NIU College of Business STRATEGIC PLANNING COUNCIL XIV MEETING MINUTES (Academic Year: 2010‐11) ~ Friday, May 13, 2011 ~ 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. STRATEGIC PLANNING COUNCIL XIV (SPC) SPC Members: Tim Aurand (MKTG Faculty), Curtis Batterton (Graduate Student Rep), Amy Buhrow (Coordinator AACSB/Assessment), Ann Carrel (Director, Executive, Professional, & Fast‐Track MBA Programs), Virginia Cassidy (Vice Provost), Joe Cullinane (President – Joe Cullinane Enterprises, Inc.), Anthony D'Andrea (Director, Development, Senior Gift and Estate Planning Officer – COB), Michelle De Jean (Director, COB Marketing), Ken Elliot (MGMT Instructor, UBUS 311), Charles Gowen III (MGMT Faculty), Lenita Hepker (Administrative Assistant to the Dean), Geoff Gordon (MKTG Chair), Sonja Herington (Director, Global Affairs & Special Projects), Len Lundstrum (FINA Faculty), Chang Liu (OMIS Chair), Brain Mackie (OMIS Faculty), Jane Mall (Director, COB Experiential Learning and Corporate Relations), Lori Marcellus (Director Undergraduate Studies), Sarah Marsh (MGMT Chair), Mark Misic (Director of Technology), Christine Mooney (MGMT Faculty), Jessalyn Murray (Undergraduate Student Rep), Nancy Russo (OMIS Faculty), Denise Schoenbachler (Dean, College of Business), Rebecca Shortridge (ACCY Faculty), Marc Simpson (FINA Chair)¸ Kelly Stewart (Office Manager OM&IS), Beth Towell (Associate Dean of Undergraduate), and Jim Young (ACCY Chair) SPC Members Unable to Attend: Paul Prabhaker (Associate Dean, College of Business), Pam Smith (ACCY Faculty), Dan Wunsch (Associate Dean for Administration,) and Tim West (ACCY Faculty) Guests: Lori Jackson (Coordinator, Retention and Recruitment) The Dean welcomed the group and asked for approval of the minutes from the February 25, 2011 meeting. Minutes were seconded and approved as presented. Mission Statement – Strategic Objectives The shortened mission statement is now official. Signs in the building and catalog language have been changed. The addition of strategic objectives to support the new mission statement and to address AACSB standards regarding mission statements was discussed. AACSB standards call for mission statements that include a description of the balance of intellectual contributions, an emphasis on the achievement of high quality in each degree program, and a description of the types of students. The 2005 college strategic objectives were presented as a starting point for the discussion. The college is committed to preparing learners to succeed in the global business environment by: ƒ Delivering a dynamic and innovative curriculum that is technologically at the forefront; ƒ Preparing a foundation for learners to engage in life‐long learning and achievement in a rapidly changing, increasingly diverse society; ƒ Building partnerships both internal and external to the university to create mutual value; SPC XIV Meeting Minutes ~ Friday, May 13, 2011 Page 1 ƒ
Recruiting high quality undergraduate and graduate students and supporting their development towards achieving excellence in their careers; ƒ
Recruiting, supporting, and maintaining high quality faculty and staff in support of excellence in teaching, research, and operations. The group decided that 2005 strategic objectives were still valid. SPC Representatives were asked to take the 2005 strategic objectives to their faculty and staff groups for input and report back at the first SPC meeting of the 2011‐2013 academic year. They were also asked to provide input on where/how the strategic objectives should be publicized. Strategic terminology was discussed. It was suggested that we use the following to be consistent with AACSB AoL terminology: ƒ Mission Statement – Core purpose or focus ƒ Goals (formerly Strategic Objectives) – Broad‐based unchanging statements of what we want to do in support of the mission ƒ Objectives – Short‐term statements about what we want to accomplish in support of our goals and mission AACSB Maintenance of Accreditation Visit Application The Dean’s Office and Accountancy Department are preparing the applications for the next Maintenance of Accreditation visit. A draft will be sent to the Virginia Cassidy, Office of the Provost. The final applications are due to AACSB by July 1, 2011. One portion of the application asks the College to address the four concerns raised by the 2008 visit team. Each concern and actions to date were discussed. GLOBAL: Define more clearly the focus of global efforts. Is the interest, in fact, in “globalizing” faculty or in providing short‐term study abroad opportunities for students? Review annually the success