Te as Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-G Holden Hall Lub ock, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 eptember 3, 1986 TO: Members f the Facul y Senate FROM: Gerald S oog, Presid RE: Agenda fir meeting #0, September 10, 1986 at 3:30 p.m., in t e Senate Room of t e Universit Center. AGENDA I. Introducti n of Senate officers, parliamentarian, Student Senat representa ive and off*ce secretary. II. Introducti n of guests III. Approval oi the minutes of the May 7, 1986 meeting IV. Report of A. B. C. D. V. P sgress in th development of a financial exigency pl F ulty resign tions Re iew of proc dure for developing and amending the ag d Re iew of the ole and responsibility of the Senate an thoughts a out 1986-87 Comments an discussion with a representative of the Office of Academic Af airs and Re earch a. b. c. d. e. VI. President of the Faculty Senate fi op cl pr ot ancial exig ncy policy rating poli y on faculty evaluation rification if pass/fail operating policy gress of th General Education Curriculum Committee er matters f interest Reports A. B. Fa ulty Senate Administration Committee to Study Enrol ent Procedure - Kimmel Ot er committe reports VII. Old Busines A. In ellectudl P operty Policy "An Equal Op rtunity/Affirmative Action Institution" Page 2. VIII. New Busi ess A. B. C. D. IX. Election oi a Senator to attend fall meeting of the Counel of Faculty Governance Organization Faculty Sa ary Readjustment, 1986-87 Dates of J nuary and May meeting Other item Adjournm nt Announce ents A. Pres Rese meet Cava Hara Sena dent Cavazo and Vice President for Academic Affairs and rch Donald H ragan declined an invitation to attend t is ng due to a commitment in Austin. However, President s will meet with the Senate on October 8 and Vice PT esident an, or his r resentative, will continue to meet with the e on a regul 3 basis as during the past year. B. The velopment of the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings gove ed by secti n 9 of the bylaws. The Agenda Committe whic is composed of tl-e three Faculty Senate officers, w meet the Monday p ior to the week of each Faculty Senate Ther fore any fac lty member or Senator should send items cons ered for th agenda to the Senate President no late 5:00 .m. on the riday prior to the Agenda meeting. Als can quest to me t with the Agenda Committee to present item. The agenda can be modified during a Senate meeting the ocedures sp cified in the bylaws. is 11 eeting. to be than , Senators n agenda by following C. Bill artwell, Vi e President of the Faculty Senate, will repr- -ent the Sen te at the meetings of the Academic Coun D. The culty Senat President is available for consultatio follo ing times a d location during the first semester: onday: 8:3 - 11:00; 1:00- 4:00 Ad 218 Ad 218 T esday: 9:0 - 10:30; 1:30 - 3:00 HH 3G Wed esday: 8:3 - 11:00 E. Futur meetingsof the Senate are scheduled as follows: ctober 8, D86 ovember 12, 1986 ecember 10, 1986 anuary 14 o January 21, 1987 ebruary 11, 1987 arch 11, 197 pril 8, 198 ay 6 or May 13, 1987 at the