MINUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING 83 The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, November 12, 1986 in the Senate Room of the University Center wita Gerald Skoog, president, presiding. Senators present were Aycock, Brink, Carlila, Cartwright, Cravens, Curry, Davis, Ford, Gades, Gettel, Gustafson, Hartwell, iigdon, Hudson, Keho, Koh, Lawrence, McLaughlin, McKown, Mann, Muma, Newcomb, )berhelman, Payne, Pearson, Platten, Reid, Samson, Sasser, Savage, Schoenecke, Smith, Steele o Stoune, Tereshkovich, Whitehead, Whitsitt, Williams, J. Wilson, and M. Wilson. Senators Barnard, Ethridge, Gipson, Owens, and Postell were abseat. Senator i Scott was absent because of illness. Senators Blair, Koeppa, Mathis, Stockton, Wicker and Wood were absent because of University business. Calling the meeting to order at 335 P.M., Skoog recognized and welcomed the following guests: Virginia Sowell, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research; Gene Medley Admissions and Records; Preston Lewis, Yews and Publications; Christy Grimes, Student Senate; and Cindy Pandolfo, University Daily. I. Approval of minutes of September 24, and October 8, 1986 meetinas Minutes of the meetings were approved as submitted. II. Report by Senate Vice President Hartwell Issues addressed by the Academic qouncil in its November meeting include: A. Letters of Recommendatio promotion have been rule B. Summer Classes - While S mmer sessions will operate on a four day week, work days will begin at :00 A.M. this year. C. Convocations - There wil be two University Ceremonies this year. will be provIded as appr priate. D. Standardized Vitae - Con ideration of such has been suspended for the time being. E. HEAF Funds - Last years funds have been released. F. Organized Research Funds - Seventy five percent of the previously withheld Organized Research Funds have been released for use. - Letters of recommendation for tenure End to be open to the person of reference. Details III. Report from Vir&inia Sowell, Assistant Vice President, Academic Affairs and Research Representing VPAAR Hainan, Assistnat VPAAR Sowell addressed the issues of: A. Sick Leave - Sick leave as been reinstated for faculty on nine month appointments. The new p licy represents only minor changes for the old sick leave pclicy. Copi s of the Operating Procedure are currently being circulated. B. Evaluation of Administra ors - Procedures for the evaluation of administrators are being currently cons 'dered. AVPAAR Sowell requested input fror faculty on this matter. Procedu es used in other organizations or procedures recommended ly professio al organizations are particularly desired for consideratior. November 12 minutes/2 IV. Report of the En-ollment Procedures Committee by Panze Kimmel and othe committee members Kimmel recognized committee members serving. They are, in addition tc Kimmel, Barnes (Finance & AdmLnistration) Bethea (Engineering), Clark (Agriculture ), Dukes (Business Administrat-__on), Felstehausen (Home Economics), Medley (Admissior s & Records), Nevius (Education), Perez ( Graduate School), Richmond (Finance & Administl ation), Sowell (Academic AffaLrs & Research), Templer (Arts & Sciences), and Tomlir son (Finance and AdministTation). Kimmel then presented twenty twu recommendations of the committee addr essing the area of (1) Recruitment, (2) Admisaion and Admission Requirements, (3) Orier tation, (4) Academic Advisement, (5) RegiStration, (6) Retention, (7) Personal Cour seling;(8) Financial Aid, and (9) Other 8upport Services. Kimmel then moved on be half of the committee that the Faculty Serate received the report and the recommenc ations be scheduled for Senate consideration. The motion passed without oppositi )n. Note: Copies of the committee report may be obtained from the Faculty Sen. te Office or from your Faculty Senator. As a point of information Medley informed the Senate that the officia enrollment figure for Texas Tech is 23,479. V. Fall Reports A. Academic Programs Committ ee, McKown Reporting McKown recogAized committ ee members who include, in addition to M Carlile, Gades, Petrini, Tereshkovich, Whitehead and Wilson. Own The Committee refort reads: I. Should the Faculty Senate a vise President Cavazos, as well as the p icymakers of the state, to support the development of policies and procedur s needed to implement and finance a basi -skills testing and remedial program for entering freshmen at Texas cclleges and niversities? The Committee members acknowledgle that there is a basic those who are conce/ned with the' issue; however: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. skills problem a commend evel. It is felt tlat this pro lem is best addressed at the high school Efforts are already unde ay to improve basic skills in high scho s and exit test. many exams ale given pri r to graduation eg: ACT, SAT, high schoo ills. The effect of HB 72 has ot yet had an impact on improving basic Remedial programs at ind idual universities may need strengtheni however, it is problemat *c that this need is consistent across th state. ills test In time of economic stre s the expenditure for yet another basic while others are in plac is poor management. as In lieu of an expenditure of 6.5 million dollars