Brief Communications J. Thors6n, P. E. Jorde, F. A. Aravanopoulos, U. Gullberg, and L. Zsuffa The mode of inheritance of isozyme genes was studied in the basket willow (Salix viminalis L), a European willow species important for biomass production. Eight enzyme systems representing 11 polymor- phic isozyme loci (Aat-2, Acp, Gpi-2, ldh-1, -2, -3, Mdh-1, -3, Pgd-4, Pgm, and Skd) were examined in three full-sib families by means of starch-gel electrophoresis. Mendelian segregation patterns were observed for all 11 loci. Tests of joint segregation indicated the presence of four weakly linked groups (Acp-Mdh-1, Mdh-3-Skd, ldh-2-ldh-3, and ldh-1-Gpi-2). These results provide a basis for further research in willows, a taxonomic group where information on genetics is scarce. Biochemical genetic markers are becoming increasingly valuable tools in the breeding of Salix species (Zsuffa and Aravanopoulos 1989). Willow species are an important crop for short rotation intensive culture biomass plantations dedicated to feedstock and energy. In particular, Salix eriocephala in North America and 5. viminalis in Europe have emerged as the most Important species for such plantations. The latter species is the focus of this article. Isozyme markers have been used extensively in various fields of woody plant research, such as systematics (Wheeler et al. 1983), population genetics (Hamrick 1989; Lagercranz and Ryman 1990), characterization of breeding populations (Moran et al. 1989), monitoring of breeding 144 techniques (Adams et al. 1988; Yazdani et al. 1989), and identification of clones (Bergman 1987; Rajora 1988). Studies in woody angiosperms include Citrus spp. (Torres et al. 1985), Malus X domestica Borkh. (Weeden and Lamb 1987), Prunus avium L (Santi and Lemoine 1990), Juglans spp. (Arulsekar et al. 1985), Alnus spp. (Bousquet et al. 1988), Fagus sylvatica L. (Kim 1979), and Quercus spp. (Guttman and Weight 1989). Within Salicaceae most isozyme studies have been conducted in the genus Populus (Hyun et al. 1987a,b; Muller-Starck 1992; Rajora 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990; Weber and Stettler 1981). In the genus Salix, published isozyme studies are limited to the Longifolia section (Aravanopoulos 1989, 1992; Brunsfeld et al. 1991) and S. eriocephala (Aravanopoulos 1992). To take full value of electrophoretically detectable variation for genetic studies the mode of inheritance must be known. Inheritance studies are important for two reasons. First, such data are needed for a correct genetic interpretation of phenotypic patterns when these are confounded by environmentally induced variation (Conkle 1971; Kelley and Adams 1977), deviation from codominant gene expression (Goodman et al. 1980; Millar 1985; Weeden and Wendel 1989), or the presence of complex multilocus systems (Goodman et al. 1980). Second, inheritance studies are required for detection of non-Mendelian segregation patterns, such as segregation distortion (Strauss and Conkle 1986) and linkage, which may violate assumptions commonly made in applications of single and multilocus systems to genetic analysis. Recently Aravanopoulos (1992) has reported the detection of linked isozyme genes in two North American willow species, 5. eriocephala (two linkage groups) and 5. exigua (three linkage groups). Linkage analysis of isozymes could also be the first step in developing a genetic map in Salix. In Sweden we are going to produce detailed linkage maps of Salix viminalis L and Salix dasyclados Wimm. using isozymes and DNA markers like RFLPs and AFLPs (Vos et al. 1995). DNA markers potentially offer much better genomic coverage than isozymes, but currently require greater expense and effort. These genetic maps will aid future breeding by identifying markers for important major and minor genes, allowing efficient selection at such loci. Linkage maps will also contribute to our understanding of the evolution of the karyotype in willows, as it has in conifers (e.g., Muona et al. 1987) This is the first report from an ongoing study of the breeding structure of natural populations of Salix viminalis L. The objective of this population study is to measure the distribution of morphological, phenological, and genetic characters over a large part of the natural range of this species. These data will be utilized for the construction of intensive breeding programs for biomass production in Sweden. In the present study we analyze the pattern of inheritance and linkage in 11 out of 13 isozyme loci so far found to be polymorphic