Ordination of Bird Data Geographic and stand-age patterns-DCA ordiiation of bird species’ abundancesfrom all 132 standsproduced low eigenvalues of 0.16 and 0.13 for the first two axes, respectively. Stand scoresorganized by geographic location separated into relatively distinct groups, but scoresorganized by sand age-classesoverlapped extensively (fig. 14B, C). Additional ordinations of each province separately,although not shown. produced similar results: distinct clusters of stands could be identified easily by geographic location (that is, by subprovince) and not by stand age-class. Bird communities that separatealong DCA axis 1 were in two groups: standsfrom the central and southern Oregon Cascades,and standsfrom the Oregon Coast Ranges,northem Oregon Cascades,and southem Washington Cascades (fig. 14B). Along axis 2, bird communities from the southern Washington Cascadeswere distinct from the Oregon Coast Rangesand Oregon Cascades.Bird communities within the three subprovinces of the Oregon Cascadesshowed the most intra-province variation; however, the geographic area sampledin this province was far more extensive than the other two provinces (see frontispiece and fig. 1; table 1). Bird communities in the north subprovince of the Oregon Cascades(fig. 14B; left dashedcircle) were more similar in speciescomposition and abundanceu) those of the southern Washington Cascadesand Oregon Coast Range than in subprovinces of the central and southern Oregon Cascades. 191 All stands Provinces Age categories /a 04 * 0 ..-' 50 100 150 20 0 50 100 150 2 DCA 1 CR = orsgon coast Rang* OR = Oregon Cascade Range SW = Southern Washington Cascade Table -pearman rank correlations of DECORANA scores of axes 1 and 2 with environmental and biological variables Variable Latitude Longihlde Elevation Smd age Aspect Sl0pe Understory vegetation DCA 1 (wet to dry”) Understory vegetation DCA 2 (cool moist to warm moista) Douglas-fir density Westernhemlock density Bark-forager relative density Aerial-forager relative density Canopy-foragerrelative density Understory-forager relativedensity Residentrelative density Migrant relative density Speciesrichness Total abundance DCA Axis 1 DCA Axis 2 -0.376 -0.171 0.455 -0.213 -0.127 0.034 0.524 0.664 0.568 0.153 0.009 -0.177 0.310 -0.513 -0.461 0.426 -0.303 -0.604 -0.165 0.344 0.375 -0.659 0.459 -0.086 0.747 -0.734 -0.273 -0.389 -0.051 0.068 0.590 -0.740 -0.394 0.367 0.034 -0.252 ’ DCA ordinationscoresof cwcr of understowvegetationcollectedby T. Spies.Imerpretntionof envimnmentllgradienufar eachaxiswere made by T. Spies @em corn.) and(SpiesandFranklin.this volume). 192 Range Correlation and interpretation of the DCA axes-Fiftyfive percent of the Spearman rank correlations between DCA axis 1 and the environmental and bird abundance variables were significant at P < 0.001 (rs >0.283 or ~4.283, n = 130) and 67 percent were significantly correlated with DCA axis 2 (table 6). In general, axis 2 yielded higher correlation coefficients than axis 1; however, no single strong association for either axis emerged from the variables measured (table 6). The complex patterns seemed to follow a temperature and moisture gradient, especially along axis 2, that was related to elevation, latitude, longitude, and understory vegetation (figs. 15, 16). Also strongly correlated with axis 2 were the abundance of resident and migrant species, in positive and negative directions, respectively (fig. 16). Abundance patterns along axis 1 were highly correlated with the abundance of understory-foraging species (fig. 15). Relationships to Habitat All 32 multiple regression equations of relationships to habitat, whether for all provinces combined or each separately, were significant at P 5 0.007 (table 7, seeappendix table 9). Yet, in general, the linear