Basic Radio Facts Chapter 3

Basic Radio Facts
Chapter 3
AM “Amplitude Modulation”
• The physical capability of an AM station to
deliver a geographical coverage area is
determined by the frequency (position on the
dial) and the generator power wattage
• The authority to operate a station at a given
frequency and power is strictly regulated by
the Federal Communications Commission
AM Coverage
• The lower the frequency of the dial position,
the less wattage of power is required to cover
a given area of geography.
– Ex: KYYZ, 560 on the dial, with 5000 watts of
power and a non-directional antenna covers an
area almost the size of Iowa
– A dial position of 1590 and 1000 watts of power
would expect the coverage to be inside a 50 mile
FM “Frequency Modulation”
• The variable for FM
stations is antenna height
and power wattage
• FM signals rely upon “line
of sight” signal reception
• The height of the antenna
and the wattage of power
determine coverage area
• Most common format of an AM farm
broadcast station is news talk
• Second most common format for either AM or
FM stations that provides farm broadcasting is
• Farm programming is delivered in a variety of
ways tailored to the specific station’s format
Farm Programming
• Stations devote one hour + of segmented farm
programming blocks
• Independent farm broadcast stations and
affiliates of NAFB often provide a program
menu of 2 to 4 minute farm market and farm
news reports numerous times daily
Farmer Habits
• Farmer listening
patterns have been
established and
sustained over long
periods of time
• Farm programming
segments consist of 30
minutes or more in
early morning and midday time periods
Farm Broadcaster
• Employment of a farm broadcaster is an
economic decision
• Considerations include the value of the farm
audience and contribution to the total
economic strength of the station
• Must be desirable, profitable and sustainable
long term to employ a farm broadcaster
Strengths of a Farm Broadcaster
• Must be totally engaged with the
local/regional agricultural community
• Provide extensive educational and marketing
assistance to the station’s sales and marketing
Strengths Cont.
• Be the dependable, reliable, credible source of
information that impacts the lives and
sustainability of producers
• Provide leadership in communicating
agricultural issues to the “non farm” &
consumer audience
– ex: PETA starts a campaign to radically impact or
eliminate animal agriculture. The local farm
broadcaster helps educate the non-agriculture
Farm Network
• Many stations cannot justify a staff position to
focus on farm programming and marketing
• This array of stations provides opportunity for
a NAFB network to provide farm programming
• Networks design affiliate agreements in ways
to reach a complimentary relationship
between the the affiliated stations
Strengths of a Farm Network
• The ability to deliver farm programming in a
format that can be inserted into local
• The ability to utilize various modes of
technology to deliver programming to the
Network Strengths Cont.
• A network can leverage the combined
geographic areas of its affiliates into a viable
marketing area
• The network may be capable to employ
multiple farm broadcasters where each
broadcaster may focus on specific segments