in 5. viminalis. Materials and Methods Plant Material Three full-sib families originating from unrelated female and male parental clones were included in the investigation. These were family I: P213 x P125; family II: F78 x P321; and family III: F66 X F85 (clone designations In Gullberg 1989). In selecting parental clones for the above families, we chose individuals that were heterozygous in many loci to gather as much information of inheritance and linkage as possible. All crossings were done in a greenhouse. Branches with catkins were collected from the female and male clones, placed in water, and kept at 20°C. Pollen was collected and the female flowers were pollinated with the appropri- Downloaded from at Fiskeridirektoratet. Biblioteket. on June 28, 2012 Inheritance and Linkage of Isozyme Loci in the Basket Willow (Salix viminalis L.) Table 1. Enzyme systems assayed Enzyme Abbr. Aspartate amlnotransferase Acid phosphatase Glucose-6-phosphate Isomerase Isocltrate dehydrogenase Malate dehydrogenase Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Phosphoglucomutase Shlldmate dehydrogenase AAT ACP GPI IDH MDH PGD PGM SKD Structure EC no. Buffer Dimerlc Dlmerlc Dimerlc Dlmerlc Dimerlc Dlmerlc Monomerlc Monomerlc 3.13.2 1.1.U7 A A D C B B C B Nomenclature of the enzymes follows the guidelines and recommendations of the International Union of Biochemists Nomenclature Committee (IUBNC 1984). See text for electrophoretlc buffer descriptions. Electrophoresis The first two to three fully grown leaves from the top of each shoot were collected and homogenized in approximately 250 \L\ cold extraction buffer (Coulhart and Denford 1982) using a power-driven pestle. For isocitrate dehydrogenase and phosphoglucomutase isozymes, we used the vegetative extraction buffer II of Cheliak and Pitel (1984). Microglass beads were added during homogenization in order to facilitate tissue breakage. The homogenate was centrifuged for 10 min in a refrigerated centrifuge at 7,000 rpm and then stored at — 70°C until electrophoretic analysis. Electrophoretic separation techniques followed Cheliak and Pitel (1984) and Lagercranz et al. (1988), using 12.5% starch gels. The separation buffer systems used for the various enzymes (Table 1) were •Buffer A (Ashton and Braden 1961). Stock I: 0.191 M boric acid and 0.05 M LiOH, pH 8.1. Stock II: 0.051 M Tris and 0.008 M citric acid, pH 8.1. Gels were made using stocks I and II in proportions 1:9; electrode buffer was undiluted stock I. •Buffer B (Clayton and Tretiak 1972). Gel: 0.002 M citric acid. Electrode: 0.04 M citric acid. Both buffers were adjusted to pH 6.5 with N-(3-aminopropyl)-morpholine; 30 mg NAD+ per 100 ml buffer were added to the gel and to the anodal tray buffer. •Buffer C (Aravanopoulos 1992; modified from Clayton and Tretiak 1972). Gel: 0.001 M Tris and 0.003 M citric acid, pH 6.7. Electrode: 0.223 M Tris and 0.086 M citric acid, pH 6.3. Both buffers were pH adjusted with N—(3-amlnopropyl)-morpholine; 30 mg NADP+ per 100 ml buffer were added to the gel and to the anodal tray buffer. •Buffer D (Cheliak and Pitel 1984). Gel: 0.01 M histidine-HCl and 0.28 mM EDTA, adjusted to pH 7.0 with 1 M Tris. Electrode: 0.125 M Tris adjusted to pH 7.0 with 1 M citric acid. Enzyme staining recipes were from Cheliak and Pitel (1984) with some modifications, mainly in relation to the adoption of the "agar-overlay" technique (Harris and HopMnson 1976). Tissue extractions and enzyme electrophoresis of the parental clones were repeated at least twice for each clone. This procedure was also done for a random subset of progenies from all three crossings. In every case the zymograms obtained proved to be stable and repeatable. Genotypes of all individuals were inferred from the interpretation of the observed banding patterns based on the quaternary structure of proteins (Table 1; Harris and Hopkinson 1976; Weeden and Wendel 1989), progeny phenotype distribution, and comparisons with related species. For multilocus enzyme systems, the most anodal (i.e., the fastest migrating) isozyme was designated as controlled by locus 1 and additional loci were numbered (2, 3, etc.) in the cathodal direction. Similarly, within each locus, the allozymes were lettered in the anodal to cathodal direction with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). Subcellular Location of Isozymes Isolation and purification of mitochondria was carried out after Boutry et al. (1984), with some modifications as described in Hikansson et al. (1988). Isolation of chloroplast was