relationships were weak. Only 47 percent of the regression models had an R2 > 0.40 and only 13 percent were ~0.50. The linear relationships of all provinces combined and each separatelywere strongestfor t,Je understory foragers (rangeR = 0.36 to 0.63 and meanR2 = 0.54) (table 7) and weakestfor speciesrichness (rangeR = 0.18 to 0.35 and mean R2 = 0.26) (table 7). The lowest R2 was 0.18 for speciesrichness in the Oregon Coast Range (table 7) and highest was 0.65 for canopy foragers in the Oregon Cascades(table 7). In general, the proportion of variance explained by the regression equations tendedto be lower in the Oregon Coast Rangesthan the other provinces (table 7). Fifty-two vegetation variables were selectedfor the 32 regression equations (table 7). Tbe variables selecteddiffered mxkedly between each province for each of the eight dependent variables. Only three vegetation variables were associated with the samedependentvariable in more than one province: density of live deciduous trees was positively associatedwith abundanceof migrant bid species(table 7); evergreen shrub cover was negatively associatedwith resident bid species (table 7); and fern cover was positively associatedwith understory foragers (table 7). Live deciduous-treevariables-namely, density, basal area, and importance value-were selectedin at least one regression model for every species-richnessor abundance dependentvariable tested,except for the bark foragers (table 7). The live deciduous-weevariables were selectedmost frequently with the data sets of both the Oregon Coast Rangesand all provinces together and were always positively related to species-richnessand bird abundance.Other variables selectedoften in the regression models were two dead-wood variables-mean snag diameter and density of snags 10 to 50 cm in d.b.h. and 5 to 15 cm tal-that were positively and negatively associatedwith the dependent variables, respectively. Flrat-axls decorana acorea based on bird abundance data 193 47, *- 70 r = -0.734 *o * l ‘. * . .. . . . . .r . . . . *. -* ‘II - t$! 15 1 . - -. i -- Second-axls deccwana scores based on bird abundance data ,“” ,_” Second-axis decorana scores based on bird abundance data _“I Table ‘I-Multiple regression using all possible subsets of independent vegetation variables with dependent variiibles of bird species richness, total abundance, abundance of residents and migrants, and abundance of bark, aerial, canopy, and understory foragers Regression coefficient T-statistic Two-tailed significance 12.996 0.359 4.025 a010 0.047 -0.017 13.15 2.74 -2.61 -2.5 2.38 -2.12 16.846 -0.338 0.245 21.20 -2.43 2.01 .a00 15.542 -1.492 -0.569 0.148 -0.008 11.98 -2.34 -1.95 1.27 -1.20 .004 14.059 -1.841 -0.022 -0.010 1.076 6.33 -2.28 -1.95 -1.82 0.76 .mo 6.952 -0.659 0.303 0.008 0.040 35.61 -5.78 3.87 2.06 1.35 .om .OMl .om 7.774 0.125 -0.035 0.285 -0.032 20.03 2.88 -1.57 1.39 -1.31 Contibntion’ toI? ‘All provinces (dp = 5, 117; R*' = 0.25;Pd= 0.000) Intercept Basal area of live deciduous trees Percentage ground cover of moss hnp~rtance value of live western redcedd Mean height of live dominant trees Density of western hemlock snags >1.5 m tall .OOO .OO7 ,010 ,014 ,019 ,036 .046 .042 ,038 ,035 ,028 Oregon Coast Ranges (df= 2, 40; R2= 0.18; P = 0.007): Intempt Density of decay-class-2 log< Basal area of live deciduous trees ,019 .051 .115 .079 Oregon Cascades (df= 4, 43; R2= 0.25;P = 0.002): hltW%pt Percentage cover of ferns Density of snags >50 m d.bb. and S-15 m tall Density of live trees 50.99 cm d.b.h. lmpmmce value of live western redcedar .024 ,057 0.211 0.235 .088 ,061 ,026 ,023 Southern Washington Cascades (df = 4. 34: R2 = 0.35; P = 0.001): IntCICEp Density of snags lo-50 cm d.b.h. and 5.15 m tall Densitv of western hemlock snaes >1.5 m tall Imp&c, value of live west&redcedar Density of live @es 2549 cm db.h. ,029 ,059 ,078 ,455 ,089 ,065 ,057 ,010 Total abundance: All Pmvinces (df= 4. 