Molecular Ecology (2011) 20, 768–783 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04979.x Are low but statistically significant levels of genetic differentiation in marine fishes ‘biologically meaningful’? A case study of coastal Atlantic cod H . K N U T S E N , * † E . M . O L S E N , * † P . E . J O R D E , † S . H . E S P E L A N D , * C . A N D R É ‡ and N . C . S T E N S E T H * † *Institute of Marine Research, Flødevigen, N-4817 His, Norway, †Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1066 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway, ‡Department of Marine EcologyTjärnö, University of Gothenburg, S-45296 Strömstad, Sweden Abstract A key question in many genetic studies on marine organisms is how to interpret a low but statistically significant level of genetic differentiation. Do such observations reflect a real phenomenon, or are they caused by confounding factors such as unrepresentative sampling or selective forces acting on the marker loci? Further, are low levels of differentiation biologically trivial, or can they represent a meaningful and perhaps important finding? We explored these issues in an empirical study on coastal Atlantic cod, combining temporally replicated genetic samples over a 10-year period with an extensive capture–mark–recapture study of individual mobility and population size. The genetic analyses revealed a pattern of differentiation between the inner part of the fjord and the open skerries area at the fjord entrance. Overall, genetic differentiation was weak (average FST = 0.0037), but nevertheless highly statistical significant and did not depend on particular loci that could be subject to selection. This spatial component dominated over temporal change, and temporal replicates clustered together throughout the 10-year period. Consistent with genetic results, the majority of the recaptured fish were found close to the point of release, with <1% of recaptured individuals dispersing between the inner fjord and outer skerries. We conclude that low levels of genetic differentiation in this marine fish can indeed be biologically meaningful, corresponding to separate, temporally persistent, local populations. We estimated the genetically effective sizes (Ne) of the two coastal cod populations to 198 and 542 and found a Ne ⁄ N (spawner) ratio of 0.14. Keywords: Atlantic cod, dispersal, effective population size, tagging, temporal genetic stability Received 23 September 2010; revision received 18 November 2010; accepted 25 November 2010 Introduction In the early years of fishery research, the discovery of a pelagic larval phase for most fish species of economic concern led to the widespread belief that the ocean is demographically open and that species are typically panmictic over their range (reviewed in Jennings et al., 2001). This view was only mildly challenged by the first population genetic analyses of marine fishes, which typCorrespondence: H. Knutsen, Fax: +47 370 59001; E-mail: ically found low levels of genetic divergence. Statistically significant differences were only detected over considerable geographical distances (e.g. Grant & Utter 1984; Ryman et al. 1984; Mork et al. 1985) or for polymorphisms that are probably under natural selection (Sick 1965; Fevolden & Pogson 1995). With the advent of more highly polymorphic molecular markers (particularly microsatellites), improved statistical techniques, and in some cases improved sampling design, a growing literature (e.g. Jones et al. 1999; Ruzzante et al. 1999; Nesbø et al. 2000; Knutsen et al. 2003; Mathews 2007; McCairns & Bernatchez 2008) has challenged the 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd B I O L O G I C A L L Y R E L E V A N T G E N E T I C S I G N A L S 769 generality of panmixia in marine species. Instead, these studies coincide in finding that marine fishes are subdivided into genetically separated units at various geographical scales, leading towards a paradigm shift in the view of population structuring in marine fishes (Hauser & Carvalho 2008). A common denominator of most genetic studies of marine organisms is the low levels of genetic differentiation, FST, among putative populations (Ward et al. 1994; Waples 1998; Waples & Gaggiotti 2006). A number of explanations for this observation have been put forward. The most common one by far is that gene flow is higher in marine than in terrestrial and freshwater organisms (Ward et al. 1994). Other suggestions for a low FST are recent origin of populations (see postglacial expansion Pogson et al. 1995; Pampoulie et al. 2008), large effective population sizes (Ward et al. 1994) and selective sweeps (Árnason 2004). In addition, the generally higher level of genetic variation (gene diversity, H) in marine organisms may also limit the absolute level of FST (Hedrick 1999). However, studies have shown that although the level of H varies among loci, FST estimates may frequently still not be very high (Gregorius et al. 2007). Restricted genetic differentiation introduces a challenge when interpreting positive findings, i.e. statistically significant differentiation, in terms of population substructure. When true differentiation is low or absent, various sources of errors may assume a relatively greater importance, possible leading to false conclusions (Waples 1998). These potential sources of errors include nonrandom sampling of individuals (e.g. sampling family or kin aggregations, see Allendorf & Phelps 1981; Hansen et al. 1997), temporal fluctuations in allele frequencies (random genetic drift, see Turner et al. 2002; Selkoe et al. 2006), natural selection (Nielsen et al. 2006; Nilesen et al. 2009a) and genotype scoring errors (Bonin et al. 2004). Such potential errors have led some authors to question the emerging paradigm of an abundant population substructuring in marine fishes (e.g. Nilesen et al. 2009a). Atlantic cod has been given much attention in genetic studies over nearly five decades, and substructuring of the species has been revealed at increasingly finer geographical scales. After early works found significant genetic differentiation at the trans-Atlantic scale (Mork et al. 1985; Árnason 2004), Bentzen et al. (1996) detected genetic differentiation at a scale of 200 km, and Hutchinson et al. (2001) found structure in the southern part of the North Sea at a comparable scale. Ruzzante et al. (1999) found structure among large spawning aggregations off Canada, and O’Leary et al. (2007) made similar observations among spawning areas in the central and eastern part of the North Atlantic. Genetic differentiation were later detected at even finer geographical scales in coastal cod, first at a few dozen kilometres 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd (Knutsen et al. 2003) and then later narrowed down to the level of individual fjords (Jorde et al. 2007). Ecological studies on egg distribution (Knutsen et al. 2007) and egg density in relation to fjord circulation patterns (Ciannelli et al. 2010; Cnickle & Rose 2010) have provided a possible explanation for population structure by documenting the retention of pelagic cod eggs within fjords. Behavioural studies have further demonstrated that coastal cod tend to have a high degree of site fidelity and restricted