at a time when T can ill affold the expens e, the committee would like to suggest ci nsideration of legalizing, the use of the high school exit scores as a remedia ion tool. II. Should the Fact_lty Senate kvise Presidnt Cavazos, as well as the p licymakers of the state, to support the development of a core curriculum tha would be studied and masterec by all graduates of Texas postsecondary institution._ • November 12 minut s/3 It is felt that universities are to be autonomous and unique would detract from the recommended that each requirement consistent University has underta requirement/capabiliti process followed by th special consideration would be in direct con and one-half year prog ach univers ty in the state meets a special need and that commended f • r their unique education qualities. The ualities mu t be preserved. A standardized state wi e core It is preservatio of each university's special qualities. niversity d velop its own university wide general ed cation with its mi sion and accreditation guidelines. Texa Tech en a genera education curriculum molded to the spec fic s of each c 0 liege and this institution. The three y ar general ed cation committee, appointed by the VPAAR has given o all the existing program accreditation. A state w de core lict with retaining a four year program (as opposed •o a four am) and with fulfilling national accreditation requi ements. McKown moved Sen te acceptan6e of the motion. The motion passed without opposit on. B. Financial Ex gency Policy, Aycock Reporting The current with VPAAR H the plan, Wh continue Its to the Facul without oppo raft of the Financial Exigency Plan is awaiting conf rence ragan. Fol owing discussion of recent activity rela ed to tehead moved that the Ad Hoc Committee for Financial Exigency activity and bring a new version of the Financial Ex gency Plan y Senate fot consideration. The motion was seconded and passed ition. VI. New Business A. Consideration of t e review draft of the proposed operating policy and p ocedures regarding performa e evaluations of members of the faculty. Skoog read a lette of the evaluation of the current dra from the Te as Tech chapter of the AAUP concerning t e draft licy. The etter made four key points concerning th revision of the ope ating policy. 1. All matters c ncerning di missal are to be handled in accordance w th procedure co ained in th university tenure policy which was appr ved by the Board f Regents i May, 1986. 2. The tenured f culty of ea h unit must have an advisory role in the determination that any fa ulty member's performance is unsatisfact ry. 3. There should e no implic tion in the OP that the setting of goals any way contr ctual. 4. In fairness t implementatio Newcomb moved tha projected implementatio is in tenured an'II tenure-track faculty, there should not of the OP tntil the academic year 1988-89. the Senate l express to VPAAR Haragan the desire that the date be pu‘hed back considerably. The motion was se onded. Whitsitt moved to amend the m4tion to read: Given widesp currently ex Haragan that pending cons ead faculty sts, the Fa the project deration by dissatisfaction with the proposed OP as ulty Senate expresses its desire to VP d implementation date be pushed back con iderably an appropraite faculty committee. November 12 minutes/4 The amendme t was secon ed and passed without opposition. The motion as am nded passed without opposition. B. Administration of acuity elec ions In response to del ys and othe problems in elections administered out of the Office of Academic Affairs, th Faculty Senate has been requested to take over future elections a it did in he past. i Sasser moved to ha e the Faculiy Senate take responsibility for administration of faculty elections rovided funds in the Faculty Senate budget are adequate to do so. The motion was sec nded and pa sed without opposition. C. Senate representat ve to work calendar Keho moved that th Senate to Office o i' ith Office of Academic Affairs on the University Chair of t e Academic Programs Committee represent the Faculty Academic A fairs in matters of the University Calenear. The motion was sec nded and pa sed without opposition. D. Other Business Pearson on behalf f himself, and Senators Brink and Wilson introduced the following resoluti n: Whereas vario s faculty m bers at Texas Tech have received personal lett rs from Ken Hance between October 30 and November 3 urging them t vote for 13' 11 Clements on November 4, and Whereas there had been a ash of rumors during the campaign that Bill Clements intended to make drastic cuts in the funding for higher education in rder to mee the budget deficit of the state, and, Whereas Mr. H nce assures s that former Governor Clements personally informed him aturday, Oct ber 25 that "there will be no cuts in higer education," a d, Whereas the v ters of Lub ck County, including many Texas Tech faculty, believed thes assurances and voted for Mr. Clements by a 60% margin, Be It Resolve that the F culty Senate of Texas Tech University expresses its thanks to r Hance for these assurances that higher education in Texas will be enhanced an improved in the future. Pearson moved pa sage of the esolution. The motion was s conded and p ssed. Skoog declared t e meeting ad ourned at 5:12 P.M.