COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee March 16, 2010 2:00 p.m. 2009-10 #14 Present E. Towell (chair), K. Mantzke, J. Johnson, D. Rau, D. Blatz, G. Aase, M. Dalsky, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon, P. Zerull Absent K. Azumaya Guests S. Blue, C. Jones Action on Minutes The minutes from the Thirteenth Meeting, March 2, 2010, were approved as presented. University Committee Membership Committee appointments effective Fall 2010 were announced as follows: Admissions Policies and Academic Standards Committee – David Wade, MGMT Committee on the Improvement of Undergraduate Education – Brian Mackie, OM&IS Minor in International Studies In order to update and strengthen the Minor in International Studies, Sarah Blue (coordinator of the minor/assistant professor of Geography) and Chris Jones (chair, Political Science) met with the committee to obtain input regarding requirements for the minor and the international business studies option in particular. MGMT Revisions Action on the proposal from the Department of Management was deferred to the March 30 meeting. Committee Voting Structure/Policy The committee continued its discussion on a proposal to bring before the tenure and tenure-track faculty a change in the voting policy of the College Curriculum Committee. A motion to bring the revised policy before the faculty for a vote failed. Mission Statement/ Scope of Duties A proposal was discussed to revise the College Curriculum Committee Mission Statement/Scope of Duties document to allow additional time for consideration of new curriculum matters that impact multiple programs and/or majors. BS Business Administration Major A revision to the BS in business administration requirements, adding a minor field of study, was proposed. Further discussion will continue at the next meeting. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:18 p.m. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. Minutes approved: March 30, 2010 _________________________________________ Katrina Mantzke, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary KM:cw Copies to: Vice Provost; Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum; Director of Admissions; Graduate Council Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Career Services; Student Affairs; University Archives; College Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of Business Faculty