UNDRAINED CREEP BEHAVIOR OF ATCHAFALAYA CLAY FROM CU DIRECT-SIMPLE SHEAR TESTS by CHARLES E. WILLIAMS S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1971) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science and Civil Engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 1973 :K R-- Signature of Author.. ...-... Department of Ciril Engineering, May 11, 1973 .. . .. .-.-................ Certified by........... ... '... Thesis Supervisor Accepted by. Chairman, DepartmEAital Committee on Graduate Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Archives (JUN 29 197) ABSTRACT TITLE: UNDRAINED CREEP BEHAVIOR OF ATCHAFALAYA CLAY FROM CU DIRECT-SIMPLE SHEAR TESTS by CHARLES E. WILLIAMS Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering on May 11, 1973 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science and Civil Engineer. The creep behavior of normally consolidated and over consolidated samples of a highly plastic deltaic clay from the Atchafalaya Basin in Louisiana is investigated in consolidated-undrained direct-simple shear tests. From 49 to 95 percent of the undrained shear strength was applied over a typical period of one week in the stress controlled tests. The results of "single incre-mental" tests are compared to those in which the sample crept under several successive increments. The rate process theory and other rheologic models for creep are reviewed and both undrained and drained creep data are summarized in light of the various theories, including those for creep rupture. For initial shear stress increments below 85 percent of failure, the creep behavior of the clay follows the Singh-Mitchell rate process model after an initial transient pore pressure condition. For additional increments, the creep strain rate is initially very slow, but it changes with log time to eventually converge with the Singh-Mitchell model. The creep rupture models of Saito and Singh-Mitchell were compared to laboratory creep rupture behavior and found reasonably acceptable for this clay. Creep strengths in terms of applied shear stress for a given consolidation stress were found to be 85 percent of that obtained from -2- conventional controlled strain CK UDSS tests. This value o would probably be lower if the creep process was allowed to continue for longer periods of time (greater than one week) to develop sufficient pore pressures for failure. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Charles C. Ladd Professor of Civil Engineering -3- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses his sincere gratitude to the following: Professor Charles C. Ladd, his thesis supervisor, whose guidance and thought provoking comments made this investigation possible; Dr. Lewis Edgers, who suggested the topic and aided the author in all phases of the investigation; Ms. Patricia Potter, who typed the manuscript; The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, whose financial support made this investigation possible. -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page 1 Abstract 2 Acknowledgements 4 Table of Contents 5 List of Tables 8 List of Figures 9 I II III INTRODUCTION 13 1.1 Background 13 1.2 1.3 Descriptionof EABPL Foundation Clays Scope of Research 15 16 REVIEW OF CURRENT LITERATURE 22 2.1 2.2 Rate Process Creep Theory Development Creep Rupture 22 35 2.3 Creep Strength 38 2.4 Conclusions 41 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES 55 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 Shear Apparatus 56 3.3 Sample Preparation Testing Procedure 57 57 3.4 -5- TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) Page IV V EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 4.1 Soil Tested 60 4.2 4.3 Test Program Test Results 61 62 4.3.1 Controlled Strain Tests 62 4.3.2 Controlled Stress Creep Tests 63 Initial stress levels 63 Additional Shear in Increments 64 Creep Failure 64 DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS 5.1 77 First Load Increments 77 5.1.1 5.1.2 77 81 Normally Consolidated Samples Over Consolidated Samples 5.2 Additional Load Increments 85 5.3 Creep Rupture 86 5.3.1 Singh-Mitchell Creep Rupture Relation 86 5.3.2 Saito's Creep Rupture Relation 88 5.3.3 5.4 5.5 VI 60 Strength Decrease Due to Creep Comparison of Simple Shear Stress Levels with Triaxial Stress Levels Use of Multi-Increment Testing CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 90 91 93 123 6.1 Apparatus Performance 123 6.2 6.3 Test Results Recommendations 124 128 -6- TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) Page VII 130 REFERENCES Appendix A List of Symbols 133 Appendix B Tabulated Test Results 138 Appendix C Plots of CK O UDSS Creep Tests 164 -7- LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 4-1 Summary of Samples for Test Program 65 4-2 Summary of CK U Direct-Simple Shear Tests on EABPE Clay 66 4-3 CK UDSS Clay 4-4 Description of Measured Test Parameters 69 5-1 Application of Singh-Mitchell Creep Rupture Theory of EABPL Test Data 97 5-2 Comparison of Laboratory CK UDSS CreepRupture Behavior to Saito's CreepRupture Relationship 98 5-3 Strength Decrease Due to Creep 100 5-4 Relationships Between D, D , D and Rotation of Principal Planes in CK DSS Tests 101 5-5 Computations for Theoretical Strain-Log Time Curves 102 5-6 Duplication of D T = 65% Stress Level 103 (Creep) Test Results - EABPL -8- 67 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 1-1 Pre-Construction Effective Vertical Stress Profiles, Test Sections II & III 18 1-2 Estimated Maximum Past Pressure, Sections II and III, 180 ft. Offsetts to LS and FS 19 1-3 Average Unconfined and Field Vane Strength Data From Test Sections II & III 20 1-4 Average Natural Water Content Profiles for 105 ft. and 180 ft. Offsets for Sections II & III 21 2-1 Derivation of Berkley Three Parameter Relationship Based on Rate Process Theory 42 2-2 Variation of Strain Rate with Deviator Stress from CIUC Creep Tests on Remolded Illite 43 2-3 Influence of Time on Strain Rate During Creep of Remolded Illite 44 2-4 Rheologic Model for Christensen and Wu (1964) Rate Process Development 45 2-5 Rheologic Model for Murayama and Shibata (1961) Rate Process Theory 46 2-6 Stress Controlled CIUC Tests on N.C. Remolded Clay 47 2-7 Barden's Rheologic Model 48 2-8 Drained Triaxial Creep Results on London Clay 49 2-9 Drained Triaxial Creep Results on Pancone Clay 50 LIST OF FIGURES (Cont.) Figure No. Title Page 2-10 Demonstration of the Saito Creep Rupture Relationship 51 2-11 Singh-Mitchell Creep Rupture Concept 52 2-12 Influence of Consolidation Conditions on the Pore Pressure Generation of Two Clays 53 2-13 Typical Stress Path to Failure for an Undrained Creep Test on NC Clay 54 3-1 General Principle of Direct-SimpleShear Apparatus - Model 4 59 4-1 Range in Plasticity Characteristics of Atchafalaya Backswamp Materials 70 4-2 CK UDSS Tests on Normally Consolidated EA9PL Clay 71 4-3 Stress vs. Strain from CK UDSS Tests on EABPL Clay o 72 4-4 Stress Paths from CK UDSS Tests on Normally 73 Consolidated EABPL Cday 4-5 Normalized Stress Paths from CK UDSS Tests on EABPL Clay o 74 4-6 Compression Curves, CK UDSS Tests, EABPL Clay 75 4-7 S /5 vs. OCR from CK U Direct-Simple SRearCTests on EABPL Cday 76 5-1 Shear Strain Vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on N.C. EABPL Clay o 104 5-2 Log Strain Rate vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on N.C. EABPL Clay 0 105 -10- LIST OF FIGURES (Cont.) Figure No. Title Page 5-3 Log (Strain Rate X Time) vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on N.C. EABPL Cday 106 5-4 Log Shear Strain Rate vs. Applied Stress Level from CK UDSS Tests on N.C. EABPL Clay 107 5-5 Shear Strain vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on O.C. EAPL Clay 108 5-6 Log Shear Strain Rate vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on O.C. EABPL Clay 109 5-7 Log (Strain Rate X Time) vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on O.C. EABPL Cday 110 5-8 Log Strain Rate vs. Applied Stress Level from CK UDSS Creep Tests on O.C. EABPL ClRy 111 5-9 Comparison of Induced Pore Pressures for Various Creep Stress Levels 112 5-10 Comparison of Plots of Log Strain Rate vs. Log Time for N.C. and O.C. Samples of EABPL Clay 113 5-11 Comparison of Stress Paths from CK UDSS Creep Tests on N.C. and 114 O.e. EABPL Clay 5-12 Comparison of Pore Pressure Generation During Creep of N.C. and O.C. Samples of EABPL Clay at Various Stress Levels -11- 115 LIST OF FIGURES (Cont.) Figure No. Title Page 5-13 Variation of Creep Parameter m with Stress Level from CK UDSS 0 Creep Tests 116 5-14 Log Shear Strain Rate vs. Log Time During Later Increments from CK UDSS Creep Tests on N.C. EABPL Clay o 117 5-15 Log it vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on EABPL Clay 118 5-16 Plot of Log Strain Rate vs. Log Time for Steady State Creep at Various Stress Levels of EABPL Clay 119 5-17 Initial Shear Strain (at t = 1 minute) vs. Applied Stress Level 120 5-18 Stress Conditions in the Direct Simple Shear Device - Assumed Pure Shear 121 5-19 Comparison of Laboratory and Theoretical Creep Curves at Various Stress Levels 122 -12- I 1.1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND For the past fifty years a steadily increasing volume of water has been diverted from the Mississippi River into the Atchafalaya distributary. This is accomplished by means of a flood levee system within the Atchafalaya basin. Progressive siltation of the southern half of the basin along with the increased capacity requirements for the distributary have made it necessary to raise the flowline within the Atchafalaya floodway by means of levees. Levee construction within the southern portion of the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway in south-central Louisiana has been in progress for more than thirty years (Kaufman and Weaver, 1967). Construction has proceeded in stages so that the thick deposits of soft alluvial and deltaic foundation clays can consolidate and achieve sufficient strength to support subsequent lifts of fill. This procedure has proved to be very time consuming and unsatisfactory. Moreover, settlements in excess of 10 to 15 feet have made it impossible to attain design heights (20 to 25 feet above the original grade) along -13- large portions of the floodway. Large lateral movements, thought to be caused by undrained shear deformations, yielding and creep of the soft foundation clays, have been a major contributor to the excessive vertical settlements of the levee crown. In 1964-65 three extensively instrumented test sections were constructed along the East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee (EABPL) (Kaufman and Weaver, 1967; USCE, 1968). Test Section I, with a four foot crown and a height of six feet, had a design factor of safety of 1.1 based on a 4 = 0 analysis using UU triaxial compression test data. Test Sections II and III, with a wider crown, a height of ten feet, and wide stabilizing berms, had factors of safety of 1.1 and 1.3 based on similar total stress analyses. Despite very large berms, both Test Sections II and III experienced very large lateral deformations with a resulting drop in the crest elevation, and for all practical purposes failed. These lateral shear deformations, which continued long after the end of construction, were particularly large between elevations -20 to -40 feet (original ground surface El. = 3-4 ft MSL). These large deformations are considered to be caused by undrained shear, which is the subject of separate investigations, and undrained creep. -14- Considering the fact that a substantial portion of the zone of large deformations (El. -20 to -40 ft) is approximated by a simple shear stress system, any detailed undrained creep investigation should attempt to duplicate this stress system. The subject of this report is undrained creep behavior of EABPL foundation clays with the direct-simple shear stress system. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF EABPL FOUNDATION CLAYS The site of the EABPL construction is composed of sand and gravels overlain by approximately 120 feet of clay which can be divided into three categories (Krinitzsky and Smith, 1969). (1) Poorly drained backswamp deposit (El. -25 to +2 ft) Presence of considerable organic matter with several inches to several feet of peat; dark gray to black in color; concretionary matter includes carbonates, sulphides and vivianite; soil is typically CH clay with WL = 110 + 30. (2) Well drained backswamp deposit (El. -120 to -25 ft) Light to dark brown in color due to oxidation; stratification is absent due to reworking by plant roots; fissures due to dessication are common; soil is typically a CH clay with WL = 90 + 30. -15- (3) Lake deposits Deposited in shallow fresh water; gray in color mostly highly plastic CH clays with some silt and sand (WL = 95 + 25); well defined layering with occasional silt and fine sand layers; presence of shells and carbonate concretions; well developed fractures and slickensides due to shear failures during deposition. The area, which was originally level at El. +2 ft prior to levee construction, has the net overburden stress profile shown in Fig. 1-1 which was obtained from total weight and pore pressure measurements. Maximum past pressure profiles for offsets from the levee centerline indicate overconsolidated layers at elevations -45 to -65 ft and -70 to -100 ft (Fig. 1-2). These findings are also supported by field vane strengths and water content variations at these depths as shown in Figs. 1-3 and 1-4. These layers are probably overconsolidated due to drying of exposed backswamp deposits. 1.3 SCOPE OF RESEARCH The experimental program involved obtaining representative samples of the clay in the zone of greatest levee foundation -16- deformations (El. -20 to -40 ft). A series of standard con- trolled strain Consolidated-Undrained Direct Simple Shear (CKfoU DSS) tests were conducted in order to establish a normalized shear strength versus overconsolidation ratio relationship. Subsequently, a program of constant load un- drained creep tests were carried out with the Direct Simple Shear device in order to establish strain and strength relationships with stress, time and OCR. The Singh-Mitchell Theory (see 2.1a and 2.2b) for creep strains and creep failure and Saito's creep rupture theory (see 2.2a) will be applied to the test results in order to evaluate their validity with the EABPL clay. -17- H H H H H LU. S V) 0 -I-) lb U) U) o w L-- I-- -pl U) h0 / L&J C.) w U w LL 0 P4 LL w lo a: w U) z L UP4 0U) -II 4U -rzl -I) (7S1W) 1I' NOILVA313 -18- Figure 1-1 n, TSF 0vo and 0O +Ic 2.0 I v u r AA AAA 30 v C S -IC -3C( * 0s I. O I C----Estimated om • -50 IIII S( IJ -70 ---- 0 f --/ Ave 105ft -90 0 FS - S 0 -110 1r * 0 Corps Data MIT Data from 300 ft offset to LS ESTIMATED MAXIMUM PAST PRESSURE,SECTIONS II AND III , 180 FT OFFSETS TO LS AND FS -19- Figure 1-2 LL. C) I- I,U) w C_1 W IJ, 0 4d w, 4~ LA. U) ILl C 0a. w LL. z 0 z w 4 (7SIN) 4; 'NOI1IVA313 -20- Figure 1-3 WN ,% I- w w AVERAGE NATURAL WATER CONTENT PROFILES FOR 105 FT 8 180 FT OFFSETS FOR SECTIONS II 8 III -21- Figure 1-4 II REVIEW OF CURRENT LITERATURE The rate process theory and various rheologic models have been proposed to represent the creep behavior of soils. behavior of particular concern are: Creep strain and strain rate as functions of time, creep rupture (failure) phenomenon, and the effects of strain rate on the shear strength of soils. Several of the more pertinent publications dealing with this subject are reviewed in this section. 