- Oregon Potato Variety Trials 1981 Special Report 674 December 1982 Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State University, Corvallis OREGON POTATO VARIETY TRIALS -- 1981 A.R. MOSLEY, M.J. JOHNSON, G.E. CARTER, C.E. STANGER, AND D.C. HANE INTRODUCTION Potato selections were compared in some 15 tests at four branch experiment stations, at the OSU main campus, and on three commercial farms in the Columbia Basin. Selections tested were obtained primarily from the USDA potato breeding program at Aberdeen, Idaho, but also from colleagues in Colorado, California, North Dakota, Washington, and elsewhere. Most of the seed used was produced at the Central Oregon Station and stored at Klamath Falls. Except for the Statewide Trial, Malheur tests used seed supplied by the Aberdeen program. Virus diseases were severe in most tests in 1981 and doubtless biased results. The reader, therefore, should pay particular attention to disease readings when presented. Steps have been taken to reduce viral problems in future trials. Ninety-six entries were evaluated in 1981 (Table 1). Several of these showed promise in earlier tests in Oregon. Crops were grown using cultural and pest control procedures common to the areas. Standard statistical and data collection techniques were employed. The 1981 Trials were a combined effort of the Central Oregon (Powell Butte), Hermiston, Klamath Falls, and Ontario branch stations, and the Crop Science Department at Oregon State University. Individual tests included: (1) the Oregon Statewide Trial which included some 50 entries at up to four locations; (2) the Western Regional Trial; (3) three on-farm trials in the Columbia Basin; (4) two tests at the Malheur (Ontario) Station; and (5) the Willamette Valley Trial at Corvallis. 2 TABLE 1. Potato Selections Tested in Oregon, 1978-81 Selection 1978 A66102-12 A66102-16 A66107-51 A66122-3 A6789-7 -K -K A67142-1 A68710-5 A69173-2 A69327-5 A69657-4 HK --HK HKO A69827-5 A69827-15 A69868-2 A69870-3 A69870-6 -HK -- A69870-10 A70270-3 A70286-2 A70283-24 A70319-11 -HK --HK A70365-6 A70365-27 A70383-24 A711076-19 A7203-3 A72240-5 A7248-13 A7269-7 A7273-3 A72301-1 A72320-11 A72320-35 A72322-10 A72329-15 HKO HK HK -HK Locations Testedli 1979 1980 -HO HKM HK HK HKMO K -- -- M K 0 K HKM -HK HKMO HKMO HKM -K HKO HK K HKM L L -- L -HKMO K HKOP -HKOP M-L E-M -HKMO HKMO Comments31 Lt. rus. Lge, rgh. Long, rgh. Deep eyes. Poor. Ob. rus. Dumbells. Poor. Long rus. Knobs. Int. disc. Long W. Purple flecks. M 0 -HKOP HKOP L ? E-M E-M M HKMO 0 HKMO M HKM L E M-L M M-L M L M R-0, rus. R-0, rus. Flat. Thick skin. Lge. Rgh. Huge: R-0, Rus. Rots? 0., rus. Rgh? Good skin. 0., lt. rus. OK. Rgh. Rots. IN. Rgh skin. GC. Poor. Lge rus. HH. Dark rus. HH. Sugar end. Long, rgh. rus. R-0. lt. rus. Pointed. Deep eyes. 0 M M L Fair. HH. Sugar end. Lge., some flat and pointed. K HKM M E Rgh. K 0 0 M-L M E E-M E A72331-10 A72331-14 A72331-17 A72421-4 A72450-9 0 A72545-2 A72545-3 A72596-6 A72601-? A72602-2 HK HK -HK K HKM K KM H HKMO A72605-2 A72619-7 A72643-3 A72665-22 A72685-2 HK HK -- K HKM -- 0 0 HKMO 0 HKMO HKMO 0 HKOP HKOP L I E E E-M -- L KOP 0 0 M-L M-L M-L L KOP Scab. L M M-L KP Long, lt. rus. Smooth. 0., med. rus. Rgh. Poor. White. Rgh. G. Deep Eyes. M-L M HKMO HKMO HKMO HM -- 0 0 MaturityV M-L E M HKMO -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1981 GC. R-0., coarse rus. Shatter. R-0, rus. Smooth. Semi-rus. Fair. R-0. It. rus. Smooth. Rgh skin. HH. 0, rus. Thick skin. Lt. rus. Blocky rus. Scab? Fries? 3 TABLE 1 (cont) Selection A72687-11 A7302-1 A7346-11 A7353-3 A7353-16 A7353-25 A7358-3 A7393-2 A73143-4 A73175-6 A73373-6 A73400-3 A73414-15 A7403-3 A7411-2 A7419-2 A7444-3 A7465-8 A7474-12 A7478-I A7487-3 A7487-5 A7497-3 A74104-1 A74104-8 1978 0 0 0 0 Locations Tested?' 1980 1979 M K HKM -HKM 0 0 0 0 0 0 -HKMO 0 -HKOP 0 0 0 0 HKMO HKMO 0 KOP 0 HKMO HKOP HKOP -- 0 HKOP 0 0 0 Maturity4 0, lt. rus. L L E-M E-M E-M 0-L. it. rus. Int. flecking. Lt. rus. Small. HH. Smooth. Lge. Flat. Deep eyes. Lt. rus. Large. E M-L L L M-L R. Deep eyes. GC. Poor. Long, flat. Poor. R-0. Dark rus. Lge. Poor. E M-L E E M E-M M-L L M-L 0 HKMO HKMO -0 HKMO 0 HKOP M-L 0 HKOP 0 K 0 0 0 0 0 White. G. Ugly. R-0. Lt. rus. Poor. O. Dark rus. Smooth. M 0 0 Lt. rus. Fair. R. W. Shatter. Lent. O. Dark rus. OK. O. -0 0 HKO -- A74127-2 A74129-4 A74143-9 A74183-I A74195-2 Smooth. No yield. Poor. Lt. rus. GC. Poor. ? M 0 0 0 0 0 A74112-1 A74114-4 A74117-9 A74124-3 A74126-5 Semi-rus M-L M-L E 0 Comment4 E-M L E-M E M -HKMO HKMO -K 0 A74389-1 A74391-1 A74393-1 A74393-7 A74396-1 -HKMO 0 -- 0 HKMO HKM 0 HKMO A74104-14 A74104-18 A74106-10 A74108-1 A74109-8 A74204-4 A74212-1 A74265-2 A74341-4 A74343-1 1981 0 --H KOP -HKOP M-L E-M E L L M-L Poor. R-0. White. R-0. R-0. Flat rus. Light. White to it. rus. Crescent-shaped. Rgh. Good long rus. L E R-0. Rus. R-0. Rus. E Flat. Good. Good. Poor. 4 TABLE 1 (cont) Selection 1978 Locations Tested-1/ 1979 1980 A74404-3 A74406-2 A74416-8 A74441-3 A74541-1 0 0 0 A74543-5 A74544-1 A74585-17 A74595-11 A74595-15 0 A74595-17 A74596-7 A74626-1 A7518-8 A7578-1 0 0 0 0 0 M-L 0 Commentsql R-0. Lt. rus. Good. L 0 L 0 M-L L E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A7637-12 