carried out as a step during the mitochondria isolation: after the first slow centrifuging the supernatant was decanted into fresh 50 ml centrifuge tubes and spun at 4,500 rpm (2,600 g) to sediment the chloroplasts. Chloroplast or mitochondrial pellets were suspended in ex- Genetic Analysis The segregation of allozymes among offspring of controlled crosses was analyzed by testing its conformity with a Mendelian mode of inheritance using the chi-square test for goodness-of-fit. Differences in segregation ratios over families was tested, whenever possible, using the heterogeneity chi-square test (cf., Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Independent assortment of pairs of loci was tested by using the contingency chisquare test (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Linkage can only be detected in families where at least one of the parents is a double heterozygote. In cases where one of the parents was a double heterozygote and the other a single heterozygote involving a third allele (e.g., ab/ab x aa/ac), this third allele gives no further information about linkage and was therefore ignored. Contingency chi-square tests were thus performed on the resulting 2 x 2 tables. The recombination fraction (r) was estimated from two-locus genotype counts in progenies as the fraction of putative recomblnants over total number of analyzed Individuals. In the absence of knowledge of parental gametic phase, these putative recombinants were defined as the two complimentary genotypes with least observed numbers. For all crosses reported here, the resulting estimate is also the maximum likelihood estimate of r (Mather 1938:47-48). The standard error (SE) of r was computed from the binomial variance, that is, where n is the number of progenies. Results and Discussion Inheritance Analysis The results of the single-locus inheritance analysis are presented in Table 2. Comparisons with inheritance studies in other species concentrate on woody angiosperms of the family Salicaceae. Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT). Two well-defined zones of activity were observed on gels stained for this enzyme (Figure 1A). An additional weak band was sometimes observed between the two major zones. In the slowest migrating (i.e., least anodal) zone, three distinct phenotypes were observed: two single-banded phenotypes (one of which overlapped Brief Communications 1 4 5 Downloaded from at Fiskeridirektoratet. Biblioteket. on June 28, 2012 ate male clone. Seeds were sown in a greenhouse, and seedlings from families II and III were sampled after 6 weeks. The crossing of family I was made a year earlier and their offspring planted outdoors. For electrophoresis, cuttings were taken from dormant branches, planted in a greenhouse and sampled after 2 weeks. We analyzed 68 offspring from family I and 80 offspring each from families U and III. traction buffer before electrophoresis was carried out. Putative subcellular localization of isozymes was based on the relative enzyme activity detected in mitochondria, chloroplast, and cytosolic extracts. Table 2. Parental clones and progeny genotype distribution for all loci and families Family Cross Aat-2 I II III 1 1! Ill in ab X bb bbx bb bbx bb be x ab bbx cc bexbb bbx bb ab x aa ab x aa aa x aa ab x bb ab x bb aa x aa ac x ab ac x aa bbxbb bbx be bbx bb aa X ac aa x aa aa X aa ab x bb aa X aa aa x aa i cc X ce n in cc x cc be x cc aa x aa bcx cc Acp Gpi-2 I n in Idh-l i II ui ldh-2 i II in ldh-3 i II in Mdh-1 i n in Mdh-3 PgcH Pgm i II i II m Skd i II in be be cc cc Progeny genotypes aa ab ac bb 32 34 13 22 80 19 32 68 36 be cc 0.06 df P 1 ns — 13 3.63 3 ns 39 0.69 1 ns 0.46 1 ns 1.02 0.06 1 1 ns 5.20 2.45 3 1 ns ns 0.45 1 ns 1 ns 1 ns 1 ns 3 1 1 ns ns ns 42 — 68 35 37 24 33 14 44 35 26 16 47 68 43 80 38 37 — 0.94 30 — — 80 37 0.53 31 — — — — 80 X ab X cc X ac X cc ns 41 38 0.11 — 9 14 37 23 19 29 37 42 6.81 0.97 0.32 — Single-locus segregation In the progenies of controlled crosses was tested against expected numbers with x1 goodness-of-fit test (df = degrees of freedom; ns = not significant at the 556 level). A dash (u—") Indicates no data for this particular cross. with the weak band) and a three-banded phenotype displaying both these bands and an additional band centered between them. We conservatively interpreted AAT to be coded for by two loci in the leaves of S. viminalis. The first locus (Aat-f) was invariant, whereas the second locus (Aat—2) segregated for two codominant alleles (a and 6). The three-banded phenotype of