2.1 RATE PROCESS CREEP THEORY DEVELOPMENT (a) Mitchell, Singh, et al Singh, Mitchell and Campanella (1968) use Fig. 2-1 to describe soil deformations in terms of rate process theory. The theory considers the displacements of flow units as requiring a free energy of activation, AF, to surmount the energy barriers as shown in Fig. 2-1. Shear forces in the flow units, f, distort the energy barriers as indicated by curve B and cause preferential flow unit displacements in the direction of shear force. X repre- sents the distance between successive equilibrium positions and 6, the elastic distortion of the material structure. -22- The resulting theoretical expression for strain rate is: = = 2X FX -- exp (--AF )sinh(2-) 2X kT (1) where k = Boltzmann's constant, T = absolute temperature, h = Planck's constant and R = universal gas constant. If (fX/2kT) is greater than one, which is generally the case for stresses sufficient to cause creep in soils, then: fl sinh (2kT) Z 1/2 exp (fX/2kT) (2) and = kt -AF fX - exp (R- )exp(Tkf) (3) "X" is a time and structure dependent parameter which is also dependent on the number of flow units in the direction of deformation and the average component of displacement in the same direction due to a single surmounting of the barrier. To simplify analysis, Eq. (1) may be written as: S = K(t)sinh(aD) (4) in which -23- K(t) = 2X(t) kT -- exp -AF(t) RT (4a) and aD = XF/2kT (4b) The authors present consolidated undrained creep data for remolded illite as shown in Fig. 2-2 which conforms to the form of the theoretical log C/k versus aD relationships. For the range of stresses where the exponential approximation of strain rate is valid, Eq. (4) can be written as: K(t) exp(aD) 2 (5) and "a" can be evaluated from the slope of the straight line sections of the log & versus D curves where D is the applied deviator stress: d log dD dD a (6) (6) Figure 2-3 presents the typical relationship observed by the authors between log strain rate and log time and indicates that the following expression is possible. -24- K(t) 2 t1 m = A(t-) (7) where m =dd log log & (7a) d log t and "A" is found by extending the log E versus D line for tl to the value of D = 0 in Fig. 2-2. The resulting modifications yield the following equation for strain rate: a t1 M A(t exp (aD) (8) (8) A and a appear to be dependent on the particular test conditions, such as the stress system, while the authors claim that "m" is a material property which is only slightly influenced by test conditions. They further point out that m can be used as a "creep indicator" since low values of m (m<l) are found for clays that exhibit high creep strains, lower strength after creep and creep rupture under sustained loads. Values of m greater than unity are indicative of rapidly decreasing strain rates with time and decreasing de/d log t under subfailure conditions. The condition where m = 1 implies a constant value of ds/d log t and long term strength equal to short term strength. Strains are computed by integrating Eq. (8) over time, with knowledge of the strain at a known time; a necessary -25- condition. The equations for strain are as follows (Singh & Mitchell, 1968): E=a+ 1 A aD 1-m e (t) (m 1) (9a) (m = 1) (9b) where a = A aD e e---- and S= + Aea D In t The authors present laboratory data on London Clay, Osalsa Clay, Illite and San Francisco Bay Mud to support their theory and good agreement appears to be present for stress levels which are 30 to 90 percent of ultimate strength. The theory is rather flexible and can handle cases where strain and log time are either linearly or non-linearly related, which is an improvement over most rheologic models. However, the greatest advantage of this method is the comparative ease with which the creep parameters can be obtained in the laboratory. This model will be called the Singh-Mitchell rate process model. -26- Christensen and Wu (1964) (b) Another form of the rate process theory is presented by Christensen and Wu (1964). Clay deformations are de- scribed mathematically by the Kelvin-Maxwell model in Fig. The spring K, represents the initial elastic response 2-4. and the dashpot, the flow process, the spring K 2 models the bond strength at particle contacts which resists soil creep. The combination of springs K 1 and K 2 represent the initial elastic response of the soil. From this rheologic model, the authors obtain the following expression: u 1 + A In tanh [Z(t) + tanh exp(-A)] where A = K1 aD 3Kl+K2 1 KIK2 Z(t) = 2 a2 K +K2 U* = 1 la -(l ) o loE t (dimensionless strain) -27- and a, 8, K1 and K2 are soil parameters which can be de- termined from experimental creep results. instantaneous axial strain, time, t, and (El), (el) is the l1 is the axial strain at is the axial strain at large times. The authors assume that creep stops at some large time after load application and a unique (el)0 is reached. Although this assumption may be true for soil with little creep tendency (m > 1 from Singh-Mitchell theory) it is not generally acceptable. Two major drawbacks of this treatment of the creep process are: (1) it only applies to soils with low creep potential (m > 1), of which the EABPL clay clearly is not one; and (2) there are no established relationships between strain rate and time or strain rate and stress level. (c) Murayama and Shibata (1961) The authors use the Eyering rate process relationship to model soil creep. The theory is modified to account for a lower restraining resistance at particle bonds, below which movements are elastic and time independent. arrive at the following: -28- They dab dt Ab(a-a - o) sinh(b) bab (1) O where -E Ab = 2aakT exp Bb where ) (2) 2bkT K = Boltzmann's Constant T = absolute Temperature h = Planck's Constant A = average distance between unbalanced molecules n = number of molecules wiht activation per unit length in the direction of stress N = number of molecules with activation per unit area perpendicular to the direction of stress a E 0 = restraining resistance = free energy of activation Strain equations are developed with the aid of a rheologic model as shown in Fig. 2-5 and result in: E + 1 + (a-a) (a-a o ) +B B2E E 2 2 _2 -29- log A2 t B2E2t (4) (4) (where Ab + Bb from Eq. (1) are changed to A2 and B 2 ) and: E t-+OO - a E1 + (a- o) (5) E2 These equations predict a linear variation of strain with log time, followed by a decrease in slope and the attainment of a constant ultimate value. They also point out that the above relations do not apply when an ultimate stress is reached which brings on failure. From laboratory results from long term anisotropic consolidation tests the authors report that ds/d log t varies linearly with applied stress, which is in agreement with their equations, but in disagreement with Singh and Mitchell who find that log (de/dt) varies linearly with - = D/Dmax . The authors also report that long term undrained strength decreases linearly with the time to failure. Although their theory development is straight forward and agreement between laboratory data and theory is obtained,the Murayama-Shibata relations do not appear to be as advanced as the work of Singh and Mitchell and therefore are not as useful. (d) Shibata and Karube (1969) Shibata and Karube mainly extend the work of Murayama & -30- Shibata and arrive at the same questionable conclusion that 6d = de/d log t varies linearly with deviator stress (where *d is deviatoric strain). While never stating whether they still believe that strain varies linearly with log time, they present the following empirical equation, which is in disagreement with the Singh-Mitchell model: Sd = Constant • exp (Bad) where B is a stress factor and ad is the deviator stress. They maintain that "B" is a function of overconsolidation ratio and that overconsolidated samples yield a steeper d versus deviator stress plot. slope on a Their most credible work has to do with creep strengths of clays. The authors state that there exists a yield value past which sufficient pore pressures are generated to produce undrained failure, or so-called "creep rupture". This relationship, which was developed completely empirically through laboratory observation, can best be shown by Fig. 2-6. Although this effort is an improvement over the work of Murayama and Shibata, the same drawbacks still exist -31- and the equations concerning strain rate are questionable. Their section on creep strength is nevertheless definitely useful. (e) Barden (1969) Barden maintains that soil deformation is a function of stress ratio (U1/U3 or Singh-Mitchell's D/Dmax ) . He separates the volumetric and deviatoric components of creep and by use of rate process and the rheologic models in Fig. 2-7, arrives at the following: V= vFINAL + 2.3 Ka+ Y = Y 2.3 aBGt -- log ( 2 Go- FINAL + log (a(SKt 2 The volumetric strain and its corresponding equilibrium value are represented by v and vFINAL and the shear distortion and its equilibrium value by y and YFINAL The parameters a and 8 are constants from the rheologic model and can be obtained in the laboratory. The strain rates follow directly from the above equations: dv/d(log t) = 2.3/Kc dy/d(log t) = 2.3/Ga -32- where Ka and Ga are functions of the effective stress ratio. Although Barden's laboratory data are completely from drained tests, he presents the undrained laboratory results of various investigations (including Singh and Mitchell) which in general support his equations. Although Barden concludes that his theory is acceptable, he points out that during undrained creep, possible build up of pore pressures will change the effective stress ratio and thus, the strain rate. be bypassed by using the deviator stress. This problem can The main draw- back of Barden's theory is that K and G are probably as difficult to obtain in the laboratory as E, the undrained Young's modulus. (f) Bishop and Lovenbury (1969) Bishop and Lovenbury conducted long term triaxial compression drained creep tests on London and Pancone clay. Using D = (a1 -a 3 )/(al-a 3 )f of 17-98 percent, they conducted the tests until either failure was reached or problems with equipment developed (some of the tests were still in progress after three years). Axial strain versus log time was approximately linear -33- for samples that did not fail and plots of log strain rate versus log time were approximately linear (London Clay data was especially good in this respect) as shown in Figs. 2-8 and 2-9. Sudden increases in strain rate at large times or "instabilities" which were accompanied by substantial volume decreases were unexplained although the authors maintain that these decreases were due to fundamental modifications in soil structure and not experimental error. These excellent laboratory data lend great support to the Singh-Mitchell theory. Log strain rates vary approximately linearly with log time over large time periods and it is demonstrated that creep rupture can occur at stress levels less than full strength. The only real drawback in the paper are the instabilities which are yet to be explained. -34- 2.2 CREEP RUPTURE (a) Saito, et al (1961, 1965, 1969) Saito and Vezawa (1961) conducted a series of unconfined and triaxial (CU) compression tests on a number of Japanese soils in an attempt to determine the range of stresses and elapsed times for which slow creep movements generate into failure. On the basis of these tests, the authors claim to have found a unique relationship between creep rupture life (time after loading) and strain rate. This relationship which is linear on a log-log plot is shown in Fig. 2-10 and appears below as: log tr(min.) = 2.33 - 0.916 log e(l/min.) + 0.59 (1) They also add that the following is approximately true: •* tr = 2.14 (2) Saito (1965) later defines ý as the constant strain rate which develops prior to failure and that tr is the elapsed time from this point to failure. Saito claims that the above relationships apply to all soils (this is obviously the reason for the rather large range for -35- tr in Eq. (1)). He supports his work with several field cases which are of questionable worth due to the rather arbitrary way in which strain is measured in the field. In a later paper Saito (1969) concerns himself with the transient creep range which occurs at a time closer to failure than the steady state creep which he had studied previously. From his basic steady state equa- tion, Saito develops a three parameter equation to model transient creep behavior and presents a graphical solution for analyzing field problems. Saito's work is completely empirical and his claim as to the generality of his equations with regard to soil type is questionable but it is a step in the right direction. The major drawback of his work is that is appears to be of little practical significance. Failure is not indicated until it is actually occuring and by then remedial action is out of the question. (b) Singh and Mitchell (1969) The authors deal with the problems of creep rupture and time to failure by modifying their basic equation (Eq. (8) in section 1.21a). -36- = At1 m exp (aD)t1 - m Strains at time "t" (for m # 1) are proportional to it at that time as shown below: E = C 1 + l1-m where C = E1 For m > 1, it Ae aDtD1 l-m is constant or decreases linearly on a plot of log 6t versus log t. However, for m < 1, t increases linearly with a slope of 1 - m until a given value of ýt is reached at which time there is a rapid change to a much greater constant slope as shown in Fig. 2-11. Singh and Mitchell (1969) define the 6t at which this event takes place as indicative of failure conditions. Thus (it)f is independent of stress level and appears Analytically tf can be to be unique for each soil type. found by: loge (tf)= 1 1 -m (C2 - where -37- D) C2 = loge (Et)f - log e (Atl m) In comparing this method with that of Saito and Vexawa (1961), we find it to be much more attractive. Although Saito and Uezawa also arrive at a unique "ft , they weaken its development by making it too general while Singh and Mitchell claim a unique (ýt)f for each soil. The main advantage is that the Saito relationship is referring to