THE ANNUAL REPORT During the 1980-81 °cadmic Year, the Faculty. Senate met in nine regular scheduled sessions (neet-n g s 25-33). In addition, a general faculty meeting called Febraary 3, 1981 lo consider e proposed revi sion in the TTU Tenure Pol SENATE VISITORS During the year, E. L. Short, Bill Dean, Arnold Gully, Robert Ewalt, and Lawrence Graves visited ihe Faculty Senate for the purposes of discussin g Par issues with the senators. At the November meeting, State Senator E. L. Shor lined several topics and responded tc questions and comments. Bill Dean, Exe Director of the Ex -Studerts Association, spoke at length about the Associatio activities and problems curing the December meeting. In January, Arnold pull briefly concerning the Academic Leadership Development Program and i t s goals. followingmonth, Robert rwalt reported the activities and recommendations of force developed to assess the current state of the information systems avails student/faculty academic information. At the May meeting, Dean Lawrence Gray on the activities of the Search Committee for the Academic Vice President. icular out utive spoke The e task le for s reported SENATE AD HOC COMMITTEES OF THE FACULTY The following ad hoc com p ittees were active during the 1980-81 year: A. Academic Freedom - At its February 14, 1979 meeting, the senate created a Academic Freedom Committee, charging it with studying "academic freedom and its applic tio st:nzing this campus. Special attention should be directed to developing a better und of the various activities that fall within the protection of the concept." I JanUarY, William Stewart, chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee circulated a report cont t'ning conclusions and recommen6ations concerning certain Standing committees, the G evance e March Panel in particular. Action on the report's resolution was postponed until meeting, and the Grievance Panel was invited to the February meeting. At tha the Ernest Fish, Chairperson of the Faculty Grievance Panel, updated the activiti its Panel, explaining its history, the nature of its membership and its charge. March meeting, the S ena t ( approved the resolution presented by the Academic F edom Committeeas amended. ThE resolution redefined and clarified the charge of th committee, its membership, and its cperating procedures. B. Compliance of TTU with Southwest Athletic Conference Rules - In September Conroy, representing the Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Compliance of texas University with Southwest Athletic Conference Rules, reported that the Commit reviewed relevant documerts and correspondence. He explained that the Univer not been in compliance with the provisions of Article .III of the Sql,ithwest At Conference Constitution (ince 1977. A resolution concerning the length of ap of faculty members to thE Athletic Council Was adopted. At the October Meeti Smith, President of the Iaculty 'Senate, reported that the Athletic Council ap again to have an active role in the policies of the athletic program. Conference with President Cavazos - At its March 11, 1981 meeting, the Se witb President Ca v azos to di complicated events leadirg to the resignation of the Tenure and Privilege 'C Committee reported in April that it had had the meeting and presented a three resolution for Senate action. The senate approved the resolution. C. te created an Ad Hoc Committee and Charged it with meeting ss the ttee. This oint D. Van Committee - In rcaponse to a the Ad Hoc Van Committee, establishe office had some of the recommendatio been purchased, three otLer ordered, of the current needs wer( being met. inquiry about action on the recommendat the previous year, Ainsworth reported t under consideration, that six new vehi nd several others leased. He indicated E. In April, the Ad Hoc Committee o Tiled a thirty-seven page report wit the report be circulated among those established charged with the respons management, interpretaticn, and uses Dometrius summarized the report, res report and its recommend(tions were theInStitutional Resource Allocation D Base the Senate Office. The Committee reco Jed that urrently using the MIS and that a comm ae be ilities of evaluating the collection, c lg, f the MIS data. At the May meeting, N 1 )n nded to questions, and moved its adopti The proved. 1111- OTHER COMMITTEES The following committees also report 4111 • of his i had a 1 t most to the Senate during 1980-81: A. Budget Study Committee - On Sept Committee to investigate the financi the senate registered it concern ov President of the necessity for the U purchase of books and otLer material announced that the Presicent and the and immediately thereafter transferr Committee reported in May that the 1 that the University Libr(ry and the ber 10, 1980, the Senate directed the B .t Study situation of the library. At the same ing, :he the financial crisis and voted to info versity to divert available funding int th During the November 12, 1980 meeting, cademic Vice President had met with the 1 3rarians $50,000 to the library. The Budget St arified rary had received additional funding an dical School Library were funded separa 1. _B. Committee on Committees - An. acti reported actions at the eptember, J involving slates of nomiLees for Uni standing body, the Committee on Commit uary, February, March, April, and May m ings rsity and Senate Committees. C. Faculty Status and Welfare Commi proposed