LIFE Technology The Impact of New Technologies and Services on Downtime Dave Saliaris Vice President, Life Cycle Management Services The Relentless Pursuit to Get Better… Figure out a direction Make sure you are working hard each day to put people in the right place to succeed Ask the right questions Shape the right strategy It’s going to be a team that succeeds and fails It’s a process of constant improvements The world is big and chaotic Constantly improve systems, accountability and transparency to minimize those mistakes and ensure success Market is Changing Complex Demand Products that are perceived as simple are becoming increasingly complex Evolving Datacenters Variable speed drives Transformer free UPSs Wireless sensors Branch circuit monitoring Frequent, incremental changes Constant management Focus on next technology Mature “systems” approach Complex Demand Products that are perceived as simple are becoming increasingly complex IT and Facilities Common Goal: Reduce Operational Costs and Increase Revenue Vendors UPS – 480V, 240V – Transformerless – Modular – Wet Cell/ VRLA Facility Manager Core Business Domain Expertise Limited Business (proxy) Applications and Services IT Manager Technology Always Changing (proxy) Vendors – – – Rack PDU – Transfer Switches – Branch Circuits – CW, Glycol – economizer – Aisle containment Switch Gear Generator Utility Blade Servers MS Access MS SQL Oracle Web Portal Billing SalesForce Network – – Your Partner to Reduce Operating Costs Solaris Business Applications – – – Linux Database – – – Cooling Windows 2003 Hardware – Power Distribution – OS Routers DMZ Virtualization Cloud Computing Traditional Approaches to Minimize MTTR Dispatch then diagnosis occurred - identify - support - There are time dispatch - diagnosis - receive parts - restore lapses when events occur Traditional Approaches to Minimize MTTR Dispatch then diagnosis occurred - identify - support - There are time dispatch - diagnosis - receive parts - restore lapses when events occur Guesses On How Long Before Support is Called ? < 30 min > 30 min < 5 hour > 5 hour < 12 hours > 12 hours 11.6 Hours Direction Figure out a direction (win Ohio Capital Conference, be State Finalists, win the States?) Critical Space Services: Maintain & Monitor When you’re distracted and your focus has shifted Engineering Expertise Monitor the behavior of equipment against system design Interrelate trends and historical data ? filter events Identify patterns on current event activity across systems + MTTR Delivering capabilities and expertise not possible with a software-only solution The Impact of New Technology When utilizing LIFE™ Technology your UNIT AUTOMATICALLY sends a comprehensive data report to system engineers for quick diagnosis and dispatch of service, thus restoring normal unit operations and shortening MTTR. Questions Ask the right questions (players, coaches and parents…league officials) What is Life Technology? And What it’s NOT ? It Isn’t Remote Monitoring Remote Control Help Desk It is Enhanced Level of Service Remote Diagnostics Experienced Engineers Proactive Response… Trusted Advisor… 14 /15 Event LIFE® Technology MTTR ∆ T Operations Returned Notification Respond / Resolve Repair Event Enunciation Avg. ∆ T On-Site ~1.7 Hrs LIFE Technology Tech Knowledge On-Line Knowledge Base Tiered Call Center On-Site Duration Parts On-Hand 1st Time Fix Notification ∆T ZERO 11.6 Hrs Increased Availability Shortens Investigation Increased Efficiency Speeds Repair Faster Repair = Higher Customer Satisfaction People, Process & Time Make sure you are working hard each day to put people in the right place to succeed Romania USA 24x7x365 Escalation Workflow Italy Incident Management LIFE Technology Costa Rica Philippines over 11,500 LIFE Technology Enabled Devices Critical Space Services: Maintain & Monitor When you’re distracted and your focus has shifted Engineering Expertise Monitor the behavior of equipment against system design Interrelate trends and historical data ? filter events Identify patterns on current event activity across systems + MTTR MTBF Delivering capabilities and expertise not possible with a software-only solution Traditional Approaches to Minimize MTBF Timeline for scheduled PM trending yellow - waiting on pm - trending red There are time - pm visit - system normal lapses when events occur Strategy Shape the right strategy 1. Olentangy rules Ground Balls 2. Clears are crisp and quick…not a time to take a breath 3. Talking, partner oriented relentless defense 4. Objective oriented offense Remote Services – Reporting RSD- Remote Preventative Maintenance Timeline for service – “identify trends that may effect long-term availability” event - record- filter noise - identify trends – send report - corrective action - restore Increasing MTBF with LIFE Technology Maintenance Services Real-Time System Monitoring Preventive Maintenance Real-Time Prevent Trouble-Shooting & Diagnostics