A76153-2 AD7267-1 AD7377-1 A07386-1 Maturityaj L E-M E M-L M-L 0 A75195-2 A75291-3 A75291-4 A75383-1 A7637-8 Allagash Atlantic 86987-201 87024-81 BA9309-1 HKOPW -0 A7578-5 A7589-2 A7596-1 A75182-1 A75188-3 AD74135-1 AK28-8 AK38-2 ALR4-1 ALR22-2 HKMO 1981 -H HO -HKMO W 0 -HKO 0 -HKMO 0 -HK -HO -- -HKMOW -HO 0 HW HKW HW -- -OP HKOP 0 HKOP -HKOP -0 -HKOP HKOP -0 L Small rough rus. E-M M-L E-M M R-0. Rus. Dark rus. GC. Scab. Blocky. Good. M M L M M M-L Fair russet. Flat. Lt. rus. Flat. 0 0 HKO HKOPW KOP M-L M-L M M-L HKOP __ HKOP HKOP' L O. rus. Fair. Fsh. mkt.? L R. W. Knobs. R-0. Lt. rus. R-0. Lt. rus. W E W E M M E M-L KOW Smooth. Ob. rus. Poor. Good, Scab? Rus. Fair. Low yields. R. rus. Chipper. R-0. White. Scab. W BC9071-6 Belchip Belrus Bintje Bison -HK -HKMW W -- W W KOPW Butte Centennial Chieftan Chipbelle Crystal HO HK HK -W HKMOW HK HKM -HW HKMO -HKMO HKOPW -HKOP W M 0 -- W W M-L E M-L E E M M R. Lt. rus. G. R. White. Yellow flesh. Red. Smooth, small. Metribuzin. O. Rus. Smooth. Dark rus. Low yields. Oblong red. R. White. Chipper. HH. 5 TABLE 1 (cont) Selection Locations Tested 1981 1980 1979 1978 Haig Haig (New ) Kennebec Lemhi Monona Nampa ND55-7 ND137-2 ND258-1 ND274-6 W W W W W W W-- W HW Dakchip Delta Gold Denali FL162 FL1168 HW -- -- W HKO -- HK W W HW HKMOW W HKMOW W -- W HKOP W W HK W KP HKOP HKOP ND467-3 ND541-2 ND561-1 ND638-1 ND8850-2 ND9474-6A NDA451-2 NDA514-2 NOA8694-3 NDA9249-3 NOD47-1 ND0110-4 Nooksack Norchip Norgold Norland Pioneer R. Burbank Red LaSoda Sangre Superior Targhee TND14-1 TXA17-1 TXA83-1 M M M M M Round. White. Chipper R. White. Yellow flesh. Chipper. R. White. Chipper. R. White. Chipper. R. White. Chipper. E M R. White. Early chipper. Later than Haig. Oblong. White. 0-L. Rus. Good. Do not store. R-0. White. Chipper. L Long. Lge eyes. R. Rus. Dark. GC. Poor. Metribuzin. L Oblong. Russet. Centennial type. W -- 0 W HOP 0 0 HKO W OW HKMOW HKMOW HKMO H HKMW HW HKMO W--- W H KW W HOW HKOPW HKMO W-- -0 0 HO STANDARD -HKMO HO HO HK W HKM 0 0 E-M E-M E N L HKOP -- HKOPW -- HKOP HKMO W-- -- O 0 0 TXA218-2 TXA218-5 TXA218-7 TXA226-1 TXA331-1 TXA549-1 W541-2 W630-5 W641-11 W667-10 HKOPW -- Maturity' Comments' -- HKOP L M E-M E M-L M L M-L R. Blocky russet. R. Lt. rus. Rgh. Hollow. R-0. Lge. Lt. rus. Skin cracks. R. W. Small. Deep eyes. Chipper. Early. R. russet. Early red. Early oblong red. Long rus. Red. Round red. Stores well. Early round white. R-0. Dark. Coarse net. E-M E-M M Red. Rgh. Scab. M-L M-L HKMO HKMO HKMO KM Dark. Rgh. Poor. Long, large white. Scab. OK. R-0. Lt. rus. -HKOP E-M 6 TABLE 1 (cont) Selection W670-3 W701-14 W708-5 W720-2 W730-2 WC435-3 WC521-12 WC612-13 WC672-2 WD 630-4 1978 Locations Testedli 1980 1979 1981 H HKM H KM -HKMO -HKMO M -- HO HO WD641-10 HKMO HK H HO -H MaturityV L L E M-L L Comments' Smooth. Oval. HH. GC. R-0. Rgh. Dk rus. Poor. R. White. Smooth. R-0. Rus. Good? -HKOPW KOP HO KOP M-L L E-M R-0. Dk rus. Attached stolons. R. White. R. Lt. rus. R. Flat. Rus. KOP M-L R. Dark rus. 11H = Hermiston; K = Klamath Falls; M = Madras; 0 = Ontario; P = Powell Butte; W = Willamette Valley at Corvallis. = early; M = midseason; L late. SIN = internal necrosis; G = sun green; GC = growth cracks; HH = hollow heart; L round; Rus = russet skin; W = white skin. light-colored; 0 = oblong; R long; Lt = OREGON STATEWIDE TRIAL Four similar plantings sharing approximately 40 selections in common were made at the Central Oregon (Powell Butte), Columbia Basin (Hermiston), Klamath (Klamath Falls) and Malheur (Ontario) branch experiment stations. Crops were grown using commercially accepted cultural practices which varied slightly depending on the location. Individual plots were single rows ranging from 20 to 30 feet (1 ft. = 0.3048 m) long. Entries were replicated four times in a randomized block design. Selections in the Powell Butte trial were fried at 350°F (176.6°C) for four minutes on December 4 after four weeks of storage at 55°F (12.8°C), followed by three weeks at 50°F (10°C). Seed for the 1981 Statewide Trial and most other Oregon varietal tests was less than satisfactory due to a high incidence of mosaic-type viruses, primarily PVX and PVY. High virus levels were caused primarily by virus-contaminated parent stock which was not detected in serological tests during the fall of 1980. This factor should be considered when interpreting results. HERMISTON Yields in the Hermiston (Columbia Basin) test were extremely high due in large part to the extremely long growing season and sandy soils. Commercial Russet Burbank fields in the Basin average about 25 tons per acre (1 T/a = 2.2432 metric T/ha),with new fields often yielding up to 35 tons. Columbia Basin production is geared toward the frozen french fry market and relies primarily on Russet Burbank for late-season and out- 8 of-storage processing. Factors such as high specific gravity, good fry color, and long storage life are therefore crucial to the success of a new variety. Some 25 percent of Oregon's Columbia Basin production enters fresh market channels, however, particularly early Norgold Russets. Procedure: Thirty-five selections and varieties were planted in loamy