What is the origin of the nuclear magnetic dipole moment (m) and how is it oriented relative to an external magnetic field B0? m iA qA m q A 29-May-16 From Quantum Mechanics (I = ½-particle; 1H, 13C,31P,…) z cos m x 29-May-16 m I ( I 1) m I ,..0,..I y I 1/ 2 3 54.7 0 3 : not det er min ed cos Characterizing the motion of m in B0 m = gL L; angular momentum (spin) µ =mxB ; torque dμ gμ B dt Exercise 1.1: Derive the above equation (qualitatively) 29-May-16 Solution Larmor Equation - the basic NMR equation w = -gB m 29-May-16 Conclusion •THE LARMOR EQUATION (w gB) IS DERIVED FROM A CLASSICAL MECHANICAL APPROACH THE SPIN MOTION IS WITHIN THE MHz-RANGE (Radio-frequencies) 29-May-16 MOTION OF m IN A ROTATING FRAME OF REFERENCE y m wt y d d dt dt wx fixed rot x u v x w; rotation frequency of the reference frame relative to the static frame dμ gμ B 0 ; dt fixed dμ dμ ωμ dt dt rot fixed dμ dt gm B0 w μ gμ (B0 ω / g ) gμ Beff rot 29-May-16 Exercise 1.4. Find the solution of the above equation in the rotating frame, (Note w0= -gB0) dμ dt μ (ω0 ω) rot mU cos(w-w0)t mV sin(ww0)t 29-May-16 One dipole (mi) → Many dipoles ( M mi ) i M m0 cos e i i wt z i M z m0 sin i y y x x 29-May-16 Mxy = 0 !!!!! LINEAR POLARIZED FIELD [B1= B1cos(wt)] Rf-irradiation e iwt eiwt 2 2 cos(wt ) 2 Conclusion: A LPF is composed of two opposite rotating fields 29-May-16 RFR Application of an rf-pulse along the u-direction (Why and what effect ?) Beff Bo (-Bw/g w /g ) dM gM B eff dt 0 Beff M u 29-May-16 B1 v B1u ( B0 w / g )k Excersize 1.5: What effect will B1have on the magnetization when on resonance (w0 = w) ? Discuss dM U (w0 w ) M V 0 dt dM V (w0 w ) M U gB1M z gB1M z dt dM z gB1M V dt 29-May-16 zM 0 z v a v B1 u u M V M 0 sin( w1t ) M 0 sin( gB1t ) a gB1t The magnetization is rotated an angle a during the duration t of the rf-pulse Show experiment ! 29-May-16 Decaying FID? – show experiment 29-May-16 Including (phenomenologicaly) relaxation terms in the Bloch equation (RFR): M M M M0 M gMxB eff u u v v z k t T2 T2 T1 29-May-16 Bloch Equation (on resonance, after magnetization is rotated onto the v-axis) dM v M v dt T2 dM z M 0 M z dt T1 (3a) (3b) M u (0) 0, M v (0) M 0 , M z (0) 0 Solution (after the magnetization is rotated into the uv-plane (w1 = 0); Exercise 2.2) M v (t ) M 0 exp t / T2 M z M 0 1 exp( t / T1 ) 29-May-16 Water Confined between Solid Glass beads - Experiment 1 4000 H-FID 3500 Intensity (a.u.) 3000 . 2 Gaussian; I0 exp -at-bt ( 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Exponential; I0exp(-ct) -500 0,0000 0,0005 0,0010 Time/s 29-May-16 0,0015 0,0020 ) Effect of various types of magnetic field inhonogeneities on the FID decay Let N(B) represent the number of spins experiencing a magnetic field B. Since w gB, we may write dN = N(w)dw What is the observable signal intensity M if ? N (w ) N 0 B1 B0 B-1 B1 > B0 > B-1 29-May-16 M e t / T2 a 1 a2 w 2 N (w ) cos(wt )dw N 0 ( a 1/ T2 )t e 2 1 / T2,eff a 1 / T2 What if N(B) = dN N ( B)dB N (w )dw N 0 N0 1 2 M e t / T2 29-May-16 2 1 w w 2 ( ) 2 e d w N (w ) cos(wt )dw 1 N0 2 e ( 2t 2 / 2 t / T2 ) 1 BB 2 ( ) 2 e dB Why doesn’t the FID decay exponentially with time as expected from theory? (Perform a CPMG pulse sequence) 1 H-FID 10000 1000 100 10 1 0 0,0005 0,001 0,0015 0,002 0,0025 Time/s CPMG 10000 1000 100 10 1 0 0,2 0,4 Time/s 29-May-16 0,6 0,8 Why does the FID decay faster (1/T2*) than what is predicted by the true spinspin relaxation rate 1/T2? FID lnM B1 Homogeneous field Inhomogeneous field B0 B-1 Time B1 > B0 > B-1 29-May-16 Principles for Measuring T2 Spin gymnastics: Controlled sequence of rf-pulses Hahn spin-echo: /2----deteksjon z z v u u (/2)-puls 29-May-16 v The basic (/2)x – -x spin-echo experiment 29-May-16 Magnetization in the rotating frame v v u u “100 meter” AVSTAND 29-May-16 v v -pulse (along u) u u 29-May-16 v v u u EKKO AVSTAND 29-May-16 1000M z/M 0 SPIN-ECHO-EKSPERIMENT 1/T2 100 1/T2+1/T2INH 1 0 5 10 15 20 TIME (2) 29-May-16 25 30 CPMG-pulse sequence /2--(-deteksjon)n /2 TID CPMG I (t ) I (n 2 ) I (0) exp( n2 / T2 ) I (0) exp( t / T2 ) 29-May-16 T1-experiment M ( ) M (0) 1 2 exp( / T1 ) 29-May-16