CV4rl 00 0 1-4 Ln in Cd 0 0 r-r- 0 CN C)0 Ln C;d 0 r- 0 r- a -4 0 'I C9 u *6 ~ Z 34 u I oo 0 Sz; r-i zz * *,4 .. E- a) r4 0) .j 4 .r 0O -H CO 0 %D m , -1n C 00 Ln nO -149- - 0 o r-q ,-4 ecn 0 Cm m L 00 *; *~ 00 .; -i 0\ x a'-I - a) 00 O Z o¢Noc! 4 -q 0-i w .-r= Q) OO 88 88 v1-.4 - ; 'I I -n % 00 ,-I loo00 0 'I\0 00 O0 * = = , 00 o oT o.00 o 0 o V c z O O 8 88 O z V 10 w 0 4 a) cu .-i 0 r ra r=l *- O) '-4 rxi w c4 E-4 0 r-. Cl4 0 0 '-4 r) 4.i w a) x rx6 -150- o 0- -1,,o000 oo 0 , 0 0 o o O0 oq C, 00 00 00 o) 0 ; 0 s 00 00 ur u 4J '-4 a) x 1-4 a) ~\D 0%O 'Oh oO, oO' c Cm oOC cO oo s oo o 00 00 4 QO 00 oo0 00 00 It -;r *~ *~ *~ 4 -Ioo -I -00 I0 I J J uu 0I 0 o O O o a 0 44 0 .H C.) 4- 0 '-o Or 0 '4 e E-4 a 0 U a) 4U CO H a. rj~ * *1 7 -151- . . 00 , a-, CO tN C Ccq-, r4 C . 00 ,,C 0z M) (M C) . 1.0 Ln \D \O %C Ctoo s co* 0f** o ID 0. -i H 4-i a) (- as 0) 4 4-4 Cd cO I a) 4-i .H --4 0 to . ,4 -4 'H1 a 4..) z0 E 8 -I- a) c .r.1 a) CL 0 0 0 u) -4 - 14 a) r E U co , w 'I,H'5 a) 0 9 ~4 a) 0 4i1 co '4 w a) 5 w 4 Ci o 0 c. 0 0 Lrn 0 -152- 0) 0L Ln Ln In r-. Ln Ln L %Dn o .c %C n M C rn D CN Ln un r. C, n 2 r. cn on n .. oo * 00 * o00 d O00 * CO * 0C *d 00 W 4) p a) X -H .1i u r cl 0 I Cz PC 00 c 4~i 4 r4 8QQr0 P 10 t) O 00j H r-q 0) P.- 040 QL0 2 tOO 0 C 0 L CNL n 00 Un o m 0 en *; *; I z z Oo 0C0 U *; oo oo 00 rU Z 0 0 Ur * C) Zi -153- APPENDIX B TABULATED RESULTS OF REHYDRATION TESTS AND ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION FOR FRUITS m U) 5- U) ~c '-4 I '-4 r.l W ra :44 U) U) ,w i) UQ 0 r4 U) r. 0 *J *4 Cd 19 H w a ci k a ed '-4 '-4 w P. EH 4 S-i w oU u 0 Z u cii 4 uU a) En r-i r'" 0 -154- ., X ci) ci 0L -4I-. C rl ,_ 88 za 0z 4i a) w " rq ,-r4Cnl1 cnO I ~I oo 08 00' 00 o o o00 * * * ; 0 0 u 00 zz 0 0 *j o0 u *0 u u 9 ci rzl .H c N4 O. r- o c-T NI r- r-q = z; u 0u ca a :> ZI 0 O 00 0(3 rq 00 00 Ntn oocn oO M O0 0 O r 00 QQ r- 00 00 z v 0 -t '-4 H a) a) H O r. a) o Lr P-i o 0a) a) -155- 00 00 -4 C I- \0 ,-(i Ln CA I- cn co ,-q -4 CT ri0 - cno '-4i ol3 q 1-40 II 0 z o0- * co J co = = 00 00 00 00 Oc.u z00Z . 0E 0O f AJ -W 4. 0) a) oom -I oC14 -.Mn Tr-- N cn N mO 0 C1 Lf 00 n r-4 T n 00 0 0on 1-i cn o0o o o ,- r-q I I o: E0 o o w= 0o o-4r-4 00 u00 u Z 00 CL f. z uV li0V! x a)~ 4.J , C) ,-4r r cI- C 0 6 : 8 o * 0 C o0JuoJ d rl-00 Oc n C , r-4L 0 ,-4 Lf 0r C) 0 0o 00 5 * c w S 0 r) .H 4i H H -I 1- cJ m C) E! -H H 0 I-. 