118: R* = 0.41:P = O.OCQ lIlt.%Xpt Density of snags Basal area of live Percentage CoYa Basal .wea of live 10.50 cm d.b.h. and 5-15 m tall bigleaf maple of plants 4.5 m tall pine trees ,041 ,179 .I62 .073 ,021 .oQ9 Oregon Coast Ranges (df= 4. 38: RZ= 0.25:P = 0.004): Intercept Basal area of live deciduous trees Density of live incense-cedar Volume of decay-class-5 snags Density of live Douglas-fir ,004 ,006 ,125 ,172 ,198 ,148 ,344 ,034 ,030 195 Table 7-cootinued Dependent variable/independent variables Regression coefficient T-St&tiC Two-tailed significance Contibution’ tORZ Oregon Cascades (df= 3,44; R2= 0.24;P = 0.002): htEZCf+X Mean height of live dominant trees Relative do,nina~,ce of Douglas-fir snag volume Density of live trees 50.99 cm d.b.h. .I00 5.251 0.032 4.008 0.031 9.18 2.88 -1.49 0.86 ,006 ,142 .396 .134 ,036 .012 3.194 0.014 -0.114 1.599 2.28 2.16 -1.90 1.85 .029 .038 ,066 ,073 ,086 ,066 ,063 3.328 0.199 -0.375 -0.089 0,368 1.25 3.36 4.41 A.06 -2.94 2.43 2.33 .JOl .oOO .OW .004 ,016 .022 .093 ,079 ,042 ,028 ,026 6.23 17.09 ,000 4.007 0.087 0.006 -0.033 -3.22 2.21 2.00 -1.30 ,003 ,033 ,053 .200 ,134 ,063 .052 ,022 4.735 4.136 0.005 0.021 a.006 9.65 -3.86 2.34 2.30 -1.42 ,000 .oOO ,024 ,027 .164 ,185 .068 .065 ,025 4.87 0.016 0.244 -0.105 4.068 14.06 2.97 2.59 -2.18 -1.34 ,000 ,005 ,014 ,036 ,191 .124 ,094 ,067 ,025 Southern Washington Cascades (df= 3, 35; R2= 0.3O;P= 0.001): IntffEpt Percentage COYeIof plants <OS m tall Percentage raya of live deciduous tx.es 18 m tall Mean d.b.h. of snags Resident swies: All pro&es (df= 5. 117: Rx= 0.42:P = 0.000): Basal area of live deciduous trees Density of snags lo-50 cm d.b.h. and 5-15 m tall Percentage cover of evergreen shrubs Biomass of decayclass- snags Basal area of live needle-leaved evergreen trees Oregon Coast Ranges (df= 4, 38; RZ= 0.45;P = 0.000): IntWSpt Basal area of live deciduous trees Importance value of live western redcedar Density of live Douglas-fu Oregon Cascades (df= 4.43; R2= 0.42;P = 0.000): Relative ckninance of Douglas-fr snag volume Southern Washington Cascades (df= 4.34; R2= 4.47;P = 0.000): IntW.Spt Percentage cover of plants co.5 In tall Density of snags >50 cm d.b.h. and S-15 m tall Percentage cover of evergreen shrubs Percentage cover of live deciduous trees S8 m tall 196 Table 7-continued Dependent vruiable/iidependent variables Regession coefficient T-Stati& Two-tailed significance Contribution’ toR2 aupro;inces (df = 4, 118; R2= 0.44;P = 0.000): Intercept Den&v of snaes lo-50 cm d.b.h. and 5-15 m tall Importance V.&e of live Pacific silver fu Relative frequency of western hemlock snags Importance value of live deciduous trees 4.69 -0.563 4.008 -0.015 0.004 26.86 -5.15 -3.87 -2.73 2.18 .M)O .oOO ,000 ,307 .03 1 ,123 ,070 ,035 ,022 4.407 -0.056 0.091 0.010 0.001 16.86 -3.39 1.88 1.64 0.73 ,000 ,002 ,070 ,111 ,471 ,205 ,063 ,048 009 3.95 4.008 0.066 -0.012 0.045 14.17 -2.56 2.08 -1.83 1.30 ,000 ,014 ,043 ,074 ,200 ,107 ,070 ,054 ,027 5.449 4.009 0.017 -1.878 0.011 2.79 -2.45 2.36 -1.88 1.51 ,009 ,020 ,024 ,069 ,141 ,101 ,094 ,059 ,038 0.869 -0.539 0.085 1.033 0.050 0.584 1.04 -3.37 3.14 2.97 2.43 2.01 ,300 ,001 .I02 .I04 ,017 ,047 ,060 ,052 a47 ,031 ,021 1.114 0.070 1.219 -0.5 12 0.004 0.89 2.52 2.23 -2.02 1.98 ,377 ,016 ,031 ,051 ,055 ,090 ,071 ,058 ,055 Oregon Coast Ranges (df= 4, 31; RZ= 0.38;P = 0.001): Density of live incense-cedar Percentage cover of shrubs 0.5-2.0 m tall Percentage ground cover of moss Density of live deciduous trees Oregon cascades (df= 4. 43; R2= 0.24;P = 0.003): Intercept Immrtance value of live Pacific silver fir Density of live trees 50.99 cm d.b.h. Density of decayclass- logs Percentage cover of live deciduous trees 58 m tall sourhan Wahington Cascades (df = 4. 