XAS TECH UNIVERSITY Th Faculty Set ate 3- Holden Ha 1 Lu bock, Texac, 79409-1032 ) 742-3656 October 9, 19 92 TO: Me mbers of the Faculty Senate FROM: Be njamin H. Newcomb, President 62 217,/ RE: Acenda f)r meeting#136, October 14, 1992 3:15 p.m., Univers ty Center Senate Room AGENDA I. C.11 to Drder and Introduction of Guests A proval of the Minutes of the September 9, 1992 meeting. A nouncenents Senate committes were assigned tasks as follows Academic Programs Committee--Home Economics ,name change Faculty Status and Welfare Committee--department chairs' summer school assignments Budget Study COmmittee--budget study as per minuzes of May 6, 1992, meeting Study Committee A--illegal parking in faculty sp aces Study Committee 13 7 -matters of athletics andAthl atic Courcil, as per minutes of May 6, 1992 meeting Study Committee C--inclusion of research personn.el in claEsified personnel pay plan Ap lications for Ccl FGO-Coordinating Board Two-Week S Fellow p/ogram are available in the Senate office. Th Senate preside 30 31. An Affirmative Action Institution er will attend the CoFGO meeting, C ctober IV. V. Repor s froff Universitt Councils and Committees Provost's Couticil—Benjamin H. Newcomb (attache Academic Council—Candace Haigler Graduate Coulil—M. Catherine Miller Other liason eports Report from Standing C , mmittees of the Faculty Senate: Committee on ommittees--membership on Senate sanding committees, liaisons Academic ProgOms Committee Study Committee A (attached) I Others VI. Old Bu iness VII. New B siness S atement on "Acad mic Freedom and Artistic Expressi bn submitted by Fine rts Doctoral Committee for Senate recommendation to tthe administration (attached). Recommendation to he Provost that some number of alli .ional faculty be added t the Strategic Planning task for 1 e:ection from the acuity. 'Recommendation for investigationof the environmental i of the University (attached). mpact VIII. Adjoilrnment •