The dynamic response to oceanic and atmospheric forcing in a stratified Arctic fjord Or: Wave induced drift in boundary trapped internal waves, with application to the Arctic region PH.D PROJECT EIVIND STØYLEN EIVIND.STOYLEN@GEO.UIO.NO DEPT. OF GEOSCIENCES, METOS SECTION UNIVERSITY OF OSLO Wave drift Stokes (1847): Stokes drift in the direction of wave propagation. Non-viscous Longuet-Higgins (1953): Additional Eulerian drift from viscosity. Wikipedia Target: • Long interfacial boundary trapped waves in the Arctic – – – Tidally induced internal Kelvin waves under ice Interfacial motion from changing wind conditions Stokes interfacial edge waves in thin dense bottom layer • Common: • Propagation of waves along boundary • Yields systematic transport of pollutants and biological material near topographic features The Kelvin wave Reduced gravity model under ice Forced by tides interacting with topography Applications Barents Sea Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard Baffin Bay, Canada Theory Straight coast. Linear solution : ~ Ae x y / a cos(kx ly t ) Separate motion in mean and fluctuating part: ~ U U U , UL US UE Integrate in vertical, average over wave period. Result: fVE c12 x (3 / 2)c1U Sx cD U E U E / H12 fU E c12 y 0 U Ex VEy U Sx UE H 1 cD c1 Ae c y / a VE [C1 (1 e 2 y / a ) e 2x C2 (1 e y / a ) e x ] Wave forcing as divergence of Stokes drift. Similar to radiation stress from L.H. for surface waves Stress on mean motion modelled as drag Eulerian drift both along coast, and normal to coast due to friction Støylen and Weber (2010), JGR, in press Numerical test Linear motion: Test in a box, two-layer model, a=4.5 km Open west boundary, tidal forcing Narrow constriction generate waves in pycnocline Drift simulation Upper layer reduced gravity iterative solution Wave forcing from previous result Outflow, return current and boundary trapped Top: Wave solution, Two-layer model simulation. Open west boundary Bottom: Mean drift, reduced gravity mode. Forcing from linear wave solution Wind induced motion Typical fjord summer-autumn Ice free conditions Wind direction either in or out of the fjord Strong stratification from glacier melting Pileup of water from unidirectional wind Depression of pycnocline Wind changes, interfacial disturbance propagates in the same manner as the tidally induced Kelvin wave Change in wind induces cyclonic near shore transport (f>0) Simulation: Van Mijenfjorden Plots show typical autumn scenario for salinity and wind z-coordinate model (MITgcm) to resolve pressure gradient forces accurately in upper layer (Unable to successfully apply a coordinate model to this problem setup), Kangas (2000) Preliminary results Initially at rest 8 m/s wind from west After 6 hrs not much change in pycnocline Significant after 30 hrs The Stokes interfacial edge wave Outflow of dense bottom water along the eastern Greenland coast. (Similar situations in the Antarctic) Interfacial edge waves in the lower layer Analytical model. Reduced gravity with infinite upper layer Frequency splitting from Coriolis, waves propagate both ways Section across Denmark Strait (Smith (1976)). The dense bottom layer is confined to the western slope My thesis so far and challenges ahead Work on Kelvin wave finished and published Numerical runs for wind driven motion in progress Comparison with field data? Work on theory for wave induced drift in wind-generated interfacial waves (closely related to previous work) Development of theory for nonlinear drift in Stokes interfacial edge waves in progress Connect the topics under the umbrella of arctic coastal processes Thank you