A NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE SCALAR TRANSPORT AT A TURBULENT LIQUID FREE SURFACE by Boo Cheong Khoo B.A., University of Cambridge (1980) M.Eng., National University of Singapore (1984) Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment for of the Requirements the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY November 1988 @ 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author Department of Mechanical Engineering November 1988 Certified by Professor Ain A. Sonin Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Professor Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Studies MA8SSWCr1S MAR 1 8TITJ 1989 URlW A Numerical and Experimental Study of the Scalar Transport at a Turbulent Liquid Free Surface by Boo Cheong Khoo Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosopy Abstract An study experimental was carried out on the relationship between the gas absorption rate at free surface and the parameters which define the fundamental a turbulent turbulence on the liquid side. Measurements were carried out in a system similar to (1986) to study that vapour used by Sonin, Shimko and Chun condensation on surfaces with zero shear. In this apparatus the turbulence intensity can be varied over a broad range, and the macroscale can be changed by using test cells of different size. The present study focused on transport at high Schmidt numbers (230-1600) and was conducted with C02 as the transfer agent and water or water-glycerol mixture as the liquid. The results revealed that the rate equation has the other for high eddy Reynolds numbers, two asymptotes, one for low and Reynolds number. At the lower the transport linearly with V' and is higher Reynolds numbers, coefficientl/ ncreases 1 proportional to Sc the rate of increase ; at the of the coefficient with V' is sufficiently higher, and the Schmidt number dependence subsides. The break point between the two regions is characterised by a critical eddy Reynolde number which is Schmidt number dependent. None of the features of the experimental correlation are explained by any of the numerous simple models which have been postulated for free surface transport. This led us to attempt turbulence a numerical rigorous distribution region near the and passive liquid interface. analysis condition by represented applied at the a bottom both the in the Computational were made for the layer between the free surface macroscale. The effect of the turbulence liquid was of scalar transport and a depth of one in the bulk of the Dirichlet-type of this boundary layer: at that plane, an unsteady velocity field was imposed which with specified V' and simulated isotropic turbulence macroscale. The Navier-Stokes and scalar conservation equations were solved until both the turbulence and the temperature distributions in the domain attained statistically steady states. Two eddy Reynolds number cases were computed, 1000 and 100, with the Schmidt number in the range 1 - 50 (higher values of Schmidt number would have limited the Reynolds number to uncomfortably low values for simulating turbulence). The solutions showed that some fundamental difficulties arise when 2 one tries to replace an outer turbulence condition at some field with plane near physically unrealistic (but a Dirichlet-type the transfer boundary surface: a computational correct) boundary layer forms near that plane, and the turbulence distribution in the computational domain shows unrealistic features. Nevertheless, the computed transport coefficient agreed surprisingly well with the experimental data of Brown (1989) for the Schmidt number range 1.5-5. Thesis Supervisor: Professor Ain A. Sonin Thesis Committee: Professor Antony T. Patera Professor Joseph H. Haritonidis 3 Acknowledgement My deepest Professor Ain appreciation A. Sonin who goes provided guidance and yet afforded me important aspect face the frontier I would of my education like to Hartonidis: to Professor rich intricacies of implementation, and The present enjoyable. to express my appreciation to my T. Patera and Joseph H. Patera for providing me with the computational techniques and Professor Hartonidis for offering to into the experiments. and former Laboratory have given me more here in M.I.T., of science with confidence. also insights with invaluable His presence has been the thesis committee, Professors Antony helphful me plenty of academic freedom to explore and satisfy my curiosity. most to my thesis advisor, Special members of the Fluid Mechanics much help and thanks goes to Dick Fenner for his seemingly unlimited ideas also to Claire Sasahara made my stay here for design simplification. Thanks and Leslie Regan who selflessly helped me with the administrative chores. I would also like Government for funding my to acknowledge study here the Singapore at M.I.T., and NASA Lewis Research Centre for supporting part of my experimental expenses (under Grant No. NAG3-731) and for providing time on their Cray for the numerical simulation. Finally, I would like to provided me with a supportive profess my belief in God who family, my wife Peck-Ha and son Ivan who have been a source occasions. 4 of joy and comfort in many Table of Contents ae Title page Abstract ................................................ 2 Acknowledgements ........................................ 4 Nomenclature ........................................... 7 List of Tables ......................................... List of Figures 13 ......................................... 14 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................ 22 2. MODELS OF AND CORRELATIONS FOR SURFACE TRANSPORT ..... 25 Part I 3. EXPERIMENT ........................................... 3.1 Apparatus for Gas Absorption Rate ................ 3.2 LDA System for Velocity Measurement .............. 31 31 34 3.3 Velocity Measurement with High Speed Video Camera System ........................................... 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .............................. 4.1 Turbulence Characteristics ....................... 4.1.1 RMS Velocity Correlation ................... 36 40 40 40 4.1.2 An attempt to measure Surface RMS Velocity on the Free Surface ........................ 4.1.3 The Turbulence Macroscale .................. 4.1.4 Eulerian Time Spectrum .................... 4.2 Mass Transfer Rate ............................... 4.3 Comparison with Other Results .................... 4.3.1 Turbulence Imposed from Wi thin the Liquid .. S 41 42 43 44 51 52 4.3.2 Turbulence Imposed via Shear at the Interface ..................... 5. . . . .. . 61 . . . .. . 68 5.1 LDA Calibration of Turbulence in Test Cell . . . . 68 5.2 . 69 CONCLUSIONS FOR EXPERIMENTS ............. Gas Absorption Rate Correlation ..... . . . . . . .. Part II 6. NUMERICAL SIMULATION ................................. 71 6.1 Background and Overview .......................... 71 6.2 Discretized Equations ............................ 6.3 Boundary Conditions .............................. 6.4 Mesh Size Considerations ......................... 72 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS II ........................... 75 81 84 7.1 Approach to Steady State ......................... 7.1.1 Time Evolution of Stanton number ........... 84 7.1.2 Energy Transfer Across Each Plane .......... 7.2 Velocity Characteristics ......................... 85 7.2.1 Ensemble Averaging of the RMS Velocity in the Steady State ........................... 7.2.2 RMS Velocity Profile ....................... 7.2.3 Energy Spectra ............................ 84 87 87 88 90 7.3 Temperature Profiles ............................. 91 7.4 Turbulent Diffusivity ............................ 93 7.5 The Condensation Stanton number and Comparison with Experiment .................................. 94 8. CONCLUDING REMARKS ON COMPUTATION .................... 98 References ....................................... 100 Tables ........................................ 110 Figures ................................ 120 Appendix ................................ 212 6 General Nomenclature, Part I Note : SI units are used throughout, unless otherwise stated A gas-liquid interfacial area C species concentration Cs saturated condition Cp specific heat of liquid in constant d nozzle diameter D diameter of test cell D molecular diffusivity k average turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass K* mass/heat transfer coefficient corresponding to the 'break' velocity as defined in equation 4.2.5 KL mass/heat transfer coefficient (equation 1.1) Lk e length scale in k-e model analysis P pressure AP pressure difference across the nozzle Pr,Prb of the gas in the liquid pressure of gas in the liquid bulk Prandtl number Q volumetric flow rate circulating through system r radial coordinate measured from the cylinder axis R < R (t) > u(t'+t)u(t') Eulerian / < u 2 as > autocorrelation, defined as > < w(t'+t)w(t') Re defined autocorrelation, (t) Eulerian / < w 2 > system Reynolds number, (Q/Dd)(D/V), where D - test cell diameter ReA eddy Reynolds number, V'A/v (ReA)* break Reynolds number, V/v Sc Schmidt number, v/D St Stanton number, KL/V' t time U*w friction velocity based on shear stress at interface and water density u(t) local horizontal component of the fluctuating velocity (measured as azimuthal) v'(t) local vertical ar horizontal component of fluctuating velocity w(t) local vertical component of the fluctuating velocity V' rms value of the local horizontal component of turbulent velocity rate correlations, or vertical in the system; in V' is used to indicate the rms value of either component at the "interface" obtained by extrapolating from the bulk, disregarding surface damping. 8 V,* rms velocity in the 'break' region, as defined in equation 4.2.5 V volume of water in the system z coordinate measure vertically upwards from the nozzle exit in the test section z height of' interface above nozzle Greek symbols a thermal/molecular diffusivity of liquid C viscous dissipation A integral rate per unit mass length scale of turbulent eddies as defined in equation 4.1.6 liquid dynamic viscosity v liquid kinematic viscosity p liquid density a surface tension T turbulence macroscale 0(Re s) 4I(f) uu function time used in figures 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 Eulerian time spectrum in the horizontal direction (f) Eulerian time spectrum in the vertical Subscript 9 direction b bulk liquid condition s evaluated at interfacial condition * conditions at the 'break' region (see section 4.2) Additional nomenclature for Part II 1 s smallest length scale in the velocity field Lx ,Ly size of computational domain in the horizontal directions Pe Peclet number Q(z) total heat flux across plane at elevation dimensionless quantity, z; used as non-dimensionalised w.r.t. U(Ts-Tb) in figures 7.1.6 - 7.1.9, 7.1.14 - 7.1.16 Reb eddy Reynolds velocity S uu number, UA/v, which at the lower surface dimensionle ss longitudinal horizontal plane in the dimensional ised w.r.t. U 2 S vv is based on the rms power spectrum on a x-direction, non- dimensionle ss longitudinal power spe ctrum on a horizontal plane in the y-direct ion, nondimensionalised w.r.t. U2 S dimensionless transverse power spectrum on a horizontal plane in th.e z-direction, nondimensionalised w.r.t. U[2 T dimensionless temperature, (T"-Tb)/(Ts-Tb ) T" dimensional temperature 10 VVW TsT 1 saturation temperature at the interface Tb T 2 bulk temperature within the liquid u dimensionless vector velocity (u,v,w) non-dimensionalised w.r.t. to U u,v velocity component in the horizontal directions, non-dimensionalised w.r.t. to U urms dimensionless rms velocity in the x-directions, non-dimensionalised w.r.t. to U vrms rms dimensionless rms velocity in the y-directions, non-dimensionalised w.r.t. to U w rms dimensionless rms velocity in the z-directions, nrm s U non-dimensionalisedw.r.t. rms velocity to U at the lower surface of computational domain, serve as reference velocity used for nondimensionalisation w dimensionless velocity in the vertical direction, non-dimensionalised w.r.t. to U x,y horizontal coordinates z vertical coordinate Greek symbols a' defined as 2/L aart artificial diffusivity replacing the molecular diffusivity in the energy equation for region near x the lower boundary (see section 6.3) 11 aT turbulent diffusivity; used as dimensionless quantity, non-dimensionalised w.r.t. U 7.4.1 - 7.4.4, in figures 7.4.6 - 7.4.8 P defined as 2/L 17 dimensionless dynamic pressure, P/pU2 + O.51u.ul A grid spacing At dimensionless time increment, non-dimensionalised Y in the computational domain w.r.t. A/U ' time constant dimensionless A/U in figure as defined in equation 7.4.2; used as quantity, non-dimensionalised w.r.t. 7.4.5 12 List of Tables Title Table 1 Major conceptual models for transport across a free surface 2 LDA measurement of turbulence macroscale time (r) and length (A=V'r) in the system with diameter of 0.152m at 0.03m beneath the interface 3 Operating conditions of the mass transfer experiments 4 Conditions at the "break" point as defined in equation 4.2.1 5 Mass transfer result for ReA < (ReA)* 6 Summary of comparison with experiments where turbulence is imposed 7 Summary of comparison with experiments where turbulence is induced 8 form within the liquid by shear at the interface Parameters associated with the numerical simulations for case A and case B 9 Computed St vs Pr for case A and comparison with vs Pr for case B and comparison with experiment 10 Computed St experiment 13 List of Figures Figure Title 3.1.1 Schematic diagram 3.1.2 System flow rate calibration curve, Q/Dd vs Ap1/2 3.2.1 Schematic diagram of the test system of the test section used in velocity measurement by the LDA 3.3.1 The function Shimko 3.3.2 (1985) The function (Re s) in the correlation for V' by used by Sonin et al (1986) (Re ) in the correlation for V' by Brown (1989) 4.1.1 Horizontal rms velocity profile for Re -29140 4.1.2 Horizontal rms velocity profile for Re-574020 4.1.3 Horizontal rms velocity profile for Res -57690 4.1.4 Vertical 4.1.5 Vertical rms velocity profile for Re 4..6 Vertical rms velocity profile for Re-57690 4.1.7 Azimuthal rms and mean velocity at Smm beneath s rms velocity profile for Re s -29140 574020 the interface as a function of radius for Re -40120 4.1.8 Surface rms velocity vs Q/Dd at height z/D-3.67 14 4.1.9 Surface rms velocity vs Q/Dd at height z/D=4.17 4.1.10 Surface rms velocity vs Q/Dd at height z/D-4.50 4.1.11 Eulerian autocorrelation for the horizontal velocity interface 4.1.12 at the centreline 30mm beneath the for Re -25000 Eulerian autocorrelation for the horizontal velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -35200 4.1.13 Eulerian autocorrelation for the horizontal velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -50300 4.1.14 Eulerian autocorrelation for the horizontal velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -70500 4.1.15 Eulerian autocorrelation for the vertical velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -25000 s 4.1.16 Eulerian autocorrelation for the vertical velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -35200 4.1.17 Eulerian autocorrelation for the vertical velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -50300 4.1.18 Eulerian autocorrelation for the vertical velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface 4.1.19 for Re -70500 Eulerian time spectrum uu(f) for the horizontal uu 15 velocity at the centreline 30nmn beneath the interface for Re =25000 s 4.1.20 Eulerian time spectrum (f) for the vertical velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface for Re -25000 s 4.1.21 Eulerian time spectrum W Uu (f) for the horizontal velocity at the centreline 30mm beneath the interface 4.1.22 for Re -50300 S Eulerian time spectrum velocity interface WW(f) for the vertical 30mm beneath at the centreline the for Re =50300 s 4.2.1 Mass transfer coefficient K L vs V' for Sc=230 4.2.2 Mass transfer coefficient KL v 4.2.3 Mass transfer coefficient KL vs V' for Sc=525 4.2.4 Mass transfer coefficient K L vs V' for Sc=1600 4.2.5 Mass transfer coefficient KL vs V' for Sc-525 wi th smaller test-section 4.2.6 Mass transfer coefficient KL v's V' for Sc=525 with both test-sections 4.2.7 Dimensionless plot of StSc 4.2.8 Dimensionless plot of (KL-K,)/(V'-V nV J V' for Sc=377 vs ReA ) vs Re A for ReA < (ReA)* 4.2.9 Plot of St vs ReA/(ReA)* and 4.2.10(b) 16 for equations 4.2.10(a) 4.2.10 Plot of KL vs V' for Sc-525 with prediction given by equations 4.2.8 and 4.2.9 4.2.11 Plot of K L vs V' for Sc-1600 with prediction given by equations 4.2.8 and 4.2.9 4.3.1 Dimensionless plot of StSc of submerged oscillating generating 4.3.2 Dimensionless 5 ve Re I for grid as means system of turbulence (Isenogle (1985)) plot of StSc ve Re H for system of submerged oscillating grid as means of generating turbulence (Ho (1987)) turbulence cube 6.3.1 Plot of f(r) vs r for isotropic 6.3.2 Profile of at art /a for case A 6.3.3 Profile of a art /a for case B 6.4.1 Diagram showing the grid arrangement for case A 6.4.2 Diagram showing the grid arrangement for case B 7.1.1 Time evolution of computed St for case A (Pr-l.0) 7.1.2 Time evolution of computed St for case A (Pr=1.5) 7.1.3 Time evolution of computed St for case A (Pr-2.2) 7.1.4 Time evolution of computed St for case A (Pr-3. 15) 7.1.5 Time evolution of computed St for case B (Pr-3.15) 7.1.6 Total heat flux profile 17 in the steady state for case A (Pr-1.0) 7.1.7 Total heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-1.5) 7.1.8 Total heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-2.2) 7.1.9 Total heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-3.15) 7.1.10 Turbulent heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-l.0) 7.1.11 Turbulent heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-1.5) 7.1.12 Turbulent heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-2.2) 7.1.13 Turbulent heat flux profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-3.15) 7.1.14 Total heat flux profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-3.15) 7.1.15 Total heat flux profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-10.0) 7.1.16 Total heat flux profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-50.0) 7.1.17 Turbulent heat flux profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-3.15) 7.1.18 Turbulent heat flux profile for case B (Pr-10.0) 18 in the steady state 7.1.19 Turbulent heat flux profile in the steady state for case B (Pr=-50.0) 7.2.1 Computed rms velocity profile in the x-direction for case A 7.2.2 Computed rms velocity profile in the y-direction for case A 7.2.3 Computed rms velocity profile in the z-direction for case A 7.2.4 Computed rms velocity profile in the x-direction for case B 7.2.5 Computed rms velocity profile in the y-direction for case B 7.2.6 Computed rms velocity profile in the z-direction for case B 7.2.7 Longitudinal power spectrum S uu for case A 7.2.8 Longitudinal pow er spectrum Svv for case A 7.2.9 Transverse power spectrum SX~V for case A 7.2.10 Longitudinal power spectrum S uu for case B 7.2.11 Longitudinal power spectrum 7.2.12 Transverse 7.3.1 Mean temperature profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-l.0) 7.3.2 Mean temperature profile in the steady state for 19 S vv for case B for case B power spectrum S ww case A (Pr-1.5) 7.3.3 Mean temperature profile in the steady state for case A (Pr=2.2) 7.3.4 Mean temperature profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-3.15) 7.3.5 Mean temperature profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-3.15) 7.3.6 Mean temperature profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-10.0) 7.3.7 Mean temperature case B (Pr-50.0) 7.4.1 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-l.0) 7.4.2 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state profile in the steady state for for case A (Pr-1.5) 7.4.3 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-2.2) 7.4.4 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state for case A (Pr-3.15) 7.4.5 Plot of time constant ' vs Pr for both case A and case B 7.4.6 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-3.15) 7.4.7 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state for case B (Pr-10.0) 20 7.4.8 Turbulent diffusivity profile in the steady state for case B (Pr=50.0) 7.5.1 Plot of St vs Pr for both case A and case B 21 1. Transport of INTRODUCT ION heat surface of a turbulent or plays liquid a central (Higbie, liquid solvents engineer sanitation of oxidation the (Downing, 1960; is concerned (Streeter Ratbun interested sludge in with the spread Ratbun, bodies of water al, 1982), and with droplets pass dioxide (Matteson the through et in from increasing treatment the plant 1979). The environmentalist reaeration through role in many al, 1984). The et sewage the Tchobanoglous, et al, 1925; pollutants 1935; is the free to or desorption the rates of gas absorption maximising across engineers are interested in fields of engineering. Chemical turbulent across mass of streams and rivers 1977), with how the gaseous absorption and desorption (Brtko et al, 1976 & 1978; Munz al, of et of acid rain when water formation clouds by like sulphur pollutants 1984). Mechanical and nuclear engineers are concerned with steam condensation rates on process which is particular cold, turbulent water, a important in certain nuclear power plant accident scenarios. Direct condensation heat transfer which of vapour on process, since the latent heat can it cold liquid is basically a limited by the rate at is be removed from the surface. More recently, NASA has focused on direct condensation as a central problem in pressure control during the handling and transfer of cryogenic (such as hydrogen liquids under zero-gravity conditions (Merino and oxygen) et al, 1980; Aydelott et al, 1985). The transport rate is usually limited by the turbulent transport on the liquid side, and is defined in terms of a transport coefficient, KL: KL - j/AC (mass transfer) 1.1 q/pc AT (heat transfer or condensation) P 22 where flux , j is the molar difference between or equivalently, AC the surface is q the is the molar and the bulk of the liquid, thermal temperature difference between the the liquid, and heat capacity negligible p and of the of liquid properties Lewis surface is the and the bulk of liquid, respectively. Assuming and the parameters which control the on the liquid side. in this (1924) consensus AT are the density and specific Despite the significant published flux, in the gaseous phase, KL is a function resistance turbulence cp concentration and area body since Higbie of work the (1935) that has been early contributions to gas absorption, exists as yet on a single universal model, a single empirical see the review in correlation, Sonin for the transport et al, 1986). of no or even rate (eg. Our work in this laboratory has been aimed at developing a better fundamental understanding interface, of the transport in the hope process that this at a free, turbulent will lead to a more universal model for the transport rate. We have developed an experimental apparatus in which an easily controlled, steady turbulence can be imposed from below on a shear-free liquid surface, and transport terms of turbulence rates measured intensity, and turbulence liquid-side Prandtl or Schmidt number. careful dependence investigation of the correlated in length scale, and Our hope was that a of the transport coefficient on these parameters would guide us toward a more general and accurate model for the transport process. Our earlier work with this system dealt with vapour condensation on a liquid (Sonin 1988; see also Brown, 1989) coefficient was directly the fluctuating velocity et al, 1986; Helmick and et al, showed that the transport proportional to the rms value of on the liquid side (at least at low Richardson number) and to the negative one-third power of the bulk liquid Prandtl number, approximately. These results are not explained by any of the available models which might have been thought to be applicable. 