MINUTES - FACULTY SENATE MEETING #65 met on Wednesday, December 12, 1984, at 3:30 p.m. 1-1 the The Faculty Sena Senate Room of the Un' ersity Center with Evelyn Davis, President, presiditz. Senators present were Adamcik, nderson, Ayoub, Blair, Burnett, Carlile, Collins, C4ulter, Cravens, Curry, K. Davis, Dvor cek, Eissinger, Ford, Gettel, Gipson, Goss, Gott, Hayms, Higdon, Keho, Khan, Lee, McKo , Mayer-Oakes, Mehta, Newcomb, Oberhelman, Owens, Ri2hardson, Rude, Sasser, Shine, Sparkm , Steele, Stockton, Strauss, Sullivan, Teske, Thornhill, Vallabhan, Welton, Whitsitt, Wil iams, Wilson and Wright. Senators Bloomer, Dixon, Fteeman and Wicker were absent. Vernon McGuire, Parliamentarian. ssociate Professor, Speech Communications, served as hn R. Darling, Vice President for Academic Affairsnd Research; Guests included Preston Lewis, Univer it News and Publications; Paul Cline, Avalanche Jou 1-nal; Chip May, University ail ; Jim Green and Guy Morton, Channel 11; Eric Sumriers, 1 Channel 13; Valerie U lman and Pat Broyles; Channel 28. Davis recognized Senator Robert Carlile, recently elected to represent the College of Engineerin • . CONSIDERATION OF Wilson moved app to the motion, Evelyn E MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 14, 1984 MEETING val of the minutes as distributed. Hearing no oppoO.tion avis, President, declared the minutes approved. II. COMMITTEE REPORT A. Committee D - Mary Owens, Chair, read the following statement: Faculty Senate St nding Study Committee "D" u reco ends against the Faculty Senate participating in th development of procedures for implementation of th tenure policy, specifically the five-year revie since the tenure policy is a policy of the admin stration and opposed by a large majority of the f culty; (1) participation with the administration would be an inconsistent action, and (2) participation to a of th Newcomb inquired Eissinger responded b a member of the law f would be foolish for problem. We would be procedures for implem but reserve all due r ignificant extent could compromise the legal rights individual faculty member." as to what kind of legal counsel was sought on point rz. saying no legal opinions were sought -- just an opition from culty -- no fee charged. Eissinger further stated tbat "it s to say that there could not be a problem. There may not be a emiss to counsel faculty to participate in the development of ntation of the new tenure policy. Faculty may want to participate ghts." Page 2. Faculty Senate Meeting #65 December 12, 1984 Faculty Senate Standing Study Committee "D" report continued Sullivan raised the question as to whether the Faculty Handbook was u ad as the basis for their statement. He said that in the Faculty Handbook it cleanl states that Faculty should assist in formulation of policy, and that Administration sh e ald implement policy. The answer to Sullivan's question from Owens was "no". Mayer-Oakes stated that Owens' statement represented the views of the said faculty should act in their own interest, however. The question is," Senate be involved in telling faculty whether to be involved in developing implementation of the new tenure policy when we might be compromising the of an individual faculty member?" zommittee. He lould the p rocedures for agal rights President Davis asked for a vote by a show of hands. The results wer Favor - 37 Oppose - 1 Abstain - 5 The motion carried. B. Executive Committee Report - Davis 1. Thirteen Faculty Governance Organizations have passed resolutio support for the Texas Tech Faculty vote against the new tenure Copies of these resolutions were sent to President Cavazos and Board of Regents. 2. On January 14, 1985 at 3:00 p.m. the Faculty Senate Officers wi President L uroF. Cavazos. of plicy. D the 3 1 meet with 3. An ad hoc dommittee has been appointed by the TTU Board of Rege ts to hear concerns, Eiscuss issues, and exchange ideas regarding campus m tters of The particular interest to the faculty, students and administration committee is composed of Regents Larry Johnson, Jerry Ford, Rex uller and te committee. President Lauro F. Cavazos. Johnson will serve as chairman of The objective of the committee is to work with respresenta Faculty Senate, the Horn Professors, Academic Deans, and other development of better communications and an atmosphere of more within the University Community. ives of the roups for the Poperation 4. Owens gave an update on faculty response to the Special Edition pf Insight. As a member of the Advisory Group for Insight, Owens asked if the Faculty Senate could make a response to the statement by of Regents on October 18, 1984. Bea said that she would take t under consideration. In a verbal communique the Faculty Senate they would give Bea a response to publish before the Christmas On December 7, 1984, Bea Zeeck wrote a letter to Mary Owens say to publish anything now would be history, not news. Bea Zeeck asked for a committee from the Faculty Senate to on future news matters from the Faculty Senate. Sullivan said of the duties that should be assigned to the newly formed ad ho and Community Relations Committee. Davis agreed and stated tha will be assigned to meet with Bea Zeeck. 