XAS TECH UNIVERSITY "1/Faculty Serzte 3-G Holden Hal Lubbock, Texas 79409-1032 (806) 742-3656 December 2, 1992 TO: Members of the Fadulty Senate FROM: Benjamin H. NewcoMb, President RE: Agenda for meeting #138, December 9, 1992 3:15 p.m., Univereity Center Senate Room Le(22/ AGENDA I. Call to Order and Introduction of Guests Approve _. of the Minutes of the November 11, 1992 meeting, III. Announcements Senate 7.ommittee7 assigned further tasks, to be unde:taken wh e current tasks are completed, as ollows: Academi: Programs Committee--adding a course requirenent on mu1ticouturalism and pluralism Study Cmmittee Ch-Coordinating Board's College Pre requirements Board minutes, Ocober 30, reports raises for high administratOrs out of the 2% merit-equty raise pool effective Dct. 1. Of 18 full eans and vice presidents of TTU, 6 received salary adjustments of more than 2% ($2,100-$6,000), 7 received in the range of 1.75%-2% ($L,800-1,900), 2 got in the range of 1.5%-1.75% ($1,800-$2 00). IV. Reports from University Councils and Committees Provost's Cou#cil--Benjamin H. Newcomb Academic Council- -CandaceHaigler Development Council--Paul Goebel (attached) other liaison V. eports from Stal4ing Committees of the Faculty Senat3: • Committee or Committees--Patrick Dunne, report o0 membership of the Senate Environmental Impact Committee: chair--John Bliese, Lloyd Urban, Danny Davis, Max Tomlinson, James Burkhalter; Leon Higd 0 to be added to Senate Faculty Status an Welfare Committee Academic Pr rams Committee (attached) Study Commi tfee A--Ruth Morrow, recommends "that the Senate ap ltove the document 'Academic Freedom and Artistic pression' for forwarding to the President and Board 4f Regents for adoption by the Unive,tsity." br ;Pleas g previously distributed cop ies of this to the Senat meeting. Study Commip ee B V I. id Business VII. ew Business • roposaa that thel Senate invite Campus Police Chief ay Panthman to 4iscuss parking and other concerns with the enate. roposal from the EVP&P concerning provisional dmission (attac d with current calalog exerpt) VIII. diournment Please briiq previously dis ributed copies of the reportj "Adademic Freedom an Artistic Expres ion" to the meeting. •