fine sand on the Hermiston (CBARC) station on April 7. Seedpieces were spaced nine inches (1 in = 2.54 cm) apart in 34-inch rows. Plots were single rows 25 feet (1 ft = 0.3048 m) long, replicated four times in a randomized block design. The planting was fertilized by banding 100 pounds N, 150 P 20 5 , 150 K2 0, 50 S, and 1 pound B per acre (1 lb/a = 1.2 kg/ha) at planting. Additionally, 50 pounds of nitrogen were broadcast on June 2, again on June 17, and finally on July 18, for a total seasonal N rate of 250 pounds per acre. Dyfonate for wireworms was banded over rows and incorporated by rototilling on March 24, approximately two weeks before planting. Foliar insects were controlled by a combination of Imidan on May 8, side-dressed Temik on May 12, and Monitor on July 8 and August 6. Metribuzin was used for weed control, and vines were killed with Dinitro on September 9. All chemicals were applied at commercial rates. Tubers were harvested on September 21. Results: Large differences in yield and quality were evident among the 38 entries (Table 2). Based on yield and external appearance, A69870-3, A69870-6, A72545-2, A74212-1, A74393-1, A74404-3, A7596-1, Butte and Targhee appeared to be promising, A7596-1 was particularly impressive despite a tendency toward large tubers. Virus infection levels ranged from extremely low to very high. Yields and grade-out were probably affected. Some entries, such as A72545-2, yielded well despite a high disease incidence (60%). TABLE 2. Yield and Quality Characteristics, Statewide Trial, Hermiston, 1981 Oz. Tuber Specific Gravity 3 6 1 1 2 8.4 9.8 8.6 10.0 11.8 1.084 1.087 1.082 1.080 1.075 6% Mo. Good 0-L, Lt. rus. Poor. G. White. Scab. Blocky rus. Good. Late. Rus. R-0. 60% Mo. R-0. Lt. rus. 88 83 76 83 83 3 3 3 5 10.6 10.9 7.2 9.2 10.7 1.087 1.078 1.081 1.079 1.072 30% Mo. Dk. Rus. Fair. 18% Mo. Poor. R-0. Dk. rus. Fair. Early Lt. rus. G. Lent. Shatter. RW. 40% Mo. Ugly. White. O. 869 768 683 183 803 73 89 93 76 88 12 3 2 6 4 10.9 9.5 9.1 9.7 8.5 1.075 1.078 1.083 1.074 1.081 6% Mo. Poor. White. R-0. Late. Good Long Rus. Flat. Rus. R-0. Good. 90% Mo. Rus. R-0. Scab. Late. Rus. R-0. 252 291 744 481 543 311 326 841 546 590 81 89 88 88 92 5 3 7 4 3 7.1 7.7 12.7 9.8 10.9 1.078 1.080 1.084 1.079 1.079 79% Mo. Rus. Rgh. Small. GC. Scab. Rus. R-0. Dk. rus. Good Blocky. Flat. Fair rus. 9% Mo. Lt. rus. Flat. AC67560-1 AD74135-1 AK38-2 ALR4-1 Butte 557 518 338 446 703 610 640 552 530 767 91 81 61 84 92 3 7 22 1 1 10.2 8.3 7.6 7.7 7.4 1.074 1.079 1.078 1.092 1.086 Scab. Red. Fair. Rus. 0-L. 27% Mo. Knobs. Poor. Scab. Good Lt. rus. Rus. O. Fair-Good. Chieftain Lemhi ND137-2 ND451-2 ND561-1 586 469 220 404 540 632 568 322 439 619 93 83 68 92 87 3 8 5 1 4 9.4 11.3 5.4 11.2 11.1 1.071 1.079 1.068 1.072 1.078 12% Mo. Oblong. Red. 51% Mo. Good blocky rus. G.C. 18% Mo. Dk. Poor. R. Rus. 21% Mo. R., Blocky rus. 36% Mo. Late. Rus. O. ND638-1 Norgold Pioneer R. Burbank R.B., 1978 Gen. 1 180 369 297 420 211 417 347 576 85 88 85 73 3 1 2 16 6.9 8.2 7.7 8.8 1.073 1.077 1.074 1.086 45% Mo. Cent. Type. 27% Mo. Good. Rus. R-0. Red. Oblong. Good. 100% Mo. Knobs. Long rus. 457 754 61 21 9.4 1.083 Long rus. T226-1 Targhee WN630-5 LSD, .05 421 710 577 147 567 810 670 155 74 88 86 -- 10.1 9.5 13.1 -- 1.064 1.084 1.081 0.005 Rgh. Scab. Red. Oblong. Dark rus. Scab. Long White. Selection Yield, Cwt/AY Percent No.2 No.1 Total No.1 A69173-2 A69657-4 A69870-3 ',19870-6 A72545-2 407 624 666 621 655 469 806 709 670 715 87 77 94 93 92 A72602-2 A7403-3 A7487-3 A7487-5 A74104-8 533 672 294 357 581 608 806 386 430 699 A74124-3 A74212-1 A74393-1 A74396-1 A74404-3 635 684 635 138 704 A7518-8 A7578-5 A7596-1 A75291-3 A75291-4 7 6 5 5 OK. CWT/A x 0.112 = T/ha. green; GC = growth cracks; L = long; Lt = light-colored; Mo = mosaic; Dk = dark-colored; G 0 = oblong; R = round; Rgh = rough; Rus = russet; W = white. 10 CENTRAL OREGON (Powell Butte) The Central Oregon growing season is short and cool. Therefore, latematuring selections tend to perform poorly. The Central Oregon crop is marketed mainly as seed, but a substantial portion enters fresh market channels. Procedure: Fifty selections, including those tested at Hermiston, were planted in Deschutes Sandy Loam. Seedpieces treated with Captan were spaced 9 inches (1 in = 2.54 cm) apart in 36-inch rows. Plots were single rows 15 feet (1 ft = .3048 m) long. Each entry was replicated four times in a randomized block design. Fertilizer, 1000 lbs/acre (1 lb/a = 1.12 kg/ha) of 16-16-16, was banded at planting. Weeds were controlled by Eptam pre-plant and cultivation. Monitor was used for insects. Tubers were harvested on October 12. Fry tests were performed on December 4, using tubers stored 4 weeks at 55°F (12.8°C) followed by three weeks at 50°F (10°C). Slices were fried 4 minutes at 350°F (176°C). Results: Virus mosaics confounded results (Table 2), as was the case at Hermiston. The same seed lots were used at all four Statewide test sites. Entries showing promise included A69657-4, A70365-27, A69870-6, A69870-3, A72545-2, A72602-2, A72685-2, A74393-1, and A74404-3; several of these also performed well at Hermiston. A696570-4 yields were high and fry quality was good, but tubers were too rough and scabby. Several selections showed better French fry color than Russet Burbank. A69657-4, A69870-3, A72545-2, A7403-1, and A74404-3 all produced lightcolored fries. Low specific gravity could eliminate A74404-3 and A72545-2 as processors, however. 