3ea Zeeck the Board is request said that plidays. ng that et with her is one Campus this committee lie Page 3. Minutes, Faculty Senat e Meeting #65 December 12, 1984 Owens' update on facurty response to the Special Edition of Insight contin Shine raised the question as to whether the Senate voted a the November meeting to have a synopsis of a rebuttal to the Board's stateme : published in Insight . Davis said "yes", but Bea Zeeck said that such a r uttal now would be h istory. Shine asked,"W hat is the function of Insight? Davis said that accor ing to words on the cover of Insight, it is supposed :o be a unication between faculty, students and the admini ration. means of c C. Election Rest.lts - Tenure Advisory Committee Faculty members elected to serve on the TENURE ADVISORY COMMITI :E are: James Brirk, College of Arts & Sciences Judith Fischer, College of Home Economics Wayne ForC, College of Arts & Sciences William Pcrtnoy, College of Engineering Elizabeth Sasser, College of Engineering III. FACULTY SENATE z. d. hoc COMMITTEE REPORTS Davis announced that two new ad hoc committees have been formed with as follows: mbership FACULTY SEN1TE ad hoc CAMPUS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Jacquelin Collins, Chair *Robert Baker *Gary Elbow *Judith Fischer Willian Sparkman Jerry Etockton Ashton Thornhill FACULTY SEN TE ad hoc UNIVERSITY STATUS & PROGRESS COMMITTEE Murray *Louise *Neale Donald Elizab Ernest Henry Havens Luchsinger earson Rude th Sasser Sullivan right *not a memb r of the Faculty Senate Collins, chair, Committee. They have a consensus of the co the faculty viewpoint The committee will be better public informa ave a brief report for the ad hoc Campus and Communi had one meeting. At this meeting Collins mentioned ittee for their primary goal to be one in which the and concerns in a more accurate light to the commun working to distribute better information across cam ion off campus. y Relations hat it was present • ty at large. s as well as • Rage 4. Faculty Senate Meetin #65 December 12, 1984 IV. TABLED MOTION - YER-OAKES The motion by Ma page 7 of the Novembe Privilege Committee t for implementation of of Regents was remov r-Oakes that was tabled at the November meeting (se4, item VII, minutes) concerning the need for the Faculty Senate!Tenure and evaluate procedures established by the TTU administtation he tenure policy approved September 28, 1984, by thci TTU Board from the tabled status. Adamcik asked if said "no". On the Ow about implementation. to be developed and i statement. e get involved, will we prejudice individual rights 1 Eissinger s' motion (see item II, A of these minutes) we were :alking Her* we are talking about evaluation procedures whi6 are going lemented by the administration. Newcomb affirmed Ei.ssinger's The motion passe without absent ion. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Jacquelin Co ins asked why the calendar for final examinations 114.1 been changed on s ch short notice without consulting the faculty? Why'las the taken such a matter into their hands without consictaration administrati to all ramif cations? Why do communiques on such matters not coma in clear aans? at we do not have to ask our deans what the letter language so Strauss adde that he had discussed this matter with Kay Dowdy anI she said that ne t year classes will be terminated one day earlier an the final exam s edule will be moved up one day. Davis said t t Collins' question will be referred to a committee; Rude mention and no real ! that many students are complaining about no real dead week ad day. B. Newcomb rais to consider corrections In his opini the question about timing of grade reports. He as ad the Senate e action taken by the University that late grades b4 handled as grade reports by the administration, as is being ane this year. this would be a good policy for future years. Davis said t t Newcomb's concerns will be assigned to a commiteeLfor study. Shine said t business. D t he hoped Darling listened to these discussions und4,-: new ling said, "We will do our best." C. Higdon menti ed that one of the objectives of the new tenure polj2y was to build a mech ism to hire good young faculty. This goal is not c4ming to fruition. H' don stated further: 1) Las year the English Department advertised one position and received plications. This year they advertised five positio --3 and 81 ived 80 applications. rec 2) Ano er university (outside of Texas) advertised a faculty position and received 440 applications. Our University advertised a similar pos tion and received 28 applications. The meeting adjo rned at 4:20 p.m. ' J 4 ,AV 41, Henry A; Wright, Se r tary Faculty Senate 12/13/84