TEXAS T EC H UNIVERSITY The Faculty S nate 301 Administ tiot Box 41032 Lubbock, Tex s 79 409-103.2 (806) 742-366 FAX: (806) 7z 2-05 25 February 28, 2005 TO: embers of the Facu lty Senate FROM: ene Wilde, Preside RE: genca for meeting 250, March 9, 2005 :15pLtn., Escondidc Theatre in the Student nion Building, Ba ement. Agenda I. Ca I to Order —Ge e Wilde, President. Recognition of G ests: Approval of Minu s, Meeting #249, February 9, 2005. IV. In\ ited Guests: Amy Martindale, Staff Senate Mitchell Moses, Student Government V. Oli Business: Nomination Committee Resolution on Parking for Visual & Performing A rts VI. New Business: Committee Reports: Ad Hoc Committee on the Proposed Fac ulty Lounge Resolution Honoring Athletic Program VII. Announcements VIII. Adjournment. An EEO/ native Action Institution