11 TABLE 3. Yield and Quality Characteristics of Fifty Selections and Varieties, Powell Butte Statewide Trial, 1981 Selection Rank Yield, Cwt/A :li No.1 Total % No.1 Oz Tuber Specific Gravity N.H. Ave. Fry Color Local Russet Bison Butte Chieftan Lemhi 14 47 21 10 15 496 296 466 507 493 308 201 349 416 403 62 75 75 82 82 4.7 6.3 5.5 6.3 8.7 1.086 1.066 1.085 1.065 1.088 4.8 0 0 0 0 2.4 2.5 3.8 3.3 3.1 Norgold 79 VTSC Pioneer Targhee A69173-2 40 23 41 27 38 326 454 325 438 336 253 323 266 344 253 78 66 82 79 75 5.9 4.9 8.5 5.4 5.5 1.070 1.086 1.069 1.079 1.078 0 5.4 0 0 0 3.5 2.0 3.3 3.3 3.3 A69657-4 A69870-3 A69870-6 A70365-27 A72545-2 1 11 18 13 12 722 506 479 497 501 526 416 419 427 403 73 82 88 86 81 7.5 7.1 8.5 6.9 7.4 1.085 1.079 1.083 1.091 1.078 0.8 0 0.8 1.2 0 1.9 1.7 2.5 2.9 1.9 A72602-2 A72619-7 A72685-2 A7403-3 A7474-12 19 36 9 29 2 476 375 510 430 602 417 284 414 375 405 88 76 81 87 67 6.5 5.6 7.8 7.6 8.6 1.090 1.077 1.086 1.081 1.079 1.4 0 0 2.1 1.8 2.8 2.8 3.7 1.4 3.1 A7487-3 A7487-5 A74104-8 A74124-3 A74212-1 28 32 24 8 4 433 415 444 513 538 305 318 345 373 415 71 77 78 73 77 6.0 8.4 7.7 9.0 5.9 1.082 1.087 1.082 1.072 1.073 0 1.5 0 0 0 3.7 3.9 3.3 4.0 3.6 A74393-1 A74396-1 A74404-3 A74626-1 A7518-8 6 48 7 35 43 527 268 525 397 318 466 178 416 303 205 88 66 79 77 65 7.0 7.6 8.0 7.8 5.1 1.083 1.080 1.077 1.082 1.084 0 1.2 3.2 0 9.9 3.3 3.9 1.0 2.6 3.6 A7578-5 A7596-1 A75291-3 A75291-4 AC67560-1 (Sangre) 44 16 39 26 17 310 481 329 439 480 222 355 271 373 388 72 74 83 85 81 6.9 5.8 9.1 8.7 6.0 1.084 1.087 1.073 1.073 1.065 4.3 1.0 0 0 0 3.6 2.8 4.0 3.1 3.9 AD7377-1 AD7386-1 A074135-1 AK38-2 ALR4-1 22 37 3 31 20 462 358 572 418 474 383 227 403 285 369 83 63 70 68 78 8.3 8.9 8.9 5.5 6.2 1.071 1.072 1.077 1.089 1.086 3.3 3.4 4.0 0.8 2.0 ND137-2 ND451-2 N0561-1 ND638-1 T226-1 42 25 30 46 5 323 442 425 279 534 164 361 347 206 387 51 82 82 74 73 4.7 8.4 7.2 4.7 9.3 1.069 1.071 1.079 1.074 1.063 3.6 4.0 2.9 2.6 3.9 1.5 12 TABLE 3 (cont) WC521-12 WC612-13 WD630-4 WD641-10 WN630-5 Average LSO, 0.05 Specific Gravity Ave. Fry ?! Color Rank Total No.1 No.1 Oz. Tuber 50 34 49 45 33 224 411 236 292 413 123 299 149 230 315 55 73 63 79 76 5.7 6.6 6.9 7.5 12.1 1.087 1.088 1.084 1.082 1.085 0 1.2 6.0 0 0 1.5 1.3 2.2 3.3 3.9 430 108 328 108 76 7.1 1.5 1.079 .004 1.0 4.4 3.0 0.9 Yield, Cwt/A11 Selection % H.H. Cwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. ?/ Values based on the USDA Color Standards for Frocon French Fried Potatoes, 3rd Edition. Low values = light-colored fries. 13 KLAMATH FALLS Procedure: Fifty entries were compared in the Klamath Falls Statewide Trial in 1981. The crop was grown using production and pest control procedures commercially accepted in the Klamath Basin. Results: Yields were unusually low for the Klamath Falls area (Table 4). Low productivity was probably due in part to virus-infected seed, but other factors must have also been involved. For example, metribuzin phytotoxicity caused considerable damage to TX226-1, Bison, Chieftan, Pioneer, Sangre, and probably others. Entries showing some yield potential included A696577-4, A72685-2, A7403-3, A74104-8, A74212-1, and AD74135-1. Since Klamath Basin potatoes are grown primarily for fresh market, A74104-8, A69657-4, A7403-3, and 74104-8 would be of little value since tuber shape and skin color were unacceptable (Table 6). A74212-1 probably has more potential than any of the other new selections since it not only yielded well but also produced attractive, long, russet tubers. Specific gravities of some entries were extremely low, possibly because those selections were not mature at harvest. Extremely late varieties cannot be grown profitably in the Klamath Basin due to the short growing season. ONTARIO Malheur County potatoes are used for frozen French fries and, to a lesser extent, for tablestock. Length of season is intermediate between the Columbia Basin and Central Oregon. Commercial yields average about 18 tons per acre. Procedure: Forty-five selections were compared at the Malheur experiment station in 1981. Seedpieces were planted nine inches apart in 36-inch 14 rows on April 23. Plots were single rows 18.5 feet long, replicated three times. The silt loam soil (pH 7.3, O.M. 1.2%) was amended with 100 pounds P 0 and 60 pounds N per acre (1 lb/a = 1.12 kg/ha), broadcast and plowed 2 5 down in the fall of 1980; 150 pounds per acre of N as ammonium nitrate was sidedressed at planting. Weeds were controlled by Roneet (cycloate) broadcast in the fall of 1980 at 4 pounds ai/a and disc-incorporated before bedding. Temik (aldicarb) was sidedressed at 3 pounds ai/a at planting. Plots were furrow-irrigated as needed. Vines were removed by rotobeating on October 6. Harvest was on October 16. Results: Mosaic viruses were readily evident in many of the select- ions, with percent infection ranging from 0 for several entries to 88 percent