mutes acuity Senate eeting #35 ctober 14, 1981 The Faculty Senate met on Wed R om of the University Center with p esent were Anderson, Bacon, Barte C chran, Conover, Cummings, Denham, H rridge, Keho, Kimmel, Kunhardt, P-arson, Rude, Schoen, Smith, Sowel Z la. Senators Biggers, Filgo, and S nators Chonko and Maynard were ab sday, October 14, 1981, at 3:30 p.m. in enjamin H. Newcomb, President, presidin 1, Berlin, Blaisdell, Burkhardt, Cepica, Freeman, Gilbert, Graves, Harris, Hicker lIoy, Masten, Mogan, Moreland, Nelson, , Stewart, Tan, Urban, Volz, Williams, Gipson were absent because of university ent. - Guests included Jchn R. Darli g, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Director, Affirmative kction; Wend 11 Tucker, Director, Personnel; Willie U C airperson, Retirement and Benefi s Committee; Ernest Sullivan, Parliament P eston Lewis, University News and ublications; Kippie Hopper, University G aves, Avalanche Jourral; and representatives from the television media. he Senate Senators Clements, on, Hill, ens, lson and business. ho T. Lianas, ch, Past'an; ily; Pat Y OF BUSINESS CONDUCTED A its October 14, 1981 meeting, th Senate: 1. heard a discuEsion of heal h insurance rates and information prese by the Benefits and Reti ement Committee; 2. approved the 1980-1981 Ann al Repokt of the Faculty Senate; 3. approved a slate of nomine s for appointment to Faculty Senate Sta committees and tecommend d faculty for appointment to University and Committees; ing ouncils 4. heard a report from the Bu get Study Committee, a standing committ Faculty Senate; of the 5. discussed summer school sc eduling and budgeting; 6. clarified the interpretati n of the Senate's Constitution on nomin and elections; 7. discussed the Bstablishmen of a committee on energy use and conser ation; 8. heard a very brief report rom the Senate President on the meeting Council of Uaiversity Go ernance Organizations; 9. discussed disorderly condu t at football games and the policy on ke ping the concourse clear; ions f the 10. voted to table a resolutio commenting on the search for the new Vi President of the Health ciences within the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; 11. referred the matter of a m re suitable meeting room for the Faculty Senate to the Faculty Status an Welfare Committee; Minutes F culty Senate M eting #35 0 tober 14, 198l P ge 2. 12. discussed the jurisdiction of the Faculty Senate and by what authority it has this jurisdiction; 13. heard an updaie on the activities of the Tenure and Privilege Comm:ttee; 14. heard a brief report on tYe pass/fail debate at the University Center. Newcomb called tha meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. and welcomed the guests. I. MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 9,98l MEETING Wilson moved approval of the minutes as distributed. The motion passed. DISCUSSION OF HEALTH INSURANCE RATES Lewis Hill, Chairperson of the Benefits and Retirement Committee and a lumber of the Faculty Senate, rasponded to a number of ciliestions which were previously directed to the committee and caned attention to the handout of information prepared 'Ey Wendell Tucker, Director of Personne:. Hill briefly explained the working of the health insurance system ind the history behind the development of the current premium rate. He stated that some information indicates the Texas Tech faculty may wish to go to a "catastrophic-type" plan or a straight m4jor medical type plan. Hill is appointing a sub-committee to explo:e faculty wLshes on this matter. Professor John Craig, Electrical Engineering, gill chair the committee. Mr. Tudker explainei some of the detailed figures on the handout and dis:ussion followed. Anderson ques:ioned the reason behind the increase in premiums frau. 1979/1980 to 1980/1981. Among the reasons given were increase in number and amounts of claims, as well as the changeove: in claims processing by Blue Cross. Nelson and Bacon we:e not in favor of a reduction in benefits. They alsc questioned Hi 1 about the "high option" plan the committee had considered in the past ark were told th t because of the cost such a plan seems tO be not desirable. Hill noted that Te:h prefers "custom coverage" that is designed especizlly for Te as Tech. Many insura-Ice carriers are hesitant to bid on this type of cove:age, and fe companies bid when Tach's insurance was up for bids. po po in on The pros and cons of HMOs were discussed briefly. When questioned about the sibility of another rtte increase next year, Tucker replied that it is quite sible. Tucker said nat Tech compares "reasonably well" with other state agencies present benefits and 'lealth insurance rates. Decreases in rates will come about y as a result of a delrease in claims or in benefits, Tucker concluded. At the conclusion of the discussion Newcomb thanked the members of the cemmittee an suggested that the sib-committee might want to poll the faculty for input into the ty e of health insurance desired. II . ANNUAL REPORT OF TIE FACULTY SENATE (1980-1981) Wilson moved approvIl of the report as circulated. The motion passed. Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #35 October 14, 1981 Page 3. IV. REPORT FROM THE CCMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES - Malloy Malloy referred tc the slate of nominees for appointment to University 3ommittees and Councils and to StEnding Committees of the Faculty Senate and moved the ;enate approve the slate and forward the recommendations for University Committees nd Councils to the appropriate administrative officer. The Senate voted approval of the following nominees: MINORITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (University Committee) Jacquelin Deinier, Hist3ry (member) Frank Gonzales, College of Education (alternate) Standing Study Committees of the Faculty Senate GRADUATE PROGRAMS Valerie Chamberlain, Home 'Economics Jerry D. Berlin, Arts and Sciences FACULTY STATUS & WELFARE Jim Graves, Ag:iculture Steve Beck, Chemical Engineering BUDGET STUDY CDMMITTEE Gary Elbow, Ar:s and Sciences Sue Gately, Bu3iness Admimstration UNDERGRADUATE ?ROGRAMS Dorothy Filgo, Education Lowell Blaisdell., Arts and Sciences REPORT OF STANDING 30MMITTEES OF THE FACULTY SENATE BUDGET STUDY COMMICTEE - Wilson Wilson reported thit this commLttee has met once and is presently waitir g on FTE count from the administration before scheduling another meeting. Committees A and B had no report. VI. SUMMER SCHOOL SCHEDULING AND BUDGETING Smith initiated the discussion of summer school scheduling and budgeting information that early Ln October departments were asked to submit a summer schedule, and the complaint was made that summer school schedules depend upor school budget amounts lelich will not be known until December. Another compla to Smith was the fact net freshman orientation and summer school teaching fc members conflict. Lack of coordination between the offices of Academic Affal Affairs, and Student Affairs was cited as being one of the major problems. with the chool summer int according r some faculty rs, Financial Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #35 October 14, 1981 Page 4. VI. Summer School Scheduling and Eudgeting continued Vice-President foi Academic Affairs, John Darling, responded by explai in the past departments were allocated so many dollars for summer school an department scheduled mound that certain amount of money. Darling said the is changing from a "bucget driven' summer schedule to one determined by aca Departments have been consulted to determine what to teach and who is to te courses. Handled inaprropriate1y this could be a "wish list," but the admi is trying to deal with the matter in a creative manner. It was pointed out breakdown in communications is one of the problems in this manner of handli scheduling and budgetirg. Zyla questioned the amount of money each departm receive--whether the amount would be more or less than in the past. Darling that this would depend upon the department and what that department wants t administration hopes tc be responsive to what the departments want to teach the department being given a certain amount of money and that budgeted amou as a basis for scheduling courses. There was more discussion, both for and this type of scheduling and budgeting. ng that the niversity ic needs. h these stration hat a the t woula eplied, do. T1ie ather ihan being used gainst Darling reported taat an academic scheduling calendar has been develope distributed to department chairpersons. He also pointed out that next summe of record for budgeting purposes for the biennial budget and it is extremely that Tech schedules thekinds of courses that are high in demand by its stude enrollment can be maximized. Darling also said that the Junction Center wou differently than it has been in the past. Money will be allocated for the J Center rather than askilg departments to fund courses at Junction out of a b has already been assignK1 to that department. and is a year important ts so d be run nction dget that VII. INTERPRETATION BY THE SENATE ON ELIGIBILITY OF ADMINISTRATORS Newcomb introduced this agenda item by calling attention to the excerpt Constitution of the Fac-Ilty Senate which was circulated with the agenda of t From the Constitution, Article III, Nominations and Elections, Section 5, " serving one-half time 07 more in administrative positions shall not be eligi Newcomb continued by sa7ing that the question has arisen from time to time a this provision means 1) no such administrator may serve and any person alrea Senate who becomes such an administrator should resign from the Senate; or while administrators are clearly not eligible for election, a senator may ac administrative appointment subsequert to election and continue in the Senate there is no such administrator presently on the Senate, the Agenda Committee that now is a good time to settle tFe matter. Wilson moved that Senate. nterpretation number 2 become the official interpret Zyla moved to amenc Wilson's motion so that it reads: a senator may acc administrative appointme nt subsequent to election and continue in the Senate remainder of the year. Zyla's amendment failed by a vote of 10-21. Wilson's motion passed as originally stated. from the is meeting. dministrators le." to whether on the ) that pt such Since elieves ion of the t such Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #35 October 14, 1981 Page 5. VIII. REPORT ON DISCUSSIONS ON PRC POSED ENGERY USE AND CONSERVATION COMMIT Newcomb talked will' the Vice.