34; ~2 = 0.36; P = 0.001): InttXZZpt Density of snags 1.549 m tall Relative frequency of Douglas-fir snags Basal area of live needle-leaved evergreen trees Density of live deciduous trees Bark foragers: AU~provinces (df = 5, 124; R* = 0.31; P = 0.000): Density of live trees 25-49 cm d.b.h. Basal area of live bigleaf maple Basal area of live needle-leaved evergreen trees Basal area of live grand fir Mean height of snags Oregon Coast Ranges (df=4.38: Rz=0.40:P=0.0W): Intercept Basal area of live bieleaf ma& Basal area of live needle-lea&d evergreen trees Density of live !xees 25-49 cm d.b.h. Density of live western redcedar 197 Table 7-continued Dependent variable/independent variables Regression coefficient T-statistic Two-tailed significance Connibution~ toR2 Oregon Cascades (df= 3, 44; R2= 0.38; P = 0.000): Intempt Percentage cover of shrubs 2.0-4.0 m tall Basal area of live needle-leaved evergreen trees Relative dominance of Douglas-fir snags 0.967 AI.609 1.175 -0.006 1.13 -3.43 2.64 -1.66 ,263 ,001 .Oll ,105 ,155 ,092 ,036 5.041 -1.226 0.194 6.00 -4.20 2.80 .ooQ ,000 ,008 ,278 ,123 1.669 -0.497 1.358 0.355 3.92 -5.04 3.10 2.50 .oal mo .ow. ,014 .125 .047 ,031 0.003 1.97 ,051 ,019 5.17 -0.036 -1.221 5.08 -2.83 -2.00 .008 ,054 .160 .080 0.123 1.68 ,103 ,057 1.159 -0.429 1.68 3.28 -2.77 ,101 .I02 ,008 ,157 ,112 a.537 0.003 1.61 1.43 .077 .160 048 ,030 1.800 0.280 0.012 aOQ3 15.56 3.52 2.45 -2.07 .ooo .oOl ,019 ,046 ,197 ,396 ,068 Southern Washington Cascades (df= 2, 36; R2 = 0.40; P = 0.000): Density of live needle-leaved evergreen trees Density of snags >50 cm d.b.h. and >15 m tall Aerial foragers: All provinces (df= 4. 118; RZ= 0.40; P = 0.000): Intercept Density of snags 10.50 cm d.b.h. and 5.15 m tall Mean height of snags Percentage MVCI of ferns Inpxtance value of live broad-leaved evergreen Oregon Coast Ranges (df= 3. 32; R* = 09o;P = 0.002): InterCept Density of live incense-cedar Mean d.b.h. of live trees Percentage cover of live evergreen trees ~8 m tall .ooo Oregon Cascades (df=4, 43; R2=0.32;P = O.ooO): Intercept Vohlme of Density of Equitability classesg Importance Douglas-fir snags snags 10-50 cm d.b.h. and 5.15 m tall index of tree basal area by heightvalue of live grand fir 0.645 Southern Washington Cascades (df= 3, 35; R* = 0.4o:P = O.OCQ: Intercept Basal area of live western yew Density of live deciduous trees Density of live western redcedar 198 Table 7-continued Dependent variable/independent variables Regzssion coefficient T-Std.& Two-tailed significance Contributiona tOR2 canopy foragers: All provinces (df= 4, 118; R2= 0.34; P = O.OWl): Intercept Basal area of live deciduous trees Percentage ground cover of moss Basal area of live pine trees Density of snags 1.5-4.9 m tall ,000 .wo 4.647 0.205 4.011 0.072 -0.003 35.51 4.93 -3.76 2.88 -1.76 5.975 0.177 11.36 3.43 ,002 ,198 a.455 -2.56 ,015 ,111 4.827 -2.29 ,029 ,088 4.291 -0.021 0.129 0.043 22.33 -6.53 5.30 2.26 .OoO .OOO .OOO 4.383 -0.982 -0.101 0.011 -0.150 18.88 -2.50 -2.25 2.13 -1.56 ,017 ,031 ,040 ,127 ,102 ,082 ,074 .040 1.388 0.175 0.201 1.784 -0.034 -1.715 1.99 6.07 5.26 4.79 -3.95 -3.67 .049 .OOO ,000 .oim .OOQ .OOQ .117 .088 .073 .049 .043 6.235 0.643 -0.012 -0.951 4.21 2.50 -2.26 -1.72 .ooo ,000 .nl5 ,081 ,131 ,076 ,045 ,017 Oregon Coast Ranges (df = 3, 32. R* = 0.41; P = 0.000): Basal area of live deciduous trees Equitability index of tree density by diameter&.%e$ Percentage c4wer of berry (vacciniwl spp.) shrubs .wo Oregon Cascades (df= 3. 44; Rz = 0.6S:P = O.OC0): Percentage cover of grass, herbs, and fems Densitv of live tTees 50.99 cm d.b.h. Basal &ea of live pine trees ,029 .319 ,211 ,038 southern Was~gton cascades (df= 4. 34; R = 0.38;P = O.OCO): lllt.