23 (Each of these models is based on some particular assumptions about the simplfying turbulent transport process - see Sonin et al, 1986.) The objective advance most of the art the state of the of the available work present in simple was three ways. models to try to First, since for the transport rate were based on simplifications appropriate for high Schmidt number, we embarked on an experimental study of high Schmidt number gas turbulence in absorption conditions similar experimental to system at those of the condensation this investigation studies. The results of are described in undertook a more detailed study of Second, we section 4.2. our the turbulence structure in our experimental system, using a laser doppler velocimeter. in large measure by the region very close to transport The of the turbulence structure the rate is controlled surface, in the where measurements are very difficult. Our new measurements offer some insight into the larger-scale structure system, however, and correlation of the give data of the a turbulence in our type of rational basis for the more (see 4.1). section Third, we attempted a numerical simulation of the turbulence field and passive scalar distribution near a shear-free surface, with turbulence imposed from below. The full, unsteady Navier- Stokes equations and the energy equation are solved using a spectral Fourier expansion in the two horizontal directions, and a Legendre spectral direction. The computational full flow, is neighbourhood of representing element technique the free the "extracted" from the domain, to restricted interface, surface in the vertical a with single-macroscale the conditions, top boundary and the bottom boundary simulating the "far-field" isotropic turbulence. Two statistically steady calculations at eddy Reynolds number of 100 and 1000 and Prandtl numbers 50 are presented. compared to the Brown (1989). The computed experimental 24 ranging from 1 to transport rates are then steam condensation results of 2. MODELS OF AND CORRELATIONS FOR SURFACE TRANSPORT liquid A turbulent continually replaced with fresh bulk. Higbie direct exposure into 0 5 (D/r) reduced to that of expressing ' 2.1 in terms of the properties r on the liquid side. of the turbulence The above expression also be derived differently. can turbulent The Reynolds-averaged equation can be diffusion as /az aC/at = where the liquid-side is the molecular diffusivity. The problem is thus D written If a typical elements. fluid of can be expressed as coefficient K L where the periods occur by transient at the surface, time eddy has a residence transfer the as being of fluid from the during transport to the surface, diffusion molecular that viewed be elements postulated (1935) can surface z is the liquid, the ((D + DT)C/iaz) distance measured from the interface is the turbulent DT(z) the Reynolds averaged species 2.2 diffusivity concentration. into C is and The turbulent diffusivity is defined by the equation < where w' is component, w'C' the > part fluctuating C' is the near -DTaC/ay fluctuating and the symbol < region very = > the represents free 2.3 of the normal velocity part of the concentration ensemble surface, average. where For the the transport resistance is greatest, Levich (1962) has argued that DT z 2 /r' 2.4 25 where is T' a quantity statistically steady with dimension solution of of equation time. 2.2 The is (King, 1966) KL - (2/)(D/r')05 Equation 2.1 (with an 2.5 equality sign) is exact identical to equation 2.5 if we make the identification r-rr'/2. Numerous models have been proposed for relating r to the properties of the turbulence on the liquid side. Table 1 (see also Sonin models. We et al, 1986) model which assumes responsible for that summary of five major proposed the large-eddy large (macroscale) fresh 'enriched' fluid liquid to eddies are the surface and into the bulk. The time scale of these large eddies is given by r L (1967) the bringing the characteristic where a shall give a brief outline of each below. Fortescue and Pearson removing is is an - L/V' integral 2.6 length turbulence intensity near the scale and interface. V' is the Based on equation 2.1 or 2.5, KL can be expressed as KL ~ (DV'/L) 0 5 ' 2.7 Fortescue and Pearson obtained some experimental support for their model in an by a grid in an experiment where turbulence was produced open channel across the free surface was out, however, 'raw' mass that they made transfer data account for the entrance (of flow, and the mass transfer measured. It should be pointed numerous the effect corrections order of to their 10% - 20%) to immediately downstream of the grid and the end region of the channel, where positioned to maintain a constant water height. 26 a weir was Lamont controlled and Scott not by (1971) suggested the large that the transfer eddies, Kolmogorov microscale size, which but by eddies of 'piggy-back' on the large eddies that sweep by the surface. The appropriate r is then the Kolmogorov r 0 25 (vD2/L)0 measured could be correlated with suggested the transport process. comparison of their where 0 2.8 75 2.9 absorption turbulent the importance They of also model rates from small pipe flow. Their data energy dissipation with Pearson and agreement was off Subsequently, V the gas bubbles transported in thus ' 5 as KL Lamont and Scott time scale time scale, that is (L/V'3) and KL is obtained small made the by rate eddies some was used enclosed vessel, provided eddy model. Meanwhile, sets of available to data Theofanous models in the data of Fortescue and a factor of at least two. generate which experiment turbulence in an supported the small- et al (1976) made use of several experimental large and small eddy , and quantitative Prasher et al (1973), in a separate an impeller is data to try and combine into a more generalised the model. They suggested that there was a critical turbulence Reynolds number (based on the turbulence intensity and the macroscale) of 500, below which the large-eddy model is more suitable, and above which the small-eddy model appeared to be preferable. data with However, respect to considering their the large scatter suggested correlation in the and the numerous assumptions made to relate the experimental flow parameters to V' and L, their conclusions should be taken cautiously. 27 Earlier, argued Levich (1962) had taken a different that the length scale is controlled surface that the of the eddies near the surface by surface tension and curvature. Equating tension force with length interfacial tack, and scale transport the of the inertia force, he suggested the eddies which control the rate is L - a/pV' 2 2.10 where is the surface follows that the time scale L/V' of these eddies is tension of the liquid, from which a/(PV'3 ). r it 2.11 Levich 's argument yields K L as J. T. Davies transfer and data for 00.5 5 -(p 3 (pDV'3/or) KL collaborators flows down 2.12 (1972) an have obtained mass inclined plane, with and without roughened surfaces. They also studied gas absorption between a free turbulent jet of liquid and a gas. Davies claims approximate agreement with Levich. the model put forth by A still different correlation has emerged from studies of transport at surfaces where turbulence is imposed by interfacial shear. Based on Ueda et al (1977) suggested near such interfaces their data, that the length scale of eddies is dominated scaling law, just as it is own experimental by the viscous inner layer near a solid wall. This suggests a time scale r of the form ~r v/V'2 2.13 Upon substitution into 2.1, KL becomes KL (D/v)O 5 V' 28 2.14 Finally, an entirely different model was proposed very early by Kishinevsky completely right at (1955) who dominated the by surface. turbulent In this diffusivity, model, the time scale r equation 2.1, and with that transport is argued DT DT, even replaces D in L/V', yields K L as KL~ V' 2.15 which is entirely independent of the molecular diffusivity. Kishinevsky and Serebryansky (1956) supported this model with data from an experiment where turbulence was produced by a mechanical stirrer operating at very high speed (1700 r.p.m.) below the liquid interface. They acknowledged, however, that at lower turbulence intensities, the effect of molecular diffusivity would play an ever increasing role. Unfortunately, the threshold of turbulence intensity above which equation .15 is applicable was not established. The five models ones that have given above been proposed. are They by no means are the only provided here to illustrate the diverse concepts which previous investigators have proposed for claimed some support the transport from that other experiments means Prominent examples oscillating taken is created by mechanical grid (see Isenogle, flows (see Won in systems where stirrers operating speed than in Kishinevsky and Serebryansky not agree well with of experiments of Davies any 's by 1985, et al, 1982, the turbulence at a much lower tests, also do these proposed models (see the et al, 1979, and Luk, 1986). For flows in which turbulence is above the interface, are (a) the class in the liquid is generated and Ho, 1987) and (b) thin-film and Bin, 1983). Data has experiments. We note, however, the turbulence of a submerged Each model have yielded data that do not conform to any of these models. of flows where mechanism. the generated data regimes, as found for example Broecker et al (1984). None by a strong wind blowing show two different in Merlivat et al (1983) and of the model discussed 29 transport above is capable of predicting these regimes. Further development of analytical models has been held back in large measure because of the lack turbulence of understanding of, or data on, the structure near a free surface. From table 1, we see can that the various models suggest Reynolds number exponent from -0.5 to 0.5, while the Schmidt number appears always to be -0.5 power except for the fully turbulent model of Kishinevsky. It should be mentioned that most of these models were proposed for fairly large Schmidt or Prandtl numbers were carried out with gas as and most of the experiments the transfer agent to achieve the high Schmidt number. Our hope in this work was if any, of these models to shed some light on which, are correct, and to better define KL in terms of easily measured parameters, general enough for wide application, irrespective of how the turbulence is generated. 30 EXPERIMENT 3. 3.1 Apparatus for Gas Absorption Rate Measured Sonin et al (1986) have shown that an axisymmetric confined jet in a cylinder partially filled with water gives a bulk-flow-free and reasonably free surface, provided the than 3D from the nozzle, jet uniform surface D is at distances turbulence decays with nozzle and is relatively isotropic constant has the integral added elevation greater of the from the in a horizontal plane. characteristic length scale at the being the diameter cylinder. The The system turbulence that of possessing appears a to be 'locked' to D. Our apparatus was al. It consisted of a similar to vertical, the system of Sonin et axisymmetric nozzle in a pyrex tube partially filled with water, as shown in figure 3.1.1. A centrifugal pump circulated the water through a closed-loop system. The total volume was kept to a minimum mass transfer experiment, to minimise experiment. the amount in the system the time required (As of of water in dissolved any mass C0 2 in for each transfer the system reached a readily measurable value only after a fairly long time.) A heat exchanger was used to maintain the bulk water temperature constant. The turbulence intensity in the water was controlled by varying water the momentum flux through the nozzle and the level in the test section (see Sonin et al, 1986). Two different test section diameters were used, 0.152m and 0.038m. The respective nozzles had diameters of 0.0064m and 0.0016m. For the larger system, calibrated against the pressure drop AP was measured with a Kistler 31 the flow rate Q was P across the nozzle. model RP15 pressure transducer linked to a Dynascience Demodulator whose output voltage model 3800B multimeter. The model can be calibration CD10 Carrier read from a Dana is shown in figure , and is given as 3.1.2 (Q/Dd)/AP0 ' 5 - 0.171 + 5% where Q pressure section flow rate through nozzle, is the volumetric the pressure drop in and d smaller system, D is the the as voltage , transducer 3.1.1 is registered the flow of the by nozzle. determined rates were the of the test diameter diameter AP is In the using a calibrated Fisher Rotameter inserted in the flow loop. CO2 ,which measurements, was was introduced exhausted at a higher build up of any used just noncondensable out flushed CO 2 coming into test turbulence at the interface, reduce inflow velocity. and after still before order to ensure section The the CO 2 , would tend in CO2 and maintained In a air, next to the test section. The gas with pressure. and aim was to prevent the than of transfer the interface gases, notably psi above atmospheric the the mass above lighter any case to be exhausted continually all station. Our the interface. Air, being space was in did at 1 that the not induce 'extra' large inlet tube was used to interface remained perfectly valve controlling the supply of CO2 was turned off. Also, the incoming CO2 was preheated by passing the a gas water-glycerol temperature through mixture bath as the bulk water copper so tubing, that in it immersed was in a at the same the test section. In this way, we were able to maintain a gas temperature within +0.5°C of the water temperature, thereby ensuring a known gas temperature at the interface, which was important since the saturated dependent concentration on temperature of (which has CO2 in water a variation for every degree Celsius change in temperature). 32 is highly of about 3% For each test, the system was + I h I() mil+*a e ±L VI I LJ ± tf' r-L t A.L1 16& LLLL steady operating condition. each) of the bulk initial average water desired being the inlet nozzle. The system CO2 . The water to the interface of the above and run for a restarted to 12 hours, depending on the turbulence time ranging from imposed. At the taken for th e height s (50 ml taken to determine reduced p recisely the n wa samples dissolved of was zs/D level, z intensity t hen were cell different Five run for to to reach the desired i nflow I concentration level in the test first allowed determinating The amount of dissolved run, 7 samples were end of the a verage final concentration. C02 the the samples was determined in using an Orion Research 02) which has an carbon d ioxide elect rode (model 95accuracy of +5%. The electrode was calibrated against two known samples of (supplied by Orion Research); the output (in measured with a electrometer. In through very high the hydrogen ions electrode acc ording in CO and the internal filling to the reaction + H20 H + +H The pH in the internal the hydrogen ion E O affects diffuses the level of solution of the 3.1.2 solution is then related to 3.1.3 electrode and S calibration mentioned response E = E potential, E o is the hydrogen ion is the el e ctrode slope obtained by above. By virtue of 3.1.2, the reference potential (a constant), electrode CO 2 + S ln[H + ] is the measured concentration Ke i thl ey 602 HC3- filling wa s concentration by the Nernst equation E = E where dissolved membrane C02 llivolts) inLput-impedanc electrode, a gas -perme a ble dissolved [H +] is the is al s o Nernstian, to the C02 + S ln[CO 2] 33 3.1.4 where [C 2 ] is the electrode were CO 2 Calibration of the concentration. twice; first for the measurement carried out of the initial samples and second for the measurement of the final samples. The governing equation the liquid volume transfer of C02 into the for of the test system is VdC/dt - KLA(Cs-C) where V is the volume of water area of the interface, in water, C is the in the system, A is the bulk concentration C saturated concentration t is the time in seconds. Upon integrating the of C0 2 of CO2 at the and 3.1.5, we have, is constant, KL - V/(At) ln((Cs-Ci)/(Cs-Cf)) where is the mass transfer coefficient (m/s), interface, KL is if K L 3.1.5 C i is the initial final concentration the run. With C i and concentration of CO2 and Cf t measured, of 3.1.6 CO,2 Cf is the is the time duration equation of 3.1.6 gives the mass transfer coefficient KL . After each run, the system was flushed thoroughly with tap water before a new run is initiated. 3.2 LDASystem for Velocity Measurement The turbulence in the system was investigated using a back-scattered two-color LDA. Both the vertical and horizontal components of velocity were measured. The LDA consisted of a Lexel model 95 ion laser as the source and DISA-made optics, namely, 55X20/21 cover and retarder, 55X22 beam splitter, 55X28 beam beam waist adjuster, 55X25 displacer, 55X29 Bragg cell, 55X32 beam translator, two focal length achromatic 310mmnn 55X12 expanders, and a 55X57 34 front lens. The receiving optics consisted of a 55X31 pinhole section, 55X34 PM optics, 55X30 backscatter section, 55X35 color separator, 55X36 and 55X37 interference Signals from the PM and the Bragg cell were frequency shifter and 55L90a counter was linked to via a DEC a DRV11-J Finally the portable DEC MINC-11 mini-computer parallel-line which The internal oscillator fed to the 55N10 counter processor. interface. Data collected by a series of assembly-code the mini-computer, filters. in routines was addressed to turn drove the interface-card. of the computer was used to time the arrival of each validated doppler signal for autocorrelation purpose. A window of specially machined flat plexiglass was slot in the cylindrical shown in figure 3.2.1. The was slot measured had a radius of test section, 53nim in width as and 76.2mm. Provided velocity measurements were too far away from the centreline, of the cylindrical geometry was beam expanders into a 2mm from the axis of the test section, which located at not made attached in series the perturbation minimial. The usage of two resulted in very small 40Am x a 401Amx 600/m measuring volume. The test section was mounted on a provided traversing orthogonal plane. table which linear directions Instead of adjusting and movement rotation in three on a horizontal the laser beams for intersection at the various position in the test section. This left the flow field, we would shift the optical system stationary, and avoided frequent optical realignment of the laser beams. The centrifugal specially made absorbers sound-proof to minimise LDA. It was connected long stainless pump for the test cell was any to box and rested transmission the housed in a on vibration of vibration to the test section by an eight feet steel flexible hose. Prelimary tests of the LDA system were carried out with a plexiglass disk filled with water rotating at a known angular velocity, mounted on the test cell stand. Laser reading of velocity were without the pump running, and 35 were recorded found to check against the actual velocity velocity to fluctuations 5% of the mean. + within was also Subsequently, 3%. The rms value of the noted and found to be about tests were carried out with the centrifugal pump running. We found that the rms velocity fluctuations did not differ significantly with or without the pump running; this implied that the precautions taken to minimise pump vibrations were successful. Seedlings for the back-scattered LDA were provided in the form of aluminium signal-to-noise particles ratio of of size 3 about 5. of size 1 Am but found information about the good. More is particles We that m. This gave us a also tried TiO 2 the SNR was not as LDA system and its set-up given in Appendix 1. 