TEXAS TECH UNIVE ITY Th Faculty Senae 3-G Holden Hall Lub k, Texas '9409-1032 ) 742-3656 January 14, 1993 TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Benjamin H. Newcomb, President RE: Agenda for meting #139, January 20, 1993 3::5 p.m., U iversity Center Senate Room 6X,/ AGENDA I. Call to Orde/f and Introduction of Guests Approval of 4he Minutes of the December 9, 1992 meeting. New Business Item: Consideration of amendment t the university drop day policy proposed by the Academic Cou cil (attached in Report on Academi Council meeting of 12/15/92). Dean Collins, wt has class at 4 pm, has been invited to discuss th:_s matter. IV. Announcement Senate Study Committee A has been assigned to consider the provisional admission policy, recommended ]$. 1r the Academic Council and sent tc the Provost with his suggested the Senate amendments. The State Su set Advisory Committee rejected it staff's recormendation that the ORP be eliminat ed for faculty ewly-employed in the future. We t an assume that our opposition had much to do with that decision. The Coordina ing Board list, Research Needs of Texas State gencies, is on file in the Senate, office for t ose who may be interested. The Agenda C March 2, Apr inclusion on office the p An ffirmative Action Institution mmittee will meet on February 2, 1 6, and April 27. Items for the agenda should reach the Senate evious day. The Senate plsident's office hours will be 1:303:0) pm., n ay and Wednesday, in 03EMo Holden HalL. On :equest of a Senate committee, the Provost's office is beg nning to collect catalogs and schadules fro twelve state research universities in rexas, Lou siana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and A izona. This will avoid using the inconvenient ibrary microform format for comparisons w th TTU. V. Remarks by Ex cutive Vice President and Provost Haregan: Se ate recommendations on GPA adjustmen , on Academic Freedom and Artistic Expression VI. Reports from 4.4liversity Councils and Committees Proqost's Cou Academic Coun Graluate Coun . Research Coun other council VII. cu--Benjamin H. Newcomb (attached) il--Candace Haigler (attached) il--M. Catherine Miller il--Fred Wagner (attached) and liaisons Reports from ltanding Committees of the Faculty Senate: Committe on Committees--Patrick Dunne, report o Nominating Committee. Three to be elected y the Senate from the following: Daniel B nson, Law; Gary Elbow, A&S; Billy Freeman, Agr.; Paul Goebel, BA; Sunanda Mitra, E g. Study Co Faculty • ittee B--Robert Weber (attached) tatus and Welfare Committee VIII. Old Business IX. Othar New Bus ness X. Adjournment •