Document 11358926

Curriculum Committee
March 8, 2011
Page 1 of 1
2010-11 #10
College of Business
Other catalog change: Page 71, 2010-11 Undergraduate Catalog
College Mission Statement
The College of Business provides higher education and professional outreach in northern Illinois,
participates in relevant activities at the national level, and is committed to raising students’
awareness about the implications of international and global business operations. The college
offers outstanding educational programs and academic services to students, faculty, business, and
other stakeholders. The college endorses a balance between teaching and research while engaging
in partnerships with the business community. The college focuses its efforts to continually
improve the quality of instruction and scholarship to advance its disciplines and the success of all
Create innovative academic and business experiences through partnerships among students,
faculty, staff, alumni, and the business community.
Rationale: The Dean requested that the College of Business Strategic Planning Council review the College Mission
Statement for currency and whether it still met the college’s strategic initiatives. This revision was a result of that
process. Subsequently, the Mission Statement was reviewed by the college faculty and staff at the all-college meeting
in January 2011.
Other catalog change: Page 54, 2010-11 Graduate Catalog
College Mission Statement
The College of Business provides higher education and professional outreach in northern Illinois,
participates in relevant activities at the national level, and is committed to raising students’
awareness about the implications of international and global business operations. The college
offers outstanding educational programs and academic services to students, faculty, business, and
other stakeholders. The college endorses a balance between teaching and research while engaging
in partnerships with the business community. The college focuses its efforts to continually
improve the quality of instruction and scholarship to advance its disciplines and the success of all
Create innovative academic and business experiences through partnerships among students,
faculty, staff, alumni, and the business community.
Rationale: The Dean requested that the College of Business Strategic Planning Council review the College Mission
Statement for currency and whether it still met the college’s strategic initiatives. This revision was a result of that
process. Subsequently, the Mission Statement was reviewed by the college faculty and staff at the all-college meeting
in January 2011.