the presumed heterozygote individuals is in accordance with the pattern expected for this dimeric protein. We made two different crosses involving Aat-2 (Table 2). In family I we crossed a heterozygote (ab') with a homozygote (bb), obtaining progeny of the parental types only, in numbers not significantly different from the 1:1 ratio expected under Mendellan segregation (x2, = 0.06 with P > .05). In family III two identical homozygotes produced progeny of the parental type only. These results are in accordance with Mendelian inheritance at the Aat-2 locus. One AAT locus has been reported for 5. eriocephala and 5. exigua (Aravanopoulos 1 4 6 The Journal of Heredity 1997.88(2) 1992). One to four AAT loci were observed in Populus spp. (Cheliak and Dancik 1982; Farmer et al. 1988; Hyun et al. 1987b; Rajora 1990). Acid phosphatase (ACP). One zone of activity was observed in gels stained for ACP. The observed zymogram pattern suggests that this dimeric protein is coded for by a single locus (Acp) segregating for three alleles—a, b, and c (Figure IB). We made two crosses involving Acp. In family I two heterozygote parents (6c and ab) produced progeny of both parental types and two recombinant types in numbers not significantly different from the expected 1:1:1:1 ratio (x23 = 3.63 with P > .05; Table 2). In family III a heterozygote (be) was crossed with a homozygote (bb) and the progeny contained the parental types in a ratio that was not significantly different from 1:1 (x2, = 0.69 with P> .05). Mendelian inheritance in ACP coding loci has also been verified in 5. eriocephala and S. exigua (Aravanopoulos 1992). One ACP coding locus was also reported in the Salix species of the Longifoliae section (Brunsfeld et al. 1991). On the other hand, Downloaded from at Fiskeridirektoratet. Biblioteket. on June 28, 2012 Locus two ACP loci were reported in 5. eriocephala and S. exigua (Aravanopoulos 1992) and P. trichocarpa (Weber and Stettler 1981). Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPl). Two zones of activity were observed on gels stained for this dimeric enzyme (Figure 1C). Both zones were variable, but the faster (i.e., the most anodal) zone was poorly resolved and therefore excluded from further considerations. We interpreted GPI to be coded for by at least two loci, of which the second locus (Gpi-2) is polymorphic for two codominant alleles (a and b) in the present material. A third allele, c, was found in material not used in our genetic analysis but is included in the figure. We made two crosses involving Gpi—2. In family I the parental clones were both homozygote 66 and the progeny revealed the parental type only. In family II a heterozygote (ab) was crossed with a homozygote (aa). The progeny showed both the parental types in a ratio not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (x2, = 0.46 with P > .05; Table 2). Two Mendelian loci coding for GPI were also found in the willows of the Longifolia section (Aravanopoulos 1992; Brunsfeld et al. 1991), in 5. exigua (Aravanopoulos 1992), and in Populus spp. (Cheliak and Pitel 1984; Hyun et al. 1987b; Muller-Starck 1992; Rajora 1990). Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). Two major zones of activity were observed on gels stained for this dimeric protein (Figure ID). The slower zone displayed a complex variability pattern with a total of five distinct bands distributed over eight different phenotypes (Figure 2). Four phenotypes displayed all five bands, differing only in the relative staining intensities between them. Two phenotypes displayed the three most anodal bands only, whereas two other phenotypes displayed the three least anodal bands only. In all cases, phenotypes with the same set of bands differed only in the relative staining intensities among bands. The simplest possible model to account for this banding pattern seems to be that of a single locus with two alleles in which additional (artifact) bands are formed (cf., Harris and Hopkinson 1976). However, this hypothesis was rejected on the basis of progeny phenotype distribution in both families II and III (x22 = 11.475 with P < .01, and x2i = 5.128 with P < .05, respectively; data not shown). With this simple model refuted, we postulate that the slower IDH zone is coded for by two loci (ldh-2 and Idh-J) segre- B — Aat-1 — Acp (a) — Acp jb) — Acp (c) — Aat-2 (a) _ Aat-2 (b) bcbbacbbccbbbbbbbccc Genotypes a£> aa bo Acp Aat-2 Genotypes — ldh-1 (a) — ldh-1 (b) — Gpi-1 — Gpi-2 (a) — Gpi-2 (b) — Gpi-2 (c) bbbcbbbbbb abtftabDcoc Genotypes Gp-2 