3.3 Velocity Measurement with High Speed Video Camera System Sonin et al (1986) jet apparatus to were study liquid surface. They the transport first to use a confined across a free, turbulent characterised the interface by extrapolating the rms velocity V' at the value of V' from the bulk region to the surface. The using spheres (which have a small negative 3nmm polypropelene velocity measurements were made buoyancy) as 'seedlings' for system. The video a grid-covered tapes were monitor to the high then replayed determine speed video camera frame by frame on the displacement, and vertical and horizontal components of particle velocity were computed. Sonin et al also used the k-e model to an analytical give turbulence approximate in the region the inlet nozzle) where compared to the turbulence the mean circulatory energy k reduced the high-Reynolds 0 > fluctuating kinetic d/dz(C/O k k description z/D (z is of the distance the above flow is small velocity. Assuming the average is number SLk 3 of turbulence a of z only, they form of the k-e model dk/dz) 36 function - kl 5/Lk to 3.3.1 LkE where is coefficients model k-e = 0.09 are C oo and to the length scale, ok = 1.0. and 3.3.1, subject to the equation as z - the boundary the and The solution condition of 0 of k - that the length scale LkE assumption is 'locked' to the tube diameter, D, Lk_E is where where k o is a constant, k 0.5 = k 05 o 3.3.2 = 1(a /6C) exp(- 5 k is the magnitude at z=z0 . (z/D Using z/D) z0 /D) 3.3.3 arguments based on dimensional analysis, Sonin et al further obtained for their system, V' where Re s is the and V' vertical is 3.3.4 = Q/Dd F(Res, z/D) syst em the rms direction number, defined as Q/d, Reynolds velocity s ince it in either the horizontal was found that flow or is z is plane, provided essentially isotropic in a horizontal not too close to the interface. Equation 3.3.3 suggests that the dependence et al were on z/D should able fit to be an exponential decay. Sonin experimental data to the their function V' = Q/Dd for where (Re ) - (Re S ) e -1 .2z/D 3.3.5 3.1 < z/D < 4.2 21.8 for Re as in figure 3.3.1 for Re > 25000 S < 25000 and Lkc - 1.1D 37 3.3.6 The data used in the 25000 were diameter correlation obtained 0.0381m. the smaller Subsequently, measurements of section diameter of using V' for Re Brown < s 15000 0.038m (Re ) function and < for Re test-section (1989) made with of more the same test essentially the same experimental procedure as Sonin et al. However, he used much smaller (0.1-1.mm diameter) polystyrene beads as seedlings, compared to the 3mm polypropelene spheres used formerly, and a nozzle with a smoother inlet region. Brown 's data is summarised in smaller value figure 3.3.2, (Re ) of and than Sonin shows a substantially et al found in the lower Reynolds number range. Brown 's data should be more reliable because of the smaller size seedlings, which would follow the fluid motions size of 200 readings more readings in Sonin considerable constant al. in versus the the larger sample sample Nevertheless, Brown 's data. size of 60 there If is still we a assume a obtained by least square fit. This would the LDA results (refer to figure 3.3.2 and see section 4.1.1 for more details) somewhat LDA results, which tend data, and (Re s) through the whole range, 4000 < Re s < 70000, a value of 23.5 is make each et scatter faithfully, show 0(Re8)-21.8, we better which range 30000 < Re data shows that The to trust more than the video agreement with the correlation of is the least square value for data in the < 70000. one A closer examination cannot O(Re s) increases slightly as are available, lower than the average. especially rule of Brown out the possibility 's that Res decreases. Until more data range 15000 < Re s < 30000, in the we shall adopt as our correlation O(Re ) - 24.5 ( = 21.8 The value 24.5 is ReS < 15000 ) ( 30000 < Re 3.3.7 < 70000) the least square fit in the lower Reynolds number range. 38 It should be noted set-up) was only capable of and 5mm beneath the LDA (in our particular the that providing measurement interface for the up to 2mmn horizontal and vertical components of velocity respectively. To measure the surface velocity directly, we mounted the video camera vertically facing the interface from above. Air bubbles were introduced into the system. They floated on the interface as very bright and appeared the synchronised synchronised with conveniently resolution. lightings the addressed Only the provided. frame speed the problem at bubbles bright spots in contrast due to the reflection spots to the lightings were (The of the of camera.) depth interface those beneath of of This field appear as the interface. A transparent 'Scriptel' digitizing tablet was mounted against the monitor during the playbacks and the positions of the bubbles were recorded directly via the tablet through its interface to the laboratory VAX 11/750 computer for further processing. Each "data point" of rms velocity was based on about 200 measurements. These results next section. 39 are discussed in the 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS I 4.1 Turbulence Characteristics 4.1.1 RMS Velocity Correlation Both horizontal and vertical velocity components the were measured with the LDA near the interface. Figures 4.1.1 the axis of the test section to show data taken at to 4.1.6 depths up to 30nmm. The z/D-3.67, where z is the are shown in figures of and D is the nozzle above height diameter of the test-section. kept at a height was interface The horizontal rms velocities 4.1.1, 4.1.3 for three and 4.1.2, - Q/(dv) = 29140, 40120, and system Reynolds numbers Re 57690 respectively. The corresponding plots for the vertical rms velocities are given in figures 4.1.4, 4.1.5, and 4.1.6. Each rms value is computed from at least 5 samples, with each sample composed of 10,000 data points. Also shown as a the correlation proposed by broken line in each figure is Sonin et al (1986) equation 3.3.5 with on based (Re ) - an 21.8 ) for points sufficiently by it. far below the interface to be unaffected Overall correlation locations our of Sonin et far from the show data LDA al ( see independent method (equations the 3.3.5 and 3.3.7) for is to be expected This interface. with agreement since that correlation was based on the data taken far below the interface. Nearer the rms velocity to be damped and the horizontal increase due to the to the horizontal 4.1.6, the presence rms velocity interface, we expect the vertical transfer of momentum Based component. on rms velocity to from the vertical figures 4.1.1 to of the free surface starts to affect the at a depth of about 0.13D, irrespective of Re . We shall call this layer the 'damped layer'. Figure 4.1.7 beneath the shows the interface azimuthal as a 40 rms velocity function of at 5mm radius for Re -4.01xl104. As expected, as one approaches the wall. of the centreline value Also shown as a in (bounded by +0.01 m/s) fluctuating velocity. 4.1.7 of and more dramatically is r/D. As the mean azimuthal expected, its value is much smaller than the rms value of This is also and the test points 4.1.1 the +0.01 to about 85% at 0.SD. velocities, both horizontal in value tends to decrease r0.4D, figure function rms It drops gradually at between 0.4D and the wall velocity the figures true for the mean vertical, measured for all to 4.1.6. All were below m/s bound (not shown). This supports the existence of an essentially bulk-free-flow test region, as postulated by Sonin et al (1986). The mass transfer across will depend on the side. We assume macroscale, a turbulent liquid interface turbulence that the . For and imposed on the liquid is latter an rms velocity, kinematic viscosity state characterised the by a liquid density and the characteristic velocity, we take the value of V' extrapolated surface (see figure 4.1.1 to from the bulk to the free 4.1.6). For the macroscale, we choose the quantity A defined in section 4.1.3 below. 4.1.2 An attempt to measure Surface RMS Velocity on the Free Surface directly An attempt was made to determine the actual turbulent velocity fluctuations on the free surface itself by measuring the motion of air bubbles floating on it. Air was introduced into the test cell at a depth near the inlet nozzle. The bubbles were broken up into much smaller ones by the eddies as they rose towards the free surface. We recorded the movement of these bubbles using a video camera, limiting the range of bubble in diameter, sizes to between to obtain the rms velocity v"-[ < (v 2 + ve2) > 41 1 mm and 5mmn v" defined 1/2 as 4.1.1 where vr is the radial component of velocity, component tangential ve of velocity, Figures 4.1.8, 4.1.9 and 4.1.10 show the plot of v" against Q/Dd for z/D and 4.5 respectively. Each point average of 200 measurements. solid line representing data are close them to lie to Also close represents 3.67, 4.17 an ensemble shown on each figure equation equation > < and represents the ensemble average. is the is a 3.3.5. Surprisingly, the 3.3.5, though we would expect to the LDA-obtained horizontal velocity extrapolated to the surface multiplied by a /2- to factor of and account for the two-dimensional of the rms value of bubble motion, dimensional component measured rms measurement as opposed to the one- with the LDA. We have no explanation for the low v" observed except the most obvious: i.e., one may question whether the air bubbles truly follow the fluid motions bubble motions research on the free at the interface topic and we will surface. The analysis and its dynamics of is still a have to defer the explanation to future work. 4.1.3 The Turbulence Since our Macroscale measurements were restricted to a single point at any given time, we were unable to determine the more conventional macroscale which is based on the two-point autocorrelation function. However, we can define an Eulerian time macroscale - 0 00 Ruu(t) dt or 0 RW(t) dt 4.1.2 where R (t)- R!r(t)- < u'(t'+t)u'(t') > / < > '(t'+t)w'(t') 42 < u2 / < W' 2 > 4.1.3 are the Eulerian w' being the components, autocorrelations horizontal and respectively, the ensemble defined at a point, u' and vertical fluctuating velocity and the symbol < > represents average. Based on this Eulerian time macroscale and the local rms velocity, we can define an Eulerian length macroscale A Figures 4.1.11, V'r 4.1.12, 4.1.4 4.1.13 and autocorrelation correlation function centreline 30mm at a depth of 4.1.14 R uu (t), for show the taken at the four system Reynolds number, Res -25000, 35200, 50300 and 70500. Figures 4.1.15, 4.1.16, 4.1.17 and 4.1.18 show the corresponding R (t) for the vertical component of velocity respectively. Each autocorrelation plot was derived from four samples of 10 4 data points specifically each, collected adjiusted the 'combined mode' so that at Doppler each about 100 frequency counter Doppler frequency data after validation. burst Hz. We to the yielded one Table 2 sumnarises all the Ct) and R (t), r and A. The data imply that the system possesses a Reynolds-number invariant length results for both R macroscale (large eddy size), A - V'r In what follows, characteristic size we of 0.24D 4.1.5 adopt this the turbulent length number based on A as the eddy Reynolds scale as the eddies and Reynolds number. 4.1.4 ulerian TimeSectrum Based vertical on our velocities measurement with to examine the behaviour respect of both the horizontal to time, it is interesting of the corresponding 43 and Eulerian time spectrum. Using the definition of the Eulerian time spectrum (e.g. Tennekes where and Lumley, u(f) - (f) -. f1O 1972), exp(-i2rft) Ruu(t) dt 4.1.6 exp(-i27rft) Rw(t) dt f is the frequency in Hertz, we plot the Eulerian time spectrum/energy spectrum for the horizontal and vertical directions, in figures 4.1.19 and 4.1.20 respectively. The system Reynolds number (Res ) is 25000. The corresponding plots for the Re s - horizontal 50300 are respectively. and depicted All vertical in energy spectrum figures 4.1.21 and 4.1.22 the four figures show that at sufficiently high frequency, the spectrum decays approximately as f/ This follows of inertial the prediction subrange, as turbulence oscillating away from is the discussed (1972). The experimental whose for result generated 3. spectral decay in the by Tennekes of Hannoun by means and Lumley et al (1988), of a submerged grid, gives similar decay rate in the region far the grid, where turbulence is expected to be homogeneous. Also, for each system Reynolds number, both components of energy spectrum are quite identical, which confirms again isotropic in turbulence, that our flow is provided one indeed is approximately not too close to the interface. 4.2 Mass Transfer Rate All mass transfer data were transfer agent. Schmidt numbers obtained using CO2 as the of 230, 377, 525 and 1600 were used. The lower three Schmidt numbers were obtained simply by operating at bulk water temperatures of 400 C, 290°C and 23°C respectively. The molecular diffusivities of C0 2 in water were taken from Davidson 44 et al (1957) and Hayduk et al (1974), while the condition saturated of mixture solvent. These the at al (1943). To achieve Sc=1600, et and glycerol C02 3.1.6) were taken from Cox interface (required in equation et al (1962) and Harned of water liquids were used as the 250°C was at pre-mixed a in the proportion of glycerol. After each mixing, samples were taken to determine the kinematic viscosity using a 'CannonFenske-Routine' viscometer placed in a precision temperature 21% by volume of controlled viscosity 74944, manufactured by (model bath Precision Scientific Company) maintained at a temperature of 250C + 0.1°C. The density the mixture was also measured of coefficient and the saturated directly. The diffusion condition of CO, at the mixture interface were obtained from Brignole et al (1981). After each run, the mixture was discarded and the whole system flushed with tap water. A new mixture was repeated then made to obtained for the the data as described relevant The mean Schmidt number of the parameters next run, and the procedure 1600 has a are tabulated above. 10% uncertainty. All in Table 3. Results for KL, the mass transfer coefficient, in m/s, versus V' are plotted dimensionally in figure 4.2.1, 4.2.2, for the four values 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 respectively, most features of significant of a 'break', which has not been previous by used a single power law their dimensional or kind or another have, (1976), al involving McCready the plots is the appearance these separates two linear regions. noted non-dimensional et generation function) data. shall defer discussion and al (1984) of turbulence of to fit all Breaks of one been noted by Theofanous et in these experiments strong wind by blowing above the interface (eg. see Merlivat We This break researchers, most of whom (or polynomial however, of Sc. The et al (1983)). other data to section 4.3. If V is the rms velocity corresponding to the 'break' point, we expect that V* = V(D, p, 45 , A) 4.2.1 where D of liquid, the is the A and molecular diffusivity, is the kinematic is the macroscale p is the density viscosity of the length, as defined liquid, in 4.1.5. Dimensional analysis then shows that a break Reynolds number (ReA)*VsA/v must be a function only of the Schmidt number, ie. (Re A ) * = Vn/v This scaling law suggest inversely proportional is constant. a set of diameter that to the the 'break' velocity is A if Sc turbulence macroscale In order to check this conclusion, we performed mass temperature 4.2.2 = f(Sc) of transfer 23 0 C D -0.038m, experiments (Sc - 525) four the associated the smaller with a bulk water in a smaller test cell with times system. Using at relation smaller 4.1.5, test cell than the the former macroscale A2 would be four times smaller than the macroscale A1 (0.037m) associated with the larger system. Equation 4.2.2 would imply that the break veloci ty (V*)2 associated wi th the small system should be four t imes larger than the corresponding break velocity of the large system Figure at 4.2.5 the same shows Sc hmidt number. the plot D s -0.038m. The relationship is the break velocity of linear, large the of KL versus V' for and passes through system, V0.073 shown more clearly m/s, without a break. This feature is following figure, 4.2.6. scaling analysis thus appears Our to be confirmed. We were small system at beyond not able in the to obtain data for the it s break velocity because the interface became quite wavy before such high velocities could be reached. Throughout all our experiment, we deliberately kept the turbulence intensity below the value where or the induced surface waves a few mm high. The of the small system than the gradient has corresponding a had amplitudes of more of the linear profile, somewhat large 46 than dKL/dV', higher value (by 20%) system. By using similar in as employed scaling arguments Sonin et al (1986), we can in simplest form, that established, A, v, D, p) KL - KL(V', L 4.2.3 whence, upon dimensional analysis, we obtain St - 4.2.4 St( ReA, Sc ) St is a Stanton number, where St -= KL/V' = j/V'C, and ReA is the eddy Reynolds number, ReA - V'A/u. concentratiion difference AC is the molar and the bulk velocity, our implies that liquiid. the of data St KL/V' indep endent velociti,es implies that, for of seen in figure uncertainty 4.2.6 involved the surface constant, which This, in turn, dKL/dV' for should be the same as for The apparent difference be possibly can and below the break the break, 4.2.3). (figure system is ReA. below the smaller system (figure 4.2.5) the large between At velocities that shows is the interface t:ransport across flux j is the molar Here attributed to the O(Re ) calibration (see section in the 3.3). With try to tes ts data from four establish empirically. the with funct ion f(Sc) in equation 4.2.2 Table 4) that the break (see The data suggest diffe rent Sc, we can point Reynolds number is given by (ReA), * 3.5x104 Sc0for 230 < Sc 47 < 4 1600 4.2.5 where the break intersection 4.2.1 point point (denoted of the by two *) is defined as the linear regions (see figures to 4.2.4). Although equation 4.2.5 is derived for the indicated range of high Schmidt number, we obtain some idea of whether it might referring apply also much lower Schmidt number to the data of Sonin et al (1986) and Brown for condensation range at heat transfer 1.5 to 6.6. These at Prandtl numbers by (1989) in the data show a linear relation between KL and V', with no break point, for rms velocities as 0.15 m/s. This result is at least consistent with 4.2.5, which is predicts 1.4x104 , numbers that at Sc-10, which is in the much as large say, the break Reynolds number higher than the maximum Reynolds experiments described by Sonin et al and Brown. In principle observed in the our data possibility might be contamination with monol ayers or might then signal exists the result of surface even dust. The break point condition where the that a 'break' the turbulence intensity becomes strong enough to actual ly b reak up the surface contamination. Contamination migh t ar ise in our system from oil leakage from the pump, etc. J. T. Davies and co-workers have done extensive work on gas absorption through monolayers and cause a profound a monolayer transport resistance" effect. Davies acts not at the that monolaye r res istance found only interface, et al (1964) post ulated a direct physical barrier as but can that to also offers "hydrodynamic by damping out the eddies in the vicinity of the interface, and thereby causing a drastic reduction in the transport rate compared to the clean surface condition. Their experimental data showed that the greatest reduction in transport rate occured when the turbulence intensity in the liquid was fairly low, which suggested that the cause was the inability of the surface-clearing eddies to break up the surface film. Above a certain turbulence intensity, the corresponding percentage reduction in K L became smaller. At 48 very high turbulence intensity, the effect of monolayers was reduced to the transport. layer's resistance (physical barrier) to They found that the effect of even a small amount of contamination, of order one ppm could be measured with suitable contaminants. In view of this, we carried out a series of experiment designed to check if there was any change in surface tension before and after generally the mass transfer experiment alter the surface tension). Care was (monolayers taken to test only water taken from very near the interface. Our Cenco tensiometer registered at most a + 0.0001 N/m variation in the surface tension of the water, which was measured as 0.0728 N/m (200 C) irrespective of the test conditions. Orridge (1970) has studied the sulfosuccinate as surfactant plane. He registered 15% a with accompanying 0.0011 effect on the of 0.1 ppm of sodium flow down an inclined in CO 2 transfer reduction N/m decrease rate in surface tension. Our maximum + 0.0001 N/m variation in surface tension thus suggests the absence of significant surface-seeking surfactants in our test. In addition, Orridge 's result also shows a maximum the reduction surfactants were accompanying Typically of 50% in the transport increased decrease in to surface tension the slope dKL/dV' increases much greater factor - at least 4 10 - rate when ppm, of with an 0.009 N/m. in our experiment by a as the break point is traversed. This suggests that monolayer contamination is most likely ruled out as the reason for the 'break' observed in our data. As discussed in chapter 2, most models for interfacial transport suggest that Stanton number, St, is proportional to the -0.5 power of Sc, i.e. St oc Sc -0.5 4.2.6 the only exception being Kishinevsky model which predicts an independence of Sc. This provides 49 us with the motivation to those data with V' < dKL/dV', or slope is dependence if Sc -. 