a time just prior to creep rupture (long after (ýt)f has been reached) and Singh and Mitchell are concerned with a modest change in creep rate long before shear failure which makes it a more valuable indicator and eliminates one of the major drawbacks of the Saito relationship. But most important, the Singh-Mitchell relationship is an extension of a much larger development of a theory for creep in soils and is not merely an empirical tool. 2.3 CREEP STRENGTH (a) Arulanandan, et al (1971) The authors conducted a series of undrained triaxial compression creep tests on isotropically consolidated San Francisco Bay Mud in order to prove the Roscoe (1963) -38- relation: q= where M logM o (1-K/A) loge P M = slope of failure envelope on p,q plot p 0 = isotropic stress p = mean normal stress q = deviator.stress A = C c/2.3 = Compression Index/2.3 K = Cs/2.3 = Swell Index/2.3 Stress levels ranged from 30 to 90% of failure stress and loads were maintained for two weeks after which time the unfailed samples were taken to failure. Results showed that the yield stress was only 60 75% of the ultimate strength for all consolidation stresses. Creep stress paths crossed both experimental and Roscoe's (1963) theoretical stress paths. The large pore pressures generated during the test were responsible for this phenomenon. (1) Possible reasons for these pore pressures are: leaks through membranes and seals; (2) osmotic pressure due to the salt concentration of San Francisco Bay Mud; (3) structural rearrangement of particles or a -39- drainage into micropores from compression of the microstructure, which is comparable to secondary compression in their viewpoint. The last reason is most likely due to the fact that mercury jackets and a saline cell fluid were used. Reason three above was further investigated by consolidating samples of San Francisco Bay Mud and Kaolinite for 30 hours and then closing the drainage valve. The results, as shown in Fig. 2-12, indicate that the Bay Mud, with a high secondary compression tendency, generates pore pressures due to the arresting of secondary compression. The Kaolinite, with lower secondary compression tendency, begins to generate pore pressures but "thixotropy" is thought by the authors to eventually dominate the process and pore pressures decrease. The authors therefore conclude that the arresting of secondary compression during undrained creep generates large pore pressures which can fail samples at deviator stresses much lower than ultimate values as shown in Fig. 2-13. These results, which tie in well with the creep failure data of Shibata and Karube (1969), Bishop and -40- Lovenbury (1969), Singh and Mitchell (1969) and Walker (1969) are very useful and their proposed mechanisms may be helpful in explaining such phenomena. 2.4 CONCLUSIONS Of the various rate process and rheologic models, the Singh-Mitchell treatment appears to be the most attractive. Although this method is of a more empirical nature than some of the others, it is by far the most advanced and unrestrictive. The model parameters can be obtained in the laboratory with relative ease. Although the Singh-Mitchell treatment of creep rupture appears to be somewhat superior to that of Saito, it must be kept in mind that these two theories apply to two different events in the creep rupture process and both can be evaluated in the laboratory. -41- / 1 Shear force force acting no force acting DISPLACEMENT (a) REPRESENTATION I AJ•. OF ENERGY BARRIERS POSITIONS SEPARATING EQUILIBRIUM A IUUU 500 200 100 50 20 10 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.1 0 'f (b) 6/K VERSUS c< 'f ACCORDING EXPONENTIAL TO HYPERBOLIC SINE AND FUNCTIONS DERIVATION OF BERKELEY THREE PARAMETER RELATIONSHIP BASED ON RATE PROCESS THEORY (After Mitchell et al, 1968). -42- Figure 2-1 -2 Ix 10 -4 4x104 4 Ix 10 -5 4x1O6 Ix 105 4 x1O -6 Ix -6 -7 Ix 10 Q2 0.6 DEVIATOR 1.0 STRESS, 1- 3- 1.4 D- kg/cm 2 1.8 VARIATION OF STRAIN RATE WITH DEVIATOR STRESS FROM CIU C CREEEP TESTS ON REMOLDED ILLITE (After Singh and Mitchell, 1968) -43- Figure 2-2 YII 1 ;·~i -"---- a~~~~i~~~o~a·nnai 0.1 .01 '001 .0001 .00001 10 100 TIME ,MINUTES INFLUENCE OF TIME ON STRAIN RATE DURING CREEP OF REMOLDED ILLITE (Mitchell et, al. 1968) -44- 1000 / RHEOLOGIC MODEL FOR CHRISTENSEN AND WU(1964) RATE PROCESS DEVELOPMENT -45- RHEOLOGIC MODEL FOR MURAYAMA AND SHIBATA(1961) RATE PROCESS THEORY Figure 2-5 -46- ~~:;a~i~ :~b-`~,''r`·""-br .~~l~*Z b~C ~ ~ JII ~I .~; ro cH l-) 4-) o Uo 0 N _ a. ·.o 0n U To Q) r-i U El) 4- O ri) 00 (5 v Figure 2-6 -47- ~ -11- F --- VbAvUHE7rA/e- I I FIGURE 2-7 .,r. COdfPAE~SS/OA' =,off 5 HA. PR PWA 1 I P /S,O l R/7-cIO Barden's Rheologic Model (Barden,1969) Figure 2-7 -48- _i~o!--- _ I O IV, H t. 01 ,o0 O .0001 0.o / T/ffME, /0 PR YS /00 /o000 DRAINED TRIAXIAL CREEP RESULTS ON PANCONE CLAY (Bishop and Lovenbury, 1969) Figure 2-9 -50- ~ I i 77-.~N1*?J;~F 77 I i·.rýV-w ;r.·-n;:;·n r% 0 4-) HU) 4 4) HO H 12 (fW)..71 /7 /7Jd.f7 d-7-33V Figure 2-10 -51- oa LO 01 C) Ci) 0r oo H OO o4 a ClW, a) Q) a' ,O~ Figure 2-11 Figure 2-11 -52- 4J 0 Cd Q) a) a) m ý::I U) 0 O • oO ' n0 r- 0 S(C 0 m O 0 o i0 >) ~ H u < 40 > HO C) 0) N e, J I L1 O 7 r%. Ah'/)/ .y/d5-5$ -s3 7 H•/•> -53- 3Y/ .".•n • d N(. Figure 2-12 y W 0 7 0 0 2' 0 4U) v (2) QJ 0 0 e0 Ic U rO 12, Enr a la) U) Cd Cd Cd Sa) Cd7 Ug (5c· d~z Y'IOz/4ap) g 7igure 2-13 -54- Li III 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION The Direct Simple Shear device used for this investigation was developed by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and manufactured by Geonov. It is very similar to the machine used for tests described by Bjerrum and Landva (1966). The primary requirements that the machine satisfies are: (1) Ability to induce fairly uniform horizontal shear deformations in a cylindrical sample. (2) Capability of performing drained or constant volume tests. (3) Ability to keep the upper and lower sample surfaces parallel during testing. (4) Controlled stress on strain. (5) Maximum vertical load of 800 kg, horizontal load of 400 kg. (6) Designed for 50 cm 2 by two cm sample confined in a wire reinforced membrane. -55- (7) Capability of testing soft clays as well as stiff clays, silt and sand. A method of sample prepara- tion was devised that minimizes sample disturbance. 3.2 SHEAR APPARATUS The shear apparatus (see Fig. 3-1) is composed of the sample assembly, vertical and horizontal load units and a horizontal load hanger assembly. The sample assembly consists of lower and upper filter caps (16), pedestal (17), and a plastic reservoir for inundating samples during testing. The vertical load unit consists of the base (18), tower (19), lever arm (12), load gauge (4), piston (20), dial gauge for vertical deflection measurements (6), adjustment (21). and lever-arm The lever-arm has a load magnification ratio of 10 to 1 and is built into a U-formed hanger. A counter weight (22) balances the weight of the load-gauge, piston and sliding box. The horizontal unit consists of a gearbox (11), proving ring load gauge (10), precision ball-bushing (9) and connection fork (23), and the sliding box (7). The present machine, Model 4, strains the sample by moving the top cap while holding the bottom cap and pedestal stationary. -56- The horizontal load is transmitted from the horizontal piston through the fork to the sliding box and top cap. The limit of travel is 10 mm in either direction from zero strain. 3.3 SAMPLE PREPARATION By a system of vertically aligned cutting cylinders, top and bottom caps, pedestal and membrane streching device, the cylindrical sample is mounted in position and confined by the wire reinforced rubber membrane. The procedure is designed to support the sample at all times while minimizing distrubance and is much easier than sample preparation for the triaxial test (see Landva (1964) and Edgers (1967) for more detail). 3.4 TESTING PROCEDURE For all tests, the sample was installed in the machine and consolidated by dead load increments until the desired consolidation stress was reached. All samples were consoli- dated to a stress sufficiently greater than the insitu vertical stress so as to minimize the effects of sample disturbance. The reservoir was not filled until in order to avoid swelling. v = 0.4 kg/cm was applied The final increment for normally -57- consolidated tests and the maximum and final loads for overconsolidated samples were allowed to consolidate for approximately two days in order to develop a constant degree of secondary compression. For constant volume controlled strain tests, the shear procedure was that described by Edgers (1967). For controlled stress constant volume creep tests, the horizontal proving ring was removed and the horizontal load was applied by means of the hanger assembly. After consoli- ation was complete, the lever-arm was connected to the vertical load adjustment screw and the appropriate horizontal load applied to the hanger assembly. The test was started by un- clamping the horizontal piston and readings of horizontal strain with time commenced. As in the standard constant volume controlled strain test, the vertical load was adjusted in order to maintain constant sample volume throughout the test. Most of the adjustments occurred in the first two hours and usually only one adjustment per hour was needed thereafter on the first day and only one or two adjustments per day were needed on subsequent days. The total number of adjustments needed for an average test duration of one week (\ 10,000 minutes) was on the order of 25. test was approximately 690 F. Room temperature during the Fluctuations of + 20 F were common during a 24 hour period. -58- i 1 Sample 2 Reinforced rubber membrane 3 Wheels for applying dead load 4 Load gauge for vertical load 5 Ball bushing 6 Dial gauges for measurement of vertical deformation 7 Sliding box 8 Dial gauge for measurement of horizontal deformation 9 Ball bushing 10 Load gauge for horizontal force 11 Gear box 12 Lever arm 13 Tieights 14-15 Clamping and adjusting mechanism used for constant volume tests 16 Lower and upper filter holders 17 Pedestal 18 Base 19 Tower 20 Vertical piston 21 Adjusting mechanism 22 Counterweight 23 Connection fork 24 Horizontal piston Fig. 3-1 General Principle of Direct Simple-Shear Apparatus, Model 4 (Edgers, 1967) Figure 3-1 -59- IV 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION SOIL TESTED The soil for this investigation was obtained from five inch diameter undisturbed fixed piston tube samples obtained from three borings offset approximately 300 feet to the landside of Test Section III. Boring No. Station No. Offset (ft) 94ues 1395+50 310 LS of BL 10A to 13C -30.5 to -45.8 95ues 1395+45 305 LS of BL 10A to 13C -30.6 to -45.6 96ues 1395+55 305 LS of BL 10A to 13C -30.5 to -45.3 Samples El. (ft) Samples used in the investigation ranged in elevations from -35.9 ft to -44.15 ft. Values of vo for this layer, which appears to be either normally consolidated or slightly over consolidated (see Fig. 1-2), range from 0.55 to 0.70 kg/cm2 according to Foott and Ladd (1972). Consolidation curves for the Direct Simple Shear Tests conducted in the program yielded maximum past pressures in the range of 0.70 to 0.85 kg/cm 2 -60- Atterberg Limits were conducted on a number of representative samples and the results are shown, along with those obtained by the Army Corps of Engineers, in Fig. 4-1. A series of constant volume controlled strain directsimple shear tests were conducted on a number of samples at various overconsolidation ratios. 4.2 TEST PROGRAM As previously stated, the testing program was conducted to achieve the following: (1) A relationship between s vc and OCR for CKoU DSS controlled strain tests. (2) Investigation of the applicability of the SinghMitchell Rate Process Theory for EABPL Clay with regards to strain and strain rate as functions of time, stress level and overconsolidation ratio for first load increments. (3) Investigation of the applicability of the SinghMitchell and Saito creep rupture theories for EABPL Clay. (4) The effect of time on the strength of EABPL Clay. -61- In addition, the testing program was designed to investigate the behavior of additional load increments with respect to strain and strain rate as functions of time, stress level (applied horizontal shear stress/horizontal shear stress at failure, TH/Tmax) and overconsolidation ratio. It was hoped that a method could be developed for translating second and third load increment data into the form of initial load performance. The program designed to achieve these objectives is outlined in Table 4-1 and is basically of two parts: (1) the CKo U DSS controlled strain shear tests, and (2) the controlled stress creep tests. Tests Nos. 2 through 7 were used to develop the sU/-vc versus OCR relationship from which various stress levels for the creep tests can be calculated. The remainder of the program consists of undrained creep tests on normally consolidated and overconsolidated samples in which the number of increments, the stress level and the load duration time serve as variables. 4.3 4.3.1 TEST RESULTS Controlled Strain Tests CK U DSS tests were conducted on seven samples of EABPL Clay. The results are shown in Table 4-2 and Figs. 4-2 to 4-7. -62- CK U DSS-l was lost due to equipment failure and was therefore not tabulated. The normalized shear strength (Su/6 vc) for normally consolidated samples was very consistent at Failure occurred at very high shear strains of 20% 0.23. and more for normally consolidated samples but this value was somewhat reduced for highly overconsolidated specimens. It was interesting to note that the maximum value of TH/'v occurred simultaneously with the maximum value of TH for most of the overconsolidated samples though this was not the case with normally consolidated tests. A plot of normalized shear strength versus log OCR yielded the smooth graph in Fig. 4-7. 