bbabbbabbbabbbab abaaacabtcacbcaa b e b b b b b b b e t c bbbc Genotvoes ktt-1 Mh-2 kJh-3 Figure 1. Starch-gel zymograms of eight enzyme systems In the leaves of Salix viminalis. "O" designates the origin of migration of Isozymes. Designation of loci and alleles are shown. (Some of the genotypes shown are from a population screening study.) cates the scoring and interpretation of phenotypes, but it also provides a tool of high discriminating power for identification of S. viminalis clones. Both the dimeric structure of IDH and the formation of intergenic heterodimers has been observed and verified in a series of other taxa (Gottlieb 1982; Weeden and Wendel 1989). Three IDH coding loci were also observed in 5. eriocephata (Aravanopoulos 1992), compared to two to four loci in Populus spp. (Rajora 1986; Muller-Starck 1992; Viquez-Lopez 1988). Mendelian inheritance in IDH coding loci has been reported for S. eriocephala and Populus (see references above). Malate dehydrogenase (MDH). One extensive zone of activity was observed on gels stained for this dimeric enzyme (Fig- ure IE). Six different phenotypes were easily distinguished regarding band numbers and band intensities; in particular, two five-banded, two six-banded, and two seven-banded phenotypes were observed (five of which are shown in the figure). We interpreted MDH to be coded for by three loci in the leaves of S. uiminalis. The first locus (Mdh-f) is polymorphic for two alleles (a and c), the second locus (Mdh -2) is invariant, and the third locus (Mdh-3) is polymorphic for two codominant alleles (a and b) in the present study. An additional allele (6) in Mdh-] has been found elsewhere. The c allozyme in Mdh-] partially overlaps with the Mdh-2 band. The three-banded phenotypes of the presumed heterozygote individuals in both Mdh—] and Mdh —3 are in accordance with the dimeric structure of this protein. Het- Brief Communications 147 Downloaded from at Fiskeridirektoratet. Biblioteket. on June 28, 2012 gating for a total of three alleles. Two of these alleles (6 and c) are apparently shared between both loci. The three alleles a, b, and c produce homodimeric products, identified as the most anodal, the median, and the least anodal band, respectively. Heterodimeric products form within (with the apparent 1:2:1 staining ratio) as well as between loci. These latter (intergenic) heterodlmers apparently stain less intensely than either the intragenic or the homodimeric products, forming the basis for assigning single-locus genotypes. Some bands overlap in electrophoretic mobility, thereby intensifying the staining at such positions. At locus Idh -2 we crossed two different heterozygote parents (ac and ab), obtaining progenies of both parental types as well as two recombinant types, as expected (Table 2; family II). The observed proportion of progeny genotypes did not significantly deviate from the 1:1:1:1 ratio expected under Mendelian segregation (x23 = 5.20, P > .05), although a slight excess of nonparental types was present in our sample. A second cross (Table 2, family III) was between a heterozygote (ac) and a homozygote (ad) parent resulting in progeny of parental types only in proportions not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (x2, = 2.45 with P > .05). At locus Idh—3 we crossed a homozygote with a heterozygote (family II), obtaining parental types only, in the expected 1:1 ratio (x2, = 0.45 with P > .05). In two additional crosses, between two identical homozygotes (family I and III), only the parental type was observed in the progeny. Unlike the complexity of the slow IDH zone, the fast migrating zone revealed two phenotypes only, one single-banded and one triple-banded with the middle band more intensely stained. This zone was assumed to be coded for by a single locus (Idh-1) segregating for two alleles. We crossed a single-banded individual with a triple-banded individual (in both family U and III) obtaining the parental types in the expected 1:1 proportion (x2, = 1.02 and x2, = 0.06, respectively, with P > .05 in both crosses). No significant heterogeneity was observed for ldh-\ among the two families (x2, = 0.76, P > .05; data not shown). These results support the Mendelian inheritance at IDH coding loci in 5. uiminalis. The presence of two different loci that share allelic positions in the lower zone of IDH activity and the occurrence of overlapping intergenic heterodimers compli- 1 4 8 The Journal of Heredity 1997:88(2) Downloaded from at Fiskeridirektoratet. Biblioteket. on June 28, 2012 