0 14 w C) C) d.. '.OLf) Cn LPn -156- L C V4 r- '.00 rCO 0 0 Z * 6 o o 00 o o r_ r. * 00 00 *d * ~ o 0 0 r) rz co00 a4I x w * -l r-Hr- 4 HC q 1-q CC o r- ' I'D 'N (4O Hi )* o I O8 d I = = oo 0 0 Co .D o I'D 00 00 o; o~ 0 0 00 w;~ 88 a0 a) 40 4 p w Co o H 4 UL C\ rH L Ha" -.T tf- Ln 00 00 o;( o~ 1-.- oo 00 00 I * Z 0 j zI oo u 0 0 uO * 0 0 U r--I m.I ; 00 z Z9 0 U Ho W Eq Q) 0 U, w *,4 .,., o I, ?-I C", o u 0 a) V-q -W r. a x P. m ,-I lC4 n C.. -157- n r- C1 C'~ r' HC cq O O-H r- cO O0H o 88 0 I co u z 0* I o 8 * z H r-4 r-W r. ws e%J u" u cn j ma) oT 000 fL ;I Ln cn Ln H- C ( It Lrn % ,-I reIj-Tr M C\1 Ln HO N Ln HiLr 00 0r0 00 HO -qi -I N O O * z9 Z C9 C 0m~0 Z 00 0 0 u0 r4 ( C4n c r4 s-I 'O \ cn n C94 -zt rl N n CN H C.NC 00 H rl 0 0 o O I 0N c Z; w CNI H V -4 00 H r0 Z Z 0 -H 8 w HL 0 Co r4E! 0 .r4 QH 0 cN 0 crn r4 0 4-i .rq *4 0) W CO ,_ -158- n -4 cn r-I oo 400 - r-00 Cic r-qO I C C c ,-- 00 00 r-Lr oo 400 rln cn) C r- LfD r-I 1\00 eN ri -f CeI ,C -C oo 00 0 0 -41 r-4c0 oto N00 w-4 - :5: r- -iH u0u0 LnrL u00 u 00 z00 zz u 2; o8o I I o C :2* Oo == ii J o * Z4 00 8 Z* (D n -r 4 o '4. JJ o r4 pi 0,4-- Eq ca bD 0 a am U, EX 4 x a) E- ce I (V -,- -159- G) C r-- ,,~r c~ ° $+ ,. .- 0G V, E4 z IwG C Ln un c,,i IN "l w -, 00 . e-.I c,,! ~-- C, Ni 00 l r. c~ i| H O ,- +m t $+ r + Ln -. O "00 Cn - oono oi 4 ,X X s r-qH~~~~~~~~ H ze.- X Ez Pt: E-4 E- (U 4.4 -r a .,4 ua O~'4 C' -,H rX4 0I- aa Zl4 -160- APPENDIX C TABULATED RESULTS OF REHYDRATION TESTS AND ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION FOR MEAT 44 a) 0 0 H 0 a) .,q a a) a) pq cD k $4 u0 g k U-4 U, H a 0 4- aco H Ep *,o -W 0 aC W U a r a 4-i a EH w a) U aEj-' a H a U iar a) H w 0 :3 co a) ocn N o -161- 4-i a) aa) .r-I r oC-T c r- C cn~, oi\cO O MOr-, am -vH co~ T . a) - C4 m 00 cn -4 o CO 00 CV a 00 o 00 o? n oLn -:r oC Coco0 m rl o0 co co co c) cor -7 ol 05 oo oo Lr3 cxle edc% O QQ O 0C0 0 r.f ~ r-4 0 0 -- - Z; * I 6 it Z UU~z tal o o R. I 00 mt :z oa o z'3 0o 0o CdCN C% Ln-i -- C rl 0C - -I0 = I o o z UU 00 0 0u I QO IV 1. r ~ JJC ·dr4 O I o o Z 00 r0 U 0 I O0 CL I q r. .. -0 z J¥ 10 Q10 ~.~ V.1 Z !;o o o 0 CD 0 U0u w In a) U) L4 1 U -'4 x .,A 10 0 u 4-4 I, 0a) U) C4 7- o 4 U) w EH *H o4 P 9 1I w ..V 0U) U) w t4 a) 4-' O. Hr= U U co In U) r-4 O. 9 to 0o o 0 Ln -It C VIn N 0 -162- 4U U) ..4 Xe 00r C eNO o 00 -ITD Co cO °O0cr ,-<T O o a O0 0' o· -cO -r°° r0 O0 oO "oo oo r4 o 00% c O-I o 0' 0D O c. o r- -10 - oo -O O r ,1- -4 -i0 -'I1 0o t1-c00 a-4r4 - 'o U 00 00 00 · *" l uU "O8 r-i r-I 0 .. O0 Cs 0 pk o ~:: 1. 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