4.3.2 Controlled Stress Creep Tests A summary of the 12 CK U DSS Creep tests appears in Table 4-3. Appendices B and C contain tabulated test data; strain, log strain rate and log tt versus log time curves; stress paths and stress-strain curves for the 12 tests. Summary plots of the data are presented in Chapter 5. Initial Stress Levels Various shear stress levels were applied to the samples after consolidation was completed. -63- These levels consisted of 50, 65, 73, 80, 85, 90 and 94 percent of failure for normally consolidated samples and 50, 72 and 94 percent for samples with OCR = 2. Samples were allowed to creep for one week (10,000 minutes), except CKoU DSS-12 where D = TH/Tma x = 73% was left on for 40,000 minutes. Additional Shear Increments Additional higher shear stress levels were applied to samples that did not fail under their initial loadings. These second and third increments were also allowed to creep until either creep failure occurred or a week passed. These loadings are listed in Table 4-3. Creep Failure Creep failure occurred in 11 of the 12 tests. The first test (CK U DSS-8) was failed by controlled strain after three shear stress increments had been applied over a three week period.. For the remaining tests, creep failure eventually occurred at all applied shear stress levels of 85% or more. -64- I TABLE 4-1: Test No. CKoUDSS-1 CK UDSS-2 o CK o UDSS-3 CK UDSS-4 o CK UDSS-5 CK UDSS-6 o CK UDSS-7 CK UDSS-8 CK UDSS-10 o CK UDSS-11 o CK UDSS-12 CK UDSS-16 o CK UDSS-17 CK UDSS-18 o CKoUDSS-19 CK UDSS-20 CKoUDSS-21 CK UDSS-22 o CK UDSS-23 Type Controlled c SUMMARY OF SAMPLES FOR TEST PROGRAM Boring Sample W,% 96UES 96UES 11B liB 72.2 Elevation, ft -35.9 -36.1 Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled 96UES 96UES 11B 11B 72.6 -36.2 76.3 -36.5 96UES 11C 91.7 -36.9 96UES 11C 86.3 95UES 10B 78.1 -37.1 -32.1 Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep Creep 94UES 1IC 73.8 -36.7 94UES 13C 84.9 -45.0 94UES 13A 27.2 -42.7 94UES 13A 86.7 -42.9 94UES 12C 73.4 -40.5 95UES 13A 79.1 -44.0 95UES 13A 79.2 -44.1 95UES 95UES 12D 12D 67.7 -41.2 -41.3 95UES 12D 75.1 95UES 12D 77.3 -41.5 -41.6 94UES 10B 79.5 -32.0 Controlled s -65- 80.1 0 U) <O .c E 0 00 0- E 1c L 3 o 8 omo, o o o o,8,8 ao o 0 oU o n 0re pO U( OO - r 0o 1o 0 1 o ro I) + oo cm E o c C (, cn 0 = 0 0 (D So +1 0 0 OD 0 C0 0 U) (, L. u, -j O -J a- z 0 U) =(0 'z 0" 00- L0N000 •D 0XI e •N (e0 r ocK) C6 ID C 000 -• 0to0-0 Ln cda 0+c0o O 0 0 00N)' NO oa Ob' ca N .0 0 r)U d N w N 0-- 0- 0 r 00 0 0LO It ) 0o o0 O 0 U) Ur) >-U) rU 0 O0 o _ U)) U) 00 0 -- 0 o (D0 N NO U) U~ 0 U) 0 0 00 O _o 0 D O c 4- n 0 0 U) I __ _ N- - N N _ d _ N ___ - 1- C U)00 w50 0N< o o (i 0 N c U)-IS , ., 0V -66- Table 4-2 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 co "-I kD r-I H0 I 4-- Lnr-I r-I CN r-! r-t o 0 CN Cm 000r o0 oN H o t-f00 H 4-4 0 ko 0 H r-t r-I O o or 0 0 o o ,- ri I I I I 0 o N HH0 r-I r-t ,-I,- CN H rH i r-t 0 H NC C 0 0CI· o CO I I I0 10 H (N -I I -o c 10 C) NO r.i I1 c m0 CO I Ln 0 0 Sco L( Ln O• O (N o 0 4IJ N- 0 oP 'q C) I 0 CY)O I co iU) - c E-4 O 0) C) L OD O (Nj z E-4 I O N ..-.% u, No I L %D i-I H L) ci *e 0 o0 0 o 0 0 re) N, N0 U) vl 44 4- o cl rH coo ) Ln. ý LO0co H m Cý Uý N 00 LO rn 00 l_;~ Cý CN r LONr Ln co co 00 0 CC) I O U)0; FZ4 0 z E O H *O 0 ýD 1 F:: 0 H O r0 o o P4 EU) U) -I o ,-' I rr-I I N -• I %D C:I U) U) CI] V1 U) V U( N, ' I I0 U)l U) 00 U co I 00 I U) U) U U) aa o0 : O bU IU U -67- a U H P4 u U) 0 0 "N 0 0 0 0 000 •r Ck rN rHN Hr 0 0 000 . ml I I H•J 00 .0 Lf I I . .0 YoIN II II I0 IL O OMLO mf I Ln H e~- Co 00 O N N 44 v N- II H N -I II E 00 NO HO II <m C) r --. LC) co 00 i ('. .- I .- I rz3 HHr E- OCO H H U OH N co U) 0 o m C L NL 0 Ou N H N 0N 0H rlf 00 * 0 m 6ONIV 0 - 0 H7v _c 0 O o r- o C C0 oo OO moHLO C N 0) 0 O O 0 o 0 U 0 0 0 O 0N 0 Z 0 H Hl r i L) r-t coco I 0 U) -,4-) -cr 0 0 U -68- E-1 p H a4 rr iUU TABLE 4-4: DESCRIPTION OF MEASURED TEST PARAMETERS Stress Level (DT ) = (TH/TH ma x ) Yo (Initial Shear Strain, %) = y @ t = 1 Minute % (Initial Strain Rate, %/Min.) = ' @ t = 1 Minute yf (Final Shear Strain, %) = y @ tf (rt)f (Final Strain Rate X Elapsed Time, %) = ýf X tf tf (Final Elapsed Time) = Length of Time the Shear Stress Increment (DT) Was Left on Sample Y1 (Steady State Strain) = Strain at Which a Second or Third Load Increment Began to Follow the Singh-Mitchell Theory (See Section 5.2) nl (Steady State Strain Rate) = Strain Rate at Which a Second or Third Load Increment Began to Follow the Singh-Mitchell Theory tl (Elapsed Time) = Elapsed Time at Which y1 and ~l Occur -1 at t = 1 Minute for a Given DT (tan- TH/ Yv ) = ý (tan--f TH/ vv) = at tf ~f(tan TH/a ) = $ at tf -69- ow Uj Cd r4 zz0 J )-j o 31'* i < G1 0CLa w o oo >-u O LA gJ):O I oW 0a ~ wjI-.JI , UuZnoo PH Cl) C+ *H C) 0 Q) 4-, C) C 4-) Cl P4 O: O; ------ o O 0 X30NI 0 0 0 A)lI1S.•1d -70- Figure 4-1 SO Ib SHEAR STRAIN , 7,% 164 Ib I C I I1a C C SHEAR Symbol No. ---- 2 72t 41 - 3 72.- 63.7. 1.02 L5 -36 4 763 5&91 205 1.7 -36 - -- 3.1 1.0 -36 -71- STRAIN Y, %, CKoUDSS NOR MA LLY EABPL TESTS ON CONSOLIDATED CLAY Figure 4-2 0.8 0.6 '-C 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 IIb 9 0.0 < -0.4 -n)A 0'' 5 10. SHEAR 15 STRESS VS. STRAIN FROM CKoUDSS -72- 20 30 STRAIN r, % TESTS ON EABPL CLAY Figure 4-3 U a, 0tr W I-O zZ.I- w LL V- w F- a: w -i I- oE U. -r _-o4 / 'SS3I.LS iV3HS -73- 03ZI-VI•VON Figure 4-4 0 ba. m LU If w Z 0 w U) I > U) w HL H, a 0 l-- cr w 0 cr a w LU -J- Z0 -J U)/ 'sss WA5 U1 'SS3d.LS 8V3HS -74- ' 033ZIflVlIVON N Cl 0 Z Ficure 4-5 0 z -J cQ i-0 ui vc , TSF Symbol -- -- o-- _- - - No. Wn,% El.,ft. 2 72 t 3 726 -36 4 5 6 7 76.3 91.7 86.3 78.1 -36 -36 -37 -37 -32 CURVES COMPRESSION TESTS CKoUDSS EABPL CLAY -75- Figure 4-6 U I16> q) OCR = m/ "vc SU /Fi& VS OCR FROM CoU DIRECT- SIMPLE SHEAR TESTS CLAY ON EABPL -76- Figure 4-7 V 5.1 DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS FIRST LOAD INCREMENTS The term first load increment refers to the first increment of shear stress which is applied to the sample after consolidation is complete. shear strain is zero. Prior to this process the The Singh-Mitchell Rate Process Theory is concerned with the undrained creep that occurs due to this loading. 5.1.1 Normally Consolidated Samples Results from first loadings on normally consolidated samples are presented in Figures 5-1 through 5-4. Within the first minute of loading there occurred an instantaneous shear strain (y ) which can be determined from Figure 5-1. From that point the creep process for stress levels (5 ) of 80 percent or less appeared to follow the linear relationship between log strain rate (f) and log time which is the basis for the Singh-Mitchell theory (see Fig. 5-2 and 5-3). For stress levels greater than 80 percent, the plots of log strain rate versus log time were initially linear, but the strain -77- N rate then became constant in each case and then increased as the sample creep ruptured. This phenomenon will be covered in detail in a later section. Unlike the Singh-Mitchell Theory where log-log plots of strain rate versus time yielded parallel lines for the various stress levels (D), EABPL clay yielded straight lines which were divergent with time or in other words, "m" was not constant but a function of stress level, D , as shown in Fig. 5-13. (Note: Singh-Mitchell's D refers to the deviator stress ratio in the triaxial test: al- 03 (a1 - a3 )f Since the deviator stress cannot be determined in the simple shear stress system, D T refers to the applied horizontal stress ratio, TH/T H max). Therefore, "m" which is supposedly a constant parameter for a given soil and the index of that soil's creep tendency, is in fact, for EABPL clay, a variable which demonstrates that this clay has greater creep tendencies (decreasing "m") at higher shear stress levels. Another point which is of interest concerning Fig. 5-2 is the presence of discontinuities in the linear plots which -78- take place at approximately t = 400 minutes. For all stress levels above 50 percent (except for those that caused failure) the strain rate begins to decrease a few hours after loading at a greater rate than that of the initial log-log plot of strain rate versus time. At approximately t = 400 minutes, a new log-log linear relationship is established which results in a straight line which is "below" the initial line and has a higher value of "m". The sudden application of a shear stress induces positive pore pressures within the sample. The vertical stress is reduced to compensate for this but since Cv is not equal to infinity, time is required before equilibrium returns to the sample. No doubt the average pore pressure in the sample is close to zero (because the sample volume remains constant) but pore pressures within the sample interior are probably greater than zero and those near the edges are negative. The time required for equalization is on the order of 400 minutes, which is approximately the time required for primary consolidation in normally consolidated EABPL clay based on Cv = 0.01 ft2/day. This value of Cv is within the range recommended by Ladd et al (1972). The hypothesis is further supported by the fact that this phenomenon is only barely noticeable for stress levels (iT) of 50 percent. As can be seen with the hypothetical stress path in Fig. 5-9, the induced pore pressures for higher stress levels are much greater. -79- I 41 Assuming this hypothesis to be correct, the pore pressures within the sample interior (i.e. on the potential failure plane) decrease the effective vertical stress. Since the shear stress is unaffected by pore pressures, the resultant obliquity (TH/av) is greater than that applied and is equal to the obliquity that one would normally obtain from a higher application of DT. Only when the induced pore pressures are dissipated will the obliquity within the sample and the resultant creep behavior correspond to that level normally associated with the applied DT . This situation makes determination of the remaining two parameters in the Singh-Mitchell equation particularly difficult. The two constants (A, U) are obtained from a plot such as that presented in Fig. 5-4. Since the obliquity at small times (t < 400 minutes) is larger than that normally associated with the applied 5T, the strain rates at small times for a given DT are higher than they should be. Since this effect is more marked for larger stress levels, the resulting slope (1) is too large. A more reasonable result can be obtained by extending the steady state portions of the plots (t > 400 minutes) in Fig. 5-2 back to small times. The resulting data points yield slopes (M) which are probably more representative of the true soil behavior. As can be seen in Fig. 5-4, all laboratory data points lie above the -80- I modified data for all times except t = 1000 minutes where there is uniform scatter, which is consistent with the hypothesis. 5.1.2 Over Consolidated Samples Results from first loadings on three over consolidated speciments (OCR = 2) are presented in Figs. 5-5 through 5-8. The creep behavior is essentially that of the Singh-Mitchell Theory, with "m" decreasing with increasing stress level. In contrast with the creep behavior of the normally consolidated specimens, there occurred no discontinuity at t = 400 minutes on the log-log plot of strain rate versus time. The author believes this to be due to the fact that the stress path for OC samples is such that initial pore pressure development is not significant. As a result, "m" remained essentially constant throughout a given test. It was also found that "m" for any given stress level is significantly less than that for normally consolidated EABPL clay. Inspection of Fig. 5-10 shows that initially the normally consolidated samples exhibit a higher strain rate but that the curves converge with time due to the lower "m" value for the OC samples. At large times the OC samples exhibit greater strain rates. -81- Initially, for a given value of D-, the OC sample is closer to the failure envelope (see Fig. 5-11). Nevertheless, the strains obtained at t = 1 minute are essentially equal for the two stress histories (see Fig. 5-17). This is to be expected since Fig. 4-3 shows that equal values of 5 T yield nearly equal values of strain during standard controlled strain CK UDSS tests. o The plot of normalized pore pressure versus shear strain for standard CK UDSS tests in Fig. 4-3 shows that initially o two entirely different phenomena occur during the shearing of the NC and OC (OCR = 2) samples. It is only after approximately 6 percent shear strain has occurred that the OC sample begins to develop positive pore pressures (i.e. develop a positive slope in Fig. 4-3) and behave in a manner similar to that of the NC sample. Strangely enough, the plots of the two samples become parallel at this point and failures occur at nearly equal strains. Figure 5-12 is a plot of Au/o versus y for standard CK UDSS tests and CK UDSS vc o o creep tests at DT = 0.50, 0.72 and 0.94 for NC and OC samples. The author believes that pore pressure generation during undrained shear and creep behavior (i.e. strain rate) are closely linked. Since the NC and OC standard CKo UDSS tests behaved quite similarly with regards to stress versus strain, it would appear that one could compare the creep behavior -82- of NC and OC samples by looking at the amount of pore pressure generation with strain (slope of the curve) relative to that of the standard CK UDSS test for each group (NC and OC). O For instance, in the case of D = 0.50, the two tests (NC and OC) begin with nearly equal strains at t = 1 minute though the OC sample is at a stress state in terms of effective stress that is closer to failure. Inspection of Fig. 5-12 shows that pore pressure generation for a given strain increment for the NC sample has increased over that of the standard CKRDDSS test. At the same time the OC sample shows a signifi- cant decrease from that of the standard test. At a later time, the rate of pore pressure increase with strain for the NC sample decreases while that of the OC sample radically increases. As a result, the rate of pore pressure develop- ment with strain relative to that of the corresponding standard test is greater for the OC samples. Therefore, the rate of strain rate development is greater for the OC sample though the magnitude of the strain rate may not be greater. Inspection of creep curves for b T = 0.72 and their positions relative to the standard CK UDSS curves shows a o similar phenomenon. On the other hand, the curves for T = 0.94 are very similar to their parent curves, the standard CK UDSS test results, but are only displaced to the right. o As a result, their creep behavior are very similar. Figure 5-13 shows that the two plots for NC and OC samples tend to -83- converge at high stress levels, which is what Fig. 5-12 implies. The author realizes that the "m" value for the NC samples was obtained at small times and is therefore not the true value which is representative of the stress level. But it must be kept in mind that the initial unequal- ized pore pressures developed in the NC sample effected strain rate level to a far greater extent and that "m" was not greatly affected by the phenomenon. Due to the small amount of data for the OC samples and the difficulty with which good pore pressure data can be obtained in the direct simple shear device, this proposed explanation is mainly conjecture. A similar test program with triaxial equipment would definitely be a great help in evaluating this hypothesis. Calculation of T and A presented little problem though their reliability is questionable due to so little data (three tests). The value for T was greater than that obtained from the normally consolidated tests and "A" was