home ranges (Dannevig 1954; Espeland et al. 2008). A life history study using the method of probabilistic maturation reaction norms to disentangle phenotypic plasticity from evolution suggests that life history traits of coastal cod have evolved at a spatial scale comparable to the substructure revealed by microsatellites (Olsen et al. 2008). Nevertheless, the biological relevance of small genetic differences in cod and other marine species is still largely unknown and under debate. The potential for selective forces acting on molecular allele frequency patterns should not be dismissed out of hand, even for presumed selective neutral markers. Convincing arguments have been raised for selection operating on the polymorphisms in cod at loci Hb1 (Andersen et al. 2009) and PanI (Karlsson & Mork 2003; Pogson & Fevolden 2003). Evidence has also been presented for selective effects on microsatellites (e.g. the Gmo132 locus), most likely through hitchhiking with linked genomic regions (Karlsson & Mork 2005; Nielsen et al. 2006). Recent scans of large panels of SNP markers indicate that up to 10% of cod genes could be under selective pressures in at least some part of the species’ range (Moen et al. 2008; Nielsen et al. 2009b; Bradbury et al. 2010). Nonrandom sampling and temporal genetic change are also potential confounding factors in genetic studies of cod, as reported levels of genetic divergence are on the order of the inverse of sample sizes. Systematic temporal sampling using several year-classes, in combination with ancillary ecological information, is recommended to ensure the correct biological interpretation of genetic differentiation patterns (Hedgecock et al. 2007). Here, we apply a decade of temporal genetic data, together with several years of tagging data on Atlantic cod, both within and outside a fjord along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast to explore the biological meaning of genetic substructuring on a fine geographical scale. Materials and methods Study species The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is one of the most commercially important marine fishes in the world (FAO 770 H . K N U T S E N E T A L . 2000). It is distributed along vast coastlines from the waters of the continental shelf in the North Atlantic, extending northwards to Disco Bay and Spitsbergen and southwards to Cape Hatteras and the Bay of Biscay. In the eastern Atlantic, the species also enters the Baltic Sea. Atlantic cod have several strategies with regard to spawning. Typically, coastal cod are stationary and complete their entire life cycle within a restricted geographical area. In contrast, cod belonging to oceanic populations may perform long-distance spawning migrations and release eggs and larvae that are carried with ocean currents back to the nursery grounds. Cod is a broadcast spawning species, with females producing and releasing more than one million eggs per kilogram of somatic body weight under good nutritional conditions (Wroblewski et al. 1999). Eggs are pelagic and hatch within 3 weeks depending on temperature. Larvae are still pelagic after hatching and stay in the water column and feed on zooplankton until they metamorphose into bottom-settled small fish (juveniles), when they are approximately 3–5 cm long. Sampling Sampling of young-of-year (referred to as age 0+ or age class 1 cod for genetic analysis) was carried out by means of a beach seine between June and September on a semi-annual basis from 1996 to 2005 (Table 1) from inside the Søndeled Fjord and among the skerries at the entrance to the fjord, at the Risør archipelago (Fig. 1). Approximately 100 fish were collected from each area and year and stored frozen ()20C) until genetic analyses. The sampling sites within the fjord represent a sheltered area where cod eggs seem to be retained by ocean currents (Espeland et al. 2007; Knutsen et al. 2007; Ciannelli et al. 2010). On the other hand, sampling localities in the skerries represent an area that is largely exposed to the open ocean of the Skagerrak and the North Sea. Previous genetic studies have included a sample of adult cod from this locality that displayed no statistical difference from North Sea cod (based on eight loci, Knutsen et al. 2004, p. 1340). We included these adult samples from the skerries and the North Sea (collected in 2000, 2001, 2002) in the present study as references for possible origins of juveniles. In addition, a sample of adult cod from within the Søndeled Fjord was collected by nets and is also included in the present study. Genetic analysis Microsatellite DNA polymorphisms were screened in all samples as follows. We applied a Viogene Inc. miniprep system for DNA extraction from muscle tissue cut from whole frozen specimens. PCR conditions for the detection of 13 microsatellites largely followed the procedure described in the original papers: Gmo2 and Gmo132 (Brooker et al. 1994); Gmo3, Gmo8, Gmo19, Gmo34, Gmo35, Gmo36 and Gmo37 (Miller et al. 2000); Tch5, Tch12, Tch13 and Tch22 (O’Reilly et al. 2000), applying Qiagen Taq polymerase in the reactions. PCR fragments were separated and scored on a Beckman Table 1 The sampled localities and summary statistics for genetic variability within sites. HS is the estimate of gene diversity; FIS measures deviation from Hardy–Weinberg genotype proportions (P-values for two-sided tests). Also indicated are the number of loci that appear to have excesses and deficiencies of heterozygotes Sample Juvenile samples Fjord 1996j Fjord 1997j Fjord 1998j Fjord 2004j Fjord 2005j Skerries 1998j Skerries 2001j Skerries 2004j Skerries 2005j Adult samples Skerries 2000ad Fjord 2005ad North Sea 2002ad North Sea 2000 ⁄ 01ad N loci excess N loci deficit Stage Sample size HS Juv. Juv. Juv. Juv. Juv. Juv. Juv. Juv. Juv. 100 100 100 99 100 100 100 98 100 0.674 0.697 0.707 0.692 0.691 0.709 0.692 0.701 0.719 0.057* )0.007 0.012 0.031 0.023 0.020 )0.001 0.019 0.006 4 7 7 6 5 5 5 6 7 9 6 6 7 8 8 5 7 6 Adult Adult Adult Adult 101 88 100 101 0.710 0.717 0.719 0.711 0.014 )0.013 0.018 0.018 8 8 3 6 5 5 10 7 FIS *P < 0.05. Note that this sample is significant owing to one locus only, Gmo 35. 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd B I O L O G I C A L L Y R E L E V A N T G E N E T I C S I G N A L S 771 58°46'30"N 58°43'30"N 58°40'30"N 9°3'0"E 9°9'0"E 9°15'0"E 9°21'0"E 9°27'0"E Fig. 1 Map identifying sample locations both inside and outside a Norwegian fjord on the Skagerrak coast. Red circles identify sheltered locations inside the fjord, whereas black circles give exposed localities in the outer skerries. The fjord sill is given as a small solid black line crossing the fjord. The bathymetry is coarsely given with light blue colours for shallow water and dark blue colours for deeper waters. SEQ 8000 automatic DNA analyser. Two trained persons independently scored all genotypes, and disagreements on genotype scorings were resolved following a rescreening of the sample. The majority of the 13 loci were routinely scored with minor disagreements, although Gmo132 and Tch13 were highly polymorphic, displayed a moderate amount of PCR stuttering and required several PCR reruns before consistent genotype scorings were obtained. Genotypes were analysed with the Microchecker software (Van Oosterhout et al. 2004) to check for null alleles or potential technical artefacts, and none were found. The amount of genetic variability was characterized by gene diversity (HS within samples, HT in the total: Nei & Chesser 1983) and the observed number of alleles at each locus. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg genotype proportions within loci were estimated by FIS (estimator f of Weir & Cockerham 1984) and tested for using the exact probability test in the GENEPOP software (ver. 4.0: Rousset 2008). Spatial patterns in the genetic structure among juvenile cod were characterized using several approaches. First, the magnitude of spatial genetic difference among the main areas within the fjord and the skerries was compared with temporal fluctuations among sample years with AMOVA, using the Arlequin software (Excoffier et al. 2005). Second, pairwise genetic differences (FST, estimated and averaged over loci as described by Rousset 2008) were calculated for all sample pairs and tested 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd for significance using exact tests of allele frequency differences with GENEPOP (using 10 000 dememorizations and batches, and 10 000 iterations per batch). FST values were also bootstrapped over loci to provide the 95% CI using the software GDA (Lewis & Zaykin 2001). Each locus was tested separately, and a joint P-value over loci was calculated by summarizing twice the negative logarithms of the single-locus P-values, evaluated against the critical chi-square value with 2 · 13 degrees of freedom (i.e. Fisher’s summation procedure). Finally, we calculated genetic distances among samples (DA: Nei et al. 1983) and visualized the results by applying multidimensional scaling (MDS) in XL-STAT (Addinsoft). The potential effects of particular loci were investigated by estimating FST and HT for each locus between the fjord and skerries areas, lumping temporal samples. The evidence for natural selection, identified as outlier loci, was tested for by a simulation-based approach (Beaumont & Nichols 1996) implemented in the LOSITAN selection detection workbench (Antao et al. 2008). The test aims at identifying loci that have been subject to selective forces. It does this by comparing each locus’ FST value with those expected under selective neutrality under two alternative mutation models (stepwise mutation and the infinite allele models), given its observed HT value. The expectations are derived by computer simulations, and we performed 10 000 replicates. No qualitative differences were observed between the two mutation models. 772 H . K N U T S E N E T A L . Temporal changes in allele frequencies among juvenile cohorts were characterized with Jorde & Ryman’s (2007) estimator Fs’ and used to estimate the genetically effective sizes of putative populations. We adopted and extended the method of Jorde & Ryman (1995) to estimate Ne from diverse cohort data (see Appendix). Sample pairs of the same temporal duration (i.e. cohorts born with the same number, j, of years apart) were combined in mean Fj’s (i.e. average Fs’ over loci and pairs of temporal samples) and corrected for the effects of overlapping generations and number of years apart as: Fcorr ¼ Fj G Cj Here, and in the following, the F’s are corrected for sampling by assuming sample plan II (Jorde & Ryman 2007, Eq. 13), and we omit apostrophes on estimates for simplicity. G is the generation length (in years) and the Cj’s are correction factors for overlapping generations, specific to each temporal interval j. G and Cj were calculated from demographic data (age-specific survival and birth rates) as outlined in the Appendix, and we assume that the demographic characteristics are similar for the two populations and use the same set of correction factors for both. Finally, mean Fcorr values were calculated by averaging over all sampling intervals to estimate the (variance) effective population size: Ne ¼ 1 : 2Fcorr Standard errors (SE) for Fcorr and Ne were calculated by jackknifing over loci, leaving out one locus at a time. From the r = 13 replicate jackknife estimates, Fjack, we calculated the mean Fjack (which is nearly identical to Fcorr ) and its standard error (Efron & Tibshirani 1993, Eq. 11.3–11.4). Finally, 95% confidence intervals for the estimated Ne were calculated from SE for Fjack by assuming that Fjack is normally distributed: 95% CI Ne ¼ 1 2Fjack 1:96SE . Capture–mark–recapture analysis In addition to the genetic sampling programme outlined previously, an independent capture–mark–recapture study was conducted in the Søndeled fjord and the skerries outside the fjord (Espeland et al. 2008). Here, we used these data to estimate census population size within the fjord (not including age 0 fish) and also to detect movement of fish between the fjord and the skerries. For this purpose, the fjord sill (a natural shallow section across the fjord, 19–30 m, separating deeper basins inside and outside) was defined as the border between the two areas. Cod were captured in traps in shallow water (at a depth of 1–5 m) in collaboration with a local fisher during late spring (May and June) in 2005–2007. Individual cod were measured to the nearest cm, and each fish was individually tagged with an external T-bar anchor tag (Hallprint, Australia) positioned parallel to the anterior dorsal fin. To facilitate the return of tags from cod harvested by fishers, each tag had a printed return address and reward. All fish were released alive at the point of capture immediately after being tagged and measured for length, with each trap usually containing 1–3 cod. As a result, our approach ensured that a small number of tagged cod were released throughout the study area, which allowed us to draw an inference on the total population. Each year, we tagged cod throughout the environmental gradient stretching from the innermost sheltered areas of the Søndeled Fjord system to the outer skerries and most exposed parts of the Risør Archipelago. We received tags partly from dead recoveries (harvested fish) and partly from live recaptures made by local eel fishers (as bycatch). The eel fishers were paid to measure and release any tagged cod, thereby providing us with additional data on individual cod dispersal. Using data from all three sampling years, out-fjord dispersal was defined as fish that were tagged while inside the sill and later recaptured outside the sill. Similarly, in-fjord dispersal was defined as fish that were tagged outside the sill and recaptured inside. Census population size (NC) was estimated based on information from multiple sampling occasions within the 2007 season, using the Lincoln–Petersen approach and adjusting for the small sample size (McCallum 2000): Nc ¼ ðn1 þ 1Þðn2 þ 1Þ 1 ðr þ 1Þ where n1 is the number of cod captured and tagged on the first sampling occasion, n2 is the number of cod captured and examined for marks during the second occasion and r is the number of cod tagged on the first occasion and then recaptured during the second occasion. We focused on the 2007 sampling season because we consistently sampled the inner Søndeled Fjord in this year on four occasions during a relatively short time period (May). The spatial extent of this sampling conformed