Minutes, Faulty Senate Meeting #5 April 18, 1984

Minutes, Faulty Senate Meeting #5
April 18, 1984
The Faculty Senate met on We
University Center with William J.
were Adamcik, Anderson, Berlin, B
Eissinger, Elbow, R. Treeman, Gos
Maynard, Mehta, Oberhelman, Pears
Strauss, Sullivan, Teske, Twyman,
absent because of University busi
Burkhardt, Chonko, B.Treeman, Hic
also absent.
nesday, April 18, 1984, in the Senate Rocm of the
Mayer-Oakes, President, presiding. Sena:ors present
oomer, Burnett, Coulter, Cummings, Davis, Dvoracek,
, Gott, Graves, Havens, Khan, McKown, Mc‘ay, McLaughlin,
n, Richardson, Sasser, Shine, Sosebee, SFarkman,
Wright, Wunder and Zyla. Senators Dixon and Urban were
ess. Senator Gettel was ill. Senators Ayoub, Bubany,
erson, Hudson, Vallabhan, Welton and Williams were
Guests included Virginia M. owell, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs;
John Murray, Parliamentarian; Pre ton Lewis, University News and Publicaticns; Pat
Graves, Avalanche Journal; and La ra Tetreault, University Daily.
At its April 18, 1984 ! meeting th
Faculty Senate:
1. heard reports fro,' the follow ng Standing Committees:
Committee "A"
Committee "B"
Committee "C"
Committee "D"
Budget Study
Faculty Status Welfare
2. heard a report on the activities of the General Education Committee,
3. heard a report on the meeting with the Southern Association Commission
4. and an inquiry from a senator on the behalf of a constituent concernin
tenure and/or pronotion.
Mayer-Oakes called the meeti g to order at 3:35 p.m. and recognized g ests.
The minutes were corrected ti reflect Senator Dixon's absence as bein; due
to illness, otherwise they were a proved as circulated.
Faculty Status aid Welfare C mmittee Report - Efficient Use of TTU Re ources
Senator Twyman read the char
fiscal and other, available
efficiently to advance its m
facts, and what is the facul
Twyman referred ienators and
Institutional Self-Study (especia
and concluded that th?. answer to
to the gecondquestion in the comm
Twyman said. Twyman :oncluded by
Institutional Self-Stady report.
e to this committee - "Are the resources , both
o the University used in such a manner a s most
ssion in teaching and research? What ar e the
y's perception of the facts?"
other interested persons to the recently published
ly pages 126-173), chapter on financial resources,
he first question is "No." Information pertaining
ttee charge can also be found in the Self-Study
saying that his committee could not add to the
Faculty Senate Meeting #59
April 18, 1984
Page 2.
Standing Committee reports continu
Committee A - Issue of admin strative accountability
Senator McKown said that thi
report which stated:
committee had nothing further to add to the original
"Yes", study is possible and we consider evaluation the base of estab lishing
accountability. We would li e to recommend that administrators (pres ident,
vice presidents and deans) b evaluated. We further recommend that a pilot
survey be tested this year.
Committee B - the feasibilit
of an in-depth study on the issue of ev luation of
Senator Davis reported that ommittee B recommends implementation of
objectives by a Faculty Senate St dy Committee:
he following
identify the current sta us of faculty evaluation of chairpersons and deans.
(This action will up-dat the previous studies.)
2. justify the need for fac lty evaluation of administrators includi g purpose
and function statements.
3. determine faculty intere t in the process and feedback of faculty evaluation
of vice-presdents and t e president.
4. develop a workable syst m for faculty evaluation of administrato S.
5. provide the opportunity or administrative input and cooperation
development of the syste of evaluation.
n the
6. develop policy and proce ure recommendations as part of the syste
Before forwarding to the Pre ident the final report should be submitte d to the
Senate for approval by Decem er , 1984.
After some discussion of Co ittee B's recommendation, Twyman moved t at Committee
B be charged with the implementat'on of the six objectives. Twyman's moti n passed
with one objection.