somewhat lower (see Fig. 5-8). -84- 5.2 ADDITIONAL LOAD INCREMENTS For all tests where failure did not occur as a result of the initial shear stress increment, the stress level was increased and creep was allowed to continue. Examples of this second (or third) load creep behavior are shown in Fig. 5-14 along with results from first load tests for comparison. Other examples can be found in Tests 8, 16, 19 and 23 in Appendix C. initially almost nonexistant. In all cases, creep is The strain rate at small times for a given stress level is much smaller than that of a comparable first load test (same D ). Apparently, creep from the previous increment has caused a modification in soil structure that results in a more creep resistant sample. After a period of time, the creep process begins to accelerate on a log time scale and the plot of log strain rate versus log time begins to approach that of the first load test for the same f (see Fig. 5-14). At some elapsed time, tl, this plot intersects the "firstload plot" for that stress level and takes on the log linear theory. behavior of the rate process This is true for both normally consolidated and over consolidated samples. -85- -I.. There does not appear to be any way of expressing this phenomenon in quantitative terms. The values of the initial strain and strain rate as well as the strain, strain rate and elapsed time at which the creep process begins to follow Singh and Mitchell's theory appear to be rather random. No doubt they are dependent on AD T as well as the magnitude of the previous increment and its length of duration. Analysis of this phenomenon was hindered by the lack of data as there were only four tests in which either first or second increments did not cause creep rupture (D 5.3 < 0.85). CREEP RUPTURE Creep rupture is the condition when strain rate increases abruptly and strains become excessive. As can be seen in Figs. 5-1, 5-2, 5-5 and 5-6, this phenomenon occurred for stress levles (DT) of 85 percent or more. 5.3.1 Singh-Mitchell Creep Rupture Relation As mentioned in Section 2.2 on creep rupture, Singh and Mitchell define creep rupture as a sudden increase in the slope -86- of the log 't versus log time plot as shown in Fig. 2-11. They claim that the value of it (or it) at which the change in slope occurs is unique for a given soil. In the EABPL test program eleven samples were brought to failure through creep rupture. For each case a value of (it)f (i.e. the point at which there is a sudden increase in slope) was obtained from the appropriate plot by laying off tangents to the two line segements of significantly different slope. For the four tests in which the samples were brought to failure under the initial load increment, a consistent (tt)f of 5.2+ % was obtained independent of stress level and OCR (see Table 5-1). one test (CK-~bSS-19) 0 There occurred only in which a steady state condition was reached by an additional increment just prior to failure (see Fig. 5-15). In all other cases the additional incre- ment which led to failure never attained a strain rate consistent with the Singh-Mitchell Theory before it reached the failure condition. Because of this, the resultant curve of log it versus log time was much too smooth and yielded a value of (it)f which is much too low as shown by C-K~ DSS-10 in Table 5-1 and Fig. 5-15. By contrast, the log it versus log time curve for CK UDSS-19 quickly changed slope at t = 500 minutes when steady state was reached and assumed -87- a "first increment-like" appearance as shown in Fig. 5-15. The resultant (it)f of 6.0 percent was also consistent with first load increments. All other tests which were failed by additional increment were rejected due to the fact that steady state was not reached prior to failure. It was interesting to note that the average total strain at t = tf (see Table 5-1) for the five tests (all those in Table 5-1 excluding CK UDSS-10) was approximately 20 percent which was the average strain at Tmax obtained for the controlled strain CK UDSS tests at OCR = 1 and 2. o Apparently the occurrence of a unique (it)f which has units of strain is coincident with a unique undrained yf which are 5.2 percent and 20 percent, respectively, for EABPL soil. 5.3.2 Saito's Creep Rupture Relation As presented in Section 2.2, Saito (1961) has developed an empirical relation for creep rupture. log tr = 0.50 - 0.916 log E + 0.59. The equation is The value of e is the strain rate at which the slope on the log-log plot of strain rate versus time becomes zero (i.e. constant E with time). This phenomenon can be seen in Fig. 5-2 for values of 5DT greater than 80 percent. -88- The variable "tr"is the elapsed time that will occur from the attainment of a constant strain rate to creep rupture (E + c). This relation was applied to the eleven EABPL tests and the predicted times to failure compared to those actually obtained in the laboratory (see Table 5-2). In all cases the time to failure fell within the range presented by the Saito relationship, but that range is so large, due to the gererality of the equation, that it is of little use. The + 0.59 in Saito's relation represents a time range of more than one log cycle. that in For short times to failure such as CK o UDSS-17 this range only constitutes two hours, but at large times to failure of perhaps one to four weeks, a log cycle of 90,000 minutes, or more than two months is the range. Another major drawback with the Saito relation is that failure is not indicated until it is obvious. By inspection of Fig. 5-1, it can be seen that failure was imminent for all stress levels of 85 percent or more as early as 10 minutes after their application to the sample. -89- 5.3.3 Strength Decrease Due to Creep Inspection of Table 5-3 shows that stress levels of 85 percent or more caused creep rupture. of 4 Since the values at failure were approximately those obtained in conventional undrained direct-simple shear tests, these failures were due to the generation of pore pressure of much greater magnitude than are normally obtained for a given stress level. This process can be seen quite easily by inspection of the creep stress paths in Appendix C. For all stress levels, generation of large pore pressure during creep produced stress conditions which are much closer to failure than are obtained in the conventional CK o UDSS test. This phenomenon is particularly marked with the first increment, such as that (D = 0.729) in CK UDSS-10. These results agree quite well with those obtained by Shibata and Karube (1969), Bishop and Lovenbury (1969), and others. value of It is interesting to note that the average f obtained from the creep tests is consistent with that obtained from standard CK UDSS tests. Apparently the failure envelope for undrained shear of a given soil is unique and independent of the mode of failure (controlled stress or controlled strain). The mechanism of failure must be the same for both cases. -90- It is difficult to believe the concept of a yield value as presented by Shibata and Karube (1969) (see Fig. 2-6). If one accepts the Singh-Mitchell model, which the author does, then given enough time on a log scale, sufficient strains and pore pressures will be generated to bring about a failure condition for any significant stress level (DT> 30%). The threshold value of 85 percent obtained in this investigation is the minimum stress level at which sufficient pore pressures could be generated to cause creep rupture in a convenient time period (less than a week). 5.4 COMPARISON OF SIMPLE SHEAR STRESS LEVELS WITH TRIAXIAL STRESS LEVELS The original Singh-Mitchell laboratory investigation which was undertaken as part of their rate process development was conducted with triaxial equipment. Therefore, the Singh-Mitchell definition of U(= Aq/AqF) differs from that used in this investigation with the Direct-Simple Shear Device. For CKo UDirect-Simple Shear Device: (Pore Shear Assumption) From Ladd and Edgers (1971), -91- = ,1, .2 N (I-Ko = vc Tan p (TH 4 T vc Hvc H VC (1-K )/2 + q/U = S= 900 - a, Fig. 5-18 indicates rotation of principal planes. For CK 0 U Triaxial Compression: Tvc (1-K) 0 qi= S 2 qf = Aqf = qf-qi = c (1-K ) Su 2 vc S q vc vc , Aq = * Aqf qi + Aq q + Aqf qf S [-Ku + 2 D o (S /= 1-Ko vc U vc Calculations are shown in Table 5-4. Though the exact state of stress in the direct-simple shear sample is not known at any time during shear, -92- the direct shear assumption probably gives one the closest approximation to the actual stress state. As one can see in Fig. 5-18, the difference in stress states for the triaxial and direct simple shear samples is not extremely large for the ranges of stress level with which the test program was concerned (D- > 50%). This difference reduces considerably with increasing stress level and OCR. 5.5 USE OF MULTI-INCREMENT TESTING By utilizing the Singh-Mitchell equations,a series of "first increment" strain-log time curves can be developed from one test. This can be accomplished by applying a series of three or four shear stress increments to one sample and allowing creep to develop for each loading. If each increment (after the first) is allowed to pass through its transient state and begin to behave in the manner predicted by Singh and Mitchell, an "m" value for each stress level (D ) can be found and plotted as in Fig. 5-13. The various log-log plots of strain rate versus time for the steady state at large times can then be extended back to small times (t < 400 minutes), and a plot such as Fig. 5-16 can be -93- obtained. From these data the parameters "A" and "a" are calculated as in Fig. 5-4. The final data to be obtained are the initial shear strains at t = 1 minute which are shown in Fig. 5-17. These various parameters can then be used in conjunction with the Singh- Mitchell equation for strains: Yt t = Yoo Ae l-m 1-rnt [ [I - t1 (:--) t] Since the creep parameter "m" is not constant but varies with stress level, DT, the values of strain rate at a given time become more divergent with time in Fig. 5-4. Although the curved plots at larger times in Fig. 5-4 are no doubt correct, the resulting slopes, 3, do not represent the curves for stress levels greater than 50 percent. In order to obtain representative slopes, a "best-fit" line must be drawn through the data points for t = 10,000 minutes (see dashed line in Fig. 5-4). Such a procedure yields an average value for """ of 4.6 which is approximately the value obtained for t = 1 minute. This resultant parameter modification along with the other creep parameters previously mentioned yielded the theoretical creep strains tabulated in Table 5-5 for -94- D = 0.50, 0.65, 0.72 and 0.80. The resultant curves are compared with the laboratory strain-log time curves in Fig. 5-19. The results compare quite well at large times which is the result of the cancellation of two errors. (1) The initial shear strains (yo) are too large due to the fact that they are obtained from second and third increments and not first loadings. The discrepancy can be seen in Fig. 5-17 where the two curves are compared. (2) The initial creep rate (t < 400 minutes) is too slow. This is due to the fact that for a given stress level, the parameters used to calculate strains are for that increment in the steady state. In the laboratory, the internal obliquity (Th/v) is initially higher than that applied, and therefore, the creep rate is greater. As a result, the theoretical curves start out too high but lag behind in the first 400 minutes. After that period the two curves are parallel and in most cases, very similar in magnitude. -95- A further example of this point concerning the initial development of pore pressures can be made by attempting to duplicate a first loading curve with modified data. If one takes the initial shear strain from the first loading condition (y = 1.71%) (see Fig. 5-17) for DT = 0.65 and uses the "m" obtained for DT = 0.72 for the first 400 minutes and "m" for D= T 0.65 for the remainder of the time period, one duplicates the first loading curve. These results are shown in Table 5-6. Since field problems are concerned with strain-log time curves at times much larger than 400 minutes, the multiincrement approach can prove to be quite useful. Strains at much greater times can be calculated from the SinghMitchell equation for strain and the initial portion of the curve can be completely ignored by setting tl > 1000 minutes, which would be a common procedure for field problems. -96- z 4m -) Z Zrd O0 U H ( 0 u 0 z E-i 0\0 I U vH 00 to C) 0 Oz Z0 H f mn H m o o H o o C0 ooC** 4-) o0 o ý4 o H .. U H H U) i- 'I o X -Ic L N- m 0 ) Od cvl .C- m E I:I I Cl) I Cl) [-, H -,-cv a 3 rd H- C) pq u] u] U rl rD r.D rD uu u r -97- U r I cd *r'I -H A- U El Cl) 0 Z H 4-I 0 0 -. LO -L L 00 H H O 4 v a, 0 U-.. LO .Lo mcto r-iI rli - (YtoLn N r 0 - mo O 0 4 m C 0o % 00 c0 E-'UE- I r-mo%0 00 CNC q:: r CY) c r- CN 0 *C. 0D I4 4I -I 0 04 0 -P1 0 0 +O -H U) OIH O r-i 0U N C3 U)4 E " - M Z MH E0 CC 0 C L 0 oM m o 0C- m - 0 O Co CY) ri H e n o iI H moo o o o rN 0 o0 0 m LA 0 C 00 ON 0 O 0 P-P O ZE-4 0O *O Z E-1 - I 0 o o o 0o C Cc C) 0 Cr o OH OI HO N o Cc H crl 0 0 0 I I i QI x 0 n ")4LA >)n wC•) -PS00 m) E a) 04 + 4J LE--t U O 04 0 mH Cl rN ) r-) U U U) U U OD U ) U) -98- -H U) QE~ N CI04H O aHO -i+u H •C0O 0 H Lf. U) I- 0 omm CrN ,-I NI Ho-~ 0 a -H p 0 U) -C O-- 0 CLO LOo HI 1IV rH HI -0 0i 00 CD Y) I -HO 4-) 0 N 0H 0 *H N " H rX4 H w u) P4 EI O U H a- 0 0 *0 Lo -'-3 A4 U) 0 0 O H 0 04 I 00 u U O O C) C) o CD ;.o O H r1 1r-I H 0C) q CO N HC LO C\ H C) zH m O E-i I C) ) 0 H m ON N 0 I o1 I O + + Uo o- .I co U P-P I 01 p U)4 * E- 0) -H () . 4 ., 0 E-1 Ia) O- H p r l SH -OH ro 4.1 0C) 4-d HrX4 I 01 + *W ro U 0 H p l0 H 4-4 -z CHO [-1 C) r• C) • C) r 0 r. 0 W-- Q r H H -99- (Nm .