to the spatial extent of the inner fjord genetic sampling programme (c.f. Figs 1 and 2). In 2005 and 2006, sampling was less consistent in the inner part 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd B I O L O G I C A L L Y R E L E V A N T G E N E T I C S I G N A L S 773 of the fjord, and the number of within-season recaptures was sparse. Consequently, we did not estimate the census population size for these years. The capture–mark–recapture data were also used to estimate the total number of mature fish (spawners) within the inner fjord. The proportion of mature fish in the samples could not be directly determined because all fish were released alive after tagging and their maturity state was unknown. However, we were able to estimate the proportion of spawners in our samples from a length-based maturity ogive that was developed from a recent study on cod in this inner fjord system. In this previous study (Bråthen Lund 2008), both the length and the maturity state (juvenile or spawner) were determined for each fish. A length-based maturity ogive was then developed using logistic regression. We used the parameter estimates from this model to estimate the probability for being mature (based on individual’s measured length) and assigned a maturity state to each fish. For example, the maturity ogive had an L50 (the length where the fish reached a 50% probability of being mature) of 35 cm, so a fish of this size would fall into the mature category with a 50% probability. A smaller fish of 30 cm would only have a 20% probability of being classified as mature, while a larger fish of 40 cm would have an 80% probability of being classified as mature. From these assigned maturity states, we estimated the total number of spawners (NS) in the inner fjord as: NS ¼ NC p; where NC is the estimated census population size and p is the fraction of the fish in our samples that were assigned a mature state. (a) Results Genetic variability patterns Altogether, 1,287 individual cod, including 897 juveniles (age 0+) and 390 adults (age >1+), were genotyped at the 13 microsatellite loci (Table 1). Genetic variability varied among loci, with observed heterozygosity (HO, averaged over samples) ranging from 0.228 (at locus Gmo3) to 0.930 (Tch 5), and number of alleles ranging from 7 (Gmo36) to 56 (Gmo8) (data not shown). With the exception of the 1996 fjord sample of juveniles, none of the samples showed any significant deviations from the Hardy–Weinberg genotype expectations (Table 1). In the deviating 1996 fjord sample, the deviation arose from a single locus (Gmo35), which displayed a highly significant deficiency (uncorrected for multiple tests) of heterozygotes. Overall, nine loci of 117 comparisons (juvenile samples) were significant. None of the significances did remain, however, after applying tablewide Bonferroni corrections for multiple tests. No null alleles or evidence for technical artefacts was detected by Microchecker at any locus. The outlier (Beaumont) test did not reveal any evidence for the selection operating on any of the 13 microsatellite loci (Fig. 3). Instead, P-values were not significant for any locus and ranged between 0.48 (Gmo19) and 0.85 (Gmo 132). The AMOVA analysis revealed a significant variance between juvenile samples from inside the Søndeled Fjord and those from the skerries, with no significant proportion of the total variance attributed among years within groups (Table 2). With reference to pairwise FST estimates (Table 3), the highest level of divergence (about 0.01) was consequently observed between a sam- (b) Fig. 2 Movement of tagged cod between the Søndeled Fjord and the surrounding Risør archipelago, showing the (a) out-fjord dispersal of cod tagged inside the main sill in the Søndeled Fjord, and the (b) in-fjord dispersal of cod tagged outside the sill. Black circles = tagging locations and green circles = recapture locations of fish tagged inside the fjord. Red circles = recapture locations of fish tagged outside the fjord. The shaded polygons highlight fish dispersing across the fjord sill. One individual (not shown) moved outfjord and was recaptured near the town of Kragerø, 20 km to the northeast of the Søndeled Fjord. 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 774 H . K N U T S E N E T A L . difference is highly significant (P << 0.0001) and is also significant at eight of 13 loci considered separately (Table 4). In contrast, FST among temporal replicates within groups, and between juvenile and adults within groups, were generally lower, and many or most of them were not statistically significant (c.f. Table 3). The MDS plot (Fig. 4) visualizes these findings and ple from within the fjord and samples from the skerries or the North Sea. Of 42 such pairwise sample comparisons, all but four were statistically significant or highly so (c.f. Table 3). On average, the FST estimate between the fjord and skerries locations, lumping temporal samples, was 0.0037 with a 95% bootstrap confidence interval from 0.0017 to 0.0060 (Table 4). This average 0.60 FST 0.40 0.20 GMO3 TCH12 0 0 0.20 0.40 He GMO35 GMO34 GMO36 TCH22 0.80 0.60 GMO8 GMO37 GMO132 GMO19 GMO2 TCH13 TCH5 0.95 Fig. 3 Plot of FST versus heterozygosity (He) to identify potential loci subject to hitchhiking selection. Light grey area: 95% CI for neutrality. The analysis is based on juvenile cod inside the Søndeled Fjord and at exposed skerries, c.f. Fig. 1. Table 2 Results of AMOVA analysis partitioning genetic variability among juvenile samples into among localities (inner fjord and outer skerries) and within localities (temporal replicates) components Source of variation df Sum of squares Variance components Fixation index Between localities (outside vs. inside) Among year-classes within localities Within samples 1 7 1783 2.883 )52.359 4660.037 0.012 )0.051 2.614 0.005 )0.020 )0.015 P-value 0.009 (±0.0009) 1 Table 3 Genetic differentiation (FST) between pairs of samples (below diagonal) and exact tests for differentiation (above diagonal, not corrected for multiple tests) Fjord samples Fjord1996j Fjord1997j Fjord1998j Fjord2004j Fjord2005j Fjord2005ad Skerries1998j Skerries2001j Skerries2004j Skerries 2005j Skerries2000ad North Sea 2002ad North Sea 2000 ⁄ 01ad Skerries samples 1996j 1997j 1998j 2004j 2005j 2005ad – 0.0010 0.0010 0.0027 0.0028 0.0016 0.0034 0.0061 0.0051 0.0043 0.0033 0.0054 0.0055 0.2748 – 0.0019 0.0064 0.0039 0.0037 0.0048 0.0107 0.0080 0.0100 0.0051 0.0115 0.0077 0.3147 0.0628 – 0.0039 0.0032 0.0005 0.0045 0.0082 0.0085 0.0087 0.0045 0.0068 0.0064 0.0070 0.0000 0.0142 – 0.0037 0.0044 0.0027 0.0049 0.0040 0.0033 0.0027 0.0049 0.0035 0.1028 0.0007 0.0261 0.0003 – 0.0012 0.0030 0.0017 0.0017 0.0026 0.0018 0.0030 0.0023 0.0398 0.0010 0.1614 0.0000 0.0664 – 0.0028 0.0041 0.0060 0.0071 0.0014 0.0051 0.0039 1998j 2001j North Sea samples 2004j 0.0363 0.0005 0.0008 0.0205 0.0000 0.0000 0.0028 0.0000 0.0000 0.0387 0.0000 0.0000 0.0100 0.1661 0.0159 0.0128 0.0020 0.0000 – 0.0009 0.2435 0.0014 – 0.1190 0.0002 0.0001 – 0.0033 0.0001 0.0009 )0.0001 0.0021 0.0015 0.0012 )0.0012 0.0001 )0.0006 0.0000 0.0001 2005j 2000ad 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.1275 0.0000 0.0003 0.4434 0.0441 – 0.0021 0.0006 0.0024 0.0025 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0177 