+F resident for Finance and Administrations was instructed by the Eenate and wa s advised that that office would not fav establishment of such E. committee. Finance and Administration believes suc committee should be established und er the Academic Affairs office where it university committee ard not a join t university/med-school committee. This committee would have lEss broad dut ies than originally proposed by the Sena resolution. Newcomb hEs discussed this matter with Vice President Darling are still working on it. Newcomb a sked for discussion of this matter and/o It was the feeling of the Senate th at Newcomb should continue the discussio possibility of the establishment oB sucha committee with Vice-President Da IX. REPORT ON THE MEETING, OCTOBER 2-3, OF THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY GOVER ORGANIZATIONS- Nzwcomb Newcomb reported • this meeti-ag very briefly and told the Senate that planned to circulate a written report to all the members of the Senate short s he the a uld be a ype of d they suggestions. of the ing. CE y• . DISCUSSION OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT AT FOOTBALL GAMES - Kimmel Kimmel inquired abut the policy of keeping the concourse clear at the during football games. If there is such a policy, it should be enforced. reference was made to c)nduct displayed at the A & M game. Smith moved that matter be referred to tie Campus Security and Emergency Committee. The moti tad ium pecific this n passed. XI. OTHER BUSINESS A. Zyla read the _following re olution and moved its adoption. We welcome Cie idea that has decided 70 search fo within the Texas Tech Un important indication tha faculty there are capabl give it direction. This feel that we may make on in a different capacity. bilities and our determi to be more competitive b advancement on this camp our University President, Dr. Lauro Cava os, the new Vice President of the Health Sc ences versity Health Sciences Center. This is an our administration recognizes that anion our and men and women who can lead our universi who fact is of great importance for all of u iversity day a significant contribution to this Such a step will be sure to increase ou capaation to work still harder, to produce m e, and cause we know that there is a chance for eal s. Smith moved that the resolutio be tabled until such time as a copy of resolution is circulate( to the Sen tors for their consideration. The motio passed. B. Zyla read the Aollowing re to table olution and moved,itsedoption. Since "The FLculty Senat shall act on behalf of the faculty and serve as an advisory bod to the President of the University and consider all matters of niversity concern," I hereby move that i accorded quatters conson t with its status and responsibilities. all be The Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #35 October 14, 1981 Page 6. XI. Other Business con inued Senate Room for debate. addresses. exclusively priate and Faculty Sen seriously b it must hay the nature of the valu After a brief dis Faculty Status and Welf of the University Center, ironically, is not a chamb It is an auditorium suited for lectures and other p Its accoustics--other than from the platform to the -are very bad. Its size and seating arrangement are re an impediment to the free interchange of ideas. te is to take itself seriously, and if it is to be t the rest of the University community, including the assigned to it proper, fitting, and adequate quarte f its quarters cannot but be interpreted as an accur placed upon the Faculty Senate by the Administratio suited lic oor, nappro+the en dministration, • Indeed, e indeX ssion, Smiel moved that this matter be referred to t e Committee. Smith's motion passed. C. Kunhardt inqui ed about the jurisdiction of the Senate and the auth operates. Smit by way of explanation referred to the Constitution Senate and the fact that it was approved by the President at the time it was that it was approved by he Board of Regents, and finally the entire faculty university voted approve of the Constitution. rity by f the rawn up, f the D. Newcomb called particular Extention to agenda item B, number 5, whi h states the that the Tenure and Priv lege Committee is organized and currently considerin ffice and Minimum Standards for Pr motion and Tenure developed by the Academic Affairs recently circulated. E. Harris reporte on the pass/fail debate at the University Center. The meeting was ad ourned at 5:25 p.m. e. Clarke E. Cochran, Secretary Faculty Senate