-, tC4'WO + u 0 TABLE 5-3: STRENGTH DECREASE DUE TO CREEP TEST NO. avc aF vm LOAD HISTORY (OCR=1) (kg/cm2 ) (Values of D ) CK UDSS-8* O CK UDSS-10 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.73,0.94 CK UDSS-11 2.0 2.0 0.94 21.7 CK UDSS-12 2.0 2.0 CK UDSS-16 2.0 2.0 0.73,0.94 0.50,0.65,0.80,0.95 21.8 24.4 CK UDSS-20 2.0 2.0 22.5 CK UDSS-21 2.0 CKoUDSS-22 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.90 0.85 0.80,0.90 CK UDSS-23 2.0 2.0 o o o o o 0 0.49,0.73,0.82 0.65,0.80,0.95 ff =tan (T h /hv ) 20.0 19.75 22.5 22.25 23.3 Average 22.0* vs. 21.60+ (OCR=2) CK UDSS-17 1.0 2.0 0.94 CK UDSS-18 o CK UDSS-19 1.0 2.0 0.72,0.94 1.0 2.0 o o 24.75 0.50,0.72,0.94 23.3 27.4 Average 25.10 vs. 25.10+ * Failed at Controlled Strain + Obtained for Constolled Strain CK UDSS Tests on EABPL Clay 0 at (T h)max. -100- --- 0- o\O O IQ N LO O . O O .O O0 LC) 0 NV Ln H- LO 'Q 00O 40 6 L( 0i 0 C Hl O Z O II H -- 0 ON 0) C N r4 r~ II o z Lf e4 M~ o o• E-4 0 " uo C); C CO ý4 0 o C; C; Cý N 0 00 r--l N. SZ :4 0O o H 00 OO O c O II to ik o\o II ioo H Hn ID mD O0 >•* O N N NýO N N m CN H 00 m I11 O N 6* II Oo OH II 000000 tn NU H MM d -- od0000 **** 0 H H4 O U O Lf o N" O O O O', O H- Lm CN O0 II II o zIo Ln N- O O O C O H- C. N o O Ln 0 SII O zt 0 ,o 0 II C- U u~iiill> O I -101- 0 TABLE 5-5: Yt = D = 0.05 o Ae 1-m COMPUTATONS FOR THEORETICAL STRAIN-LOG TIME CURVES 1- ( 1 m ; c = 4.6, A = .014%/MIN. ) t Y = 0.8% t (MIN) m = 0.937 Y(%) 10 100 1.152 1.547 1000 10000 2.004 2.542 DT = 0.65 m = 0.924 Yo = 2.1% t (MIN) y(%) 10 2.796 100 3.639 1000 4.628 10000 5.811 D T = 0.72 y0 m = 0.915 = 3.0% t (MIN) y(%) 10 4.003 100 5.165 1000 6.608 10000 8.120 DT = 0.80 y m = 0.882 = 4.85% y(%) t(MIN) 10 6.318 100 8.246 1000 10.777 14.083 10000 -102- TABLE 5-6: DUPLICATION OF D T = 65% STRESS LEVEL Y O t t 1 10 100 1000 10000 -d = 4.6 = 1.71% = Yo Ae 1-m A = 0.014 t1 1- (C-) t D = 0.65 m t y Theory (%) m T y Lab (%) 1.71 .915 1.71 2.70 .915 3.86 3.75 (.915+.924)/2 5.06 5.05 .924 6.23 6.10 -103- 2.45 0 -J o. I 2 z 0 z w W aw w ") 0 w C, I" N c co wD~· (%) 'NIV.LS c z H 8V3HS C/) U) -104- Figure 5-1 W w 4 Co ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) Log Strain Rate vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on NC EABPL Clay -105- Figure 5-2 w w I4 z I- (1, 10 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 1000 (MINUTES) Log (Strain Rate x Time) vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on NC EABPL Clay -106w- - Figure 5-3 100,000 1.0 1IO 1-2 Z .o w n- 10 IO 10 10- OI INEL IU or 9v--1%0 0 20 40 D= 60 80 100 l'h/Thf,9% LOG SHEAR STRAIN RATE VS. APPLIED STRESS LEVEL FROM CKoUDSS CREEP TESTS ON N.C. EABPL CLAY -107- Figure 5-4 0 Rh o m -- O o < w d z 0 o Cl) H C') w W z Z w oE - UC) w a Sok z-o 2j m v Un " w (%) NIV8iS 0 I- V3HS W I -r C/) -108- Figure 5-5 z 0o Z cr- c) it w I, (I) ELAPSED TIME (MIN) LOG SHEAR STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME FROM CKoUDSS CREEP TESTS ON O.C. EABPL CLAY -109--- Figure 5-6 w w z I- (I, K)10 100I ELAPSED TIME 1000 o10pOO 100000 (MINUTES) Log (Strain Rate x Time) vs. Log Time from CK UDSS Creep Tests on OC EABPL Clay -110- Figure 5-7 1.0 -I 10 163 I-. w LT6 0 zo 40 60 80 100 Log Strain Rate vs. Applind Stress Level From CK UDSS Creep Tests on OC EABPL Clay -111- Figure 5-8 U) 41 S0 U O s-I r) 0 O a) 0 0 ar ~~0 0 0 Figure 5-9 -112- w uJ Iz w z;a •9 Iw ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) Comparison of Plots of Log Strain Rate Vs. Log Time for NC and OC Samples of EABPL Clay -113- Figure 5-10 E o)o9 o lb d7 0 a. m L.L w a<) I C,) C) I-l LL) O9 C') 0LL z 0C O [1V) >: r ýýJJE:ý C. -114- Figure 5-11 U) aC ro 0rd U * 0a It) $-4- Ho 00 -4-i H 0 ,4 rr a 4O 0 U 0 UO 03 Is a -115- Figure 5-12 a w w W O U. C) Cl)0 0 I- -J w w =E -jO U) Cl) SWU) . w E w w 0~ cr w w 0 cr LL 0 z 0 I4 4r Figure 5-13 -116- \S I I I I I -I I I II I I II Lines from first loadings of other tests at corresponding stress levels (95 z K 0o 3 w IC n- z state condition ) CKoUDSS -16 ;c =2.0 kg./cm W, 4 ( ) =values of I,% I <) Stead _ 6,,,% SYM I 2 50 65 0 A 3 80 INCREMENT 5 It" 2 2 4I I 95 73.4%0 \ -E 0 100 ELAPSED TIME 1000 10000 (MIN) LOG SHEAR STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME DURING LATER INCREMENTS FROM CKoUDSS CREEP TEST ON N.C. EABPL CLAY Figure 5-14 -117- -7 91 , kI,,. (10) (17) (20) 7(19) (19 A•iii _L (r, c 4- aloop 1/' (20) (-ill,. 21) 0< I l10 u rn 700 P (16) loe II- ~------ 'e S('9) 10d w (10) .00ý I D5 4 1.0 1.0 1.0 II -II II -16 i, -17 94 2.0 94 90 2.0 1.0 1" -19 -20 i, -21 I I I I ELAPSED t VS. LOG TIME NO YES I, 1.0 85 I STEADY STATE SYML OCR ' 94 94 50 7, increment not leading to failure (•r = 50%• I INCREMENT TEST NUMBER -2 10 CKdJDSS- IO ' Typical first I 1 I LOG Typical final increment steady state 110 -7 IIE\ \IPI state /no _I_ tlO w Ir / T1Steady i 100 TIME I I I 1000 (MIN) FROM CKoUDSS CREEP TESTS EABPL CLAY -118- I 10000 Figure 5-15 ON W I- z i I4 z U) o000 ELAPSED TIME I1ooo (MINUTES) Plot of Log Strain Rate vs. Log Time for Steady State Creep at Various Stress Levels of EABPL Clay Figure 5-16 -119- S --H Q) Lo (1) U) C) C, 0) H x U) ý4III N 4-) 4- H r-CII 4-) k 0) ro · U)3 .rq H H to k"N/@'I~a12 Wb7y5~ 7cY/.1/A' -120- Figure 5-17 100 80 60 o= Aq &qf (%) 40 20 0 80 60 0C 40 20 C 0 c~r h/hfl h STRESS CONDITIONS IN THE DIRECT SIMPLE SHEAR DEVICEASSUMMED PURE SHEAR -121- Figure 5-18 I1 i1 U) 0 ,Cd U) o3 U a w \8 \ 4 \-o .- U 4-) ýr 0 \\ w E- Q 00 -,0 ) OH r) rI Q4 i 0c 4) 0 C< (%) NIV.IS Figure 5-19 -122- C VI 6.1 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPARATUS PERFORMANCE The Geonor Direct Simple Shear Device has proven to be a convenient tool for undrained creep testing. No modifica- tions were necessary as the device is equipped with a "frictionless" load hanger for controlled stress testing. This is contrasted by triaxial creep testing where constant temperature precautions are necessary in order to stabilize pore pressures, and a number of sample area corrections must be made throughout the duration of an increment load to insure the condition of constant stress. On the other hand, all dimensions of the simple shear sample are kept constant during shear and there are no great quantities of water in the system to be affected by temperature. In addition, there are no problems with membrane and equipment leakage as there is with the triaxial device. While advantageous in many areas, the simplicity of the device also presents a number of problems. drawbacks are: -123- The three major (1) Lack of knowledge concerning the sample state of stress; (2) Lack of knowledge concerning sample pore pressures; and (3) The unsteady state which exists when the initial shear stress increment is applied and the first major adjustment is made on the vertical stress. 6.2 TEST RESULTS The Singh-Mitchell Rate Process Theory with modifications can be used to model creep behavior for EABPL clay. Results show this clay to have great creep potential (m < 1.0). It was found that, contrary to the theory, lines of log 9 vs. log time at various values of DT were not parallel (m = constant) but were divergent with time (m = f(D ) (see Fig. 5-16). Normally consolidated and over consolidated samples behaved similarly with OC samples more creep susceptible at large times. Additional load increments (values of D ) behaved much differently from initial increment behavior. Instead of yielding a linear relation between log i and log time; the strain rate initially was much lower than the linear -124- relationship would yield. With time this new curve would converge with the linear relation and adopt its behavior. Apparently, the previous increment(s) had installed within the sample a greater structural stability than was initially present. The new increment had to overcome this new stability before first increment-like behavior could develop. Unfortunately, no empirical relationships could be developed concerning this initial transient behavior. It was found that by applying several load increments to one sample, one could reconstruct the equivalent first stress level behavior for each increment applied. This can be accomplished by allowing each increment to pass through the initial transient phase and establish the steady state first increment-like behavior. This established linear re- lationship between log j and log time can then be extended to all times to obtain equivalent first load performance. It was found that loads of 85 percent or more cause creep rupture. This phenomenon was due to high pore pressure generation rather than a decrease in friction angle, •. This angle (defined as ( = tan -1 (Th/v)max) was essentially the same as that obtained from controlled strain tests. -125- _1 The creep theories of Saito and Singh-Mitchell were found to be somewhat useful for predicting failure in the laboratory. The Saito relationship was able to yield a time range for failure which included the actual time to failure in all cases. Unfortunately, this time range which covers more than one log cycle of time can be very large and on the order of a week for large times to failure. The Singh- Mitchell Theory was somewhat of an improvement but only applied to first load failures and to those additional increments which achieved steady state creep prior to failure. average value of (it)f (the value of The 't at which there is a sudden increase in slope) was found to be approximately 5.0 percent. For the five cases in which steady state creep existed prior to creep rupture as defined by SinghMitchell, failure occurred from 30 to 1700 minutes after attainment of (it)f = 5.0%. The test with the upper bound time to failure was the lone additional increment test which achieved steady state prior to failure. time range for this test was 2800 minutes. The Saito It was found that the average strain attained prior to failure* in the five tests for which the Singh-Mitchell creep rupture * This strain is defined as that attained when the loglog plot of -t vs. time has passed (ft)f and becomes nearly vertical. -126- theory applied, was 20 percent, which is approximately the average strain at failure for the controlled strain CKo UDSS Apparently, the mechanisms which bring about failure tests. under both controlled strain and controlled stress creep are somewhat similar for the strains as well as the obliquity (Th/Uv ) at failure were the same for the two failure modes. Major drawbacks in the program were: (1) The inability to ascertain accurate values of D(=Aq/Aqf) for the various stress levels; and (2) A great change in creep behavior after approximately 400 minutes of load duration. The first problem is due to the stress system and made the selection of - for use in the theory's equations a diffi- cult task of questionable success. The second problem, the author believes, has to do with pore pressure equalization in the sample. The rapid application of shear stress increases pore pressures within the sample. Reduction of vertical stress maintains the sample volume and the average sample pore pressure is in equilibrium with the sample stresses. Unfortunately, pore pressures at the sample edges, which can dissipate more quickly than those on the potential -127- failure plane, are now too low and those near the center are too high. Sample deformations which are more strongly governed by the stress state within the interior of the sample (i.e. on the potential failure plane) are proceeding at an accelerated rate. Therefore, the linear log strain rate versus log time relation for an applied stress level, -T, is too high as the obliquity (Th/Iv) within the sample is greater than that which would normally result from the applied stress level, DT. Only after these excess pore pressures dissipate does the linear creep rate relation drop down to that level which is representative of the applied stress, D . All data obtained prior to this event is misleading and presently of little value. 6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS The two major problems encountered during this investigation were concerned with a lack of knowledge of the stress state within the sample and measurement and dissipation of initial pore pressures within the sample. The first problem has been the object of considerable effort with little resulting success and the author has -128- no suggestions for improving the situation. The second consideration can either be handled by measuring sient excess pore pressure or eliminating it. this tran- Measurement would indeed be difficult and at this time not practical. Elimination appears to be the only reasonable recourse. This can be accomplished by either applying a desired stress level in smaller increments over a time period within which a major portion of these excess pore pressures could dissipate or else loading the sample by means of controlled strain until the desired stress level is reached. After transferring the proving ring load to the hanger assembly, the creep test could be commenced. Unfortunately, the data obtained during the execution of these two techniques is also of little use so one accomplishes nothing. Apparently, the best procedure is to ignore all data obtained prior to t = 400 minutes. Other aspects of the program which need further investigation are the effects of OCR on creep behavior, long term testing (t > 1 month) and creep rupture behavior. Any program designed to investigate these problems could be very useful. -129- VII REFERENCES 1. Arulanandan, K.; Shen, C.K.; and Young, R.B. (1971), "Undrained Creep Behavior of a Coastal Organic Silty Clay". Geotechnique, Vol. 21, N8.4, pp. 359-395. 2. Bishop, A. and Lovenbury, A., (1969), "Creep Characteristics of Two Undisturbed Clays". The Seventh Intl. Conf. of SMFE, Vol. , pp. 29-37. 3. Bjerrum, L. and Landva, A. (1966), "Direct Simple Shear Tests on a Norwegian Quick Clay". Geotechnique Vol. XVI, No. 1, pp. 1-20. 4. Brooker, E.W. and Ireland, H.). (1965), "Earth Pressure at Rest Related to Stress History". Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-15. 5. Christensen, R.W. and Wu, T.H. (1964), "Analysis of Clay Deformation as a Rate Process". ASCE JSMFD, Vol. 90, No. SM6, pp. 125-156. 6. Edgers, L. (1967), "The Effect of Simple Shear Stress System on the Strength of Saturated Clay". M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. 7. Edgers, L. (1973), "Undrained Creep of a Soft Foundation Clay". Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. 8. Fisk, H.N.; Kolb, C.R.; and Wilbert, L.J. (1952), "Geological Investigation of the Atchafalaya Basin and the Problem of Mississippi River Diversion". U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 9. Foott, R. and Ladd, C.C. (1972), "Prediction of End of Construction Undrained Deformations of Atchafalaya Levee Foundation Clays". M.I.T. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Research Report R72-27. 10. Kaufman, R.I. and Weaver, F.J. (1967), "Stability of Atchafalaya Levees". ASCE, JSMFD, Vol. 93, SM4, pp. 157-176. -130- 11. Kolb, C.R. and Shockley, W.G. (1959), "Engineering Geology of the Mississippi Valley", Trans. of the ASCE, Vol. 124, pp. 633-645. 12. Krinitzsky, E.L. and Smith, F.L. (1969), "Geology of Backswamp Deposits in the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana", U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Tech. Rept. S-69-8, Vicksburg, MS. 13. Ladd, C.C.; Williams, C.E.; Connell, D.H. and Edgers, L. (1972), "Engineering Properties of Soft Foundation Clays at Two South Louisiana Levee Sites". M.I.T. Dept. of Civil Eng. Res. Rept. R72-26. 14. Laing Barden, "Time Dependent Deformations of Normally Consolidated Clays and Peats". ASCE, JSMFD, Vol. 95, No. SMI, Jan. 1969, pp. 1-31. 15. Landva, A. (1964), "Equipment for Cutting and Mounting Undisturbed Specimens of Clay in Testing Devices". NGI Publication No. 56, pp. 1-5. 