0.0751 0.3610 0.0169 0.0005 0.0001 – 0.0001 0.0003 2002ad 2000 ⁄ 2001 ad 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0226 0.0001 0.0318 0.8656 0.1506 0.0158 0.7022 – )0.0009 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0910 0.0013 0.2123 0.0680 0.2016 0.0002 0.3414 0.8592 – 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd B I O L O G I C A L L Y R E L E V A N T G E N E T I C S I G N A L S 775 From the inner part of Søndeled Fjord, the five semiannual juvenile samples yielded a total of 10 pairs of cohorts for estimating genetic drift. Corrected for overlapping generations and years between samples (see Appendix), the average estimate over all cohort pairs in the inner fjord was 0.00253 (Table 5). The corresponding point estimate of the genetically effective size of this fjord population is Ne = 1 ⁄ (2 · 0.00253) = 198. A jackknife estimate of standard error (SE) for this point estimate was 0.00111, yielding lower (2.5%) and upper (97.5%) confidence limits for Ne of 106 and 1423, respectively (Table 5). The finite upper limit is consistent with the finding of significant allele frequency differences between at least some cohort pairs (c.f. Table 3). From the sampled area in the skerries, six pairs of cohorts were available and gave a mean estimate, corrected for overlapping generations and years between samples, of 0.00092 (SE = 0.00048). This corresponds to an estimate of Ne = 542 (with a 95% CI from 269 to infinity) for the skerries population. separates samples from within the fjord on one side from those in the skerries and the North Sea on the other. Both the MDS plot and the table of pairwise FST values fail to distinguish between samples of coastal cod in the skerries from adult samples in the North Sea (including samples taken off Hirtshals and from the North Sea proper, c.f. Fig. 4, Table 3). Table 4 Spatial genetic differentiation (FST) between the inner fjord and the skerries, and exact test for significance (c.f. Fig. 1.) Locus Spatial differentiation inside vs. outside Gmo2 Gmo3 Gmo8 Gmo19 Gmo34 Gmo35 Gmo36 Gmo37 Gmo132 Tch5 Tch12 Tch13 Tch22 All loci 95% CI (0.0017–0.0060) FST P-value 0.0028 0.0183 0.0080 0.0080 0.0050 0.0039 0.0017 0.0043 0.0088 )0.0004 0.0039 0.0003 )0.0007 0.0037 0.040 <<0.0001 <<0.0001 0.009 0.007 <0.0001 0.428 0.005 <0.0001 0.640 0.180 0.944 0.295 <<0.0001 Capture–mark–recapture estimates of dispersal and population size A total of 2427 cod were tagged and released during the 2005–2007 study period (N2005 = 739, N2006 = 823, N2007 = 865). The mean length of all released fish was 40 cm (range: 16–86 cm). A total of 1055 of these fish were tagged and released in the inner part of the Søndeled Fjord (inside the sill, Fig. 1), while the remaining 1372 fish were tagged and released in the outer part of 0.04 Kruskal’s stress = 0.278 Fjord 2004J Skerries 2005J 0.02 Skerries 2004J Skerries 1998J Dim2 Fjord 1997J 0 North Sea 2000/01ad –0.04 –0.02 0 Fjord 2005J 0.02 0.04 Fjord 1998J North Sea 2002ad Skerries 2001J –0.02 Skerries 2000ad Fjord 1996J Fjord 2005ad –0.04 Dim1 Fig. 4 Patterns of geographical structure in coastal Atlantic cod revealed by multidimensional scaling (MDS) of the matrix of genetic distances (DA; Nei et al. 1983; Kruskal’s stress = 0.278). Note that the first axis clearly separates exposed and sheltered locations for all temporal samples (explaining 31% of the variation), (explaining 29% of the variation). 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 776 H . K N U T S E N E T A L . Table 5 Observed temporal allele frequency shifts (Fj) among juvenile cod cohorts and estimates of effective size (Ne) of the cod populations in the Søndeled fjord and the skerries. Fj are averaged over 13 microsatellite loci and over cohort pairs born the same number (j) of years apart, calculated according to Jorde & Ryman 2007 (equation 13; corrected for sampling according to sample plan II). Fcorr,j are Fj’s adjusted for overlapping generations and number of years apart by multiplying each Fj with the factor G ⁄ Cj, where G = 4.28 and Cj = 6.77, 8.56, 8.54, 9.01, 10.23, 11.57, 12.35, 13.12 and 14.60, for j = 1–9 years apart, respectively (Appendix). SE are standard errors for Fcorr, calculated by jackknifing over loci. Ne is the per-generation effective population size, estimated as the inverse of 2Fcorr. 95% confidence intervals (CI) for Ne were calculated from SE for Fcorr (¥ = infinity, representing a negative estimate of genetic drift) Years apart (j) Søndeled fjord* 1 2 6 7 8 9 All 95% CI Skerries† 1 3 4 6 7 All 95% CI Number of pairs Fj Fcorr, 3 1 1 2 2 1 10 0.00447 0.00221 0.00798 0.00958 0.00683 0.00567 0.00282 0.00110 0.00295 0.00332 0.00223 0.00166 0.00253 (0.00190) (0.00170) (0.00153) (0.00157) (0.00077) (0.00098) (0.00111) 1 2 1 1 1 6 0.00193 0.00165 0.00033 0.00057 0.00667 0.00122 0.00082 0.00015 0.00021 0.00231 0.00092 (0.00083) (0.00114) (0.00066) (0.00076) (0.00067) (0.00048) j (SE) Ne 177 453 169 151 224 301 198 106–1423 409 606 3235 2362 216 542 269–¥ *Søndeled fjord juvenile samples include cohorts 1996 (sample size, n = 100), 1997 (n = 100), 1998 (n = 100), 2004 (n = 99) and 2005 (n = 100) (representing 5 · (5)1) ⁄ 2 = 10 cohort pairs). †Skerries juvenile cohorts 1998 (n = 100), 2001 (n = 100), 2004 (n = 98) and 2005 (n = 100) (6 cohort pairs). the Søndeled Fjord and the Risør Archipelago (Fig. 2). A total of 784 (32.3%) tagged fish were seen again at least once, either as a live recapture or as a dead recovery, and for which precise information about the tag and the point of recapture ⁄ recovery was provided. An additional 73 tags were reported without sufficient information as to the point of recapture ⁄ recovery, and these additional observations are not included in the results presented here. A total of 13 (i.e. 13 ⁄ 1055 = 1.2% over the 3-year period) fish tagged in the inner Søndeled Fjord were later caught in the outer areas (i.e. representing fish moving out of the fjord). All but one of these potentially dispersing individuals were found in the outer part of the Søndeled fjord or in the Risør archipelago (Fig. 2). A total of nine (i.e. 9 ⁄ 1372 = 0.7% per 3 years) fish tagged in the outer areas were later caught in the inner Søndeled fjord (i.e. fish moving into the fjord). Assuming that these movements represent a permanent dispersal, and not just temporary excursions, the average exchange between putative inside and outside fjord populations can be taken as the proportions of recaptured fish that moved between the two locations, or 1.7% and 1.0% per generation, for outward and inward dispersal, respectively. Most likely, we present a minimum estimate of dispersal because the tag reporting rate is likely to be less than one, and because fish could also have dispersed without being detected. On the other hand, many dispersal events are likely to be only temporarily. For instance, our data show that most dispersed fish were recaptured fairly close to the border between the inner fjord and the skerries, indicating that this dispersal only represent small-scale movement around the mouth of the fjord. The total population size of cod in the inner Søndeled Fjord in 2007 was estimated to 1847 individuals (SE = 533, 95% CI = 800–2893), not including juveniles (age 