5 ascertain reasonable at least for V*. Table 5 gives the Stanton number, for < ReA (ReA)*. The data can be correlated well with 4.2.7 < (ReA)* ] [ Re 0.0092 + 0.0018 StSc 0.5 A non-dimensional plot of StSc 0 5 versus ReA (figure 4.2.7) indicates the approximately constant regi n of about 0.0092. region VI For the 'post-break' V,, we plot (KL K,)/(V'-V*)) against ReA in data in tha t region disproportionately results of figure Stanton number constant, Sc. It due can or at mo st would to 4.2. 8 approximated weak correlated StSc05 summarise, of our effect as V' The >> V, the roughly being function of both ReA and and Ser ebryansky's (1956) by their 1700 rpm to generate about da ta felt V'-V,. region, as evidenced data lies in the 'post-break' very high stirring rate turbulence. f or that suggest very its denomin ator, that Kishinevsky is likely To makes the be a those excluding region, as any slight scatter of data very near the 'bre ak' the 4.2. 8, figure on mass transfer the can be as ~ 0.010 + 0.0018 [ ReA < 3.5x104Sc-04 1 4.2.8 and (KL-K*)/(V'-V* ) 0.0020+0.0003 [ReA>3.5x10 4 Sc 0.4 4.2.9a is viewed as an approximation. where equation 4.2.9 Equivalently, using 4.2.5 and 4.2.8, 4.2.9a can be expressed as St ~ 0.0020 + (0.010 Sc for ReASc 0 - 0.0020)(ReA)*/ReA 4.2.9b ' > 3.5x10 50 4 Note that up to this point, the velocity define St is the nominal rms velocity, which is taken at the centreline of the test-cell. The actual turbulence decreases as the radial If we use a 4.1.7). distance simple smooth 4.1.7, we find that the mean velocity the centreline St and ReCA on velocity. the This used to increases curve intensity (see figure fit for figure is about 25% less than implies that if we base both local rms velocity, equations 4.2.8 and 4.2.9b become StSc0.5 ~ 0.013 + 0.002 St 4 [ ReA<2 . 7 x104Sc 0.0025 + (0.013 Sc 0 5 2.7x104 Sc-0 Equations 8000 4.2.10(a) and functional 230 < Sc and (b) are < form of equations 4.2.10(a) four Schmidt numbers as in and 4.2.11 show respectively Sc of 525 and 1600 with as 4 4.2.11 applicable 1600. Plotted 4.2.10(b) 4 and the break Reynolds number, (ReA)*, is given (Re), 4.2.10(a) - 0.0025)(ReAd)/ReA ReA > 2.7x104 Sc= 0 for ] for 500 < Re A < in figure 4.2.9 is the and (b) for the same our experiment. Figures 4.2.10 the experimental data for the the prediction given by equations 4.2.8 and 4.2.9 for comparison. 4.3 Comparison with Other Results One feature correlation is the that fact stands that out there in our transport are two rate regimes of behaviour, separated "break point" characterised by a Schmidt-number-dependent critical Reynolds number. Most of the previously published work show no such break point. The 51 burden falls on us explain the apparent discrepancy. to the literature, for the data in and the parameters V' of deducing here is that basic difficulty so The that previous data the present data. The means can be rationally compared with : vertically numerous are turbulence generating oscillating grid, flow down an inclined plane, wind driven shear flow, falling film flow and many others. Comparison is possible only with those data where empirical relationships of the exist for converting flow parameters to V' respective and A. We have fallen investigations previous other of the two of most either one or the by the break Reynolds The discussion will be divided number (see equation 4.2.3). The data the into demarcated regions into two sections. that show to attempt shall will first cover those experiments where turbulence is generated within the liquid and diffuses towards the interface. These are in in Table 6. summarised cases where turbulence is imposed The second will deal with from above the interface. These are sunmmarised in Table 7. these Before we embark on worth out that the two-regime behaviour pointing or (1976) that with KL (V')1/2 McCready and induced postulated found, Hanratty in channel, changed from a (V') V' dependence by McCready a at Re > 50, 2 in and Hanratty at Re break (V') at lower Re and KL turbulence coefficient obtained et al (1984). Theofanous in our data that postulated by Theofanous from is distinctly different et al comparison, however, it is 3/ 4 500, at higher Re. experiments with wind- that the dependence mass transfer at Re < 50 to a (ie. they found a very different behaviour from that suggested by Theofanous et al). Our break is different from both of these. It occurs at much higher Reynolds number, and separates two linear regions of KL versus V'. 4.3.1 Turbulence Imosed from Within the Liuid 52 First inclined consider the channel flow turbulence is channel flow without similar to obtained in shear. This type of ours in that the Uw is the (1984) have indicated that for a surface shear, au u u surface data imposed from beneath the interface. Plate and Friedrich where transfer without generation turbulence is mass rms Uw 4.3.1 0.1Uw 4.3.2 value of the horizontal turbulence component at 1 cm beneath the surface, Uw is velocity, mean velocity in the channel. and They managed U to get data of Krenkel which the an et empirical al (1963) h is - and 1.78x10-5 Uw the height of water the hydraulic radius. and (Sc) Taking Eloubaidy et al (1969), h/R in the channel and R is - 2h for a wide channel R 500, we have (KL/V')Sc0 ~ 5 which fit for the experimental can be expressed as K L where is w the friction 0.020 is identical to our 4.2.10(a) differ by a factor of some possible about 1.5. 4.3.3 except We that the constant have to keep error in using the approximation in mind 4.3.1 for the comparison. Noting that the largest shear velocity and water height were U,w0.038m/s and h-0.145m respectively, we have, on estimating Appendix the macroscale 2 for a detailed Ah in a channel as O.lh (see derivation), [(V'Ah/V)Sc 4]ma x h max 53 6600 4.3.4 which is about Reynolds behaviour a factor number of four (4.2.11). Hence flow channel as found in Fortescue correlation (4.2.10), They data implies made numerous data effect downstream to where they placed a weir An estimate of these take 'single-regime' our results. a grid in an open (1967). Unlike our to exhibit a better V' 0 (see also ~ 5 corrections to their the entrance of the grid and the end region to maintain constant water height. that is responsible for and we would was not correlation. Nevertheless, their regime' behaviour KL than our break into account corrections 10% to 20%, a figure part seem that 'raw' experimental immediately behind and Pearson their a correlation expression 2.7). least in the of their data is consistent with Next, we consider the fit with smaller put at least between too small and may the discrepancy data be at with our only show a 'single- like to test if their maximum Reynolds number is below our (ReA)*. Fortescue et al assumed that the turbulence induced by the grid is given by v'/U - 0.086/(X/M -10) .5 where v' is the local rms velocity, in the channel, grid and X is M is the distance the mean is the flow velocity the ratio of mesh is applicable througout the can compute U 4.3.5 size to diameter from grid downstream, channel L is the and length. From 4.3.5, we rms velocity V' as V'/U - 0.172M(L/M -10)0/L where of length of the channel. After 4.3.6 substituting the appropiate quantities, one obtains V'/U V' obtained in this way the flow like that of an 0.02 is most 4.3.7 likely too low. If we treat inclined channel, we would 54 have V' 0 O.1U (equation validity of the 4.3.5 and 4.3.2). the raises assumption made its throughout This by application channel with the issue respect to equation Fortescue length. In of the fact, and Pearson equation 4.3.5, which was first proposed by Batchelor and Townsend (1948), was clearly intended to be used only in the region close to the grid, not further and Pearson, a channel depth, say. Fortescue than on the other This may larger than the channel depth. conditions of Fortescue used it for distances much hand, and imply that the flow Pearson were more similar to those of 'open channel flow' than to 'grid' flow, especially in the region further away difference they observed in the entrance length the from grid. However, the the gas absorption results when between the grid and the open-channel section was varied suggests that the grid-induced turbulence should not turbulence be due to Nevertheless, any discounted the shear it is very revelant entirely stress favour of on the channel difficult (due to measurements) in relate the floor. to the absence of the turbulence intensity in their system to the mean flow parameters. If we make the assumption that V' U , where is some constant whose grid value is of order configuration, 4.2.10(a)) Since Fortescue height operating then but dependent our on the actual correlation (equation can be reduced to the form KL water 0.1, and 0.013 Sc Pearson remaining condition 5IOU of data about 20 0 C, were constant our obtained with the and correlation at a single implies the following functional form KL ~ const. ReFp where ReFp 4Q/vw (Q and w being the volumetric flow rate and the wetted perimeter respectively), for comparison. The 55 linear dimensions of ReFp 14. in figure logarithmically in their Comparing figure 12 and these two figures, the location of the origin for the linear plot we can deduce for (which lacks a scale this information, plot can vs KL Pearson were plotted in and experimental data of Fortescue be ordinate the in the paper). With it turns out that the data in their linear by approximated straight for through the the two sets of data origin. This observation is obtained with different grid configurations, which suggests rather good agreement, true lines at least in the functional our correlation (made with above assumption about V'). the as 0.2, these data also suggests If we take form, with that, for Sc 570, StSc 0.5 0.033 which agrees only very roughly with our correlation equation 4.2.10(a) (within a factor the largest ReFp of 10000 three for the constant). of in their experiment, achieved For we can calculate ]max ~ 6300 [(V'Dh/V)Sc where Dh is the the approximately as channel and we have taken height 4.3.8 of water in the 0.2. The value computed in 4.3.8 is smaller than our break Reynolds number even though we are using Dh instead of some macroscale compatible with our A (which of Dh). In other words, should be some fraction their data lies in the pre-critical region. A submerged oscillating grid has been used by a number of researchers to generate 'homogeneous' turbulence which surface decays as the free following up work measurements of in such is approached. a al et Dickey system of Isenogle (1984), made (1985), numerous both the horizontal and vertical rms velocities at various depths beneath the interface, under various operating conditions. He also 56 carried out measurement of the integral length scale, L,I defined as L I - 0I where f(r) - ° f(r) dr < u(r )u(r 4.3.9 + r) > / < u2(r) u is the fluctuating r0 is the reference location r is the mean is the < > > velocity separation distance ensemble which is compatible with, integral length scale A. average though not exactly equal to, our using the absolute turbulent By velocity Q < (u + v + w2)0 > and L I extrapolated to the interface, we were able to replot Isenogle's mass transfer data as in figure 4.3.1. It is interesting Re I ( QLI/v) exceeds about value of about 0.01. If energy does not change next to the interface, extrapolated form V' we In then this For Re < we 0 5 /Q levels off to a that the total kinetic in the 'damped' layer can relate our V' (which to the case, re-correlated as KLSc0 5/V' which agrees rather well 4.2.10(a)). assume significantly from the bulk Q/V'. KLSc 600, to note that when interface) is to Q in the the data of Isenogle can be for Re(mV'LI/v) > 400, our correlation (equation 0.017 with 400, KLSc0 5/V' shows some indication of rising above 0.017. Our data did not stretch to such low Reynolds that numbers. Note, however, is quite different from (1984), who observed that a the rise at Re < 400 data of McCready decrease in 4 max x 10400 KL/V' at and Hanratty Re < 50. In Isenogle's data (RelSc ' which is smaller than regime behaviour in our his 4.3.10 break Reynolds number. A single- case results. 57 is thus consistent with our In an independent finding, Ho (1987) made measurements of the average mass transfer The turbulence was induced of 02 by onto a turbulent an oscillating the interface. Ho's apparatus was Brumley is not et al (1984) who too close to the grid beneath same as that used by the reportedly found that, provided to be interface influenced 0.25 f S1 .5M 0 5 /z' 4.3.12 of the velocity field. Here, is a fairly good approximation macroscale rms horizontal/vertical length scale, is the stroke amplitude, z' its 4.3.11 LTH - 0.1 z' is the by (1976) V V one consistent relationship of Toly presence, the dimensionally and Hopfinger liquid. is the distance to the centre of LTH velocity, f is the is the grid frequency, M size of grid, and is the mesh from the virtual origin oscillation). We S (which is close therefore took the rms velocity and length scale at the interface as being given by 4.3.11 and 4.3.12, respectively. We reduced Ho's mass transfer data, which were collected at a fixed temperature of 20°C, to the form StSc 5 versus ReH (- VLH/V). The results are plotted scatter is in figure = 0.0156, which in the plot, a mean value of StSc indepedent representation. of Re H, is there is some 4.3.2. Although found This compares to favourably be a fairly good to our correlation 4.2.10(a). Next, we calculate that for Ho's data, (ReHSc 0 )ma x 3100 4.3.13 which is very much smaller than our break Reynolds number. A single-regime behaviour in Ho's data is thus consistent with ours. did experiments on steam Finally, Thomas (1979) condensation at a shear-free turbulent interface, using a 58 vertical jet system somewhat like ours, but with a much shallower test cell with z/D ranging from 0.3 to 1.3. His system produced a bulk radial flow under the interface, with the radial velocity at the surface varying i.e. the flow distinctly was flow condition. Thomas velocity made was about r, different from our bulk-free some measurements of the mean near the interface and, rms velocity V' inversely with on the assumption one-quarter that the of the radial mean velocity at the surface, suggested the following relations V' 1.5U V' 0.65U d/s for 0.3s < r < R n d/s 0 < r < 0.3s for 4.3.14 n and Here U 0.039s for IT 0.045r for is the velocity diameter, 1T 1T s at the 0 < r < 0.3s 0.3s < r < R nozzle, d is the depth of nozzle beneath is the integral scale of the radius of the test-cell. the 4.3.15 turbulence, Using is the nozzle the interface, and is R the above relations to obtain the integrated mean rms velocity, Thomas's heat transfer data can be interpreted approximately as StPr0 5 0.010 The corresponding correlation used a very similar set-up, but with nozzle beneath and CO2 , the interface, can be expressed StSc0 for 4.3.16 of Orridge (1970), who even shallower depth of the gas absorption of 02 as 5 0.004 4.3.17 We have implicitly assumed that the velocity and length scale relations of Thomas (4.3.14 and 4.3.15) are applicable 59 to Orridge's experiments, though smaller z /D than Thomas. clearly highest 's run is associated around with Thomas integral scale of deduced nozzle data are for equations 4.3.16 and 4.3.17 bear strong a resemblance The Thomas Both Orridge's to our 4.2.10(a). Reynolds 80000. number Assuming achieved in the macroscale AT 's system to be the mean value of the eddies (as defined in 4.3.15), we can that [(V'AT/v)Pr0 4]max ~ 14000 4.3.18 The equivalent result of Orridge experiment is [(V'AT/V)Sc0 4]max 8200 4.3.19 The single-regime behaviour in both Thomas and Orridge tests is thus expected. All the data we have referred 'pre-critical' region. The only aware of which our those of and may Kishinevsky Serebryansky turbulence be in and used experiments a that we are 'post-critical' Serebryansky mechanical in a cylindrical kept constant at 1700 to thus far lie in the region are (1956). Kishinevsky stirrer to generate test cell. The stirring rpm rate was and mass transfer were collected for 3 different gases, namely nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, at 200 C. In order the suggestion to relate by McManamey their et data ot ours, we follow al (1973) who suggests that for turbulence generated by a stirrer, V' where N V' 0.55NL 4.3.20 is the turbulence fluctuation near the interface, is the stirring speed (revolutions per second), and L is the length (tip to tip) of the stirrer blade, and AK 0.3L 60 4.3.21 where AK is the characteristic eddy dimension (macroscale). Note that subsequent hot wire measurement of the velocity field in a stirrer vessel the correlation of restate Kishinevsky by 4.3.20. Davies In et al (1979) supported this way, we are able to et al result as St - 0.0045 4.3.22 which is less than a factor of three higher than our correlation (4.3.10(b)). As to whether their data belong to the post-critical region, we compute (V'A /)Sc0.4 54000, 66000, 71000 4.3.23 respectively for H 2 , 02 and N 2. These values are well above our break Reynolds number which lends further credibility to our postulation. 