TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY' The Facul Senate 301 Admin stration Box 41032 Lubbock, -xas 79409-1)32 (806) 742- 656 FAX: (806) 742-4)525 May 2, 2005 TO: Members of the Faulty Senate FROM: Gene Wilde, President RE: Age ida for meeting #252, May 11, 2005 1 Escondi o Theatre in the Student Union Building, B sement. 3: 1E p.m., Agenda Call to Order —Gene Wilde, President. Recognition of Ouests: Approval of Mintes, Meeting #251, April 13, 2005. Invited Guests: University President, Dr. Jon Whitmore SGA Student President, Nathan P. Nash V. Old Business: Resolution on Bike Lanes Committee and Liaison Reports: Faculty Lounge Report Administrator's Evaluation Report VI. New Business: VII. Announcement: VIII. Out Going Pres dent's Report IX. Passing of the Gavel: X. Adjournment. An EEO A Affirmative Action Institution