COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee
October 14, 2003
2:00 pm
2003-04 #4
W. Tallon (chair), D. Sinason, G. Jensen, C. Hunt, C. DeMoranville, J. Marchewka, L.
A. Salles
Action on
The minutes from the Third Meeting, dated September 30, 2003, were approved.
OMIS 604/605
Revisions to OMIS 604 and OMIS 605 were approved. (See page 1 of 1)
The committee approved a proposal from the Marketing Department to require a portfolio
of all marketing majors. (See page 1 of 1)
MKTG 365
Cross listing MKTG 365 as FCNS 365X to accommodate TAM majors was discussed.
Further discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Per notification from APASC, limited retention requirements will be listed in the catalog
in the same section as that used for describing limited admission programs. The
committee discussed possible catalog language describing the college/departmental
retention policies. Proposed wording will be further discussed at the next meeting.
Ethics in the
Incorporating the topic of ethics into the business curriculum was discussed.
UG Catalog
Revisions to catalog copy for the college portion of the Undergraduate Catalog were
discussed. Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 3:22 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 28, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: October 28, 2003
Carol DeMoranville, Asst Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to:
Executive Vice President & Provost; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Director of
Admission; Graduate Council Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Community
College Relations; University Archives; College Curriculum Committees; Student Association;
Registration/Scheduling; College of Business Faculty
Curriculum Committee
October 14, 2003
Page 1 of 1
2003-04 #4
Department of Marketing
Other catalog change: Page 77, 2003-2004 Undergraduate Catalog
Department Requirements
The Department of Marketing’s retention policy is competitive based on a student’s overall GPA
and satisfactory completion of UBUS 310 as evidenced by a grade of C or better. To graduate as
a marketing major, a student must earn a grade of at least C in each required MKTG course.
All marketing majors must satisfactorily complete a portfolio of a selected collection of their
marketing assignments to be turned in no later than the last week of classes in the semester that
they graduate. Instructions for portfolio content may be found in the Department of Marketing.
To graduate….
Rationale: Portfolios provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their academic growth and show evidence
of mastery of marketing concepts and skills. This evidence, presented to prospective employers, makes students
more competitive in the job market. The portfolio also provides the department with an assessment tool to evaluate
its level of success in teaching learning outcomes.
Department of Operations Management and Information Systems
Course revision: Page 66, 2003-2004 Graduate Catalog
graduate students who have demonstrated the capability for specialized independent study in
operations management. May be repeated to maximum of 6 semester hours. Course can be
taken a maximum of two times. Not available for S/U grading. PRQ: Consent of department.
Rationale: To standardize the credit hours and catalog language for graduate independent study courses.
Course revision: Page 67, 2003-2004 Graduate Catalog
605. INDEPENDENT STUDY IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3) (1-3). Available only to
candidates for the M.S. degree in management information systems who have demonstrated the
capability for specialized independent study in information systems. May be repeated to a
maximum of 6 semester hours. Course can be taken a maximum of two times. Not available for
S/U grading. PRQ: Consent of department.
Rationale: To standardize the credit hours and catalog language for graduate independent study courses.