EXAS TECH UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE UAL REPORT 1988-89 The Fac sessions (no June 8 and 2 criteria for November 28 faculty comm An open for finalists. lty Senat • 99-107) , to disc the Presi and spedi nt on the was held met in nine regularly-scheduled There were also two called sessions ss and approve a Senate statement of ent). A Faculty Convocation was held 1 discussions were scheduled for University health insurace progralis. for each of the four Presidentiall SENATE VISIT RS Preside meetings and of the nine Academic Aff October, Dr. Campaign and President fo admissions s visitors inc Association, Mike Sanders efforts and coming Legis PASS program efforts in F academic sta Academic Coo Dr. Robert S Dur land repo t Haley a Executive eetings. irs offic Colette M on future Computin andards a uded Doug and Vice Mr. Sau r. Sander ative ses in Janua bruary. us of ath dinator C eazy. Pr ted on Un STANDING CO ITTEES Faculty Stat request, nom Professors; University p Senate. It introduced i s and Wel nation pr eviewed, licy on I s interes to the Se tended six of the nine regular Vice President Haragan attended eight Other members of the Provost's and were present at seven meetings. tn rray reported on the Enterprise development plans. Assistant Vice Thomas Newman reported on proposed d enrollment impacts. December Saul, representing the Student resident for Governmental Affairs asked for help with promotional summarized the outlook for the ion. Ms. Judy Stocks reported on y and Dr. Don Garnett summarized TASP he April meeting had reports on etes from Athletic Director T. Jonas, int Ramsey and Athletic Council chair fessors P.G. Christiansen and D.L. versity library committees in May. are -- Reviewed, at the Provost' cedures aand criteria for Horn evised and brought to the Senate ;he tellectual Property, approved by he ing to note that this policy was ate during 1985-86. Committee A - Provide a statement to the Senate on the tenure revie policy of the College of Arts & Sciences. Committee B registration Suggeste several revisions in procedures or advising, student records and course dropprlg. Budget Study Comple ed in-depth reports on faculty salaries in 988-89 an 1987-88, salaries by curriculum area, salari s of wome faculty, budgeting procedures and administrati e costs f r work-study programs. Academic Pro recommended recommended examinations University h exercises be ram -- Re iewed the academic calendar and ays of no lasses and holidays. The Senate day of no classes prior to the start of in Decembe and May; that Labor Day be a liday; and that only spring commencement onsidered. SPECIAL AND I. HOC COMMI TTEES Presidential statements o President fr qualificatio discussed an forwarded to ualificat desired c Senators desirabl approved he Presid Bylaws Revisi studied the b several chang the April Sen n Appo nted in September, this committee laws and onstitution. It then recommended s in the ylaws, all of which were adopted t te meetin General Educa committee was committee con Haragan. The Education cur accepted it a ion Curri completed inued int committee iculum to d forward ulum -- Most of the work of this during the 1987-88 year, but the 1988-89, at the request of Dr. presented the revised General the Senate in September, which d the document to the Provost. Research Supp the 1987-88 y The committee in the Univer faculty, aski report made 2 forwarded to Department Ch rt Thi ar, compl reviewed ity and s g for res specific resident irs and H committee, originally appointed ted its work and reported in Apri l. he current state of research supp t nt a detailed questionnaire to th onses on 20 items. The committee recommendations. The report was aley and to Deans, Vice PresidentS rn Professors. Faculty Promo recommended p members for v adopted by th recommendatio ion Votin ocedures ting on p Senate a s for cha -- This special committee overning the eligibility of facult omotion. The committee report was d forwarded to the Provost with ges in the Faculty Handbook. ons -- This committee solicited aracteristics and criteria for th and the faculty at large. A list in the eyes of the faculty was n the two June meetings, then ntial Screening Committee. Funding for S onsored R search -- This committee met once; its activitie will be arried over to the 1989-90 year. OTHER ACT IVI IES The Sen University i University study and ac recommended and Retireme 1989 be cont This recomme te sponso ed and convened an open forum on surance p ograms in conjunction with the enef its a Retirement Committee. Further ions will I.e required and the Senate o the Pro •st that current University Benefi t committe members whose terms ended in MaY nued for o e more year, to provide continuit . ation was accepted. Senate Project, an required for administrati areas in Uni administrati mbers ser fort to r ederal gr . A facu rsity and burdens A longofficers, to nge plann ng effort was initiated by Senate egin duni g the 1989-90 year. ed on a Federal Demonstration duce clearance time and paperwork nt proposals, applications and ty questionnaire identified sever State procedures that added to or Federal projects. Respectfully submitted Kary mathis Secretary 1988-89 1