revision of TTU Tenure Poll Welfare Committee for stLdy. The c Senate approval of the proposed revi consider and to act upon the revisio The proposed revison was approved at 1981 meeting, the commit:ee circulat report was postponed unt ...1 March at then until May, the Fin:axial Exige followed, were adopted May 13, 1981. ee - October 8, 1980, Roland Smith refe , Part IV, Section 8 to the Faculty Sta ittee reported November 12, 1980, rec on and calling for a voting faculty wee This meeting was scheduled for lebruar hat time by a vote of 64 to 42. At the a financial exigency report. Action ich time it was tabled until April. Pos y Regulations, establishing procedures D. Study Committee A - During the F committee's resolution cAlling for m inventories of publishes. ruary 11, 1981 meeting, the Senate appr ification in the IRS ruling which affec E. Study Committee B - ln February small monetary awards fo7 more spedi approved the "Disburseme-Its from Fac money be added to an exi3ting teachi the larv lecture ha , 1981, the Senate recommitted a report ic recommendations. On March 11, 1981, lty Development Fund" recommendations th g equipment fund for the improvement of is on campus." II 1 the and ing to , 1981. F ruary 11, is p ed o he u • i • the book cerning Senate "the ching a F. Study Committee C - )1r1 February 1, 1981, Study Committee C recommended t rs and departmental chairperson3 should be valuated with faculty input every three ng deans on a regular basis. It furthe recommended that a procedures for evalt_ he e resident in consultation with the Senat vice presidents be develDped by the recommendations were approved. 3. lip G. Tenure and Privilege Committee - the Tenure and Privilege Committee repor d on it policies and pr o cedures , spec ial concerns, and proposals at the 8 October 198 meeting focusing particularly on questions involving temporary faculty, the Ad Hoc Co ittee o Academic Freedom, and the Grievance Committee. At the 11 March 1981 meeting, the Sena e received a letter of resignation from the members of the Tenure and Privilege ommitte At this time the Senate gppointed an ad hoc committee to -confer with the Pres ent. As a result, the President oecided to appoint a six -Member committee to determin proper procedures and interprefEtions of documents relating to tenure. H. Undergraduate Programs Committee - In February, the committee recommended the withdrawal and pass/tail dates. The report was approved. In May, the c recommended further reviE ions in pass/ f ail Policies. Action was postponed unt September 1981 meeting dt/e to a lack of a quorum. hanges in ittee the RESOLUTIONS APPROVED , ,of app intment The Athletic Council - S(Ptember 10, 1980 - res o lving "that the length of faculty to the Athlet1c Council be restored to three Years / duration, with terms staggered in order to prcvide continuity." The large lecture halls - September 10, 1980 - resolving that A ppropriate adm nistrat ve action be taken to idenc.fy and correct problems with the large lecture halls on camp s. Appointments to Univers4y Committees - October 8, 1980 - resolving thafresp , for nominating members to the BiosafetY, P rotect i on of Human Subjects , Radiat Laser Safety, and Warm -B:ooded Animals Committees resi d es with the Faculty Se further resolving that tlese should not be "special committees" but rather be to their former status. III nsibility on and ate and restored The Internal Revenue Ser -ice - February 11,,1981 - resolving that modificati s or "changes occur in the r ecent IRS ruling which may lead to "the probable whole le destruction of book inventories, and the probable decrease in the publication of worthy scholarly books." Faculty morale - March 1., 1981 - ca:ling for President Cavazos tO meet with Senate to discuss the cu:rent status of faculty morale. C4vyx, Leon Higdon, Secretary Faculty Senate 1980-81 he Faculty ge • INDEX An Index to the 1980-81 • • Academic freedom Academic Leadership Academic year sched Affirmative action Athletic Council Biosafety Committee Bomb threats - D3 Budget Study Commit Bylaws of Senate "Certain University Class rolls - 06, N Committee on Commit Committee to Confer Conservation of ene Co-ordinating Board Crosswalks - 06, N7 Elections - D3, Jl, Ex-Students'Associa Faculty morale - M4 Faculty Grievance P Faculty Status and Financial Exigency Institutional Resou General Faculty Meet Nominations Committ Pass/fail - N7, D3, Preregistration - 0 Protection of Human Radiation and Laser Salaries - N2, 4-7, Special Merit Salar Student/Faculty Aca Study Committee A Study Committee B Study Committee C TACT - 06, M5 Temporary faculty Tenure and Privileg Tenure Policy Revis Traffic and Safety Undergraduate Progr University Library Van Committee - J3 Vice President for Warm Blooded Animal mutes (Ind ated by months and page in minutes): 2-3, F2, M4 Program - J les - D2 N7 2-3, 05 - S4-5 ee - May4-5 4 Commit tees" ees -55-6, with the Pr gy - S6 - S5, 03 M2, May4 ion - D1-2 5 nel - F2-3 elfare Comm S6, F3, M3 ceS Allocat rig- F3, al e - F3 May5 Subjects C afety Commi F6, M5 Increases emic Infor F5-6 M3 F4-5 S4-,5, 03, D2-3, F5 3, F3, M2, May5 ident A244;.6 tee - N2-4, F3, M2 , A4-5, May2 n Data Base - May2-4 minutes of February 3, 1981 ittee - S4-5 ee S4-5 N4-7 ion Center - F1-2 S6-7, A5 02, F5, M2-3, May2 •Committee on - 04-5, 2-4,7 ommittee 7 7 ms Committe - F4, May5 • S6-7, N2, cademic Aff irs Search Committee - D3, J3-4, May1-2 S3-4 Committee