0+). Owing to the low sample size, this estimate was based on pooling two release occasions (May 14 and 21, pooled n1 = 149) as well as two recapture occasions (May 25 and 31, pooled n2 = 123). During the last two occasions, we recaptured a total of nine cod that had been tagged and released during the first two occasions (r = 9). Based on the probability of being mature at length, we estimated that 75% of the fish caught in the inner Søndeled fjord during 2007 (N = 316, mean size = 43 cm, range: 27–66 cm) were mature fish (spawners). From this, the total number of potential spawners in the inner fjord was estimated at 1391. The observed 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd B I O L O G I C A L L Y R E L E V A N T G E N E T I C S I G N A L S 777 ratio of effective size to number of spawners in this population is thus Ne ⁄ N = 198 ⁄ 1391 = 0.14. Discussion By combining extensive sampling and genetic screenings with capture–mark–recapture data on coastal cod, we were able to identify a temporally persistent substructuring of the species over a range of only a few dozen kilometres. The identified structure had a rather low level of genetic differentiation (average FST = 0.0037; 95% CI: 0.0017–0.0060), which was nevertheless highly statistically significant, occurred over multiple temporal samples and apparently did not depend on loci subject to selection. The finding of statistically significant allele frequency differences among samples is in itself not sufficient for safe conclusions regarding population substructuring. Because the statistical power is high when using multiple, highly polymorphic markers and reasonably large sample sizes (Ryman et al. 2006), minor allele frequency differences that are unrelated to population structure – and thus not ‘biologically meaningful’ in this context – can achieve statistical significance (Waples 1998). What is of particular concern is that effects of nonrandom sampling or natural selection could be generating the weak differentiation observed among samples. In this study, we have dealt with these concerns by repeated temporal sampling and statistical analyses of divergence patterns among loci, coupled with independent estimates of fish dispersal. Among the most problematic sources of error is nonrandom sampling, especially when dealing with juveniles. Juvenile fishes of many species appear in family clusters, and if the sampling covers a restricted area, the sample may contain a large proportion of one or a few families only (Hansen et al. 1997; Buston et al. 2009). With different samples containing different families, a spatial pattern of genetic differentiation may appear, even if all families belong to the same biological population. While cod have pelagic eggs and larvae, and family clustering in this species seems less likely than in, e.g. reed-building species, it is conceivable that some form of nonrandom family distribution could be maintained in the pelagic phase by ocean current advection. Poor family mixing in the plankton has been suggested as being responsible for the observed ‘chaotic genetic patchiness’ in other marine fishes (Selkoe et al. 2006). In the present study, we minimized such risks by sampling more than one site from each of the two areas (c.f. Fig. 1) and by sampling each area over several years. The genetic pattern that emerges from our data, as depicted in the MDS plot (Fig. 4), is that juvenile samples tend to cluster according to geographical loca 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd tion and together with adult samples from the same area. Such a pattern is unlikely to arise by chance and strongly implies segregation into genetically differentiated units or populations. Natural selection is a potentially powerful agent in modifying the spatial distribution of allelic variants (Conover et al. 2006). Atlantic cod has an extensive distribution throughout the North Atlantic, where it encounters widely different environmental conditions, e.g. in terms of temperature and salinity. It is therefore not surprising that strong evidence for the operation of natural selection has accumulated at some loci for this well-studied species. The present study deals with cod within a restricted geographical range, and environmental differences are likely to be small in comparison with those encountered by conspecifics inhabiting different parts of the distribution range. Nonetheless, some environmental differences do occur between the inner fjord and that of the outer skerries: the inner Søndeled Fjord being characterized by a relatively low water visibility (Secci depth) and low oxygen concentration compared to the outer coast (Johannessen & Dahl 1996). We searched for evidence for natural selection operating on the 13 microsatellite loci, either directly or through hitchhiking, by statistically comparing the magnitudes of differentiation among loci (Fig. 3). No such evidence was found, and the differentiation between the fjord and skerry areas was reasonably similar among loci (c.f. Table 4). In total, eight of the 13 loci were statistically significant at the 5% level or better. Gmo8, Gmo34 and Gmo132 have been suggested in other studies (Nielsen et al. 2006; Nilesen et al. 2009a) of not being selectively neutral, e.g. in comparisons among the Barents Sea and Newfoundland or against the North Sea. Although these loci do not stand out as prone to selection in the present study, leaving them out still leaves five significant loci. Hence, we find no evidence for the observed structure being caused by selected loci. An absence of a selective pattern in Gmo132 was also noted by Nielsen et al. (2006) for the North Sea, geographically close to this study area. This absence could indicate that the alleged selective forces are weak in this geographical area or that the genomic background is different. This of course does not exclude the possibility that selection are operating in other, unlinked, parts of the genome and that the populations are adapted to their respective local environment. A major strength of the present study is the independent assessment of fish movement between the inner fjord and the outer coast by capture–mark–recapture methods. We acknowledge that this method will rely on a number of assumptions, including spatial homogeneity in fishing pressure and tag reporting rates. Still, the estimated proportions of fish dispersing 778 H . K N U T S E N E T A L . (1.7% outward and 1% inward per generation) demonstrates that adult dispersal in this population system is restricted enough to explain the lack of genetic homogeneity among populations. Indeed, this low dispersal is predicted to eventually (over a few hundred generations) lead to a level of genetic differentiation between the two populations of FST = 0.04 (based on computer simulations), which is several times the observed level of 0.0037. Additional dispersal can, however, also occur at the earlier life stages (i.e. pelagic eggs and larvae), as revealed by a recent study of cod egg-transport in a neighbouring fjord. Measuring egg density and water transport in and out the fjord in all depth layers, Ciannelli et al. (2010) found evidence for temporarily short pulses of water (and eggs) transport out the fjord, while