4.3.2 Turbulence Imposed via Shear at the Interface In this section, we will look at data taken under conditions where the liquid-side turbulence is generated by imposeing a mean shear strictly speaking, should apply in whether it does these that might stress at not cases, the interface. Although follow that our correlation it is of interest to test be the case. Jensen and Yuen channel of turbulence (1982) made intensity measurements in a water near the interface in the presence of a cocurrent steam flow and found that V' ~ 2.9U,w 4.3.24 where V' is the longitudinal (flow-wise) rms velocity at interface, and U*w is the interfacial shear velocity based on the water density. Their experiment on cocurrent steam condensation yielded an expression of the form 61 StPr0.5 ~ 0.048 where Pr is the Prandtl number temperature. Equation 4.3.25 (4.2.10(a)) only in that the Prandtl number 4.3.25 based on bulk water differs from our correlation the constant dependence was is larger. Note that assumed, not determined empirically. The largest Reynolds number (based on the mean water water velocity reached U*w V and height in Jensen and Yuen O(V) (which is of 's an data in the channel h) was 6800. If we assume overestimate) and make use of 4.3.24, we arrive at [(V'h/v)Pr0 This value number, is even of the though max same we data exhibited proportional a order have macroscale length and taken 31000 as used Uw h ~V 4.3.26 our break Reynolds to represent the (overestimates). Their single-regime behaviour, with KL to V'. the transfer of 02 Aisa et al (1981) measured and C02 from a moving stream into a channel of constant water height for a range of Schmidt number, 400 < Sc < 750. Using 4.3.24, we can readily reduce their correlation function to the form 0 StSc 5 0.034 4.3.27 For their experiment, [(V'M/v)Sc where M is the height of this estimate, however, macroscale the results 'pre-break' water their maximum same order as our mind, max break (M is definitely et al Reynolds used number number. M larger would 4.3.28 in the channel. According Reynolds that we have of Aisa 40000 be is again of the We must bear in as an estimate for the than A), and that hence expected to fall regime, as indeed they seem to have done. 62 to in the McCready and Hanratty (1984) to Aisa et experiment similar similar to 4.3.27 for large Re conducted al. a series of They obtained results > 50, which (Re is based on interfacial shear velocity and height of water). The largest Reynolds number reached in their experiment was U WM/v - 1000 4.3.29 w where Uw is the interfacial shear velocity based on water density. This corresponds to (with 4.3.24 and Sc-440) [(V'M/v)Sc0.4]ax which 33100 4.3.30 is of the same order as our break Reynolds though we are using M instead scale (some fraction of only a single-regime behaviour 50, their data the (1972, pp is begins made inclined plane and found measurements that for Re < to show marked correlation mentioned 194) Evidently, found. However, KL that even the appropriate length for the computation. indicates variation from Davies M) of number above (4.3.27). of flow down an flow was essentially laminar for Reynolds number (based on mean velocity u, and height of water) below 500. If we used the approximation u 0( 10U*W) which can be deduced from Mattingly 's (1977) wind imposed shear flow experiments, then the departure from 4.3.27 for McCready et al data at Re < 50 can be attributed turning laminar. Another put forward by McCready height became boundary explanation thin, increasing allowing In such manifests itselt a as scenario, the the lower solid influence on the turbulence near the interface. The occurrence uncommon. for the deviation was et al that at very low Re, the water exceedingly to exert an to the flow of capillary waves the 'lower boundary dependence of the mass is not effect' transfer coefficient on more parameters besides Re. The only experimental data which have previously shown the existence of two regimes 63 are for cases where the turbulence in blowing above the liquid is the interface generated e lg. ( see a strong wind by figure 11 of Broecker et al (1978) which show two diffierent linear regimes when KL is plotted the against wind ve.locity). In all these cases, speed, the li aear relation between K L and speed appears to break down and K L increases more at the higher wind the wind rapidly with further increases ii n wind speed. This has been attributed by some to effeict of small bubbles produced the by wave breaking and the presenc e of large gravity waves and capillary waves (eg. see Merliva t et al (1983) and Broecker et al (1984)). In order result, we shall continue (1982). However, further comparison with our to make to us e 4.3.24 of Jensen and Yuen the determinati'on of a relevant macroscale, compatible with our A, is more problematic. The macroscale in a shear-imposed i mo st likely dependent on the f low shea r stress at both the i nter face and the channel floor, Sinc e and the water height. ma c r oscale th ere determinat ion in this make some order of ma gnitude es For flow condit ions where wave s are relatively breaking small, class ti]mate t he a nd are absent, Sivakumar absorption is no reported work on of flow, we have to for comparison. ampli tude capill ary of the gravity waves and wave s (1984) correlation for 02 can be reduced to the form StScO S ~ 4.3.31 0.016 Here we have used equation 4.3.24 to obtain V' from U*w. Sivakumar took measurement of the mean water velocity as a function of depth for a the nominal wind speed constant water height of 0.3m, with varying blowing above the interface. We from can estimate from the expression au/l du/yl. u s interface 64 2.6 m/s to 10.2 m/s a macroscale 1 s 4.3.32 where Au is the mean velocity at the interface and y is the vertical coordinate. Equation 4.3.32 about equal to the the 'break' expressed Prandtl condition 4.2.11) is of the two Sivakumar 's 04 same explanation important thus bear in mind ' 25000 as be the Secondly, existence by any wave this of bubbles. Perhaps with the further both wave breaking and formation case, the 'pre-critical' break Reynolds number conditions where wave as breaking a possible to region in our flowwas nor the formation of increase in wind speed, of bubbles become more can defined in the regimes. We have complications. region number. it shows that provide two breaking introducing more One, break lies essentially that the 'post-critical' accompanied 4.3.33 our break Reynolds implications. data before for the ]break order 'pre-critical' region. prevalent, can for as This has not length. Our criteria (equation [(V'ls/A)Sc which mixing defines a length scale If change in this is the either at the 4.2.11, occurs, or, at the depending on which happens first. Merlivat and Memery (1983) Ar absorption wind in a wind-driven obtained data for N 20 and channel with h=0.3m. At lower speeds, their results can be interpreted StSc 0.55 as 0.050 4.3.34 A break occurred when the wind velocity was about 10 m/s, with KL incresing more rapidly with V' at the higher speeds. This enable us to of a macroscale 1 use Sivakumar according to data for the determination 4.3.32. With V' in their break region, we calculate [(V'lm/A)Sc 0 ]break 65 16000 4.3.35 which implies that the above correlation 4.3.34 lies in the 'pre-critical' region. Deacon (1977) also obtained correlation of the form (KL/V')Sc0'67 for the region of the 0.027 lower wind interface is relatively unruffled. much higher proportion than 5 m/s, he gas exchange relation in a where the the wind speed very that KL is in rough speed. of limited fetch experienced et al (1979) made measurements circular wind-water tunnel and of got of the form, 5 (KL/V')Sc0 For this case, we are not fair estimate were found problem in a linear tunnel, Jahne velocity For to the square of the wind To overcome the 4.3.36 ~ able of the macroscale quite different. If we 0.007 4.3.37 to use Sivakumar data for a since the water height used take the macroscale 1j to be 20%, say, of the water height of O.lm, we can compute [(V'l/A)Sc which suggests that the 4' ]break 15000 correlation 4.3.38 4.3.37 is in the 'pre- critical' region. In conclusion, our postulation of two regimes for the mass transport correlation is not inconsistent with the previously published data. Furthermore, all the correlations obtained by previous workers for the 'pre-critical region' (equations 4.3.3, 4.3.16, 4.3.17, 4.3.25, 4.3.27, 4.3.31, 4.3.34, 4.3.36 and 4.3.37) have forms similar to our equation 4.2.10(a), though the constant in general differs (at most by a factor of four). For the 'post-critical region', the only previously available data, equation 4.3.22 66 compares favourably with our by Sonin et al (1986) that 4.2.10(b). the way It wa s pointed out in wh ich turbulence is being generated might have some bearing on the value of the constant. The important outcome of the brief comparison (a more extensive comparison is possible only if we could relate the flow parameters in other exper iments to V' and A) suggests that St may be expressed as StSc0 5 St A [ (V'A/v)Sc0.4 -0.5 B + (ASc '-B)(ReA)*/ReA where A and B are constants to < 27x10 4 ] [ ReA > (ReA)* ] be determined. 4.3.39 4.3.40 Equations 4.3.39 and 4.3.40 may apply to a wider class of flow conditions, irrespective of how turbulence is induced in the liquid. 67 FOR EXPERIMENTS 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 LDA Calibration of Turbulence in Test Cell (a) The rms velocities measured centreline agree fairly well et al 's turbulence the with the correlation of Sonin 3.3.5 and 3.3.7), provided (1986) (equations not too close to with the LDA at the system interface. The interface intensity a to depth of about one is distorts O.1D. the As one approaches the interface from below, the horizontal rms velocity increases and the vertical rms velocity decreases. This is the result of a transfer of momentum from the vertical to the horizontal directions. (b) With nozzle, the interface at the rms value of 3.67 system diameters the turbulence above the intensity near the interface is overwhelmingly large compared with any vertical bulk flow velocity in the same region. effects, the average value of V' is (c) As a result of wall about 25% below (d) The integral autocorrelation yields the centreline value. and the respective based local on the Eulerian rms velocity V' a length scale A, A which scale length does not depend postulation of Sonin - V'r - 0.24D on et V'. al This (1986) 'locked' to the system diameter 5.1 is consistent with that the macroscale D at locations the is greater than about 3D away from the nozzle. Sonin et al also used the k-e model to associated 1.5V' 5 /e, fit their experimental length scale Lk _ being the dissipation 68 results and obtained an 1.1D, where Lk = rate per unit mass. The fact that Lke larger than A is consistent is significantly with what is found in most turbulent flows. 5.2 Gas Absorption Rate Correlation Our mass transfer data for Sc between 230 and 1600 suggest a 'two-regime' behaviour with Reynolds number, the two regimes being "break" Reynolds number, (Red),, given (ReA)*, where the (average) Reynolds rms separated approximately V' is of based one on by a by ' 5.2 A and the local 2.7x104 Sc 0 4 number value respect to the eddy velocity component. At Reynolds numbers below (Red),, the transfer coefficient KL is directly proportional to V' and inversely proportional to Sc 1/ 2 (see below), while at Reynolds is proportional to V' coefficient, with and essentially 04 Re CSe4 For flow with found for the < 4 2.7x10 , of Sc. a correlation 5.3 interface with turbulence KL/V' - j/V',C where j is the flux transfer across the interface and concentration difference constant SC is the molar between the surface and the bulk of the liquid. This expression to independent shear-free imposed from below. Here St molar a much higher proportionality , 0.013 + 0.002 StSc05 is number above (ReAd)* KL on the right hand is side similar in form (though the differs from case to case) the correlations which have been obtained by other researchers for various other methods of producing liquidside turbulence, such as with flow down an inclined plane, wind-induced interfacial shear and submerged oscillating grids. It is shown that, with previous correlations have been 69 a few exceptions, these obtained at Reynolds number lower than our break Reynolds number. the Reynolds number exceeded had in fact been observed. (ReA),, a two-regime St This relation behaviour > 2.7x10 4 Sc-0.4, our correlation For flow with Re a shear-free In the few cases where for interface has the form 0.0025 is in + (0.013 Sc -0 approximate 5 agreement with Kishinevsky and Serebryansky (1956). 70 - O.0025)(ReA)*/ReA the data of 6. NUMERICAL SIMULATION 6.1 Background and Overview The major model obstacle to the formulation for transport at a turbulent lack of understanding surface. Very of the little is available turbulence the liquid on free surface has been our turbulence information, experimental, for structure either the side, of a general at a free theoretical distribution very or of the near the interface, where the major resistance to transport occurs. The transport models which have been proposed to date have all been based on simplified conjectures about what aspects of the liquid-side diversity turbulence and shortcomings control can the transport, be traced oversimplified input assumptions. Detailed velocity measurements the free interface are not easy and their directly to the sufficiently close to to obtain, because the region of interest in mass transfer problems is often less than a millimetre from the interface. Usually, particularly at the higher turbulence intensities, the surface moves with an amplitude larger than the thickness of entire region of interest. (Even the resolution of a LDA with a typical measuring volume of 40Am x 40/pmx 600/Amis barely adequate, although the main difficulty is usually not resolution but beam reflections from the moving free surface). Recently Brumley et al (1984) made some detailed velocity measurement, using a split-film anemometer probe mounted in front of a mechanical, rotating arm, in a system where turbulence was generated by means of a submerged oscillating grid. Even then, the Reynolds number had to be limited to fairly low values, since the surface turbulence had to be low enough to ensure that the interface was essentially flat). 71 In order to make theoretical further progress decription and in general, mass particular, we undertook the turbulence concentration unsteady from some initial statistically sc ala r temp erature) Navier-Stokes steady heat transfer data in n um.erical direct passive and or a and ne ar simulation of transp ort (spec ies surface. The free a a process of the free surface transport our of towards deve loping equations were nume r ical compu ted unti 1 an conditions approximately state was Because the re ached. computational domain ha d to be at least of the order of the turbulence macroscale in size, and the computation had to to the resolve features down Kolmogorov microscale, the Reynolds number based on rms velocity andi macroscale wa s limited to values which only approach those of our experiments . For similar reasons, be limited to low values, Pr refer the to energy the Prandtl number had to equation instead concentration equation, where typically To conserve computational solved for a number of field was utpdated from continued in temperature time time, the rms val ues of the velocity fluctuations both reach compared with condensation 6.2 the then experimental heat transfer 0 energy the (00 species - 1000). equation was the velocity velo c ity approximately vertical were Sc the time step. The c, oImputation was each steady stat es. The Reynolds-averaged the of numbers afte r Prandtl until profiles e: X plains why we 0(10), which and the statistically heat tran s port rate and and horizontal computed, data of components of and the results Brown (1989) on at a free surface. Discretized Euations The equation dependent incompressible Navier in its rotational form is given by time (1/Re)V2 u - Vff- au/at + WXu 72 Stokes 6.2.1 V.u where u is the the rms non-dimensionalised w.r.t . U, U is velocity velocity at computational domain, the is bottom the P/pU number, Temporal implicit Crank-Nicolson of boundary the Vxu, H is the Re is the Reynolds vorticity, + 0.51u.ul dynamic pressure, UA/v. 6.2.2 = 0 N and discretisation of 6. 1.1 by an in time gives a semi -discrete method system of the form, (1/2Re)V2 (un+l + un) ~ V - = (1/At)(un+l - un) + wxu _ V. n+l = 0 6.2.3 6.2.4 Similarly, the energy equation can be expressed as follows, (1/2Pe)V 2 (Tn+l + Tn ) (/At)(T n+ l -Tn) + u.VT 6.2.5 where T is the non-dimensional temperature, defined as the local-to-bulk temperature differential non-dimansionalised with the subcooling AT, a is th e Pe is the Peclet number, UA/a, and molecular diffusivity. Us ing spectral Fourier expansions in the horizontal x and y di rections and Gauss-Lobatto Lagrangian interpolations in the vertical z direction, we can express u and T in the form, M-1 N-1 E u(x,y,z) = - -M -N u (m,n,z)e ia'mx iny e NN u(m,n,z) = E O M-1 T(x,y,z) = E -M u11(m,n,j)hj(z) N-i i-a'mx iny E Tl(m,nz)e e TN 1 NN T(m,n,z) = where i = a = 2/L , o O T11 (m,n,j)h.(z) , L x is the 73 extent of x domain, This a = 2/L hj(r) is the elemental Lagrangian effectively is the extent of y domain, and L , decouples the interpolants. problem into a one dimensional problem to be solved for each wavenumber, -M < m < M-1, and -N < n < N-1. The next is step the variational discretisation of both the Navier-Stokes and energy equations. This process is described by Maday and Patera (1987), who give the fully discretised equations as -(A + a 1 B)u i n+l H + DHH n+1 D.u 1 where i A and B are stiffness Maday and Patera the Hermittian Bashforth (1987), treatment (a2m 2 represents 6.2.7 fi represents explicit )/Re + 2/At, evaluated followed 2/At. From is symmetric forms of the equations of 'fast direct 3 1 order Adam- term and and Due a wxu finally 6.2.6 n+l . u. by Poisson in H rd the + as defined is the del operator, D 1 (a2m2 + p2n2)/Re first = 0 Di of + p2n 6.2.6 and mass matrices of D i , matrix n = (A + a2B)ui n + 2Bfi is - o2 6.2.7, to the is highly involved, we use the method as solvers' (1986), to solve for H. and u. n + 1 described T.n+1 by Patera is then evaluated from the energy equation which is discretised as, -(A 1 + where A 1n (A1 + a21B1)T i llB)Tn+ n+ and B 1 are stiffness 1 form to A and B, ai2 2 a2A is -(Cam 3r order uxVT. In that the account a 2 + p n )/Pe Adam-Bashforth all the appropriate in the and mass matrices represents 211 above + 2/At, and finally of the representations, conditions matrices. 74 6.2.8 similar in 2n2)/Pe + 2/At, (a2m2 + treatment boundary respective + 2Blg i gi is the explicit term we have assumed are taken into The implementation of the boundary condition would be described in the next section. In the computation, every time step the using equations. At the end of was "frozen", and the each of the various field was then velocity the field was discretised updated at Navier-Stokes each time step, the velocity field temperature fields were evaluated for specified Prandtl numbers. The velocity obtained for procedure repeated until an the next time step, and the approximately steady state was reached for both the velocity and temperature fields. 6.3 Boundary Conditions The problem we are addressing is one which involves an essentially horizontal liquid interface with negligible surface shear. The turbulence in the liquid is imposed from below (eg. by some mixing or shear flow below the surface). turbulence is the source of We consider the simplest case where the isotropic in a horizontal plane, though turbulence being necessarily elevation. below decreases For our the in interface the A. (A being defined in its liquid with computational rectangular box with horizontal - domain, intensity increasing we take a and vertical sides equal to 4.1.5). On the top horizontal surface, we impose a stress-free condition where u and v au/az - 0 6.3.1 av/az - 0 6.3.2 are the horizontal velocities distance measured vertically upwards, interface remains horizontal, w 0 and z is the and assume that the 6.3.3 75 where w is the vertical velocity. On the sides of our boundary condition, which with Fourier the spectral domain, is we impose a periodic automatically expansion taken care of in the x and y directions. The specification of the boundary bottom boundary (henceforth called not so must straightforward. dependent velocity We condition lower boundary) is the impose field which for the a time and space simulates at least some minimum statistical properties - which we take as V' and A of the real turbulence This is done as - we computation for which follows. cube of the same cube of isotropic a method of Orszag (1969) isotropic and satisfying V.u=O, in a is based from the of as our computational turbulence is aimed. separately "forgery" flow A size - First generate turbulence, with zero mean the computation generated domain. This following the on a random number generator and a knowledge of the turbulent energy spectrum, Ek). The turbulence so generated has a zero mean flow and satisfies the incompressible sides of the continuity cube take on equation periodic (ie. V.u-O). The boundary conditions, consistent with our assumed boundary conditions. The cube of turbulence by a spatial longitudinal lateral velocity definitions), an velocity correlation but is appropriate thus generated time correlation g(r) "frozen" is characterised (see Hinze f(r) and a (1975) for in time. In order to introduce dependence, we identify the lower boundary of our computational domain with a horizontal plane which moves vertically certain speed c. The Eulerian boundary upward speed autocorrelation ie. for a R point the cube of isotropic c (t) through must cube chosen so be for the a point with a that the on the lower moving vertically upward through turbulence, at a speed c) matches f(r). In other words, RwsvW(ct) - f(r) 76 6.3.4 or equivalently c IO R (t') = 0 dt' The relation between c 6.3.12. of the energy spectrum As for the specification cube, the turbulence Lumley, Orszag's in which is required is (Tennekes and 1972), where e is the k is the wave expressed as viscous 2/3 k-5/3 6.3.6 dissipation rate per unit mass and 1.5 our For number. e - (1.V' 2) 1 5 where V' is the rms velocity - 1.1D (equation s can be further 6.3.7 Lk is the length scale Sonin et al (1986) estimated 3.3.6) and from our experiment, 0.24D (equation 4.1.5), so that = case, /Lk_ and associated with the k-e model. = E(k), simulation of the isotropic expression simplest E(k) - that Lk-E 6.3.5 dr given below in equation is V' and f(r) A can be rewritten as (1.5V'2 )'5/4.583A 6.3.8 Mesh size consideration (see the following section for more details) and the memory capacity of the Cray XMP/24 computer allowed us to have 32 Fourier modes in the two horizontal directions, thus giving minimum wave number kmin and maximun wave number k as ma x min kmax 7/ *1x3-631 77 Upon substituting with the limits imposed by 6.3.9 and 6.3.10, we find 6.3.8 into 6.3.6, and integration 1.5 V of 6.3.6 f k max E(k) dk > 6.3.11 kmin which violates the principle of energy conservation. To overcome this problem, we replace 6.3.6 with a modified energy spectrum, E(k), E(k) = (1.5 2/ 3k-5/3)(1 + B'e-(k-k/a) where k . , o = kmin determined kmin by fkmax ' = 2k satisfying E(k) dk. the lower wave the higher wave any small eddies that in any case that the likely be reaching eddies, which contain the kinetic of damped out by viscosity the top surface. Thus we scales the breakdown from to at the lower boundary turbulence be the result up = length scales). However, specified smaller transferred 1.5 V' length scales) relative boundary will of eddies to be constant the energy distribution at (shorter inside the domain before expect bias are most a requirement (longer numbers is 6.3.11 is found to be 2.784. The above will numbers B' the B' modification of E(k) will and o ) at the top of the larger energy, and not the result the lower surface where the turbulence is specified. With using the of isotropic turbulence above-mentioned calculate shown the cube the in specification longitudinal figure 6.3.1. spatial Note periodic boundary condition, 1.0 at r=0 and subsequently In order to evaluate 6.3.5 for the 0 computation integral by truncating is obtained dr of since we can f(r), as the cube has decreases initially from increases f(r) E(k), correlation, that, f(r) of thus generated again to 1.0 at r=A. as required speed at r=0.5A. With in equation c, we approximate this approximation, the c as c = 0. 