Services • Proactive alarm monitoring and telemetry recording • Continuous communications monitoring of endpoint devices and network availability • First responder alarm-event filtering eliminates the barrage of miscellaneous events and overload of too much data • View equipment data live and monitor the transitions of events In real-time know the status of all mission-critical infrastructure Diagnose Maintenance Services Real-Time Monitoring Preventive Maintenance Real-Time Prevent Trouble-Shooting & Diagnostics Services - Activity Reports • Unified data analysis of data recorded from onsite maintenance with data captured from remote services • Executive summary identifies current trends that may impact or degrade the life of critical components • Report on the changes to tracked telemetry, changes to load, capacity and/or environmental conditions Easy to read quartly reports summarize alarms and service activity Diagnose Maintenance Services Real-Time Monitoring Preventive Maintenance Real-Time Prevent Trouble-Shooting & Diagnostics Services • Immediate analysis of critical events from power and cooling equipment that may effect availability • Detect and correct incipient problems, battery trending bad and frequent input overload conditions • Initiate on-site corrective maintenance activities, dispatch field service to restore reliable operations Extends the reach of the service organization with immediate service Diagnose Constant Improvements It’s a process of constant improvements (we move forward always) Additional Benefit New Technology Enables…. A View Across Multiple Customers Success and Failure It’s going to be a team that succeeds and fails (This is a reflection of Step 2 and we know players will be asked to do more. Innovation has failure components) LIFETM Technology Customers 11,500+ Chaotic World The world is big and chaotic (league, control what we can control, No team should be better conditioned) ® LIFE Over IP – An Accepted Solution LIFE HTTP Server Proxy Server Internet IF YOU CAN NAVIGATE TO THE INTERNET… LIFE TECHNOLOGY CAN COMMUNICATE ® LIFE Over IP – An Accepted Solution Liebert APM UPS (Web Server) LIFE HTTP Client LIFE HTTP Server Proxy Server Internet IF YOU CAN NAVIGATE TO THE INTERNET… LIFE TECHNOLOGY CAN COMMUNICATE Basic HTTP Communications (Web Browsing) HTTP Server (Web Server) HTTP Client (web browser) Virus Security Breach Malware code Request 80 20 443 Response Malware code ninja hacker Life Technology Communications (Web Server) Liebert APM (HTTP Client) Request 80 Response LIFE Technology Uses an embedded computer Does not support Java or Flash Uses pre-defined, hardcoded HTML Malware code ninja hacker Ensure Success Constantly improve systems, accountability and transparency to minimize those mistakes and ensure success What Our Customers Have to Say “..Remote Monitoring Services provide a window into our systems when we are offsite and allow the flexibility to quickly respond or dispatch the appropriate personnel when necessary” (Vice President, Facilities Management of a Global Financial Mgmt Company) “Interested in trends and analysis, just don’t have the time or energy, my only focus is the deployment of our disaster recovery Data Center” (Facility Manager of a Food Service Distributer) “The systems and equipment being monitored by Liebert Remote Monitoring Services are vital to our firm and we rely heavily on Liebert to communicate alarm status immediately..” Wrap Up Discussion Between Two Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger: I had been national-security adviser before I became secretary of state. So I saw the issues that reach the White House and the issues that reach the secretary. The issues that reach the White House are most frequently strategic, while as secretary of state, as Hillary has pointed out, there are as many constituencies as there are countries with which we have relationships. So at the end of every day you almost have to make a decision—whom are you going to insult by not dealing with his or her problems? Because there's no possible way you could get through. It's a job that requires 24-hour attention. One of the problems of government is to separate the urgent from the important and make sure you're dealing with the important and don't let the urgent drive out the important. Another challenge one has as secretary is that I think it's the best staff in town, but it's also the most individualistic staff in town. With so many constituencies, to get them to work toward a coherent goal is a huge assignment for the secretary. Hillary Clinton: I would add to what Henry said that in addition to the urgent and the important, you try to keep your eye on the long-term trend lines because what is neither urgent nor important today might become one or the other by next year or the year after. And that's a whole different set of skills that is required. Newsweek Magazine December 20, 2009 Thank You