%C.Spt Biomass of decay-class-5 snags Percentwe cover of live deciduous trees <8 m tall Percentage ulver of plants co.5 m tall Basal area of live western yew ,000 Understory foragers: All provinces (df = 5, 117; R* = 0.61; P = O.C+O): Intacept Pacentage COYa of plants 0.5-2.0 m tall Basal area of live deciduous trees Mean d.b.h. of snags Density of live pine trees Mean number of live twe species &egon Coast Ranges (df = 3, 32; R2 = 0.36; P = 0.001): Intercept Percentage cover of ferns lmpmance value of live incense-cedar Basal area of live needle-leaved evergreen trees ,018 ,031 ,095 ,115 ,094 ,055 199 Table 7-contloued Dependentvariablefidependent variables Regression coefficient T-Stati& Two-tailed significance Conbibutionn tOR2 Oregon Cascades (df = 4, 43; R* = 0.63: P = 0.000): Intercept PeKxmagecoverof ferns Impmce value of live pine trees Mean height of live dominant trees Biomass of logs 0.738 0.575 -0.007 0.027 0.607 1.40 3.76 -3.69 3.52 2.52 .I68 ,001 ,001 ,001 ,016 ,110 ,106 ,096 ,049 1.439 0.016 Al.114 1.380 1.55 3.65 -3.01 2.49 ,130 ,001 .005 ,018 ,155 ,105 ,072 4.067 -1.66 ,107 ,032 southem wahingmn Cascades (df = 4,34; Rz = 0.56; P = 0.000): Intercept Percenta8ecover of Plants <OS m tall Percenta8ecover of evergreenshrubs Mean d.b.h. of snags Percentagecova of live deciduous trees $8 m tall Discussion Regional Patterns Our results suggestedthat bird abundancepatterns were regionally distinct (fig. 14B) and that abundancewas substantially higher in the Oregon Coast Rangesthan in the other two provinces (figs. 6-13). even though >70 percent of the bird specieswere detectedin two or mope.provinces. Location of the study standsby latitude, longitude, and elevation; inconsistenciesin sample design; and varying degreesof forest fragmentation appearedm be partly responsible for the differences among regions. In the ordination analyses,regional abundancepatterns (fig. 14B) were best explained by correlations with latitude, longitude, and elevation (table 6: figs. 15, 16). They were negatively associated with latitude and elevation and posi- tively associatedwith an east-to-westlongitudinal gradient (fig. 2). Elevation was essentially overlooked when stands were selectedand varied substantially within and among provinces. Partial correlation using elevation as a constant was impractical for explaining abundancepatterns. The southemmost standsin the Oregon CascadeRangeswere among the highest in elevation and generally had more birds than stands to the north, while stands in the Oregon Coast Rangeswere generally the lowest in elevation but were higher in abu’ndance than standsin the CascadeRanges (table 1, fig. 1). Although we detecteda relatively high correlation between longitude and abundance(fig. 2), we assumedlongitude per se had little effect on bird abundancewithin one broad vegetation zone (seeHamel and others 1986). The increase in abundancefrom east (CascadeRange) to west (Oregon Coast Ranges)was likely more directly related to the moderate climate of the Oregon Coast Rangesrelative to the colder Cascades,or to variation in elevation among the provinces. Shortening the interstation distance to 50 m to accommodate the smaller stand sizes in the Oregon Coast Rangesmay have resulted in higher bird counts than in standswith longer interstation distances.Field observerswere trained not to count individual birds more than once on a given day; however, double counting was possible. We attempted to minimize thesebiases by using only detections ~50 m from a counting station in all three provinces, except during the analysis specifically on individual species. High speciesrichness and abundancein Oregon Coast Range standsmay also be a result of forest fragmentation that has increasedthe diversity of stand agesover the landscapeand may have in turn increasedthe packing of individuals within 200 Continue