23 2 78 Vb 6.3.12 where Vb is the rms the rms velocity velocity of the in the cube, or equivalently, lower boundary of the computational domain. It should be noted that because we specify a Dirichlet boundary conditions at the lower surface, irrespective of the flow conditions that are actually developed within the computational domain, we expect an artificial boundary layer to form at this boundary. flow which does not have This boundary simulate layer liquid via a a is the effect of of a lower boundary, in contrast boundary the an boundary grid to the real layer at this surface. artifice turbulence boundary normal fine is simply Dirichlet this artificial placement This in of the way we the bulk of the condition. Resolution of layer would require the spacing in the vicinity subject to the constraint, A < v/W 6.3.13 max where A is the grid spacing in kinematic velocity of the viscosity and v the z direction, W max is is the the maximum vertical at the lower surface. Expression 6.3.13, together with the requirement that the mesh be sufficiently resolve the thermal fine boundary upper limit on the Reynolds given computer. We near the upper boundary layer (see number which performed layer was not number resolved. number of 100, both lower and surface the the case B, T 1 at condensation, saturation the thermal where top the by a 8). In case A, which which artificial we surface interface temperature). With respect 79 boundary has a Reynolds boundary boundary interface were fully resolved. In the energy equation, temperature can be handled of 1000, the artificial In puts an complete calculations for the two cases, case A and case B (see Table has a high Reynolds below), to layer at the layer apply a at the constant (this simulates vapour is to at a constant the sides of the real In the < w'T' > (which dominates the molecular heat flux aT/az), < w'T' where T is > >> 6.3.14 aaT/az a temperature, average is the is the molecular component of temperature, T' is the fluctuating diffusivity, w' the fluctuating component of vertical velocity symbol < boundary > at condition average. ensembl e represents lower the is surface boundary temperature provide an sure that molecular diffusivity const ant diffusivity artificial surface, making to represent a as and the Since the true art T2, but at the lower is large compared with art (z) art in that regi on. Its primary the the lower temperature, art (z) of part solution, we simplify the problem by approximating purpose the is the turbulent heat flux, tTaT/azllower surface which flux heat turbulent due to the distribution temperature has a time-varying surface lower the case, periodic boundary condition. takes domain, the temperature = -<w'T'>I heat flux with allows the passage of the mean temperature gradient. lower surface a very small typical turbulent In 6.3.15 flows with heat transfer, a turb b O.01uA 6.3.16 where U and A are the characteristic velocity and macroscale of the flow. For our computation, case B is given figure 6.3.2 while in case A is plotted in the following art (z)/a takes the form it approaches for A a r/UA case art (z)/a the counterpart for for figure 6.3.3. In each case, a parabolic unity the lower boundary, art of the value of from the interface the function a equation smoothly at 0.7A such that and 0.8A and case B respectively. At for case A, = 0.2, 0.13, 0.09, 0.06 80 6.3.17 respectively for Pr of 1.0, 1.5, 2.2 and 3.15, while for case B a art /UA = 0.6, 0.20, 0.04 respectively 6.3.18 for Pr of 3.15, 10.0 and 50.0. 6.4 Mesh Size Considerations A "rigorous" solution resolve the largest and velocity shown as well that as for of the the the basic smallest equations must length scales of the temperature. Townsend flow, of turbulent most (1951) has the viscous dissipation occurs at wave numbers below k , where max 0.3 < kmax/k k being the wavenumber < 0.5 6.4.1 corresponding to the Kolmogorov length, k where is = (/v3)1/4 6.4.2 the energy dissipation per unit mass 0.2. For wavenumber kmax our 0.4k. = flow, is the and U is the k-e adopt a maximum 6.4.3 lengthscale associated with the flow velocity which is taken to be at the lower boundary. We can, on using the relation established earlier and A - 0.24D shall ) .5*/Lk characteristic the rms velocity we In equation 6.4.2, we set =-- (15U2)1' (1.5U where LkC is the dissipation rate occurs at kinematic viscosity. The maximum k/k, and Lk E - 1.1D (equation 3.3.6) (equation 4.1.5), further express k max k = 0.318 Re 0. 7 5 /A max b 81 as 6.4.4 where Re b is the Reynolds at the lower boundary. number based on the rms velocity Finally, the smallest associated with the flow, 1 s, is given as 1 19.75A/Re 0.75 s = 2r/k - max length scale 6.4.5 b (An expression similar to 6.4.5 can be derived independently using the relation microscale, resolve 1s 13~, as proposed the smallest by where Pope scales and is the Kolmogorov 1 Whitelaw (1976)). To of turbulent velocity, the grid spacing throughout the domain must satisfy A< Next, we boundary have to layer 6 in appropriate I the resolution 6.4.6 make an estimate vicinity can be of the thermal of the interface applied. so that 6 can be nominally express as o/K ~ where ac turbulent is heat the 6.4.7 L molecular transfer diffusivity coefficient. and It KL is the can be further restated as follows 6 6/A and ReA is based on - (oc/v)(v/V'A)(V'/KL)A 6.4.8 (1/Pr)(1/ReA)(1/St) 6.4.9 extrapolated velocity at the interface. From the steam condensation experiments by Brown (1989), in the limit of zero Richardson number, St 0 0.0172 Pr whence 82 33, 6.4.10 6/A 66 58.1/ReAPr 6.4.11 Since our computational domain is A, we can further express 6/A - 77.3/RebPr0 where Re b is the Reynolds at the lower boundary. rms velocity number We correlation of diffusion layer, interface must be much Finally, accomodate LD 6.4.12 based on the rms velocity have implicitly made use of the 3.3.5, which experimentally, to relate ReA thermal 66 to the was determined Reb. Hence to resolve the vertical spacing near the smaller than 6. the computational LD domain the largest size eddy A. This must be able to is done by making A. With all the constraints mentioned section 6.3, we performed following and in the complete calculations for the two cases: case A with a higher Re b of 1000 and Pr of 1.0, 1.5, 2.2 and 3.15, 100 and Pr of 3.15, 10.0 was chosen for case B Reb of 100 and Pr of violates above the and case and - implicit artificial (turbulent) diffusivity that 6 << A. The assumption to be overly influence the lower surface. above-mentioned the 6.4.2 respectively, both near the interface for in at 0(1) which the use in are given showing the the a art of art(z) z direction in figures of 6.4.2. The horizontal the x an at for the 6.4.1 and very fine grid spacing resolution of . Note that the grid spacing is also finer at the inner boundary the middle portion of the lower boundary - specification grids two cases 6/A is that 6/A is small enough not by The range of Pr from expression 6.4.5, a low would have made assumption a lower Reb of 50.0. The higher since, 0(1) B with compared to computational domain for figure and y directions have 32 Fourier modes each. Table 8 shows all the parameters associated with the implementation of the two cases A and B. 83 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS II The numerical conditions, simulations identified eddy Reynolds were as case A and number Re b (based lower boundary) was 1000 and in figure 6.4.1. Re b for on carried case B. In case A, the the rms velocity the grid mesh case B out for two was spacing at the is shown 100; the grid mesh is shown in figure 6.4.2. For both cases, computations were carried out with the NASA Lewis Research Centre Cray XMP/24 computer. The computations were started with the initial velocity distribution in the computational domain equated to that in the cube of isotropic turbulence which was used to generate the lower boundary condition (see section 6.3). The initial temperature function with distribution a value of unity was at taken as a step the interface and zero throughout the domain. Computations were allowed to run for a period of at least 10 eddy turnovers (an eddy turnover defined as A/U, where U is the reference lower surface) to ensure steady state had temperature been mesh to resolve surface, that a satisfactory reached distributions. took over 10 hours of the required 7.1 Approach rms velocity CPU In for terms time. artificial both of is at the statistically- the velocity and Cray time, case A Case B, which had a finer boundary layer at the lower close to 30 CPU hours. to Steady State 7.1.1 Time Evolution of Stanton number Since we started initial states and allowed a so-called our computations the calculations 'steady' state was track the time evolution of reached, a from arbitrary to proceed until it was necessary quantity which to is a good representation of the flow. We selected the Stanton number, St KL/U, based on the rms velocity 84 at the lower boundary and on the average value of its inherent KL over the interface, because of dependence on both temperature fields. (In general, temperature field will not time; and hence quantity which it is the velocity the velocity reach steady convenient to and the field and the state at the same use as a "marker" a depends on both). Case A The spatially-averaged St figures 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 2.2 and 3.15, respectively. very early conditions periods is (mentioned shown 7.1.4 versus not shown for St in the because artificial characteristic time in for Pr of 1.0, 1.5, The time evolution above) are value of St is not a is our initial and the initial value of St. The dotted lines in each plot indicate those regions where the computed data were not retrieved from NASA Lewis for post-processing. Nevertheless, we can see that average after about 7 St has stopped varying eddy turnovers, implying on the that an approximately steady state has been reached. Case B The average St (averaged vs time is shown dotted lines data were in figure represent not retrieved this case, St has reach spatially over the interface) 7.1.5 those from for Pr=3.15. Again, the sections where the computed NASA. The plot reveals an approximately that in steady level after the 6 eddy turnover periods. 7.1.2 Energy Transfer Across Each Plane Case A If the deduction that a after the 7 eddy turnovers time evolution of St, steady state has been reached can be made then should remains approximately the mean invariant 85 from the plots of the temperature with respect profile to time the heat plane of and (see section 7.3), across each horizontal should be the same flux The total heat flux, Q(z), can be defined Q(z) - aT/az where a is the molecular temperature gradient at domain. the computational as - < w'T' > 7.1.1 T/az diffusivity, z, height is the mean is the fluctuating T' component of temperature and w' is the fluctuating component The velocity. of the vertical 7.1.1 represents the term represents due flux heat flux, while heat the molecular on the right in term first the second eddy the turbulent to motion (turbulent heat flux). 7.1.6, Figures total heat ensemble-averaged spatially over each plane over the last numbers 3 of 1.0, case, Q(z) is reaffirms 7.1.8 7.1.7, 2.2 1.5, and approximately the time average at each z then turnover eddy show is first averaged (Q(z) flux and 7.1.9 and periods) for the Prandtl In each 3.15, respectively. invariant with distance, which that a steady state exist. >, is in figures 7.1.10, 7.1.11, 7.1.12 and 7.1.13. It The turbulent shown next, is important part of heat the to note that as one moves < w'T' flux, further away from the interface, turbulent heat flux dominates progressively over the molecular heat transfer. This is clear from a comparison of figures 7.1.6, 7.1.12 7.1.11, magnitude 7.1.8 7.1.7, and 7.1.13 at transfer interface. However, the 'molecular' in the heat respectively; transfer note 7.1.10, that approaches the that of away from the upper locations vicinity with 7.1.9 heat transfer of the turbulent the total heat and of the lower surface, predominates again at the expense of the explicit turbulent heat transfer. This is because we have artificially specified a variable molecular diffusivity, < w'T' a art (z), to > in that region action was conditions necessary represent the turbulent heat flux (see section 6.3 for details). because for temperature of the Dirichlet boundary at the lower surface. 86 This Case B The ensemble-averaged heat over each plane last 3 eddy first, then time turnovers) (averaged spatially average at each z over the across Prandtl numbers 3.15, 10.0 and flux each horizontal 50.0 are depicted plane for in figures 7.1.14, 7.1.15 and 7.1.16, respectively. These figures show constant values across each plane, implying that a statistically steady state has been reached. The numbers corresponding 3.15, 10.0 and 7.1.18 and expected, 7.1.19, turbulent 50.0 respectively. As region where an introduced. far flux are plotted the turbulent heat flux sufficiently heat in figures in case flux approaches from the 7.1.17, A, and as the total heat interface, artificial molecular for Prandtl except in the diffusivity has been 7.2 Velocity Characteristics 7.2.1 Ensemble Averaging of the RMS Velocity in the Steady State For a stationary flow, ensemble averaging is equivalent to time averaging. The "ensemble-averaged" rms velocity at a given plane was computed by first determining the fluctuating component of velocity with respect to the spatial mean at each horizontal plane, followed by taking the rms of the fluctuating finally by time-averaging velocity (over the rms velocity thus computed average is somewhat different defined in an velocity at determining experiment. a particular is no reason why and at each plane. This ensemble a point the way the rms value LDA measurements, is calculated the time series mean, followed the rms quantity with each plane, the "steady state" period) from In at is the rms by first by computation of respect to the time series mean. There the two process of calculating 87 rms velocity should be significantly different use our sequence of averaging amount of memory enormous ensemble because it would required an space for a computer to store data so that the more for every time step and for conventional in principle. We chose to every location can average be evaluated. To spot check whether our ensemble averaging produced results in agreement with the conventional ensemble averaging, we took a limited time series on each plane, profile was and velocity of found indeed at a particular the resulting that the approximately same position rms velocity as the rms velocity we computed (to within about 309%;the differences depended and on the point examined, could be explained by the relatively short time-wise averaging period). 7.2.2 RMS Velocity Profile Case A The ensemble-averaged rms velocities in the two horizontal directions and the vertical direction are plotted in figures ensemble 7.2.1, 7.2.2 averages were and mentioned fact that the grid spacing resolve probably resulted velocity from about the in elevation of drop in rms results (see 0.4A velocity figures attributable to the way condition the by not boundary increase inner boundary of the computational rms from is about the not 4.1.1 we 88 in to about 1.5 domain. All in the experimental It is fine probably the velocity boundary of the computational a the rms 1.5 to about 0.2 at a 4.1.6). imposed having layer has lower surface. This sharp found to not then decrease with velocity at the lower boundary and aggravated The section 6.3, the the lower surface was observed from a high value of distance of only in artificial the 1.0 at components earlier near at the first grid location the three respectively. taken over a period of the last three eddy turnovers. As fine enough to 7.2.3, mesh domain, to resolve the normal boundary However, layer (see as will decline be the seen below, in the rms velocity boundary layer was therefore most from there as one the caused likely is moves However, boundary. that our imposed turbulence by not turbulence the In Orszag's boundary wavenumbers is but so is the fact into wave for boundary is which artificial boundary that flow within the distance than the each present a in its information to the flow at the the result are by the fact that prevents domain domain for the between might compounded The of between the wavenumbers results A one phase condition layer. amplitudes the from the flow inside the boundary, isotropic the specification of the the and if the phase differences Dirichlet of generating ignored. This also important. This problem lower can be decomposed only completely a and phases between each wave adopted considered of application Isotropic scheme (1969) condition, are wavenumber exchange is random phasing. has domain in a spatial turbulence, which we the from the lower artificial boundary our is only numbers of different magnitude problem the artificial interface. This decline Dirichlet boundary condition artificial, lower still a large at the lower surface. We simulate V' and A at that condition number. in section 6.2). in case B, where resolved, surface to about 0.6A discussion formation of of all this may requires evolution an be more spatial into a more "universal" turbulence. It is interesting rms velocity experimental profiles to bear data of Brumley submerged oscillating grid note, however, a and to strong that our computed resemblance Jirka generate to the (1984), who used a their turbulence. Their resultant rms velocity exhibits a sharp decline in magnitude with distance measured away from the oscillating grid, towards the free surface. their oscillating grid is condition, in It fact should a and that it takes some distance the flow to develop be noted that Dirichlet boundary from the grid for characteristics pertaining to isotropic 89 turbulence, with an accompanying rate of decline in the rms large drop in energy. The velocity subsequently becomes much more gradual, similar to our computed results. However, there are some fundamental induced by an difference oscillating grid between the turbulence and our case, notably the issue of length scales. Case B The use of artificial boundary a sufficiently boundary layer in eliminates the surge fine the mesh vicinity in rms location next to the lower surface. This the horizontal and the rms velocity vertical rms Jirka. The rms as in the velocities the lower velocity at the is clearly shown in figure 7.2.6. However, sharp decline in of of figure 7.2.4 and 7.2.5 velocity there is still a fairly the lower surface, plots to resolve the in magnitude experiments decrease from close to of Brumley and about 1.0 at the lower surface to about 0.15 at 0.4A from the inner surface. As discussed above, this is probably caused by our velocity boundary condition It is highest at the inner surface. interesting note that the ratio of the rms value near the inner surface to the rms value the region close to 1.0/0.06 to the interface 16.6 for case that the turbulence are 1.5/0.1 A and B respectively. intensity decreases in - 15.0 and This suggest by roughly the same ratio irrespective of the imposed eddy Reynolds number Reb. 7.2.3Energy Sectra Case A To show experimental further data quantitative of calculations, we compare Sv ) and transverse Lumley, 1972, for Brumley et similarity between the al (1984) and our the respective longitudinal (Suu, (S W) power spectra (see Tennekes and definitions). 