16. Mitchell, J.K.; Campanella, R.G.; and Singh, A. (1968), "Soil Creep as a Rate Process". ASCE, JSMFD, Vol. 94, No. SM1, Jan. 1968, pp. 231-253. 17. Mitchell, J.K., Singh, A. and Campanella, R.G. (1969), "Bonding, Effective Stresses, and Strength of Soils". ASCE, JSMFD, Vol. 95, No. SM5, pp. 12191246. 18. Murayama, S. and Shibata, T. (1961), "Rheological Properties of Clays", Proceedings of the 5th Interntl. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Fdn. Engr., Paris, Vol. 6, pp. 269-273. 19. Shibata, T. and Karube, D. (1969), "Creep Rate and Creep Strength of Clays". The 7th Intl. Conf. on SMFE, Vol. 1, pp. 361-367. 20. Singh, A. and Mitchell, J.K. "General Stress-Strain Time Function for Soils". ASCE, JSMFD, Vol. 94, No. SM1, Jan. 1968, pp. 21-46. 21. Singh, A. and Mitchell, J.K. (1969), "Creep Potential and Creep Rupture of Soils". The 7th ICSMFE, Vol. 1, pp. 379-384. -131- 22. Saito, M. and Vezawa, H. (1961), "Failure of Soil Due to Creep", The 5th ICSMFE, Vol. 1i,pp. 315-318. 23. Saito, M. (1965), "Forecasting the Time of Occurrence of a Slope Failure". The 6th ICSMFE, Vol. II, pp. 537-541. 24. Saito, M. (1969), "Forecasting Time of Slope Failure by Tertiary Creep". The 7th ICSMFE, Vol. II, pp. 677-683. 25. USCE (1968), "Interim Report on Field Tests of Levee Construction, Test Sections I, II and III, EABPL, Atchafalaya Basin Floodway, La.". Dept. of the Army, New Orleans District, Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, Louisiana. 26. Walker, L.K. (1969), "Undrained Creep in a Sensitive Clay", Geotechnique, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 515-529. 27. Watt, B.J. (1969), "Analysis of Viscous Behavior in Undrained Soils", Sc.D. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, M.I.T. -132- APPENDIX A LIST OF SYMBOLS Note: Suffix f indicates a failure condition. Prefix A indicates a change. A bar over a stress indicates an effective stress. Stresses (a - ah)/ 2 or (a1 - a3)/2 q -9 (v + Uh)/ 2 = (a 1 + 73) / 2 Pore Water Pressure h h Horizontal Stress Vertical Stress v 01 Major Principal Stress a3 Minor Principal Stress hc vc ahF v at Consolidation VO Initial In Situ Vertical Effective Stress vm Maximum Past Pressure T max Shear Stress Maximum Shear Stress -133- LIST OF SYMBOLS (Cont.) Stress Ratios q/qf D O Aq/Aqf Th/Thf in the Direct-Simple Shear Test --h/cv or --hc/vc OCR Overconsolidation Ratio = vm/vovo or a vm /vm vc Strains Linear Strain Shear Strain Strength Parameters and Stress Strain "Constants" Young's Secant Modulus for Undrained Loading in Terms of Total Stress from an Undrained Shear Test s U PU,' 4' I f Undrained Shear Strength tan-1 v ) at f in the Direct-Simple Shear Test max at (T/ v )m max T at Creep Rupture -134- LIST OF SYMBOLS (Cont.) Strain Rate and Creep Parameters E Strain Rate = de/dt Y Shear Strain Rate tr Time to Rupture tf Time to Failure t Time at Which Strain Rate Becomes Constant Prior to the Development of Creep Rupture A D D (or -D, D ) Creep Parameters in D max Singh-Mitchell Relationship m See Section 2.1 El' Y1 t tl -135- LIST OF SYMBOLS (Cont.) The following symbols are used in the derivation of the Singh-Mitchell relationship from rate process theory. Shear Force Acting on a Flow Unit Planck's Constant = 6.624 x 1027 -1 erg - sec kT AF 2 x h exp (- RT ) Boltzmann's Constant = 1.38 x 1016 erg K Universal Gas Constant = 1.98 cal °K-1 -i mole-1 S Number of Flow Units T Absolute Temperature, OK tl Reference Time Parameter Relating Activation Frequency to Strain Rate 4SkT 2kT AF Free Energy of Activation, Calories per mole Distance Between Equilibrium Positions of Flow Units -136- LIST OF SYMBOLS (Cont.) Miscellaneous Cc Virgin Compression Index Cr Recompression Index CR Compression Ratio = Cc/(l + e o ) cv Coefficient of Consolidation = kv/(mv Void Ratio or Napierian Base 2.7183 e e w) o Initial Void Ratio k Coefficient of Permeability log Log to Base 10 N.C. Normally Consolidated O.C. Overconsolidated t Time w Water Content wn Natural Water Content P.I. Plasticity Index L.I. Liquidity Index -137- APPENDIX B TABULATED TEST RESULTS -138- CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST EAB PL SOIL DESCRIPTION 9 No. BORING SAMPLE No. ELEVATION Na CK/UDS- 8 CONDUCTED BY /0 -,Z/ -7/ CEW Z. 0 TEST DATE le/ -36.7 INITIAL CN CL• Y UEgs 73. a "r vc( KG/CM2 ) /o OCR /-0 PRETEST Ht.(MM) DATE VERTICAL VERT. ME PROVING RING STRESS .2z379 " (0/6) Y(%/MIN) ht(%) ELAPSED APPLIED TIMENPER CENT) (MINUTES, (PER CENT) /0-2-7/ /.'oo 3057.6 3o05 2.0 /89 0 o0 . 1.,'/5 538 Z3 1.9 ,99 o220o ,.o0/3 2z /.29 ,00o39 .,oks /7 29 138/ ,0oo0229 . 19,3 8s 29YS 1, ,7oo/85 .o8/, /1,54 .000oo93 ,/735 /18 1,78/ , 000o60 ,992 18q3 29 1/8 /,882 , oo.Z5o ,/ S/ 660 28993 Z,69/ o000/3,9 -. 331 /6go 28.93 .2.17/ ,00009/0 ,2225 .2 7/5 296t /.80o Z 9 15 2928 /1,73 _ .2 87-4 /.6bZ 2 8 76 284&0 29_59 ,o0,•bl .1099 3275 26/ .O00 0, 0o•0 . 3327 q /&S Y-ZsI/ y-5 75 z, 399 .O0'tS8,6 .••95(, Sov/c Zs,6o 2. 387 r-.25 z29 8 ..-399 C000s77 .32Y9 , 0oc338 .A.o31 _2_ 1s_9 /1.5-6, , 34 -• 1/-7-7/ &3n /,-56 3 ~. .3. ---- 1 7080 o . o/8i1 ,osS. 3 _8__ 2780 Z ,0/5y ,ofgY 4 28 y 2.8.29 .o/o93 ./1093 o .00o67/ .2/0223 /S aS _ 3,o0a .20067 ,Z/53 B-ze T (APPLIED) / a3.020 T MAX. -139- 72.9 K (35,o Kc) ;2,731 1,, 8 = - o0-5 a.688 .098_ 3 ,o98Y3 28. Dr i2.5 ?2.;20 4 325 -. .0ot09.29 ,) 6 ,o o9/5 , /07 -2986 .9 (.2- ,/1~8 ./3,• 0 38 PAGE VERTICAL VERT. PROVING RIN( STRESS DATE/ 2 792. Z 83 Y(%)) *(/(oMIN 3. 099~ 00 2,360 $.s4 / ,& 291 3. 78• .00 197 7 I.S2 .8 26 • 3. 752, 9I 3.8/49 za Ii ,,g/.o 5.o23 z 7o80 s 27790 9·72 /, /93 *2785S .1/909 53 .'t353 /59 .5,308 .270 .s1 I .3/o .0012o 5 4b6 ,0oo009 7o 9 , '980 729 .000519 ,72"/o /395 ,000 3SS, ,609( ,qgag -.71 27 814 s. a782- s-. 8,S" .so 2 q400 56 . 333 277/ (MINUTES: (PER CENT) .3.S (.98 2Z 777 APPLIED 1: t(%) ELAPSED TIME ,oo00 19 9. 269 ,000 6,31 Z ,0O06785 Lf6s( s.'125 S0ooo000 7 27656 I, 3"93 5.523 a 7 65 1.393 5.523 o603, o•123 ) ,oo219 610 '00219 63l ,002-2- 580-5 J2,0.5 1300 a2765 .2765 (53 :yss 7156 (.39, . .0/3/6 .#3399 IS ,oo loG 67/ , oeo 4 71 so ,ooo 6. , o0 733 6,oa7 I -P769 / ,0 332, ,03979 260 O.302-7 ,000 2,63 .,3o2•7 //25 .000.21 .38•36 6.071 .000241 3552 6.102. ,OOo .2. .3423 b.I (4 ,oo/ 7y ,3/o.' 4. 2• , 0o00 73 1330 /6.5 310Yr C .2.545 -140- /., ) PAGE VERT. DATE/ ME VERTICAL PROVING RING STRESS TME Yt(%) Y(%/) )ý%/MINJ ELAPSED APPLIED D TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) ý897 S760 S000 /-Z 17r(o0 2761 6. 366 /,38 6(S38 ý,58 1 1761 ,,oool2.-7 oo /27 2- ,OmoI (c.64.7 b. .27617 '77 ý2A7s k _ 7L9 I .179A ,S'1/33 (, 877 •9cso , 5.a23 6.785 ,0000 90q YoCc gog ,'777 61872- ,oooo&S I. 3L L-1275 ,/398 ,5334 670 I- 6900 7Bas 8 310 8 /3t SR999 ; Si9:A Q=1 -141- -o- --- 3 _L~Zio CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION EABBPL BORING 99 No. CI 4Y ss -/cl TEST Na _ua i- 3-7/ DATE C CONDUCTED BY uVs SAMPLE No. ELEVATION / 3 -15 Fr INITIAL WN ,p . 9, vc(KG/CM2 ) OCR 2.0 /.o PRETEST Ht.(MM) DATMVERTICAL ERT. D MEPRING RING STRESS /•-2 Y- 7/CENT) 75.3 05os2 'Y (%)z 29 75 /_5/ 5 7 I 2285 5 ,o 7860 ,7o7lY 9 ,057oss ,7725 /5 9,Z96 22 8Y 30 J/ 3.2 f9 ,u/o. A-883 /11/ ;,39 2883 ,be 7 ,0-250 2 S83 -,3,7 . 2-08 2883 o83 z2_.3 S 883 ._ G _I. _8_-&_ s_-_ 157 -.••-0 __596 c279 6 ,..Z297 /Yb ,772/ 93 537 / ,O/?y2 ,6723 so .42 ~ . 7 , o/s-I/ ,9go/ s2472, .o0/2z7 ,2733 70 $ 8e8 , 0099/ .a23 go0 6 ,oo777 ,o90aS 7289 ?5-0 ,I; .- I 's, Dr= T (APPLIED) / 17 l,9/Y /9o ,288 ,00oo53 b o6 ,Y/_ I/o . , I/8 ,977/ 1,58 .Y56 . ,ooo/89 172- 9 , poa/'7 ~-998 ,o63e9 7./68 0oo007•4 , 00 67i ,639/ , 87/1 /9• ,Zs-y Z99 .3997 5-22 ,936 /395 8,/97 ,o0sS- ,5239 /6/5 2.•9-/ S IA,/2 9.10' 2195 3 ,.938 //,5 a'89' .838z ,02079 _ Sp•4 O;Z3 ,78 £7.2 __ Yy7 / ,70 2 / 83 0/7 7 2, 3.o33 ,,7 /2 ,ISo _ .90oo ELAPSED APPLIED NM TIME R CENT) 72.9 bo _ __ 302o. -0o/ 0 2 .o 3osz7 (MIN)() .2 r &.73 ,ooViy . %,C28/870 P/b P.1 "5a/ 9 ,oI 000/6 /1,36 Pi 6/,14,000 /1(c -5v 3 6 .L t-/1./-,,, ..,,7 AzoOO MAX. -142- 's. I PAGE DATE/ nTME VERT. VERTICAL PROVING RING STRESS 2 75/ /. 3(. ELAPSED APPLIED ]• TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) R.77? .ooo i37 '000 9.IC6 12S ,ooooS'72 S&. 2.28 ys30 .6295 so Y•- ,'I097 .(,68o /o 06 9.157 7t; 9,.87 9"/,//- 27(,3 a72V , 329 I ,0 23 2- P .oqs, S5 2 ,o /7'9 ,o67253 .?/2,70 , "3 2,76, 2.67f .2 72S 2-7 (C 2763 /.37 9. 798 9,W .lo5 -9,926 ,• ,00 b17 /.39 9 /6 • .X324 33 27 &63 ,25-2B Y/ 27 62 , 3043 5-0 1,o0 /o. 25;2 ,o060-3 ,oo60/7 ,o 582 75 ,Y523 .52935 38 ,6// z ,oo 629 /0. 6/9 I03 /3 / , oo 699 ,oo 82 /.32 // 98/7 , o lo69 0 /0oI -2223 2755 2 ).0 12,929'/ . 700 2, X:t•-8 ,0 /2a Uz E 13S7 -143- 2,/32. 34 3.34L 7 53/ ------ (.'52 z CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION •ABPl. BORING No. SAMPLE No. 99/uES /314 ELEVATION INITIAL WN - 42, 7 Fr 72.2 % c ,9 Y C K0s55-/I /2-/o-7/ WcW TEST Na DATE CONDUCTED BY vc(KG/CM 2 ) OCR .o PRETEST Ht.(MM) 2-• 3/61 DAT% M VERTICAL E VERT. PROVING RIN STRESS r (%) (%/MIN ELAPSED APPLIEDNC TIME MIN UTES (PER CENT) /2-1/o-7/ 30526 y4/ 2.6 0.s,,. / 774, 2950 19/8 9b P / /. 71 . 21/ 6. 78/ 2-800 2.5/7 /. ,325 o,"197 /,30] , /0230 bS83 o, 7' i, 8 (.. I,V/5 /1"02 . 0b 75 e771 7/4 7 C, .07 27 .2-7Y7 .03 &(72 1,33 2730 .0366/ 2703 /7, 987 6b87 /3. 3/o7 / /3 8 7 .2- -7L 3 9.Alt ,02.70 ,c'293 3.3 oc ,3. 80 ,0 2J1 3,535- /,23 .2.6 0 /l. 270 a•&o /. /3 t /7.97 .x,3o Dr= t /.3/o0 ,O IA6 o /8867 /;--/2--7! *t/u (APPLIED) / 3o 2.Sa 1o. 663 ~z. 737 28Z 23 T MAX. -144- q/ 12 7/7 //9 CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST FQBPzEI SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING No. SAMPLE No. ELEVATION INITIAL WN CL•)Y 9q u= '3/) - CONDUCTED BY rc( KG/CM 2 ) 'L2,9 P7 '," K /2 C•IDSS I2.-2--71 TEST Na DATE , e W .o OCR 1o PRETEST Ht.(MM) DATM I -7-" &-o . 2. 2"; ./Y9 VERTICAL VERT. ELAPSED APPLIED 1 PROVING RIN( STRESS Vr (%] X(V/MIN Yo3%S2 (MINU ES (PER CENT) 3 osr 72, 9% 2.0 o30z57 2 / os7, 30//5 / ?Jo /9/ 71? 31 o.3y$7 0.5 0. 30S7 0,17// 2.233 &, /03 7 7 1909 49 00 Z.o 28~oo 2. 88/ ,o.3/• • 16 3.o0'/ ,5327 3- 220 ,5,33 .3. 39o S0/ //70 30 Yo .bBOc .6238c 59 82. 3.6893 3- L89 3~866 S8220 ,6900 2z20 7333 ,oo153 28/3 4-5-7 2 797 2 70 6P03 ,7/88 (, /7I i-5-79 ,000608 277X (9'32 ( ; 73 7 //,33 - 7 /, /J19 ? ..22Z9 ,00030•/ ,ss5oT 2 82 7 ,/8 272//9 Dr= T (APPLIED) / o30 J90 gbooo 13/o ,OOO/39 573 o ,77 69 4,77/ r MAX. -145- P0O0 683 ,0000s56 . Mo? 7/92, • LE (f*h J/,lcv!4 PAGE DATE/M VERTICAL VERT. PROVING RIN STRES! 2 ELAPSEI APPLIED 'U TIME (MINUTEs (PER CENT) -A 7/9 /o o63 ,&cv o~;r- ,g23 ,92-3 ,06a90 /92 270 / r . 7, 632 , 0ooo0/00 /-3/-- 2.. 2-o / 1,2/0 ,zo ... 6~ 7R1.2 7.7 1 78 7/ 30 oA/0• / , 12- 21y _ ,1-29 ,0572ý , 0 /o3-SY , loos-9 aL- 1 7.28/ ,Do7"32. ;270 / . ,Sd ,-701(l 8.o3 / la 7. -?r c 22;0/ . .9o ,/563 2yo . /165 ,0o . 2-7O/ 27 o/ 22 ,190282. ,>.,Pyoy 270/ .oo £268 100o289 Dzo / 220/ -/,7/8 -22 77 9.122 /,26 ,75/31 012-3 /,/9'6 / ,003/7 2997 725 goo ,0030,0 ,oolb .33e ·,.ls / if b2413 9.223 Z6 -34 2. 216 100326 .357 /o3o , Co 28 "00329 3.609 ,o 9'/8 ,00 39 263 : 650 h/2o 7230 713 i.oot 2/6 as "' Pl 72,5 5 -,ý6 3-5- - j ~---I -146- , s vfr ./) qz/. /c7. CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION EA-13PL CL-A Y BORING No. SAMPLE No. ELEVATION 9,Vu7-rs //2 - /-o,5 Fr INITIAL WN 73 Y-% No.&C,4aS -// DATE CONDUCTED 3 -I5-7_ BY cErw 2 VERTICAL VERT. ME POVNG RN STRESS DAT TEST "c( KG/CM ) .~.0 OCR PRETEST Ht.(MM) /o 2• /73 ELAPSEC APPLIED A TIME (MINUTES (PER CENT) 7 (0% (%/MIN S-z;-72 73-5 3c> ,7 K .2.o 0. 1?b, 2 & 5o3s SIB J3c-7, Z 7:? a, 7B8 o, • o 976 r, o27 0o 2 /.2~ 7 2 ?B/ / 88, I, s-3 2--s- 0,01-3 ., lSY , 0//3 1,5f•3 I. 77 / 9023 £12./ 2 1/I2 1,71 'Z23 7 2933 .2.0 3. o 7.2 /,67 .2,/o2. ,000 067 1 ,332 x/72, ,AY7 , X3'03 ,S•71 3385 Y -2 IF 28 71 3, 073 /,S7 /, gy7 / s7 28 y77 28 47 .pooo0 1 .•.V31 Oo 4-/9 ,O .ontThl , oo /"? ,),qo3 1 00 ^ yy ,oo, = r (APPLIED) / t r63 3•zSo - / s-PS3 I1 7 Dr 0 277 MAX. -147- -5- ,, PAGE DATE/TIM VERTICAL VERT. VERTICAL PROVING RIN STRES. I I - ,0000o32 - 8 / 762_8? 2- ELAPSEI APPLIED tTIME (MINUTES (PER CENT' (a/c ?r239 -2- 7-1139 ,238/ ,3/3/ 3. 3'? "1O on 3. 3 ? 153" A 0 2 65 ~o o, /31o ~3"~9~m~ , oo 233 7 .23 , Oo3 7 3 -283 2 'om ,0(73 3, •5" 7 3,.3;Z /0-00 j -2 833 ,00i,7 o 006596 8 ,000 8 / 1 -3 l c 0!A i ,572 I , 000700 -, 702 /,'13 / ;. 72. I s2& 04f7 Oo5Y-'2 /,fo _ -po0o6/ J/L% -,00,-298 /. _5 /,~s'. ,/72_ ,doo ,gg? 71o 1130 /7/-5o ,oo0/3 28og 1333 Y, //. B' .. A60) Y, sa• a Gs5" 7 gooo//Y/ /352 , o3g• ,cooo oooo8 ,o00o b5? 3768 7790 ,000o632- / 768 .-- Z-3 d/s/ a -)765 zeoc 'Y€37 •.0/t'/ -148- /, S75•y 0~/o? 0/07 oog&g7 o009o ,0/7.3 .o0,3ly So s/ SZo 2. I PAGE DATE/TIME VERTICAL VERT. PROVING RIN( STRESS z J ELAPSEC APPLIED : TIME (MINUTES (PER CENT) Y(%) ./a) C . >eo J, /2- Io /0o 2760 \L.oyo Z?7> ) .o/.-I.N ,o043 ,00• •"£ ,.25-Z -.02L5o .2 2 3 •.334 .27~ 29 , 21 23 , oo efI ,00/ ? n9o ./. .5238 27 7,z ,5-Z37 _0o77Z A 75• 1.3/i3 , Oo13Z S35, 2 7 Yo4 R.70 S00o /3z3 1,2027 A.ooo13 /1377 /,o'•7 o.yoy 27 22/ l, 3o Y-11-72 - 2_. /320 loo /723 0938 8633 /o 0o3 2 72/o o .5, /,o 6.357 ,0,1.20 o.,r / ,0o,- 7 -Jo2 ,o/o77 o08" 1716 Z,,30 ,·o sy~/ B7 9.,0& 053 12, 30 ,oob:,? a.72 / . YS-2f 27• ,3/6 ;t7 / ; 2' / 7 ,n /Z /1 I0/,571 / Z9 20 I23 ,fJA/t o &3 63 -149- ty/3 YS, f ign~ PAGE VERT. DATE/ ME VERTICAL PROVING R1NW STRESS TME m~o) (%/MIN. ,Z7 Ic, * 2Q0 3 11. 71-3 Z6 5 12. ?Zo _12. 3)0 IL- B2 ,:2 68 cl5 MO 3 1,25 19i. 32 VQ1' a/u.i go _L 8R3 25 7 7 o0p 71 , oo 1,0oc Jo 2r -150- (MINUTES (PER CENT) 0T 7& 73 ,Oo 2ý3 39/ 4 o0 7/ 0 3.Y12 ~.ý72t, 000&-y•,/ .0i) 31 DL 7•b0 /I 2/ tf--I 21--72. oc APPLIED "r )rt(%) ELAPSED TIME " oo0 - 72- / Y0 CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION E/•SPL BORING No. SAMPLE No. ELEVATION INITIAL W"N DAT CONDUCTED BY - '¼.O 79. / VERTICAL ME PROVING VERT. STRESS _E W 2 ) 'vc(KG/CM FTr 0• /. o 2. OCR PRETEST Ht.(MM) ,J-R-g9 (%) 7 ELAPSED APPLIED a GTIMF E (PER CENT) Y(VMIN) 0NUTF. 5-10-72- 7 LS /7 Cooss5- /i - 72- TEST No DATE C/-A"Y 2.S7. " - /. O o 3.127 /.0• abo 2b 7, So3 I IG .t 2S asL &793 //,~ s 1r 6t, ',3 2B/ .,1/76 8 3,092 1 /o3 /2.21/7 / 03 5 IY.17 C, /6o3- 2 222-. /a7 t', 2-7/ lg."/ 0,969 ,,/0,S ),d - D-T= t (APPLIED) / T MAX. -151- 12- aa (oS (. i/ CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST F4ABPI- SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING No. Q Y (~.LA u_- s /3 4 SAMPLE No. ELEVATION _ - INITIAL WO N /__" FT 7 VERTICAL VERT. DATME PROVING RING STRESS .5-2Z-72-. 74'o TEST No DATE CONDUCTED BY 575 C~D~SVS-/8 1/--72, =s Wv avvc( KG/CM 2 ) /.0 OCR PRETEST Ht.(MM) 2.0 7' (%) Y(9/MINM/t(%) 23. ELAPSED APPLIED 5 TIME (MINUTE; (PER CENT) 72~/o /1 1.932., ,2./o/ 262. Z 7,5-/0/ o. z 2Z•33 2.3/6 6, /9f ) ) (3/7//7' 9/3 o,3-0 ,0 g3 7 26 439 0.2 2633 2-/33 .217 2.333/ 6 9$26 , o/83 -3Y~ , 21/7 &LS3( , 77-3-5 •30 , 0096 3.S2,- ,o/J8 00 75 ,, Oo 7s26 22- .590 60 860/6 ,0o "-/5 2t.6 - 24 •, 71/ £/ 1. 13 , oo 4/3 7 /50 /2,6c9379 ,003 2 , 720J , ooa.•9 ,7227 ,00149 .58/8 St0 i7'3 / 22 b /3 5.6Ae" 7.o08 7 , •o73 ,,oo/16 oo1•/7 ,783• • o b17 / ,6735 ,ooo6a/ O ,Ooo /#o ,0o0/So ! •7370 ,9970 7/75 ,6'00o. /0 _j .1J 7/ I S7// & - Dr= T (APPLIED) / 02 T MAX. -152- 33 L /.0/ / 6. 