for WC521-12 and ND638-1 (Table 5). Selections showing good US No. 1 yields included A7474-2, A74212-1, A69870-3, AC6750-1 (Sangre), A72602-2, A75291-3, A74404-3, A69870-6, ND451-2, WN630-5, Russet Burbank, and ALR4-1. SUMMARY Fifty-one selections and varieties were grown at one or more sites in the 1981 Statewide Trial. Seed of some of the entries was severely infected with virus. Yields were probably affected by differences in virus levels. Several selections appeared to have promise (Table 6). A69870-6, A72602-2, A74212-1, A74393-1, A74404-3, Butte, Sangre, and Targhee produced good yields of tubers sufficiently attractive for fresh market use. Most of these entries fried too dark or had specific gravities too low for processing purposes. A69657-4, A69870-3, A72545-2, A7403-3, and 15 TABLE 5. Yield and Grade of 45 Potato Selections and Varieties, Malheur Statewide Trial, 1981 Selection US No. 1 1/ Percent Cwt/A 2's Culls Total Cwt/A Mosaic o A69173-2 A69657-4 A69870-3 A69870-6 A72602-2 320 396 512 428 462 89 92 92 88 91 0 2 3 0 4 11 6 5 12 5 358 432 556 484 510 6 14 0 0 18 A72619-7 A7403-3 A7474-12 A7487-3 A7487-5 140 400 650 176 346 77 93 93 84 94 0 0 1 2 0 23 7 6 14 6 182 430 698 210 370 40 20 0 0 0 A74104-8 A74124-3 A74212-1 A74393-1 A74396-1 406 416 504 376 406 93 86 92 87 90 0 1 2 3 4 6 13 6 20 6 432 486 546 430 450 36 28 0 16 72 A74404-3 A74626-1 A7518-8 A7596-1 A75291-3 432 304 162 300 448 85 82 75 90 91 4 11 6 2 4 12 7 19 9 5 510 372 216 334 492 4 ? 64 0 4 A75291-4 AD7386-1 AK38-2 ALR4-1 Atlantic 360 396 318 450 316 92 84 85 90 95 2 11 12 0 1 7 5 4 10 4 392 472 376 302 546 8 18 20 0 0 Bison Butte Chieftan Lemhi NO137-2 232 460 286 248 242 90 85 83 84 56 3 3 9 1 28 7 13 3 14 16 258 544 344 294 430 20 0 6 38 18 NO451-2 N0561-1 N0638-1 Norgold Pioneer 478 300 238 234 330 94 91 89 89 86 1 0 2 0 9 5 9 9 11 5 508 330 268 262 384 10 58 88 22 42 R. Burbank 1979 Gen 1. R. Burbank 1978 Gen 1. Sangre Targhee TX226-1 460 83 8 9 556 2 296 83 6 12 358 8 494 308 404 93 81 83 2 0 12 6 19 5 534 380 488 6 0 2 W630-5 WC521-12 WC612-13 WD630-4 WD641-10 452 218 200 176 358 97 86 86 86 92 0 6 2 0 2 3 8 12 14 6 468 254 232 204 388 8 88 8 60 2 IL —Lwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. 16 74404-3 produced acceptable fries but had various shape or skin deficiencies. None of the selections was outstanding in 1981. Many will be entered in 1982 trials. • • 17 TABLE 6. Average Performance of 51 Selections and Varieties at Four Locations, Statewide Trial, 1981 1/ No. 1 Yield, Cwt/A Specific Gravity KF PB H PB Avg. 0 KF Avg. %31 Fry-4%-3-/ HH Color Mosaic Comments) Selection H A69173-2 A69657-4 A69870-3 A69870-6 A70365-27 407 624 666 621 -- 216 348 219 256 240 320 396 512 428 -- 253 526 416 419 427 299 473 453 431 -- 1.084 1.087 1.082 1.080 -- 1.076 1.084 1.067 1.061 1.086 1.078 1.085 1.079 1.083 1.091 1.079 1.085 1.076 1.075 -- 0 0.8 0 0.8 1.2 3.3 1.9 1.7 2.5 2.9 6 14 0 0 Good O-L, Lt. Rus. Poor. G. Scab. White. Rus. Blocky. Good. Late. Rus. R-0. ---- A72545-2 A72602-2 A72619-7 A72685-2 A7403-3 655 533 -- -- 672 240 293 157 376 319 -- 462 140 -- 400 403 417 284 414 375 -- 426 -- -- 441 1.075 1.087 -- -- 1.078 1.080 1.089 1.081 1.081 1.068 1.078 1.090 1.077 1.086 1.081 1.078 1.089 -- -- 1.076 0 1.4 0 0 2.1 1.9 2.8 2.8 3.7 1.4 60 30 40 -- 20 Rus. Lt. R-0. Fair. Dark rus. ---Rus. Oblong. Rus. Dark. R-0. A7474-1 A7487-3 A7487-5 A74104-8 A74124-3 -- 294 357 581 635 173 175 179 365 249 650 176 346 406 416 405 305 318 345 373 -- 237 300 424 418 -- 1.081 1.079 1.072 1.075 1.086 1.080 1.087 1.080 1.074 1.079 1.082 1.087 1.082 1.072 -- 1.081 1.084 1.078 1.074 1.8 0 1.5 0 0 3.1 3.7 3.9 3.3 4.0 0 0 0 40 28 ---Early. Fair. Rus. Lt. G. Shatter. Lent. R W. Ugly. O.W. Poor. White. R-0. A74212-1 A74393-1 A74396-1 A74404-3 A74626-1 684 635 138 704 -- 398 259 159 232 -- 504 376 406 423 304 415 466 178 416 303 500 434 220 446 -- 1.078 1.083 1.074 1.081 -- 1.081 1.073 1.068 1.066 -- 1.073 1.083 1.080 1.077 1.082 1.077 1.080 1.074 1.075 -- 0 0 1.2 3.2 0 3.6 3.3 3.9 1.0 2.6 0 16 90 4 ? Late. Good long rus. Flat. Rus. R-0. Good. Rus. R-0. Scab: Late. Rus. R-0. ---- A7518-8 A7578-5 A7596-1 A75291-3 A75291-4 252 291 744 481 543 70 90 278 221 259 162 -- 300 448 360 205 222 355 271 373 172 -- 419 355 384 1.078 1.080 1.184 1.079 1.079 1.084 1.081 1.083 1.076 1.077 1.084 1.084 1.087 1.073 1.073 1.082 1.082 1.085 1.076 1.076 9.9 4.3 1.0 0 0 3.6 3.6 2.8 4.0 3.1 80 -- 0 4 9 Rus. Rgh. Small. Scab. GC. Rus. R-0. Good blocky, dark rus. Flat. Fair rus. Flat. Rus. Lt. AD7267-1 AD7377-1 AD7386-1 A074135-1 AK38-2 -- -- -- 518 338 235 279 293 339 146 -- -- 396 -- 318 -- 383 227 403 285 -- -- -- -- 272 -- -- -- 1.079 1.078 1.070 1.074 1.078 1.080 1.083 -- 1.071 1.072 1.077 1.089 -- -- 1.079 1.083 - 0 0 0 0 -- 3.3 3.4 4.0 0.8 -- -- 18 -- 27 Shatter. Rus. Oblong. O. Dark Rus. Flat. OK. Shatter. ---Fair. Rus. 0-L. Poor. W. Round. ALR4-1 Atlantic Bison Butte Chieftan 446 -- -- 703 586 153 209 201 222 172 450 316 232 460 286 369 -- 260 349 416 354 -- -- 433 365 1.092 -- -- 1.086 1.071 1.079 1.085 -- 1.072 1.064 1.086 -- 1.066 1.085 1.065 1.086 -- -- 1.081 1.067 0 0 0 20 0 12 Good. 0 0 0 2.0 -- 2.5 3.8 3.3 Lemhi ND137-2 ND451-2 NO561-1 