Pgd—2). No variation was found in this zone. The slower migrating zone also consisted of three bands and was presumed to be coded for by loci Pgd-3 and Pgd-4. At locus Pgd—4, a total of four alleles have been found during a population screening. — Mdh-1 (a) The present investigation involves only — Mdh-2+Mdh-1 (c) two of these (alleles b and c; the three ge— Mdh-3 (a) notypes shown in Figure IF). — Mdh-3 (b) We made one cross involving Pgd-4, namely be x cc (family III; Table 2). The progeny of this cross contained the parenbb ab ab ab aa aa ab aa aa aa tal types only in numbers not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (x2, _ Pgd-4 (b) = 0.11 with/>> .05). — Pgd-4 (c) Three PGD coding loci were found in the willows of the Longifoliae section (Aravanbcbbbobcbcccccccccbc Pgd-4 opoulos 1992; Brunsfeld et al. 1991) and in Genotypes S. eriocephala (Aravanopoulos 1992). Mendelian inheritance has been reported in S. exigua and 5. eriocephala (Aravanopoulos — Pgm (a) 1992). Two to five PGD loci were reported — Pgm (b) j , in different poplar species, and Mendelian — Pgm (c) " inheritance was verified for some of them (Hyun et al. 1987b; Muller-Starck 1992; Rajora 1990). Phosphoglucomutase (PGM). One zone of activity was observed in gels stained for this enzyme. The observed zymogram pat— Skd (a) tern suggests the presence of a single lo— Skd (b) cus (Pgm) segregating for three alleles—a, — Skd (c) b, and c (Figure 1G). The two-banded patterns of the presumed heterozygote individuals are in accordance with the monomeric structure of this protein. We made one cross involving Pgm (famoc be ab be Pgm ily III; Table 2). In this cross, two different Genotypes heterozygote parents (be and ab), produced four progeny types (ab, ac, bb, and Figure 1. Continued. 6c) in numbers not significantly different from the 1:1:1:1 ratio expected under Mendelian segregation (x23 = 6.81 with P > erodimers are formed between the pri- cal homozygotes, resulting in progeny of .05). mary products of all three loci. the parental type only. Thus the results of all crosses are in accordance with MenWe made two different crosses involving One Mendelian locus coding for PGM Mdh-1 (Table 2). In family I an aa homo- delian Inheritance of MDH coding loci in 5. was also reported in S. eriocephala and 5. oiminalis. zygote was crossed with a heterozygote exigua (Aravanopoulos 1992) as well as in (ac). The progeny showed both parental Three MDH coding loci were also re- Populus spp. and hybrids (Muller-Starck types in a ratio not significantly different 1992). Up to three PGM coding loci have ported in S. eriocephala (Aravanopoulos from the expected 1:1 (x2, = 0.94 with P > been described in various Populus species 1992), while four loci were found in the .05). In family III both parental clones were willows of the Longifoliae section (Aravan- (Cheliak and Dancik 1982; Farmer et al. homozygote aa, and so were all their prog- opoulos 1992; Brunsfeld et al. 1991), and 1988; Rajora 1990). enies, as expected. At Mdh—2 the proge- four to six loci were described in Populus Shikimate dehydrogenase (SKD). One nies of all crosses revealed the parental spp. (Farmer et al. 1988; Rajora 1990). zone of activity was observed on gels (homozygote) type only. We made two dif- Mendelian inheritance of MDH coding loci stained for this monomeric enzyme. The ferent crosses involving Mdh —3 (Table 2). has been reported in Populus (Rajora observed zymogram pattern suggests the In family I we crossed a heterozygote (ab) 1986; Muller-Starck 1992). presence of a single locus (Skd) segregatwith a homozygote (bb) and the progeny Phosphogluconate dehydrvgenase (PGD). ing for three alleles—a, b, and c (Figure revealed the parental types in numbers 1H). Two major zones of activity were obnot significantly different from the 1:1 ra- served on gels stained for this dimeric enWe made two crosses involving Skd. In tio expected under Mendelian segregation zyme (Figure IF). The fastest migrating family I and II a homozygote individual 2 (X , = 0.53 with P > .05). A second cross zone consisted of three distinct bands, in- (cc) was crossed with a heterozygote in(family ID) was made between two identi- ferred to be coded by two loci (Pgd-1 and dividual (different in each family; Table 2). IDH ldh-1 (a) ldh-1 (b) ldh-2 (a) ldh-2,3 (b) ldh-2,3 (c) ab ab be bb aa bb ab ac bb bb ab bb ab be be bb ac be ab be bb bb aa be ldh-1 ldh-2 ldh-3 Genotypes Figure 2. Schematic representation of banding pattern and assignment of loci and alleles In the IDH enzyme