MINUTES - The Faculty Senat • met on Wed Room of the Universit Center with present were Adamcik, youb, Bloom K. Davis, Dixon, Dvor ek, Gettel, erhelman, 0 Lee, Mehta, Newcomb, Strauss, Sullivan, Te e, Thornhil ',Alright. Senators And son, Blair, Wicker were absent be use of Univ to illness and Senato Cravens was Senators Freeman and cKown were a Vernon McGuire, Parliamentarian. Guests included of academic affairs a and administration; P University Daily; Pau David Barnett and Jim President Davis guests. . CONSIDERATION OF ACULTY SENATE MEETING #66 esday, January 16, 1985, at 3:30 p.m. i the Senate Evelyn Davis, President, presiding. Se tors airy, r, Burnett, Carlile, Collins, Coulter, Khan, Gipson, Goss, Gott, Havens, Higdon, Keh ens, Rude, Sasser, Shine, Sparkman, Ste e, , Vallabhan, Whitsitt, Williams, Wilson and Eissinger, Richardson, Stockton, Welton and rsity business. Senator Ford was absen due absent because of illness in his family sent. ssociate Pro fessor, Speech Communications, served as arling and C. Len Ainsworth, from the o fice r. Eugene E. Payne from the office of f nance e, University News and Publications; Rick Avalanche Journal;Barbara Williams, Cha el 28; oble, Stud nt Senate, and Neale Pearson, Political cience. ailed the in eting to order at 3:35 p.m. and recogniz HE MINUTES Davis asked for orrections minutes approved as d stributed. F THE DECEMBER 12, 1984 MEETING o the minutes, hearing none, she declare the II. REPORT ON FINANC AL EXIGENCY PLAN BY DR. DARLING Plan was drafted via Dr. Darling on 3/ Faculty Senate to wor that would eventually general faculty for a Regents would make fi by 6/1/85. ure & Privilege Committee and sent to Dr Cavazos arling mentioned that the President want the rling and Dr. Campbell to come up with a policy ademic Council. Then the policy would g to the referendum vote. The President and the oard of A FinancialExigency Policy needs to be n place Several responses has waited for a full Jacquelin Collins, sa Financial Exigency Po spend a lot of time o was to redo the tenur Financial Exigency P1 President Evelyn Davi Exigency Plan. e senators. Dr. Sullivan asked why the t an Exigency Policy. Dr. Darling did n ould have some assurance that our effort taken in good faith by the President bef 3 Dr. Collins said that the first order n Newcomb supported Collins by saying th ked up by the tenure policy. Dr. Sasser azos for a response to the proposed Fina dministration t respond. on a re we f business t the asked that cial III. COMMITTEE REPORT A. Committee A The commit Faculty Se next meeti et, so they had no report. Higdon direc ed the t to be sure that this committee meets b fore our Page 2. Faculty Senate Minutes, January 16, 1985 Committee Reports continued B. Academic Programs Committee - Dixon No report C. ad hoc Committee on Campus and Community Relations - Collins Collins submitted a written report concerning his conversation with 3ee Zeeck on Insight She said that nbthing had been carried to her as of Jani.ary 10, 1985. Further, she sEid anything now would be history. Bee Zeeck suggested that I sight report on Faculty Senate activitie0 routinely. She was willing to change e deadlines for submitting material to nsight for publlication in order to accommodate the Faculty Senate meetin dates. A Faculty Senate response o the Board of Regents' statement on 0ct6: er 18, 1984, has been written. A copy f the statement is in Jacquelin Collins' hands and the Faculty Senate vot d without opposition for him to carry this to Bee Zeeck. Collins moved that Insight cover our Faculty Senate meetings. After some discussion the motion carr ed with 28 yes votes and 5 no votes. D. — ad hoc Committee on Univer Sullivan mentioned a vane recruiting of :faculty and of faculty and students, r universities in Texas. Th university admLnistration ity Status and Progress - Sullivan y of activities that this committee wouU look at -tudents at TTU with an emphasis on qualiiy, retention search funding, endowments and how we cotipare to other s information will serve as a data base for the nd Faculty Senate. E. Committee on Committees - ehta This committee submitted tltie following nominations: Nomination Committee for Faculty Senate Officers for 1985-86 Murray Coulter, Arts & Sciences; Kishor C. Mehta, College of Engineering and Evelyn Davis, Home Economics Faculty Seaate Tenure nd Privilege Committee Jacquelin Colli s, Arts & Sciences; James Graves, Agrici4Aure; Nina Ronshausen Education; Joe Adamcik, Arts & Sciences; and a fifth nominee is still considering the invitation. Acceptance of these nominees passed without opposition. F. Budget Study Committee - Mhta This committee has not met because there has not been an apparent red. Now, there appears to be need f r a meeting and to elect a chairperson. The