COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee
February 24, 2004
2:00 pm
2003-04 #11
W. Tallon (chair), D. Sinason, D. Docking, C. Hunt, C. DeMoranville, J. Marchewka, A.
Salles, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
Action on
The minutes from the Tenth Meeting, dated February 10, 2004, were approved.
ACCY Items
Revisions to the MAS and MST program requirements were approved (See pages 2-3 of
MKTG 626
A new marketing course, MKTG 626, Brand Management, was approved. (See page 3 of
Catalog copy describing the professional MBA program was approved. (See page 1 of 3)
MST Listing
The MST program was recently accredited by AACSB. The committee approved catalog
copy to reflect this. (See page 1 of 3)
Ethics Task Force
A first meeting of the Ethics Task Force will be scheduled in March. Bill Tallon will
serve as facilitator, with membership consisting of business faculty, undergraduate and
graduate students, and business executives.
Fall Admissions
L. Marcellus gave a report on Fall 2004 admissions.
B.S. in Bus Adm
The B.S. in business administration program to be offered in Rockford was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 16, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: February 27, 2004
Carol DeMoranville, Asst Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to:
Executive Vice President & Provost; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Director of
Admission; Graduate Council Curriculum Committee; University Publications; University
Archives; College Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling;
College of Business Faculty
Curriculum Committee
February 24, 2004
Page 1 of 3
2003-04 #11
University Introductory Section
Other catalog change: Pages 7-8, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
Accreditation and Affiliation
In the College of Business the M.A.S., M.S.T., M.B.A., and M.S. in management information
systems programs are accredited by AACSB International—The Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business.
Rationale: The Master of Science in Taxation was recently accredited by AACSB.
College of Business
Other catalog change: Page 55, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
Graduate Study in Business
The College of Business offers the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), the Master of
Accounting Science (M.A.S.) with an area of study, the Master of Science in Taxation (M.S.T.),
and the Master of Science (M.S.) in management information systems. These programs are
accredited by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of
Business. The college also offers the Master of Science in Taxation (M.S.T.).
Rationale: The Master of Science in Taxation was recently accredited by AACSB.
Other catalog change: Page 57, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
Executive Master of Business Administration
Professional Master of Business Administration
The one-year professional M.B.A. program is designed for working professionals who desire to
earn the degree in an accelerated evening format while continuing to work full time in an
organization. Students must have completed an undergraduate degree in business and have had
five or more years of work experience prior to starting the professional M.B.A. Courses are
offered in the evening, meeting two nights per week. Students may begin the professional
M.B.A. only in the spring semester. For further information contact the Office of M.B.A.
Programs at 866-648-6221.
Rationale: The professional Master of Business Administration will be offered starting in January 2005.
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Curriculum Committee
February 24, 2004
2003-04 #11
Department of Accountancy
Other catalog change: Page 58, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
Master of Accounting Science
The objective of the M.A.S. program is to provide its graduates with technical expertise and
competence for advancement in industrial, public accounting, accounting systems consultant,
government, and nonprofit organizations. The courses emphasize analysis of alternative theory
structures and integrate practical problems, case studies, and studies of socioeconomic
phenomena involving uncertainty.
The educational experience enables students to develop further their intellectual, interpersonal,
and communication skills and professional orientation. Additionally, the educational experience
enables graduates to develop the motivation and ability to learn throughout their careers.
The objective of the M.A.S. program is to provide its graduates with the professional skills,
knowledge, and competencies necessary to be a successful professional accountant in today’s
complex business environment.
The program focuses on broad-based accounting knowledge; knowledge in other business
disciplines that complements a professional accounting career; the ability to integrate this
knowledge to make business decisions; the development of research, communication, technology
and team-building skills; and an understanding of ethical issues and expectations for professional
Rationale: The learning outcomes of the Master of Accounting Science were revised. The introduction was revised
to reflect these changes.
Other catalog change: Page 58, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
Master of Accounting Science
Phase Two
Financial Reporting and Assurance Area of Study
Two of the following (6)
ACCY 462, Internal Audit (3)
ACCY 480, Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting (3)
ACCY 611, Advanced Accounting Information systems (3)
ACCY 622, Managerial Accounting Information Systems (3)
ACCY 634, Financial Accounting Theory (3)
Rationale: ACCY 622 covers managerial accounting systems including computer software available for tracking,
accumulating, monitoring, and reporting costs, including internal controls over these systems. Internal and
independent auditors are being asked to provide more assurance over managerial systems especially internal
controls (as mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act).
Curriculum Committee
Page 3 of 3
February 24, 2004
2003-04 #11
Other catalog change: Page 59, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
Master of Science in Taxation
The objective of the M.S.T. program is to provide its graduates with technical expertise and
competence in the area of taxation for advancement in the accounting field. The program is
designed to meet the needs of working professionals who desire to earn the degree while
continuing to work full time in an organization.
The educational experience enables students to develop further their intellectual, interpersonal,
and communication skills and professional orientation. Additionally, the educational experience
enables graduates to develop the motivation and ability to learn throughout their careers.
The M.S.T. program provides advanced study in taxation to prepare students for the challenges of
the practice of professional taxation. The program is designed to meet the needs of working
professionals who desire to earn the degree while continuing to work full time.
The program provides opportunities to develop knowledge related to federal, state and local, and
international tax laws. The program also focuses on the development of communication, research,
and technology skills and an understanding of ethical issues and expectations of the business
community and regulators for professional conduct.
Rationale: The learning outcomes of the Master of Science in Taxation were revised. The introduction was revised to
reflect these changes.
Department of Marketing
New course: Page 66, 2004-2005 Graduate Catalog
CIP Code: 52.14
626. BRAND MANAGEMENT (3). Comprehensive survey of strategies and tactics that
enhance corporate brand equity. Topics include brand equity valuation, internal branding, cobranding, brand communication, and brand leveraging. Successful and unsuccessful applied
branding initiatives will be investigated. PRQ: MKTG 505 or consent of department.
Rationale: As firms become more aware of the value and importance of their brands, a discussion of strategies and
tactics used to enhance corporate brand equity is essential. These strategies and tactics are vital topics for today’s
MBA students, and no such course is currently offered.