S class is different because it is more applied learning. weaty, you push the heavy wood door and enter Instead of listening to a professor lecture about a a classroom of students that all seem to know topic, students actually have the opportunity to go each other. While trying to act casual, you find out and apply their learning by doing projects and a seat near, but not too near, another one of the other assignments. anxious looking students. Freshman year of college, In the Department for Agricultural on the first day of school, during the first class of Communications and Education, students earning an the day, you never imagined everything would be agricultural communications degree take two capstone so foreign. High School had been a breeze and you courses, Agricultural Communications Campaigns and thought college would too, until the realization that the Development of Agricultural Publications. the real world is looming too close for comfort, and For the Department of Landscape Architecture, uncertainty builds in the Aura Dominguez, a senior pit of your gut. landscape architecture Students in the College major said her capstone of Agricultural Sciences course is exceptionally and Natural Resources difficult because of the (CASNR) are guided extent of research students through their four years are required to complete. at Texas Tech University For the final project, by professors who want students in landscape students to succeed. architecture take a field During the final stages of trip to Denver, Colorado, earning a degree, students to check out a project site. enroll in courses called Dominguez said they are capstones. In all seven of then able to create a “new” the CASNR departments, Dr. Darren Hudson discusses the traits of being a leader to his space for the people based these courses are designed students in the agricultural economics capstone class. on their own research, to help the student gain insights and ideas. the confidence needed for “The course provides me with the opportunity to their final step graduation. work with people my profession and see how the work “Capstone classes give you the ability to apply and the processes they go through,” Dominguez said. all the skills you’ve learned throughout college,” “It also gives me an insight as to what the workplace said Keegan Langford, a student majoring in will feel like out in the professional world.” agricultural communications in Tech’s Department In the duration of student’s undergraduate career, for Agricultural Communications and Education. “It’s some assignments are given to the students to prepare really more hands-on learning and has allowed me them for a test, but with others, the professor has to discover what my strengths are, and how I can use different plans. Darren Hudson, Ph.D, a professor in them in the real world.” the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Unlike regular courses, Langford said a capstone Kerry Griffis-Kyle, Ph.D, a professor in the said he gives an assignment in his capstone course that Department of Natural Resource Management, is designed to build up student’s strengths and work on said she likes having the opportunity to make a their weaknesses. significant impact on student’s ability to get jobs in “In the capstone class, it really isn’t about new the field by teaching the capstone class. material,” Hudson said. “It’s about thinking about “Students benefit in a number of ways. One of the everything you’ve learned and how it ties together and main ones is they get confidence in being able to do then relates back to the job that you’re likely to have.” some of these activities.” During his time as a Griffis-Kyle said. “So professor of agricultural for example, they may economics teaching the apply for jobs that they capstone course, Hudson normally wouldn’t have said he ran into many before. That also means different kinds of students. they can say, ‘I have done Some try to coast through that before, so they have the course while others a better chance of getting try to achieve the highest the job.” grade possible. Of all the The student’s ability students, one stuck out to to gain confidence in Hudson in particular. the workforce is one of “I just told him one the main reasons why day, maybe this isn’t for professors in CASNR teach you. Maybe you need to capstone courses, and go do something else,” Aura Dominguez discusses a landscape architecture project with why it has been successful Hudson said. “He just her classmate in the landscape architecture pavilion. “ throughout the years. disappeared. I didn’t Kaitlin Spraberry, a know where he went but recent alumna from the Department of Agricultural he came back about three years later and said, ‘I’m Education and Communications, said her ready to go back. I made a lot of money, I worked a leadership experience in the capstone course gave lot of long hours, and I had a lot of fun, but I’m ready her confidence in the workplace she could not to go back to school.’” In the student’s last semester, he reached have gained through any other opportunity. She is Hudson’s capstone course. Like many students currently the management coordinator at Triple before him, he completed the book assignment, 8 Management, a music management company in identified his strengths and weaknesses, wrote the Austin, Texas. paper and finally graduated. “Ultimately, the goal after graduation is to take “A couple years what you’ve learned later, I started in class, add it to getting emails from your professional him while he was a experiences, and use captain in the Marine those things to make Corps,” Hudson said. yourself successful “He started sending in the job market,” me books he was Spraberry said. “I reading that related learned more about to the assignment trusting my instincts and told me how it and to be confident applied to his life now, and how they helped him while in that the things I’d learned in class had equipped me he was in Afghanistan.” with the right tools to be successful.” By their senior year, students typically do not have a lot more on their mind than graduation, but finding jobs after graduation is why students attend places of higher education. “It’s about thinking about everything you’ve learned and how it ties together and then relates back to the job that you’re likely to have.”