the general pattern was an inward transport, thus maintaining partial isolation. A strong tendency for egg retention within fjords has also been reported by other studies on coastal cod (Bradbury et al. 2000, 2003; Espeland et al. 2007; Knutsen et al. 2007). Such retention may be a prerequisite for maintaining genetically distinct inner fjord populations in this species. The local cod population inhabiting the inner fjord apparently has a limited number of spawners (Ns = 1391) and a limited genetically effective population size (Ne = 198). Such estimates are quite uncertain, as judged by their wide confidence intervals, and are further subject to a number of assumptions that are not all fully met. In particular, gene flow among populations could bias estimates of Ne, either up or down, depending on whether gene flow is continuous or irregular (Wang & Whitlock 2003). In the present case, the proportions of migrants were low (1.0 to 1.7%), and genetic difference between residents and immigrants was small (FST = 0.0037), indicating that any effect (i.e. bias) of gene flow on the estimated Ne should be minor (c.f. Wang & Whitlock 2003; Palstra & Ruzzante 2008). We infer a ratio of effective size (per generation) to number of spawners (per season), Ne ⁄ Ns = 0.14, for the fjord population. This estimate is nearly identical to the median ratio reported for a wide range of organisms (Palstra & Ruzzante 2008). On the other hand, our estimate is considerably higher than the exceedingly low values, of orders 10)5 to 10)3, reported for some marine fishes (e.g. Turner et al. 2002; Hutchinson et al. 2003). Possibly, our higher value indicates a less pronounced effect of ‘sweepstakes’ chances (c.f. Selkoe et al. 2006) in reproduction in more sheltered coastal and fjord habitats when compared to the open sea. Nevertheless, it seems clear that coastal cod populations could be relatively small, both numerically and effectively, and are nearly isolated and may thus be vulnerable to local overexploitation. The cod population inhabiting the outer skerries was less well characterized in this study. This population is probably larger numerically than the fjord population, but an estimate is not possible from available data. The point estimate of Ne is also much larger (545, as compared with 198) but, as expected for the temporal method, this larger point estimate is associated with a greater uncertainty (the confidence interval includes infinity as an upper limit). A second problem relates to delimiting the geographical extent of this population as it is not physically restrained to the same extent as the fjord population. Indeed, as judged by our genetic findings (large Ne estimate and apparently no differentiation with adult North Sea cod), it is possible that this skerries population is simply a fragment of the North Sea stock. However, ripe fish are observed in this locality, and it seems clear that local spawning is taking place among skerries. The most likely explanation at the moment therefore is that this represents a local population that receives substantial gene flow from the North Sea by passive drift of eggs and larvae with ocean currents (Knutsen et al. 2004; Stenseth et al. 2006). In conclusion, we have shown that a weak level of differentiation in coastal cod most likely represents two separate biological populations. One population of limited, actual and effective size inhabits the inner, sheltered part of the fjord, where it apparently completes its life cycle, while a larger population that genetically resembles and may possibly represent a segment of the North Sea cod stock inhabits the skerries outside the fjord. As an indicator for demographically largely independent biological populations, the weak differentiation observed herein (average FST = 0.0037) is therefore seen as being highly biologically relevant. Attempts at generalizing ‘biologically meaningful’ levels of genetic divergence (Waples 1998) should proceed with caution, and ‘meaningful’ needs to be evaluated with respect to the biological question at hand. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Research Council of Norway through the projects ‘Dynamics and genetics of oceanic—coastal cod population complexes’ and ‘Linking physics and biology—Structuring of cod populations in the North Sea ⁄ Skagerrak water-system.’ Further funding was provided by The Norwegian Ministry of Fishery and Coastal Affairs and the University of Oslo (through the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, CEES) and FORMAS. We are grateful to colleagues for the provision of tissues samples (Tore Johannessen, Svein E. Enersen, Øystein Paulsen, Petter Baardse and Jan Atle Knutsen). Further, we thank Kate Enersen, Hanne Sannæs and Anna-Karin Ring for their technical assistance in the laboratory. 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Wroblewski JS, Hiscock HW, Bradbury IR (1999) Fecundity of Atlantic cod farmed for stock enhancement in Newfoundland bays. Aquaculture, 171, 163–180. All co-authors share an interest in understanding the mechanisms that drive population structure in marine organisms. This paper resulted from interactions among all co-authors, with the primary aim of examining focal mechanisms that promote and maintain the genetic population structure in coastal Atlantic cod. Such information will provide management with useful information in the context of sustainable use of marine resources. Appendix Estimating effective size from cohort genetic data The relationship between genetic drift and effective population size (Ne) is complicated for species with overlapping genera 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd tions such as Atlantic cod. Previously, Jorde & Ryman (1995) devised a set of expressions that allow us to compute a ‘correction factor’ from demographic data that can be applied for estimating Ne from observed temporal allele frequency shifts among consecutive cohorts. No such expressions are available, however, for the situation when samples are drawn from cohorts born more than 1 year apart, as is the case for most of those screened herein. This Appendix describes the estimation of demographic parameters used in Jorde & Ryman’s (1995) procedure and an extension of that procedure to cohorts born more than 1 year apart, using computer simulations. Demographic parameters The elements of a standard Leslie population matrix were estimated from available catch data from coastal cod from several locations along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Annual surveys of cod have been carried out in this area during the autumn (November) for a number of years (2001–2005). Altogether, eight localities were annually surveyed (from east to west: Hvasser, Hvaler, Jomfruland, Flødevigen, Høvåg, Mandal, Korshamn and Farsund) with trammel nets (Olsen et al. 2008). These locations bracket, but do not include, the Søndeled Fjord. Other surveys have been conducted over the years for various purposes in the Søndeled fjord as well (c.f. Gjøsæter & Danielsen 2010 and references therein), but these surveys have typically covered different times of the year (when assessment of maturity is difficult) and ⁄ or have applied different sampling gears. There does not seem to