of expanding global activities for the College of Business. Specific metrics pertaining to faculty and student involvement should be utilized in measuring the growth of international programs. The Global team has more clearly defined their focus. It includes faculty (teaching abroad, teaching international students here, international conferences), students (scholarships for study abroad, short‐term study abroad, international students here), and self‐funding (revenue from executive education to support faculty and students). From 2007‐2009, $76,000 was awarded to students in support of study abroad experiences and $35,000 was awarded to faculty in support of international travel. BRANDING IN CHICAOLAND: Branding and marketing initiatives relating to the College of Business. Commit to a comprehensive strategy to build brand awareness in “Chicagoland.” Identify measurable goals to determine the success of plan implementation. Tactics targeting Chicagoland were discussed. It was decided that we should address institutional marketing and branding efforts as an opportunity to leverage the NIU brand even though the process constrained us early on. The team’s definition of Chicagoland was discussed. It was decided that we need to address branding and marketing efforts targeting downtown Chicago. It was suggested that a matrix by stakeholder and tactic be created to illustrate the strategy. Amy Buhrow will work with Tim Aurand to create this. SPC XIV Meeting Minutes ~ Friday, May 13, 2011 Page 2 DIVERSITY: The diversity of the faculty and the students in the College of Business does not match that of the greater Chicago community or the University as a whole . The College should develop a faculty/student recruiting plan for attracting a more inclusive/diverse population. The recognition of NIU for its efforts in graduating minority students can most certainly serve as a model for the College of Business. The following should be highlighted in the response to this concern: Recruitment and Retention Committee, programs by department, the Student Success Specialist, scholarships, guest speakers, leadership positions in student organizations, Career Compass, the number of faculty from under‐represented groups hired in the past five years and policies for advertising open positions in publications read by people belonging to under‐represented groups. CAREER SERVICES: Career services housed in the Barsema Building for undergraduate and graduate business students must be expanded and developed. The size and reputation of the accounting and business programs combined with the desirability of bringing employers into the Barsema Building would be an appropriate strategic move for NIU. The response to this concern should include the development of Career Compass with help from the Board of Executive Advisors, the Career Coach for MBA students, and programs that bring employers into Barsema Hall (Professorships, ELC, participation in the classroom). The application also asks the College to specify Peer, Aspirant and Competitive schools. The College and Accountancy will have similar lists but schools may be categorized differently. Aspirant schools were ones with programs we would like to create or emulate. Recruitment and Retention Lori Marcellus updated the group on the 2011‐2012 open houses. There will 13‐14 throughout the academic year starting July 18, as seniors begin looking at colleges at that time. The traditional holiday open houses will still be held. There will be an admitted student day in December. The schedule will be shared. The College plans to host a meeting for Community College faculty and advisors in the fall. This meeting will focus on building relationships. The College will participate in the CABEA Entre Day in the fall, a community college visit day in spring 2012, and a diversity day. Enrollment reports are somewhat inconsistent. As of May 1st confirmations were 472 (508 same time last year) for freshman and 336 (368 same time last year) for transfer students. Data from May 5th show freshman confirmations at 415. Orientation confirmation and payment reports show we are even with last year. Female enrollment in the college is down 32‐33% and 16% in the university. Recognition and Wrap‐up Christine Mooney, Len Lundstrum, Curtis Batteron and Tim West were recognized for their participation on the SPC and were given retirement certificates. Sonja Herington was also recognized for her contribution as she will be leaving NIU. The next SPC meeting with be scheduled for the fall semester. Meeting adjourned. SPC XIV Meeting Minutes ~ Friday, May 13, 2011 Page 3 