Senator Sullivan observed th t the above action required of Committee B would
eliminate the need of Committee A s pilot study. McKown, Chair, Committee
Committee C - Tenure Track C ncepts
The chair of Comnittee C was not present, Adamick read the following
the committee.
eport for
It is feasible to study:
1) procedures that universit es use to deal with high percentages of
2) what constitutes a reason ble percentage of tenured faculty within departments,
colleges and universities
3) policies and procedures t at help insure the recruitment and reten ion of
quality faculty.
Faculty Senate MeetinE #59
April 18, 1984
Page 3.
Standing Committee reyorts contin ed Committee C
Twyman observed that most of he committee reports were drafted by the various
committees before the publication f the Institutional Self-Study and that all these
matters (the 3 points of study cit d by Committee C) are addressed in the elf-study.
Several Senators disagreed wi h Twyman that items 1 and 2 of Committee C's report
were addressed in the self-study. Shine observed that items 1 and 2 are very important
matters to TTU faculty and that th se matters should not be allowed to "just disappear."
Sasser voiced objection to th present study committee structure, say ag that
some persons (as the aommittees ar now structured) may be on committees that they are
not interested in and therefore de ote little time and effort to the study p f the
issues with which that committee i involved. Shine suggested senators coLiLd volunteer
for committee service in their are of interest.
Elbow moved that items 1 and
of Committee C's report be referred to :he University
Tenure and Privilege C pmmittee by he President of the Faculty Senate for tion this
year. The motion passed unanimous y.
Faculty Status &
4elfare Committee
Twyman, chair, said that in r gard to the statement from the Texas Ter* Chapter'
of the AAUP re: renewable term co tracts and non-tenure tract appointment 6 the Committee
recommends the followilg resolutio
The Faculty Senate is cog
tenure policy for renewab
Sciences Centar. The Sen
of the University that it
oppose any move to make s
track appointments in the
izant of the new provision in the
e-term contracts in the Health
te hereby advises the President
opposes and will continue to
ch appointments in place of tenureUniversity proper,
and he further moved the Senate en orse the resolution. After discussion, Nymah's
resolution passed.
Twyman continued >y stating t
urges the Faculty Sena7e refer the
tenure policy to specify faculty a
is designated to hear preliminary
he made that statement into the fo
the Tenure and Privilege Committee
e the Faculty Status and Welfare Committee further
matter of initiating the amendment of the existing
pointment or election of the faculty comMittee that
ppeals to the Tenure and Privilege Committee and
m of a motion. Twyman's motion to refer the Matter to
passed unanimously.
Committee D
Berlin, chair, suggested that Committee D's report be considered in tw) parts, the
first part being regiszration. He read the following report:
The committee members uniformly felt that the impact of registrat Ion or the
three primary use=s, namely, students, faculty, and administration, wa an item
that should receive an "in-depth" study. Topics discussed for possibl inclusion
in a study were: the merits(s) of scheduling courses by computer with and without
regard for student convenience, the validty ofthe add/drop process, th a length of
the add/drop period, whether or not all students need to be advised ecrry semester,
the time spent by students in the registration process, the time spent by faculty
Faculty Senate Meeting #59
April 18, 1984
Page 4.
Standing Committee rep • rts continu d Committee D
in the advisement
cost effective
was felt that th
committees and t
process, wh ther or not our registration process is iser4riendly,
roviding ap ropriate information to the administrat' )n, etc. It
,7 other campus
registratio process was very likely being studied
t this stud should be performed by a group compose of all users.