727 /, oL I// 0 ,ot0 A5 /.· 1## 1.-;o 10 300 PAGE DATE/TIME 5-2 9- VERTICAL VERT. PROVING RING STRESS ELAPSED APPLIED ": TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) Y"("/o) )(/o/M INJ 72 25b80 2zs'co ,o7/ .26-eo' 8.173 2•9 7 A./-36 B.s"-/ 6zS, ,36o0o .2. , 0/80 10207 /. o3 8.855 9.//13 _,4 /1 ,0/8 ,O/87 .2• 7 0199 · o/Z;I 72.0 J7 -,30 -72, Is.984 .9503 j=I IL -153- ,/ •60 .22 ,839 30 //22 83.3 3/o /I. 07 ,0/899 .255-/ .3237 ~ &2 /I, / 7/ ,3,5 72.; ( / 4/ ,/goo 6.?99 360 ,///0 ) CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING EA.P/& C•A Y No. TEST No. CX_0,DSs-/9 D ATE _-__72 te••;W CONDUCTED BY Iles 92'- SAMPLE No. /42 ELEVATION -,//. -F INITIAL WN g77% vc( KG/CM 2 ) Zo OCR .2.0 2 ,Z920 PRETEST Ht.(MM) DATM VERTICAL VERT. PRONG RIN STRESS 7 E ?Y(VMIN It(%o ELAPSEC TIMEN (0/] APPLIED " (MIN UTES (PER CENT) 6- 7- 72, So n .2575 / 3S8 A307 ,0720 / /2- .2638 ,03 79 o.67ý 0.56' ,D720" 2 ,0759 /, /9 .,2 25" , 0/3 2 7 /0 ,242 6 , ooqzs' ,ooG397 / /1/ 1597 S///I ,003•, 7 , MI• ,00,2683 ,///92 72 676/45/_ ,~2 /B ,oo2/13 3Y/ ,001962 ,/ loo /-.o ,0006/ 2.03 y X36 ,O '/2, 122 73 ,a Z'/7/2- ./72 ,0)0 77 -237: ,040 9 7L ,1'4mt 'Z( o7 6oZ ,7.2/ I2- 2 bo& ,2 1/6 I.o6,- a//or o 09s" O 8~3 L 0,/ 193 Dr= r (APPLIED) / r /,20 , Odoo.003/7 2.682 -lq2Z. ,3071 MAX. -154- o ,- 7 .:7 /o ,i•--m PAGE VERT. DATIME VERTICAL PROVING RING STRESS 2&o6 ELAPSED APPLIED 1r TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) Y(/o) .03 o00 / tl< ,o3•O ,o 2q7 Z ,0/3 6 Y L,f 7 Z592 ,005- 28 .240,7-/ 3.10/ , ,-.4o 2- /O ,0.S77 14 D06 72 /10 7 ,9/3 g 3,/77 3.233 2_6o 7 /.7 2607 /o0e 3,30/1,101/33 J.932 ,000•779 3.55/ Z6 0 ,.2.20 .20'9/2 2fzffi L/M~ ,agr dz92'09 1690 i2/7 ,100s-8 a6062.,Z03 ,'15-777 .5o2 .30 / J/760 ,0~/23 1 035 70 0 S933 Ah0 9X .000077 6255 ,-,/3881 5-/ 2- 73 Yo ,s)jo 1, /040.0000o5; ,00008 63 .0,.9 ? ,0680 ,o5R73 2S8 -2, .5-24 I/ bo, N'- 7S3" Z7 ;ao60 -727a-,s" () 258 28 ,sr 78 40/2 /. o / /, 6. M2 &,so/ ,5.o/ ,os0 7 e/ - 0.36-. ,/50oo .os27 ,o/52•88 ;2• 93 6.2/o -155- ,oz/3 , /~'/S , /,-1 7 /0 /5 ý2, -- Y .9 (m 4% A'/cr PAGE VERT. DAT E/ME VERTICAL PROVING RING STRESS / 0.2 25987 7Olo) hx./o IN I 0 f)5 '.535 75 t,5 o, ,o.7472 oso /oy 1.353 /J L 0 2ok % 1, o 3 /95 ,00 778 9.762- 7. los! Sor oi .010o 7,450 2YSL .ooft51 9. 331 ~ ELAPSED APPLIED D TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) 5-O .610L t oo ro I 3,o2L9 7/2 o10. 22y y7b9 co v930 "0063o /2. 263 '0060 3 ,30,-96 R, A t/ /A43 / 7l12,1 A5/79 // eo_.D b3 3 12 /16 5-2e-72/ 72L a273 C? ~9 .00593 s9 /Ll/RE ·o PA -156- 3 i7•g 9,702Z / 786 e6&5 /sA£ CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING No. SAMPLE No. ELEVATION INITIAL (ON DAT% EARPL CL4 VY - VI,3 Fr yvc(KG/CM2 ) OCR PRETEST Ht.(MM) So, /% VERTICAL VERT. 7 (% ME PROVING RING STRESS -72 o7800 9.0i 009 303o /9 .2990 / £9'<5 /, 7R p 6,'/17 I. /,2fo 2-1•3• ,7/63 9- og I / Z33 2 1/1,259 '3 '91 17 .Z,33 139 / 27/o . 72.5 /3,5-9 ,/338 ,/0/9 5o 39 ,9o5 8 1"2 y xý2 2b60 /1851 7 /0 /1c0 _ ,o?/o0• 107! 2.q3 3,2/ . 22-3z 2 v-.77/ o 70 1,739 1oS ly/457 ,Y/,7 ,o.yo"06 z , Y• 33 & 1c6 1,z o3 l /7 /as59 ' 0o9'5 /3,/ /1/7 Z,o -r•b7 /, z9 /7 Z02 6 ELAPSED APPLIED r1 (MNIFES, (PER CENT) o ;of l/85' 25•98/ _ /L 'ZE6 Dr= "r (APPLIED) / r MAX. -157- o YV,6,3 .½A "B 2so 3,6/ ,2/33 .2,33 /1,/2/0.33•" //' /,o 7 o z6e9 / t() (,//7 s7 lZR/ ,I) (MIN) ,o / 517 o /7 lf 6 TEST Na Co.sS -o20 - 7 7-/7 DATE tEI CONDUCTED BY /s 90%, g/ (32/m) CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING No. SAMPLE No. ELEVATION INITIAL CON E-,ABPL CLAgY TEST 95 UES - 7-. Na ctu'u•ss-2/ 7-z DATE CONDUCTED BY Kc(KG/CM 2 ) OCR 9"Fr 7.5./% 2.0 I. o PRETEST Ht.(MM) DATMVERTICAL ERT. DTMEPROVING RG STRESS -72- c.LA/ 22, 700 )'(MIN) tt(%) ELAPSED APPLIED TIME CENT) (/o (MINUS) (PER CENT) 7-3o -72- 9o4 0s7-4 .3_ ol 2.0 C ____ 5l (2,'751 ' Ic?) / A,79 ... s5B/ / 0/7 /,0/7 , 4,/9 "7 ,s8/3 1 /./ 28 7o 7 32,68 .353, /3,V/1 2830 ,l86 .. ,a1-7 / 7/3 7 /, y:5 8,796 ,I/,e / /gq /o . zg~ /3~ . Z9oo se00o 2 790 9.533 2 78 7 2 ,i ;?7,1o - Z3/ 73 23 .27/ /2 , S700 _/_ S2670 .6z .22- ,0&75 2,o.2L/ 3 e ,o5/o 2. 5-7) ,Zs59 7,51Y 70 ,68?Z /•95s ,02/9 9'/7 !/2 .%/(.z V~2/0 /9,33/ ,0o917 .o./3 .2(t.7 7 , 007/7 ,.ooso. 3 ! 3.071 Z2.23 7 ,,A 22B 20'/ ,2 .59" .82/ ,o/'/' /73 A2/ .z6 0/ T (APPLIED) 19 /3.293 /, 1 7 zo,/Y3 ,Do275-2 oZ 16 90 /'. /,l1f/ .o 6:6 L4Z~L / r MAX. -158- 2 7,,208 O / 9.3 S7(./ ____ , /7/8 ./.V38 /o,~68 2z 787 = _ 8e9 3 / 18 29,5 Dr 0 •f3& /o7 /Yo /go .3( qzT.K 323 575 J,9/L 7.20 8 220 /5-•0 /3/. '3 1760 /y 9 .7,. ___ CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING No. SAMPLE No. •vcs 9,5 /2 D ELEVATION CONDUCTED BY "c(KG/CM ) - I,_ r77 % _ INITIAL (N CAfDss--2Z 8-1/t'-7_ CEhV TEST No DA TE Y c CL, f-•BLP OCR .o _o 22.073 PRETEST Ht.(MM) DAT ERT. VERTICVERTICAL MEPROVING RING STRESS ._700 ELAPSED APPLIED r TIME(PER CENT) (%)/Y(VMIN) 4• 436I9 j3,( .2930 0.5 O/cmE N7/ / ,•.13.3 ,523/ ,33/1 ,b6l2' A1I ,,9/29 / • 007 ,/y-/1 /ro/o5 7 8 7/ 5. SY • ,0 9 5•2- 6 ,,92 o0 ,Z 6 2- S.76 ,o7/172 /y A070 _ /_ .2 _3.f9'• _7 /,t-35 .28- _____ 3-r57V />89 p.' 8 .ý s -oz -•15 . 7 .30 _2- 6.1 4. , 6,s71 7 ,oa767,/196 535O- , 30 7.083 ,0/935 ,7 o7 S(" 28oo 2435 .'O/129 /200 8.0 9 /.2-St, J/1 .63 ,, 276/ 01/25" z /,177 1.z2_- .28.2 ,7 87 ,00,77 /3,2ý/ Y/ 70 /00 /S/ -97,6 ./1/ ,oo6l/3 / 3f YA l& 9,546 , o0016 p5, 139 ,o2,35 2 /, 371 oo S2,57 9,932 ,ZT75- 10 252, , oo .z 1,zy3 /2,1,77 '27 /,21ff 23$9D I-2/3 ,0oooZo /3.o2-. ,t 90,20 30~//1 ,/71/8 1 oo 73S 2 737 / ;z 700 27/1o ,6 9/ .676 1, _ _ _ _ 90 qP 1/7i Ay ,H/00159 Z,22 0 76;• g,Z•o7,oo /3 /00 / /2 Io/ 3 /2. 07 .,00~&1 S63 -25-72 7 r /,205 /3.78/ -DT=T (APPLIED) / r MAX. -159- p,a ______ ____ o 90I< (72 1</4m PAGE DAT VERTICAL VERT. ME PROVING RINC STRESS Y(o) ho%/ £47o 09 71 2670 2670 .24b71 ELAPSED APPLIED 1r TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) ,0337 0.5 /3. f8f 1 6 /3.8&3 0/2 /3. 88, , 008/ 2670 /3.956 /2 ,o837 2622 ,2/50 ;..• 72 Y 2/ ,0233 ,oo j/ /,,A o 3•" /1/77 IY /27 ~f a, 73 73 ,/990o ,7330 ,00 3 9 /16072, / /f ,O0zo. /, ,0077 hr '(Yb /57 782 2670 -24 ?D ..Z00 3•5 7oo .•,s Lfso ,_5"l~-/ sgo 7/6 7 2D ,0028/ ..2_ 570 /ý,/83 .2.35) /6,201 3.£52 13& 1 •2-570 .2635 a. 2do. 12, f •4-997 I, L9S FA IL -160- f IR 2- CKoUDSS - CREEP TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING No. SAMPLE No. ELEVATION INITIAL WN ••BPPL C L,4 TEST Na CkVD4s-23 DATE 9-3-72 9 uES ioB CONDUCTED -32.0 vc( 5/ 79. BY cew KG/CM 2 ) 2.0 OCR /.o PRETEST Ht.(MM) DATIME VERTICAL VERT. PROVING RK STRESS y (M%)Y(%/MIN 7•2.,5" 9-8~/;zzy 23.3 Y3 ELAPSED APPLIED N anTI~uE$ (PER CENT) 2,o 3 o 35 / 6/3 6 O.s 2o /s 3o3/ .2999 -z-,980 .,79 2.0663 2.306 S .2.o/39 , 0 9759- ,g902 .2. " 7 ,o03280 22 Zb6 3 9 .29 39 I0 I7 2925 1o 29/2-, 3,039 , I6/87 290/' 3,26 / ,0/,19 ,0/293 .58/9 95 3.'127 ,6•oB79 ,5279'/ (0 3. ,o00,35 2902- / 7/ ••- 30 _..9oj/ l,7 S. .087 .sBI · 9 '32# *5837 ,e'a232 ,8 X5 ,5859 z89.2- /I5-/7 ,ool71.oo963O 3c 307 .S/32 G, 2., ,yjSc 4'-o-; .5999 2- 79/ j.782 80ol 7•790 5703 5776/3 .Z783 2783 2 28S- 3 YO . 9s/8 €99/ 2785 / B8 , 00 /0D ,9/S94 ,0000 95 5 8-833 ooo 72 9 ,Y.97 / 9-3 IV I5"e257A 11000 Dr= T (APPLIED) / r MAX. -161- b62 -3230 s-71748, y,_• 577£,- 33/12 /ý/07 PAGE DATE/ VERTICAL VERT. nIMEE PROVING RING STRESS ELAPSED APPLIED l• TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) Y(%O) S,/777 .227/ 7/70 .00053 ,3750 .00/,70 , ooo 24(7_ 2 780 277,5 4 Y! 77/5 B655 1o o8o k 099& ~2 775 o99/ - 2 76S 6.2/0•1 2 762, 0 o. /l . 7,2/of 2 2 263 276e 3 ,025 1.27/5 6. 2/77' ,000g 2260 651 ,O/y/tS k.271 /o 7 2772277/ 1,37/3 A.YJZS 2 7 27 2772 /_3/ ,ooI/ / ,/570 ,tooo f/ .30 ,isZo 6.5:972 . 06.7 Y/0 .ob 6,7113 ,000 165 2772 .772. - 6~./7 7 22773 &.09; ,000 •Y •o 6/ c g yo , Oo3657 7A2 ~ .P0 0 '57 I/93 .2370 , 7ygy,. go35 7.77db .2 2; 2- 38 75 ,oco.o I 132S- •,o903 2 75' 2• 25*- 6',2622. / 3-5 6,32B7 ,o000o15 Y ,000o/5 63 75 21/7 ,1777 /3• 2. 8 539' 6 7/13 . 000/ 212 , 9y/7/ Doo //),9 1 p -162- , 617 7/8o 'o60 PAGE VERT. DATE ME VERTICAL ~ETIME PROVING RING STRESS 9- 2 2 3 ELAPSED APPLIED 5r TIME (MINUTES) (PER CENT) -7z 730 /Io o 6 8.866• -Z ? '/3 0 o 7 '0 IN8 £,' 2?1/6 2-) /4 9,0/9~ ,ouYt I.z. 106 9(;b 7 oo /2,r 2 7y' Y2 9,of ,oo -9Ym7 Y. .,, 2A18 0.5" 1o 32 93 , o 5b 3/ ,/2 1b /b9 7 32 ,, I 225Z6 bo .2-2 YB ,0go ,oo•32 ffy //3y'7 3s'? 27 y Woo28 27. f ~ -zz24 ,oo oo Soy , ps7 /,3/ , 00 6V• ;,3 /3.26 ' /,06 /3.; /,730 325 2L7o293 ,00 2/o 3 77 //, 783 ,oo 79q ,00 -29 x /33 170 LJ 627 ,01/69 9, ~ 775 E9L -163- 95%s/ Of"A APPENDIX C PLOTS OF CK UDSS CREEP TESTS o 1. STRAIN VS. LOG TIME Cl to C12 2. LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME C13 to C24 3. LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME C25 to C36 4. SHEAR STRESS VS. SHEAR STRAIN C37 to C48 Note:Lines with symbols represent the test being plotted. The remaining curve is the stress-strain curve for the corresponding (NC or OC) controlled strain CK o UDSS test. 5. CREEP TEST STRESS PATH C49 to C60 Note:Curved stress path is that of the corresponding CK UDSS controlled strain test. The remaining stress path is that of the creep test. max = tan -1 (T/-v') from controlled strain CK UDSS test o TU = tan -1 (T/- vv ) at Tma from controlled x max strain CK UDSS test o t-1 1 S= tan (T/l c v ) at creep rupture = -164- F, I I -.4 U' tY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 L (A o 0 c) I-w H E-1 a 0 w o v4 L2 -J E I. 4- 4 4 U .1I __________ i i~ c (%) NIVII -165- S r ~ 00 -I ul ziLf LIA l(I\ rH (I w a 0 00 -J w 0 1 9- 1 \ 0N,,' (%) IV NIVdII.S -166- zrN =i r-i I E rw 0 z E-1 H oo 0n . -J w H U co Nr -R(M) NIVNIS -167- S OO "4 (A (4 zrý rCl E-4 H a w wH so U I I -I 1%eN . '(%) NIVaIS -168- rl Cf) w Cf. 0 w E- 0 (I) 0 a._ -J H LO U . cN oZ ,R1%) NIVHISS -169- I r 0 -r (I) wr F- L_ (0 H U) 0 0 L 18, E-U 1 t [ (%) NIISco -170- 00 v,O zw U H E-A o w 0 O i-i a. V) U 0 %x ' (%) . NIVUlS -171- IW rI 0 z SO0 0 w 0- U eu o , (%q) NIV8lS -172- I 0 -J UL w ..J ," i -- i (A cIn I- U) r-cu ~ E-rU 0 H 1 0 ul I 1 i -- 1 I _I -1 I ) i u I L I-D -V'(%) NIVb.LS -173- :3- N r-I I U) w S CO z w 0 o O w 0 C,* -J w H E-4 rCl U C4 . (%) NIV•lUS -174- 0 O 80 N I 0 8z o0 0 w O o EJ [ O w a. EH H ** 0 CO NI" (% I '.0 (%/) • NIV•IIS -175- cNL 1 OD CN U o a O w IF2 z U w H ` - c w C w r-- Ul + I ~ N I- t - ( % )NIVIIS -176- n( -I )OO ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) C13: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-8 o -177- w z i w (I, x> ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) C14: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-10 0 -178- ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) C15: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-11 o -179- 3' w z i w 14r )00 ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) C16: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-12 -180- w z w z C,, ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) C17: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-16 O -181- w() 4 10 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10000 (MINUTES) C18: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-17 -182- 1oQ000 w z i 1O 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME C19: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. 14000 (MINUTES) LOG TIME, -183- CK UDSS-18 O iocooo e• I-- IiJ w z I-4 Z nF" I-CO I- )0 ELAPSED TIME (MINUTES) C20: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-19 O -184- w z i "' 10 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10,000 (MINUTES) C21: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-20 O -185- lo0ooo '>0 w z i w I- I0 IUU IUU ELAPSED TIME 1u000u (MINUTES) C22: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-21 -186- ·-- I100UO -)o w z, I'- z i 10 1000 100 ELAPSED TIME 10,0ooo (MINUTES) C23: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-22 o -187- 100,000 IV 1WU ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10,000 (MINUTES) C24: LOG STRAIN RATE VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-23 -188- o00ooo 10 100 ELAPSED TIME 1000 (MINUTES) 10000 C25: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME)VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-8 -189- 10,000 101 I0 9 w w iJ I(I) z12 Z, I' loo ELAPSED 1ooo TIME Iooo (MINUTES) C26: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-10 -190- ioo,ooo 10' 10 Iv o00 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 1Q00 (MINUTES) C27: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, -191- CK UDSS-11 100,000 10 100 1000 ELAPSED TIME C28: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) -192- 100,000 I0,p00 (MINUTES) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-12 0 lIuu ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10000 (MINUTES) C29: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-16 -193- o 100,000 Iu 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10=000 (MINUTES) C30: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-17 -194- 100,000ooo w I- Z w Iv z I.- u o000 100 ELAPSED TIME Ioooo (MINUTES) C31: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-18 -195- oo00,00ooo lU 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 1P000 (MINUTES) C32: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-19 -196- 1I0000, w w z U, IV 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 1•000 (MINUTES) C33: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-20 -197- ioo0ooo I0 100 ELAPSED TIME 100) IU0J00 (MINUTES) C34: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-21 0 -198- --- I00,000 w z 'u 100 ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10,000 (MINUTES) C35: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CK UDSS-22 -199- oo100,00 w w :E z I Un luu ELAPSED 1000 TIME 10000= (MINUTES) C36: LOG(STRAIN RATE X TIME) VS. LOG TIME, CKoUDSS-23 -200- 100,000 a oI Ul O Id I w T ') V) U)J UC U) U) crj o- o; -201- 0 CD UD 2 U) o 00 Cci 3 co r.. C) N cS d -202- 4. U) U) I.- cat U) U) U) C) d . -203- N rH U H U) k' c-I: to ti-- 0r U -204- U) U3 zr HI U)O U) IJ U' to) U)l U) U); U) U) UI dV -205- 'N U•0 I.- 4k Fi H ,) E-U. V) U vl cO 5O CN u] ', o In m -206- V a.' d CO oo r-1 Li eo U) U) 0 rl U) U, U)l U) U OdSci dKJ6 2 -207- d o 0 A I- l" H vt LO3 V) U: **: p: o 6 %P dA oY o' -208- (N I U3 o U) u U) Un od 49 d -209- U) /o H U) uj U) :t Vj) U) U) U) Ur 210- NN Ul) Lo 0 S z t4: H U) U) E P11 U) Uw z C3 N C) U3 o9 Po t•l P: -211- M 0 o z () H cc in ry Ul< 00, 6 -212- 03 I/ SU o3 O 01 U PL4 E-ý a) 4ý1 u Y -213- o U Nd u) 4 U E- **! Or E-0 C> 4 -214- rU) U) 0 u6 U a4 *4 L) lv -215- C4 0 CN rl U) lb~ ul U, E-i ua 0pq Ln u Y~. -216- Io Cll o L) U 2\0N -217- -- PJ) 0 * U 16 S10 116 > to Cj -218- 0 C) U) C) r-4 Kh .) oo in '-I' -219- rI U .1 Nb u Ue HH: ~ Y -220- Eo u rb' \1 U) Ltr U <, E-1 [0 CmI -221- r-- CN 0 u >b U) LU U u; -222- N N a4 o ub ljý U U• bt u01 LU -223- I Ci) U) Ue X ~ -224- cV0