be large differences in demography among Skagerrak coastal cod populations, and we elected to use the most reliable data set for our purposes, which is the collated set for eight localities. Surveyed fish were killed, measured, weighted, aged (from otolith growth zones), sexed and classified according to maturity. Prior to estimating demographic parameters, we lumped fish of both sexes from all eight localities for a total of n = 3066 individuals with complete records. The annual survival rate (S, assuming survival to be constant for all age classes, i) was estimated from the lumped numbers of individual’s catch data (ni,, Fig. A1a) by linear regression of log(ni) on age class i, ignoring the youngest (clearly underrepresented in the sample) and oldest age classes (very low counts, c.f. Fig. A1a). The estimated regression slope of the log number of fish in each age class was b = )0.8346 (Fig. A1b), corresponding to an annual survival rate of S = eb = 0.434. From the estimated S, agespecific survival rates were calculated as li = Si)1 (Table A1). Age-specific birth rates, bi, were estimated in a two-step approach. First, we estimated the probability of being mature from the observed proportions of mature fish in each age class, using logistic regression (glm function in the R statistical package). The logistic regression of maturity (binary response) on age class (Fig. A1c) indicated that most fish matured when aged 1+ to 3+, thus making them 2 years or older when their first offspring were born. Second, we used average body size (body weight) as a proxy for reproductive success and predicted average body weight for each age class from the linear regression of individual body weights on age class. There was an apparent linear gain in body weight, and presumably reproductive output, per year (Fig 4d), with a slope of 550.8 gram ⁄ year (Fig. A1d). The bi was calculated by multiplying the 782 H . K N U T S E N E T A L . 6 5 4 3 0 1 2 log (number of fish) 7 1500 (b) Number of fish 500 1000 (a) 8 9 10 (d) Body weight (g) 0.2 4 6 Age class 8 10 2 4 6 Age class 8 10 0 0.0 2 5000 5 6 7 Age class 3000 4 1000 3 prob (mature) 0.4 0.6 0.8 (c) 2 1.0 1 2 4 6 Age class 8 Fig. A1 Demographic data and parameter estimates for Norwegian Skagerrak coastal cod. (a) Number of cod collected in late autumn (November) from 2001 to 2005 from six localities. Black = immature; grey = mature (i.e. cod presumed to spawn in the following spawning season, early spring). (b) Estimation of annual survival, S, by means of regressing log(N) on age class. Here, we omit early, clearly under-recruited, age classes (i = 1) and older classes (i > 9) with few observations (open symbols). Slope = )0.8346. (c) Estimation of probability of maturing at age, by means of logistic regression of proportion of mature individuals in each age class. (d) Average body weight for each age class, used to estimate relative number of offspring per parent and age class. See text for details. Table A1 Estimated demographic parameters (life table) for coastal cod populations, based on conjugated data from eight sample localities along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. li and bi are the age-specific survival and birth rates, respectively, and were estimated from catch data as described in the text i li bi pi = li*bi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 0.43403 0.18838 0.08177 0.03549 0.01540 0.00669 0.00290 0.00126 0.00055 0.005 0.217 1.316 3.333 5.096 6.525 7.842 9.131 10.414 11.695 0.005 0.094 0.248 0.273 0.181 0.101 0.052 0.026 0.013 0.006 estimated probability of being mature at age i with the average body weight for that age class and adjusted so as to result in a P population of constant size, i.e. li*bi = 1. The estimated parameters (li and bi) are presented in Table A1. During all calculations, we progressed age to the upcoming breeding season (in the spring) so that age 0+ (zero) fish captured during the autumn surveys were treated as age class 1 and so on for older fish. The product pi = li*bi can then be interpreted at the probability of an individual (e.g. daughter) having a parent (mother) that was i years old when the individual was born. P As a result, the generation length is G = pi*i = 4.28 years for these coastal cod populations. Computer simulations The estimated age-specific demographic parameters, li and bi (Table A1), were assumed to be representative for both focal populations and used to infer two important genetic characteristics of the populations, viz. average generation length, G and a vector with elements, ‘correction factors’ Cj, which are needed to relate observed temporal differences among cohorts born various numbers of years apart (j) to the per-generation effective population size, Ne. The generation length is calculated as described earlier, although no analytic expressions are available for Cj, except for j = 1 (Jorde & Ryman 1995; Eq. 10–13 and 23). We therefore resorted to computer simulations to derive numerical values for Cj for all j = 1–9. The simulations were carried out as follows. The simulated population consisted of a series of 10 discrete age classes (i), each containing a number of 2*Ni = 2*N1*li genes. We arbitrarily chose 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd B I O L O G I C A L L Y R E L E V A N T G E N E T I C S I G N A L S 783 P N1 = 1000, for a total population size of N = Ni = 1765 individuals (or 3530 genes). Survival from age class i to i+1 was simulated by randomly drawing 2*Ni+1 surviving genes without replacement from the 2*Ni genes present in age class i. Reproduction was simulated by random drawing of 2*Ni*bi P from age class i, for a total of Ni*bi = N1 = 1000 newborns entering the population each year. After an initial period of t = 50 years, a sampling of genes for genetic analyses was simulated with a random drawing of 100 genes with replacement (sample plan II, Nei & Tajima 1981; Waples 1989) from age class 1 for each of 10 consecutive years, t = 51–60. This simulation procedure was replicated 100 000 times, representing 100 000 independently inherited loci, and used to calculate average temporal allele frequency shifts, Fj (Jorde & Ryman 2007; Eq. 13), over pairs of cohorts born j = 1–9 years apart (the estimator is called Fs’, but we use j as a subscript here to 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd indicate that the estimates refer to cohorts born j years apart, and we drop the apostrophe for simplicity). These simulated frequency shifts were used to calculate the vector of correction factors, Cj = Ne*G*2*Fj (c.f. Jorde & Ryman 1995; Eq. 25), where G = 4.28 years and Ne = 340 for the simulated population, according to expressions given by Felsenstein (1971), and Fj are the simulated temporal allele frequency shifts. The simulations yielded Cj = 6.77, 8.56, 8.54, 9.01, 10.23, 11.57, 12.35, 13.12, 14.60 for j = 1–9. We note that the first value (6.77) for samples drawn from consecutive cohorts, j = 1, is in good agreement with the value (6.68) predicted using Jorde & Ryman’s (1995) analytical approach. Thus, the computer simulations should provide reasonably accurate corrections for the effects of overlapping generations in coastal cod populations. The estimation is described in the main text.