Texas Tech University The Faculty Sulam October 9, 1981 TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Benjaw_n H. Newcomt, President SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting #35, October 14, 1981 The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, October 14, 1981, at 3:30 p.m. in -.he Senate Room of the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Minutes ck. the September 9, 1981 meeting (as previously distributed). II. Discussion of health insurance rates with representatives of Faculty Benefits and Retirement Committee (see attachment). III. IV. V. VI. VII. Annual Report (as previously distributed). Report the Committee on Committees (see attachment). Report of standing committees--possible interim reports from Study Committees A and C, and from the Budget Study Committee. Resolution on summer school scheduling and budgeting- Roland Smith. Interpretation by the Senate on eligibility of administrators (see a7tachment). VIII. Report on discussicns on proposed Energy Use and Conservation Commi7tee. IX. Report on the meetins, October 2-3, of the Council of University Governance Organizations. X. Discussion of the problem of disorderly conduct at football gates Panze Kimmel. XI. Other Bu;iness and Announcements. A. DLaposition of Senate recommendations. _. The fall commencement recommendations have been sent to the Pr esident. Lubbock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 0 her Business and Annoincements co tinued 2. The following reco endations are under consideration by the Academic Affai s office: Azademic Free om Committee, Financial Exigency plan, ad Pass/Fail restrictions. 3. The Academic Affai s Information System Committee is not yet implemented. B. Other actions of Univer ity Officers and Committees: 1. Dr. Ainsworth info ms that the Tenure Policy Review Commit-,ee has repo ted and the report is being considered. 2. In AcaLemic Counci Minutes, 8/25/81, "Dr. Darling indicate that he would reco end to the President that we set up visitations for Bo rd Members on afternoons after the Board meets E0 that they ould have an opportunity to visit in th indivicual college and schools." 3. In Acaemic Counci residerce halls re and it was asked t departuental offic 4. The Litrary Committ including matters r to have carried out made irportant reco of the report is in the former Tenure a with the Senate. Minutes, 8/25/81, "Information from rding meals for faculty was distributed t the material be made available in It e has reported fully on its 1980-81 work • commended to it by the Senate. It appea 7S the Senate request of April 9, 1980, and mendations to the administration. A cop-7 the Senate office. Only this committee and d Privilege Committee have filed reports 5.. The Tenure and Priv 'lege Committee is organized and currentl considering the Min 'mum Standards for Promotion and Tenure developed by the Ac demic Affairs office and recently circulated. Dr. Darli g by letter of October 9, 1981, has invi ted the Senate to parti ipate in this consideration also. 6. Appointuents to Uni made strictly and c This inzludes the B Warm-Bl poded Animal the Protection of H announced yet. ersity Committees for 1981-1982 have bee mpletely in accord with Senate nominatio LS. osafety, Radiation and Laser Safety, and Research Committees. The membership of man Subjects Committee has not been 7. Vice President of S udent Affairs Ewalt, on request, is providiag the Senat office with comparative data regarding SAT scores and ACT cores, which is the same material reques ed by the regents at r cent meetings. This material will be published in Insigh P ge 3. C. Miscellane 1. The ac demic secur ty and discipline issue discussed last meeti has been a signed to Study Committee A and to the Campus Security an Emergency Committee. 2. The Ac demic Leade a pane on faculty 1:30-3 30 p.m. in will b Dr. Darlin Prof es or Roberts, and ar asked to n attend ship Development Program is presenting performance appraisal on Thursday, OctobE r 22, he University Center Ballroom. Speakers ; Dean Curl, Agricultural Sciences; and Biology chairperson. Senators are welcoii e, tify Ms. Olson at 2-3884 if they plan to 3. Condol nces have b en extended to the families of Professor Fallon and Hubbard 4. By let er of Septe ber 28, the United Mexican American Stud Ms2 v gorously pr tested the Senate's recently recommended pass/f il restrict ons. ATTACHMENTS Agenda item II. Th following questions were posed Be efits and Retirement Committee, by the Agenda Committee later. letter to the representatives of the cept for the last, which was suggested 1) What specific equirements rovided by state law for companies that may submi bids may se erely limit the number of bidders? 2) What changes specificati ns, perhaps providing a less comprehensive health plan, might e made in the future? 3) What about the possibility organization? 4) Why according Austin and the the TT plan? report do ther health plans, such as that at UT exas Agricu tural Extension Service, cost less than 5) Why are there to Medical Sch cording to eport more medical benefits available 1 personnel than to university personnel? 6) Why was Lubboc insurance from it was discove General Hos ital able to get a lower bid for staff company ot er than Blue Cross after reportedly d that Blue Cross made mistakes in its bid? f establishing a health maintenance ts P ge 4. A tachments continued.- Agenda item IV. The Comnittee on Committe s recommends the following peron g" to fill vacancies on the Sta ding Study Committees of the Faculty Sen te. GRADUATE PROGRAMS *Valerie Chamberlain, Htee Economics Jerry D. Barlin, Arts & Sciences FACULTY STATU3 & WELFARE Jim Graves, Agriculture *Steve Beck, Chemical Eitgineering BUDGET STUDY COMMITTEE *Gary Elbow Arts & Sciences *Sue Gately Business Acministration UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Dorothy FiLgo, College of Education Lowell Blal.sdell, Arts & Sciences *Non-sentors Committee on Committees recommends the following persons to fill vacancies on Lniversity Co mmittees and Council MINORITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Jacquelin Reinier, Hist Dry (member) Frank Gonzales, College of Education (alternate) Agenda item VII. The Constitutim provides Section 5, that "administr administrative positions s time to time arisen as to administrator nay serve an such an admini3trator shou administrators are clearly such administrative appoin Senate. There is no such Agenda Committee thus beli matter further and perhaps nder Article III, Nominations and Electi ns, tors serving one-half time or more in all not be eligible." The question has rom hether this provision means either 1) no such any person already on the Senate who be omes d resign from the Senate; or 2) that while not eligible for election, a senator may accept ment subsequent to election and continue in the dministrator presently on the Senate; th ved that now is a good time to explore t e settle it.