system of Salix viminalis. "O" designates the origin of migration of Isozymes. The progeny of both crosses revealed the respective parental types In numbers that did not significantly differ from the expected 1:1 ratio (x2, = 0.97 with P > .05 and x2i = 0.32 with P > .05, respectively). Two SKD coding loci were reported in 5. eriocephala and S. exigua (Aravanopoulos 1992; Mendellan segregation observed in one locus) and in Populus (Rajora 1990). On the other hand, Muller-Starck (1992) reports only one locus, Mendelian inherited, in Populus spp. and hybrids. Preliminary Results for Subcellular Localization of Isozymes Sometimes very weak activity was detected in chloroplast extract for the enzymes. However, that activity may have resulted from contamination. On the other hand, the weak activity may have occurred because the number of chloroplasts was too small to create significant activity. In the mitochondrial extract some of the enzyme loci showed activity, but we could not exclude the possibility that this could have resulted from some contamination. No data for subcellular location of loci in Salix has been reported previously (cf., Aravanopoulos 1989, 1992; Brunsfeld et al. 1991), precluding the comparison across species at the present time. Linkage Analysis Among the 11 variable loci reported in this study there were 23 pairwise tests of in- dependent assortment possible (where one pair of loci was tested twice). For family I we tested Aat-2 against Acp, Mdh-3, and Skd; Acp against Mdh—1, Mdh—3, and Skd; and Mdh-3 against Skd. For family II we tested Idh -1 against Gpi -2 and Idh -2; ldh-2 against Gpi-2, Idh-3, and Skd; and ldh-3 against Skd. For family III we tested Acp against ldh-1, ldh-2, Pgd-4, and Pgm; ldh-1 against ldh-2, Pgd-4, and Pgm; ldh-2 against Pgd-4 and Pgm; and Pgd-4 against Pgm. We found four cases with significant deviations from independent assortment among the 22 different locus pairs tested. These were between Acp and Mdh —1 (family I: r = .313; X2, = 9.689 with P < .01), Mdh-3 and Skd (family I: r = .364; x\ = 4.735 with P < .05), Idh -2 and Idh -3 (family II: r = .388; x2, = 4.073 with P < .05; ), and between ldh-1 and Gpi—2 (family II: r = .364; x 2 , = 6.053 with P < .05). In conclusion, four possible linked locus pairs were found in 5. viminalis: AcpMdh-1, Mdh-3-Skd, ldh-2-ldh-3, and ldh-l-Gpi-2. These pairs presumably mark four different physical linkage groups (chromosome segments), but the possibility of statistical type I errors must be recognized, especially since three tests were only weakly significant. Also, the complex phenotypic expression of the loci Idh -2 and Idh -3 are very difficult to score (cf., Figure ID), and this may have confounded the linkage analysis for this locus From the Department of Plant Breeding Research, Box 7003, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden (Thorsen and Gullberg), the Division of Population Genetics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden (Jorde), and the Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (Aravanopoulos and Zsuffa). Address correspondence to Dr. Thorsen at the address above. We acknowledge the financial assistance provided from the National Board for Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK), Sweden (to U.G.), and from the International Energy Agency's Bloenergy Agreement, Canada (to LZ). During the course of this study FAA. was further supported with an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. The Journal of Heredity 1997:88(2) Reference* Adams WT, Neale DB, and Loopstra CA, 1988. 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Biblioteket. on June 28, 2012 o pair and created a spurious linkage group. The fourth group (Acp-Mdh-I) appears more firm statistically, although the linkage is rather weak (r = .313). Linkage between GPI and IDH coding loci was also reported for Populus spp. and hybrids (Muller-Starck 1992). However, the same study reported linkage also between IDH and PGD coding loci, where none was detected in S. viminalis (this study) or in P. maximoviczii (Rajora 1986). Aravanopoulos (1992) found no linkage between the pairs Acp-Pgm, Acp-Skd, Idh-2-Gpi-2, and ldh-2-Skd in S. exigua and S. eriocephala, in accordance with our results from 5. viminalis. These were the only locus pairs that were in common with the present study. The apparent linkage groups that are reported in the present study represent the first step toward gene mapping in 5. viminalis. 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