ND638-1 469 220 404 540 180 153 134 107 180 14 248 242 478 300 238 403 164 361 347 206 318 190 337 342 159 1.079 1.068 1.072 1.078 1.073 1.078 1.068 1.074 1.081 -- 1.088 1.069 1.071 1.079 1.074 1.082 1.068 1.072 1.079 -- 0 0 0 0 0 3.1 3.6 4.0 2.9 2.6 51 18 21 58 88 Good, blocky rus. Dark. GC. Poor R. Rus. Rus. Blocky. R. Late. Rus. O. Cent. type. Norgold Pioneer R. Burbank Sangre Targhee 369 297 457 557 710 144 101 187 241 298 234 330 460 494 308 253 266 323 388 344 250 248 357 420 415 1.077 1.074 1.083 1.074 1.084 1.072 1.075 1.088 1.076 1.065 1.070 1.069 1.086 1.065 1.079 1.073 1.073 1.086 1.072 1.076 0 0 5.4 0 0 3.5 3.3 2.0 3.9 3.3 27 42 2 6 0 Early. Rus. R-0. Red. Oblong. Good. Knobs. Rus. Long. Long dormancy. Red. Oblong. Rus. Dark. TX226-1 W630-5 WC521-12 WC612-13 WD630-4 W0641-10 421 577 -- -- -- -- 198 299 73 253 28 154 404 452 218 200 176 358 387 315 123 299 149 230 352 411 -- -- -- -- 1.064 1.081 -- -- -- -- 1.068 1.070 1.094 1.089 1.090 1.084 1.063 1.085 1.087 1.088 1.084 1.082 1.065 1.079 -- -- 1.5 0 0 1.2 6.0 0 3.9 3.9 1.5 1.3 2.2 3.3 2 8 88 8 60 2 Rough. Scab. Red. Scab. Long white. Shatter. W-Lt. Rus. R. ---- -- Lt. Rus. ---Fair-good. Red. O. O. Poor. Scab. Rus. Scab. OK. = Columbia Basin Ag. Res. Center (CBARC) at Hermiston; KF = Klamath Falls Experiment Station at Klamath Fall; 0 = alheur Experiment Station at Ontario; PB = Central Oregon Experiment Station at Powell Butte. M Cwt/A x 0.11 Z = T/ha. 'Powell Butte site only. 2/ Based on visual symptoms at Ontario and Hermiston. 1/ Based on Hermiston Trial. Shape: L = long; 0 = oblong; W = white; G = greening; GC = growth cracks. 18 COLUMBIA BASIN (Hermiston) TRIALS Five varietal trials were conducted by the Hermiston station in 1981. Results of the Statewide Trial were presented earlier. The Western Regional and three on-farm trials will be discussed in this section. ON-FARM-TRIALS Procedure: Seven selections and varieties were compared under centerpivot irrigation in commercial fields. The test site(s) received the same soil preparation, production, and pest control practices used on the remainder of the field(s). Soils were sandy. Irrigation and fertilization levels were adequate to high. Rows were marked as the fields were being planted. An assisted-feed planter was then used to plant in the premarked rows. Plots were single 25-foot rows, replicated three times in a randomized block design. Tubers were dug by level-bed digger and picked up by hand. Results: Only Lemhi produced lower yields than Russet Burbank (Table 7). Lemhi typically yields much higher than these results indicate. Based on US No. 1 yields, specific gravities, and known French fry potential, Nooksack appeared to be the best selection. A74404-3 yielded well and produced light-colored fries (Table 6) but specific gravity was low, and tubers tended to be scabby at one site. A74404-3 will be tested further in 1982, especially for processing. AD7377-1 is probably not suited to the Columbia Basin since tubers were flat and prone to shatter bruise, and French fry color was unacceptable. 19 TABLE 7. Yield and Quality Characteristics of Potato Selections Under Commercial Center-Pivot Conditions in the Columbia Basin, 1981 Specific Gravity Oz. Tuber Comments 712 592 513 495 573 1.078 1.076 1.084 1.087 1.091 8.5 9.9 8.4 8.4 12.7 Oblong Rus. Late. Scab. Oblong dark rus. Flat. Shatter. Fair-good oblong rus. Good blocky rus. Won't store. Round, large rus. tubers. 490 481 1.082 8.9 Typical Burbank. 519 645 595 1.082 8.0 Better than 1978 seed. --705 460 458 401 599 604 526 529 531 544 1.081 1.081 1.081 6.8 5.9 9.3 Tubers smaller than above. Dark, rough-skinned. Tablestock. 121 57 83 Total Cwt/A Avg. RF MC ER No. 1 MC A74404-3 AD7377-1 Butte Lemhi Nooksack 761 599 430 437 689 435 383 361 264 428 586 578 461 426 480 594 520 417 376 532 902 688 538 526 723 546 472 443 397 487 688 616 558 564 510 RB, 1978 Gen 1. RB, 1980 Gen 1. RB, cut RB, whole Targhee 330 256 373 320 505 449 506 305 484 432 622 --654 277 238 334 418 457 457 347 347 482 LSD, .05 101 63 71 Selection.– 1/ / cwt/A?/ Avg. RF ER RB = Russet Burbank. Gen 1 indicates first year seed source was increased by seed growers. Cut = typical cut seedpieces; whole = single-drop tubers. 1/ ER = Eagle Ranch; MC = Merle Carlson Farm; RF = Royal Farms. Cwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. 20 WESTERN REGIONAL TRIAL Procedure: Ten entries were compared at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center (CBARC) at Hermiston; these were also included in one or more of the Ontario trials. Individual plots were single rows 25 feet long, replicated four times in a randomized block design. Seedpieces were planted nine inches apart in 34-inch rows on April 7. Metribuzin was applied at the rate of 0.5 pounds ai/a on June 4. Results: None of the selections was outstanding (Table 8), but A72685-2 did appear to have some potential for fresh market. Others showing some promise included WC521-12, AD7377-1, A72545-2, and Lemhi. Most of the selections were severely infected with mosaic viruses. 