Tex s Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-G Holden Hall Lubb ck, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 arch 2, 1988 TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Georgette Gettel, P esident RE: Agenda for meeting # 6, March 9, 1988 3:30 p.n., Senate Ro m, University Center AGENDA I. Recognition of Guest Approval of the minu es of the February 10, 1988 meeting Electior of Senate 0 ficers for 1988-89 (see attachment for mcre informati n about nominees) Nominees fo Nominees fo Nominees fo President: Ketner, Koh, Stoune Craig, Reid Vice President: Secretary: Burnett, Mathis, Payne IV. Report hy Bill Gusta son, Senate Representative, on Administr ative Ccuncil Activi ies V. Report hy Tom McLaug lin, Senate Vice President, on Academic Ccuncil Activi ies VI. Remarks by Vice Pres'dent for Academic Affairs and Research, VII. Remarks by Vice President for Finance and Administration, Payr VIII. CommittEe Reports Uriversity Ele Study Committe Curriculu Study Committe (see att RE search Suppo IX. tions Committee, Leon Higdon, Chair "B", Wendell Aycock, Chair (General EdU ation ) "C", Alwyn Barr, Chair (Summer School ?tions) chment) t Study Special Committee, Kenneth Ketne r, Chair Announcements and Ot er Business Uriversity Ima e Task Force meeting Uriversity Day Notification X. iaragan Adjournnent "An Equal 0 portunity/Affirmative Action Institution" Standing Stu y Committe C RESOLUTION f r consider tion by the Faculty Senate on March 9, 988 1. The univ rsity shou the norm 1 summer s greatest umber of and allo broad fl d continue two 6 week semesters hool pattern, because it serves tudents, is the most cost effect 4re xibility for students and facult 2. The univ ments to longer p where th demic re sity shou d encourage its colleges and depa se altern te class schedules of shorter or or 12 weeks--for specific course iods--3, different time period is appropriate for ac aons. 3. The unive bility o school, c those of sity admi istration should explore the poss a 12 mont budget which would include summe mparing s advantages and disadvantages wi 7.h he presen 9 month budget. 4. The unive and does departmen if there met. sity shou ot attend s in plan re import d survey students to learn who do es summer school and why, to assist ing summer schedules and to dete rm ine nt student needs that are not bei ng sity admi istration should encourage depart ments al schedu ing problems to apply to their de ans 1 excepti ns to the normal pattern of start _ng classes. 5. The unive with unus for spedi times for 6. The unive sity shou d review the impact of the new St arting time for lasses af er the summer and fall semesters of 1988 to d termine w ether it has produced any problem s.