90 Both of Brumley et al 's spectra exhibited numbers at -5/3 power locations dependence sufficiently surface. The longitudinal power at the higher wave remote Suu spectra, u2 from the free and Svv, are w2 in and when expressed proportional respectively to terms of their Fourier-transformed wave number components, and the transverse power spectrum its when expressed in terms of 7.2.8 and 7.2.9 show the to w2 wave numbers. Figures 7.2.7, graphs w (ensemble averaged over plotted against wave number is proportional SVw 2 u , v of our computed 2 and the last three eddy turnovers) (defined nominally as 2rk/A k where k is an integer) for different depths of 0.04A, 0.155A and 0.5A beneath the interface. These figures show a -5/3 exponent where the proximity -5/3 power Brumley number region except for the case in the high wave depth is 0.04A. that the the of the interface has caused the deviation from the as dependence, et al It is is likely also seen the data of in (1984). Case B The equivalent S for case B power are 7.2.12. These are period of the last spectral plotted ensemble three feature of these figures it is Reynolds number at depth evaluated) are of order too subrange where a -5/3 and Lumley, low noted 0.09A, 10. for power The the Case A 91 that S the local eddy and , presence -5/3 in figures S 0.6A from the and S local Reynolds exponent 7.3 Temperature Profiles over a interesting profiles 0.SA where 1972). taken they do not exhibit velocity be locations thus probably Tennekes to values turnovers. The that rms 7.2.4 to 7.2.6, (ie. the average is Suu, Svv and figures 7.2.10, 7.2.11 and eddy exponent decays. From the interface in densities of are number is an inertial can be expected (see The ensemble averaged ("mean") temperature at a given elevation was obtained by first averaging the temperature at that elevation, and then averaging three eddy turnovers. figures 7.3.1, numbers of expected, 7.3.2, 1.0, the The slopes mean 7.3.3 1.5, 2.2 of over a period of the last and and the is plotted in temperature 7.3.4 for 3.15 the Prandtl respectively. temperature profile As at the interface are steeper for the higher Prandtl numbers. One presence feature out, of a slight drop in the interface. last stands element. be The attributed needs the profile This happens also spectral however, and to the the at about 0.7A from be the location of the 'bump' to comment: in the profile artificially can, introduced molecular diffusivity a art (z) which overwhelms the molecular diffusivity a in the energy equation (see figure 6.3.2). Recall that introduced the at difficulties temperature artificial the with lower diffusivity boundary Dirichlet to boundary in the energy equation a art (z) was overcome condition the for the (see section 6.3 for more details). Case B The corresponding mean temperature profile for Prandtl numbers of 3.15, 10.0 and 7.3.6 and increasingly increasing 50.0 are shown in figures 7.3.7 respectively. steep gradients Prandtl number. As at in These the case elements located next we have replace the molecular artificial diffusivity a rt(z). to profiles show interface with A, the profile Pr-3.15 shows a slight drop at the beginning spectral 7.3.5, for of the last two the lower surface, where diffusivity a with a varying In the other figures, the temperature profile show smoother 'transition'. Overall, more prominent the slight drop in the temperature in case A probable causes. First, the than in case profile is B. There are two distance over which a art (z) was imposed near the lower surface was 92 smaller in case B than in ( case A 0.2A vs 0.3A). This allows a longer spatial distance for the development of the temperature profile with a in case B. finer near artificial 7.2.3), Second, the the lower boundary spacing surface for layer; the boundary numerically-induced grid layer in case B is much resolution of the in case was not resolved, and a sharp rms velocity takes place increase of A (figures 7.2.1 to near the lower surface. 7.4 Turbulent Diffusivity aTZ) Case A The turbulent diffusivity aT(Z) is defined as aT(Z) - -< w'T' >(z) / where the symbol < average) and T is the expansion apply the au/az > represent mean for the term, < interfacial T/az 7.4.1 ensemble temperature. average (ie. time If we use a Taylor w'T' >(z), near the interface boundary conditions and w' = T' = 0, av/az - 0, we can deduced that aT(Z) Z2/ r' where is independent ' + + 7.4.2 -[(aT/az) / < w'/dz aT'/az >] of z, and has the dimension expansion in z, 7.4.2 with only of time. Being an the first non-zero term is valid only in the region very close to the interface. Figures 7.4.1, 7.4.2, ensemble-averaged aT(z) spatially 7.4.3 (based over each horizontal over the last three and on 7.4.4 show plots of first averaging w'T' plane and then time averaging eddy turnovers, and separately dividing by the mean temperature gradient aT/az taken over each plane before the time averaging) versus 93 z for Prandtl number of 1.0, 1.5, 2.2 represent the indications z2 the figure, 7.4.5, function 3.15 is All const.z 2 The four up to broken plots lines provide a depth of about interface. Also shown ' versus Pr both case A and case B. shows that ' is of Pr for case between case A and B. of at most a slightly increasing independent of Pr ' differs by roughly one order It may be concluded therefore, that interface field, and insensitive for in the following A and essentially for case B. The magnitude aT(z) near the respectively. dependence. that aT(z) 0.3A beneath The graph and is a property of the turbulence to the heat flux. Case B Figures plots aT(Z) 7.4.6, 7.4.7 (evaluated log-log scale for and 7.4.8 in the same way as in case A) vs z in Prandtl numbers respectively. The dotted line shows the spatial range. This boundary layer T2 z is 3.15, 10.0 and 50.0 a z dependence not increases of dependence. These - const.z2 near the interface. figures also show that a (z) For the lower Pr, show corresponding extends over a wider unexpected, with since the thermal decreasing Pr for a given Reynolds number flow. 7.5 The Condensation Expe r iment Stanton number and Comnarison with The condensation Stanton number, St, is defined as St - - aT/aziinterface 7.5.1 where a is the molecular diffusivity, aT/z is the mean temperature gradient evaluated at the interface, V' is the rms velocity temperature near the interface between (1986), Helmick and AT is the difference the interface and et al (1988) the bulk. Sonin et al and Brown 94 in (1989) measured the Stanton number for steam condensation in terms of the rms velocity their Stanton number Expressing or horizontal) extrapolated from component (either vertical the bulk to the surface, The data of interface. correlated damping near the the ignoring which corrected Brown, the previous number dependence, Prandtl the data and established on subcooled water. can be as St - 0.0215 Pr -033 for 7.5.2 500 < Re A < 12000 1.5 < Pr < 4.7 provided that buoyancy effects are negligible. This equation can, in principle, be compared directly with case A, which corresponds to ReA=1000 and, the flow being assummed incompressible, negligible buoyancy effects. An ambiguity arises, however, in determining the velocity V' on which St is to be based. Brown's experimental the interface, ignoring (termed V' ) is not the V' from the bulk region to of is based on the extrapolation correlation layer. This value of V' damped different in the experiments from very (see figures 4.1.1 to 4.1.6). the value of V' at z-A In the computation, however, the profile of V' is such that a value extrapolated to the surface is clearly very different order of magnitude, approximately) is z-A. What produces more, nonsensical controlled by the rate decay of layer rather than outside what since results, it, the rms velocity imposed at the of as follows, we base our St on the value of V' at at making attempt an from in (by an an extrapolation extrapolation V' within is the damped the data of Brown. In the value of V' at z=A, ie. the lower boundary of the computational domain. Based on the rms velocity at the lower surface ie. the reference velocity used for normalisation), our computed ensemble-averaged Stanton number (based on the time average 95 of the mean temperature gradient last three eddy turnovers, Re = 1000 values agrees divided remarkably in Table 9 for by the rms velocity) with well (within about 15%). Results are tabulated the interface for the at the experimental St v s o f the computed the values from with together Pr equation 7.5.2 for comparison. This remarkable agreement is p robably in some measure fortuitous, since we were not been able to simulate the rms velocity profiles well (see figures 7.2. 1 to 7.2.3). The rms velocity can be viewed as the sum of the energy cont ribu t ion from eddies of velocity all sizes. That at the lower surface, the vicinity of the interface, across the free interface. role this is tru e, If rate these large eddies. large-eddy Pearson (1967) Fortescue clearly and Pearson a characteristic value of (figure does 7.4.5) not agree is b ased with o n the only magn itude in the of and data. existence of T' wh ich has a constant time disagrees with This the it still leaves mode 1 of Fortescue not 's model well with relate d to the motion is eddy renewal 0.20A/U. so in perhaps only the large in the transport process unclear how the transport The based on the rms the rms velocity a grees that pivotal St not and experimental results suggests scale eddies play a the our but computed also ' in the functional dependence on Reynolds numb er. From figure 7.5.1, we can see that the computed results imply an exponent of Pr of -0.37, which is close to Brown's experimental value of -0.33. case B w'as computed was to check One of the reason why whether the agreement of the Stanto n experiment was a coincidence. based again on the tabulated versus computed velocity rms Pr The in Table number in cas e A with St for case B, at the lower surface, 10. Also shown are are the experimental quantities, evaluated by extrapolating equation 7.5.2 to Re 100. The agreement between the computed and the experiment is within about 20%. 96 Bearing in mind that the Prandtl number exponent of established using data for Pr < -0.33 in equation 7.5.2 was 5.0, and that our experimental mass transfer suggests an exponent interesting of to see whether Prandtl number exponent corresponding functional -0.5 to any to (equation 4.2.10(a)), 10.0 and in the 3 data points Assumming 50.0. the form between St and Pr as St - BPrP the lower two Prandtl number the higher it is trend exist for the negative increase Pr-3.15, data of Sc >230 two imply Pr 1 - values -0.49. 97 7.5.3 imply 0 - -0.40 while 8. We turbulence CONCLUDING have EMARKS ON C(XMPUTATION attempted field and a numerical passive scalar shear-free surface, with turbulence full, unsteady Navier-Stokes equation are solved the two using horizontal simulation distribution the near a imposed from below. The equations a of and the energy spectral Fourier expansion in directions, and a Legendre spectral element technique in the vertical direction. The computational domain, "extracted" from the full flow, is restricted to interface, with a single-macroscale the top surface conditions, and neighbourhood boundary representing of the the free the bottom boundary simulating the "far-field" isotropic turbulence. Two statistically steady calculations at eddy Reynolds number of 100 and 1000 and Prandtl numbers ranging from 1 to 50 are presented. Near the free surface, the computed turbulent distance-squared dependence, in series-expansion result the rms velocity at computed the lower shows a agreement with the Taylor- appropriate boundary conditions. The diffusivity for the free surface Stanton number (based on artificial boundary of the extracted domain) is found to agree with the experimental steam condensation results (Brown, 1989) to within better than 20%. 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Kishine v/u* 2 inner layer , , vsky 5* * ~ ~ ~ . ~~ . . ..... Pr - v/ Prandtl Re Reynolds vA/v (v2p/aA) C1 to C6 : surface tension 110 c ZPr 5 Re2 k Z v - kinematic viscosity p - density -a v vAv integral length scale of turbulent eddies 1 k Kishinevs~ky|l/|k a molecular diffusivity v - characteristic turbulent fluctuating velocity u* - shear velocity A. - __-1 a/pv 0t 3 1/ 2 no. no. Ohnesorge constants no. Table 2 : LDA measurements of turbulence macroscale time (r) and length (A = V'r) in system with diameter of 0.152m at 0.03m beneath the interface V' (m/s)T - - 0J R(t)dt m (s) A - V'r (m) Horizontal components: 0.062 0.58 0.0360 0.082 0.44 0.0363 0.116 0.34 0.0393 0.160 0.24 0.0283 0.062 0.58 0.0360 0.088 0.42 0.0370 0.131 0.31 0.0405 0.191 0.20 0.0382 Vertical components: Average A = 0.0365 m = 0.24 D 111 Table 3: Operating conditions of the experiment. Bulk water temperature °C 40 23 29 25 10 6 vx m2 / 0.6529 0.8148 0.9325 1.840 . D x 10 9 C m /s 2.8 2.18 Sc 230 2.407 sat 1.78 1.13 377 525 1600 3.120 3.640 x 10 2 mole/liter V is the kinematic D is the diffusivity viscosity 2.630 of the bulk water of CO2 in the liquid Csat is saturation condition of C02 in the liquid * water mixed with 21% by volume of glycerol 112 Table 4: Conditions Sc V, (m/s) at the 'break' point 1600 230 377 525 0.066 0.068 0.073 0.092 3851 3180 2983 1905 33900 34100 36500 36400 break velocity (Re)* break Reynolds number (Re) 0.4 Average (ReA)*Sc04 113 3.5x104 Table 5: St vs Sc for ReA < (ReA)* 114 ka) . 0 a 5.4 0 44 0 A 0: m u a0 00U Ad 490 ; - a) 9 0 ao U . U a) w 0 -43 a) 0 *-0 a) 4-O a) vw bO 0 14 4 14 0O ,u CI) a) a) cd .14 Q A o 0 >Q k Pr 0.' bO 0 >a)= bo u0 ·r 43 U 112 cd H 54 U ) 04 ;j 'IO .+ A ._7 0a) .4a 10 v, +3 w 0 a) · v-. 0 a) U o o 0E© 0 o a)I-Q r9 r- cr) 1. O 4 00ca rc 0 o ._2 cJ '4a) 0 Ita)a 0 o o 4 Q U t- 0 H 0) Q +3 St 44 X X 0 cF ·C( a) 0 A O X X -4 e-"I ubo 14 S uu o c % z 0 0 V o 00 to 0 .4 +3. w 0 0co v m 0 E$ .43. CD o302 4 J 0 _I- S3 oa) V 1-4 0 00 01 -0 O0 cn 00 zd % 0 cn 0 0 E .' 1o oa lo. o oo U o .2 o - a) A~ H4. * UV c cn .l co An-, A ·c .43 cd 0 O O 0 Ce C. Cs - A 0 o CQ V Lo M 14 V o Vd NV a) 0 0 V CD C) ed tu * d zi "a 0 a) a - UiC UZ ) _ C4' 3 _ __ 1U C' 0C " I-, CD Lo a) a) a) m0 '-4%-. (3 I--, 0o a) t3 CO a) 9l a~Q oO Wr 9 0 u $-4 C, V) q1r =i F- frr 0 4 o~~~~~. 1.d X1 rD- '4-4 I bO O o o0 cY X H O 115 a) Zn r) C>I q(d >% r .- 4 I I' C= 2 a + tko 4. a Co U) 4-( er,- 0a) 0 cl) Ul Is B a) C' I. C $-I E .o 0 _ ed4) _ 04) o !-4 ._ 0 *Q: 4" co 44 cdE 0 *~~~~~~~~~~~~ . -'' _ 0ua u .u 0 4a . - + I.- 0Q) .-O H -4-- ce ;fl Hd 0 r4 1r: ada) 0' 0, V 0 I i P 0 v 3 XX -- O ed 4-4 D ceI bO O X '-4 (d or _ _-4 _g _- ;. 0 C- U, .0 AO -4 34 0 CO 1 x bO LtO O C--4 H -4 a) V 8 N V 3 u7 u v v - - D 1-4 0 0 ~o o 00 o ri v 1~ ?4 - D 0 s '3 -3 :., I? ID o o Qd u CQ 0 7) 00 -) -4 .4 a) n -4 a) 64a) I- C _C, 00 g! i-fa 0 au e - Y) q -4 ) a) '-- -4 I- U I) 42 L) II Q 4 116 0 U- 4 d 8 0 V jo °I U JCJ0 c c; zi 0 - - - 0 ? _ zi ZI VQ CQ '3 V) D1 D Ct 0o 0 V 0 CeD 4 Od *4 O o C u 9 0 0 '-4 x V a) -4 a)I ' d .2 V L) .4 -4 F Table 8 : Parameters Reb Pr 1 /A associated with case A and case B Case A Case B 1000.0 100.0 1.0,1.5,2.2,3.15 3.15,10.0,50.0 0.111 0.625 0.0362 0.0585 grid arrangement fig. 6.4.1 fig. 6.4.2 aart(z)/a fig. 6.3.2 fig. 6.3.3 A X A X A A X A X A (6/A)smallest computational domain 117 Table 9 : St vs Pr for Case A St=KL/V' Pr Computed Extrapolated from Experiment 1.0 0.0185 0.0215 1.5 0.0159 0.0188 2.2 0.01375 0.0165 3.15 0.01212 0.0146 118 Table 10 : St vs Pr for Case B St=KL/V Pr Extrapolated Computed from Exper iment 3.15 0.0158 0.0147 10.0 0.0101 0.0100 50.0 0.0046 0.0058 ._ 1~~ 119 APPARATUS * CO, FOR MASS TRANSFER IN DIA. SYSTE D - NOZZ d COOLER Figure 3.1.1 120 Q/Dd VS (A P) .7 .6 .5 U) N: .4 -o C3 .3 .2 .1 0 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1 2 (AP) L (VOLTS) Figure 3.1.2 121 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 CYLINDRICAL FOR SECTION LDA - k, JB 5 0 3 3 L bX 0 3o ELEVATION I I I I I I1 I I 3 3 I/ .C INI . '-1 PLAN Lk_100 mm w Figure 3.2.1 122 i , 0 N N C- 5(Re ) vs Re -IU I I I I I I I I 0 35 q\0 I I I F Vertical component Horizontal component O 30 I 0 O 0 25 0 00) 0 gqo_ __ '" ~0 0 . 20 jmi v* . 15 10 5 0 _ 0 10000 II I 20000 30000 I I 40000 Re I II I 50000 60000 70000 s Figure 3.3.1 123 I I 80000 I 90000 O(Re ) vs Re S _ 40 __ I __ I I ' ' I I 35 average for lower Re 30 S ' I __ I I __ I I o Vertical component * Horizontal component data __ overall average 0 0 O 25 O 0 *0To 0 P4 9 OF ,cA 0 O J t- __ 0 20 -- i___ A 00 . 0 C) _ 0 S average for higher Res data 15 10 LDA A 5 0 Vertical component Horizontal component A I 0 I 10000 I I 20000 I I I 30000 I I 40000 I 50000 Re S Figure 3.3.2 124 I I 60000 I I 70000 I I 80000 I 90000 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE .16 .14 .12 Cr) .10 -J uJ .08 C)I w (n 2: .06 .04 .02 0 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 (Zs -Z)/D Figure 4.1.1 125 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 RMS VELOCITY .16 I .14 I I I I I I I' correlation I I I I I I I of Sonin et al (1986) - .12 (0 I PROFILE - t~~~~~ - .10 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t. .08 U-J CO a: .06 .04 _ .02 _ I 0 0 I .02 I I .04 I a .06 I .08 .10 (Zs -Z)/D Figure 4.1.2 126 I I I I .12 I .14 . I .16 I .18 I .20 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE _ .16 I I I I I I _ - __ I I I I I I correlation of Sonin et al (1986) .12 .1 o() t { .10 >- o ± .08 "J (n + C- I .06 .04 .02 l 0 0 .02 I I__ .04 I -~....... I .06 I I I .08 .10 (Z,-Z)/D Figure 4.1.3 127 I I .12 .14 L II .16 , L i I IiI .18 I .20 RMS VELOCITY .16 I ' I PROFILE i I _--_ I I correlationof I I Sonin et al (1986) .1 4 7 7· .12 .10 o LU .08 A co .06 - - - - -4' - .04 .02 I 0 0 I .02 I I .04 I I .06 I I _ .08 .10 (Z -Z)/D Figu re 128 4.1.4 I I .12 I I 1 . 14 I ~~~~~~~~~I I I I .16 .18 .20 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE _ .16 __ I · I I i I I · I · i __ I i I I correlation -- _ I I I of Sonin et al (1986) .14 12 A .10 { o tF ± .08 - -- -2 7 -T F iS . _ - Lu Cr .06 .04 .02 0 B 0 I .02 I I B .04 I B I B .06 I B I B I B .08 I .10 (s -Z) /D Figure 4.1.5 129 I I .12 I I .14 I I .16 I I .18 .20 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE .16 .12 .10 >.08 _J LU ct .06 .02 0 U .U2 .04 .06 .08 .10 (Z -) .12 /D Figure 4.1.6 130 .16 .18 .20 RMS VELOCITY .11 I I I I - ,I [ I - -- -- - - - II - I ACROSS DIAMETER - - - ~............ - I - - I II - II I - - I - I - - - I - - II I - - - - - I I I I I - - -[ I I I I .10 ± .09 - .08 ± i .07 .06 C!) .05 ,Of .04 .03 .02 .01 E E) 0 -. 01 e - 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .05 .10 .15 I I I - I I .25 -- .20 1( ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I- - I- I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .30 RRDOIRL DISTRNCE/DIRMETER Figure 4.1.7 131 .35 .40 .45 .50 TURB INTENSITY ON INTERFACE,z,/D 3.67 .20 .18 .16 .14 , .12 >.10 LU z Of .08 .06 .02 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 Q/OD Figure 4.1.8 132 (M/S) .5 .6 7 TURB INTENSITY ON INTERFACE,z,/D=-4.17 .20 .18 .16 .14 r .12 IU) .10 z 02 .08 .06 .04 .02 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .5 Q/Dd ( M/S ) Figure 4.1.9 133 .4 .6 .7 TURB INTENSITY ON INTERFACE,z/D=4.5 .20 .18 .16 .14 -n .12 I- z .10 LIJ Z: n .08 .06 .04 .02 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .5 Q/D ( M / S Figure 4.1.10 134 ) .6 .7 Ruu (t) vs Time (Re S -25000) 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 %. :3 Zs .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 -_ . 1 .d 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 TIME 1.8 (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.11 135 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 RuuS(t) vs Time (Re-35200) 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 :l:3 .5 :0 .4 .3 .2 .1 -. 1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.12 136 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Ruu (t) vs Time (Re -50300) S 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 4. +A a .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 -.1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.13 137 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 R uu (t) vs Time (Re $ =70500) 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 4.a cs .5 04 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 .1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.14 138 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 R(.wwSt ) vs Time (Re -25000) 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 -(L -. 1 O .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.15 139 R(t) vs Time (Res-35200) 1.2 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .3 .2 .1 0 1 * I 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 TIME 1.4 1.6 (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.16 140 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Rw(t) ,ww vs Time (Re S =50300) 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 04 ZI .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 ., 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.17 141 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 R.Ww' (t) vs Time (Re s =70500) 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 4 +A: 1$X .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 -.1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 4.1.18 142 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 U2 ENERGY SPECTRUM 10' _. I I . I . I . I 1 .. II . I I . I . I . I I . .. I I I __ .I I I .1 I I . 1.1I . . . . .. . I .. I I I . I AA e_ A A 10- NX 3 Z n bL 0 LL 10 - 2 10-3 10 - 4 5 3 10-5 10 - 6 10 - 2 I I I I I Il1 I I I I I 10-' II I I I 100 FREQUENCY Figure 4.1.19 143 I I I I II I I 10l (Hz) I I I I I I I I 102 W2 ENERGY SPECTRUM 101 I 100 A I _ ~~~~~~~ ~I I I l ~ I I I I I___ I I I I 11 1 I I I I I I___ I I I I I_ lii__ I I I I II I I · I I I I I I I I I I I A A A LnAA I A AA A ~ h~Crhg A 1 A A 10o- A - m9 I- 10 -2 A A n L: z LLJ 10-3 a N:x Li A] 10- 4 5 10-5 10 - 6 10 -2 3 I I I II IIlt I I I I I I I I 10-' I I 100 FREQUENCY Figure 4.1.20 144 I I I I Il 10l (Hz) I I I I I I II 102 U2 ENERGY SPECTRUM 10l I A I I A I II II I I Il AA II II II IIIj I I I I I I I I I I I 11111 I I I I II IIII I C I I I I I I I I I I I I A ^AA^~Aa A A 10° Z~ Il A A lt~: A 10-1 Q1 10 -2 A c A (c LO W Z W N A 10-3 10- 4 5 10-5 3 In- 6 I -2 10' I I I I Ii, I I I I ,,111 I I 100 10o- FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 4.1.21 145 I I, I1 10' I I I I 102 W2 10' ENERGY SPECTRUM I I I I I · III ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I-r- I I 117 1 1I1 lI _III I I I I I ~~~~~~~~~ I I I I I II r A A A AAAP A A LA - 100 A A SA A L; 0 I- 10- ' 7\ 10-2 U, Qu Z L 10-3 N 3x 10 -4 5 10-5 3 _ 10 -6 10 -2 L II L Il I I I - i lI i 100 10o- FREQUENCY Figure 4.1.22 146 10l (Hz) L I I II I II 102 KL VS RMS VELOCITY (SC-230) .00024 .00022 .00020 .00018 .00016 .00014 "r .,*.c, .00012 .00010 .00008 .00006 .00004 .00002 0 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 RMS VELOCITY (M/S) Figure 4.2.1 147 .16 .18 .20 (SC-377) KLVS RMS VELOCITY .00024 .00022 .00020 .00018 .00016 .00014 O- 00012 .00010 .00008 .00006 .00004 . 