21 TABLE 8. Yield and Quality Characteristics of Western Regional Trials, Hermiston Percent no.2 no.1 Oz. Tuber Specific Gravity Entry Yield, Cwt/A1' Total No.1 A72545-2 A72685-2 AD7267-1 AD7377-1 AD74135-1 630 669 392 564 406 697 743 501 669 492 90 90 78 84 82 1 3 10 10 6 11.8 11.6 10,6 10.7 8.7 1.078 1.082 1.070 1.075 1.079 IN. Scab. O., Lt. Rus. O. Rus. 0. Rus. Shatter. EyesO. Dk. Rus. G.C. O. Rus. Shatter WC521-12 WC672-2 Lemhi Norchip R. Burbank 526 640 513 403 321 564 716 561 502 489 93 89 91 80 66 2 7 4 6 14 8.8 8.8 10.9 6.6 8.6 1.096 1.083 1.085 1.081 1.084 R, Lt. Rus. Shatter. R, Rus, Scab. Ugly. O. Rus. R. W. Scab. Cracks. L., Rus. Cracks. Knobs. LSD, .05 133 147 Comments-2_/ 0.005 1/Cwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. Ahape, skin type: 0 = oblong; R = round; L = long; R = Russet; W = white; IN = internal necrosis; GC = growth cracks. 22 MALHEUR TRIALS Two tests in addition to the Statewide Trial were conducted by the Malheur station in 1981. Entries were primarily selections from the Aberdeen, Idaho, breeding program which also supplied the seed. Procedure: The potatoes were planted on April 23 and 25 in silt loam soil which had been partially fertilized, herbicide-treated, and bedded during the fall of 1980. Fertilizer consisted of 100 pounds of P 0 and 80 pounds of N per acre plowed under in the fall and 120 pounds 2 5 of additional N sidedressed at planting. Roneet (cycloate) was disc-incorporated before bedding in 1980. Temik was banded at planting. Pesticides were applied according to label directions. The plots were furrow-irrigated on May 24 and as needed thereafter. During midseason, water was applied every four days in each furrow for 12 hours. Vines were rated for maturity during the first week of October. Vines were then removed by rotobeating on October 6, and tubers were harvested on October 12 and graded on October 13 and 14. Cooking and specific gravity tests were performed at Aberdeen, Idaho. The preliminary trial consisted of 19 entries replicated three times in single-row plots 25 hills long. Fifteen selections were evaluated in the advanced trial in single row plots 35 hills long, replicated four times. Results: Yields were lower than normal for the Ontario area due to excessive water rot. Early-maturing lines were particularly prone to rots. Only three selections -- A72665-22, A7637-12, and A76153-2 -- outyielded Russet Burbank in the Preliminary Trial (Table 9). Further testing is necessary before these selections can be fully assessed. 23 None of the entries in the Advanced Trial appeared to be an improvement on Russet Burbank (Table 10). Although WC521-12 yielded well, it is basically a round, white potato not suited to the Malheur area. 24 TABLE 9. Yield and Quality, Preliminary Late Harvest Trial, Malheur Experiment Station, 1981 Selection Yield, Cwt/A" Total No. 1 US no. 1, ". )10 oz. 6-10 oz. 4-6 oz. Percent No.2 Culls No.1 2/ Boil ed ColorColor Yellow Dulling Specific Gravity A69827-15 A711076-19 A72240-5 A72643-3 A72665-22 120 108 155 105 209 199 177 292 220 343 5 12 3 2 12 32 21 23 24 20 23 28 27 22 29 60 61 53 48 61 3 9 6 4 3 37 30 40 48 36 3.7 3.4 4.2 2.5 3.0 .09 .11 .08 .15 .02 .15 .11 .14 .09 .06 1.094 1.097 1.092 1.119 1.080 A74143-9 A74341-4 A74441-3 A74541-1 A74544-1 91 153 79 110 159 172 298 130 265 305 10 2 3 4 6 24 20 19 15 17 19 30 38 22 28 53 51 61 42 52 15 0 4 1 3 32 49 35 58 45 2.7 0.8 1.6 4.4 2.2 .03 .02 .11 .18 .07 .07 .04 .10 .13 .09 1.080 1.086 1.094 1.103 1.099 47637-8 47637-12 A76153-2 Lemhi RB 1 979 Gen 1 155 218 261 130 158 218 341 336 191 303 6 6 24 20 17 33 19 34 26 17 32 39 19 22 18 71 64 78 68 52 1 1 2 15 25 28 35 20 17 23 1.1 3.4 2.7 4.2 4.1 -.02 -.01 -.01 .01 .03 .10 .14 .12 .12 .14 1.092 1.098 1.089 1.092 1.087 TXA549-1 LSD, .05 119 285 63 5 22 15 42 18 40 1.4 -.01 .07 1.098 -1-1 Cwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. -V Photovolt determination. Color: 1 = white, 6 = dark. Yellowness: higher values indicate more yellowing. Dulling indicates dulling due to cooking; higher values indicate more dulling. 25 TABLE 10. Yield and Quality, Advanced Late Harvest Trial, Malheur Experiment Station, 1981 Selection Yield, Cwt/A1/ Total No.1 )10 oz. US no. 1, % 6-10 oz. 4-6 oz. No.1 Percent No.2 Culls Color Boiled Color?/ Yellow Dulling Specific Gravity A66102-16 A72545-2 A72685-2 A7411-2 A7419-2 214 236 189 214 259 303 317 258 273 323 13 14 18 23 35 32 36 31 37 29 25 24 23 19 16 71 74 73 78 80 7 0 1 7 3 22 25 26 14 16 3.2 4.0 3.5 4.2 2.4 .09 .06 .13 .10 .06 .13 .11 .09 .10 .11 1.107 1.093 1.100 1.101 1.094 A7578-1 A75188-3 AD7267-1 AD7377-1 AD74135-1 174 182 129 140 176 260 237 169 226 275 14 14 34 9 7 27 35 28 26 27 25 27 14 26 30 67 77 76 62 64 6 3 6 4 3 27 19 18 33 33 3.8 1.9 4.5 1.5 2.4 .02 .03 .01 .04 -.003 .16 .08 .17 .05 .17 1.104 1.089 1.075 1.081 1.094 Lemhi Norchip R. Burbank WC521-12 WC672-2 211 189 230 310 223 322 285 316 376 290 12 6 25 39 22 29 30 32 28 33 24 30 16 15 22 65 66 72 82 77 8 14 12 3 2 26 20 15 14 21 4.0 4.1 3.9 2.6 1.8 -.003 .09 .04 .08 .10 .16 .11 .13 .09 .03 1.103 1.088 1.087 1.108 1.098 LSD, .05 57 li Cwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. 2/ Photovolt determination. Color: 1 = white, 6 = dark. Yellowness: higher values indicate more yellowing. Dulling indicates dulling due to cooking; higher values indicate more dulling. 