Berlin concluded his portion
Vice President be ask
to charge
(hopefully composed o students, f
registration process
d to provid
Berlin's motion passe . He then c
following motion:
of Committee D's report by moving "that he Academic
he Campus Admissions and Registration C mmittee
culty, and staff) with the task of stud ing the
the Faculty Senate a report by Novembe 15, l984."
ntinued Committee D's report on classro ns by the
We recommen • that a Facu ty Senate standing committee be charged
evaluating the q lity of cla srooms across campus. The committee sh
the space availa e in terms • f both quantity and quality, identify p
and, when possib , recommend remedial solutions, formulate classroom
etc. The commit ee should ha e the option of appointing "expert" mem
their evaluation
ald c nsider
Dblem areas,
stand rds,
ars tb aid
III. REPORT ON THE G DI ERAL EDUCAT ON COMMITTEE - Assistant Vice President for Academic
Affairs, Virginia Sow 11, reported that this committee has been constitute • by Vice
President Darling to 'dress the i sue of whether or not we should have ce tamn 13asic
core curriculum requi ements for t e University in that TTU graduates woul have had
exposure to certain a eas. Deans • f the various undergraduate colleges we e asked
to appoint people to
e committee and Sowell will chair the committee. T
is charged with makin recommendat ions concerning general education in term of the purpose
of what students shou d have as a art of general education as graduates o TTU and how to
11 gp to the
achieve this purpose. This commit tee will develop recommendations which
academic colleges for review by t e faculty in those colleges (probably du ng departmental
meetings). Those rec
endations ill then go back to the General Educati
and to the faculty ag in if necess ry. Finally, recommendations will be m ade to Vice
President Darling, Pr sident Cavaz s and the Board of Regents. Sowell sai that input
from the faculty is w lcome, even at this primary stage. So far the areas addrdssed
the need t o handle the English language with preci ion; the need
by this committee are
for thinking skills a d the abilit y to integrate and communicate horizonta ly ad well as
vertically; the need o develop c riosity so that the student will continu his education
on his own; the need or computat' onal skills; the need for awareness of t e fire arts
and contributions to arious civi izations; the need for knowledge of the ature of
science; the need for the underst. nding of the systems of technology for t e future and
the need to develop a sense of th: history of civilization. Basically the question is,
do we have courses th t are not j st basic courses for majors in that fiel but could
be incorporated into he general ducation requirements. How flexible sho ld the
requirements be and s forth? So ell concluded by saying that the committ e hopes to
have something in wri ing for fac lty to critique next Fall.
Elbow referred t
and stated that this
recommend a workable
policies of other un
two reports done by F
that the present syst
this commi
ommittee wa
niversity m
versities a
culty Senat
m under whi
tee's report circulated with the agenda f the meeting
asked to look into a recommendation to seve1Qp and
rit system. Comparisons were made with n.erit salary
d procedures used here and the committee reviewed
committees in 1979 and 1980. The committee concluded
h Tech operates is "about as good as any other system
MinAtes, Faculty Sena e Meeting # 9
April 18, 1984
Page 5.
Report of the Budget • tudy Committee continued
that one might come u with." However, since there is Some unhappiness in certain
areas the committee r commends that the Faculty Status & Welfare Committee orone
of the Faculty Senate Study Committees be charged with investigating the c*iteria
that are used to detei me merit salary distributions among colleges and adninistrators
and making such reco endations as may be appropriate.
Davis reported o the meeting
University of Alabama. The major
and promotion she said. The commu
was also discussed. F r the most
discussed on the floor of the Sena
with Dr. John Lyons, site visitor, from he
art of the time was spent in discussing :enure
ication problem between faculty and administr4tion
art, topics discussed were those that hare been
e for the past two or three years.
McLaughlin raise an inquiry
rned back f
review of candidates
Academic Vice Preside
to mean
statementment made ea
promotion had his app
the academic affairs
decision was made, in hich the ca
reversing the decisio to deny ten
Laughlin sp
constituent of which
The meeting was
journed at
Murray Co lter, Secret ry
n behalf of a constituent concerning a ime for
E the
r tenure and/or promotion at the level
. Darling's
McLaughlin stated tht he interpretated
that in the future if a candidate for t lure and/or
ved at all levels and subsequently disa yroved at
uld be in the future a time, before the Einal
didate could replead his/her case in hop as of
re and/or promotion. In the case of the
ke this was not done.
:10 p.m.