00002 0 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 RMS VELOCITY Figure 4.2.2 148 .14 .16 .18 .20 KLVS RMS VELOCITY (SC-525) .00024 .00022 .00020 .00018 .00016 .00014 r) .00012 -J .00010 .00008 .00006 .00004 .00002 0 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 RMS VELOCITY Figure 4.2.3 149 .12 (M/S) .14 .16 .18 .20 KLVS RMS VELOCITY (SC-1 00) .00024 .00022 .00020 .00018 .00016 .00014 z1- .00012 J b~ .00010 .00008 .00006 .00004 .00002 0 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 RMS VELOCITY Figure 4.2.4 150 .12 (M/S) .14 .16 .18 .20 KLVS RMS VELOCITY .00024 I I I I I I' I (SC=525) I I I I I . 00022 .00020 .00018 Li .00016 11 ,-Cc >t .00014 J .00012 UCr .00010 N-j .00008 A .00006 A A AA .00004 A .00002 0 A ,L I I I I I I I I I ... d .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 RMS VELOCITY (M/S) Figure 4.2.5 151 .14 . II1 .16 i II .18 .20 (SC-525) K4VS RMS VELOCITY .00024 I ' I I I I I I I Ir I- I r I I .00022 .00020 A BIG o SMALL .00018 .00016 I- LU .00014 IL A O3 .- A .00012 AAA OL I..1 A .00010 A A Jc A .00008 A .00006 IL ~h .00004 0 0 O ;¢¢r~'! .00002 IA A 0 10 - I I · .02 I .04 I· I· .06 IL I· I· .08 I· .10 i· I· .12 RMS VELOCITY (M/S) Figure 4.2.6 152 ·I I· .14 1I II .16 I II .18 1 .20 KS /VI VS EDDY REYNOLDS NUMBER .040 .035 .030 .025 4;-,~ U .020 .015 .010 .005 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 EDDY REYNOLDS NUMBER Figure 4.2.7 153 6000 7000 8000 (Kc-[~)/(V'· 0050 I II VS EDDY REYNOLDS NUMBER IM II II I I I I I I I I I I ' I E I I I Sc 0045 .0040 .0035 a 230 0 77 < 525 v 1600 .0030 Th -I IN A ·0025 0 V · 0020 V 0O 0 AA VVVv 00 o',, ,~v .0015 V A- I OO0 o00 00 0 0 .0010 .0005 I U I I · · 0 1UUU I- 2000 II I II '.,,,~~~~~~ -I ! I i I - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3000 4000 EDDY REYNOLDS 5000 NUMBER Figure 4.2.8 154 a I I I 6000 I I 7000 I 8000 St vs ReA/(ReA) .0026 .0024 .0022 .0020 .0018 .0016 .0014 u, .0012 .0010 .0008 .0006 .0004 .0002 0 0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ReA/(ReA) Figure 4.2.9 155 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 KL vs RMS VELOCITY (SC- 525) .00024 .00022 .00020 .00018 .00016 .00014 (n IN r .00012 -a J-- .00010 .00008 .00006 .00004 .00002 0 0 .02 .04 .10 .08 .06 RMS VELOCITY (M/S) Figure 4.2. 10 156 .12 .14 .16 KL vs RMS VELOCITY (SC= 1600) .00024 .00022 .00020 .00018 .00016 .00014 co rr- .00012 .00010 .00008 .00006 .00004 .00002 0 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 RMS VELOCITY (M/S) Figure 4.2.11 157 .12 .14 .16 KLSCz/Q .050 · I I VS _ I Re, _ I I I 1_ I · I · I · · I I · · I I I GASES .045 .040 A 02 0 Co0 N2 .035 .030 a -CI () V CH 4 o CzH6 m C;H8 . R n · He E 025 8~ J .020 . 0 .015 90 *e9V 0 A . .010 0 .005 I I 0 0 I 200 I I I I I 600 800 Re, Figure 4.3.1 158 I I I 1000 t I 1200 , __ I 1400 KLSC/V .040 I .035 I I I I VS I , I R eH ' I i I I' ' I I I I I I I I I I- I I1 l - .030 - .025 _ A A A u .o020 A A A .015 A A A A A A .010 A .005 _ n 0I %J - II - 20 I - I - 40 I - I - 60 I - I - 80 I - I - - I - I - I - -I I - - I- I - I- -, I- -, I- ,- I- -, I- I 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 ReH Figure 4.3.2 159 f(r) I I.U IN vs r A 2 . _1IX,,,.,__ 1 I 1 I I I · I .! I I~~I I I I I ' A .9 _ A I I I I ' A A A - A .7 I\ E A A .8 I A - A .6 - A A %-. .5 A .4 A - A IL A .3 A A .2 A .1 0 A A A x, A A LAA AAnS A - I I I I I I I I I I ! f I m I 1 I 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 r Figure 6.3.1 160 .6 . I I. '. m .7 .8 . I I .9 I 1.OA a art (z)/a vs z for case A 200 180 160 140 120 N "I e-S vN 100 .I k ed 80 As 60 20 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 6.3.2 161 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 --- a art (z)/a ~ vs z for case B LUU 180 160 140 120 N - 100 80 60 40 20 n 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 6.3.3 162 .7 .8 .9 1.0 Computational grid arrangment for Case A Interface Lower Boundary Figure 6.4.1 163 Computational grid arrangment Interface Lower Boundary Figure 6.4.2 164 for Case B ST VS TIME (ReA-1000, Pr-l.0) .10 .09 .08 .07 wo .06 C z z Co .05 z cc .04 .03 .02 .01 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TIME (EDDY TURNOVERS) Figure 7.1.1 165 8 9 10 11 12 ST VS TIME (Red-1000, n . IIU I I , Pr-1.5) I I II Ij I I I I II .09 .08 .07 ac LU .06 z z .05 Z .0- .03 .02 I- .01 I/ I n 0 I 1 I I 2 I I I -- --I 3 4 I I 5 TIME I 6 (EDDY 7 TURNOVERS) Figure 7.1.2 166 I 8 I I 9 i I 10 I 11 I 12 ST VS TIME (ReA-1000, I A .IU ' II II ' Pr=2.2) I I I I I I II I I I I I I .09 .08 .07 a- .06 02 z z .05 z I-o ccd O .04 .03 .02 _ "I .01 _ I I 1 2 I I I I I I 0 0 3 5 4 TIME 6 (EDDY 7 TURNOVERS) Figure 7.1.3 167 8 9 10 11 12 ST VS TIME .10 I I (ReA-1000, I ' I I I Pr-3.15) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .09 .08 .07 - r, .06 L.J z zCo .05 z CC to .04 .03 .02 .01 _ I 0 0 I 1 Ir I 2 3 I I I I I 5 4 TIME I I 6 (EDDY 7 TURNOVERS) Figure 7.1.4 168 I I 8 I 9 10 I I 11 II 12 ST VS TIME (ReA-100, Pr-3.15) .10 .09 .08 .07 L:J zz .06 .05 CD I- z CC c-- .04 .03 .02 .01 0 0 1 2 3 4 TIME 5 (EDDY 6 TURNOVERS) Figure 7.1.5 169 7 8 9 10 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=1.0) 1 .018 · · · I · _ I _ __ ___ _ I _ I _ _ I _ I~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I i I I I 1 I I I .016 AA AA04A A ~AAAALnAA .0141 A LA A A A AA A I A .012 x _J LL > .010 -0 z _j .008 cr 0 .006 .004 .002 n u I 0 I .1 I I .2 I I I I , .3 I I .5 I I .6 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.1.6 170 I .7 I I .8 I I .9 I 1.0 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR1 .5) .014 .013 .012 .011 .010 .009 X -J .008 zLU .007 _J .006 (0 .005 .004 .003 .002 .001 n u 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 DISTANCE .5 .6 FROM INTERAFCE Figure 7.1.7 171 .7 .8 .9 1.0 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (P R =2.2) .012 .011 .010 .009 .008 .007 0 z .006 LI CE C) .005 I .003 .002 .001 0 0 . .2 .3 .4 DISTANCE .5 .6 FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.8 172 .7 .8 .9 1.0 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=3.1 5) .016 I ' I I I I I * I I I ' I A A .012 A x A .010 A A _m, >-It LLJ A A .008 A Z-J IC I-- .006 A .004 .002 I I I 0 0 .1 I I I· .2 I· I· .3 · · · .4 · .5 · · · .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.9 173 · .7 · L .8 I· I· .9 I · 1.0 TURB ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=1.0) 1 .018 · I I · · --· · · I I I I I - 1 I - _ I _ _ I I Ir _- [ I .016 A A 'L, A A .014 A A A A AA .012 AAZCZ~ Z A A A X J .010 A LL A A LO .008 A A 82 .006 A .004 A .002 , 0 1 0 , I I I B U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I l I l I I I I I I I I I I I i \ .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.1.10 174 .7 .8 .9 1.0 TURB ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=1 .5) .014 T I ' I ~ ~ 7 I w E . I I -r 1 7 - - .013 f T I I A AAZA .012 A A A A .011 A AIL .010 IL A A IL .009 A X LL .008 I- .007 UL] ILl 0h A .006 A .005 .004 A .003 .002 A .001 0 . L---------------------L----C 0 .1 I i I .2 I l I .3 l , IIl Il .4 l II l Il .5 I l II .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.11 175 I I .7 .8 · IL .9 · 1.0 TURB ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=2.2) _ .012 ' · I _· I I ' · · ' · I 1 .011 _· I A A .010 A a IL A I I 1 ' r I I j '2 · · I A A i A 64n A A IL · I a A . 009 A A - A A /\ .008 A x LI .007 -A > L3 D-' zIJ Zr IJ. n- .006 A .005 A A .004 .003 .002 A A .001 0 I .. O .1 I . .2 I · I .3 I .I I I I .5 .4 I I .6 OISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.1.12 176 I I I .7 .8 .9 I I 1.0 ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=3.15) TURB .016 ' .014 I ' I I I I · I I I __ ' I l __ __ I I I - A .012 A - A A x A .010 ALr AA A LD LU z A .008 A IU ACb~ 006 A A A *006 A .004 A B A .002 ZN A -3 0 11 .- 0 I I .1 I .2 I .3 I I I .4 I , .5 I I .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.13 177 I .7 .8 I, I .9 I # L 1.0 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=3.1 .020 - I - | I |- XX ' I s- w X I i lw w |~~~~~~~T~ X I I I - I - - - I - i - I| - F 5) w i - I - I - .018 Ia .016 A 6A A aA A A A A A .014 tAA A A I I A At= A x moaAA -J .012. I- LO zLU .010 -J cr 0 - . 008 .006 .004 .002 I 0 0 .1 I I .2 I I .3 I I I I .4 I .5 DISTANCE I I .6 FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.14 178 I .7 I .8 I .9 I 1.0 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR=1 0.O) .012 ' .011 I I I ' I I I I I i I I I I I A Aa ha Ah Aa'r.A I I I I - .010 - A/ AA .009 A4S A A A A ALA A A A .008 A waA A 0 I 'L_ .007 z ,J .006 .J --o CD .004 .003 .002 .001 - - - - I 0 0 I .1 I I .2 I I .3 I I I I I .5 .4 I I .6 .7 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.15 179 I .8 I .9 I 1.0 TOTAL ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR-50.0) _ .011 x _· I .010 w .009 m .008 m .007 m ' I I ' · · · ' I ' 1 I I · 1 ' I _· ' I _· ' LL , AA A >- .006 A A A A LU zZ · .005 -J A · I - A A AA _J · A A AAN A A A AAA A A A O .004 m A .003 .002 .001 I n U 0 .1 I· _ I· .2 · I· .3 I· I· I I· .4 I .5 DISTANCE I· · .6 FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.16 180 IL .7 I· I· .8 · II · .9 · 1.0 TURB ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR-3.15) _ .020 .018 · · I I I __ · I I i · · I II · · I · · · I I · _· · I ' I l - .016 - A A .014 A A A a A A A A A · .012 LO A A A >- A j A 008 008 A A A .006 - A .004 A A A .002 A i _ 0 I · A I I .1 .2 - I I .3 - LI - .5 .4 I I .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.1.17 181 I I Ik ... IIII .7 .8 .9 L 1.0 TURB ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR-10.0) .012 .011 .010 .009 I I I I I I I I I I - - - .008 z A x A AA A AA A - .007 A LL A LO A o~ .006 .U o_ A .005 .004 .003 A A m - A A .002 -A .001 n A A AA 4 . I I * - I. m .1 0 To 1 I I I I .2 I I mm I .3 I I I $ I m .4 I w I m .5 I I I m .6 OISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.1.18 182 m \ I m .7 m Im m I m m .8 I I I zA L d .9 I\ 1.0 TURB ENERGY FLUX ACROSS PLANE (PR-50.0) .011 ' I ' I I I ' I ' I I I ' I I I I .010 .009 .008 x .007 - AA LAA -j UD A A A iA A A A A IL Z A ' .005 A I- .004 A A .003 '5 - A- .002 -A A .001 i a 0 j i 0 I I .1 I I .2 I I .3 I I I .4 I .5 I I I .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.1.19 183 I .7 I I .8 I I .9 I I 1.0 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE (u,,,,, ) 1.6 _ I I I I _ I I -- I I r - I . . I . I 1.4 A_ 1.2 A 1.0 x - .8 .6 .4 A - A - A A .2 _ p A A I I I A Ai , n J I Li 0 .1 A I __ I .2 A , I .3 I . I . . .4 . .5 . I . I . .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.2.1 184 I . .7 . I I .8 I . I . .9 .. 1.0 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE 1.6 - I I I · ·· ·I - I -r ·I · ( I II -1 ·I · RM5 ) I r~~~~~~ I II r 1 I I A 1.4 1.2 A 1.0 wA A .8 A .6 AA A A .4 A .2 A A A k4=4,6hocss I 0 0 I .1 /SZ A A A LA I I .2 I I .3 I I 1 .4 I .5 I I i .6 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.2.2 185 I .7 I I .8 I I .9 1.0 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE 1.6 I I I I ( WRm I I I ) 1 I I I 1.4 A 1.2 z 1.0 A .8 A .6 A AL .4 A A .2 A A A I II A A A Ag~l 0 w 0 I IAA .1 I .2 I .3 I I I .4 I .5 .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.2.3 186 I .7 l I .8 I .9 I 1.0 RMS VELOCITY PROFILE (URMS) 4 1.L 1 I I I I I _ I ' I I I I I I 1.1 1.0 .9 L .8 .7 :D A A4 .6 1- A~~ A Li .5 ZA A A .3 A A .2 A A A .1 A 0 I m 0 I m I I .1 I IA A I Im I .2 i I Im .3 I Im I .4 I l .5 I I m I .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.2.4 187 I .7 I I .8 I I .9 I 1.0 RMS VELOCITY 1.2 ~. I ' I PROFILE (VRMS) . . I I . . . . I . . -. . . . . I I I . . i I 1.1 2 1.0 2 .9 A .8 A A - A_ A .7 A > .6 A .5 A .4 I A .3 IL Z~' .2 A A .1 AIA r, u' I O I· II . II A A I .2 I I .3 It A I I I .4 A A AA I .5 I I l .6 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.2.5 188 S I .7 I ! .8 I I .9 1.0 PROFILE (WR,, ) RMS VELOCITY 1.2 I I I I I I I I I I' I i I I I I 1.1 1.0 A L A .9 A - A .8 Ai A .7 IU A .6 A A A A .5 .4 A A .3 A A .2 A A A a - ~A AA .1 ~AA#I . aI I. ,.. 0 .1 .1 I .2 I I .3 I I I II .4 .5 .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.2.6 189 I .7 I .8 I I .9 I 1.0 U2 ENERGY 10-2 _ SPECTRUM I I I I Ir I I I I 0 A A 10-3 I I I I I - Depth 0.04A o 0.155A 0 0 I 0 0.5A 0o A CI L ¢\ 0 10 -4 I u, ) 3 a 0 10-5 zIJ L. N ::: 0L, 10 -6 OA 0 A A A A0 10 - 7 A 10-8 I I I I I i I t, 100 10l WRVE NUMBER Figure 7.2.7 190 I I, I , , · I i I I II I I I I I 102 V 2 ENERGY SPECTRUM - o10 I I _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- 10-2( V 10-3 oO 0 °060 °o0f U 0 LA 10 - 4 /A, - A A L- I 10-5 10-6 I 0 A0 A 10- 7 n nA nA - 1n - 8 I I I I I I I I )O 1C i I 10' WRVE NUMBER Figure 7.2.8 191 ___ i i i i i I i. 102 Wz 10-l ENERGY SPECTRUM I I I· I I I 1 I I I I I · I_ I I_ I I I I I I I I I I I i I I - 10-2 3UzC 0 10-4 A _ LU A L-A 3 A A LIJ Z A 10-5 e3 0O 10 -6 At11 10 - 7 A A 10 - 8 I I I I I 10' 100 WNVE NUMBER Figure 7.2.9 192 I . . . I 102 U2 ENERGY SPECTRUM . -- lU - i I I I I t I I I, I A 80 10-3 I I I I I . r 0.09A. o 0.6A 2~~~~~~~i) \ %og a VO~~~~~~0 % A, 10 - 5 I Depth ~ 10 - 2 10 - 4 I n- -0.5 _0 <X& r r 10- 6 - = A I- U W 10 - 7 A LLJ - _r4 _ff 10-9 ` -C: .·'U.,-1r -10 AA 10-11 10 -12 A - ¶ o- 1 A 3 , 1 n-l4 , I I I IAt 100 I 10 WRVE NUMBER Figure 7.2.10 193 I I I I I I 102 VZ ENERGY SPECTRUM 10' I I I I I I Il I I I I I I I I= Depth 10 - 2 0 10-3 2 A o O8 0.09A 0.6A \o 00 10- 4 L(,) -1.. 0 10-5 2: 10-6 D Ic-) A A 10-7 U w bJ LO ck: w (n zu 3 0_0 A 10-8 10- 9 A 10o-0 A 10-l 10 -12 A A A I I I I I I i A~~~~i 100 I 10l WRVE NUMBER Figure 7.2.11 194 I I _ I I _ I I ! _ 102 W2 ENERGY SPECTRUM 10-1 10-2 O~~~ I- I I I I I I I I O0 ° I I r - ~~~Depth A 0.09 A \o o Vc . 10o- II i I- oo 10-3 0.6Y- 0O.09A o.5A 5 tS~~ A ?o /\ O '\ is),\ -- U 10-s r I v. A 10 - 6 D U IC-, A 10 -7 LI-i 10 - 8 0 z Lii CA X A 10-9 A 800 10o10 10-11 A A 10 -12 10o- 13 A A I 10-14 I I I II I 100 I I 101 WRVE NUMBER Figure 7.2.12 195 I I I I I I I I 102 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL-1.0) 1.0 .9 .8 .7 A Uj A; a: LU a: a: LU .5 cr W cr- A .4 A .3 A A A .2 A4N A A A A 6n A .1 A A AAA A A I 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.3.1 196 .7 .8 .9 1.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL-1.5) 4 ," 1.U A - I 'I 1 I I I I 1 ' · · ' · I · --1 I' · ' · -r I I · · I · I I .9 .8 .7 llJ .6 A 0, A .5 -A a: c: A IL C> IL A .3 A A .2 A A .1 I 0 .1 I l .2 I L A A A I .3 AA nnnA A AA AA I .4 I I .5 .6 I| l DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.3.2 197 I l .7 A | IA | .8 ll A I - l .9 A.M { -- nI\ A wE~~~~~\ 1.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL=2.2) 1.0 / IA, I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I 1 r I -1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A" .9 .8 .7 A LIJ D .6 a: LU LU .5 CD C: A .4 .3 .2 - A A A Zn / A A ILA .1 AA, AA A I 0 .1 , I I .2 .3 I I A I I .4 I .5 DISTRNCE FROM I I .6 INTERFRCE Figure 7.3.3 198 A A z I .7 AI1 I .8 .9 A IA I 1.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL=3.15) 1.0 / I im .94 I I I I I I I I i I I I L .8 .7 . .6 'A CL cr ,i LA .S A C.3 *3 A A A .2 _A AA, .1 4 I AAAA A AA I 0 0 I .1 I I .2 I I .3 I I I .4 I .5 i I .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.3.4 199 I I - IA .7 1A .8 i A I .9 Al A 1.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL-3.15) nl l I ,, I . . I i i ' ' I I I I I i ' I I I I I A .9 -A A £ .8 aA A .7 A uJ 0:: .6 A LU 0(/ LJ I- .5 A _ a La a: LU cr A .4 A .3 A _ -AM A .2 _ A A A .1 A _ I 0 0 I X .1 i I I I .i .2 I I I .3 n I I I I , I , I a .5 .4 I[- I A I .6 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.3.5 200 A II I .7 I I A !~~ .8 NAAMAR _ ____M M1 .9 1.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL=1 0.0) 1.0 k _ _· I .9 I I I ' I I · ' I · ' I I I · _· ' · I · _· A A .8 A .7 A Z .6 A LL .5 A CD cc cZ A _ .3 A IL A .2 _ A~ A A _ .1 I_ 0 0 I .1 I I .2 I I .3 I I A I· .4 A I .5 .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.3.6 201 I, I .7 A t A.A N_ __Amur~ · ___··_ j\ II - .8 .9 i 1.0 TEMPERATURE PROFILE (PRANDTL=50.0) 1.0 A I I I r I I I I ' ' I I .9 A .8 .7 -A LU I- .6 A a: LL C A .5 LIJ ILU A A .4 A .3 A IL A .2 A A .1 I 0 0 .1 I .2 I I .3 I I I .4 AAA , I .5 I A 202 AAAA " ~A4&wyL I .6 DISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.3.7 A .7 .8 .9 1.0 vs aT(z) 100 I z _____ I I I I (Pr-l1.0) I I I I I __ I _ I _ I ____ I I I __ I I I _ I I _··· I I I I i 7 10o- AL z ~c~n~n~n~_ ~r A 10-2 A! A A/ A t% EO 10 -3 A A 10-4 A ./ 10 -s 10 -6 10-3 A I ·I ·I _I ·I _ I _I _I ·I · 10 ·I ·I ·I ·I _I ·I _I ·I ·I I II ·I I I _I I·· I -2 10o- DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.4.1 203 100 vs aT(z) 10 ° I I . . . . z I . . ..... I (Pr-1.5) . . I I I I . I . I ,, . ~ . , I .......... r I I r I . I ~ s I I . . . r I . I ] I Tz . I I I I I I I =- 10o- a - A A a 10 - 2 A' A A 10-3 A 10-' A 10- 5 10 -6 10-3 A L I· I· I· I· I_ I· I· I· · · 10-2 _I _I I I _1·_ I 10 DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.4.2 204 I -l I I 1I _I III _·· 100 vs aT(Z) 100 _ I I z I I 1 I (Pr-2.2) · I --- · I · I · · · · I ·I I ·. I 1 · I I -· I 1 · I .r I rr I I . I. A 10o- 4$L L~7 A /xA AA i A% A - A 10-2 A N A A %P 10 - 3 v A 10-4 A 10- 10 - 6 10- 3 A A A I I I I I I I I I, 10 I I -2 I I I I I 10o-' DISTANCE FROM INTERFACE Figure 7.4.3 205 I I I I I I II 100 vs aT(Z) _ I 100 I z _____ I I I (Pr-3.15) ___ I I I I I ______ I I I I I I I I _ I I ____ I I I I- A 10o- A ALA A: AA - AI~A z~AZA ~ 10-2 AA 4 AL /\Y a A t 10-3 A 10- 4 A / 10-5 K 10 -6 10 -3 I I · I I I · a · I I · I· ·I · · I I I I - 10 2 ·I I · I · I· II I· 10-1 OISTANCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.4.4 206 I · I · I · I · I I I · 1··. I - 100 T 102 I vs PRANDTL NUMBER I I I I . A u-i - = - I · I I - - - I A Re - 100 o Re 1000 A A w 0z r- 10l 00 L F- ) 100 100 0 0 a 0 I I I If I I IX I m II II II I 101 PRRNDTL NUMBER Figure 7.4.5 207 I I I I I I I 102 vs :T(z) 100 I · I · I z · I (Pr-3.15) ·-- ·-rr I I I -- · I II -7- I · I -· I, ··-·r I, -· II · I · I · · I I · 7r I I I- 10o- 2ptA : AL 10-2 7 A 7Z i A / N vtr 10 - 3 A A A A A 10' A A 10- s A 10 - 5 A 10 - 7 10 - 3 I I I I I I I l I I I 10 -2 I II I I I 10o- DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.4.6 208 I I I I I I I I 100 vs CT(Z) 100 I _ ·I I I z I (Pr-10.O) I I I I I I I - - -1I I· _· II I 1 ·I! _·I 1 r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . . .- / /7 10-' A A / 10 -2 z / A 4 7 AA A1~A A 10-3 t4 A [- A 10-4 AC AN - A / 10 - 5 A 10-6 10 - 7 10-3 A I I I I I I I tI I I I 10-2 III I I I II 10o- DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.4.7 209 I I I I I II 100 aT(z) 100 I vs I z ... I I I (Pr-50.0) ,,. I I I I I I .,..,. I I I I I l I I I I II- / 7 10'l A A 10 -2 z i A A A A 10-3 A A / 10 -' A A A A 10-5 A / 10-6 A I -7 I l . . .. 1, o _ 10-3 I II I I I l I I I I I 10 -2 I II I 10o- DISTRNCE FROM INTERFRCE Figure 7.4.8 210 I I I I I I I I 100 STANTON NUMBER VS PRANDTL NUMBER lo-1 LLJ z 10-2 Z I- 10-3 10° o10 PRRNDTL NUMBER Figure 7.5.1 211 102 1 Appendix A schematic view of the laser set-up is given below. MOdEI: l ... ... ar I I..W I SfAMu I4TT axe m~n uWa n ~I IASnAoAT IA4UIW*0 1. am t I-a r*m MS7 oA waIrus1o Ith0~ ws' LS. &T nLT uTAATLII U A uIa) . atNC fIJTOA fAIlOl GAO) It SATIahlla front --> lens series of mirror of the expanders reflections to reach the desired of equation given nominally location through the 310mm focal length front lens. before converging The go through a coming out The 3 beams the velocity in a LDA is measurement as V A.1 fDA/(2sinO/2) where V is the fluid velocity in m/s fD is the doppler frequency in Hertz A is the wavelength of laser beams in metres 0 is the angle between the intersecting be ams. 212 laser Boadway and Karahan found that equation A.1 is beams refracted through a flat (1981) still applicable when have the surface into another medium, wavelength in air and 0 in which is the intersection. 213 A is taken unrefracted to be the angle of Appendix In order to make number, we need to near the constant water better have interface 2 for height. a comparison with our critical fair estimate the flow In the in of the macroscale an open channel of absence of any data on direct measurement of macroscale, we state that the macroscale should not be very different from the Prandtl mixing length L, given by VT = L u/Dy A.2.1 where T is the turbulent eddy viscosity and au/ay is the average velocity gradient. Jobson et al (1970) made some detailed velocity measurements in a open channel flow and their experimental data can be fitted empirically by the expression, A.2.2 VT=kuy((1-y/h)(1+0.4(y/h)2)where k is the von velocity based Karman on water constant, density, measured from the base up and separate experiment the velocity h by Ueda et profile fit except for regions very regions further away the close from the u, y is is the friction the distance is the water height. In a al (1977), it was found that logarithmic to law quite well the interface. Hence for interface, velocity can be taken to be u/U=(ln(yu*/v))/k + The expression 2 for L , not then be expressed 5.75 A.2.3 very close to the interface, can as L2=k2y2(1-y/h)/(1+0.4y2/h2) 214 A.2.4 The maximum value and decreases length of toward to be O.lh the should the macroscale which turbulence L is obtained is 0.174h at about y-0.6h interface. give us a So taking the mixing reasonable estimate of responsible for characterising near the interface. 215 the