26 WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRIAL Procedure: Twenty-nine varieties or selections were compared at Corvallis in 1981. The crop was grown using conventional production practices. Fertilizer was applied by broadcasting 300 lbs/a of 8-24-8 before disking and banding 680 lbs/a of 16-16-16 at planting. Seedpieces were dusted with Dithane fungicide at approximately one pound per 100 pounds of seed as recommended. Insect and disease pressures were minimal during the season. However, extremely hot weather during the first two weeks of August caused severe plant stress and a general reduction in tuber size despite a weekly sprinkler application of two inches of water. Seed-borne mosaic viruses were severe for some entries, causing yield losses. Chipping tests were performed in early March, 1982 after the tubers had been conditioned for two weeks at 50-60°F preceded by four weeks at 45°F. Slices were fried 2.5 minutes at 375°F. Results: U.S. No. 1 yields were lower than normal due to a high percentage of small tubers for most varieties. Extremely hot weather during the first two weeks of August was largely responsible for yield losses. Metribuzin at 1 lb ai/a also reduced yields for Bison, Belrus, ND467-3, and possibly others. AD7377-1 produced good yields of attractive, oblong, russet-skinned tubers (Table 11) and appeared to be worth further testing for fresh market; but chips were bitter-tasting and dark (Table 12). A74404-3 likewise seemed to have tablestock potential but also chipped well. Atlantic yielded slightly better than Norchip and produced better-flavored, lightercolored chips. Delta Gold outyielded all other entries and chipped as light as Norchip. It is a yellow-fleshed variety and appears to have good chipping potential in the Willamette Valley. 27 TABLE 11. Yield, Grade and Quality Characteristics of 29 Potato Varieties and Selections, Corvallis, 1981 PercenP No. 1 <4 oz. Specific Gravity Total Cwt/A No. 1 A 74404-3 AC 67560-1 AD 7377-1 Allagash ALR 22-2 503 460 446 371 441 298 201 332 209 205 59.3 43.6 74.4 56.3 57.8 39.6 56.0 23.0 41.8 35.0 1.087 1.072 1.076 1.075 1.079 Atlantic BC 9071-6 Belrus Bintje Bison Butte Crystal Dakchip Delta Gold Denali Lemhi ND 55-7 ND 258-1 ND 274-6 ND 467-3 ND 8850-2 ND 9474-6A NDD 110-4 Norchip (Neb.) Norchip (N. Rus.) Norchip (Or.) Norgold R. Burbank WC 521-12 357 513 209 524 119 354 413 455 570 422 434 404 392 286 355 384 474 401 389 440 451 341 521 290 233 303 43 253 42 194 234 266 372 271 204 177 246 139 90 165 300 207 147 180 205 163 308 176 65.3 59.2 20.8 48.4 35.4 54.7 56.7 58.3 65.2 64.2 47.0 43.8 62.9 39.2 25.3 43.0 63.3 51.7 37.9 40.9 45.4 48.0 59.2 60.6 32.3 31.7 75.9 48.7 39.3 36.5 36.0 34.6 26.4 19.3 51.0 54.4 33.3 48.3 66.2 54.7 28.9 42.1 58.8 55.9 50.5 43.9 31.4 32.2 108 85 1.087 1.081 1.082 1.083 1.081 1.085 1.074 1.072 1.091 1.094 1.090 1.073 1.077 1.074 1.068 1.073 1.070 1.073 1.083 1.078 1.078 1.076 1.084 1.090 0.004 Entry LSD., .05 Comments Oblong light rus. Red Smooth oblong rus. Fair. Rus. Round-oblong light rus. Smooth. Round rus. Round white. Green. Large, Green, Yellow Red. Sencor inj. Oblong rus. Round white Round white. Skinning Yellow flesh Round white Oblong rus. - Sencor injury. Typical Russet norchip? Typical Some decay Long russet 90% virus 1-'Cwt/A x 0.112 = T/ha. & Tubers tended to be unusually small in 1981 causing poor grades. 28 TABLE 12. Chipping Characteristics of 29 Potato Varieties and Selections Entry Avg. Color l/ Vas. Pith Flavor Firmness?' Tuber Appearance 3! Sprout4 Length- N N N N N-S 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.0 3.5 N N N N 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.7 2.0 N N S N N 1.5 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 Ok Bitter Bitter Bitter Bitter 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 2.5 N N N N N 1.3 2.5 2.3 2.0 3.0 7.2 9.7 6.7 7.7 7.7 Ok-Bitter Bitter Ok-Bitter Ok-Bitter Bitter 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.7 2.2 N N N N N-S 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.25 3.0 8.3 8.0 7.0 5.7 Ok-Bitter Ok-Bitter Ok Ok 2.3 2.0 1.0 1.0 N-S N N N 2.7 2.5 1.3 2.0 A 74404-3 AC 67560-1 AD 7377-1 Allagash ALR 22-2 5.7 9.5 9.7 6.5 9.0 4.3 8.0 7.5 5.5 6.0 5.7 9.5 9.7 6.5 9.0 Atlantic BC 9071-6 Belrus Bintje Bison 4.7 8.2 9.3 6.7 3.7 6.7 6.7 5.2 2.0 4.7 Ok 2.5 8.2 Bitter 2.0 9.3 Bitter 1.5 Ok 6.7 Insufficient Sample Size Butte Crystal Dakchip Delta Gold Denali 10.0 7.2 8.5 7.2 7.5 8.0 5.5 6.7 5.2 5.5 10.0 7.2 8.5 7.2 7.5 Bitter Ok-Bitter Bitter Ok Ok Lemhi ND 55-7 ND 258-1 ND 274-6 ND 467-3 5.3 10.0 9.3 9.0 10.0 3.3 9.2 7.0 6.0 9.2 5.7 10.0 9.7 9.2 10.0 ND 8850-2 ND 9474-6A NDD 110-4 Norchip (Neb) Norchip (Rus.) 7.0 9.7 6.3 7.5 7.5 6.0 6.5 4.3 5.2 6.0 Norchip (Or.) Norgold R. Burbank WC 521-12 7.7 8.0 7.0 5.7 6.7 6.0 5.7 5.0 Ok Bitter Bitter Ok Bitter 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.7 2.5 1/ Readings based on USDA Color Standards for Chipping Potatoes. Low numbers = light-colored chips. 1 1 = firm; 3 = soft 2/ N = normal; S = shrivelled 4/ 1 = none; 2 = less than 0.5 in.; 3 = 0.5-1.0 in.; 4 = over 1.0 in.