committee is scheduled to meet on January 22, 1985. One item that the committee will look at is the change in faculty laries over the past 4 to 5 years rel tive to other universities. Page 3. Paculty Senate Minutes, January 16, 985 Committee reports continued E. Executive Committee - Davis nd Wright Davis mentioned that we had eceived letters of support from Tyler a • West Texas State concerning the t nure crisis at TTU. We now have letter from more than half et the state niversities in Texas. meeting with President Cavazos. On Ja Davis gave an overview of t 1985, Davis saie that she t ught it a positive sign that we had a m scheduled with Ir. Cavazos. She also thought it a positive sign thai willing to disctss the fina cial exigency problem with the Faculty S However, she saw very littl change in his attitude toward the facul ary 14, ting he was ate. . Davis compared the discussi n last summer (July 16, 1984) on tenure th the exchanges at thL last meeti g on the Financial Exigency policy. Dur g the summer meeting, Davis stres ed the importance of faculty ratificatio of any tenure policy pTior to Boar of Regents approval. When she told him 97 percent of the faculty surv z yed had indicated the need for faculty r tification of a policy, Dr Cavazos re ponded by saying the question should not ave been on the questionnaire. At t e last meeting he agreed to a non-bindi vote by the faculty on a financial xigency policy. Wright reported on the general content of the meeting with Dr. Cavaz Substantive comments were as follows: 1. Dr. Cavazos addressed the Financial Exigency Plan in the pre ence of Dr. Darling. He said, "We are going to have to spell it out. I would like you (the Faculty Senate) to work with Dr. Darling and Dr. C pbell to come up with a policy that would eventaully go to the Academi Council, then to the general faculty for a non-binding referendum, then t the President End Board of Regents." He stressed that this work nee s to be completed ly June. 2. The President expressed a deep concern to advance TTU in th face of forthcoming budget cuts. 3. PresidEnt Cavazos discussed his proposal for a "University istem at TTU" that would be presented to the Board of Regents and ult ately sent to the Texas Legislature for approval. 4. In response to a question on how to retain our best graduat faculty, Dr. Cavazos stressed the importance of improving TTU's building and purchasing new equipment for laboratories. Monies from Proposit on II will help to meet these objectives. 5. At the end of our meeting, he asked for our advice on reorg nization and said, "Let s begin anew." 6. The Faculty Senate officers will meet with Dr. Cavazos agai 10:30 a.m. on January 31. IV. FINANCIAL STATE 0 7 THE UNIVERSITY - PAYNE A. "I am more discouraged about the outlook for universities than eve before. The legislature passed a large tax bill last summer for public school, high ays and he prisons. Most of those legislatures who voted on that bill are not back, interpretation by the legislature is that the people of Texas do not want a tax inccrease. This year's legislature is dominated by Republicans, and they a e very conservative." Page 4. Faculty Senate Minutes, January 16, 1985 Financial State of the University b Dr. Payne continued ow what is happening. We are being ask B. "Our communities need to a 27% cut from our 1984-85 bud et, not the budget that we proposed." reasonable way -Chet we can abs rb a 27% cut. We will have fewer class larger classes, library acqui itions cut, deteriorated buildings, and to take ere is no C. There is a 1.0 billion shc rtfall for this coming bienniem and that raised to 1.2 or L.3 billion t his spring. ay be ections, and on. D. Our problem ir funding fo higher education is a long-term problemt We other need a larger tax base if we ant to have a stron university compared additional raised from 4 1/8 to 5%, it would rais states. If our sEles tax wer front of a State leadership is not about to get i 1.7 billion dollars each year. sentatives will have to plead with legislative repr tax bill. The gereral public to raise our taxes before they will consider the idea. E. Our"friends" Eay, "Don't v, orry, we are going to take care of you." they mean is that we will redu ce your cut to 10%. But what F. Without a strcng universit y system in Texas, untold billions of t will be lost becaLse fewer ind ustires will want to come to Texas. Inte trends in industry are tied tc quality of higher education. revenue ational G. Tuition would need to incr ease tenfold the present fee to cover th shortfall in higher education. This is not possible in the near future. Moreov r, it is not politically practical to t hink of eliminating any universities. The meeting adjourned at 5:14 p.m. Henry A. Wright, Faculty Senate re:ary